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We are unable to verify whether it matches. Cannot find (file). Check that the name is correct and try again. Solution. How to use Magisk

It happens that all the significant numbers and data in the tax return are correct, but it is not possible to submit it on time. Let's look at the three most common cases that are difficult to fix.

  1. On title page The declaration period is incorrectly specified.

Emerging difficulties:

  • The error is difficult to correct using a refined form. The fact is that in the tax inspectorate’s database there are 2 types of declarations, primary and updated, which are matched according to the reporting period. If you submit the primary report for six months and then correct it in the updated report for 9 months, the system will not see the connection between them, and the error will not be corrected.
  • Sometimes they send along with the updated declaration explanatory note, but there is a high risk that inspectors will not pay attention to this. As a result, you will have to make and submit the declaration again, with the correct reporting period. But the deadlines will be missed, and this leads to a fine. It can be challenged, but loss of time and effort is inevitable.

How to avoid the problem? Before submitting the declaration, carefully check that the reporting year and period code are spelled correctly.

  1. The primary report contains a code for the updated declaration form.

Emerging difficulties: if an adjustment is sent instead of the original report, the report will simply not pass the logical control. The tax inspector will send a notification of refusal with an error code. For example, in response to an updated 6-NDFL, which was sent by mistake instead of the primary report, the notification will contain an error code - 0400300001.

How to avoid the problem? Carefully check the title page and section 3. The correction code must be present in both places. If the report is primary, the code should be “0-” or “000” (depending on the filling rules). For adjustments, codes “1—” or “001” are used, respectively, for the first updated declaration.

  1. The declaration was sent by mail, but did not arrive.

Emerging difficulties: the declaration will not arrive on time, the deadlines will be missed, and a fine will follow.

How to avoid the problem? The first way is the most reliable. You need to enter into an agreement to submit declarations online. The special operator will not only submit the necessary declarations on time, but will also save all shipping receipts in the program. Unlike mail, documents can be sent at any time of the day. The program automatically checks that the declaration is filled out correctly, so errors can be noticed and corrected before sending.

The second way: continue sending declarations by mail, but keep receipts and an inventory of the attachments. These documents will help prove that the obligation to submit the declaration was fulfilled in good faith and on time.

In conclusion, it should be noted when the tax office does not accept an electronic report:

  • If the TIN and KPP of the organization are incorrectly indicated. They are automatically checked against the data that relates to the electronic signature. If there is an error, you will have to submit the report again.
  • If the same name is given to two files - the primary and updated declaration. Each of them must have a unique name that the accounting program accepts. There is no need to correct errors in a file that has already been sent, it will remain incorrect. A new declaration with a new name must be generated and submitted.
  • If the electronic signature and the last name of the person who signed the declaration do not match. This situation may arise when the organization has recently changed its leader, or has several electronic signatures. The report will not be accepted if there is a discrepancy between the electronic and actual signatures.

Filling out and sending the declaration requires responsibility, accuracy and composure. Check every stage of this work, and then you won’t need to correct errors and pay fines.

Analysis of reports provided by taxpayers in electronic form I found common errors:

