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USB ports are enabled. Enabling USB ports on a laptop. USB port driver removed from the system

The USB ports on the computer stopped working and Windows laptop? The first thing you need to do is check each port on the computer; if all of them do not work, you need to determine the reason.

The simplest and reliable way, this is to connect USB keyboard, turn off the computer, turn it on and try to go to the BIOS in a way familiar to you. If you can’t get into the BIOS using just one port in a way you couldn’t before, the reason is technical.

In this case, you need to open system unit and check the connection USB connectors to the motherboard. If everything is in order, you need to install a discrete USB card and check whether the ports from it work (maybe your motherboard is burnt out).

If you can get into the BIOS, but the USB ports do not work in the operating system, you should check for installed drivers, reinstall them, update to the latest version.

Sometimes USB ports do not work when equipment is connected to them new version(up to USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 connect a flash drive or external HDD with USB 3.0), so it's worth checking your equipment for compatibility.

Remember that USB ports, in addition to transmitting information, are also power ports, so it often happens that due to a weak power supply, they may also not work correctly.

If the computer or any application does not work correctly after connecting the device to the USB port, there may be several reasons for this. Before pinpointing the source of the problem, you need to test the operation peripheral device, USB port or USB driver. Below we provide a list of several simple steps, which will help you identify the problem and fix it yourself, without contacting a computer technician.

In order to reboot the USB driver and software that conflict, you just need to restart your computer. Very often this helps fix the problem.

Sometimes a different order can help. Turn off the computer and disconnect any devices connected to the USB ports, including the keyboard and mouse. Turn on the computer again and when the operating system boots, one by one, connect all the peripheral devices that were previously disconnected to the USB ports. If when connecting specific device, for example USB RAM, a problem occurs, make a note of which port it happened on. Try connecting this device to another free port. If the problem goes away, then the specific USB port is faulty. Otherwise, the problem must be looked for either in a peripheral device or in the USB cable.

USB cable and connector

When a USB port does not work, very often the cause of the malfunction may be a damaged cable or connector. Carefully inspect these connection elements for damage such as cracks, chips or cuts. Look inside the USB connector and connector and check for dirt, dust, or other small objects. You can clean the connectors yourself using a dry brush or an air compressor (vacuum cleaner). This must be done with the cable disconnected. If the interface cable is severely bent or broken, you should replace it immediately - a new cable costs a penny.

Differentiating the problem - port or device

If a program or computer stops working normally immediately after connecting a new device to the USB port, then you should try connecting another device to it. If the computer continues to operate normally, the problem is in the peripheral device. Do you have a second computer? Try connecting a suspicious device to it and recheck its functionality. If the situation repeats, it definitely needs to be changed. If you used a USB hub, remove it from the connection circuit. In case USB problems The device must be connected directly. In addition, problems may arise if you connect a lot of peripherals at the same time or connect several devices of the same model at the same time, for example, two smartphones or printers.

Reinstalling the driver

Windows usually displays a message if a problem is detected with the USB driver. If this happens, open the “Control Panel” through the start menu operating system. Find the “Device Manager” item in it, open the utility and in the list of installed equipment find the subsection “USB Controllers” or “Universal Serial Controllers”. USB bus" Expand this item and find the item that is marked in the list of USB devices exclamation point on a yellow background. If you find such a device, right-click on it and select the “Delete” context menu item. Reboot your computer. After this, the operating system will automatically reinstall the remote driver immediately after loading. If reinstalling the driver does not solve the issue, you should try updating it.

Driver update

If the USB port does not work, you can try manually updating the USB device driver. To do this, open the “System and Security” section in the “Control Panel”, where you will find the “Device Manager” subsection. Enter administrator credentials if prompted by the system. Next, find the problematic USB device in the “USB Controllers” list and double-click on it to open the settings dialog box. Open the “Driver” tab, and in it click the “Update” button. To begin updating the driver, enter your system administrator credentials again. After the update, restart your computer and check the functionality of the problematic device.

What is the difference between the USB ports located on the back of the computer and on the front? The difference is that those USB ports that are located on the back connect directly to the USB controller, which is located on the motherboard itself and is an integral part of it. But the front USB ports go through a USB hub and are connected via a cable, and here it may be that the cable is of poor quality, and problems with the ports may appear.

