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Wifi does not work in safe mode. Making your wireless network secure. Internet does not work on a computer or laptop

  • Safe mode ( Safe Mode) loads a limited set of drivers to run the operating system with minimal risk of problems.
  • If you need to access local network to solve problems with the system, you should choose safe mode with boot network drivers(Safe Mode with Networking) instead of the usual Safe Mode.
After the system boots into safe mode A window will appear confirming whether to continue working in this mode. Click Yes.



What affects the operation of Wi-Fi wireless networks?

What affects the operation of Wi-Fi wireless networks? What can be a source of interference and what are its causes? possible reasons? What can cause an intermittent or unstable wireless connection?

As is known, in wireless networks, radio waves (radio air) are used as a signal propagation medium, and the operation of devices and data transmission in the network occurs without the use of cable connections.
In this regard, the operation of wireless networks is affected large quantity various types of interference.

1. Wi-Fi devices (access points, wireless cameras, etc.) operating within the range of your device and using the same frequency range.

The fact is that Wi-Fi devices are susceptible to even slight interference that is created by other devices operating in the same frequency range.

Wireless networks use two frequency bands - 2.4 and 5 GHz. 802.11b/g wireless networks operate in the 2.4 GHz band, 802.11a networks operate in the 5 GHz band, and 802.11n networks can operate in both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

Frequency range used and operating limitations in different countries may be different.

In the 2.4 GHz frequency band, 11 or 13 channels are available for wireless networks, with a width of 20 MHz (802.11b/g/n) or 40 MHz (IEE 802.11n) with 5 MHz intervals between them. A wireless device using one of the frequency channels creates significant interference on adjacent channels. For example, if an access point uses channel 6, then it strongly interferes with channels 5 and 7, and also, to a lesser extent, with channels 4 and 8. To avoid mutual interference between channels, it is necessary that their carrier frequencies are spaced apart from each other. friend at 25 MHz (5 interchannel intervals).

The figure shows the spectra of 11 channels. Color coding indicates groups of non-overlapping channels - , , , , . It is recommended to configure wireless networks located within the same coverage area on non-overlapping channels, which will experience less interference* and collisions (conflicts). Numbers of non-overlapping channels - 1, 6 and 11.
*Interference is a signal transmitted by other emitters (they may or may not be part of your Wi-Fi network) on the same channel (or close to it) that your access point is broadcasting on.
To determine the most free Wi-Fi channel, you can use special utility InSSIDer:

Attention! In Russia, 13 wireless channels are allowed for use, three of which are non-overlapping (these are channels 1, 6 and 11).

If the wireless adapter installed on your computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone is intended for use in the US (such as Apple devices), it will only be able to use channels 1 to 11. Therefore, if you set the channel number to 12 or 13 ( and also if one of them was selected by the automatic channel selection algorithm), the wireless client (iPad/iPhone) will not see the access point. In this case, you must manually set the channel number from the range 1 to 11.

You will find additional information on how to choose the right wireless channel for your access point to ensure a reliable wireless connection in the article:

2. In some cases, it is recommended to reduce the Wi-Fi signal strength at the access point to 50 - 75%.

2.1. Using too much radiated Wi-Fi signal power does not always mean that the network will work stable and fast.
If the radio air in which your access point operates is heavily loaded (when reviewing wireless networks, you see a large number of them and their signal strength is high), then the influence of intra-channel and inter-channel interference may be felt. The presence of such interference affects network performance, because sharply increase the noise level, which leads to low communication stability due to the constant forwarding of packets. In this case, we recommend reducing the transmitter power at the access point.
If you did not find the setting for reducing the transmitter power in the access point, then this can be done in other ways: if possible, increase the distance between the access point and the adapter; unscrew the antenna on the access point (if such a feature is provided in the device); if there are removable antennas, use an antenna with a lower signal gain (for example, with a gain of 2 dBi instead of 5 dBi).

2.2. The power of the access point transmitter in the router is usually 2-3 times higher than on client mobile devices (laptop/smartphone/tablet). There may be places in the network coverage area where the client will hear the access point well, but the client’s access point will hear poorly, or not hear at all (a situation where there is a signal on the client device, but there is no connection). In the communication channel, asymmetry arises from different values ​​of power and sensitivity of the receivers.
To ensure a good signal level, it is necessary that the connection between the client device and the access point be as symmetrical as possible so that the access point and the client can confidently hear each other.
As strange as it may seem, in order to eliminate asymmetry and obtain a more stable connection, sometimes it is necessary to reduce the transmitter power at the access point.

