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Tells you how to set up mail. IMAP protocol, Mail ru: setting up the mail program

The Bat– one of the most famous programs for working with email. It gained popularity many years ago due to its wide functionality and ease of use. You can receive Email using it from almost any service that supports SMTP, IMAP or POP3 protocols.

This is, for example, the popular resource on the Runet. Based on the data for connecting to it, we will consider creating a new account in the program. And let's look in detail at how mail is configured in the bat.

Setting up mail ru mail in the bat

And so let's start setting up mail in the bat. To connect a mailbox, you need to launch the program and select top menu"Box" section. After clicking on it, a list should open, from which we will be interested in the “New mailbox” item.
By clicking on it, a dialog box will open.

First of all, you need to come up with a name for the account (you can enter any name), but leave the Home directory as default. This is where your mail will be stored.

In the next window you need to enter a name postal address and organization. Click “Next” and proceed to the next step, where you will need to specify the details for connecting to the service.

They must be entered correctly:
— we specify the IMAP4 protocol (POP3 is also possible, but it has a number of disadvantages and requires other settings);
— “Server for receiving mail” –;
— “SMTP server address” –;
— in the “My SMTP server requires authentication” checkbox, put a tick.

Now click on “Next” to move to the next stage, where you will need to enter authorization data. Enter the address in the appropriate fields email(including the "@" symbol and domain name) and password for your email account.

At this point, setting up the bat box is almost complete. At the final step, the program will ask if the user wants to check other settings. We agree.

A window will open with general settings, where we will be interested in the “Transport” item. There will be a couple of drop-down menus in which you need to select “Secure connection special.” port (TSL)".

Next, in all settings windows, click on “OK”, after which the mail will be configured and ready for use. That's all, setting up the bat mailbox is complete, now you don't need to constantly go to the website and check your mail, you just need to launch TheBat.

If there’s something you don’t understand or you can’t set up your mailbox in thebat, here’s the link -

Using “The Bat” you will receive mail almost instantly. In this case, the program itself will notify you of new letters, and you will not have to look at your email client every time to find out about new correspondence, as you need to do in the case of the web version.

I continue a series of articles about the function of collecting mail to one main email box from any others located on any mail services. In the previous article we talked about setting up mail collection on the Yandex service, which is easy to do. And in this article I will talk about how to do the same in another, no less popular service today -, where many people still keep their main email box, despite the fact that, for example, GMail service has clear advantages (we'll talk about setting up mail collection in Gmail). But as they say, to each his own and sometimes it’s just a matter of habit :)

Setting up mail collection in the service is as easy as, for example, in Yandex. Literally a few simple steps and everything will be ready, mail will begin to flow from the mailboxes you connected to one on Mail.

The process of setting up mail collection in the service

First of all, log into your Mail account, where you will collect mail from others electronic mailboxes and open the “Letters” section (the mail is located there).

Now you need to go to your mail settings. To do this, click the “More” button at the top and select “Settings”.

You can also open settings by clicking on the right top corner to your email address and then selecting “Email Settings”.

Then go to the “Mail from other mailboxes” section.

The first window for connecting a second email box will open.

Let me remind you that the second email box from which you want to collect letters can be located on any service, not just Mail!

In the example for this article, we will consider connecting a mailbox located on the Yandex service.

In this window you need to specify the login and password for the mail you are connecting. If the mailbox you are connecting is on one of the services listed below, then click the corresponding button at the top, enter the full address of the mailbox below and click “Add mailbox”:

If the mailbox you want to connect is located on some other service (not from the list above), then click the “Other mail” button at the top, after which you need to enter the full address of the mail you want to connect, the password for it and click “Add mailbox”.

If you have not yet logged into your second email account in this browser, which you are connecting, then in the next window you will need to enter your login and password for it. Example:

After that, click “Allow” (you allow mail on to use some data from the connected second mail).

If everything went as expected, you will receive a message stating that the collector has been added. Now you need to choose which folder to collect mail in: in a specially created folder by the name of the mail you connected or in your inbox. It's up to you to decide, but, in my opinion, it is more convenient when mail collected from another mailbox goes into a separate folder. One way or another, this can then be configured by filtering letters.

The “Apply filters to received emails” option means that all the filters that you have already configured in your main mail on Mail will also apply to mail received from the connected mailbox. It's up to you to turn it off or not.

That's it, the mail collector is set up! Now, within a few minutes (sometimes the process takes longer if there are a lot of letters on the connected mailbox), mail from the second mailbox will begin to flow into your main mailbox.

In this way, you can connect as many mails as you like to collect.

How to separately see all letters from connected mail?

You can view letters separately if, when setting up mail collection in Mail, you specified that letters should be collected in a separate folder with the name of the connected mailbox. In this case, open this folder and see all the necessary letters. Example:

If you did not immediately set up the receipt of letters in a separate folder, you can set it up at any time by opening the created collector (more on this below).

Configuring the created mail collector, disabling and enabling it

Sometimes you may need to make changes to the settings of the email collector you created in Mail, as well as disable it or enable it again.

