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Mozilla Firefox Error: Your connection is not secure. What to do if Chrome says: “Your connection is not secure

When Firefox requests web pages over the secure HTTPS network protocol, it first requests a security certificate from the site. And then it analyzes it for compliance with all established security requirements: validity period, registration, verification (whether it is a fake). If the secure connection is successfully verified in Mozilla, the web page in the tab is loaded. But if the web browser detects or suspects something wrong with the connection, it blocks access and warns the user about a problem with the connection.

So how do you fix your Firefox connection if it's not secure? Let's take a closer look various options solutions to this problem.

An error has appeared - what to do (first steps)

If a notification appears about an unsecured connection (FF “writes” an error), do not rush to change browser options, disconnect/connect the Internet and perform any other drastic actions.

  1. Notify site owners that access is not possible due to errors in the HTTPS certificate.
  2. If a connection problem is observed on your website, you will ask the service center where the certificate was registered to clarify the situation.
  3. Wait a moment. Perhaps the error will go away. Refresh the page, restart Firefox.
  4. If the site is unfamiliar, try to find its analogue on the Internet in accordance with your tasks (information, purchases, provision of services).
  5. If you plan to transmit through a “problematic” web resource confidential information, carry out monetary transactions, abandon this idea completely until the problem is successfully resolved.
  6. You can ignore the warning: using the “Advanced” option you can still go to a blocked website. However, this approach comes with risks. The PC system may be attacked by a virus, your credentials, payment details, etc. may be stolen. Using it is highly not recommended.

Common mistakes and their solutions

To find out the cause of the problem, click “Advanced” on the notification tab. Next, act depending on what error code the browser reports.

Date mismatch

Errors SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_ISSUER_... (... will not be valid until...), SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_... (... expired) may occur due to the fact that the time and date are incorrectly set in the system. Left-click on the electronic dial once in the tray, or open the “Clock, language and region” section in the Control Panel. Check the year, month, date, time, and if necessary, set the correct values ​​on the calendar and clock. Try to reload the page.

Note. This problem may also occur when you try to query trusted sites. For example, the Yandex search engine, Youtube video hosting, etc.

No trust

SEC_ERROR_UNKNOW_ISSUER - FF cannot identify the certificate chain or the server cannot send the necessary data for protocol verification.

This problem usually occurs due to the fact that antivirus programs, for example, Kaspersky, have the SSL scanning option enabled, which performs incorrect filtering and blocking of network packets. Try deactivating it.

Note. If you do not know how to disable scanning of SSL protected traffic, read the antivirus user manual or contact technical support on the developer’s website.

The second reason for this error- use of self-signed certificates (not officially registered). They encrypt the connection, but do not tell the browser information about the final recipient of the user data. This type of blocking can be bypassed at your discretion.

License of another site

SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT - a certificate from another site is being used; valid, but only for another domain or group of domains.

With this error, the connection remains secure, but there is no guarantee that the request and data will be delivered to the recipient site, the address of which is displayed in the web browser.

At the same time, there are certain situations when the protocol is configured for a different part of the same site. For example, it works correctly for the domain version, but the URL request (without "www") is blocked due to an error.

The certificate file is damaged

Check the loading of the problematic page or site in another browser (Yandex, Google Chrome). If there are no errors, then we can assume that the Firefox certificate store is damaged. Correction of its contents is possible only by deleting and then automatic recovery while the web browser is restarting.

If you don't know how to remove the storage, follow these instructions:
1. Click in Firefox window"Menu" button.

2. In the block that appears, click “question mark”.

3. In the submenu, click “Problem Solving Information.”

4. On the technical data tab, click the “Open folder” button.

5. Remove the storage: in the browser directory, right-click on the cert8 file, run the “Delete” operation.

6. Restart Firefox.

All! Now you know how to establish a correct connection using the HTTPS protocol and how to analyze connection errors. Have fun and safe web surfing!

Mozilla Firefox is a more reliable browser that doesn't lack stars in the sky, but still gets the job done beautifully. Unfortunately, very often Firefox users may encounter various types of difficulties. In particular, we will talk about the problem “Your connection is not secure.”

