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How to remove large fonts on your computer. How to reduce font size on your computer: all about customizing fonts. How to reduce font size on computer using keyboard

It is very difficult for beginners to communicate with a computer in one language, so there are thousands of different instructions and recommendations on the Internet. Users especially often ask questions when working with text. How to reduce the font on a computer, because the wrong size not only interferes with your work, but also negatively affects the aesthetics? In this article we will help you solve this problem quickly and easily.

Why change the font value?

If you are faced with a situation in which you need an answer to the question of how to reduce the font on your computer, then you should contact detailed instructions to resolve this problem. Often the user puts a lot of strain on his visual apparatus and resorts to enlarging the elements that are displayed on the computer screen. Such actions are quite understandable, because everyone needs visual rest.

Important! Enlarging the font is only rational in cases where working conditions can be harmful to your health.

It is not difficult to carry out a simple analysis and understand what the user is on for a long time Uses his vision with concentration when working with a computer. All graphic elements have standard sizes, which everyone has the right to change to suit their individual needs.

No matter how strange it may be, not everyone knows how to install a font large size to the computer, so let's start from this point.

Setting the desired letter size

Before you figure it out, you need to understand how to update the database with new fonts. To do this, it is worth considering a few simple tips that will greatly help novice users.

In order to carry out the installation new base, you must first find it and download it to your device. Installation can be carried out using the following methods, which you will see below.

Method one

For proper installation, you can try using the following detailed instructions:

  1. Unpack the archive with the database that you downloaded from the Internet into the folder you need. Then go to the folder and open the context menu in which you will need to select “Install”.
  2. Next, you need to perform the following sequence: go to the “Start” panel and go to the “Settings” option. From there, you should go to the “Control Panel” and open the “Fonts” section.
  3. A context menu will open in front of you, in which you will need to use the “File” item and select the “Install font...” command.
  4. In the window with adding new data, you need to indicate the correct location and click on the installation button.

This is the first solution to the problem and will help you understand how to install a large font on your computer. But are there other ways?

Second way

To achieve the same result in another way, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the “Start” menu and go to the “Run” field.
  2. In the empty space, enter “%windir%\fonts” and confirm your actions by pressing the “Ok” key.
  3. Again, go to the familiar “File” option and click “Install font...”.
  4. You should see a window in front of you called “Adding fonts”. Here you will also need to specify the path to find the font base and use the “Install” button.

Third way

In order to use the third installation method, you need:

  1. Go to “My Computer” and select the disk with the Windows operating system preinstalled.
  2. Now go to Windows folder, and from it to the Fonts folder.
  3. Again, you will need to use the “File” menu and install the font using the line “Install font...”.
  4. We indicate the path, install and use.

The developer has always strived to simplify the user's life with advanced functionality. Font enlargement is no exception, since every operating system has a similar function. Most often, it is accompanied by extremely simple and easy settings, which can be changed by almost any user. This is what users value in the OS, since all parameters can be customized.

How to install a large font on a computer, since not every user is comfortable working with standard sizes? Let's look at the solution to this problem using an example operating system Windows XP, which has this feature.

Important! Next instructions can help in changing a wide variety of signatures and desktop items, as well as other menus and headings.

Increasing letter size

If you still want to change the standard values ​​to your own, then the following tips will definitely help you achieve the desired result and create comfortable conditions for future work with the computer.

In order to change the parameters in your own way, you will need to use the following settings and commands:

  1. First, you need to go to the context menu of your display and select the “Properties” option. To do this, right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select the required line in the menu that appears.
  2. Next you need to go to the “Design” window and go to the section called “Advanced”.
  3. Several fields will appear in front of you: “Element”, “Font” and “Size”. In each of them you can select the required sizes, and to save the change, just click on the “Ok” button.

Important! There is a function in the operating system capabilities that allows you to change the above values ​​for the entire graphical display interface at once. Just go to the “Appearance” tab in the properties window and select one of three size values: regular, huge, large.

We've sorted out the increase, but some are interested in how to remove it large font on the computer. Now we will pay a little attention to this problem.

Reducing sizes

Each person sees “in their own way,” so some users may find the font too large. In order to set up your visualization properly, you just need to follow these simple tips:

  • If you are interested in decreasing values ​​in specific text that is displayed in any text editor or Internet browser, then you should use the menu functionality software or a toolbar provided by the developer. In the same Word, these actions can be done by selecting a segment with your mouse and setting the desired font in the panel called “Formatting”. Just select the desired numerical value and monitor the result.
  • When it comes to web browsers, the actions will look a little different. Let's look at an example that uses the popular Mozilla browser. At the top of the surfing software there is the “Tools” item, after clicking on which you will need to go to the “Settings” section. From there you will need to go to the tab called “Content” and select “Advanced” in the menu that opens. Another window will open in front of you, in which you will be lucky enough to set the necessary values.
  • Also in all browsers there is a standard zoom function by pressing the Ctrl key and the + key. The same result can be achieved on the “View” tab, in which there is a line called “Scale”.
  • In a popular browser Google Chrome A similar procedure can be carried out by clicking on the settings icon. After this, you need to go to the “Settings” sub-item and find there the line called “Advanced”. Next, a window will open in front of you, in which you simply select “Font Size” and set the desired values.