If you connect two power-hungry USB devices (such as a portable hard drive and a phone) to the two USB ports on the front panel, one of those devices will run out of power and either not work properly or not work at all. Why you ask? The USB controller provides the device connected to it with a power supply of 500 mA at 5 V. If the USB interface device does not have an additional power adapter, then it should work from the USB interface, without additional power, that is, 5 V should be enough, but if to the controller Two devices are connected using a USB hub.

The USB ports on the front of the computer are USB hubs that have one 9-pin input connector for connecting to the motherboard on one side and multiple USB ports for connecting devices on the other. The USB hub cable transmits information to the connected device, and also supplies it with electricity, but if there are two devices, and the power to the hub is still supplied at 500 mA at 5 V, then of course there is not enough power for the devices.

You can connect a mouse, keyboard and flash drive to the USB hub, and if you want to use other devices such as a smartphone, an external hard drive etc. , you must use a USB hub with an additional power supply supplying 5V to each of its USB ports.
USB ports don't work

If you suspect that the USB port on your computer is not working, check the device you are connecting to another computer. After all, it also happens that it is not the USB port that does not work, but the device that you are trying to connect, but it also happens the other way around. Test the device on another computer. In Award BIOS, look for the Integrated Peripherals option, and in Ami BIOS Advanced parameter, go into them and see the USB Configuration item, press Enter, our USB Controller or USB Controller 2.0 should be in the Enabled position, that is, turned on.

USB ports don't work

It also happens that the USB port works and the device is working properly, but there is no connection between the computer and the device...... here the fault may be in the USB cable. And there are cases when the USB ports on the front panel are not connected at all.
Maybe the USB hub is faulty? Try using a different USB hub with a good shielded cable. Connect it to another 9-pin connector on the motherboard.

Sometimes the USB ports on the front panel are connected using pin cables (they also say in bulk), it may well be that the cable is faulty or the pinout has been mixed up.

Also the reason USB faults ports may have a low-power, or possibly faulty, power supply.
Or it might be faulty south bridge. Don’t forget about updating drivers, both for connected devices and for the chipset motherboard.

You can overload the USB hub and the connected device will stop responding to you; this can be cured by simply restarting the computer. Almost all USB hubs have power management and Windows can turn off the device to save power.

Firstly, if when you connect a flash drive to a computer or some other equipment, the port does not work quite correctly or the device connected to the computer is not detected by the system at all, then in this case you should make sure that the controller is turned on PC motherboard.

Quite often, users forget to turn on the USB controller. It seems like a simple, but still common problem when the user starts the PC, but the device is not detected. It is possible to fix everything here; to do this, you need to go into the BIOS and enable the appropriate parameter. By the way, if you don’t know what a BIOS is, then I recommend that you definitely read the article

So, go to the BIOS and find the item “Integrated Peripherals - this applies to Award BIOS,” or to Ami BIOS - Advanced.”

Next, press “Enter” and go to “Onboard Devices Configuration” and make sure that the “USB Function” and “USB 2.0 Controller” items are in the “Enabled” position. If everything is so, then everything is included. Otherwise, the parameter can be turned OFF, position “Disabled”. If the option is disabled, you should enable it. Next, save the changes, then reboot the PC system and check the functionality of the USB port. Be sure to check whether the USB ports on the front panel of the system unit are connected to the motherboard itself using the so-called connector.

If the port still doesn’t work, then we move on.

Secondly, maybe the problem with the port not working is completely hidden in the USB extension cable? For example, there are situations when the computer does not recognize a peripheral device (printer), for the simple reason that the USB cable itself is simply damaged. The reason for cable damage can be very varied, for example, you accidentally placed a chair on the cable or some heavy object and simply pinched it. Therefore, do not be lazy to check the cable itself.

Thirdly, it is quite rare to encounter such a problem when the USB port does not have enough power. I'll give you concrete example. Imagine that you have connected a flash drive and a printer to the front of the system unit case in the USB connector. As a result, the operating system, when sending data for printing, informs us that the document could not be printed. In general, your computer simply does not see the printer. And if you restart the computer, the printer is detected by the system, and you can easily print a document. However, after a while, the computer again loses connection to the printer and the printer does not print. Do you know why?

This seemingly trivial problem at first glance is due to the fact that there is a lack of power for the USB port. As a result, the USB port refuses to function properly. Basically, such an incident associated with a lack of power occurs when connecting several devices to the front panel of USB ports.

Of course, not always, but such situations still occur. These USB ports are connected to the motherboard using a cable. In addition to transmitting data, this cable also powers the USB hubs themselves. It is possible that the power supplied simultaneously to two devices connected to a USB hub may not be sufficient. In this case, I can recommend that you connect the printer to the built-in USB port, which is located on the PC motherboard.

