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Web application that supports a mobile version for Android. Android. Let's create an application using JQueryMobile. Beaver Oil Corporation

Figure 1. You can make your web content available to users in two ways: in a traditional web browser and in an Android application, by including a WebView in the layout.

Android offers a variety of ways to present content to a user. To provide a user experience that’s consistent with the rest of the platform, it’s usually best to build a native app that incorporates framework-provided experiences, such as Android App Links or Search . Additionally, you can use Google Play-based experiences, such as App Actions and Slices, where Google Play services is available. Some apps, however, may need increased control over the UI. In this case, a WebView is a good option for displaying trusted first-party content.

Figure 1 illustrates how you can provide access to your web pages from either a browser or your own Android app. The WebView framework allows you to specify viewport and style properties that make your web pages appear at the proper size and scale on all screen configurations for all major web browsers. You can even define an interface between your Android app and your web pages that allows JavaScript in the web pages to call upon APIs in your app-providing Android APIs to your web-based application.

However, you shouldn't develop an Android app simply as a means to view your website. Rather, the web pages you embed in your app should be designed especially for that environment.

Alternatives to WebView

Although WebView objects provide increased control over the UI, there are alternatives that may provide similar functionality with various advantages: they require less configuration, may load and perform faster, provide improved privacy protections, and can access the browser's cookies.

Consider using these alternatives to WebView if your app falls into the following use cases:

  • If you want to send users to a mobile site,

Despite the fact that mobile applications, like mobile websites, work on smartphones and tablets, they are different from each other. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is an open source Google initiative that leverages modern web experiences to provide users better experience than native apps or mobile sites. Because it is a relatively new framework, it is not yet supported by all browsers and does not support some of the features that make native apps so attractive to consumers: camera use, GPS, and a fingerprint scanner. This will certainly change if PWAs gain wider acceptance.

Today, the emergence of PWA represents the same breakthrough in the mobile web as the emergence of responsive web design five years ago. This new technology, which will inevitably evolve and change over the years as developers continually improve versions of it and brands increasingly turn to PWAs as part of their mobile strategies.

More about PWA

PWA has several benefits for users, one of them is faster browsing. They are instantly discovered in the browser without the need to download an app and can work anywhere, including in areas with low level Internet signal. They can be "saved" to the home screen, at least on Android devices, for easy access and a personalized interaction channel. They also provide quick re-access without having to open a browser and enter a web address.

Well-designed PWAs are up to four times faster than other mobile sites, helping to speed up the purchasing process as purchasing a product is just a few clicks away, keeping customers engaged.

There are other benefits for marketers, too. PWAs are predicted to have a big impact on conversion rates in mobile devices ah, and also reduce the high investment costs associated with developing your own applications.

PWAs look just like native apps and ultimately customers will prefer PWAs because they have more high speed, provide the same experience as native apps, and also allow you to use any mobile site offline.

PWAs also support browser push notifications, allowing marketers to send contextual and personalized messages in real time with a single click directly from the PWA.

Because PWAs are websites at their core, they are easier to update and don't require users to download and install an updated version of the app. Moreover, they can be easily found in search engines, - this means that the potential audience reach is millions of customers.

PWA tasks

However, along with the advantages, PWAs also have some disadvantages, and for some, these can be a deciding factor in their decision.

The key problem is that not all browsers currently support PWA. While newer versions Chrome browser, Opera and Android support PWA, IE, Edge, Safari and many custom browsers do not. Currently, PWAs do not support all the hardware components supported by traditional native apps, including cameras, GPS, and fingerprint scanners on mobile phones.

Another challenge is that traditionally app stores have been central repositories for apps, helping users find what they need and maintaining a certain level of legitimacy. However, PWAs do not require such stores, so marketers may have some difficulty promoting their PWAs and their legitimacy.

Finally, many third party applications, which require login, such as Facebook and Google, will continue to ask for a login and password, since PWAs cannot collect this data themselves.

The future of PWA

The popularity and functionality of PWAs is only gaining momentum; in the coming years they will become more popular and improve technologically. According to experts, a significant increase in the number of PWAs is expected, since companies such as Pinterest, Tinder, Uber and Starbucks have already launched PWAs with excellent results. The number of features supported by PWAs will also increase year by year. For marketers, a significant advantage will be the ease of collecting analytical data, because PWAs integrate perfectly with standard tools analytics from Google and Adobe.