This can be done in the same place in the “Settings” - “Mail from other mailboxes” section, where you initially created your letter collector.

Here you will see the created faucet. If you need to disable it or enable it again, click on the corresponding switch. If you need to open the collector settings, click “Edit”.

And the same settings for the mail collector will open as at the stage of its creation (see).

To work with messages coming to your mail account, you can and should use a special software- mail clients. Such programs are installed on the user’s computer and allow them to receive, transmit and store messages. In this article we will look at how to set up an email client on Windows.

Email clients have a number of advantages over web interfaces. Firstly, the mail server does not depend in any way on the web server, which means that if one fails, you can always use another service. Secondly, using a mailer, you can work simultaneously with several accounts and with completely different mailboxes. This is quite a significant advantage, because collecting all mail in one place is quite convenient. And thirdly, you can always customize the appearance of the email client the way you want.

If you use special software, then consider detailed instructions by configuration of this service for working with email.

Now a new mailbox will appear in The Bat, and if you did everything correctly, you will be able to receive all messages using this program

Setting up the Mozilla Thunderbird client

You can also set up mail on an email client. Let's look at how to do this.

Now you can work with your mail using the Mozilla Thunderbird email client.

Setting up for a standard Windows client

We'll look at how to set up an email client on Windows using standard program "Mail", using the example version operating system 8.1. You can use these instructions for other versions of this OS.

This service can only be used with a regular account. You will not be able to configure your email client from an administrator account.

Wait for a message to appear indicating that the account was added successfully and the setup is complete.

This way you can work with mail using regular means Windows or additional software. This instruction suitable for everyone Windows versions, starting with Windows Vista. We hope we were able to help you.

If you want to receive mail using your email clients, enable POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To do this, go to the Settings of your Yandex mailbox, open the “Mail programs” section. Select the protocol you want to use by checking the box next to it. Save the result by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

Read more about the operation of the POP3 and IMAP protocols below.

Configuration via IMAP protocol

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not just download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

To configure mail client via IMAP protocol, provide the following information:

  • in section Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 993. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 143 and connect without SSL
  • in section

When setting up email programs as a login and password to access mail server you need to indicate your Yandex username and password. You must specify your full mailbox address as your login.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

Configuration via POP3 protocol

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from the folders that you specify in Mailbox Settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer into the “Inbox” folder, after which they can be sorted into folders, if necessary, using filters configured in the mail service itself. program.

Keep in mind that many email programs, by default, delete messages from the server when downloading. In this case, all messages in your mailbox will be moved to the “Deleted Items” folder, from where they will be deleted after a week. To save letters in the mailbox, you can set the option in the mail program settings to save copies of letters on the server when downloading, if your program allows this. It is impossible to make this adjustment from our side.

When setting up an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

  • in section Incoming mail (POP3) you need to specify the address of the mail server, install SSL protection and port 995. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL
  • in section Outgoing mail (SMTP) you must specify the server address, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server on ports 25 or 587

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. In case you are setting up access to a view box [email protected], the login is the first part of the address - login. If you use Yandex.Mail for domains, you need to specify the full mailbox address as your login.

Hello dear visitors of my blog. We continue to get acquainted with the service. In the previous article we discussed the topic of registering an account on, which you will find. And today, let's get acquainted with the settings of this mail, namely, we will try to answer the question "".

Many users are familiar with this service because it has been around for a long time. And many in this service have several mailboxes, which were created for various purposes.

Let's go to the page and go to the newly created mailbox. Now click on the “Configure” link and get to the mail settings page.

So the first section "Working with letters" in which you are asked to adjust the size of the list of letters displayed on the page of your mailbox. It is also possible to set up notification of new emails in Chrome browser, Empty the trash, move on to the next emails, and save contacts in your address book. All this is done quite easily, so we will not focus on this.

In the second section “Topics”, everything is also very simple. We are offered to change the design of the mailbox by installing a specific theme. Let's choose one topic and look at the result of the changes appearance mailbox. Here's what I got:

The next section is “Folders”, in which 5 folders are created by default (Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, Spam, Trash). But, you are free to create the number of folders you need; to do this, just click on the “Add Folder” button and enter a name for the new folder.

Next section "Filters and forwarding". In this section, there is only one button “Add filter”, click it. As a result, the Filter Creation Wizard window will open.

We create conditions, such as the subject of the message, size or sender, and so on, if they are met or not met, some action will need to be taken.

In the section "Free SMS notifications", you can set up free SMS notifications about new emails. Notifications can be set to only one mobile phone. This phone is used for notifications on all Mail.Ru services. By default, this settings section is disabled, but you can easily enable it and configure it by checking the boxes in certain lines.

Next section "Mail from other mailboxes" very important because it is responsible for collecting correspondence from your other mailboxes in various popular mail services. And since most users use several mailboxes, this function cannot be avoided. In order to set up the collection of correspondence from others postal services, you need to enter your login and password from your email on another service.

It is possible to use hot keys. For example, “Ctrl key” + “Left or right arrow” makes it possible to switch between letters when viewing them. The “Delete” key deletes the message being viewed to the Trash.

This concludes my general review of mail settings. Good luck!

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