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How to solve the error of sending a report to the Pension Fund of Russia “The message is not encrypted or the message format is distorted. VipNet Client - Error no connection Vipnet local signature service is running how to remove

Everything described below is suitable for Vipnet Client both versions 3.2 and 4.3. The principle is the same.

Depending on the reasons for the transfer and the requirements for it, you can choose one of two methods:

  1. "Clean" installation of Vipnet on new computer, followed by loading the key distribution (*.dst) that was used on the old computer;
  2. Installing Vipnet on a new computer, with preliminary copying of the configuration files and archive of program letters from the old computer.

The first method is how to transfer Vipnet Client to another computer

The first method can be used if there are no complex settings on the node, and letters saved in VipNet “Business Mail” are not important and do not need to be stored, or when there are no letters on the node at all.

As you understand, this method involves a normal installation VipNet Client on a new computer. The only thing you need to do is load it into the program key distribution (*.dst) of the network node that was used on the old PC. It is best to ask the VipNet network administrator to generate and issue you a new distribution, but you can try to use the one that was given to you initially, if it is not out of date.

If you don’t know where your distribution is (this happens), and the administrator is in no hurry to send you a new one, then proceed to the second method.

So, the first way to transfer VipNet to another computer:

  1. Disable old computer from local network or completely turn off Vipnet Client on it. Two identical nodes cannot be in the same node at the same time virtual network Vipnet;
  2. Install Vipnet Client on a new computer;
  3. Install the host key distribution in Vipnet Client? which was used on an old computer;
  4. Set the required VipNet Client settings;
  5. Now, if everything works, you can remove Vipnet Client from your old PC.

The second method is how to transfer Vipnet Client to another computer

The second method to transfer Vipnet Client is suitable if you need to transfer all program settings and emails from an old computer to a new one. It consists of copying the configuration files to a new computer and installing VipNet Client on top of them.

Everything is simple here. You need to copy the folder “%ProgramFiles%\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client” to the same place on a new computer. And then install Vipnet Client the same or more new version , in the same folder.

Important - in the same folder! If on your old computer VipNet was installed in “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client”, then you need to install it in “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client”. And if the installation program offers “C:\Program Files(x86)\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client” as the installation path, then this needs to be corrected manually.

The installation procedure, in this case, may look like this:

  1. On the old computer, completely disable Vipnet Client;
  2. Copy files and folders from the directory of the old computer “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client” to the USB flash drive;
  3. Create a folder on the new computer “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client”, copy files from the flash drive to it;
  4. Start installing Vipnet Client, specify the folder “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client” as the path to install the program.
  5. Restart your computer;
  6. Make sure everything works. Remove VipNet from your old computer.


It is not necessary to copy all the files from the “%ProgramFiles%\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client” folder, but it is more convenient. In fact, it is enough to copy only the following files and folders:

  • \d_station(key info);
  • \databases (key information);
  • \Protocol (if you need protocols for messaging sessions);
  • \TaskDir (if you need files received via file exchange);
  • User key folders, usually \user_AAAA (where AAAA is the hexadecimal ViPNet user identifier). The user's key folder may coincide with the folder where ViPNet Client is installed, then you should copy the \key_disk folder.
  • \MS (current archive of Business Mail letters);
  • \MSArch (default Business Mail archive folder);
  • autoproc.dat (autoprocessing settings);
  • wmail.ini (Business Mail settings);
    network node identifier);
  • (license file);
  • iplir.cfg, iplirmain.cfg (configuration of open and closed network Vipnet Monitor);
  •$ (configuration of filters for the open and closed Vipnet Monitor network);
  • linkXXXX.txt, nodeXXXX.tun (where XXXX is the hexadecimal identifier of the network
  • mftp.ini. (MFTP module configuration)

If, nevertheless, you need to install VipNet Client on a new computer in a different folder, in a different path:

It happens that there may not be enough space on the logical drive C:\ of a new computer for large archives of letters. Then you can copy the email archives to another logical drive, and specify the path to them manually. This can be done as follows:

  • In the wmail.ini file, specify the path to the email archive storage as the value of the MSArchDir parameter;

ViPNet Client software includes the so-called Application Control- an application that is small program, which starts automatically along with Windows after authorization in ViPNet and controls all programs installed on the computer. Of course, there are no questions about the operation of this program. But in some cases it needs to be disabled. Let's see how quickly we can permanently disable ViPNet Application Control.

