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Social network Google Plus – registration, login. What are circles, ribbons, how to create a brand page. What is Google Plus: A Beginner's Guide Google 1 social network

Company Google already has been developing its own social network for a long time. The first programs aimed at creating a resource where people could communicate and exchange personal information were not successful.

But the company’s employees did not get upset and continued to develop in this area.

Based on the results that can be seen today, we can say with confidence that they succeeded in almost everything. They released the social network Google Plus, in which two hundred and fifty million people are already registered. Despite this, each user is online for no more than ten minutes, which is not a good indicator for the company. Google analysts believe that this is due to the poor interface of the system and insufficiently convenient functionality.

Despite low level visits to a social network, Google Plus still has a set of parameters that may be of interest to the average user. But before you start understanding the functionality itself, you first need to register in the system. To quickly and successfully register on Google+ you must:

    Create your own mailbox V search engine Google

    When creating a mailbox, you will need to specify: desired email address, first name, last name, patronymic and much other personal information. Also, at the registration stage, all users are provided with a short help from google, which tells what kind of social network this google+ is.

    At the final stage of registration, the system itself prompts you to log into the social network. In order to do this, you just need to click on the “Go to service” button and then “Okay”.

After successful registration in the Google system, a person receives full access to social networks and can start sharing: photos, videos, music and much more with your friends.

Using the Google Plus Network

Although the Google Plus social network is at the development stage, it is already equipped with a convenient and powerful functional field. Since the network is completely connected to Google, after clicking on the “Login” button to the system, all personal data between programs from the corporation is synchronized. An example is pictures that are synchronized from the google cloud to the “my profile” of the google+ system.

Inside the social system, the user has the opportunity to customize the interface as it suits him. It is possible to download the necessary information from your account, link receiving updates from the page to your email, and much more. Updating your profile photo does not take more than five minutes, and updating your login password does not happen from the social network, but directly from google account. This approach allows us to minimize the chance of intruders entering the system.

My Page in Google Plus is also closely related to other Google products. Having a profile in the youtube system, the user can upload videos there directly from the social network. As for searching for friends and correspondence, filtering acquaintances can occur by: city, country, region, mutual friends. Communication with friends is not limited and messages are not checked by company employees and robots.

Google Plus social network feed

Like the most famous social networks, Google+ has also designed its feed for easy navigation through the system. The feed has the following buttons: profile, people, photos, popular, communities, events, live broadcast, pages, addresses and settings. By going into the settings, any user can add the buttons they need for quick navigation.

In addition, in the “settings” item you can filter “circles of visited sections of people”. This means that Google will create its own user base who will not be able to view certain sections of the user profile. Very often, people limit access to “My Photos” so that people who accidentally visit the page cannot look at them. In general, such a system of restrictions has long been used in social networks such as VKontakte. She managed to prove herself well, so Google employees added her to the list functionality Google+ systems.

If you look closely at some Internet services, they are completely dependent on this social network, or are completely connected to it.

Such popularity is more and more surprising, and users continue to ask the question, what is so special about it?

Social network features

For a long time, the developers of Google plus, even before its creation, tried to do everything possible to invent the social network that would become the most popular and necessary.

But no matter what they did, they didn’t really succeed. But Google plus was still able to attract users and establish itself in a certain way.

To be honest, this one couldn’t justify itself until the very end. After all, at the time of its release, the audience had already managed to understand which social network they should be on.

By the way, for a long time cooperates with this network. That's why with every person attracted to YouTube, the user must be registered in , and therefore in Google plus.

This solution to the problem turned out to be the best.

Registration in Google plus

For various reasons, users have to register with Google plus. We'll tell you exactly how this should all happen.

1 In order to create an account with Google plus, you will first have to register with.

In this mail you will receive letters and other notifications that you may need later.

In order to register in the mail, you only need to fill in the empty fields with your personal information.

And now, you are already registered. This step is very simple and does not require much effort at all.

Registration is completed.

You will be redirected to the main page, where you will have the opportunity to add, communicate with friends, share posts and just have a good time.

But what should you do when you have no idea how to use a social network?

How to use social network

1 As usual, first of all, it is important for the user to find his acquaintances and friends, so that there is someone to write messages and put .

That's why this will be your first step.

After you go to the main page, in the lower left side you can see the Add friends button.

And then in the line you can write the name of the person you need to find, and after all, add him to your Circles.