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Sometimes there is a need to create a website, blog, or client application social network for Android or a simple calculation application. One way is to create a mini website inside our Android application.

Step 0. Getting to know the technology

In this tutorial, we use JQueryMobile as the engine to create our application. This will give us the opportunity to create the look and some functionality of our application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Such an application can be available in two modes: offline - when all files (pages) are inside the application or online - when we receive pages or data remotely. About technology and additional features You can read it on off. website:

Step 1. Statement of the problem

My favorite style is setting a task and then pursuing the goal. And so, let's say we need to create an application that will calculate kcal. for people, depending on the goal that a person has set for himself, his height, weight, age. This will be a regular offline application.

Step 2. Design and collection of information

For calculations we use the Harris-Benedict formula. It looks like this:

Calorie intake = BMR x Activity level, where


BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x weight, kg) + (4.8 x height, cm) – (5.7 x age, years)


BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x weight, kg) + (3.1 x height, cm) – (4.3 x age, years)

and activity level during the week:

Minimum level, calorie norm = 1.2
Low, calorie intake = 1.375
Average, calorie intake = 1.55
High, calorie intake = 1.725
Very high, calorie intake = 1.9

And also 2 conditions:

1. If a person wants to gain weight, then he needs “+ 20%”

2.If you need to lose weight, then “- 20%”

3. Lose weight quickly, then “- 40%”

Step 3. Draw the design

After thinking and moving the mouse to the sides, I managed to create an application template.

Throughout the lesson we will follow this template and try to implement it. And so, let's start programming directly :-)

Step 4: Create an app design

At this step we will create the design of our application. This step will be quite simple and exciting, since the construction of the application design and verification of correctness takes place directly in the browser.

Here's what I got:

And, of course, let’s describe the code that gave us this design:

Calorie calculation Calorie calculation

Enter your weight:
Enter age:
Enter height(cm):
Activity: None 1-3 per week 3-5 per week 6-7 per week Several times a day
Target: Maintain weight Gain weight Lose weight Lose weight quickly
Floor: Man Woman
The result will be here
  • About the program
  • Calculate
Calorie calculation Back

This is a mini program to calculate the daily calorie intake for a person

Description of the activity item

There are five types of physical activity: minimal (no physical activity), low (physical activity 1-3 times a week), medium (3-5 days a week), high (6-7 times a week), very high (exercise more often). than once a day).

Let's look at what's here and why.

– we indicate that we will use HTML5. This will make it possible to use more features of the framework.

– we indicate how to display and zoom our page. We also set the encoding to support Russian text.

One document can have several “pages” - ready-made views. We will have 2 of them. Basic and “About the program”.

... ...

– hat

– body, the main part where all the content will be

– footer. This is where we put our control buttons. Navigation panel.

I don’t give an explanation for the main block, since it contains regular HTML code. Where we describe the elements we want to see. For us, this is a plate with form elements inside. Each element contains a unique identifier. Needed to receive data. Let's move on to the footer.

– creating a navigation bar.

  • About the program
  • – each list element is one panel element. In which.

    href=’#info’ – id “page” inside the document, if we use “#”. When we click, we will see a “page” block with this id. Or we can refer to a completely different file or resource (URL).

    data-icon=’info’ – set the icon.

    And lastly, in this file, the second page block

    Back– a button in the header to return to the main page.

    And also our styles for pages.

    Result-block( text-align: center; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: green; )

    Step 5. Creating business logic

    At this step we will write a script that will receive our data, read it and return it to the page.

