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How to change statistics codes. How to change statistics codes Appearance of the working window of the STATISTICA program

Performing statistical calculations is one of the most responsible, complex, but fundamental sections of scientific research work. Without well-made calculations, tables, and graphs, it is impossible to come to truly significant scientific results. We regularly conduct seminars on biomedical statistics with young scientists, but this is still not enough. Therefore, we decided to introduce online classes in statistics. We hope that this project will be useful in all respects. And after completing such a course, you will be able to proudly say: statistics is easy!

Lesson 1.

Getting to know the program interfaceSTATISTICA 6.0.

Create and save a file. Entering data into a table

  1. Working window of the programSTATISTICA 6.0.
  2. Creating and saving a file
  3. Preparing the table for data entry

The STATISTICA program has an English interface. It is not advisable to install existing Russian translations, since they often contain incorrect translations of many statistical terms, which will make it difficult to perform competent statistical calculations. In the 21st century free ownership English for young scientists is a must (of course, if you want to attend international congresses, symposia, conferences, trainings...). But in order for the training to proceed quickly and effectively, when presenting the material, all terms and menu options will be accompanied by a translation into Russian.

1. Working window of the STATISTICA 6.0 program.

When you launch the program, you will see that its working window has a standard appearance for any Windows application. At the very top left is the window title in the format: “Statistica - Workbook1-”. This is followed by a menu bar, a number of items of which are standard for Windows: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Window, Help ). There are, however, specific items - Statistics (Statistical procedures), Graphs (Graphs), Data (Data). The menu bar is followed by a user-configurable toolbar and a work area that occupies most of the program window.

1. Appearance working window of the STATISTICA program

The analyzed data is presented in STATISTICA in the form of a spreadsheet, similar to how it is done, for example, in MS Excel. In the STATISTICA program, a table with data is called a Spreadsheet (large format table) and has its own characteristics. Unlike conventional spreadsheets, in which columns and rows are equivalent, in a STATISTICA spreadsheet the columns are called Variables and the rows are called Cases. The studied characteristics act as variables. For example: height, weight, age, gender, concentration, etc. STATISTICA can process not only numerical, but also text data! Observations mean the specific values ​​that variables take during individual measurements.

Spreadsheets support various standard types operations with cells, such as selecting and dragging a range (drag-and-drop), autocorrect, copy/paste, import from other applications (MS Excel, Access), etc.

2. Create and save a file

Launch the STATISTICA program (from the Start menu, or by clicking the corresponding shortcut on the Desktop). Will open by default last file, with which work was performed during the previous session. Let's close this file (main menu File > Close) and create a new one. To do this, you can use one of three methods:

  • in the main menu item File, select New;
  • click the button (white page - “create default file”) on the toolbar;
  • Apply the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + N”.

As a result, a dialog box for creating a new document will appear (Create new document, see below in the figure), in which you must specify which document is being created. We are creating a new table with data, so we will stay on the Spreadsheet tab, which by default appears first to the user. Let the table have 2 columns and 50 rows. To create such a table, you need to set 2 in the Number of variables field, and 50 in the Number of cases field. Leave the remaining bookmark options unchanged (Placement field: In a new Workbook workbook) / As a stand-alone window (as an independent window)). After clicking OK (or Enter on your keyboard) work area The program will display a table with 2 columns and 50 rows.

Window for creating a new document in STATISTICA 6.0

Spreadsheet size 2 x 50 (2 variables with 50 observations)

Let's save the file we created called "My first table". There are three ways to do this:

  • in the main menu item File, select Save;
  • click the button on the toolbar;
  • Apply the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + S”.

This will display the standard Windows dialog a window in which you need to specify the name of the new file, as well as the location in which it will be stored (select yourself).

3. Preparing the table for data entry

Let's try to create a table about the number of leukocytes in patients with peritonitis (n = 50, where n is the number of patients).

Before you start entering data into the table, you must complete certain preliminary preparation the Spreadsheet we created. Look closely at the heading of its only column. It is highlighted in gray and, in addition to the serial number, contains the name “Var1” (from the English variable). Columns should be given unique (non-duplicate) names. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the column header and double-click on it. As a result, a window will appear in which you can configure the properties of the variable (figure below). The variable name is specified in the Name field. With the cursor in this field, type the word “Leukocytes”. The inscription format (font, its size, etc.) can be set using standard tools to format the text above.

The Type field, located to the right of Name, indicates the type of the variable. By default, it is set to Double, which is suitable for cases where variable values ​​are expressed as numbers lying in the interval ±1.7*10308. If the data being analyzed is only integers within the range of ±2,147,483,648, then select the Integer type. For variables that are expressed as integers from 0 to 255 inclusive, you can set the type to Byte. Thanks to a special information compression algorithm, choosing Byte for integers allows you to reduce the size of files containing large amounts of data. Finally, when parsing text data, the variable type is set to Text. Since the number of leukocytes in patients is expressed by numbers lying in the interval ±1.7 * 10308, we will leave Double in the Type field.

More fine tuning The variable type is then performed in the Display Format field. Since we intend to work with numeric data, we will select Number here. In this case, an additional field Decimal Places (decimal places) will appear on the right - it indicates the number of decimal places that we want to see in the table, as well as the format of the appearance of the numbers. Set the number of decimal places to 1.

Among the other elements of the window in question, the Long name field deserves special attention. It can work like notebook, in which it is convenient to leave your notes about a particular variable or the progress of calculations. In addition, you can enter a formula here, as a result of which the variable values ​​will be recalculated in accordance with this formula.

