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W say do they pay for prescriptions? Services for making money on culinary recipes. How to cook. cooking steps

Interesting are both complex dishes and simple ones that every housewife can prepare.

The site is not for a professional chef, so anyone who likes to cook delicious food can share the recipe.

General information requirements

  • Only our own unique materials. To confirm that the dish was prepared by you, you must upload an additional photo of the finished dish with a sticker that says “For the site site.” The photo is not used for publication, but only serves to test the recipe.
  • Do not publish recipes that are already posted on the site. The main criterion is that the name matches completely.

Text requirements

  • Unique text written by you. The uniqueness of the text is at least 80% as verified by the service. (the recipe itself may not be unique, but you must describe exactly your process of preparing the dish)
  • High-quality text: make as few spelling errors as possible.
  • The description should be broken down step by step. Illustrate the steps with photographs.

Photo requirements

  • Unique photographs taken by you. You should not publish photographs of the recipe anywhere else.
  • Everything in the frame should be clean and tidy. There should be no repulsive or unnecessary or inappropriate things in the frame.
  • Photos must be without unnatural processing (application of filters, changes with Photoshop and other programs, without added inscriptions).
  • The last photo should be a dish prepared for serving (not in a frying pan, not in a saucepan, oven, etc.).
  • Take an additional photo of the finished dish with a sticker that says “For the website” to confirm that the photo for the recipe was taken by you. Photos with a sticker will not be published on the site.

We do not require professional photography, but try to ensure that the photos are neat and the dishes look appetizing.

If you need professional processing of food photos -

Pay for eligible prescriptions

1. Photo recipe - 100 rubles.
From 4 photos.
Description of the recipe itself - everything you need to prepare: necessary ingredients, description of actions and necessary conditions. Photos.

2. Video recipe - 150 rub.
From 4 photos. Video - from 2 minutes. The video must contain the sequence of preparation of the dish.

For an extended high-quality description (according to the editors) - a bonus of 50-100 rubles.
If there is a beautiful and meaningful (in the opinion of the editors) text description (more than 1000 characters, excluding ingredients and sequence).
Thus, the price per recipe can be from 100 to 250 rubles.

The text must make sense in relation to the recipe. Give additional information, advice to the hostess during the cooking process, tricks, nuances of explanation, etc.

There is no need to artificially “inflate” the description.

Placement and payment procedure

  • Please write to us in advance about your desire to post recipes on the site.
  • Next, we agree with you on the form of payment and set your account on the site to the Authors group
  • You post recipes through your account on the website.
  • Each recipe is checked before publication and design changes may be made by the editors.
  • Payments are made for recipes that have been checked and approved by the editors for publication based on the results of checking for compliance with the requirements.
  • Payments are made twice a month or by agreement.

To get started with the site, first send one recipe so that we can provide comments if necessary.


You can always ask questions.

We welcome your suggestions.

→ How to make money on recipes: rules, cost, instructions

We offer a unique opportunity for home cooking lovers to earn money from their own recipes. You don't have to be a professional cook to do this - you just need to love and know how to cook. Please not only your family and friends with a delicious treat, but also receive a reward for your work.

Take photographs of all stages of preparing any dish and describe them in simple and understandable words. Publish on our website and get paid. Earning money depends only on you - the more interesting and useful recipes you can publish, the greater the amount you will receive.

How much can you earn from recipes?

Fixed payment for recipes depending on the number of characters:

  • from 700 to 1400 characters - 60 rubles;
  • from 1401 to 2100 characters - 90 rubles;
  • from 2101 to 2800 characters - 120 rubles;
  • more than 2801 characters 150 rub.

How to start publishing recipes?

Start by studying the existing recipes on our website. If the name and method of preparing a recipe are similar to yours, then there is no need to publish it. You can check if there is a similar recipe using, which is located in the desktop version in the right sidebar of the site, and in mobile version- “smart search for recipes” button. By the way, this is a unique service that should help you find the recipe you are interested in.

In order to publish a recipe you need to register on the site. To add a recipe, go to the “Recipes” section of the site, in the right sidebar at the very top you will see the “Add recipe” button.

Text requirements

Other people's photos and text will not be accepted. If the dish is well-known, taken from a cookbook, or similar ones have already been published on the Internet, but it is not on our website, you can use this recipe. Such recipes include: Olivier salad, lecho, Kiev cutlets, Napoleon cake, etc. The main condition is that the entire cooking process must be completed only by you. The job description should also be yours alone.

2. Your task is to describe the cooking process as accurately, logically and consistently as possible.

3. There is no need to write long and complex sentences - write so that your recipes are understandable and pleasant to read.