Many have noticed that modern computers/ on laptops, icons and fonts have become smaller, although the diagonal has increased, this is due to the fact that the screen resolution has increased. In one of my previous articles I wrote How to enlarge (reduce) desktop icons in Windows , in this same article I will continue this topic and describe in detail the process of increasing/decreasing the font size and the scale of windows on a computer/laptop.

Enlarge font in Windows XP.

In order to change the font size in Windows XP, there are two ways:

1 Method. Right-click on an empty desktop field and context menu select "Properties".

Select the "Design" tab and in the field Font size select the required size.

2 Method. To use this method, paste installation disk from Windows XP DVD drive. After that, right-click on the desktop and select "Properties".

In the menu that opens, open the "Options" tab and click the "advanced" button.

In the "General" tab, select the font magnification scale.

If you want to specify your magnification factor, select "Special parameters" and indicate by what percentage to enlarge the font.

For the settings to take effect, you must restart the computer.

Increase/decrease font, scale in Windows 7.

To change the font and scale of windows in Windows 7, you need to right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select "Screen Resolution".

In the window that opens, select "Make text and other elements larger or smaller."

After this, you will be given a choice between how much to mutilate the font and other elements. Specify which item suits you and click the "Apply" button.

If you would like to change the font to your ratio, select "Other font size (dpi)".

After that, indicate by what percentage you would like to increase the font and window size in Windows 7.

After this, you need to re-login ("Start" - "Log out"). Please note that this procedure will close all applications; close all applications before clicking Quit Now.

Increase/decrease font, scale in Windows 8/8.1.

Right-click on your desktop and select Screen Resolution.

In the properties window that opens, select "Change size of text and other elements."

Using the slider you can change the size of text and windows. If you want to change any specific parameter, such as Window Title, Menu, select the appropriate parameter and specify the size. At the end, don't forget to click "Apply".

As you can see, changing the font size or window scale in Windows is quite simple and easy, regardless of the version of Windows XP/ 7/ 8.

Not happy with the font size on your PC? Do you have to strain your eyes to read from the screen or vice versa - would you like to make the letters smaller? If you don't know how to change the font size on your computer, then this material will teach you how to make viewing text content on a monitor screen comfortable for the eyes.

In the Windows operating system, there are two main methods for increasing or decreasing font size:

  1. Changing its size only in certain programs.
  2. Changing its size globally.

The first method is suitable for changing the size in those programs that the user most often uses, without changing the font size of interface elements. For example, increasing or decreasing the size of text in a window or text editor, i.e. only changing the main content.

The second method changes the font size across the entire operating system globally, increasing or decreasing element labels user interface, folder and file names, menu items and submenus, text content of program windows, etc. Let's take a closer look at how these two methods work.

In many programs, the text size can be quickly increased or decreased by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the key Ctrl. By scrolling the wheel away from us, we increase the text size, and towards us, we decrease it. You can also use only the keyboard by holding down the key Ctrl and pressing + or – on the numeric keypad located on the right (not in all programs).

This way you can increase or decrease the text size, for example in a browser or Microsoft program Word.

It should be noted that in this way we change the size of the text, scaling it up or down. The font size itself does not change. Simply put, we seem to zoom in or out of the text without changing its structure and design.

For example, if the text is typed in a font size of 14 points, then when scaled it will remain 14 points, but the scale will change towards increasing or decreasing from the original 100%.

Scaling is useful when you come across sites with very small text and you need to enlarge it quickly, without having to go into the browser settings. Or are you editing Word file with text in 11-point font, which makes you strain your eyes. Changing the font size can lead to unwanted design disruption, but this will not happen when scaling. By increasing the scale (for example, up to 130%), you can easily edit the text without straining your eyes, without the risk of breaking its structure and without changing the file size.

Some programs remember the set scale and to return to its original state, when opening a file or visiting a site on which the text has been enlarged or reduced, use the combination again Ctrl+mouse wheel or by changing the scale in the program menu.

Now let's talk about how to change the font size in programs.

As a rule, every program for working with text or displaying text content has settings that allow you to change the font size. Let's look at this operation using a text editor as an example. Microsoft Word.

When creating a new document, select from the toolbar right size font by selecting it in the drop-down menu or by clicking the " Increase size" or " Reduce size».

When editing an existing document, select all text using a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ A and change the font in the same way.

If you use the built-in notepad program, then go to the menu Format>Font and select the required size, style and font type.

Depending on the program you are using, these parameters may be located in different places in the settings. Typically, software developers make the interface intuitive and easy to customize, and, as a rule, finding these settings is not difficult.

To change the font size in all user interface elements on your computer, you must do the following:

Windows 7

For more fine tuning click in the left panel of the subsection " Screen» by menu « Different font size", where select the scale of change, click OK and follow step 4.

Windows 10

The best way for this version of the operating system would be to use free utility, which can be downloaded from the official website. The utility allows you to specify the font size for individual elements operating system interface and save the current settings in separate file for subsequent restoration.