You can also change the CMOS battery on the board. It happens that the problem completely disappears after replacing the battery on the motherboard. What kind of battery is this and where it is located, you can find out in this article:

In general, if your USB port, which is located on the front panel of the system unit case, does not work, then try replacing the USB hub itself. Who knows, maybe it is the one that is faulty.

You can also try plugging the cable into another USB connector on the motherboard.

Fourthly, if the USB port controller, which is responsible for identifying and starting the device itself, has failed, then things are, of course, bad. There is, of course, the opportunity to take and resolder the controller itself on the motherboard, but this takes time, you need to have the controller itself, and, of course, the soldering station itself. From a time-cost point of view, it is not entirely advisable. Another option is to entrust it to specialists, although this also has its pitfalls, price, quality of work, as well as the competence of the specialist who specifically works on this problem.

Fifthly, peripheral and mobile devices may not be recognized on your computer due to the lack of drivers and special software. It cannot be ruled out that if you have been using your operating system for quite a long time and the system has not been updated at all, and in general the Windows build is not the original version, then in this case it may be that the drivers are considered outdated and therefore in the system Freezes happen all the time.

Sometimes Windows disables the USB hub altogether to save power. To prevent the USB device from being disconnected, you will need to do the following.

Open “Device Manager” by right-clicking on the “Computer” shortcut and selecting “Properties”.

After the Device Manager window has opened, double-click with the left mouse button on “USB Controllers” and expand the branch.

Now all you have to do is go to the root USB hub and in the “Power Management” section uncheck the box, as shown in the figure below.

Sixth, sometimes reinstalling the operating system helps fix the problem when the USB port does not work. Although, of course, first try to roll back the system to its previous state. Here is an article that will tell you how to do this:

Seventhly, perhaps your system contains some faulty equipment, which is precisely the obstacle to the normal operation of the USB port.

This problem is very relevant in our time. After all, quite often users directly encounter this. So, there is a solution. USB ports on your computer may freeze, contacts may short out, and many more. additional problems may occur when working at a computer.

We find a way out of our situation, check all devices for connection and disconnection. You will need to disconnect all devices and connect one at a time, for example, connect the keyboard first and see if it works, then connect the next device, let it be a mouse and so on. Connect additional USB devices, if they don’t work, then the problem is solved or you need to look in peripheral devices, maybe there’s something shorting there, but who knows.

Eighth, they completely forgot to enable the serial bus controller in the device manager. There are times when you don't pay attention to USB operation devices, turned on the computer, downloaded music, listen and enjoy new works of art. True, everything comes unexpectedly, suddenly you need a USB device, and then there is silence, it doesn’t work. The thought immediately comes to mind, maybe the controller is not turned on, let me take it and check, it is so.

Every PC has a device manager that shows which devices are connected, whether all drivers are installed and updates made.

In general, I think that you probably already know that if any driver is missing, the system automatically marks it with a yellow exclamation mark, this means a malfunction, as a result, with two clicks of the mouse you open additional window, information about the fault code and the possibility of restoring it is displayed here.

Ninth, if all of the above methods did not give a positive result, then I recommend that you install it on the motherboard USB board PC controller.

If your computer has a low-power power supply, for example 300 W, then it is likely that the cause of all the troubles is hidden in it, install a more powerful power supply, say 500 W, and check if the USB ports are working.

Concluding today's article, I would like to say that it is not always possible to easily find the culprit of all problems, sometimes it is not enough to simply reinstall Windows to find out what really happened.

If there are no drivers for serial bus controllers and the controllers themselves are marked with an exclamation mark, in this case you should either install drivers for the controller, or you can remove all controllers and restart the computer. After the computer boots, the system will try to install them again, and perhaps all USB ports will work properly again.

Restarting the computer
If all USB ports for some reason stop functioning and USB devices are not detected, then to begin with it will only be enough to reboot the system unit. Perhaps this procedure will be eliminated immediately. This can happen if there were no problems loading the drivers.

In Device Manager, update the hardware configuration
A situation may arise when restarting the computer is not possible because it is performing some important operations. That is why, without rebooting the entire computer, you can reboot just the driver. This can be done through Device Manager. To take this action, just right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Manage.”

In the window that appears as a result of this, you need to click on the “Action” tab, after which you need to click “Update hardware configuration”. If as a result of this procedure the “USB Controllers” section appears, then the problem is completely resolved, and USB will continue to function.

