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How to remove capital letters on the keyboard. How to make small letters on the keyboard. Large and small letters

How to make capital letters on the keyboard?

    If you need to type several letters so that they are BIG, then you can simply press and hold the Shift key. And if you need to type a large amount of text in CAPITAL letters, then here are the possible options:

    • You can press the key before typing Caps Lock,
    • But it’s possible if you type the text in Word ( Microsoft Word), simply select the desired piece of text and, while holding down the Shift key, press the F3 key. Each time you press the F3 key, the case will change, and you can easily change any text from small to large, and from large to small.
  • To make capital letters on the keyboard - Find the Caps Lock key on the left, press once and you will print in capital letters. Then to switch to small ones, press Caps Lock again. If you only need a few capital letters, hold down the Shift key and type.

    In order to switch the keyboard to capital letters, you need to press the Caps Lock button on it. To return small letters back, you need to press e a second time. If you need, for example, to type a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, you can press and hold the Shift button to type this letter and release the key.

  • How to make letters big

    In general, there is a specially designed Caps Lock key for this purpose (from the English capitals lock - fixing capital letters). But it may be easier to take any ready-made text and convert it to uppercase. Many programs make this very easy to do, for example in text editor AkelPad for this you need to select the text and press the key combination Ctrl+6.

  • You need to press the Caps Lock key and write in capital letters. As soon as you want to write in small letters again, press the same key a second time. Or you can simply hold down the Shift key and type text on the keyboard at this time.

    To write in capital letters, you can increase the font size, both in your Word document and in your Internet browser settings.

    If we are talking about uppercase and lowercase letters, then you can write in capital letters by pressing the Shift key and typing the text. Or you can press the Caps Lock key (look for it on the left, above Shift) then all the letters you type will be capitalized. You can cancel this feature by pressing the Caps Lock key again.

    To type letters, a series of letters or a sentence, you need to press Caps Lock and release it, then type - the letters will become large.

    If you need to type one or more letters, you can press the shift key, left or right. Type while holding the key - while you need large letters.

    The third way is to type text in the editor, then select with the mouse the text that you want to make in capital letters, and press the F3 key - and the letters will become capital. And if you repeat, they will be small again - the effect is reversible.

    If you need to write one large letter, it is more convenient to use the Shift key. While holding it down, you must simultaneously press the desired letter key and the letter will be printed in uppercase.

    If you want to write several capital letters in a row, then it is more convenient to use the Caps Lock key. There is no need to hold it down; to return to small letters, press it again.

    Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. To make the letters large when typing, you need to press just one button - Caps Lock, to make them small again, you need to press it again.

    This button is on the left side of the keyboard.


In most cases, the manufacturer's Word application Microsoft Office is installed with the settings already specified. In particular, as a rule, the text in this program is typed like this by default. The sentence, as it should be according to the rules of the Russian language, begins with a capital letter, the text is lowercase. As soon as you put a period, the new sentence will automatically be written with a capital letter.

But sometimes in the text you need to replace small letters with large ones. There are several ways you can do this. For example, if you need while typing text document write a word in capital letters, press the Shift button (there are two on the keyboard - left and right, use either one) and hold it while writing the word or abbreviation.

You can also write a word in capital letters using keyboard key Caps Lock. Press this button once and enter text. As soon as you need to change the case, press the key again. If you're typing using Caps Lock, press and hold Shift to type multiple letters in lowercase. Once you have made the necessary changes, release the key.

If you have already written a word in small letters and you need to replace it with capital letters, use the mouse to select the word or part of the text that needs editing. Then move the mouse cursor to top panel tools and find the “Format” section. With one click on the button with the corresponding inscription, open the menu and select the “Register” option. Click this button and in the window that opens, select one of the proposed text writing options: as in sentences, all lowercase, all uppercase, start with capital letters (in this case, each word will be written with a capital letter), change case. After specifying the appropriate method for changing the letters, click “OK” to confirm the operation.

If you just need to change the size of letters in the text, select the word or phrase, right-click and select “Font” in the drop-down window. In the new window in the “Size” table, select the desired font size. Click OK. In the same table, you can apply other changes to the text: font, style, text color, modification, underlining, as well as spacing and animation.