Variable Specification Window

As noted above, the STATISTICA program has the ability to import data from other applications. The easiest way to do this is to use the Windows clipboard. As an example, let’s transfer the above data on the number of leukocytes in patients with peritonitis from an Excel file. First enter them into an Excel table so that you get one column (picture below). Select the entire column by clicking on its header (“A”, if in your file the data is in the first column, as in the figure) and copy it to the clipboard by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+C”. Then return to the STATISTICA program, place the cursor in the first cell of the “Leukocytes” column and use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + V” to paste data from the buffer. That's all - now the data is ready to build a distribution graph based on it.

White blood cell count in patients with peritonitis in an Excel table.

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Updated! How to change the efficiency rating in the deer meter to 4 digits? Have you ever wondered how to change a two-digit performance rating to the old three or four-digit ones? What's the difference between these ratings? Is it possible to change them yourself? What needs to be written in the config? You will learn all the answers from this article.

How to change XVM performance rating from 2-digit to 4-digit?

And from the very beginning, so to speak, head-on, let’s move on to the most important part of this article - we answer the question of what needs to be done to display the old 4 digits instead of 2.

There are two ways:

  1. download the finished config from our website (link above, do backup copy old config);
  2. edit the config manually.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods? Let's start with the first one - download the ready-made config. Its advantage is that you don’t have to look for anything - everything is already set up for you. The disadvantage is that all other settings (colors, location of some interface elements) are standard. That is, if you had a custom build of a deer meter, but suddenly wanted to change the numbers, by downloading the config from our website you can lose the old settings, so make a backup copy of the old config!

Where should I unpack the config downloaded from our website?
Unpacking path - root folder World of Tanks. The contents of the archive need to be unpacked, for example here: D:\Games\World_of_Tanks with file replacement.

How to manually change rating numbers?

Now the second method is manual editing. This will allow you to dive deeper under the hood of the reindeer measurer and perhaps when new questions arise about setting up the mod, you will already feel like a guru and give advice to everyone. But the drawback is that it takes time to understand how the reindeer meter works, as well as to master special editor programs and the syntax of the language in which the config is written.

To do this you will have to tinker a little. First you need text editor, we recommend using , although a regular notepad will also work.

When using Notepad++, the file encoding should be UTF-8 (without BOM), but in Notepad it is simply UTF-8.

List of files that we will edit (the number of the required line is indicated in brackets):

  • res_mods\xvm\xvm.xc.sample
  • res_mods\xvm\configs\@Default:
  • playersPanel.xc (70, 73, 83, 86, 96, 97)
  • statisticForm.xc (30, 33)

1. Rename xvm.xc.sample to xvm.xc

2. Open the other three files, look for the specified lines in them and change ((c:xwm)) to ((c:eff)) and ((xwn)) to ((eff)) in all places.

After saving the changes, you can run the reindeer meter and check. If it doesn't work, you did something wrong, check all the steps again.

Complete list of codes for various performance ratings

  • 2-digit WOT-News: ((c:xeff)) and ((xeff))
  • 4-digit WOT-News: ((c:eff)) to ((eff:4)) (this is a regular RE)
  • 2-digit WN6: ((c:xwn)) and ((xwn))
  • 4-digit WN6: ((c:xwn)) and ((wn))

Difference between ((xwn))(2-digit WN6) and ((wn))(4-digit WN6):

Theory about the deer measurer's performance rating

What is the most popular mod for World of Tanks? It seems to me that every tanker knows the answer to this question. Of course, we are talking about a reindeer surveyor, also known as XVM. A mod that started with ordinary tank markers and grew into something huge and comprehensive.

The main feature of the mod was efficiency rating- another statistic, in addition to those available in the game itself, however, only win percentages are available there, which does not reflect the full picture of the player’s skill. Thanks to this, the popularity of the deer-measuring fashion has grown by leaps and bounds. Every self-respecting statistician was obliged to install an oleometer.

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

Photos on the topic

In the process of registering a company, before opening a bank account and starting to carry out financial activities of your enterprise, you must obtain registration from the State Statistics Committee of Russia. It is confirmed by an information letter, which indicates the main and additional types economic activities that the enterprise will engage in. They may be changed subsequently. Just follow these simple ones step by step tips, and you will be on the right track in your business.

Brief Step-by-Step Business Guide

So, let's get down to action, setting ourselves up for a positive result.

Step - 1
Statistics codes are assigned in accordance with all-Russian classifiers. If in the process of conducting business activities there is a need to change its registered type, this is usually due to a change in the profile of the enterprise or the fact that it is expanding the scope of its activities. In this case, the OKVED classifier (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) is used. These changes require registration in the constituent documents, data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) and changes in statistics codes. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Exact compliance with the activities carried out and its indication in contracts and acts of work performed by your enterprise, correct execution of the statistical codes used and appropriate statistical accounting are the key to the successful operation of the enterprise, its adaptation to market conditions, which are constantly changing. You, as a manager, must be completely sure that all documentation of your enterprise is completed correctly. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Determine new codes using the OKVED classifier. Write an application to the tax office at the place of registration of your enterprise using the unified form P-14001 (if you are a legal entity) or form P-24001 (for individual entrepreneurs without education legal entity). After all the changes that have occurred are registered at the tax office and reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you will receive an extract about this. Based on this document, the State Statistics Committee will issue you a new certificate indicating the current statistics codes. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
In addition to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you must provide the statistical authorities with a copy of the protocol or decision on approving changes in types of economic activity, a copy of certificates of state registration(OGRN), about the assignment of a TIN and the original of the initially received information letter with the previous statistics codes.
We hope the answer to the question - How to change statistics codes - contained useful information for you. Good luck! To find the answer to your question, use the form -

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