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The egais transport module is not installed. egais does not work: utm (universal transport module) is not running. Conclusion: the main thing is that the UTM works

EGAIS: how to connect?

The procedure for obtaining access to the system begins with the purchase of a special USB drive that provides reliable access protection. This is an electronic key with which the user can put his unique digital signature on the transmitted documents. You can get the device from our company, for which you will need to present standard set documents:

  • statement;
  • certificate of state registration (organization or individual entrepreneur);
  • tax registration certificate;
  • documents of the key owner (passport and SNILS) - such owner becomes an entrepreneur or manager legal entity;
  • if the owner is the head of the organization, you will also need a document confirming his authority;
  • consent to the processing of personal data.

The electronic signature is recorded on a device called JaCarta SE (Jakarta). It is important that in an organization such a digital key must be in each separate division (each outlet). But an individual entrepreneur can have one key for all his stores, if he can ensure timely confirmation of documents by EGAIS. One more nuance - if an organization or individual entrepreneur already has equipment for digital signature (for example, for sending reports to the tax office), then you will still have to buy a separate EGAIS key. The actual connection to EGAIS begins with registration on the FSRAR website. The good news: having an EDS (electronic digital signature), which you must first obtain, everything else can be done via the Internet. However, the validity period of the received key is 1 year, after which it will have to be renewed.

Setting up EGAIS includes a multi-stage process of establishing the process of submitting reports on alcohol from the moment of receiving a special digital signature until the moment the electronic report is sent to the FS RAR. Next, we will consider in detail all the processes accompanying each link of the EGAIS setup.

Transfer of data to the government automated system control is carried out via the Internet, for which you need to install on your computer special program- UTM (universal transport module EGAIS). Installing EGAIS is the installation of UTM.

You can download UTM EGAIS absolutely free on the official website of the system. And then difficulties begin, because the UTM transport module only transmits data, but does not have a human-readable interface. This means that in order to process the purchase of alcohol, you need an accounting and warehouse program. And for retail sales - a cash register. But not just a cash register, but one compatible with EGAIS, equipped with a barcode scanner, equipped fiscal registrar and capable of transmitting data online via the Internet.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie draws your attention to the fact that currently, within the framework of the functioning of the universal transport module of the EGAIS system, two versions are used electronic documents. However, gradually each user of the system needs to switch to using documents version 2 of the EGAIS UTM.

From July 1, 2017, electronic documents corresponding to the first version of electronic documents will not be accepted into EGAIS! From this date the first version will be closed. Hurry to check the software update to version 2 of UTM EGAIS.

To avoid problems with the receipt of invoices in EGAIS version 2, you need to:

  • Check the relevance of the EGAIS UTM version (they should be 2.0.4 and 2.0.5).
  • Check with the developers of your accounting program about the possibility of accepting documents from the second version of EGAIS. Please note that many enterprises are already working with the second version. Therefore, if you are losing invoices from some suppliers, then most likely you have old version UTM or the accounting system is not modified. UTM installation new version and checking the accounting program will remove your losses.

When installing UTM version 2.0.4, it is necessary to check the coincidence of the checkpoint linked to the FSRAR ID and the checkpoint in the license register. This is important due to the fact that if there is a discrepancy, the registration of checks in EGAIS will be suspended.

If any discrepancies are found, please contact the licensing authority, the name of which can be found in the register in the requisite “Name of the licensing authority that issued the license.” Carry out these operations in advance - before installing the new version - then the transfer of data to EGAIS will not stop.

Connection diagram to EGAIS

Order and receive JaCarta EGAIS

Download from the website and install the “Universal Transport Module” UTM on your computer.

Receive a certificate on the website in your personal account to establish a secure connection with EGAIS (RSA key)

Purchase/upgrade cash register equipment for online data transfer

Install/configure software to transfer data to the system

How to confirm EGAIS?

The main purpose of EGAIS is to exclude counterfeit goods from circulation. alcoholic products. To avoid complications, before purchasing a batch of alcohol, an organization should check that all goods received are in information system. Verification is carried out using a unique ID number, which is assigned to each item produced.