4. The work must not contain grammatical, spelling, punctuation, syntactic or typographical errors.

5. The uniqueness of the text must be at least 90% according to This means you cannot copy recipe text from other sites in full or in separate sentences.

7. The recipe description should be broken down step by step. The minimum number of steps is 5.

In the steps themselves, it is necessary to describe only the technology of preparing the dish. Important deviations are allowed, for example, what to replace the ingredients with, the subtleties of preparing the dish. Additional information information relating directly to this dish (the history of the dish, the benefits and harms of the dish, the nuances of preparation, the secrets of serving the dish...) can be written in the very last text field for the recipe. But there is no need to inflate the text. Remember the wise words of A.P. Chekhov: “Brevity is the sister of talent.”

8. Detailed description steps. Describe the preparation step in as much detail as possible so that anyone can prepare this dish, following your recommendations.

9. The description of the step must correspond to what is happening in the photograph.

10. The recipe is accepted in Russian.

11. Fill out your profile: Photo, avatar, location, date of birth.

Photo requirements

1. Photos must be good quality, minimum quantity: 5.

2. Photos must be crisp, clear and have natural, natural colors. Low resolution photographs, poorly lit photographs, lack of focus, photographs with inscriptions and watermarks are not accepted;

3. Photos must be rectangular - horizontal orientation (width greater than height), all the same size. Minimum size photo: width 1000, height 660 pixels.

4. In the first photo of the step, you should place all the necessary ingredients according to the recipe. The photo should not show the names, names, or brands of manufacturers. The ingredients should be clean (washed vegetables and fruits, etc.), appetizing and attractive.

5. Take photos of steps against a clean and monochromatic background. Use beautiful and clean dishes, napkins, decorative elements and cutlery to ensure beautiful and aesthetically pleasing photographs.

Photos are not accepted poor quality- cloudy, overexposed, dark, with unnecessary items not related to the recipe (except for decorative elements) and dirty, untidy elements.

6. To avoid controversial situations with the authorship of photos, use a sticker with our site logo. The sticker is printed on a printer. The sticker must be visible, but not occupy more than 25% of the space in the photo. It is recommended not to focus on the sticker - the most important thing is your recipe. It is better to place the sticker in the background.

The sticker must be on the photo of all stages of preparation, EXCEPT: the photo of the finished dish and the photo of the last step.

Download sticker from here:

The stickers are presented in A4 format, for your convenience, cut out the required amount for your work, as the stickers get dirty, wrinkled, and so on. Use only one sticker per photo.

7. All steps in the recipe description must be accompanied by a photo. If there are 5 steps, then there should be 5 photos plus the final photo of the finished dish.

8. Beautiful final photo ready dish. Try to take the most aesthetically pleasing photo of the finished dish so that readers will want to cook and try it.

9. The photo must show exactly what you are writing about.

Regulations: work of the editors and author

Once you add a recipe to the site, you will receive an email ( personal account) with a link where you can monitor the status of the recipe and exchange information with the editor. Here the editor will indicate the reasons for returning the work, if any.

Once your recipe has been moderated, it will be published. Moderation time is up to 14 calendar days.

If the recipe was returned to the author for revision, but from the moment of return, within a month, the author did not take any action (any attempt to correct it), the recipe may be published with modifications by the editor as abandoned without payment.

Reasons for refusal or return for revision


Low uniqueness (less than 90%)

According to if the uniqueness is below 90%. ;


Found a copy on another site

- found a photo or text taken from another site;

Lots of "water"

- a conscious increase in the volume of text that is not related to the preparation of the dish (composition of products, their value, choice, abundant expression of one’s own feelings);
4 Lots of extra characters - double spaces, several!!!, ...;
5 Wrong category - the section of the recipe is incorrectly specified;
6 Stylistic and semantic errors - the description should be, first of all, instructions that are understandable to the user;
7 No prescription as such - the recipe must be of informational and instructive value. Just combinations of products (assorted).
8 Poor quality photo - low resolution photos, poor lighting, out of focus, photos with unnecessary inscriptions, watermarks;
9 Lots of grammatical errors - a large number of obvious grammatical errors: spelling, punctuation;
10 No photo - the main photo of the dish was not added, or the photo was missed at a key step;
11 No sticker - it is impossible to determine the uniqueness of the photographs taken;

Ingredient(s) missing

- an ingredient that is mentioned in the description and is necessary for preparing the dish is not attached;

Wrong ingredient

- an ingredient is indicated outside the proposed list (if present in the list);

Extra ingredient

- an ingredient is indicated that is not mentioned in the recipe;

Unit not specified change ingredient

- indicate spices or optional ingredients of the dish according to taste. And the main ingredients are required.