Error code and name The essence of the error What to do
0100500001 There is no information about the power of attorney with the tax authority. Declarations are signed by an authorized representative of the taxpayer. But the presented set of reports does not contain an information message about the power of attorney. 1) Submit to the inspection the original power of attorney on paper or its copy certified by a notary; 2) with each set of reports submitted to the inspection, it is necessary to attach an information message about the power of attorney, completed in accordance with paper.
0100500003 The representative does not have the authority to sign and submit tax reports. The information message about the power of attorney is filled out incorrectly. An error is possible if the declaration is signed by the chief accountant or other authorized representative of the company. Or the representative's credentials are filled out incorrectly. Correct errors in the information message about the power of attorney and send it to the inspectorate again.
0100500004 Inconsistency between the credentials of the taxpayer’s representative in the declaration and the information message about the power of attorney. The declaration was signed by one authorized representative, while information about another representative was submitted to the inspection. Check whether the name of the representative on the title page of the declaration corresponds to the data in the information message about the power of attorney. Correct the errors and submit the declaration again.
9999999991 No entry was found in the “Power of Attorney” IR that corresponds to the data of the power of attorney submitted along with the declaration. Data information message about the power of attorney submitted along with the declaration do not correspond to the paper form of the power of attorney for this authorized representative. Check the compliance of the information message about the power of attorney with paper media. Correct the errors and submit the declaration again.
0100600001 Incorrect information about the head of the organization (full name, tax identification number). The declaration was signed by the head of the company. But the information about him in the declaration does not coincide with the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Check whether the name of the manager on the title page of the declaration corresponds to the data in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the signature key certificate. Correct the errors and submit the declaration again.
0100800001 Impossibility of registering an updated document without the primary one. The taxpayer submitted a primary declaration with the “corrective” attribute. Correct the document type attribute in the declaration from “adjusting” to “primary”. Once again, download the declaration from the program and re-send it to the inspectorate.
0400300001 Registration of an updated document without the primary one. The taxpayer submitted a declaration with the “corrective” attribute, while the inspectorate does not have the primary declaration for this reporting period.
0400200005 A document with the specified “Document Type” and “Adjustment Number” (primary, with an adjustment attribute) has already been registered. The taxpayer submitted an updated return marked “primary” and not with an adjustment number. Or the declaration contains an incorrect adjustment number, for example, which already existed. Correct the document type in the declaration from “primary” to “corrective” or change the correction number. After that, download and send the declaration to the inspectorate again.
0300100002 The xsd schema file was not found. A notification with this error usually comes when the settings are incorrect. software inspections. Report the error to the inspectorate and find out when it will be corrected. Submit the declaration again the next day.
0300100003 The document cannot be identified. The taxpayer submitted a return on an unspecified (for example, outdated) form or in an incorrect format. Update the reporting forms in the accounting program, and then upload and send the declaration to the inspectorate again in a new format.

From time to time, our computers produce various errors: any programs or files stop opening, the reboot mode starts on its own, and other problems arise. In this article, I will talk about why the message “Cannot find (file)” sometimes appears on your computer screen. Check if the name is correct and try again”, and what to do to resolve this problem.

We are looking for a solution to the problem

Why can't I find the file?

Let's understand why our computer screen displays a message that the file cannot be found and we need to check the name. The system in parentheses indicates the path to a file that cannot be detected and advises us to check that the name is correct and try again.

Users agree that this problem is caused by the antivirus. More precisely, the virus itself, traces of which have been detected, and the file infected by it has been deleted or moved to quarantine. The error also appears when incorrect installation or uninstalling programs. Of course, you can always reinstall Windows, but this is a last resort; no one wants to demolish working programs. Therefore, we will first apply less categorical measures - consider various types files and determine ways to correct the error.

Solving the problem when it is impossible to open exe files

There are several ways to solve the problem of opening exe files. Let's look at them in order.

Reinstalling software

If the file is deleted antivirus program, then there is no need to take it out of storage, it was not for nothing that it was moved there. Even if we can get it out of there, it's already damaged and won't be able to function as it should.

In this case, the solution is complete uninstallation and installation of a program that cannot start. It is best to remove software not through standard Windows tools, and with the help of special software – Revo Uninstaller or AIDA64. They will not only uninstall the problematic program, but will also “clean up” all unnecessary residual files.

Changing Steam Settings

It happens that a message about the inability to open a certain exe file “Cannot find... Check if the name is correct and try again” appears when starting the game. In this case, we apply the following algorithm of actions:

  • Click on Steam folder RMB and select “Properties”;
  • go to the “Security” tab;
  • in the first window “Groups or users”, select the line “Users”;
  • if for some reason this line is missing, then click “Change” just below and in the next window “Add”;
Select a user in the Steam folder
  • in the “Enter names of selected objects” window, enter the user name and click “Check names” (the name can be taken from the “Administrators” line or use the guest name registered on this PC);

Enter the names of the selected objects
  • After successfully checking the name, click on OK;
  • make sure that all “Allow” items are checked for the selected user and click OK;
Setting permissions for the “Users” group
  • wait for everyone to enter changes made and restart the game.