Upon delivery, the invoice received from the Unified State Automated Information System is checked against the paper version. There shouldn't be any discrepancies. It is important that the date, number, quantity and names of the goods, and their cost completely match.

Peculiarity electronic system is that the supplier is given 3 days to confirm the sent invoice. So it is necessary to coordinate delivery times in order to receive an electronic TTN simultaneously with the delivery of the goods. Having checked compliance, the buyer must also digital signature confirm receipt of the TTN. Only after this the received goods are written off from the supplier’s balances and transferred to the recipient. The EGAIS confirmation period for the buyer is also 3 days. If confirmation is not sent within this period, the invoice will be cancelled.

Equipment for EGAIS

It is already clear that buying EGAIS is not a completely correct expression, because connecting to the system is free. But in fact, the organization faces considerable expenses. And their size will depend on the availability of existing equipment. It is clear that connecting EGAIS “from scratch”, that is, for a new organization or separate division, - the most expensive.

Depending on the installed cash register software, you will have to contact its supplier or the company that installs and configures the software, because setting up EGAIS and the interaction of UTM with the cash register program is quite complicated.

The EGAIS barcode differs from the code contained in the excise stamp. It is to convert the unique number of the excise stamp into the product identifier of the EGAIS bar that the 2D barcode scanner is used. Scanners can be hand-held, stationary, or universal, when the hand-held device can be mounted on a stand. It is more convenient to use a stationary scanner for a small retail outlet. But in supermarkets hand or universal scanners, for example, if customers approach the checkout with whole packages of beer in their carts, the cashier will not have to strain himself lifting heavy packages - it will be easier to bring the EGAIS scanner to them.

EGAIS update

Any software has new versions released from time to time. If you don’t know how to update EGAIS, don’t be alarmed, there’s nothing complicated here. The transport module itself will notify the user about the availability of an update and offer to install it. Yes, and the installation occurs automatically. However, for safety reasons, it is better to do this first backup copy UTM database.

Sometimes users wonder how to renew EGAIS. If you mean using software, then renewal of the Unified State Automated Information System is not required, since the connection is free.

Installation of EGAIS: instructions

Here we will tell you how to install EGAIS on your own (for advanced users).

Key electronic signature Jakarta, in order to work correctly with EGAIS, requires the installation of a special client. Finding and downloading it is not difficult, but for security reasons it is better to contact your USB token supplier for the client distribution.

Installation takes place in several steps according to the instructions of the automatic installer.

The next step is to go to the official website. EGAIS system entrance to personal account opens after checking access conditions. If the verification is completed correctly, you can log into your personal account.

ATTENTION! Before you begin installing the UTM (Universal Transport Module), be sure to complete the following steps (if you have not completed them previously):
(Changed 06/06/2018)

UTM installation process:

  1. We go to the official website of EGAIS -;
  2. Click to enter your EGAIS personal account;

3. Enter the GOST PIN: 0987654321;

4. Click show certificate;

5. Select Certificate;

6. Go to the Transport module (UTM) tab;

7. Click download the transport module installer.


Download transport module installer version 2.1.6 for Windows (no Internet connection required during installation) (73 MB)

Download documentation for the universal transport module EGAIS (version 2.1.6)

XSD – electronic document schemes are available in the installed transport module

8. After the UTM installer has been downloaded, run it as “ Administrator” (right click on the installer);

9. Installation of FSRAR UTM – click next;

10. We don’t change anything in this window, click Next;

16. Installation of FSRAR UTM is completed.

Description of the problem. The transport module is responsible for transferring invoices to and from the EGAIS system. Reasons for not launching UTM:

  1. Hardware not inserted JaCarta key PKI/GOST/SE
  2. The certificate has expired (GOST/RSA)
  3. UTM or other software needs to be updated

Solving the problem. If the UTM is not running or was launched before problems with the media (certificate) were resolved, follow the instructions to start or restart it.

Instructions with example Microsoft Windows 10.

Step-by-step instructions on how to start or restart UTM

Step 1. Launch UTM

If UTM is not running, launch it from a shortcut on your desktop.

