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Connecting via SMB protocol Windows 10. How to open access to a computer over a network. Disabling SMB1 from Control Panel

This fall, Microsoft plans to completely disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10.

The first version of the SMB network protocol was developed by Microsoft a couple of decades ago. The company is clearly aware that the days of this technology have long been numbered.

However, this change will only affect new Windows installations 10. If you simply update to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the log will still remain on the system.

In the Windows 10 Insider Preview build 16226, SMBv1 is already completely disabled. In the Home and Pro versions, the server component is removed by default, but the SMB1 client still remains on the system. This means that you can connect to devices over SMB1, but no one can connect to your machine over it. In Enterprise and Education versions, SMB1 is completely disabled.

Microsoft's Ned Pyle explained that the main reason for this decision was to improve security:

“This is the main, but not the only reason. The old protocol has been replaced by the more functional SMB2, which provides more advanced capabilities. Version 2.02 comes with Windows Server 2008 and is the minimum recommended version of SMB. To get maximum security and functionality, you should use SMB version 3.1.1. SMB 1 has long been obsolete.”

Although SMBv1 will still remain on devices updated to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, it can be disabled manually.

How to disable SMB1 in Windows 10

  1. Type in the search menu Start Control Panel and go to Programs and Features.
  2. In the left menu, select the option “Enable and disable Windows components”.
  3. Uncheck the box next to the object “ Support public access to SMB 1.0/CIFS files”.

or using PowerShell:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu, select the option Windows PowerShell(administrator)
  2. Run the command Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol


This article describes the procedures for enabling and disabling Server Message Block (SMB) version 1, SMB version 2 (SMBv2), and SMB version 3 (SMBv3) on SMB client and server components.

Warning. It is not recommended to disable SMB version 2 or 3. Disabling SMB version 2 or 3 should only be used as a temporary troubleshooting measure. Do not leave SMB version 2 or 3 disabled.

On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, disabling SMB version 2 will disable the following: functionality.

  • Request Combination, which allows multiple SMB 2 requests to be sent as a single network request.

  • High volumes of read and write operations allowing optimal use of fast networks.

  • Caching properties of files and folders in which clients save local copies of files and folders.

  • Long-lasting handles that allow you to transparently restore connection to the server in the event of a temporary outage.

  • Improved message signatures, where the HMAC SHA-256 hashing algorithm replaces MD5.

  • Improved scaling for file sharing (significantly increased number of users, shared resources And open files to the server).

  • Support for symbolic links.

  • A soft locking client lease model that limits the amount of data transferred between the client and server, improving the performance of high-latency networks and increasing SMB server scalability.

  • Large MTU support for full use of 10 Gigabit Ethernet.

  • Reduced power consumption—Clients that have files open to the server may be in sleep mode.

On Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012and Windows Server 2016, disabling SMB version 3 will disable the following functionality (as well as the SMB version 2 functionality described in the previous list).

  • Transparent failover where clients fail over to cluster nodes during maintenance or failure without disrupting service.

  • Scaling - providing parallel access to shared data on all cluster nodes.

  • Multichannel enables bandwidth aggregation network channel and network resiliency across the various channels available between the client and server.

  • SMB Direct - provides support for RDMA networks to provide very high performance, low latency and low CPU utilization.

  • Encryption - provides end-to-end encryption of data and protects it from interception on untrusted networks.

  • Directory rentals reduce application response times in branch offices through caching.

  • Optimizing the performance of random reads and writes of small amounts of data.

Additional information

How to enable and disable SMB protocols on an SMB server

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 introduce a new Windows PowerShell cmdlet, Set-SMBServerConfiguration. It allows you to enable or disable SMB protocol versions 1, 2, and 3 on the server.
Notes. When you enable or disable SMB version 2 in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, you also enable or disable SMB version 3. This is due to the use of a common stack for these protocols.
After running the cmdlet

  • To get the current status of the SMB server protocol configuration, run the following cmdlet:

    Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true

  • Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $true

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

To enable or disable SMB protocols on an SMB server running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, use Windows PowerShell or Registry Editor.

Windows PowerShell 2.0 or later PowerShell

  • To disable SMB version 1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force

  • To disable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force

  • To enable SMB version 1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

  • To enable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB2 -Type DWORD -Value 1 -Force

Note: After making these changes, you must restart your computer.