Registry Editor and Task Manager to help

  1. You can try this method too. Right-click on Start (in Windows 10) and look for the “Run” line.
  2. Enter regedit. The Registry Editor opens.
  3. We go through the following path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - look for the problematic line here and delete it.

Delete the file in the Run folder

It may also help to disable auto-loading of the application that is receiving the “Cannot find (file)” error. Open the Task Manager (in the Start button), LMB select the desired program, then right-click on it and select “Disable”.

Solving the problem with opening Excel

If you can't open Excel workbook and a message appears stating that it cannot be found (file) - you need to check whether the name is specified correctly and try again, then you need to do the following. Since the error is caused by in this case There may be a ban on accepting DDE requests from other applications, then it must be removed. To do this, you need to uncheck the box in the “Ignore DDE requests from other applications” line. In Excel 2007 given line is in additional parameters in the button Microsoft Office. In Excel 2003 and older versions - in general parameters in the Service menu.

Error in Local Group Policy Editor

During our activities, we may encounter the fact that when starting the local editor group policy A message box will appear stating that the gpedit.msc file cannot be found. Let's not rush to look this file on your computer, and we remember or see what Windows version installed on PC. If it’s basic or home, they simply don’t have a LGP ​​editor.

In this case, we use two methods:

  • we are looking for another way where we do not need the editor functions (they help to more easily manage system settings by making changes to the registry);
  • we reinstall the OS to corporate, professional and other versions that have a narrow specialization.

We have looked at the main ways to solve the problem that occurs when Windows cannot find required file. I hope that this information will help anyone who encounters a similar error.

Allowing contactless payments. But before the owners of Android smartphones had time to rejoice at the new possibilities, many of them were faced with a problem. The application was successfully installed on the device, but when I tried to launch it, the smartphone displayed the following message: “Google Pay is not supported on this device. We were unable to verify that your device meets the security standards set for Google Pay. The reason may be that it has root access configured and the bootloader is unlocked operating systems or a non-original ROM is installed."

What’s interesting is that, as usual, the part of users who prefer to have with them not just a phone for communication, but a convenient and productive tool for solving problems, suffered, as usual. various kinds everyday tasks. As you probably already guessed, these are those who received Root rights to their smartphone and installed modified firmware with high-quality translation into Russian, while unlocking the bootloader (check out). Even more interesting is that, for example, Xiaomi smartphones Even the official weekly build for devices of this popular brand does not pass verification in Google Pay - the application only agrees to work with stable versions MIUI, which are updated every few months.

We already dealt with a similar problem a year and a half ago, and then we were able to help users bypass security requirements mobile version service "". Mechanisms Google protection Pay turned out to be approximately identical. But (we repeat) a year and a half has passed, and today, thanks to the efforts of those most advanced and inquisitive users, a program called “ Magisk - The Universal Systemless Interface", allowing you to get the desired result easier and faster - without giving up superuser rights and installing patched versions of the software. Installing this program makes it possible to fully use Google service Pay on smartphones with Root rights, unlocked bootloader and custom firmware.

How to use Magisk?

The main condition for using Magisk is its availability own Root rights(MagiskSU) or officially non-system SuperSU. In any other case, Magisk will try to remove third-party root and install MagiskSU by default.

Solving the problem with Google Pay:

** If you do not want to install Magisk and other third-party software, there is an easier way to hide Root rights and/or unlocked bootloader from Google Pay: you need to replace two lines (manufacturer name and smartphone model) in the build.prop file(for example, using ) for the next:
ro.product.manufacturer=Samsung ro.product.model=SM-G930

That's probably all. After these manipulations, reboot the device and Google Pay will work without any problems. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in the comments, and we will definitely answer them.

Every Windows 7 user who downloads applications from the Internet has more than once witnessed a picture pop up in front of them, in the form of a warning window, saying they downloaded it from the wrong place, and the publisher is unknown to our database. It seems to be even a useful thing, however, if you are not a secretary sitting at a computer for a couple of hours in the office, but an advanced user, or even a programmer, then this window has probably become an eyesore more than once. So how do you disable publisher verification?