Disabling the USB controller
There is one great way to make USB ports work. To do this, you need to disconnect and reinstall the USB controllers. You should immediately launch the same “Device Manager”. A list of equipment will appear in a new window, and from it you need to find the USB controllers section. Next, you need to select and delete each of these devices. After all devices are removed, you must restart your computer. This will reset the controllers so the USB ports will be available again.

USB controllers: driver update
The USB controller drivers may be damaged, therefore, the USB ports will not work. In such a situation, the only correct solution is to find and reinstall the correct drivers. To do this procedure correctly, you should find out the manufacturer of the USB port, because you need to download the appropriate driver. If you manage to complete this task, then installing the driver will solve the problem in an instant.

Disabling others USB devices
Of course, situations may arise when many USB devices are connected and the laptop will simply be overloaded. There may not always be enough power for all connected devices.

Login BIOS settings

To start changing the configuration, you need to go to the corresponding menu. It can be opened when turned on personal computer- before it started Windows boot from the hard drive.

Turn on your PC. In case it is already running: reboot. Wait for the speaker to beep: a short, single beep indicates that all internal components necessary for the computer to function have been detected.

Now you need to click hotkey to call the configuration. This must be done before changing the screen. If you don't have time and Windows starts loading, reboot. The keys depend on the installed motherboard model and version BIOS firmware. You can find it out in the user manual that came with the motherboard, on the manufacturer’s official website, or look at it on the screen of your PC when you boot it up:

PC screen at boot

If you don't know the board model, that's okay. Just try pressing the following keys: Tab, Delete, Esc, F1, F2, F8, F10, F11, F12. One of them will definitely do.

You don't have to try just 1 option at a time. You can quickly press all the buttons from the list without any problems. One of them will come up and launch the BIOS settings, and the rest will be ignored.

Entering the BIOS/UEFI settings of the latest PCs

Many modern computers boot up so quickly that you won't be able to access the keystrokes when you turn them on. This is also true for laptops. That's why latest versions Windows OS has acquired new feature launch. Let's show it using Windows 8.1 as an example.
Swipe your mouse from top to bottom or bottom to top along the right edge of the screen and click “Options” in the window that appears.
Click on “Change computer settings”
Click "Update and Recovery".Reboot in special mode
Next: “Recovery.”
Under Special Boot Options, click Restart Now.

Your computer or laptop will reboot into setup mode. After restarting your PC, you will also be able to choose the option to start from a USB drive or DVD.

Menu navigation

Almost all BIOS versions do not have a graphical interface. This means that you will have to work only using the keyboard, as in, for example, Windows console. Navigation is carried out using the up-down and right-left arrows. To open any section, use the Enter key to go back - “Escape”. A small reminder of the keys used is always shown on the screen.

The UEFI firmware package is installed on the most expensive and powerful motherboards. He supports more drivers and can work with a mouse. Its interface will be familiar Windows users and other modern operating systems.

Each version has its own interface and sets of options. Even the names of the same parameters may differ. The following article describes several popular BIOS releases.

A very common option that can be found on many modern computers. The main menu is divided into 2 parts: a list of categories and various actions, such as exit or save. You will be working on the left side.

You need to go to the section called “Integrated Peripherals”. There is no Russian-language version of the interface, so all commands are only in English. Use the Down arrow to highlight this item and press Enter.

Here you need to enable (Enabled) 4 options:

USB EHCI controller – main controller. If the motherboard has version 3.0 ports, this item will be divided into 2 parts: “Controller” and “Controller 2.0”;
USB Keyboard Support – support for keyboards;
USB Mouse Support– mouse support;
Legacy USB storage detect – works with external data storage: flash drives, disk drives, smartphones and digital cameras.

In some older versions there are only 2 items “USB controller” and “Legacy USB storage support”.

When you are done with the settings, press F10 to save changes made and restart your computer.

Phoenix AwardBIOS
Another popular version that can often be found on modern laptops. Doesn't have home page, like AMI, but with convenient thematic tabs at the top. You can move between sections using the left and right arrows, and between items using the up and down arrows.

Go to the "Advanced" section using the "Right" arrow. In it, find the “USB configuration” category. All items in this section must be set to “Enabled”. In some versions, the “USB configuration” category may be in the “Peripherals” tab and not in the “Advanced” tab.

To exit the menu, press F10 and confirm exit.