Registry Editor

Attention ! This article contains information about modifying the registry. It is recommended that you create a backup copy of the registry before making changes. and learn the procedure for restoring it in case a problem arises. More information about the creation backup copy To repair or modify the registry, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article.To enable or disable SMB version 1 on an SMB server, configure the following registry key:

Registry Subkey: Registry Entry: SMB1
REG_DWORD: 0 = disabled
REG_DWORD: 1 = enabled
Default: 1 = enabled

To enable or disable SMB version 2 on an SMB server, configure the following registry key:

Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControl Set\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters Registry Entry: SMB2
REG_DWORD: 0 = disabled
REG_DWORD: 1 = enabled
Default: 1 = enabled

sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi

sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start= disabled

  • To enable SMB version 1 on the SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start=auto

  • To disable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on the SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
    sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start= disabled

  • To enable SMB version 2 and 3 protocols on the SMB client, run the following commands:

    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb10/mrxsmb20/nsi
    sc.exe config mrxsmb20 start=auto


  • These commands should be entered in command line with elevated privileges.

  • After making these changes, you must restart your computer.

One way to access files located on networked computers from the STB is through the SMB sharing protocol, which is a standard Microsoft Windows protocol that provides the functionality "Networks Microsoft Windows» and “File and Printer Sharing”.
Samba - free implementation of the SMB protocol for UNIX-like and other operating systems.

The use of SMB / Samba protocols allows access from STB (running Linux OS) to folders and files located on network computers (running Linux OS, Windows, etc.). Thus, STB users have the opportunity to play media files (video, audio, images) on the STB, which are located on network computers running one of the types of OS that supports the SMB protocol.

Protocol SMB/Samba is an application protocol (in terms of the OSI network model). The TCP/IP transport protocol is used for data exchange.
The SMB / Samba protocol uses a client-server architecture: a PC acts as a server, on which certain network resources (folders) with media files are located, and a STB acts as a client, from which media files are played.

Network resources (in the form of shortcuts) are displayed in the STB, in the menu, in accordance with the standard LAN network architecture of Windows OS: Network / Workgroup / Computer / Folder.

By default, access to computer resources is blocked by settings on the computer side. If it is necessary to gain access to a specific network folder, the computer user opens access to this folder. To control access to folders, use the procedureWindows OS" File sharing".

There are two types of network access to folders (the type of access is determined on the server side):

  • by password- to access a network folder from the STB side, use the procedure Authorizations(you must enter a name (login) specific user computer and its password;
  • without password - access to the network folder is open for all users, without having to enter a password.

Detection of shared network resources on the STB side occurs automatically (unless it is prohibited on the computer side or except in cases related to incorrect network operation). A connection to a network folder is established when the STB user opens network folder. If a folder is accessed using a password, the user is prompted to specify login And password.

It is also possible to manually connect network folders (if they were not detected automatically). Configuring and accessing network resources using the protocol SMB/ Samba on STB it is carried out in the menu Home media .

Below is an example of how to connect a network folder on a Windows 10 PC to play media files from STB.

Parameters used in the example

Computer (file server):

  • operating system - Windows 10 64-bit;
  • Computer name – My_ computer;
  • Working group – WORKGROUP (the name of the “default” workgroup in the OS “Windows»);
  • IPPC address:
  • Network resource to which access is opened (folder with media files) - folder Video_ E1.
  • Username - Usr.

  • IPaddressSTB:

Setting up a connection on the PC side

Checking the availability of the network connection between the PC and STB

Before setting up the connection, make sure that the network connection between the PC and STB is available - send ICMP Echo Requests ( PING) from PC to STB.

Examination enabling the SMB protocol

  1. Open Control Panel⇒ All control panel elements Programs and components.
  2. In the left panel select the item Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. Make sure the option is enabled SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing support.

Configure sharing settings for different Windows profiles

1. Open Control Panel⇒ All control panel elements Network and Sharing Center .

2. In the left panel, select the item Change advanced sharing options .

2. Configure sharing settings for three profiles (" Private", "Guest or public" And "All networks"):


Guest or public

All networks

Opening access to a folder on the PC side

1. Share the folder Video_E1: Properties Access⇒ Sharing.
2. In the window that opens File sharing select and add users to access the folder:

2.1 To organize access to a folder using a password (the PC user password is used), select and add required users(in the example, access for the current user is considered Usr). In this case, when you try to open a folder from the STB, you will be prompted for a login (computer user name) and password (computer user password).

Please note. Must be used specific value password account user. The absence of a password (empty password) will make it impossible to access the folder!

2.2 If you need to provide access to the folder to all network users, select a user in the list "All"(if such an item is not in the list, select and add).