The message “Your connection is not secure” that appears when you try to access a web resource means that you attempted to switch to a secure connection, but Mozilla Firefox was unable to verify the certificates for this website.

As a result, the web browser cannot guarantee that the open web resource is safe, and therefore blocks entry to the site you have chosen.

Bug fix

Setting the date and time

If the problem with the “Your connection is not secure” window has become relevant for many web resources at once, then the first thing you should do is start checking the correctness of the date and time set on your computer.

If the date is entered incorrectly, click on it with the left side of the mouse and open menu select the "Date and Time Settings" section. In the open window, you should activate the sections “Set time automatically” and “ Automatic installation time zones." If after enabling these settings the date and time are still not displayed correctly, disable these options, and then manually enter the desired date and time.

System Scan

Very often, this important message may appear due to spyware on your computer.

  • In this option, you should enable a full system scan mode on your computer for the presence of virus software. You can do this either using your antivirus or using special utility, for example, Dr. Web CureIt.
  • If viruses are found at the end of the scan, cure them or remove them, then reboot the system.

Destroying the certificate store

On the computer, the browser profile folder contains all the information about using the browser, including certificate data. You can understand that the certificate store is slightly damaged, and therefore we will delete it.

  • First click on the right top corner on the browser menu button and in the open window select the icon with a question mark. In the same area, auxiliary menus will open, in which we need to click on the “Problem resolution information” item. In the window that appears, in the “Profile folder” column, click on the “Show folder” section.
  • Going to the profile folder, close Firefox completely. In the same profile folder we need to find and delete the cert8. db.
  • After this point, you can start Firefox again. The browser itself will make a new copy of the cert8. db, and if the problem was a corrupt certificate store, the problem will be fixed.

Antivirus settings

Many antivirus apps that provide online security have this feature enabled. scanning SSL, which can cause the “Your connection is not secure” window to appear in the browser.

To find out whether an antivirus or other security program is causing this problem, stop it running, and then try refreshing the page in your browser and check whether the error disappears or not.

If the error disappears, then the problem is only in the antivirus program. In this case, you only need to disable the function in your antivirus that is responsible for SSL scanning.

Working with antiviruses

Setting up Avast

Let's open the menu antivirus program and go to the “Settings” item. Open the “Active Protection” section and near the “Web Shield” part, click on the “Configure” item. Uncheck the “Enable HTTPS scanning” checkbox and then save the changes.

Setting up Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Open the menu of the Kaspersky anti-virus program and go to the “Settings” item. Click on the “Advanced” tab, and then go to the “Network” section. When opening the “Scan encrypted connections” tab, you will have to check the box next to “Do not scan encrypted connections”, and then you can save settings.

For other antiviruses, you can see the procedure for disabling scanning of secure and unsecured connections on the creator’s website in the help section.

Operating system update

The certificate verification system is performed by certain services that are built into the operating system Windows system. Such services are always changing, and therefore, if you do not immediately install updates for the system, you may encounter problems with SSL certificate checks in your browser.

For Windows checks To check for updates, open the “Control Panel” menu on your PC, and then go to the “Security and System” tab - “Windows Update”.

If certain updates are found, they will be immediately shown in the window that appears. You will need to install all updates, even optional ones. So we found out how to remove a secure connection, and why this problem occurs.

When you go to a resource, the browser may display a warning “Your connection is not secure.” This means that the site does not have genuine certificates and attackers can steal your personal data. Resources receive security certificates after Yandex and Google robots check the site for dangerous vulnerabilities.

Possible reasons for the message

In some cases, the appearance of a message may not be related to the security of the site.

Here are the possible reasons:

  • incorrect date on the computer;
  • an outdated certificate or an unverified certificate issuer - the browser checks the authenticity and, if there is the slightest suspicion, begins to curse and block the connection;
  • blocking extensions, especially antivirus extensions that are installed automatically in the browser;
  • old Windows version- this problem may occur if you have disabled automatic update systems;
  • viruses on your computer;
  • The browser itself is malfunctioning.