AMI BIOS for Asus
AMI version used on Asus laptops. Externally it is very similar to Phoenix - a similar bookmarks bar. USB Settings are located in the "Advanced" section. Go there, enable all options and exit using the F10 button.

Contrary to popular belief, UEFI is not part of the BIOS. It can rather be called a more advanced, but less popular competitor. There are a large number of different versions, each with their own interfaces. However, here the controls are similar to the usual Windows, so you can easily find the options you need.

Windows Settings
If at the BIOS level all ports and controllers are enabled, but the USB ports still do not work, there may be a problem in the settings of your Windows system.

First, try simply disconnecting and reconnecting the device. This will check if the drivers are correct. If there's something wrong with them, Windows will try to reinstall them.

If nothing happens when you reconnect, try enabling the controller in the Windows registry. To do this you need to do the following:

Call the “Run” dialog using Win + R (or through “Start”: in XP and 7 by left-clicking on it, and in 8 and 10 versions by right-clicking). enter regedit
and click OK.
Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services USBSTOR" Registry Editor
Double-click on the “Start” entry to open the editing window.
Change the value to "3". With any other parameter value, the USB ports will not work.

It is often necessary to limit the paths through which programs that are not intended for security at all, and even interfere with or harm the operation of the security system, get onto a computer with a security system.

These can be the most harmless games or the most malicious viruses. In any case, their presence is undesirable. The most common way to transfer viruses and games is to simply USB flash drive or any other USB drive. In order to limit the use of any USB drives and still be able to connect a management-approved USB storage device, use the following information:


  • Production operators computer (OC Windows7)
  • Management-approved USB flash drive for transferring data from industrial computers to operators' computers

Provide Connection only one management-approved USB flash drive, while prohibiting the connection of others, unapproved ones.
Solution progress:
You can completely disable the use of USB drives using the instructions, but in our case this method is not suitable, because one flash drive should still work. So we will do it differently:
So, step by step (of course, you need to have local administrator rights):

  1. Win+R(analogous to Start -> Run), regedit.
  2. . This key stores information about all USB drives ever connected.
  3. We give ourselves full access to USBSTOR(right mouse button -> Permissions, check the box Full access at the group ALL).
  4. Deleting all content USBSTOR.
  5. We connect the approved flash drive and make sure that it has been identified. Inside USBSTOR the type key should appear Disk&Ven_JetFlash&Prod_TS4GJF185&Rev_8.07 (F5 to refresh the list).
  6. Right click again USBSTOR, Permissions. We remove Full access at the group ALL, we reserve the right to read.
  7. The same rights must be assigned to the user SYSTEM, but this cannot be done directly. First you need to press the button Additionally, uncheck Inherit from parent object..., in the window that appears Safety say Copy. After pressing the button again "OK" user rights SYSTEM will become available for modification.
  8. To fix the effect, press the button Additionally again and mark the point Replace permissions for all child objects... Confirm execution.

What did we achieve in the end?
An approved flash drive connects and disconnects without problems. If an unauthorized person tries Windows connections will detect the device, but will not be able to install it, giving a connection error. Moreover, in USBSTOR it will be created new key, which will clearly indicate an attempt to connect an unapproved USB storage device.

Do you want to protect the data on your computer under Windows control 10 by blocking or disabling USB drives on your PC? In this guide we'll look at five simple ways Enable or disable USB drives in Windows 10.

Blocking USB drives in Windows 10 can be done in different ways. You can use the Registry, BIOS or third party utilities to enable or disable USB storage devices in Windows system 10.

Below are five ways to enable or disable USB drives in Windows 10.

Method 1 of 5

Enable or disable USB drives in Windows 10 using the registry

If you are comfortable making changes to Windows registry, you can enable or disable USB drives in Windows 10 by manually editing the registry. Here's how to do it.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor

Step 2: Continue to the next section:


Step 3: Now on the right side double click on the option "Start" and change its value to 4 to disable USB drives on your Windows 10 PC. Change the Start value to 3 to enable USB drives and storage devices on your PC.

Method 2 of 5

Enable or disable USB ports through Device Manager

Did you know that you can disable all USB ports using Device Manager? By disabling USB ports, you prevent users from using USB ports to connect USB drives to your computer.

When you disable USB ports, the USBs on your PC will not work and hence no one will be able to connect USB drives. You will need to re-enable the USB ports to connect devices via USB. Here's how to enable or disable USB ports using Device Manager.

Step 1: Right click on the button "Start" on the taskbar and select .