How to disable ViPNet Application Control

The need to disable occurs due to constantly pop-up windows with offers Allow or Prohibit the work of programs with the network, which causes certain inconveniences when working at a computer.

To disable ViPNet Application Control, open the settings window, select menu Settings. On the right side, uncheck Automatically start after authorization in ViPNet when Windows starts .

Here in the section Security Policy in line At network activity applications select Allow networking . In line Monitor changes to applicationsDon't control . Click Apply . Close Application Control by right-clicking on the system tray icon. It won't start anymore.

This problem may occur if you do not have permission to create files in the folder in which you are trying to save the *.p10 request file. Try creating a folder on your Desktop and selecting it as the destination for saving the request file.

You need to download and install a set of software from personal account Federal Tax Service, in the subsection “Obtaining a verification key certificate electronic signature" section "Profile" by selecting the option to use "The electronic signature key is stored on your workstation" After restarting the PC, the “Generate a certificate request” button should have appeared in this section, then wait for the certificate to be issued, after which it can be installed in the PC storage.

To get more detailed instructions You need to contact the technical support of the portal.

These errors may occur if you are using an antivirus that is incompatible with ViPNet CSP, for example NOD32. To restore functionality:

  1. Boot Windows into Safe Mode;
  2. Run “as administrator” the file “C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP\SafeModeUninstall.bat” for a 32-bit OS or “C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP\SafeModeUninstall.bat” for 64 -bit.

This error signals that it is impossible to install components of Microsoft Visual C++ Studio 2008 Redistributable files. Remove regular means Windows through “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features” both Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 packages. Download the latest versions of components from the Microsoft website and install them:

If the installation is unsuccessful, contact your organization’s IT specialist or service technical support Microsoft.

These errors occur due to incorrect operation of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable components.

To solve it:

  1. Remove by default using Windows through “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features” both Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 packages;
  2. Reboot.
  3. Download the current version of VipNet CSP from the website, which supports operation on your OS;
  4. Run the installation, select “recovery” or “start update” depending on what the installation program suggests;
  5. Reboot.

Operation with non-certified antiviruses is possible, but not guaranteed. For example, for collaboration ViPNet CSP and AVAST, AVG antiviruses, you must use the current version of ViPNet CSP from the section. When using ViPNet CSP together with AVAST antivirus You must additionally disable the behavior screen.

Currently, compatibility with this antivirus is not guaranteed. If problems arise in the operation of your OS, we recommend removing current version ViPNet CSP, loading the OS in safe mode. Before uninstalling, you must manually start the Windows Installer service. If the Windows Installer service does not start in safe mode, apply the bat file from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP\SafeModeUninstall.bat. If you cannot enter safe mode, you must perform a system restore from the last checkpoint.

To work in the 1C program you need to install and register ViPNet CSP. Next you need to get digital signature in one of the trusted certification authorities (check with your service provider for the list of trusted certification authorities) and install the container with the certificate in ViPNet CSP. Additionally, you need to install the root certificate of the certification authority and the certificate revocation list (they can be downloaded from the website of your certification authority).

We recommend checking your signature settings in 1C. The lack of a signature may be caused by incorrect settings in 1C, for example, a different type of crypto provider is specified or the current certificate is not specified. More detailed description You can check the settings with 1C technical support.