The figure below shows an option for setting up passwordless access to a folder Video_E1(for all network users).

Automatic connection to a network folder from the STB side

  1. In the Built-in portal, go to Main windowHomeMediaNetwork Neighborhood ( Network ) WORKGROUP

2. In a folder WORKGROUP network computers in the workgroup are displayed.
Open the shortcut to the desired network computer - My_ Computer(in section My_ Computer folders of the network computer with the same name are displayed, for which access is open).

3. To make sure that automatic detection network resource has taken place and to check the protocol type, you need to select the folder and use the “i” (INFO) button on the remote control:

4. Open folder Video_E1. Inside the folder, follow the path where the media file you want to play is located.

5. If password access is set for a folder, or for some reason STB cannot “mount” the folder (that is, gain access to it - see section), then when you try to open this folder a window opens Network connection.

6. Launch the media file.

Forced connection to a network folder from the STB side

For cases where automatic connection is not established, there is a manual setting access to a network folder:
  • Open in the Built-in portal Main windowHomeMediaNetwork environment
  • Call window Operations (Operations) - button Menu on the remote control.
  • Click Connect NFS/SMB ( Connect NFS/SMB) .
  • In the window Connecting a network folder (Connect network folder) enter connection parameters:
    • Server address (Server Address) – IP address of the PC (file server) on which the required network folder is located;
    • Folder on the server (Server folder) – name of the folder (directory) on the PC for which shared access is set;
    • Local folder (Local folder) – folder name on STB (by default, the same as the folder name on the server);
    • Connection type (Connection type) – SMB.
    • Login (Login) – access login - entered if password access is used for the folder. Entered value with matches the PC username;
    • Password (Password) – folder access password - entered if password access is used for the folder.
      Note. If the folder uses passwordless access, the fields Login And Password must be empty!

Disabling a network folder, changing connection settings on STB

To force a specific network folder to be disabled, use the command for that folder Disable NFS/SMB.

If you need to make changes to the connection settings of a specific folder (for example, when changing access parameters for a folder on the PC side), use the command for this folder Edit share.

Mounting a folder

Establishing a connection to a specific folder, described in subsections and , is accompanied by automatic mounting of the folder on the STB. If a certain folder is "mounted" on the STB, its shortcut appears on upper level menu Home media.

The user can also mount the required folder manually (this also leads to folder connection), the command is used for this purpose Mount share.

To "unmount" a folder in the STB (this also leads to disconnecting the folder from the STB), use the command Unmount share.

  • Check on your computer.
  • Check on your computer.
  • Reboot the STB and PC and try connecting again.
  • 2. If, when opening a network folder on the STB, you are prompted to perform authorization, but password access has not been assigned to the folder:

      • On network computer check that the folder properties are set to allow user access "All";

    3. If, when opening a folder on STB, you are prompted to perform authorization (enter login, password), but the password value is not specified (empty password):

      • Set a specific value for the computer user password;
      • If access is not restored, reboot STB.

    4. If the file does not open:

      • check if the file is played locally on the PC;
      • try to launch other files from the STB from the same network folder, from other network folders;
      • try to play a file of a different format (it is advisable to check a file that was previously played on the STB, for example, from a USB drive). Maybe, this format file is not supported by the STB player.

    In connection with the recent outbreak of the WannaCry ransomware, which exploits the SMB v1 vulnerability, advice on disabling this protocol has again appeared on the network. Moreover, Microsoft strongly recommended disabling the first version of SMB back in September 2016. But such a disconnection can lead to unexpected consequences, even funny things: I personally came across a company where, after fighting with SMB, they stopped playing wireless speakers Sonos.

    Especially to minimize the likelihood of being “shot in the foot,” I want to remind you of the features of SMB and consider in detail the consequences of ill-considered disabling its older versions.

    SMB(Server Message Block) – network protocol for remote access to files and printers. This is what is used when connecting resources via \servername\sharename. The protocol originally ran on top of NetBIOS, using UDP ports 137, 138 and TCP 137, 139. Windows release 2000 began to work directly using TCP port 445. SMB is also used to log into Active domain Directory and work in it.

    In addition to remote access to resources, the protocol is also used for interprocessor communication through “named streams” - named pipes. The process is accessed along the path \.\pipe\name.

    The first version of the protocol, also known as CIFS (Common Internet File System), was created back in the 1980s, but the second version appeared only with Windows Vista, in 2006. The third version of the protocol was released with Windows 8. The protocol was created in parallel with Microsoft and was updated in its open Samba implementation.