Step 2: Expand USB controllers. Right-click on all the entries one by one, and click "Disable device". Click "Yes" when you see a confirmation dialog.

Method 3 of 5

Use USB Drive Disabler to enable or disable USB drives

If you don't want to edit the registry manually, you can use free tool called USB Drive Disabler to quickly enable or disable USB storage devices on your PC. Simply download USB Disabler, launch it, and then select Enable USB Drives or Disable USB Drives to enable or disable USB drives on your PC.

Method 4 of 5

Disable or enable USB ports in BIOS

Some manufacturers offer an option in the BIOS/UEFI to disable or enable USB ports. Boot into BIOS/UEFI and check if there is an option to disable or enable USB ports. Check your PC's user manual to see if there is an option to enable or disable USB ports in the BIOS/UEFI.

Method 5 out of 5

Enabling or disabling USB storage devices USB Guard

Nomesoft USB Guard- one more free utility to block USB drives on computers running Windows 10 and earlier versions of Windows. You must use this program as an administrator to enable or disable USB storage devices.

Protection from USB recording disks - can be useful as additional option security.

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If the computer does not see Android via USB, then you will not be able to download photos, videos or music, install applications not from Play Market, flash the device. And this is very bad, because the functionality of the phone is not fully revealed due to some stupid error.

Someone might argue that you can flash a phone without a USB connection, but for transferring files there is Wi-Fi, instant messengers, cloud storage, and finally email. But I just can’t refuse a USB connection, I constantly carry the cable with me and consider it one of the most convenient ways data transfer.

Checking the cable and port

Before you go into your phone settings, install drivers and curse the day you bought this Android, check the cable and USB port. I was once very surprised that the computer stopped identifying the smartphone, which it had previously seen perfectly well. It turned out that the cat liked the cable and chewed it through. From this situation I drew two conclusions: the wires must be put away in a box and inspected before connecting. The cat did not draw any conclusions. If no kinks, bites, breaks or other mechanical damage are found on the wire, check the USB port. Try connecting to a different connector or inserting another device into the same port - for example, a mouse.

If Windows XP is installed on your computer, then urgently look for an opportunity to upgrade to at least “seven”. But first you can just install MTP protocol so that XP learns to work with Android. The trick is that when the first version of Android appeared, Microsoft released already Windows 7. Therefore, there is no MTP protocol in XP, and you have to install it separately. You can download MTP

If the computer detects any other device, but the phone categorically does not want to see it, then it’s time to shift the focus to Android settings and connection features. Yes, there is a possibility mechanical damage microUSB connector on the phone, but I haven’t encountered this yet. If you have something broken, you will most likely notice it.

Most often, the inability to establish a connection between a computer and a phone is due to software errors. If none of the methods listed below resolve the problem, contact service center- it seems that the smartphone really needs repair.

Android setup

I came across two situations. The first phone required not only obtaining developer rights and enabling USB debugging, but also installing phone drivers on the computer. In the settings of the second smartphone, I did not find any parameters responsible for connecting via USB. They are not needed: the phone is perfectly detected by the computer, after which it offers to select a connection mode.

So, if you connected your smartphone, but nothing happened:

  1. Open Android Settings.
  2. Go to the section "About the phone"(may be called “About device”).
  3. Find build number(models) and click on this item until a notification appears that you will soon become a developer. Usually n press 7-10 times.

After you become a developer, you will see new section - "Developer Options". Inside it you will find a switch "USB Debugging", which needs to be moved to position "On".

Now try connecting your phone to your computer again. When connecting, a mode selection window should appear on the smartphone screen. The default setting on older versions of Android is “Charge Only”. If the window does not appear, slide it out of the notification shade.

To transfer files, you need to select media device (MTP) or storage mode. Among the options there will also be a PTP mode, but it is only suitable for photos that can just as easily be moved to MTP.

After selection suitable mode a media device will appear in “Computer” on Windows, the contents of which you can work with. Depending on the features of phone models and Android versions internal memory and SD card can be displayed together or as separate drives. But this does not matter, the main thing is that they are displayed at all.

IN Android settings There are no other parameters responsible for connecting via USB, except for debugging. However, there are some peculiarities. For example, on Nexus smartphones you need to unlock a password-protected screen or graphic key to allow the computer to access the contents of memory.

Also, USB connection cannot be established if tethering mode is enabled on Android. To check its status and disable it if necessary:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. In the section "Network and Connections" click « Additional settings» or "More".
  3. Enter modem mode and disable WLAN access point. If it is disabled, you don't need to do anything else.