Rice. 1. UTM shortcut on the desktop

Upon successful launch, the UTM icon will appear in the lower right corner of the Start menu.

Step 2. Checking the status of the UTM

If UTM is already running (there is an icon in the lower right corner of the Start menu), check the status of UTM:

UTM is not running:

Rice. 2. Status “UTM is not running”

UTM launched:

Rice. 3. Status “UTM launched”

If UTM is not running, right-click on the icon. In the context menu that opens, select “Run”. Wait until the icon changes its status.

Rice. 4. Context menu

Order a consultation with a specialist on working with EGAIS!

Step 3. Restart UTM

If UTM is running, but the EGAIS system is not working (without receiving TTN), right-click on the icon and select “Restart”. Wait until the icon will disappear and will reappear with the status running.

Rice. 5. Context menu

If the EGAIS system does not work, then the problem lies in something else - contact technical support.

UTM is a universal transport module. This software, designed to transmit information on the turnover and retail sale of alcoholic products from wholesale and retail trade organizations to the EGAIS database.

  • request and receive directories (of organizations and alcoholic products)
  • request incoming documents
  • send/receive TTN
  • send/receive/confirm confirmation report (discrepancies)
  • request your balances in the EGAIS system
  • request certificates “A” and “B”
  • send an act of placing on the balance sheet or an act of recording the goods
  • send a check, incl. "beer" check.

When installing a UTM module, a service responsible for updating the module is installed. If there is an update, it is automatically downloaded to your computer.

CenterInform offers the following software for visualizing work with UTM EGAIS.

According to " Technical requirements» to the Universal Transport Module (Appendix E): For the normal operation of the UTM, the following conditions must be met:

  • installation of third-party software on the UTM PC that may affect the functioning of the UTM;
  • making changes to UTM folders and files with the exception of the file;
  • decompilation of UTM libraries;
  • changing access rights to UTM folders and files;
  • transfer to UTM of documents that do not correspond to the approved xsd schemes;
  • transfer to UTM of documents with details that do not correspond to the details of RSA key certificates or GOST key;
  • delay in sending the document for a period of more than three days from the moment it was signed by the EPC;
  • extracting a hardware key from the UTM PC when the UTM is turned on;
  • remote access to UTM PC;
  • use of Cyrillic in the names of folders containing UTM.
  • on OSs that have not been tested for compatibility with UTM (testing was carried out on Windows XP SP3, 7 Starter and higher!), using more than one hardware media,
  • in more than one copy on one PC, without update service,
  • on a PC that does not have constant access to the Internet,
  • on a PC that does not have access to the addresses and,
  • on a PC that does not have access to the address where the revocation list of the CA that issued the CEP is located (the address is located inside such a CEP),
  • on PC virtualization systems.
  • without KEP key certificate,
  • without RSA key certificate,
  • with an RSA certificate that does not correspond to the CEP certificate,
  • using an expired CEP key certificate,
  • using an expired RSA key certificate,
  • with more than one CEP certificate,
  • with more than one RSA certificate.

Every retail store or wholesale warehouse at the place of wholesale or retail sale of alcoholic products must have a computer with a Universal Transport Module (UTM) installed on it.

To install and operate the UTM program correctly, the computer must satisfy the following: technical specifications given in the table:

Type of equipment / components Name / characteristics
Communication workstation
CPU x32 processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz and higher
RAM From 2 GB or more
Network controller Ethernet controller, 100/1000 Mbps, RJ45 connector
Disk drive Total volume of at least 50 GB
Cryptographic equipment Hardware crypto key
operating system Windows 7 Starter and higher
System-wide software Java 8 and above
ON EGAIS (UTM) Issued free of charge by Rosalkogolregulirovanie. No additional software installation required.

The universal transport module (UTM) is installed on personal computer located at the address where the organization operates.

UTM is established separately for each individual structural unit of wholesale trade or retail point.

Transmission and reception of information is carried out by entering generated XML files.

UTM does not have a graphical interface, so integration of UTM with the commodity accounting system you use is necessary.


02.09.16 — 16:17

Good day, as they say, and wish this RAR was empty.