3. Bluetooth devices, wireless keyboards and mice that work within the coverage area of ​​your Wi-Fi device.

Bluetooth devices and wireless keyboards and mice operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency range, and therefore may affect the operation of the access point and other Wi-Fi devices.

4. Long distances between Wi-Fi devices.

It must be remembered that wireless devices Wi-Fi has a limited range. For example, a home Internet center with a point Wi-Fi access The 802.11b/g standard has a range of up to 60 m indoors and up to 400 m outdoors.
Indoor range wireless point access may be limited to several tens of meters - depending on the configuration of the rooms, the presence of main walls and their number, as well as other obstacles.

5. Obstacles.

Various obstacles (walls, ceilings, furniture, metal doors, etc.) located between Wi-Fi devices can partially or significantly reflect/absorb radio signals, which leads to partial or complete loss of the signal.
In cities with multi-storey buildings, the main obstacle to the radio signal is buildings. The presence of permanent walls (concrete + reinforcement), sheet metal, plaster on the walls, steel frames, etc. affects the quality of the radio signal and can significantly degrade the performance of Wi-Fi devices.
Indoors, mirrors and tinted windows can also cause radio signal interference. Even the human body attenuates the signal by about 3 dB.

Below is a table showing the loss of efficiency of a Wi-Fi signal when passing through various environments. The data is given for a network operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency range.

* Effective distance- means how much the range of action will decrease after passing the corresponding obstacle compared to open space. For example, if in open space the radius Wi-Fi actions up to 400 meters, then after passing through one interior wall it will decrease to 400 m * 15% = 60 meters. After the second again 60 m * 15% = 9 meters. And after the third 9 m * 15% = 1.35 meters. Thus, it is most likely impossible to establish a wireless connection through three interior walls.

Outdoors, the quality of the transmitted signal can be affected by the terrain (for example, trees, forests, hills).
Atmospheric interference (rain, thunderstorm, snowfall) can also cause reduced performance wireless network(in case the radio signal is transmitted outdoors).

6. Various household appliances operating within the coverage area of ​​your Wi-Fi device.

Let's list household appliances, which may cause deterioration in the quality of Wi-Fi communication:

  • Microwave ovens. These devices may weaken the Wi-Fi signal because... usually also operate in the 2.4 GHz band.
  • Baby monitors. These devices operate in the 2.4 GHz band and produce interference, resulting in poor Wi-Fi quality.
  • CRT monitors, electric motors, wireless speakers, cordless phones and other wireless devices.
  • External sources electrical voltage, such as power lines and power substations, can be sources of interference.

7. Devices operating on USB standard 3.0 may interfere with Wi-Fi networks in the 2.4 GHz band.

When testing Internet centers in our laboratory, we did not encounter a situation where a connected device via USB 3.0 would affect the operation of the wireless network in the 2.4 GHz range. But we cannot exclude such cases.

This problem may be caused by interference coming from connected devices or cables, connectors, connectors with a USB 3.0 interface. In particular, there may be missing or insufficient shielding on the cable or connector of the connected device, which may result in interference at frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band (which is the frequency at which most wireless devices operate).


How to scan a Wi-Fi network and determine the most free channel?

How to determine the most free Wi-Fi channel for work wireless adapter or access points?

As a rule, the optimal channel number is selected automatically based on periodic analysis of the radio broadcast.

Typically, this is a radio channel that is as far away as possible from neighboring wireless networks, if any are within range of your access point, in order to avoid frequency conflict, which can cause problems when using a wireless network. Judging by the fact that you came across this article on the Internet, you know about the security problems of Wi-Fi networks and the need for it proper configuration

. But it’s unlikely that an untrained person will be able to figure it out and set it up correctly right away. And many users generally think that everything on the router “out of the box” is already configured with the maximum level of security. In most cases, this is a mistaken opinion. Therefore, now I will give the basic rules for setting up the security of WiFi networks using the example of a TP-Link router.
1. Be sure to enable network encryption.

Never leave your network open. If your home WiFi is not encrypted, this is not correct. Anyone can connect to you and use your Internet access for their own purposes.

2. If possible, use only WPA2-PSK encryption type

If you do not use the WPS function, be sure to disable it. In some router models, this is a serious vulnerability due to the standard configuration. As practice shows, in 90% of cases WPS is not used at all.