2 An important point is that you need to fill out all fields with personal information.

Many people try not to do this, or fill out such fields completely untruthfully. Everyone has every right to anonymity.

But if you still decide that you need to find your friends and, indeed, those people who are interesting to you, it is best to use only truthful information.

After all, in this case, the likelihood of finding you will increase faster than you can find them.

Of all personal information, you can only indicate your first name, last name, age, place of study, place of work and, if desired, contact information.

It is also best to post a profile photo that is actually yours.

After filling out such information, you need to click on ready, and then you will save everything that was written.

  • All contacts can be divided into certain groups, and you can write not to everyone individually, but to everyone together.
  • You can divide your friends into certain categories, depending on their work, place of study and free time.

In the second decade of the twenty-first century, it seems that no one needs to explain in detail “what social networks are and where they came from.”

It will be more convenient and useful not to tell the history of the origin and Google Plus website creation, and produce comparative analysis with all known social media resources.

What is Google Plus – Infographic

Now add up all three pillars social Internet put together and you get Google Plus. Sometimes you can hear opinions that, they say, Google is somewhat behind the times, all the places for public communication on the Internet have long been occupied and densely populated.

The late birth of Google's social network is not a disadvantage, but a great advantage. Developers and marketers of the global search engine analyzed the accumulated experience of leading competitors and managed to create a hybrid product. The identified shortcomings were circumvented, but everything that was good and useful was successfully used in the new social service.

Who prefers Google Plus

Observations of live experimental users (no one was harmed) showed that Google Plus is preferred by users who have relatively recently discovered the possibilities of the Internet. Newcomers came to the Internet in an era when they had reached the maximum of their development and everything that was possible had already been invented and implemented.

Of no small importance is the fact that Google+ is fully integrated with numerous Google services. If you purchased a tablet on (and about 85% of them in the world do!), consider that you cannot pass by the Google+ social network purely physically. Absolutely everything is connected through Google accounts.

Having at least one email address Gmail, you have Welcome anywhere and everywhere in one click. There is no need to even log in again. Smart devices have already thought of everything for you and have registered you everywhere.

What else do you need? to the average user Internet? So that there is a lot of everything and everything is as simple as possible. And preferably free. Naturally, almost everything is free on Google Plus. Only if you are a digital business and require special services will you have to pay something. But it’s legal - you need to share!

Google Plus vs. Facebook

For example, management social contacts on Google+ it is implemented much more intuitively and faster in speed than on Facebook. Creating Circles and sorting people is more productive than fiddling with setting up Facebook groups. In addition, Google+ provides more options for setting up private access to posts and content.

Google Hangouts

We have the honor to inform you, ladies and gentlemen, the most pleasant news: the global monopolist of free video telephony Skype has a worthy competitor! Free video chat for home and business, with wide access settings and the ability to collectively watch videos from.

Do you need to hold a video conference with business partners without getting up from your easy chair? Please! What else would you like? Is it advisable to hold a rehearsal for the play, but the theater is under quarantine for permanent repairs? Nothing could be simpler. And everything is completely Free, while Skype, although it is free, still tries to demand money as soon as a transition to more high level service.

Google Plus – Internet Marketing Tool

Webmasters and optimizers have already adapted Google features Plus for search engine promotion and SEO needs. By creating an account on this social network, the user has the opportunity to free and securely register rights to copyright content published on sites. The problem of content theft is quite acute, and one of the ways to give the villains a slap on the wrist is to register all new publications on the Google+ social network.

After integrating your site with Google Plus, snippets in search results will be accompanied by a smiling photo of the author and some personal data. People are more likely to trust those who lead open game.

Set up automatic reposting on Google+, and

Google plus is a social network from the world's largest Google search engine. Google+ was created as a promising social network that will eventually take away the leading position from Facebook. As time has shown, Google Plus is a community of highly specialized topics. In the near future, using the vast resources of Google, the social network is able to enter the TOP of the company's most visited services.

Google plus home page

How to register in Google Plus

Registering with Google Plus is quite simple. If you have a Google account, then you need to provide your email (login) with a password for the initial login. If you have not yet registered with Google, then you need to go through the registration process:

Login to Google account

As you can see, registering for google plus is quite simple, even if you have not previously registered with Google services.

Google plus page after registration

Key features of the Google Plus social network

Google Plus was created as a community for the exchange of interesting information. Unlike other social networks, you cannot write private messages here. All content undergoes strict selection for intellectual property protection - therefore, Google Plus does not add music or other files that are protected by copyright law.