Instructions for dummies on how to remove the publisher verification window

Removing a window is not as difficult as you might think. As you should be well aware, the “could not verify publisher” window looks like this:

1. First, we need to go to the “Control Panel”, there we look for the “Internet Options” section, click on the corresponding icon, and select the “Advanced” section in the window that opens.

2. Uncheck “Verify signatures for downloaded programs”, and then find the section “Allow execution and installation of programs...” and vice versa, activate it.
You can see what this window should look like in the end, after all the machinations, just below!

3. Next, we need to correct the Registry itself so that we completely stop being bothered by various warnings, not only with exe files, but also with other formats. Create text document under the name “*.txt” and write in it the entire script that is presented in the picture below:

4. Next, when saving the file, specify not the text extension, but the “.reg” extension, which will allow you to transfer it to the register section. You will immediately see a warning window where you will have to confirm your choice of change system registry. Thus, you seem to exclude from the “list” of formats that need to be checked for a license, all those very popular file types for which a notification will appear!

5. You can finish here, the only thing is that you will need to restart your PC so that everything you changed takes effect, and the annoying warning window no longer bothers your eyes!

Important to mention: you can do a similar algorithm of actions in order to get rid of the Windows 10 publisher check, without any changes. If even after this you continue to see this window, check the system for recent rollbacks, as well as your account, for the presence of root rights. Also, check if you rewrote the text from the picture above correctly.


So, that’s all, now you know how to easily and without any problems remove the annoying sign by going to just a couple of control panel elements and changing windows registry. This window will never bother you again!

As you know, Apple adheres to a strict policy in terms of installing and running programs from third-party developers that are not in the AppStore. Therefore, users often encounter the error “Unable to verify the program” on iOS devices, regardless of whether they are using an iPhone or an iPad. Today we'll tell you possible reasons this failure and write instructions on how to fix the error yourself.

Creating your own programs and mistakes

As you know, an organization or users can use the “Apple Developer Enterprise Program” software to create enterprise programs for iOS and install them for their own use or in organizations. But before this, it is necessary to undergo verification, and if the application is installed “manually”, then the verification must be carried out manually.

Causes of IOS program verification errors

The error “Unable to verify the program” most often occurs when trying to establish a connection to the site - you can check and open the link in your browser. The reason for this is that the address is blocked by your network, provider or sanctions. For example, in countries protected by the great firewall “Great Firewall of China” - China or North Korea. The combination of Shadowrocket and VPN client proved to be an excellent solution.

How to fix a program trust check error

In order to bypass failures when connecting to, we will need to resort to the help of Shadowrocket and VPN. For this

  • Download Shadowrocket from the AppStore. At the time of writing, the program cost $2.99
  • Then we install a working VPN from the AppStore or search on the Internet.
  • We launch the VPN client in Shadowrocket - we gain access to the verification servers and check the applications.

Shadowrocket useful utility Some of its main advantages include the following:

  • Captures all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on the device and redirects it to the proxy server.
  • Recording and displaying HTTP, HTTPS, DNS requests from iOS devices.
  • Rule settings for matching domain, domain suffix, keywords, CIDR IP address range and/or GeoIP lookup.
  • Measuring traffic and network speed over WiFi, cellular, direct and proxy connections.
  • Blocking ads by domain.
  • Local DNS mapping.
  • Work with 3G, 4G networks.
  • Decryption of HTTPS traffic.
  • URL rewriting.
  • Full IPv6 support.

As you can see, the Shadowrocket utility will be useful not only for checking the trust in programs, but also for blocking advertising for up to domain name and full-time work with URL addresses and HTTPS traffic.


I hope we have shed some light on the issue of “Unable to verify the program on IOS” when creating and installing applications on your devices. The presented method is not the only one; if desired, you can find free programs for the same purposes or search for them on In any case, write in the comments if you tried it this method and whether he helped you. We will also listen to your advice in solving this error and will definitely supplement our article with working methods.

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