Prescription purpose not specified

- There are no checkboxes indicating what type your recipe is

Copyright for recipes

After paying for the recipe, all exclusive rights to the photographs and article pass to us. You will not be able to post recipes and photographs published on our website anywhere else - This is the most important condition for our cooperation with you! But your name/nickname will appear in the recipe as the author of the recipe.

This type of income will appeal to anyone who loves to cook. Its essence is very simple.

There are a lot of recipe sites on the Internet that are constantly looking for new recipes with photos of the cooking process.

It is not profitable for culinary sites to create content themselves, prepare various dishes and photograph the entire process. Therefore, they are willing to pay people for this work.

So they kill two birds with one stone, they constantly get new content for a relatively small fee and do not spend money on food.

Why might this be beneficial for you? Because one recipe can be posted on several sites and you will not only get a ready-made dish for lunch, but also recoup all food costs and even earn money. I will describe how to do this at the end of the article.

To start earning money you will need a camera (a smartphone with a weak camera will not work).

Each site has its own conditions for accepting prescriptions, but the main requirements can be identified:

  • All photos must be taken by you. You won't be able to steal photos and texts from other sites
  • Photos must be of high quality
  • The text describing the cooking process must be unique
  • Every step of food preparation should be described and photographed.

I have compiled the most for you full list culinary sites that buy recipes.

Websites for buying recipes

Site name Payment per prescription Notes
Patee. Recipes from 350 to 500 rubles per 1000 interactions Interaction – viewing publications and adding them to the recipe book with premium access. 150-200 rubles 70 rubles Recipes for multicookers 50 rubles Dietary recipes + pay 100 rubles for crafts 1 dollar 60 rubles 100 rub. for the video recipe. 30 rubles You can add other people's recipes from 100 to 400 rubles Strict moderation 100 characters 10 cents 200 rubles 500 rubles for 10 recipes Large volumes of prescriptions are purchased.
Additional payments for active authors. 200 rubles 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers from 30 to 100 rubles The price depends on the number of steps in the recipe and other bonuses 50 rubles 70 rubles 75 rubles per 1000 characters 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers 250 rubles Only Japanese recipes 40-60 rubles
  • Each site has its own requirements for recipes. Read them carefully
  • First, send recipes to not very popular sites, they have weaker moderation. You'll be more likely to get your prescription accepted and understand how things work.
  • You should not submit several recipes to the site at once. Make one recipe and see how your recipe will be tested, and will you be paid?
  • Even a simple recipe can be made unique by changing just one ingredient.
  • Use white dishes to prepare the dish. She looks good in photos
  • You should have a good selection of different utensils. You should also have beautiful tablecloths and various napkins
  • Do not take photographs of the ingredients in the packaging
  • Explore the recipes that have already been added to the site. Try to take photos and descriptions of the same quality
  • Do not use a flash on your camera

How to increase your earnings from photo recipes

You can post one recipe on several sites at once. But the problem is that most recipe sites only want unique photos and recipe descriptions. Therefore, photograph each step of cooking several times on a different background and on different utensils. Also, do not forget to change the text of the recipe.

Since payment is made regardless of the number of photos, it is not necessary to choose complex recipes with many cooking steps. You can prepare recipes for salads, drinks, and simple baked goods easier and faster.

Another way to make quick money is to translate recipes from foreign sites and uniquely photograph them. You can make your photos unique by slightly changing the light, shadows, color palette, or mirroring the image. But to do this, you must be proficient in Photoshop or another graphic editor.

Be sure to check the uniqueness of the text before posting the recipe. You can check the text, for example, using Advego Plagiatus. Photos can be checked for uniqueness at

This is how you can also earn money by preparing delicious dishes for yourself or your family. Write in the comments about your successes in this type of earnings.

Friends, the site has a rewards program for culinary authors. We invite everyone to not only share prepared dishes, communicate, rate and leave reviews, but also receive a nice additional bonus - a cash reward of 6 WMR for one added recipe. Details below.

How to get rewards for your recipes:

1. Go through a short registration procedure - .

2. Add your photo on the profile page.

5. If you reach a minimum of 20 recipes, you can submit a withdrawal request, to do this write "Added n recipes, wallet number R___________" and wait for funds to arrive.

How much will I get for the recipe?

For the original recipe we pay 6 WMR. You need to create a WebMoney wallet to receive rewards.

Requirements for published recipes

1. Name - come up with a name for your dish.

3. Photo - this step is optional

4. About the recipe - brief description the recipe must be at least 200 characters long, tell the history of this dish, what cuisine it belongs to, etc.