Some manufacturers offer users special programs to control smartphones on a computer, but you can establish a simple connection via USB without this software. Utilities from manufacturers are needed not for the banal transfer of photos, but for performing more complex tasks: updating phone software via a computer, flashing the device’s firmware, resetting settings.

The reason that the computer does not see Android via USB may be an incorrectly installed or simply crooked custom firmware. In addition, sometimes resetting the settings helps, but before you do it, do not forget to do backup copy data as they will be deleted. The problem may disappear even after a normal reboot of the smartphone - keep this in mind.

Checking Energy Saving Settings

Windows is trying to save energy so that the same laptops can last longer on battery power. One of the saving factors is automatic shutdown USB ports. Sometimes this results in external devices not connecting at all. To check these settings and troubleshoot any deficiencies:

I haven't measured how much it affects the duration battery life ban on automatic shutdown of ports, but there is no noticeable difference. But connection problems are eliminated external devices like Android phones.

Installing drivers

The first time you connect any Windows devices installs drivers for it. Often this process goes unnoticed and very quickly (as was the case with my second phone), so you may not even know that the smartphone software is on your computer. But it exists, which means it should work correctly.
  1. Connect your phone to your computer.
  2. Open device Manager. On Windows 10, the corresponding item is in context menu, called by right-clicking on “Start”. In more earlier versions Windows Manager can be found in Control panels in viewing mode "Icons".
  3. Check all USB controllers. If there is an exclamation mark next to one of them, this indicates that there are problems with the software.

To make sure that it is the phone that is marked in the Manager, turn off USB cable. If the problematic controller disappears, then you have found the source of the problem. A smartphone without drivers may also appear in other sections: for example, among other or portable devices.

So, you discovered that something strange is happening with your phone drivers. What to do next?

  1. Connect your phone so it appears in Device Manager.
  2. Select it and delete it.
  3. Update the hardware configuration so that the computer detects the phone again and begins installing drivers.

You don't have to remove the device, just update the driver. Right click on the phone, select tab "Driver" and press "Update". Another option is to install it first and then install it again without touching the device itself.

In the search box, select automatic detection. If you downloaded the phone driver from the official website, you can click "Search this computer" and indicate the path to the downloaded software file.

If you have chinese smartphone, then there may be another problem with it - the inability to find a suitable driver on the Internet. They are often posted on forums like, but if there is nothing, try installing universal driver. It's called Universal Adb Driver and is designed to provide proper operation Android Debug Bridge and PC synchronization utilities Android devices. Versatility is not always good, but chances are that in the case of Chinese phone you can easily access the contents of memory.

Troubleshooting error code 19

If, when you connect your phone, the computer displays a message about the inability to start the device due to incomplete or damaged settings, then you need to check system registry. But be careful: deleting the wrong entries can cause Windows to stop working.

After removing the setting, restart your computer and try connecting your phone again.

Alternative file transfer methods

If you were unable to resolve the USB connection problem and need to transfer files right away, use one of the alternative methods.
  • Sync your data via Google Drive. For normal Android work required account Google, so you definitely have access to cloud storage. You can transfer files through other services – DropBox, OneDrive. I use Yandex.Disk.
  • Transfer files via email, messengers or social networks. I often add small files to Documents on VKontakte, and then download them to my computer.
  • Install the AirDroid application on your phone and access the memory through a browser on your computer.

You can come up with other options. For example, create FTP server on your phone or configure remote connection via TeamViewer. So USB is not the only option. But if wired connection is not installed, it’s still worth looking at what the reason is and, if possible, eliminating it.

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The computer does not see Android via USB updated: February 7, 2018 by: Sergey

The reasons for problems due to which USB ports on a laptop do not work can be completely different - from hardware failure to “lost” motherboard drivers or the controllers themselves.

However, usually the user can cope with most problems on his own, without turning to specialists - if he knows how to do it.

If there are a lot of USB ports on the laptop (for example, 3 or 4), the problem may not be so critical, and its solution can be postponed.

But if there are only 2 connectors or there is a constant need to use connected devices - flash drives, and even printers - the issue should be resolved as soon as possible.

Moreover, some methods will take no more than a few minutes.

First Troubleshooting Steps

A message that appears on the screen about the USB ports stopping working or the laptop not responding to a drive installed in the corresponding slot may indicate.

Sometimes you can solve them with a simple reboot - there is a small chance that the fix will happen automatically.