    Var MAN_COEFFICIENTS=( main: 88.36, weight: 13.4, height: 4.8, age: 5.7 ); var WOMAN_COEFFICIENTS=( main: 447.6, weight: 9.2, height: 3.1, age: 4.3 ); var INCREASE = 1.2; var DECREASE = 0.8; var QUICK_DECREASE = 0.4; var ACTIVITY_COEFF = function forMan(weight, height, age, active)( return (MAN_COEFFICIENTS.main + (MAN_COEFFICIENTS.weight * weight) + (MAN_COEFFICIENTS.height * height) + (MAN_COEFFICIENTS.age * age)) * ACTIVITY_COEFF; ) function forWoman(weight, height, age, active)( return (WOMAN_COEFFICIENTS.main + (WOMAN_COEFFICIENTS.weight * weight) + (WOMAN_COEFFICIENTS.height * height) + (WOMAN_COEFFICIENTS.age * age)) * ACTIVITY_COEFF; ) function getData())( var data=( weight: parseFloat(document.getElementById("weight").value), age: parseInt(document.getElementById("age").value), height: parseInt(document.getElementById("height").value ), active: parseInt(document.getElementById("active").value), target: parseInt(document.getElementById("target").value), sex: parseInt(document.getElementById("sex").value) ) ; return data; ) function calculateData())( var result; var data = getData(); switch ( case 1: result = forMan(data.weight, data.height, data.age, ; console.log(result); break; case 2: result = forWoman(data.weight, data.height, data.age,; ) switch ( case 1: return result; case 2: return result * INCREASE; case 3: return result * DECREASE; case 4: return result * QUICK_DECREASE; ) ) function showData())( document.getElementById(" result").innerHTML = calculateData(); )

    To make the script work, connect it to the document:

    And we add a function call when clicking on the “Calculate” button.

  • Calculate
  • After this, when you press the button, data will be calculated and information will be displayed.

    Step 6. Add a project to Android

    After we have prepared all the files, all that remains is to configure our project. An Android application can be built in any environment that is convenient for you. The first step will be to add our project files. They need to be placed in the assets folder. If the application is built in Eclipse or intelijIdea, then this directory is located in the root of the project. Add these files there. If the application structure is built in AndroidStudio using Gradle, then you need to create this directory along the path src/main/assets. I added the files to the www/ folder, which contains our pages.

    Now we pass to our component the path to the file that will be loaded by default when the application is opened. This all happens in the class that is created by the default environment. In it we change the behavior of the method that generates view:

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ( super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); WebView webView = (WebView) findViewById(; webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true ); webView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html");

    findViewById( – we get our container for displaying pages

    webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true) – enable JavaScript support

    webView.loadUrl(“file:///android_asset/www/index.html”) – load the page that is in our assets directory.

    Now, since our page contains connecting libraries from the site (remotely), we need to add Internet access privileges to our application. This is done in the AndroidManifest.xml manifest file in one line at the beginning:

    After that, all that remains is to send the application to the device. And you're done :-)

    If you want to make an offline application so that you do not need access to the Internet, then download the libraries from the site, place them in a folder and change the path on the page. Also, then there is no need to specify Internet access permissions.

    Step 7. Making the application offline

    So, we need to download the necessary libraries. The first, main jQuery library is located at: there, select the version and download it. We use this version: Download the compressed, production jQuery 2.1.0. Now we download jQueryMobile. Go to the official website: and download the archive with the files:

    There are many files inside the archive. We only need a few of them:, and icons from the images/ directory. I will place these files in the root of the /www folder. After that, it’s worth changing the page links to the files that we just downloaded:

    And also don’t forget to remove permission for Internet access from the manifest, we don’t need it now. In general, that's all.

    Now, you have a small working application for Android. The speed, however, is inferior to the native version of creation, but this can be corrected. With a small application for you :-) I hope everything was accessible and interesting)

    It turns out that in order to code normally for Android, knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript is enough. Of course, not just like that, but in combination with the services, a review of which we have prepared for you. Well, if you are familiar with PHP (Ruby, ASP.NET) firsthand, then after reading this article, you can safely offer your services for advanced mobile development :). INFO For owners of blogs, online stores and various sites that have ready-made mobile version, this material will help you quickly create an application (with almost zero cost of money and time) to improve your image and attract new visitors to your resource. Our testing In this article we will compare four platforms for creating applications. Each review is a description general impressions, problems found and interesting distinctive features in the process of turning HTML code into apk file using the current tool. For the purity of the experiment, we will create the same application using different services. The essence of our elementary application is as follows. Let's say there is a company called Beaver Fat Transcorporation. And the CEO wanted every person in the company to have an application installed: a mini-directory of numbers that can be used to reach other employees. Here's the code: /*Styles borrowed from Fries, a framework for creating interfaces mobile applications on HTML5*/ body ( /* Special fonts are often used for Android design: Roboto, Droid Sans and the like */ font-family: Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.67em; color: white; background-color: #111111; ) h1 ( /* It’s worth testing the layout for mobile applications in browsers based on the WebKit engine (for example, Safari) */ -webkit-box-sizing: border -box; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 7px 7px 5px; width: 100%; border-bottom: 4px solid #33B5E5; : bold; line-height: 18px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #FFFFFF; ) .itemname ( color: #CCCCCC; font-size: 15px; text-overflow: ellipsis: 8px;