5. Cooking time - total cooking time in minutes.

6. Ingredients - you need to fill in 3 fields for each ingredient: name, quantity and select measurement.

7. Cooking Steps - Describe each step in preparing the dish.

8. Add a recipe - if everything has been checked, you can add a recipe, all recipes are moderated within 3 working days.


1. Plagiarism, use of photos or text materials taken from other sources.

3. Make spelling and punctuation errors.

Good day to all visitors of my .

I can say with confidence that there is a job on the Internet for everyone, the main thing is the desire to earn money and devote a sufficient amount of time to work. Today you can make a profit from absolutely everything that surrounds you in the real world, this also applies to food, and more specifically, culinary recipes. Even by writing culinary recipes, you can earn money without leaving home and without investing your own money.

Do you cook every day? Do you know how to present a dish beautifully? Then this type of earning money on the Internet is definitely for you.

There are a huge number of culinary sites on the Internet with a huge selection of different recipes, but don’t you think that the owner of this site himself cooked, photographed, wrote and posted it for other Internet users? Of course not! This is where making money from recipes starts. Each of the owners of such sites needs unique articles about dishes. By unique articles, I do not mean original recipes for dishes invented by you, but absolutely familiar to all of us, which we eat and prepare every day, for holidays and celebrations. And if these are healthy food recipes, then we can say with confidence that you have found your job on the Internet. I would especially recommend this type of making a profit on the Internet to housewives who are at home most of the time and love to surprise their family and friends with something tasty and at the same time receive an honestly earned reward for their work in the form of hard cash on their e-wallet.

What you need to make money on the Internet by publishing culinary recipes.

  • Wish. In any field of work, nothing will work without the desire to earn money. There is definitely no place for lazy people here. You must understand that no one will buy an article from you that says how you threw potatoes into water, meat, then fried with cabbage, waited 30 minutes and the borscht is ready. No! You need to describe the entire cooking process in as much detail as possible, and then photograph it from the best angle.
  • Time. This also cannot be done without spending time, because this is work, and, like any work, you need to spend time here. There will be no freebies! I don’t want to scare you, I want you to realize that this is only the beginning of the path to making money on the Internet. Time is the most important resource that is valued on the Internet, because for absolutely any type of work on the Internet, each of us must spend it in order to start earning something.
  • Recipes. Even if you are not a master cook, this is not a problem, because you can go to the Internet and find any dish you like, cook it, then uniquely describe the entire cooking process in your own way, and most importantly, take your own photos of your culinary masterpiece and Ultimately, you will receive ready-made material from which you can make money.
  • Products for dishes. Well, there’s no way without this 😆 . At first, I recommend that you write recipes about the dishes that you prepare every day, so as not to bother yourself with complex recipes from expensive ingredients, because money will not immediately fall on your head like manna from heaven. But when you sell a couple of your articles, then you can start working on more elegant dishes that you have already earned yourself using the Internet. In addition, I will say that your family will be very happy with the new dishes, and for you this is both an experience in life and the beginning of a career ladder on the Internet.
  • A camera is required and, if possible, a camera. In order for your recipe to be unique and more attractive to the buyer, you need to show more clearly and in detail what the entire cooking process looks like. Accordingly, the photos you provide about each stage of cooking will only increase the price of your recipe. A video is not necessary, but I would recommend recording all stages on video, since some buyers attach not only photos to articles, but also videos, or at least just to post it later, for example, on YouTube or on your social network to show it to your friends and acquaintances and perhaps earn extra money just by watching this video clip.

Now you know what you will need to make money on the Internet from culinary recipes and you just have to decide for yourself whether it will be difficult to describe the process of preparing any of your dishes and take a couple of pictures of the cooking stages, because in my opinion it is not as difficult as you can imagine introduce. The reality is that you need to decide for yourself whether you are ready to cook and eat and at the same time make money from what you do every day.

Ways to make money from your recipes

Now let's move on directly to ways to realize our earnings, or rather, to sell the received material.

Article exchanges and sites about culinary arts

If I were the owner of a culinary site and I needed new recipes, then it would be very difficult for you to please me, since I am well versed in content, and I am not alone, and those sites that buy such recipes 99% have employees who thoroughly check all the material provided and it is unlikely that you, as a beginner in this type of income, will be able to sell them your article. Therefore, first, let's consider the option of selling recipes on article and content exchanges.

There are many such exchanges at the moment, but according to trusted sources, there are three of the best exchanges with which a beginner can start working and gradually reach a decent level of earning money on the Internet from their content and articles.

Here is a clear example of a recipe being sold on one of the content exchanges.