4. Change the default SSID network name.

Very often the model used as SSID (Service Set Identifier) wireless router, which makes it easier for an attacker to hack Wi-Fi. Therefore, you must definitely change it to any other. The name can be any word in Latin and numbers. Don't use Cyrillic.

5. Change the router's default password.

An example is GPON ONT terminals from ZTE. Due to the fact that they all used the same password by default, which no one changed when setting up the device. Because of this, many home networks in Moscow and St. Petersburg were hacked. Accordingly, an attacker could gain access to the router settings, Internet channel and home network.

6. Enable the router's firewall.

Almost all routers are equipped with a built-in firewall (aka firewall), which can be disabled by default. Make sure it's turned on. For even greater security, you should make sure that every computer on your network is also running firewall and antivirus software.

7. Enable filtering of MAC addresses of Wi-Fi clients.

Every computer, laptop or mobile device has a unique identifier on the network called a MAC address. This allows the WiFi router to keep track of all devices connected to it. Many WiFi routers allow administrators to physically enter the MAC addresses of devices that can connect to the network.

This way, only those devices that are in the table will be able to connect to your home network. Others won't be able to do it at all, even if they guess the password.

8. Disable remote administration.
Most routers allow administrators to connect remotely from the Internet to the device's web interface or command line. If you don't need it, disable this feature. The device settings will still be available from the local network.

So, after taking a few minutes to make sure that our home WiFi network configured at the optimal security level, you can avoid problems and prevent them in the future.

To protect your Wi-Fi network and set a password, you must select the type of wireless network security and encryption method. And at this stage, many people have a question: which one to choose? WEP, WPA, or WPA2? Personal or Enterprise? AES or TKIP? What security settings will best protect your Wi-Fi network? I will try to answer all these questions within the framework of this article. Let's consider all possible authentication and encryption methods. Let's find out which Wi-Fi network security parameters are best set in the router settings.

Please note that security type, or authentication, network authentication, protection, authentication method are all the same thing.

Authentication type and encryption are the main security settings wireless wifi networks. I think that first we need to figure out what they are, what versions there are, their capabilities, etc. After which we will find out what type of protection and encryption to choose. I’ll show you using the example of several popular routers.

I highly recommend setting up a password and protecting your wireless network. Set the maximum level of protection. If you leave the network open, without protection, then anyone can connect to it. This is primarily unsafe. And also an extra load on your router, a drop in connection speed and all sorts of problems with connecting different devices.

Wi-Fi network protection: WEP, WPA, WPA2

There are three protection options. Of course, not counting "Open" (No protection).

  • WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy) is an outdated and insecure authentication method. This is the first and not very successful method of protection. Attackers can easily access wireless networks that are protected using WEP. There is no need to set this mode in the settings of your router, although it is present there (not always).
  • WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access) – reliable and modern type security. Maximum compatibility with all devices and operating systems.
  • WPA2– a new, improved and more reliable version of WPA. There is support for AES CCMP encryption. At the moment, this is The best way Wi-Fi network protection. This is what I recommend using.

WPA/WPA2 can be of two types:

  • WPA/WPA2 - Personal (PSK)- This the usual way authentication. When you only need to set a password (key) and then use it to connect to a Wi-Fi network. The same password is used for all devices. The password itself is stored on the devices. Where you can view it or change it if necessary. It is recommended to use this option.
  • WPA/WPA2 - Enterprise- a more complex method that is mainly used to protect wireless networks in offices and various establishments. Allows you to provide more high level protection. Used only when a RADIUS server is installed to authorize devices (which gives out passwords).

I think we have figured out the authentication method. The best thing to use is WPA2 - Personal (PSK). For better compatibility, so that there are no problems connecting older devices, you can set the WPA/WPA2 mixed mode. This is the default setting on many routers. Or marked as "Recommended".

Wireless Network Encryption

There are two ways TKIP And AES.

It is recommended to use AES. If you have older devices on your network that do not support AES encryption (but only TKIP) and there will be problems connecting them to the wireless network, then set it to "Auto". TKIP encryption type is not supported in 802.11n mode.

In any case, if you install strictly WPA2 - Personal (recommended), then only AES encryption will be available.

What protection should I install on my Wi-Fi router?

Use WPA2 - Personal with AES encryption. To date, this is the best and most safe way. This is what the wireless network security settings look like on ASUS routers:

And this is what these security settings look like on routers from TP-Link (with old firmware).

