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How to ask to join a group in contact. How to join a group on Facebook. How to join a closed group in contact

I’ll say right away that this issue is for beginners, so VK professionals and gurus, read the other articles.

Let's assume that you have already found the required public and learned how to view entries. How not to lose this group? If you don’t understand the VKontakte interface, you could use browser bookmarks. The option is quite working, however, bookmarks are extra garbage, the so-called, which is best always deleted.

How to join a VKontakte group

1. In the main menu panel, select the “Groups” section;

2. Now pay attention to the right panel: click on “search for communities”;

3. You have opened a VKontakte search engine designed for groups. Enter any query into the search and see what comes up. The list below shows the publics themselves. Click on one of them and rate the content. If the posts are interesting, then find the “Join the group” button (if you are in a group) or “Subscribe” if you are in. The button is located at the top right.

4. If you entered the name of the community and know exactly what kind of public it is, then click “Subscribe” directly in the search.

How to join a closed group

To join a closed community, click the “Submit Application” button. As soon as the administrators review your application, you will be allowed to view the content.

How to offer to join your group

If your question was not how to join a group on VK, but how to invite other users to join your public. Then listen further!

You can offer to join the group, funnily enough, in other groups. That is, in PR communities, you will subscribe or like users, and in return they will do what they want from you.

Don't forget about the 5000 group limit. That is, you will not be able to join more communities.

Read more about this in one of the previous issues.

At the moment, there are many groups on VKontakte on any topic that interests you. Indeed, quite a few communities provide suitable entertainment and information content. If you like the community, you can join it to regularly view the posts that are published there.

To find the community you are interested in, go to the “groups” section on the right side of the page and click on the “search for communities” tab. Enter on the top line search query to find the matching group. It's usually best to choose communities from the top 5 search results, as these groups are more likely to have unique content.

Then go to the group you are interested in, and under the main community avatar, find the “join group” tab. Now you will become a member of this community. Or we can find them ourselves: on the pages of friends, on third-party sites or somewhere else.

Some groups are closed and more difficult to join. To do this, click on the “apply application” tab and wait for approval from the administrators. If the admins do not approve your application, you will not be able to join this community.

By the way, each VKontakte user can subscribe to no more than 5,000 communities - this is the limit.

Most groups on VK are open to users, not to mention public pages that cannot be made closed at all. But among the groups there are a number of closed communities. To see their contents, you must submit an application.

This is not difficult to do. Go to the group page and click on the “Submit Application” button.

It couldn’t be simpler, you’ll agree. After some time, when the administrator checks account, he will approve your entry into the ranks of new members.

Alas, this does not always happen. For example, you are a guy and want to subscribe to a women's community that accepts only the fair sex. Therefore, your candidacy will not even be considered. Is there a way out of this situation?

One solution to this problem is to get yourself new account on behalf of the girl. In this case, you will certainly be accepted into the community. Only this method does not work in cases where a private community is created, say, for employees of a certain enterprise, where everyone knows each other.

What should I do? In the vastness of the RuNet, we managed to find the following advice: you need to find and send him a link like[your id]. Place the required id in brackets (for example, and send it in private messages. You can write something like “Look what I found.” If desired, you can encrypt the link using . When you click on the link, the admin automatically approves your application.

True, only on paper. No matter how much we tried, we were unable to add to the group or public. Try it, maybe you'll succeed. Just don't forget to tell us about it.

Facebook is not just a place for virtual meeting of friends and acquaintances. This is a huge network, within which there are thousands and thousands of clubs based on interests and hobbies. Within the social network they are called “Groups”. By becoming a member of the community, you get the opportunity to follow news on a topic that interests you, participate in discussions and meet new people. In this article we will talk about how to join a group on Facebook and enjoy all the delights of Internet communities.

How to find a community

Before becoming a member of any group, you must, of course, first find it. Within Facebook, problems often arise with this particular point. The fact is that the search system on social networks differs from the systems familiar to Russian users, and it is not always possible to find the right link the first time. Let's say you want to find a group dedicated to Krasnodar to learn city news and communicate with your fellow countrymen. To do this you need to do the following:

1. In the search bar located in the header of any Facebook page, enter the word “Krasnodar” and in the drop-down menu select “Show more results for...”.