There is also an easier way to change text written in small letters. To do this, select it and simultaneously press Shift+F3. When you press them again, the case will change: from lowercase to capital letters, as in sentences, each word is capitalized, etc. In this case, you just have to choose one of the options.

We all love chatting with friends on the Internet, but few people like it when people write to them in CAPITAL LETTERS. According to the unwritten law of the Internet, capital letters symbolize rage and anger: the interlocutor gets the impression that he is being yelled at. You and I are civilized people and do not like to raise our voices in public places. But here’s the thing: no matter what you type, those same barbaric screams come out. Don't worry, we'll show you how to make small letters on your keyboard!

How to make small letters on your keyboard

Have you ever wondered how the same key can print characters? different sizes? This is due to the so-called lower and upper registers: the first is responsible for small letters, and the second for large letters.

When changing case, other characters also change: for example, a slash turns into a vertical stick when changing to uppercase.

To switch between registers, just press the button Caps Lock. On both regular and MacOS keyboards, this button is located to the left of the others.

Caps Lock key location

There is a small tab on the upper right side of the keyboard or on the Caps Lock key itself. When you press the button, it lights up green, and when you press it again, it turns off.

Location of the light bulb on a regular keyboard

If the light is on, then you have upper case enabled and you will type in capital letters, and if it is disabled, you will type in small letters.


Key Shift is also responsible for switching between registers, but, unlike Caps Lock, it must be held while typing. If you release it, you will print in lowercase again.
For convenience, these buttons are located on both the left and right sides of the keyboard.

Location of Shift buttons on a regular keyboard

If even after turning off Caps Lock keyboard prints in capitals, then check both Shift keys: perhaps one of them is stuck.

So, we told you how to make small letters on your keyboard. We hope the information was useful to you!

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Despite the age of advanced technology, many people are still just getting started with computers. And it’s not at all easy for them, because the capabilities of modern PCs are much wider than the first models. Beginning PC users always have a lot of questions while working. How to remove capital letters on a keyboard is one of the most common ones that you will see answered today.

For what reasons should you change the font?

Many people have a great need to reduce the font on the screen while working with a stationary personal computer. This problem could be caused by a system crash on your device where all the shortcuts have suddenly increased in size, or you simply need to make the font smaller so that more information can fit on the computer screen.

It’s not really important, since the methods for solving the problem will be the same in all cases. This material should help a novice user cope with the task, and he will only need a keyboard and a computer mouse.

If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove large font on the keyboard, this means that the visualization of symbols on the workspace of your device has ceased to satisfy your vision. This feature gets boring very quickly when working in a browser or any other utilities, for example: Microsoft Word, Excel and others. There may also be times when action needs to be taken because some label labels are not displaying properly, which means you need to reduce the system symbol output sizes operating system Windows.

Basic methods for solving the problem posed

Among the countless ways to remove large letters on a computer, the most popular and simplest solutions are highlighted.

Method 1

Just use the “control” (Ctrl) and “minus” (-) keys. This method is universal for most computer programs Windows OS, and for third-party software Same. Just press and hold Ctrl, and then press minus - you will immediately see how everything is reduced.

Important! If you suddenly want to increase something, then replace the minus with a plus (+), and everything will return to its place.

Method 2

You can also use the settings of the browser you are using. While surfing the world wide web, you may need to reduce the font size that is displayed by this browser. Such measures are necessary to make surfing comfortable.

To “play around with letters:

  1. Just go to the program settings and find the parameter there that is responsible for the dimensions.
  2. Set the desired values ​​and continue using the Internet.
  3. If the result does not satisfy you, you can try changing the page scale. In the settings there will be a menu in which there are usually keys responsible for adjusting the display sizes in the form of “minus” and “plus”.

Method 3

You can also try controlling your monitor resolution. Resolution is the number of pixels that are displayed on the screen at the same time. If you change the values ​​of this parameter, then both icons and fonts will change their size, will look more clear, and operation personal computer it will become more comfortable.