More detailed instructions for TP-Link you can look.

Instructions for other routers:

If you don’t know where to find all these settings on your router, then write in the comments, I’ll try to tell you. Just don't forget to specify the model.

Since WPA2 - Personal (AES) older devices ( Wi-Fi adapters, phones, tablets, etc.) may not support it, then in case of connection problems, set the mixed mode (Auto).

I often notice that after changing the password or other security settings, devices do not want to connect to the network. Computers may receive the error "The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network." Try deleting (forgetting) the network on the device and connecting again. I wrote how to do this on Windows 7. But in Windows 10 you need .

Password (key) WPA PSK

Whatever type of security and encryption method you choose, you must set a password. Also known as WPA key, Wireless Password, Wi-Fi network security key, etc.

Password length is from 8 to 32 characters. You can use letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. Also special characters: - @ $ # ! etc. No spaces! The password is case sensitive! This means that "z" and "Z" are different characters.

I don't recommend betting simple passwords. It's better to create strong password, which no one will be able to pick up, even if they try hard.

It is unlikely that you will be able to remember such a complex password. It would be nice to write it down somewhere. It’s not uncommon for Wi-Fi passwords to be simply forgotten. I wrote in the article what to do in such situations: .

If you need even more security, you can use MAC address binding. True, I don’t see the need for this. WPA2 - Personal paired with AES and a complex password is quite enough.

How do you protect your Wi-Fi network? Write in the comments. Well, ask questions :)

Password and MAC address filtering should protect you from hacking. In fact, safety largely depends on your caution. Inappropriate security methods, a simple password and a frivolous attitude towards strangers on the home network give attackers additional features for attack. In this article, you will learn how to crack a WEP password, why you should abandon filters, and how to secure your wireless network from all sides.

Protection from uninvited guests

Your network is not secure, therefore, sooner or later, an outsider will connect to your wireless network - perhaps not even on purpose, since smartphones and tablets can automatically connect to unsecured networks. If he just opens several sites, then, most likely, nothing bad will happen except for the consumption of traffic. The situation will become more complicated if a guest starts downloading illegal content through your Internet connection.

If you have not yet taken any security measures, then go to the router interface through a browser and change your network access data. The router address usually looks like: If this is not the case, then you can find out the IP address of your network device through command line. In the operating room Windows system 7 Click on the “Start” button and enter the “cmd” command in the search bar. Call up the network settings with the “ipconfig” command and find the “Default gateway” line. The specified IP is the address of your router, which must be entered in the address bar of the browser. The location of your router's security settings varies by manufacturer. As a rule, they are located in a section with the name “WLAN | Safety".

If your wireless network uses an unsecured connection, you should be especially careful with content located in folders with shared access, since in the absence of protection it is at the complete disposal of other users. At the same time, in operating system In Windows XP Home, the situation with shared access is simply catastrophic: by default, passwords cannot be set here at all - this function is present only in the professional version. Instead, all network requests are made through an unsecured guest account. You can secure your network in Windows XP using a small manipulation: launch the command line, enter “net user guest YourNewPassword” and confirm the operation by pressing the “Enter” key. After reboot Windows access network resources will only be possible if you have a password, but more fine tuning in this version of the OS, unfortunately, it is not possible. Managing sharing settings is much more convenient in Windows 7. Here, to limit the number of users, just go to the “Network and Sharing Center” in the Control Panel and create home group password protected.

The lack of proper security on a wireless network is a source of other dangers, as hackers can use special programs(sniffers) identify all unsecured connections. This way, it will be easy for hackers to intercept your identification data from various services.


As before, the two most popular security methods today are MAC address filtering and hiding the SSID (network name): these security measures will not keep you safe. In order to identify the name of the network, an attacker only needs a WLAN adapter, which switches to monitoring mode using a modified driver, and a sniffer - for example, Kismet. The attacker monitors the network until a user (client) connects to it. It then manipulates the data packets and thereby kicks the client off the network. When the user reconnects, the attacker sees the network name. It seems complicated, but in fact the whole process only takes a few minutes. Bypassing the MAC filter is also easy: the attacker determines the MAC address and assigns it to his device. Thus, the connection of an outsider remains unnoticed by the network owner.

If your device only supports WEP encryption, take immediate action - such a password can be cracked even by non-professionals in a few minutes.