When to ignore a warning

If you trust the site and are absolutely sure that it will not steal your personal data, then you can ignore it and continue working. There are many reasons why a site might not pass the test, including that your computer is the problem. To do this, click on the “Advanced” button (in some browsers a link to the site is immediately available) and work as before.

Also, all secure connections are transmitted via the “https” protocol (this is where the site address begins), if you remove the letter “s” and leave just “http”, then the site will open in normal mode and the error about an unsecured connection will not appear.

If you do use an unsecured connection, be careful when working on such sites: do not leave personal data, especially payment card data, and do not use logins and passwords that you use to work on other sites.

Incorrect system date

If the date on the computer is incorrect, then this is possible reason a message about an unsecured connection appears. The solution is simple - set the correct time:

If your time is constantly lost, then most likely motherboard The battery is dead. Contact service center for replacement.

Incognito mode

Incognito mode (or “invisibility” mode) cannot be considered a complete solution to the problem; rather, it is a temporary measure. In this mode, the browser does not save or record any data (cookies, cache, history, etc.). Therefore, the browser may open pages that it would not normally go to.

To enable Incognito you need to:

  • in Mozilla Firefox: open the menu and click “Private window”;
  • in Yandex browser: menu – “Incognito mode”;
  • in Google Chrome: menu – “New window in incognito mode”;
  • in Opera: menu – “Create a private window”;
  • V Internet Explorer: Settings – “Security” - “InPrivate Browsing”;
  • V Microsoft Edge: Settings - “New InPrivate Window”.

If the error in incognito mode disappears, then most likely some plugin installed in the browser is causing interference.

Extension errors

When you install antivirus software on your computer, many defenders automatically install their Internet security extensions. Sometimes they can fail and mistakenly consider verified sites to be dangerous. In this case, you need to disable these extensions.

Mozilla Firefox

To disable in Mozilla Firefox:


To disable it in Opera:

Yandex browser

To disable in Yandex browser:

Google Chrome

To disable in Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer

To disable in Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Edge

To disable in Microsoft Edge:

In addition to the antivirus, other add-ons can block sites. Try disabling all extensions. If sites begin to open normally, then start enabling extensions one at a time and check how the browser will work. Thus, you can find an add-on that blocks resources. After that, disable it or delete it and reinstall it.

Old version of the system

If you haven't updated in a while operating system and disabled automatic updates, then perhaps the message about an unsecured connection appears precisely because of this.

To update the system you need:

If you are using Windows xp, then you will have to manually install Service Pack 3.

Due to the lack of necessary updates, malfunctions may occur not only in the browser, so it is recommended not to disable it.

Problems with the browser itself

The problem may also be hidden in the browser itself. First of all, problems arise if the necessary updates are not installed, and this can only happen if automatic updates are disabled.

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome update:

To update Yandex browser:

To update Opera, you need to go to the official website, download the new version of the browser and install it, while old version may not be deleted. All data (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) will remain unchanged.

Disabling automatic updates for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer is quite problematic, but if they still don’t work, then to get new version need to:

The Microsoft Edge browser is only available for Windows 10; it is not available for other versions of the system.

Also try clearing your browser cache and history. If you haven’t done this for a long time, then in most cases errors appear in the work.

If updating your browser does not help fix the problem, then you can use the last resort method and reinstall it completely. First, uninstall the program (Control Panel - Add and Remove Programs), then download the browser again and install it.

After removal, it is advisable to clean up residual browser files using Ccleaner or a similar program.

What else can you do

If you receive the error “Your connection is not secure,” be sure to check your system with an antivirus. Use only a licensed defender with up-to-date databases and do not disable automatic updates - the security of your computer depends on it. Viruses can damage the entire system, and not just interfere with the Internet.

But it may also be the other way around, that the antivirus is blocking some resource for no apparent reason. If you are sure that the site is safe, disable the protection for a while and try to go to it.

An error may occur when navigating to a site through bookmarks. Try to find the resource in a search engine and open it through it. If everything is displayed normally, then delete the bookmark and create a new one.

In many cases, a security problem is due to problems with your computer. Incorrect settings, viruses and lack of updates are the most common reasons. Keep track of these settings, and problems with opening sites will appear very rarely.

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