UTM stopped starting, the transport service is extinguished when the system starts.
I have a vague idea about the structure of the UTM by folders.

Technical requirements for working with EGAIS/UTM

Where can I look at UTM logs?
I didn't find anything suspicious in the system and application logs.
I ran a virus scan.
What's strange is that the monitoring and update services are working.

Another question is how to properly reinstall utm so that the database is preserved?

H A D G E H O G s

1 — 02.09.16 — 16:30

Call an IT specialist.


2 — 02.09.16 — 16:31

(1) From RAR?
It will be a long way for him to travel.

H A D G E H O G s

3 — 02.09.16 — 16:43

(2) No. An ordinary IT specialist who is not afraid to rummage through the UTM folders.


scroll to the end and take a look.
if we see something like this

then I have bad news for you

Inventor of the Bicycle

4 — 02.09.16 — 16:48

Usually, if it doesn’t start, then they look to see if the Ja-Carta is on, since it often goes out due to the USB port falling asleep.
Also, do not forget that the key was given for a year, and whoever started testing this “wonderful” system in September must remember to update the key.


5 — 03.09.16 — 05:01

2016-09-03 05:28:51,168 ERROR es.programador.transport.Transport - Error initializing and starting transport
java.lang.IllegalStateException: DB update error
at es.programador.transport.h.a.a(Unknown Source)
at es.programador.transport.Transport.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error when closing the database

2 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Database ‘C:/TT/transporter/transportDB’ not found.
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.newSQLException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.handleDBNotFound(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection. (Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.getNewEmbedConnection(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.InternalDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicEmbeddedDataSource40.getConnection(Unknown Source)
…2 more
Caused by: ERROR XJ004: Database ‘C:/TT/transporter/transportDB’ not found.
at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.wrapArgsForTransportAcrossDRDA(Unknown Source)
… 13 more

in general something like this. All folders are in place. Antiviruses are disabled. Most likely a crooked auto-update to 2.0.3

Bearded Admin

6 — 04.09.16 — 16:37

Is UTM in the TT folder or in the UTM folder?
And try to insert the previous TransportDB.

Get your work in order using the 1C configuration "IT Department Management 8"

ATTENTION! Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R

2000 Human.

UTM installation instructions

Current version of UTM 2.1.6

A program with a graphical interface for working with UTM (USAIS 3.0 support)

Step 1. Open the Start menu

Step2. Click in the “Search” field (Find programs and files)

Installation instructions for UTM EGAIS

Write there to English"internet"

Step4. Select “Internet Explorer”, RIGHT-click on it and select “Run as administrator”

Step5. Click the “Yes” button

Step6. If such a window appears, select “Postpone this question”

Step7. Write the website address “” in the address bar and press the “Enter” key

Step8. On the website, click “Login to your personal account”

Step9. Click “Read the terms and conditions and check their compliance” (You must have a JaCarta key!)

Step10. Click the “Start scan” button

Step11. Most likely you will get this error. To work with UTM, you need version InternetExplorer 9 and higher. Follow the link “Download/Install”

Step 13. Click on the “Run” button at the bottom of the screen and install IE.

Step 14. After installation, the browser asks you to restart your computer. Let him do this, click the “Restart now” button.

Step15. After the reboot, re-open our browser, and in the window that opens, click the “Ask me later” button

Step16. Let's start checking again. Now the site is complaining about the lack of the Fsrar-Crypto 2 component.

Step 18. If you have a JaCarta key inserted and drivers installed on it, click the “Go to My Account” link.

Step 19. In the PIN code of the hardware key field, enter the key issued to you by the Certification Authority and click the “Show certificates” button.

Step 20. Click on the issued certificate. Go to your personal account.

Step 21. Click on the “Transport module” field and open the “Download transport module” link

Step 22. At the bottom of the screen, click the “Run” button, the transport module is downloaded.

Step 24. Select the path where the transport module will be installed. It is recommended to leave the default path and click Next.

Step 25. Choose whether to create desktop icons. Click the “Next” button.

Step 26. To complete the installation, the program will ask you to enter the key PIN code, enter it and click the “Next” button.

Step 27. Select nothing here and click the “Next” button.