The main area of ​​concentration and exchange of information in Google Plus is the “feed”, which is formed based on your preferences. Initially, the feed is formed on the basis of your personal data, based on which Google creates a selection of the most interesting (in its opinion) entries. By putting a “plus” - the main unit of support, for a particular entry, you can show your interests to the system. Note that google system plus automatically selects interesting selections in both Russian and English, therefore, we can say that this is one of the best social networks for meeting new people in the whole world.

The user can create his own entries either on his own behalf or by creating his own community. Creating communities is done in two clicks, so creating one in google plus is easier than in other social networks. We note the low commercialization of groups in Google Plus, as well as the ease of managing the group. Simplicity is one of the undeniable advantages of this social network.

Creating a new entry in Google Plus is done in one click. You need to select the red button with a handle in the lower right corner, after which a new window will open for recording. It consists of the record field itself and 4 possible options publications (in addition to text):

We create new entry on google plus

Post with location reference.

Post with an open user account

Most popular among Google users plus enjoys post with graphic representation(supports almost all image formats).

Good afternoon dear readers of my site. Today we’ll talk about a relatively new social network Google Plus. We already mentioned it when, in this review, we look at this social network from all sides. Let's look at registration in Google Plus, login and capabilities of this social network, setting up a profile in Google+ and what has changed in this social network with the change in the general design of Google products.

Google has been trying to become a player in the social networking market for many years. There was even an attempt to buy the social network Twitter. But this attempt failed and several years ago Google presented its social network Google+.

Throughout recent years Google Plus is in constant development. The company makes a lot of efforts to popularize its brainchild. Most Google products are already linked to a Google+ profile, and this process is not stopping. This is producing positive changes - today, there are more than 200 million registered users of the Google+ social network (according to the company). On the other hand, this behavior of Google causes anger on the part of the audience, which does not want to see mandatory registration in all Google products, or dependence on the Google Plus social network.

It is this behavior of the company that leads to disappointing results. According to some sources, the time spent on the Google+ social network is calculated in minutes, while on other popular social networks (Facebook, VKontakte) a user can spend several hours.

Registration in Google Plus

In order to register with Google+, no need to do any complex manipulations. As mentioned in previous articles, Google has introduced a single account for all its products for its users. To register with Google, just register and get your mailbox.

By registering new box create an account on Google. You just need to enter your mailbox address and write a password for it. That's it, you have your own Google account and access to all its products.

List of possible software products companies can be seen at home page search engine. Click on the square on the right top corner and a list of Google products will open in front of you. Select Google Plus.

By clicking on the G+ icon, you are taken to the news feed page. Before using all the features of this social network, you need to create your profile on Google Plus. To do this, click “ Join…» and in the window that pops up we check the correctness of your data. Data is taken from your email account

After checking the data or entering new ones, click “ Create a profile" In the next window, you can add your profile photo.

This is where the creation of the profile actually ended. Now available to you full list Google+ features and services. We'll talk about this below.

You can customize your page in Google Plus. To do this, go to the tab “ Profile».

This is my Google Plus page. To change the background photo or profile photo, or make minor changes to the profile, you need to click on the " Edit profile" You can create collections - this is a kind of VKontakte group. It contains posts, photographs, and links related to certain topics. She, like a group or community, may have subscribers. It's easy to create a new collection in Google+:

Enter the name, brief description selection and for whom it is intended. By default, your selection is visible to all network users; you can limit visibility to your circles, show only your loved one, or offer your own option.

Your own option for visibility of the selection - members of your circles (Friends, Family, Acquaintances) or find the people you need through search.

By clicking on the pencil on my Google Plus page, you can leave a note. It's kind of like writing on the wall on other social media platforms. Your subscribers will see it.

Thus, we registered with Google Plus and set up our profile on this social network.

Google Plus features - feed, collections, communities and people

Now let's move on to the most interesting part - using social Google network Plus. When you log into your account, you will be taken to the News Feed page. It displays all the posts left by users you follow and popular posts. This is a kind of RSS feed.

You can also leave your entry in this feed. This is done simply.

A window opens to add your entry to the feed.

In this window you can not only leave your entry in the feed, but

  1. Share a photo, image
  2. Interesting link
  3. Create a survey
  4. Leave your coordinates on Google maps

When creating a message, you can determine who it is intended for: For everyone, for a specific circle, or find by searching for the person to whom it is intended.

You can comment on any post in the Google Plus feed, share a link to it, ignore it, or complain about it.