2. In the left column “Result Type”, select the “Groups” filter.

3. View all the results received and select the community that is closest to you for your search query.

The only thing left for you after the search is to join the found group. And you can do this with just one click of the mouse on the “+1 Join” button.

Closed and secret groups

If you scroll through the list of communities on Facebook, you will notice that most of them are private. This happens for the following reason. As a rule, a group is created for the purpose of communication in a narrow circle of users united by some interest or characteristic. For example, this could be a corporate association or a society of people who like to sing karaoke by Grigory Leps on Wednesday evenings.

Access to such communities can only be obtained after moderation. First, you submit an application notifying the moderators of your desire to join their society, and then wait for it to be accepted. This usually takes from several hours to several days. Sometimes applications take weeks to be processed. The waiting time ultimately depends on the number and activity of moderators. In some cases, you may not wait for the final answer at all.

The greatest difficulties arise when joining a secret group. And the main difficulty is that you won’t be able to find it through a regular search (that’s why it’s secret). You can join such a community only by invitation of another participant. Moreover, all information about it is available only to participants, so getting access to it is a real privilege.

VK – popular social network which almost everyone uses. But still, sometimes not only beginners have the thought: “How to join a group on VKontakte.” Detailed instructions will allow you to understand the algorithm for this action, and this question will no longer puzzle the user.

How to become a public member

Becoming a member of an open community couldn't be easier. To do this:

  • Log in to your page;
  • Select the public association you like, go in or immediately use the “Subscribe” button;
  • On the right top corner there will be a blue button "Join the group" VKontakte or “Subscribe”;
  • We click on it and find ourselves among the participants.

It’s easy to understand that everything went well. As soon as you click on the button, a notification will appear in the form of a line “You are a member”/“You are subscribed”.

You will see such a message both in the general list of social network groups and when you enter a specific community.

But unfortunately or fortunately, the site has not only publicly accessible public pages, but also those that restrict access to content. Below we will tell you how to join a closed group or community in VKontakte.

How to become a member of a closed club

This task is different in that you will have to wait for administrator approval. Only after his permission can you see community materials. Otherwise, the algorithm is similar to the previous one, just click the “Submit Application” button. It is also located on the right, too blue. We wait for approval and we're done.

Everything described above related to joining the community on your own. But how to enter a group in contact if there is an invitation from a participant? It should be noted that the offer to become a member of a public or meeting comes with ready-made buttons "Reject invitation", "Join" . That is, it is more convenient than searching for it yourself. Just go to notifications and select an action.

Perhaps the question of how to join a private group in contact will seem strange. Since many people think that they are identical to closed ones. In fact, they include a narrower circle of people who are connected by something personal, some special interests. And, if in closed public page They will sign you up after reviewing your application, but the private one may be refused. There is no way to argue with this, since the action is only within the competence of the administrator.

If you think about how many groups you can join on VKontakte per day, the answer is quite large - 5000 communities. The limit is quite generous.

How to hide from friends

Users usually look for interesting public pages from friends or through the search form. And there are times when someone wants to hide their membership in one of them and the very fact of joining from subscribers. By various reasons.

So, we hide the news about the entry:

  • Go to the “Settings” section (in the PC version they are located in the upper right corner, under the drop-down button);
  • Here we are interested in the “Privacy” block;
  • Scroll to the very bottom to the “Other” section. Look for the line there “What updates do friends see?” and select from the drop-down list "Partition updates";

Other points

Perhaps there are those who are thinking about how to join a blocked VK group. This is impossible to do because the content is closed. And the public itself is no longer active. Naturally, it is impossible to become a member of such a community.

There is another side to this issue. It happens that the public administrator himself banned a participant for some reason of his own. It is no longer possible to view community news, new or old content again. You can try to write to the moderator and overcome differences.

If it doesn’t work, then all you have to do is use another page. Ask someone close to you and view what you are interested in through another user. Another way is .

As you can see, you shouldn’t have any difficulties joining almost any group on VK. A small problem may arise with a closed community, but that’s why they are closed, so as not to let all outsiders into their ranks.

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