Step 28. The program will ask you for the PIN code of the certificate that you entered on the site, enter it and click the “Next” button.

Step29. Wait for the UTM installation to complete. Congratulations, UTM installation is complete! All that remains is to install and configure the program for interacting with UTM, since it does not have a graphical interface. I highly recommend our free program"TriAR-Retail".

EGAIS write-off acts do not go away.


20.09.17 — 07:57

Yesterday we uploaded the EGAIS write-off act to UTM. So it’s still there and hanging in the outbox in your personal account. Similar garbage happened during the transition of EGAIS to the second version. Before this, the jacarta was falling off, but they pushed it over, and the UTM services got up with a kick. Today I uploaded it for the second time.


Both documents are in the outbox.


1 — 20.09.17 — 08:00

One more thing. Yesterday's document has status 8, today's document has status 0.


2 — 20.09.17 — 08:11

There is also a suspicious line on the UTM page.
Problems with RSA:


3 — 20.09.17 — 08:49

(2) Why is she suspicious? Throw away the key, buy a new one and it will work.


4 — 20.09.17 — 08:55

(1) Have you tried restarting the device?


5 — 20.09.17 — 10:11

In general, some miracles are happening.
Rebooted the server. Jacarta is up and running. UTM services - no. I start the services, jacarta crashes. Reinstalled UTM. I had to unlock the user PIN.


6 — 20.09.17 — 10:27

(5) reinstalled utm..? For what?
Did you at least leave the old database, or did you install it from scratch?

Transport logs, wasn’t it your destiny to look at them?
Everything is written there, if anything.


7 — 20.09.17 — 10:41

I often encounter that PKI is blocked and as a result home page UTM and UTM services in general do not start


8 — 20.09.17 — 10:41

+ (7) with this Jakarta.
Rutoken seems to be more reliable


9 — 20.09.17 — 11:06

(6) The old base is unnecessary.


10 — 20.09.17 — 13:29

Miracles continue. The client sees jacarta, but other services do not.


11 — 20.09.17 — 14:36

Or maybe jacarta is buggy because it has been poked many times?


12 — 20.09.17 — 14:51

(11) no.
What version? single client Jakarta?


13 — 20.09.17 — 14:51

what errors are in the utm logs?


14 — 20.09.17 — 14:53

Now there are none.
And in a single client there are sometimes two bookmarks, sometimes three, sometimes four. And sometimes the bookmarks are all there, but the certificates are not visible.


15 — 20.09.17 — 14:56

(14) the number of bookmarks depends on the mode - user / administrative.
If the key itself doesn’t see it, change it.


16 — 20.09.17 — 14:57

Jakarta does not live in retail for a long time, especially if the key is not worked with via libtranscrypt.dll

Demanding both efficiency and flexibility from the same program is like looking for a charming and modest wife... apparently we should settle on one of the two.
Frederick Brooks Jr.

ATTENTION! If you have lost the message input window, click Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R or the "Refresh" button in the browser.

The topic has not been updated for a long time and has been marked as archived. Adding messages is not possible.
But you can create a new thread and they will definitely answer you!
Every hour on the Magic Forum there are more 2000 Human.

Any user can start updating at any time. When installing updates, many users have Anti-Virus and Firewall enabled, which prevents the transport module from being updated correctly. As a result, users after incorrect update a non-working UTM may remain and the document database of the old UTM, which is stored in the folder C:\UTM\transporter\transportDB or C:\TT\transporter\transportDB, will be deleted.

4. You need to go to C:\UTM\transporter or C:\TT\transporter and copy the folder transportDB to your computer.

5. It is necessary to remove (uninstall) the old UTM. To do this, go to C:\UTM and run the file unins000.exe as Administrator

UTM EGAIS is a universal transport module, otherwise a program designed to count sold alcohol-containing products and record it in a numerical value for accounting state system(EGAIS) FS for successful control of alcoholic products on the country's alcohol market.

This program is very easy to install on any personal PC of an organization engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages. All data is entered in the form of XML files and transmitted directly to regulatory authorities without distribution. All operations are carried out only with your electronic signature (ESP) based on federal law № 63.