    Bobromordov Evsey Sevyanovich (General Director)

    7(495) 728-89-80

    Bobromordova Karina Evseevna (financial director)

    7(495) 728-89-80

    Bobromordov Karen Evseevich (courier)

    7(495) 728-89-80 Is everything clear with the code? Great, now let's test it on different services. AppsGeyser AppsGeyser We go to the site. Let's register. Click the Create App button. Click on the icon in the form HTML tag. We get to the application creation page. We insert our code, come up with a name with a description, upload the file with the icon, and click Create App again. That's it, now you are an Android developer! Pros
    • You can make as many applications as you like and absolutely free.
    • The material for creating a project can be a lot of different sources (web page, YouTube channel, PDF document, RSS feed, photo gallery, audio file, etc.).
    • If you have ready-made material (a document, a link to a news feed, source code, and so on), the time spent on creating an application is measured in tens of seconds.
    • When you complete the creation of the application, in addition to the link to the apk file, a QR code appears on the screen (I made it and immediately installed it on my phone) and a button for publishing on Google Play.
    • The most striking advantage of AppsGeyser is the preview of the application (how it will look and work on the device). This feature is implemented here much more conveniently than its competitors. Only cooler Android SDK- camera, motion sensor and performance specific model You can’t test your phone on AppsGeyser.
    • Another interesting feature of the service is the test constructor (Quiz).
    • Preview ignores AJAX. Despite the fact that in a finished assembly this technology works great.
    Conclusion This service is my favorite. And I’m not alone in my opinion (the author is a woman?! Posons, everyone in the car! - Ed.). At the end of January 2014, 730 thousand applications were created in it (over the three years of the service’s existence). AppsGeyser is the quintessence of speed, simplicity and functionality. Practical information If, after reading this article, you decide to start creating an application or your main activity is related to website layout and programming, you need knowledge of the features of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for mobile devices. I recommend the book Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android. It's written in simple language(in the style of “for Dummies” manuals) and contains a lot practical information. The book can be roughly divided into three parts: the most detailed instructions for creating a full-fledged development environment on your computer (Android SDK + Cordova (PhoneGap) + Aptana + all sorts of things), a cook book on coding, equipped with explanations for beginners, and an excellent manual for debugging an application . And when, after mastering the theory, you start practicing, I advise you to familiarize yourself with Fries - an excellent solution for creating design Android applications on CSS. App Inventor App Inventor App Inventor was the first to see the light among services of this kind (in 2010, by Google Labs). Today it is supported and developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Pros
    • There is an excellent visual editor to create an application with an amazing variety of toolbars. By simply moving the mouse pointer, you can add to the application incredibly wide range elements: from a simple TextBox to a user location sensor!