Let's take this example apart and find out what's what. The only thing that I cannot evaluate is the quality of this recipe, since in order to view the article, you need to buy it.

Okay, let's go over the basics. The cost of the article is 919 rubles, which is not bad at all in my opinion, it is sold for $, the exchange automatically converted the cost into rubles, since I had the price displayed in rubles in my settings.

The length of the article is 6000+ characters, which is not the best result, because you, as an adequate person, will not read several pages of text to prepare some dish. But as we see from the title of the article, there is not only a recipe, but also a whole story about fish in Russia. Even if you buy such texts, it’s better to split them into several articles, but we won’t talk about that because we don’t have a culinary blog. Articles from 2000 to 3000 characters sell best; it is less stressful for the reader and the cost is lower for the buyer.

Next, we see that the author attaches a number of images with each stage of preparation of this dish, and this is very good for the seller, because as we found out, the more clarifications in the form of graphics and videos, the better and more informative the article turns out.

We've looked at the example, now let's discuss where is the best place to sell your recipes.

Article exchanges where you can sell your recipes

I will give you links only to the most best content exchanges according to experienced copywriters. I won’t write about each one specifically, since this is a separate topic for discussion, but I can assure you that all of the content exchanges listed below are high-quality and solvent. Tested by time and hundreds of thousands of users. On these exchanges you can not only sell your articles, but also earn extra money by rewriting and copywriting, as thousands of users do and earn decent money from it!

  1. — I took the example we looked at above from her. Withdrawals are available via WebMoney, Qiwi, bank card, minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles.
  2. You can withdraw your earned money only on WebMoney, but the minimum wage is lower and is only 250 rubles.
  3. — Withdrawal from WebMoney, Qiwi, bank transfer and on mobile phone including all commissions. The minimum wage is only 120 rubles.
  4. — You can withdraw to WebMoney, Qiwi and non-cash, but this is only for legal entities and IP. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.
  5. - the name speaks for itself, but it is in last place on the list only because of the design. And so the functionality is the same. You can pay on WM starting from 200 rubles.

This is a list of the largest and highest quality content exchanges with the opportunity to sell your articles and recipes, as well as make money from copywriting and rewriting.

Culinary sites that buy recipes.

Now let's consider selling your recipes culinary sites.

After working for several days in the search, I came to the conclusion that there are many such sites, as well as article exchanges, but I can only single out a few. These are culinary sites where you can earn money by selling your recipes to them.

  1. — Here they make money not by selling their recipes, but by viewing them. How does this work? It’s simple, you post your finished material, it is moderated for uniqueness and then posted on the portal. The person then reviews your prescription and you receive payment. You can earn up to 500 rubles per 1000 views, and this is many times more than earnings on YouTube and other similar services where they pay for views of your text, photos and video materials. It is very important here to design your recipe well, with juicy photographs! Payments on WebMoney start from 200 rubles, all subsequent ones from 100 rubles.
  2. Prosmak— payment is no longer for impressions, but for the number of characters in the recipe you write. Prices from 0.5$ for 500 letters, despite the fact that every next 500 characters is another +0.5$, that is, for a recipe of 2000+ characters you will earn 2$. The minimum payout is $10, which is actually a bit much for this type of site. But thousands of people work and earn money.
  3. WebSpoongreat project, but with a very long moderation of all incoming culinary recipes and even those. low level support. Are you ready to pay for your prescriptions? 50 rubles regardless of the number of characters in it. I can say that this is not enough, but it’s up to you to decide.
  4. FindFood- pays your photo recipes up to 60 rubles And video recipes up to 100 rubles, moderation is fast and not as strict as on the web log that I described above. Another difference between fine food is that it accepts recipes in which 150 characters, which may be just right for beginners to start making money on recipes.

And so, after we have dealt with culinary sites that buy recipes, I want to highlight in particular. I'll explain why I think so. You don’t need to look for a buyer for your recipe; you share your recipe with people, they view it, and you receive a reward for this in the form of rubles in your e-wallet. The main thing is to share recipes at least 3 times a month, this will be enough to get started, and then look at the profits and you will be unstoppable! Leading chefs in photo recipe receive from 15,000 thousand rubles monthly just for viewing their recipes!

Creating your own culinary website

Do you want to work in this field for a long time and do you have enough time and desire for this? I advise you to start creating your own website in which you will share your culinary masterpieces. Monetizing such a site will not be an easy task, but it is possible for people who do not give up. I advise you to read .

Making money on your website is much more pleasant than selling texts to someone, because it’s yours. But I assure you it is very thorny and long haul to making money on the Internet.

That's all. Thank you for reading the article, I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to write in the comments on which site you earn money and how much profit you are currently receiving.

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