Particularly popular among cyber fraudsters is the Aircrack-ng software package, which, in addition to the sniffer, includes an application for downloading and modifying WLAN adapter drivers, and also allows you to recover the WEP key. Well-known hacking methods are PTW and FMS/KoreK attacks, in which traffic is intercepted and a WEP key is calculated based on its analysis. In this situation, you have only two options: first, you should look for the latest firmware for your device, which will support the latest encryption methods. If the manufacturer does not provide updates, it is better to refuse to use such a device, because in doing so you are jeopardizing the security of your home network.

The popular advice to reduce Wi-Fi range only gives the appearance of protection. Neighbors will still be able to connect to your network, but attackers often use Wi-Fi adapters with a longer range.

Public hotspots

Places with free Wi-Fi attract cyber fraudsters because huge amounts of information pass through them, and anyone can use hacking tools. Public hotspots can be found in cafes, hotels and other public places. But other users of the same networks can intercept your data and, for example, take control of your Accounts on various web services.

Cookie Protection. Some attack methods are truly so simple that anyone can use them. Firesheep extension for Firefox browser automatically reads and displays in a list the accounts of other users, including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Twitter. If a hacker clicks on one of the entries in the list, he will immediately have full access to the account and will be able to change the user's data at his discretion. Firesheep does not crack passwords, but only copies active, unencrypted cookies. To protect yourself from such interceptions, you should use the special HTTPS Everywhere add-on for Firefox. This extension forces online services to always use an encrypted connection via HTTPS if supported by the service provider's server.

Android protection. In the recent past, a flaw in the operating room has attracted everyone's attention. Android system, which could allow scammers to gain access to your accounts in services such as Picasa and Google Calendar, as well as read your contacts. Google fixed this vulnerability in Android 2.3.4, but most devices previously purchased by users have older versions of the system installed. To protect them, you can use the SyncGuard application.


The best protection is provided by WPA2 technology, which is used by manufacturers computer equipment since 2004. Most devices support this type of encryption. But, like other technologies, WPA2 also has its weak point: using a dictionary attack or the bruteforce method, hackers can crack passwords - however, only if they are unreliable. Dictionaries simply go through the keys stored in their databases - as a rule, all possible combinations of numbers and names. Passwords like “1234” or “Ivanov” are guessed so quickly that the hacker’s computer doesn’t even have time to warm up.

The bruteforce method does not involve using a ready-made database, but, on the contrary, selecting a password by listing all possible combinations of characters. In this way, an attacker can calculate any key - the only question is how long it will take him. NASA, in its security guidelines, recommends a password of at least eight characters, and preferably sixteen. First of all, it is important that it consists of lowercase and capital letters, numbers and special characters. It would take a hacker decades to crack such a password.

Your network is not yet fully protected, since all users within it have access to your router and can make changes to its settings. Some devices provide additional functions protections that should also be taken advantage of.

First of all, disable the ability to manipulate the router via Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, this feature is only available on certain devices, such as Linksys routers. All modern router models also have the ability to set a password for the management interface, which allows you to restrict access to settings.

Like any program, the router firmware is imperfect - small flaws or critical holes in the security system are not excluded. Usually information about this instantly spreads across the Internet. Regularly check for new firmware for your router (some models even have a function automatic update). Another advantage of flashing firmware is that it can add new functions to the device.

Periodic analysis of network traffic helps to recognize the presence of uninvited guests. In the router management interface you can find information about which devices connected to your network and when. It is more difficult to find out how much data a particular user has downloaded.

Guest access - a means of protecting your home network

If you protect your router with a strong password using WPA2 encryption, you will no longer be in any danger. But only until you share your password with other users. Friends and acquaintances who, with their smartphones, tablets or laptops, want to access the Internet through your connection are a risk factor. For example, the possibility that their devices are infected cannot be ruled out malware. However, you won't have to refuse your friends because of this, since top-end router models, such as the Belkin N or Netgear WNDR3700, provide guest access specifically for such cases. The advantage of this mode is that the router creates a separate network with its own password, and the home one is not used.

Security Key Reliability

WEP (WIRED EQUIVALENT PRIVACY). Uses a pseudo-random number generator (RC4 algorithm) to obtain the key, as well as initialization vectors. Since the latter component is not encrypted, it is possible for third parties to intervene and recreate the WEP key.

WPA (WI-FI PROTECTED ACCESS) Based on the WEP mechanism, but offers a dynamic key for extended security. Keys generated using the TKIP algorithm can be cracked using the Bek-Tevs or Ohigashi-Moriya attack. For this individual packages decrypted, manipulated and sent back to the network.