Increase the likelihood of the positive effect of a reboot, which actually sometimes helps, You can do it in a not quite usual way:

1 Completely disconnect the laptop from the power supply (if it was, for example, charging);

2 Remove the battery and leave the laptop in this state for about 5 minutes;

3 Insert the battery back and turn on the device.

If there are no messages on the screen about idle ports does not appear, but the flash drive is still not readable or the peripheral device cannot be connected to the laptop, it is possible that the problem lies in this particular equipment.

The assumption is tested by connecting gadgets to other ports of the laptop - or to another computer.

Other USB devices

Another problematic situation with USB ports occurs when simultaneous connection a large number of external devices to the laptop.

For example, a user has already connected three gadgets ( , and ) to four ports, and then tries to install a flash drive as well.

Sometimes such a drive simply will not be detected by the system - and turning off 1-2 peripheral devices allows you to check the assumption.

Simultaneously connect a large number of USB devices and adapters to a laptop.

Most often, this situation occurs not when connecting peripherals directly to the laptop, but when using a “hub” (USB hub that increases the number of connections).

You can solve the problem by reducing the number of connected devices - or even better, by removing the hub and connecting all gadgets directly.

Incorrect BIOS configuration

You can find a list of ways to solve problems with USB ports.

Sometimes using this interface it is possible to enable system board self-switching controllers.

To activate, you need to perform several steps:

  • Reboot the system while pressing function keys to enter the BIOS (for some laptops this is F1 or F2, for others - Del or Esc).
  • Select the Advanced or Integrated Peripherals section.
  • Go to the USB Configuration menu item and change the parameter value in the USB Controller section (there may be several of them with different names) to Enabled.

BIOS interface settings.

After a reboot, the hardware configuration on the laptop will change, and USB ports that were not previously recognized by the system may appear to be working.

System Settings

A laptop running on battery power can automatically turn off some controllers to save energy - especially if it approaches critical values.

In this situation, first of all, you should connect the laptop to the network, and then change the power settings, by following these steps:

1 Open Device Manager.

2 Select the branch indicating serial bus controllers.

3 Find and open the USB root hub subkey.

4 Double-click the properties of the hub and go to the power settings.

If the problem was incorrect power consumption settings that caused the laptop to automatically turn off the ports, there will be a check mark here to allow the hub to turn off power.

By removing it, you can restore the functionality of the ports.

The steps are repeated for each hub if there are several of them on the laptop.

Prohibits the system from turning off USB ports to save energy.

Driver problem

The problem may be - and in most cases it is - in problems with USB drivers.

You can find the problem by going to Device Manager(via computer properties or by typing in mmc devmgmt.msc).

It is possible that one of the ports is marked in the list with a special icon - a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark, indicating that the equipment is not working properly.

You can try the problem solve in one of 2 ways:

  • Try updating the drivers (preferably an Internet connection) in the properties of the USB controller.
  • Remove the device marked with a yellow triangle from Dispatcher And restart laptop.

When using the second option, the system rebooted will try to install new software for discovered “new” equipment. Sometimes this will restore port operation.

For the first option, you may need to find out the ID number by which the corresponding driver is searched on the Internet - this identifier is located in the device properties on the details tab.

Determining USB port ID.

The problem, which is the motherboard drivers not working properly (this usually happens with outdated laptops released several years ago), is solved by downloading and installing the appropriate software.

To do this, the laptop user first needs to find out - for example, use the AIDA64 application, which is paid, but works without entering a key confirming payment for a certain trial period.

The name of the device will help you identify and msinfo32 command, entered in the “Run” form (called by the Win + R keys).

Determining the name of the motherboard.

You can try to find drivers for the corresponding board on the website of its manufacturer - or on the resource of the company that developed the chipset.

You should know: If you don’t have the time and experience to find and update drivers, you can use the utility. After installation on the laptop, it will independently check and update all the necessary software. The disadvantage of using this method is that if you do not choose manual setting updates, the application will automatically replace drivers for almost every part and even update some programs - this usually takes a few hours.

A utility for searching and updating control programs and other applications.

Incorrect operation of the operating system

Replacing this part returns the port (or several connectors at once) to its normal state.

In order to encounter such problems as rarely as possible, the user should not connect a large number of USB devices to the laptop - especially using special splitters (“hubs”).

It's also worth including automatic installation updates in the appropriate section of Windows - usually this allows the system to independently solve problems with drivers.

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