    • Creating an application from our code here is more labor intensive. First you need to save the source with the html extension and upload it to the server. Then, in the workspace, drag the Web Viewer element onto the application field, in the settings of which specify the address of the page with our application. Now you can use the Build menu to get a finished assembly.
    • The main disadvantage of App Inventor is that the compiled application requires an Internet connection to work (unlike the one created in AppsGeyser).
    Conclusion The service is very good. It is extremely difficult to find fault with ergonomics, user friendliness and speed of operation. For a person who is far from programming, this is the best option. Remarkable projects of our compatriots Enterprising guys from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok launched the Russian version of AppsGeyser. Since February 2012, almost 20 thousand applications have been created using it. The functionality is much inferior to its bourgeois counterpart. The preview (the main feature of often behaves inappropriately. But this company has a wonderful Russian-language blog that is worth checking out. Yandex.Store Volozh's team strives to catch up and surpass Google in everything. In February 2013, we launched our app store. Notable for payment for purchases via SMS and checkout installation files Kaspersky antivirus. Contains more than 85 thousand applications. There is no moderation. In addition to the standard publication data entry form, it is possible to upload an AppDF file. The application appears in search 15 minutes after it is sent to the store. Judging by the number of downloads of top applications, the audience of store users is still extremely small. AppDF format The idea was implemented with the participation of Yandex developers. A file with the extension appDF (App Description File) is a compilation of an apk with information about the application (description, screenshots, developer contacts - just a few dozen parameters). Needed to save time when publishing to several markets. You can create an appDF on the project website. Unfortunately, only a few stores support it (CodeNgo, Opera Mobile Store, SlideME and Yandex.Store). Andromo Andromo Service from Indigo Rose Software. This company has been producing all sorts of goodies for developers since 1991. Among them are Setup Factory (for creating installers), TrueUpdate (for creating updaters) and a number of other popular products that you most likely have already used. The reputation of the “blue rose” is wow! And Andromo is another confirmation of what serious professionals work there. Pros
    • It is possible to create several workspaces, establish connections between them, allocate space for advertising blocks- only about a hundred various settings. The functionality is by eye, approximately 80% of what AppsGeyser has, and 90% of App Inventor. And a bunch of other personal tricks. And the whole enterprise works quickly, beautifully and well.

    Conclusion The overall impression is positive. At first, I even wanted to award him first place in this review, but the agonizing wait for a letter and the attempt to squeeze out money to create a second application upset me. appsbar appsbar This service is mentioned in the article for the benefit of those comrades who, in childhood, were hit on the head with a keyboard by a computer science teacher (while they were solving a quadratic equation in Pascal), which discouraged them from even looking at the program code. But their hidden resentment still drives them towards a total takeover of the galaxy. With the help of appsbar, you can realize your wildest fantasies, resulting in a cross-platform (!) application. Pros
    • Preview is not inferior to AppsGeyser in speed and quality of work.
    • A rich collection of design templates, combined with the ability to remake them beyond recognition.
    • The interface is completely permeated with creativity. For example, on the first page of the program creation section you need to select the application type from 38 options (this is done purely for fun, when you click on different icons you end up in the same place).

    Appsbar: it’s surprising that there is no Public Toilet icon :) Cons
    • There is nowhere to paste the code. We have to work with our hands.
    • There is a function for publishing applications, but appsbar is not yet aware that Android Market has long been known under the name Goggle Play.
    • The interface is slow in places and has an abundance of “original” solutions. You almost constantly think about the mysterious soul and extraordinary thinking of its creators.
    • Creation telephone directory the company from our code example is impossible using this service, but something similar can be done using built-in tools. Appbar is quite suitable for creating a business card application.
    Introducing our app to the world effective way to do this - publish your product on Google Play: $25, a few hours of waiting, and your application is available in search for an incredibly wide market audience! Don't forget to write a detailed description to promote low-frequency queries. It’s also worth drawing an intriguing and alluring icon so that the user cannot pass by the install button for your creation. At the time of writing, there are several dozen alternative Android application markets. But the vast majority are either intended for a Chinese audience or are dull, lifeless and not worth mentioning. Here is a list of links for those who are especially curious. If your application is in English, I strongly recommend not to pass it by Samsung Apps, SlideMe and GetJar. Forum For any application that is something useful and is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, publishing a review on this portal gives a very good marketing effect. Afterword At the moment, there are already millions of Android applications on planet Earth (judging by the statistics provided by markets and services for creating applications). The market is saturated with all sorts of low-quality and useless nonsense, which prevents the best of the best from making a name for themselves without resorting to expensive advertising campaigns. Using the services from this article, you can create a fairly serious project without unnecessary stress. Don't fill the markets with slag and may the Force be with you! And again about PhoneGap “Hacker” already wrote about the PhoneGap framework, which allows you to make applications from web pages with using Android SDK. For a person more or less familiar with programming, it is preferable because, in addition to the capabilities of standard HTML5 + CSS3 + JS, it has a wonderful API for working with an accelerometer, camera, GPS and other things. And in a good way, before publishing it’s a good idea to test the assembly on different performance and screen parameters. Adobe (the creators of PhoneGap) has an online platform for creating applications. For 10 bucks a month, you can create 25 projects (the functionality is almost the same as when using the framework in a classic development environment). Compilation is available for almost all platforms (including Android, Apple, Windows Phone and Windows 8).

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