After you download the program, you need to test the system and get a KEP, and only after these operations carry out trading.

About the law

On June 24, 2015, the government approved changes to Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products.”

The changes affected producers of beer, cider, poire, mead with a volume of more than three hundred thousand dollars (registration will take place from July 1, 2015), as well as wholesale sales of alcoholic beverages, and retail sales in urban and rural settlements (recording will take place from July 1, 2016) .

The system itself is very convenient for the seller, because... allows you to independently modify your own accounting systems and train staff, then build up business processes, and most importantly, all data will now be in electronic form, and not on paper.

Until mandatory registration, the person who installed the program can stop it at any time and try again later. At the same time, all data that was entered for testing is not included in the official records, and remains tested, and then reset to zero.

It is important that no application sent to the ROS for the Regulation of Alcohol Products is required to establish the program, and the connection is made using a personal account on the EGAIS website.

Connection to the system

Requirements for the operating system Windows 7 or higher; it is necessary, which allows the system to work with your details, and the final link is a strengthened qualified electronic signature (on the card).

The penalties themselves officials: from 10 thousand - 15 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 150 thousand - up to 200 thousand rubles. And in general, suppliers of alcoholic beverages, in the future, do not organize supplies to enterprises not connected to the EGAIS system.


  1. The verification system will ask you to install Fsrar-Crypto 2 and Windows 10. To do this, go to the browser settings Microsoft Edge change to "use" Internet Explorer" There should be no incidents with other operating systems, and you can easily install the proposed FSRAR-CRYPTO in your personal account on the EGAIS website. (If uninstalled software is detected, the system will display a message: uninstalled or not working correctly software component, working with electronic signature. Download (Fsrar:Crypto). You download it, install it and no further problems arise. After installation, be sure to check whether the card is identified with the software by removing and connecting it. (The map should turn off and appear on the program window). If this does not happen, reinstall (Fsrar:Crypto).

    Do not close the EGAIS website with the verification completed, you will still need it.

  2. You insert your electronic signature, located on the card, into the computer case, then go to the EGAIS website and install the software located on the “personal account” tab. To confirm the crypto key or jacarta, you need to click on the tab in your personal account “read the conditions and check their compliance.” The system will check your operating system, a browser (it is noteworthy that Internet Explorer is usually used), a software component that helps to work with an electronic signature, and will check the hardware key. The hardware key is JaCarta itself.
  3. After successfully passing all the points required to obtain an electronic signature, click on the “receive” button in your personal account test certificate" In the tax identification number field you must enter the tax identification number of the organization, and in the e-mail field your email, to which the answer should come. Then download the generator to generate a request. It will be given as a hyperlink on the page in the same tab. Also for the generator, in order to understand how it works, you need to download the instructions. (The instructions will ask you to download a single client for the map using a link provided on the site. Follow everything as described in the instructions. Download the single client.

    Unpack all the files into one folder, so that later you don’t have to search for where you have it and what it is.

In the java query generator, after restarting the computer, be sure to enter the details of your organization, email, tax identification number, checkpoint. Save all data where you have the documentation. To generate, enter your PIN code. After generation is completed, you will be told to send the request file to the certification authority - do so. This is done as follows:

  1. On the EGAIS website, go back to your personal account, which you did not close. And in the “download generated request” field, download the request from where you saved it.
    The end of generation lasts one business day, if this does not happen, you can log in via e-mail and tax ID, without generating a request.
  2. After issuing the certificate, enter your e-mail and personal identification number and download the certificate, and be sure to check all the data specified in it. Save it in the folder with all your files.Registration of the certificate is required through the same program through which the request was made.

In the future, after all the operations performed, your personal account will be created, and you will be able to obtain the necessary key through the proposed certificate, which you received and uploaded into the system. If you do not have any information about the location of your products, contact the regulatory authority for the production of ethyl alcohol or the authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which you are located. The access key to the EGAIS system will be individual for each department (if you have several stores). All PIN codes associated with jacarta had to be provided by the organization issuing the card.

In order to check that Universal is installed correctly, you need to go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser, and check each installation step automatically.

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