Important! Do you want to change an already boring screen design, but have no idea how to implement it? Read detailed instructions:

In order to perform all these actions, right-click (right-click) on an empty area on the desktop space and select the section called “Screen Resolution” in which you need to switch to higher screen resolution values.

Important! Remember to consider the capabilities of your display device and do not set values ​​that exceed its technical parameters.

Method 4

You can try to reduce the size of letters using the built-in standard means operating room Windows systems. This method is also effective, and to use it you only need a computer running in operating mode:

  1. You need to hover over computer mouse on an empty area on the workspace and right-click.
  2. It will open before you context menu, in which you need to select the section called “Personalization”.
  3. Now go to the “Window Color” tab, and after that to “ Additional options registration". There you should see elements, for example “Icon” and put in the sizes that will suit your needs. Here you can change both the visualization of windows and the size of letters that system windows use.

Method 5

And finally, you can use the screen settings:

  1. Go to Control Panel from the Start menu and open Control and Personalization.
  2. Now we look for the “Screen” item, go into it and adjust the size down, if possible.

Important! You can also use another option called “Other font size” - you can find this option in the same menu on the left.

So, today we have to find out what a keyboard register switching key is. In addition, you need to clearly understand what will be discussed in general. That is, we will try to explain the concept of a keyboard register on a computer. In fact, all users are faced with this topic, but not everyone knows that they work specifically with the register in the operating system. Don't think that everything here is very difficult to understand. On the contrary, it’s as simple as shelling pears. The name of the keyboard register switching key has several options. And today we will try to figure out what kind of “names” are given to these buttons, as well as what (besides register) they are responsible for.

What is a register

The first thing you should pay attention to is what we have to work with today. We are talking about the keyboard register. What is it? Many do not even suspect that they have ever had contact with this “service”.

It is not difficult to guess that the “switch keyboard registers” key changes the value of the register. But what are we talking about? The point is that this concept is applicable to editing text information. In particular, to writing text on a computer.

Of course, everyone knows that there are capitals in the text, and there are capital letters. This is precisely the register on the computer. In other words, these are small and large letters that are written in a text editor. And they are very important. And the key for switching keyboard registers is responsible for their display and writing. That is, by pressing yes on a certain button, you will begin to print capital letters. Now it’s worth looking at exactly which commands help carry out this action.

Option "Familiar"

You were asked: “Name the register switching keys on the keyboard,” but you don’t know what to answer? Then let's try to correct this situation. Let's start by studying the most familiar button for everyone. There are usually two of them on the keyboard.

The name of the keyboard register switching key sounds like Shift. This is a very common option that can be used to change case on a computer. For convenience, each keyboard has two such buttons. One is on the right side (near the arrow panel), and the other is on the left. Only in practice, to be honest, it is the left key that is used. It’s more familiar and convenient.

Action Shift

The Shift key is used, as a rule, when writing texts on a computer. She is very comfortable. But how does it work? We'll find out now.

For example, you type text in small letters in Word. When you finish a sentence, you need to put a capital letter after that, and then write in capitals again. To do this, hold Shift and click on the desired button on the keyboard. Now release it and start typing again. What did we get?

But in fact it turned out that the keyboard register switching key temporarily changed the original parameter. That is, if you initially wrote in small letters, then with Shift held down you will type in large ones. But only as long as you hold this button. It's very convenient. Especially when you are typing large text. But this is not all that the register switching key on the keyboard is useful for. Let's try to figure out how else it can be used.


Shift, as we found out, is responsible for briefly changing the keyboard case parameter. But this button was created not only for this purpose. It also has other uses. And now we will deal with the most popular scenarios.

For example, this key also serves to switch the keyboard layout. Only in this case it has to be used in combination with Ctrl or Alt - depending on your system settings. Moreover, to change the alphabet on the keyboard, you quite often press the left Shift. This is also more convenient and familiar to the user.

In addition, in games, this key for switching keyboard registers helps to run. It is this button, as a rule, that in many toys is assigned the function of quickly moving the character. In extreme cases (usually in older applications), Shift represents "attack" or "action". In other words, a very useful button. If you play online games, you can also use Shift to write sentences in capital letters in chat. But this is not all that may concern our topic today.