WPA2 (WI-FI PROTECTED ACCESS 2) Uses the reliable AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm for encryption. Along with TKIP, the CCMP protocol (Counter-Mode/CBC-MAC Protocol) has been added, which is also based on the AES algorithm. Until now, a network protected by this technology could not be hacked. The only option for hackers is a dictionary attack or “brute force method”, where the key is guessed by guessing, but complex password it is impossible to pick it up.

So you've got Wi-Fi router– this gives you a convenient and no less fast access to the Internet from anywhere in your house or apartment, which is already great. As a rule, most users purchase the distribution device themselves and it happens that they hardly configure it, except perhaps only adjust the basic settings for optimal performance. However, do not forget that setting up Wi-Fi security is necessary if you do not want uninvited guests on your network and the headaches that accompany them.

Why are visitors dangerous?

If you don’t take care of properly setting certain parameters, they will connect to your network and take a decent share of the speed for themselves, they can reconfigure the router or even get to your computer if there is an interested person with certain hacking skills on the other side.

The conclusion is this: if you don’t protect yourself, sooner or later it can play a cruel joke on you; This is especially true for places where Wi-Fi can become almost public - multi-storey buildings, houses near parks, and so on.

Where to look for router settings

If you just bought the device and haven't changed anything yet, but want to at least minimally secure your wireless network, you will need to follow the steps described below.

To begin, open the browser you have on your computer. Find the address bar at the top and enter the values ​​ If it doesn’t work, we change the first one to zero, we get Of course, there may be situations where the manufacturer has changed the standard address: in this case, you will find it either on the device sticker or on the box.

The next window that you will see will be for your login and password: by default this is the word admin, or again we specify it on the device sticker. By the way, the first and most primitive reason for the vulnerability is to leave standard login information on the router.

Well, now that you are already inside, the fun begins - setting up Wi-Fi security.

How to protect yourself

We will show everything with an example TP-Link modem. First of all, let’s change your login and password.

We find the menu items on the left and select “System Tools” there, and then in the submenu – the “Password” item. Here we enter the old data in the first two fields, then the new login and twice New Password. After which we just have to click on “Save”.

We continue to strengthen Wi-Fi security and change the network name or SSID. Here we go to the “Wireless Mode” tab and then proceed as shown in the screenshot. It is important to use the Latin alphabet and numbers in the name - we do not use the Cyrillic alphabet at all.

Some devices also have a special option - hiding the network name, so that after the first correct settings you no longer have to enter anything manually: your computer or tablet will connect automatically, and no one will be able to access the Internet without permission, even from your computer.

The third action, which is aimed at protecting your network, is changing the encryption - everything is clear here. There is no point in using WEP encryption, since it is quite outdated and has many flaws.

Here we look for “Basic settings”, then “Wireless mode” and in it the item “Wireless protection”. On the tab we recommend using WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. Now let's save again.

Another feature that is only needed 10% of the time but creates a serious gap is WPS: we find separate tab with it and disable it, after which we save the changes again.

Now we have in turn such an aspect of Wi-Fi security as IP protection using Firewall. Of course, all computers that will be connected to the network must also have firewalls enabled and antivirus software installed.

We go to the “Security” tab, where we are interested in “Basic protection”. Here we need “SPI Firewall”, opposite which we check the “Activate” checkbox. This gives us another plus on the path to relative security.

As a last resort, if someone can still guess the password, there is such an option as filtering by MAC addresses– by turning it on, you can further increase the security of distribution Wi-Fi way strictly restricting access to it. In fact, only devices included in the list will be able to connect, while others will be blocked from entering under any conditions.

We find the “Wireless Mode” item and the “MAC Address Filtering” sub-item. Here we need to click on the “Enable” button and select “Allow”. Now at the bottom we find the “Add” button and write down the necessary addresses: do not forget to name the devices to make it easier to understand.

To find out the MAC address of your computer, just go to the “Start” menu and find the command line there, or find the “Run” item and enter cmd there: in both cases you will see a window like in the screenshot in which you need enter getmac. In the screenshot, the required field is highlighted with a red frame.

To get information about the address of your Android tablet or phone, go to: “Settings” > “About phone” > “ Technical information" Now you will be protected from all kinds of intrusions.

Some of the devices have an interesting function inside the settings - work schedule settings, thanks to which the device will work and be available only at certain times and on certain days.

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