    In each new version Various improvements were added to the protocol aimed at increasing performance, security and support for new functions. But at the same time, support for old protocols remained for compatibility. Of course, there were and are quite a few vulnerabilities in older versions, one of which is exploited by WannaCry.

    Under the spoiler you will find a summary table of changes in SMB versions.

    Version operating system Added compared to the previous version
    SMB 2.0 Windows Vista/2008 The number of protocol commands has changed from 100+ to 19
    Possibility of “conveyor” work – sending additional requests before receiving a response to the previous one
    Symbolic link support
    Signing HMAC messages with SHA256 instead of MD5
    Increase in cache and write/read blocks
    SMB 2.1 Windows 7/2008R2 Improved performance
    Support greater value MTU
    Support for the BranchCache service - a mechanism that caches requests to the global network in local network
    SMB 3.0 Windows 8/2012 Possibility to build a transparent failover cluster with load distribution
    Support for direct memory access (RDMA)
    Manage via Powershell cmdlets
    VSS support
    AES–CMAC signature
    AES–CCM encryption
    Ability to use network folders for storage virtual machines HyperV
    Ability to use network folders for storage Microsoft databases SQL
    SMB 3.02 Windows 8.1/2012R2 Security and performance improvements
    Automatic balancing in a cluster
    SMB 3.1.1 Windows 10/2016 AES–GCM encryption support
    Integrity check before authentication using SHA512 hash
    Mandatory secure “negotiations” when working with SMB 2.x clients and higher

    We consider conditionally victims

    It’s quite easy to view the currently used protocol version; we use the cmdlet for this Get-SmbConnection:

    Cmdlet output when open network resources on servers with different version Windows.

    The output shows that a client that supports all versions of the protocol uses the maximum possible version supported by the server to connect. Of course, if the client only supports old version protocol, but on the server it will be disabled - the connection will not be established. Enable or disable support for older versions in modern systems Windows can be done using the cmdlet Set–SmbServerConfiguration, and see the state like this:

    Get–SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol

    Disable SMBv1 on a server running Windows 2012 R2.

    Result when connecting with Windows 2003.

    Thus, if you disable the old, vulnerable protocol, you can lose the functionality of the network with old clients. Moreover, in addition to Windows XP and 2003, SMB v1 is also used in a number of software and hardware solutions (for example, NAS on GNU\Linux using an old version of samba).

    Below the spoiler, I will provide a list of manufacturers and products that will completely or partially stop working if SMB v1 is disabled.

    Manufacturer Product Comment
    Barracuda SSL VPN
    Web Security Gateway backups
    Canon Scan to a network resource
    Cisco WSA/WSAv
    WAAS Versions 5.0 and older
    F5 RDP client gateway
    Microsoft Exchange Proxy
    Forcepoint (Raytheon) "Some Products"
    HPE ArcSight Legacy Unified Connector Old versions
    IBM NetServer Version V7R2 and older
    QRadar Vulnerability Manager Versions 7.2.x and older
    Lexmark Firmware eSF 2.x and eSF 3.x
    Linux Kernel CIFS Client From 2.5.42 to 3.5.x
    McAfee Web Gateway
    Microsoft Windows XP/2003 and older
    MYOB Accountants
    NetApp ONTAP Versions up to 9.1
    NetGear ReadyNAS
    Oracle Solaris 11.3 and older
    Pulse Secure PCS 8.1R9/8.2R4 and older
    P.P.S. 5.1R9/5.3R4 and older
    QNAP All storage devices Firmware older than 4.1
    RedHat RHEL Versions up to 7.2
    Ricoh MFP, scanning to network resource In addition to a number of models
    RSA Authentication Manager Server
    Samba Samba Over 3.5
    Sonos Wireless speakers
    Sophos Sophos UTM
    Sophos XG firewall
    Sophos Web Appliance
    SUSE SLES 11 and older
    Synology Diskstation Manager Control only
    Thomson Reuters CS Professional Suite
    Tintri Tintri OS, Tintri Global Center
    VMware Vcenter
    ESXi Older than 6.0
    Worldox GX3 DMS
    Xerox MFP, scanning to network resource Firmware without ConnectKey Firmware

    The list is taken from the Microsoft website, where it is regularly updated.

    The list of products that use the old version of the protocol is quite large - before disabling SMB v1, you should definitely think about the consequences.