There is another name for the register switching key. And, accordingly, there is another button for this idea. Only it is not used as often as Shift. After all, it gives us a slightly different change in the keyboard register settings parameter. What are we talking about?

The thing is that on the left side of your keyboard there is a button called Caps Lock. This is precisely another name for the keyboard register switching key. This button is responsible for constantly changing the state of the settings of the characters being typed. If by default you have all capital letters set (this is the case on every computer), then when you press (without holding) “Caps Lock” you will switch the keyboard case to the state of writing only capital letters.

It's actually very convenient. Especially if you need to write a sentence or a long word using only large characters. When you press "Caps" (as Caps Lock is called), doing this is as easy as shelling pears.

In order to understand the initial state of your Caps Lock, you will have to carefully look at the right side of the keyboard. Or on a panel (usually the bottom) on a laptop. There are special indicator lights there. They are all signed. If you have Caps Lock on, then when you try to write text, you will get only capital letters. In cases where the indicator is not illuminated, you will be able to type text in small letters.

As you can see, switching keyboard registers is something that every user encounters every day when working with a computer. There are just a few more important points, which we have not yet mentioned. For example, what will happen if you simultaneously apply “Shift” and “Caps Lock”, as well as hidden functions these buttons.

Consequences of use

Changing the keyboard case can have some consequences. This is especially true for Caps Lock. After all, if you accidentally press this button, the register settings will change.

What awaits a user who has the wrong case? As a rule, many web pages are equipped with a system that is sensitive to this parameter. This means that when the capitalization mode is turned on and with the default settings, the same password/login will be perceived as two different ones. Thus, there are usually problems with authorization on many pages on the Internet. More precisely, almost everyone.

In addition, if you are typing a message in a chat, and at the same time you accidentally press “Caps Lock”, you risk offending someone. After all, in world wide web a word (phrase, sentence) written in capital letters is interpreted as a cry. In fact, you will yell at the other person. And if you consider that nowadays virtual communication has almost replaced real communication, then this is not a very pleasant situation. Thus, always keep an eye on the indicator on your keyboard that says Caps Lock.

Simultaneous use

What happens if you decide to use Caps Lock and Shift at the same time? It all depends on the sequence of pressing these buttons. Why? Let's try to figure this out with you.

The thing is that one key temporarily changes the keyboard register setting, and the other permanently. If you first hold down Shift and then press Caps, nothing special will happen. You can type one capital letter using Shift, and then enable the constant writing of these letters using Caps Lock.

But in cases where “Caps” was pressed first, things proceed somewhat differently. When you activate Caps Lock, as already mentioned, the register parameter will be changed. When you apply Shift in parallel, you will temporarily capitalize the text. That is, by clicking on "Caps" and then holding down "Shift", you can write in cursive. As soon as you release the key, all letters will begin to be printed in capital letters again. In fact, sometimes this can be considered a very convenient technique.


Our buttons today are also used for another purpose. Only it is implemented in the “English layout” mode on Russian keyboards. Or on number keys in any language.

As users may have already noticed, some buttons have additional symbols next to numbers and letters. And they are printed using the keyboard register switching keys. For example, on English very often they put quotation marks using “Caps” or “Shift”.

And if you pay attention to the number panel above the alphabet on the keyboard, you can say that this method of typing characters works in any language. Just press "Shift" and then on the desired character - it will be printed on the computer. Very often this technique is used with the Russian layout. Do you want, for example, to put an asterisk in the text? Then hold down "Shift" in Russian, and then click on the number "8" on the alphanumeric keyboard. Try different options - you will definitely succeed.


So, today we found out the name of the keyboard register switching key. As you can see, there are several of them. In addition, we were able to understand what functions Shift and Caps Lock can perform on a computer.

The buttons we studied today are very diverse in their application. You just need to use them with caution. Don't forget about the consequences. For example, about the impossibility of authorization on any web pages. Pay attention to the condition of the "Caps" before you start working with the keyboard.

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