The certificate must be checked for validity. If, when checking a certificate, the error “There is not enough information to verify this certificate” occurs, then this error means that the root certificate of the CA of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, issued on June 28, 2016, is missing in the Windows certificate store.
By this issue We recommend that you contact the technical support of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to provide a new root certificate TC Federal Tax Service of Russia.
The received new root certificate from the CA of the Federal Tax Service of Russia must be installed in the Windows storage in trusted root certification authorities.

When trying to obtain a registration code via the Internet, a connection to the registration server of OJSC InfoTeKS cannot be established within 3 minutes, and a warning window appears with the warning “Failed to connect to the registration system server.”
In this case, check your firewall settings. Access to the registration server of JSC InfoTeKS () via TCP protocol, port 80 should not be blocked.

If two applets are installed on your external device, ViPNet CSP will recognize the external device corresponding to only one of these applets. Working with two applets at once is not supported. To use a specific applet in ViPNet CSP from those recorded on your token, in the main ViPNet CSP window on the “Connected devices” page, disable the use of all types of devices except the required one.
For example, if the JaCarta and JaCarta GOST applets are installed on the token, ViPNet CSP recognizes the JaCarta device by default. To use your token as a JaCarta GOST device, in the ViPNet CSP program, disable support for all types of external devices except eToken GOST/JaCarta GOST.

When connected external device JCSD family to a computer running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, performing cryptographic operations using keys located on such a device can take a long time.
To speed up cryptographic operations using JCSD devices, we recommend updating your operating system.

If you try to sign a macro or create a signed package Microsoft Access 2007, there are no certificates available in the electronic signature certificate selection window, which means that you cannot sign the code. Contact your CA for a certificate that has the Code Signing attribute in the advanced key usage.

If, when you try to sign an email message, signing occurs but a certificate other than the one you selected is used, it means that the specified electronic signature certificate does not contain the certificate owner's email address or that the email address does not match the email sending address. At the same time, at the moment
When signing a message, another certificate is selected from the system storage containing the email address from which the message is sent.
To resolve the error, follow these steps:
1 Create a request for new certificate and enter a correct email address.
2 Send a certificate request to the administrator of your certification authority and wait for the request to be completed.
3 Specify the received certificate as the electronic signature certificate.

If, when you try to sign an email, you receive a message that says there are no certificates that can be used to send from this email address, you should contact a CA to obtain one. The certificate must include your email address and include the “Secure” extension. e-mail" in the "Advanced Key Usage" field ("Enhanced Key").

If, when selecting a certificate for signing, the ViPNet CSP – “Initializing key container” window opens, this means that it has not been found private key, corresponding to the selected certificate. This can happen if the key container was deleted in the ViPNet CSP program. To sign a document with the selected certificate, in the ViPNet CSP – “Initializing key container” window, specify the path to the container that contains the private key corresponding to the certificate. If you do not know the location of the key container, the selected certificate cannot be used.
If you specify the path to a key container in the ViPNet CSP “Initializing a key container” window, this container will be added to the list in the “Key containers” section of the ViPNet CSP window.

If you encounter problems installing or uninstalling the program, contact technical support. When contacting, provide your employees with the program log files, which are located in the following folders:
If you are using an operating room Windows system XP or Windows Server 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\InfoTeCS\InstallerData\ViPNet CSP\Logs.
If you are using Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or higher operating system later versions: C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\InstallerData\ViPNet CSP\Logs.

Attention! Before performing these operations, create backups key containers.

Sequence of actions:
1) Close ViPNet CSP.
2) Delete the files C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\adts.cfg and C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\adts.stg.
3) Delete the file C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\cont_info.dat
4) Reinstall the containers.

1. On the “ViPNet CSP Registration” page, select “Registration request (get registration code)” and click the “Next” button.
2. On the “Registration Request Method” page, select “Online.”
After selecting the registration method, you must fill in the required fields and click “Next”. ViPNet CSP registration will be performed automatically.