Collections– these are user materials collected into one group according to certain characteristics, mainly on one topic. Each user of the Google Plus social network may have more than one collection. It all depends on the interests of the user.

You can create collections yourself in your profile or subscribe to others. A large selection of collections can be found on the tab of the same name " Collections».

In the " My» presents the collections you created.

If you don’t see the selection you need, you can find it through the search. Once you select what you were looking for, you can subscribe. This can be done either on the main page of the tab " collections"or directly on the main page of the collection.

After subscribing, you will receive notifications about new materials in the collection. They will also be displayed in the “ Subscriptions».

Google Communities Plus. By analogy with subscriptions, communities collect materials on certain topics. The difference between communities is that materials published in them can be commented on.

The interface of the community section is organized similarly to Collections. You can join all communities, but some of them require you to submit a request first. After which the community moderator makes a decision about your entry.

People Tab. In the old Google Plus interface, instead of this tab there was Circles tab. These are your social circles on the Google+ social network.

Once you go to this tab, you'll see several of your social circles presented by default. At the beginning, one will be empty, but as communication increases, they will be filled by you. To add a person to any circle, you need to subscribe to him, first find him through the search. By subscribing, the person you choose is included in your Google circles plus and is located at the top of the page. At this moment he is not in any of your circles. To add it there, you need to click on the “ Subscriptions"at the bottom of the person's avatar. In the list provided, select which social circle to include.

After that, he will appear in your chosen social circle on Google+.

If the circle you need does not exist, you can create it by clicking on the “ Create a circle».

In the " Who to add» there are recommendations from other network users you follow.

Tab " Subscribers» contains a list of your subscribers. You can select any of their subscriber lists and add them in the same way to your desired Google Plus social circle.

What has changed in the new Google Plus interface

That year, Google rolled out new interface for all its products, including Google Plus. Today there are many instructions on the Internet for working with Google+, but they are all based on the old Google Plus interface; in the new version, some products and features are no longer available. Let's look at what's missing from the new Google+.


This feature was removed from Google Plus and made into a separate Google product, not specifically related to Plus.

Hangouts– this is the ability to broadcast video directly to the network. It was before, but now it's separate Google service, analogue of Skype. Thanks to this application, you can arrange video conferences, make calls with users registered in Google Hangouts, and chat.

Google brand page “+page”

In the new interface you will no longer find the ability to create branded pages, that is, the service +pages moved to the Google software products section. And presented under the title " My business" It is located in the same right window where all Google products are presented (shown in the screenshot above).

How to create a +page for business

Go to the “My Business” application. It opens before us landing page applications. Since we have a Google account, we click “Login” and get into the + page creation wizard.

A page opens before us with a choice of company type. There are three types of " Local business», « Outcall services», « Brand" Now a little more about each type of +page

  1. Place-based businesses are restaurants, shops, all types of businesses that have a fixed address on the map
  2. Outcall services. Services that can be provided at the client’s place of residence, that is, this type of business is not tied to a physical address, mobile business(pizza delivery, taxi, flower delivery and so on)
  3. Brand. This type of + pages is designed to convey to users exactly the name of the company, company, brand. Needed for brand promotion.

Here you must make a choice yourself, based on the above recommendations. In my case I chose " Brand" In the window that opens, fill in the information about your brand and click “ Create +page».

The next step will be the page we created for our brand. I want to say right away that even though the “+page” application has left the Google+ menu, it still remains completely tied to the G+ social network profile. Now we will see it.

What do we see on a brand’s business page?

  1. Linking to Google+ profile. If you click on “Publish update”, it will automatically create new account to Google+ with information from the +page
  2. Google Analytics. It is possible to connect Analytics to your brand page
  3. The Edit button will take you to your Google Plus page, where you can change your company information, logo, and profile photo. Can be customized Google profile Plus, as previously described

As you can see, the +page is completely linked to the Google profile+. This page shows visit statistics and the number of subscribers.

This is how a branded + page is created. Thanks to it, you can monitor the development of your Google Plus profile, keep statistics and attract new fans of your brand.


Social network Google+ is a unique network in comparison with other popular social networks. It has its own zest. But something is still missing to make it more popular. I think that over time Google will be able to understand this and correct the shortcomings.

In terms of website promotion, I would like to note that by placing announcements in the Google Plus feed, the search engine indexes your page much faster.

If I missed something or made a mistake, please write in the comments, correct me or supplement me.

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