    Still turning it off

    If there are no programs and devices using SMB v1 on the network, then, of course, it is better to disable the old protocol. Moreover, if shutdown on SMB Windows server 8/2012 is done using the Powershell cmdlet, then for Windows 7/2008 you will need to edit the registry. This can also be done with Powershell help:

    Set–ItemProperty –Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 –Type DWORD –Value 0 –Force

    Or any other in a convenient way. However, a reboot will be required to apply the changes.

    To disable SMB v1 support on the client, just stop the service responsible for its operation and fix the dependencies of the lanmanworkstation service. This can be done with the following commands:

    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start=disabled

    To conveniently disable the protocol throughout the network, it is convenient to use group policies, in particular Group Policy Preferences. Using them you can conveniently work with the registry.

    Creating a registry element through group policies.

    To disable the protocol on the server, just create the following parameter:

      path: HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters;

      new parameter: REG_DWORD with the name SMB1;

    • value: 0.

    Create a registry setting to disable SMB v1 on the server via Group Policy.

    To disable SMB v1 support on clients, you will need to change the value of two parameters.

    First, disable the SMB v1 protocol service:

      path: HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\mrxsmb10;

      parameter: REG_DWORD with the name Start;

    • value: 4.

    We update one of the parameters.

    Then we will correct the dependency of the LanmanWorkstation service so that it does not depend on SMB v1:

      path: HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation;

      parameter: REG_MULTI_SZ with name DependOnService;

    • value: three lines – Bowser, MRxSmb20 and NSI.

    And we replace it with another one.

    After use group policy you need to restart your organization's computers. After a reboot, SMB v1 will no longer be used.

    It works - don't touch it

    Oddly enough, this old commandment is not always useful - ransomware and Trojans can appear in rarely updated infrastructure. However, careless shutdown and update of services can paralyze the work of an organization, just like viruses.

    Tell me, have you already disabled the first version of SMB? Were there many casualties?

    Hello! For those who are not in the know, I’ll start from afar. On computers and laptops with installed Windows there is in explorer separate tab"Net". This tab displays devices from the network environment. That is, by opening the “Network” tab we can see computers, network storage (NAS), multimedia devices (DLNA), flash drives and external drives, which are connected to the router and to which public access is configured. Simply put, those devices that are connected through one router (located on the same network) and on which the function is enabled network discovery (devices that can be discovered on the local network). Our router may also be displayed there (section "Network infrastructure") and other devices.

    Now I’ll explain what and how, and why I decided to write this article. I have an ASUS router to which I connected USB flash drive, and configured shared access to this flash drive for all devices on the network. And what do you think, this network drive appeared in the “Network” section on all computers (it is displayed there as "Computer"), but it didn’t show up on my computer. That is, my computer did not see the flash drive connected to the router, nor other computers on this network. But the DLNA server was displayed running on the same router. But this does not change anything, since I need the usual network access to the drive.

    Also, I could not access the flash drive when I typed its address // in Explorer. This address was immediately opened through a browser. And I was unable to connect this drive as network drive. It simply was not in the list of available devices in the network environment.

    Such a problem when Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 does not see network devices is not uncommon. It doesn't have to be a flash drive, or external HDD, which you connected to your router, as in my case. Most often, shared access is configured between computers on a local network. And they face the same problem when computers are connected to the same network (to one router), the sharing settings are set correctly, but the "Network" tab is empty. Or only the router and your computer are displayed.

    Since there can be many reasons and, accordingly, solutions, I’ll probably start with the simplest ones (which didn't help me) and at the end of this article I will share the solution that helped in my case. As a result, my laptop still saw all the devices on the network. Including a network storage device and another computer that is also connected to this network.

    But this does not mean that you have the same case. Therefore, I advise you to check all the settings in order.

    Checking sharing settings

    We will consider two cases:

    1. When computers do not see each other on the local network.
    2. Sharing access to a network storage device. This could be a flash drive, or hard drive which is connected to the router, or a separate drive (aka NAS).

    First case

    For computers to be able to see each other and appear in the Network section in Explorer, they must be connected through the same router. Or connected directly (cable or via Wi-Fi). Simply put, they must be on the same local network.

    Next, on all computers (I don’t know how many of them you have there), it is advisable to assign the network status to “Home” (private). I wrote in the article how to do this in Windows 10. In Windows 7, just go to the Network and Sharing Center and change the status of the current connection there.

    If after this the computer still does not detect other computers (or vice versa), then let's also check the sharing settings.