This error appears due to corruption of the csp.brg file from the %ProgramData%\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP directory.
To solve this problem you need:
1) Delete the csp.brg file from the %ProgramData%\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP directory;
2) Execute the program recovery script (Control Panel - Programs and Features - ViPNet CSP - Restore);
3) Launch the program and go through the registration procedure again using the information from the file “%ProgramData%\InfoTeCS\ViPNet CSP\reginfo.txt”, where “Serial number” is serial number, “Registration code” - registration code.

This version is not intended for installation on Windows 10. Currently released beta version VipNet CSP 4.2.948766, which supports this OS..

To work together ViPNet CSP and JaCarta LT you must use a special interface module. This module was developed by the company “Aladdin-RD”
You can obtain this module by contacting the Aladdin-RD company at
For ViPNet CSP and JaCarta LT to work correctly, the resulting module must be added to the system catalogs operating system in accordance with its bit depth: from the win64 directory to c:\windows\syswow64, from the win32 directory to c:\windows\system32.
In the near future, this module will be included by Aladdin-RD as part of the Unified Client software.
This module will not be distributed as part of ViPNet software.

Deleted incorrectly previous version ViPNet programs

  1. Click on Start -> Run (or on the keyboard Win + R)
  2. In the window that appears, enter regedit.exe and click on OK
  3. Open folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\InfoTecs\Setup\Products
    1. If it contains a folder Infotecs-Client, rename it to -Infotecs-Client(put first -)
  4. Open folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\InfoTecs\Setup\Products(if any)
    1. If it contains a folder Infotecs-Client, rename it to -Infotecs-Client(put first -)
  5. Install ViPNet

Not enough space on drive C

Drive C: must have at least 10 GB free space. Delete (transfer) extra files from this disk and reinstall ViPNet in the update program.

Service disabled Windows Firewall

At the same time, in the log C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\InstallerData\ViPNet Client\Logs\Setup.msi_XXX you can see a line like

Failed to start service MpsSvc. Error code = 1058, (0x422) - The specified service cannot be started because it is disabled or all devices associated with it are disabled.

  1. Open Start -> Control Panel -> (check that the view at the top right is “Small icons” or “ Large icons") -> Administration
  2. Run Services
  3. Find the Windows Firewall service. Double click on it and go to properties.
  4. In the Properties window, make sure that the Startup Type is not Disabled. If it is set to "Disabled", select the "Automatic" option and click on OK.
  5. Try reinstalling ViPNet

Problems with antivirus software

Turn off the antivirus completely and try installing ViPNet again; you may need to remove the antivirus.

Missing OS updates

Works only on licensed Windows!

Install everything latest updates OS

Problems with installing the ViPNet driver (something, most likely the driver, is blocking changes to one registry branch)

Also this problem (0x80070005) can be seen in the log C:\ProgramData\InfoTeCS\InstallerData\DrvInstall\InstallIpLirim.log:

2017/11/17 14:59:58 - Installing component "IplirLwf"
2017/11/17 15:00:01 - INetCfgClassSetup::Install successful
2017/11/17 15:00:01 - Successfully installed, apply the changes
2017/11/17 15:00:01 - Operation failed with error 0x80070005.

ViPNet installation must be done in safe mode with boot network drivers(solution for Windows 7):

  1. Reboot and at the start of loading press F8 many times
  2. Select download option Safe Mode with loading network drivers
  3. Boot to the desktop, ignore Secret Net errors
  4. Launch the registry editor: Start - Run, specify regedit.exe and click OK
  5. In the registry, find the branch on the left HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network
  6. In this thread, create a section ("folder") with the name MSIServer(the path should be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MSIServer)
  7. Open this section. On the right, double-click " (Default)"
  8. Enter value service and click on OK.
  9. Run Start - Run All, please indicate services.msc and click on OK
  10. Find a service Windows Installer, right click and run it.
  11. Run ViPNet installation again.

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