    To do this, in the “Network and Sharing Center” window (if you don’t know how to open it in Windows 10, then see the article), click on the “Change advanced sharing settings” item.

    And for the current profile (usually “Private”) we set the parameters as in the screenshot below.

    Let's do it on all computers on the local network.

    Articles on this topic:

    As a rule, these tips solve all problems with detecting computers on a local network.

    Second case

    When you have problems accessing your network storage. As in my case. I haven't seen Windows 10 USB drive, which was connected to the ASUS router. Now many routers have a USB port for connecting drives and other devices, so the topic is relevant.

    You need to make sure that this drive is defined in the router settings and that sharing is enabled. It is clear that this is done differently on different routers. On ASUS routers, for example, it looks like this:

    Related articles:

    Do not confuse sharing settings with FTP settings. FTP server settings on the router in in this case nothing to do with it.

    Well, if other devices see the network storage and have access to it, but on a particular computer there is no access to it, then the problem is not on the router’s side. Go through the settings of the “problem” PC using this article.

    An antivirus or firewall may be blocking network devices

    If your antivirus, or firewall (firewall) that is installed on your computer does not like something, then it can easily make it so that neither you can see other devices in the network environment, nor can anyone detect you.

    True, after disabling the firewall built into my antivirus, the problem was not solved (which means the problem is most likely not there), but it still seems to me that in my case it could not have happened without the participation of the antivirus.

    Therefore, try to completely stop the antivirus for a while, or at least disable the firewall built into it (firewall). In NOD 32 this is done like this:

    To check this you need to do on all computers, which will participate in the local network.

    It is quite possible that you have some other programs installed that can monitor the network and manage network connections.

    If it turns out that the problem is in the antivirus, then you need to add your network to the exceptions. Prevent the firewall from blocking the network itself or network devices.

    If you don’t have an antivirus, you can experiment with disabling/enabling the firewall built into Windows.

    Working group

    The workgroup must be the same on all devices. As a rule, this is true. But it is advisable to check. To do this, open the computer properties "System" and go to " Additional options systems".

    "Working Group" will be indicated there. To change it, you need to click on the "Change" button.

    Once again: the workgroup name must be the same on all computers.

    If you have a problem accessing your network storage (to a flash drive via a router), then in the sharing settings on the same ASUS router it is also indicated working group. You can look at the screenshot above in the article. It should be the same as on the computer.

    Problem accessing a shared network folder via SMB1 in Windows 10 (my solution)

    Let's return specifically to my problem. Everything I described above has been checked and rechecked 10 times already. I did it a couple of times, but Windows 10 never saw other computers on the network and, most importantly, the shared folder in the form of a flash drive connected to the router never appeared in Explorer. And on other devices on the network everything was detected without problems. Including my laptop.

    I read somewhere that you can try opening a shared folder through the Run window. Pressed the Win + R key combination and entered the network folder address // (aka router address).

    I did not gain access to the drive, but an interesting error appeared:

    You cannot connect to the shared folder because it is not secure. This shared folder runs on the legacy SMB1 protocol, which is insecure and may expose your system to attack.

    Your system needs to use SMB2 or later.

    This is already interesting. At least something.

    SMB (Server Message Block) is a network protocol that is responsible for sharing access to files, printers and other network devices.

    I started looking. And it turns out that Windows 10 abandoned the SMB1 protocol. Because of safety. And the Samba software package installed on my router seems to work using the SMB1 protocol. That's why Windows 10 doesn't see it. But other computers that also run Windows 10 were also not displayed on the “Network” tab.

    Since I couldn’t update the protocol for SMB2 in the router settings, I decided that I needed to somehow enable SMB1 support in Windows 10. And as it turned out, this can be done without any problems. As a result, after connecting the “SMB Client 1.0/CIFS” component, everything worked for me. The system saw shared folders on computers on the network and a network folder configured on the router itself.

    How to enable SMB1 in Windows 10?

    Through the search, find and open the old “Control Panel”.

    Switch to Small Icons and open Programs and Features.

    Open "Turn Windows features on or off". Find the item “Support for SMB 1.0/CIFS file sharing”. Open it and check the box next to "SMB Client 1.0/CIFS". Click Ok.

    If your computer prompts you to restart, restart it. If there is no prompt window, reboot manually.

    After the reboot, all available devices on your network should appear on the “Network” – “Computer” tab.

    I will be glad if this article is useful to someone and helps solve the problem that has arisen. Don't forget to write in the comments about the results. Or ask the question, where would we be without them :)

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