Although the program language is English, it is easy to understand:

  • Title Bar - window title;
  • Menu - program menu (context menu);
  • Message Box - message window;
  • Palette Title - panel titles;
  • Icon - inscriptions under the icons;
  • Tooltip - tips.

Select the required item and adjust the font size for it using the movable pointer. In the check box " Bold» Check the box if you need to make the custom text bold.

After finishing the settings, click on “ Apply» to confirm the changes.


If you often have to look closely and squint to read something on the computer, it makes sense to try changing the size of the letters. They can be either reduced or increased.

There are two options. The first one changes the font size partially, in certain programs. For example, in an Internet program (browser) or in a program for printing text (Microsoft Word).

The second option is more significant - it will change the size everywhere. On the computer screen, in all programs, in the Start button, in folders and in many other places.

How to change letter size in certain programs (partially)

In many computer programs in which you can open and read some text, you can increase or decrease its size. In fact, this is a change in scale, and not an edit of the file itself. Roughly speaking, you can simply zoom in or, conversely, move away the text without changing it.

How to do it. The most common way is to find this function in a separate program. But this is not very convenient and not always easy. Therefore, there is an alternative "fast" option that works in most computer programs.

Press one of the CTRL keys on the keyboard and, without releasing it, scroll the wheel on the mouse. Each such scroll increases or decreases the text by 10-15%. If you turn the wheel towards you, the font size will decrease, and if you turn it away from you, it will increase.

Once you are happy with the size, release the CTRL button. Thus, you will consolidate the result and return the wheel on the mouse to its previous functions.

By the way, instead of the wheel, you can use the + button to increase and - to decrease. That is, hold down CTRL, then press and then release the + or - key on the keyboard. One such click changes the size by 10-15%.

Some examples. Let's say I often use the Internet to search for information - I read news and articles. The text size differs on different resources - it depends only on the site itself.

For the most part, I'm happy with the size of the letters and I don't feel uncomfortable reading them. But sometimes I come across sites where the font is too small for me - I have to lean close to the screen and squint. It's inconvenient and unhelpful.

In such cases, you can quickly increase the font. I hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel several times, thereby changing the text size.

This works in 90% of cases: on websites, in mail, in social networks. You can check for yourself by increasing the font size in the article you are currently reading.

By the way, to return to the original size, you need to hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and then press the key with the number 0 once. However, this “return” does not work in all programs, but only in browsers.

Another example. Let's say I'm typing a document in Microsoft Word. The text in it should be a certain size, but for me it is too small. I can’t simply increase the font in the program itself - it would violate the design rules, and working with such small text is a pain.

By holding down the Ctrl button and turning the mouse wheel, I can zoom in on the document. By doing this, I will simply bring him closer to me, but NOT change him. The text will remain the same size, but I will see it enlarged.

The same applies to photographs and pictures that we open on the computer. In exactly the same way they can be “brought closer” or “farther away”.

Important! Some programs remember the size that was configured. That is, having opened something else in such a program, it will immediately be shown in a changed size.

Therefore, do not be alarmed if a document, book or Internet page opens at a non-standard size - too large or too small. Just change it in the same way (CTRL and mouse wheel).

How to change font size on computer (everywhere)

You can increase or decrease the font not only in individual programs, but also throughout the entire computer at once. In this case, all inscriptions, icons, menus and much more will also change.

I'll show you with an example. Here is a standard computer screen:

And this is the same screen, but with an increased font size:

To achieve this look, you just need to change one setting in the system. If suddenly you don’t like the result, you can always return everything as it was in the same way.

IN different versions Windows performs this procedure differently. Therefore, I will give three instructions for popular systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and XP.

  1. Click on the Start button and open Control Panel.
  2. Click on "Appearance and Personalization".
  3. Click on the “Screen” inscription.
  4. Specify the desired font size (small, medium or large) and click on the “Apply” button.
  5. In the window that appears, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save everything before doing this open files and close all open programs.

The system will restart, and after that the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Open Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Find the Screen icon (usually at the bottom) and open it.
  3. Select the size you want (small, medium or large) and click the “Apply” button at the bottom right.
  4. In the small window, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save all open files and close all programs before doing this.

The system will restart and the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop.
  2. From the list, select “Properties”.
  3. Open the Appearance tab (top).
  4. At the bottom, in the part called “Font Size”, from the drop-down list, select the size you need - regular, large font, or huge font.
  5. Click on the “Apply” button and after a few seconds the system settings will change.
  6. Click on the “OK” button to close the window.

How to change the font size on your monitor. Monitor screen resolution.

Now many people at home or at work have monitors with a very good 1920 x 1080 resolution. Everyone knows that the higher (higher) the monitor resolution, the clearer and better the image. When you play the game, you have a very clear and beautiful picture. But when you start
To read the text on your computer, the font is very small, it will hurt your eyes. To protect your eyes, you need to increase the font size. How to do this? Very simple. Need to reduce
up to 1440 x 900 and you will read the normal sized font, and when you play the game you can switch to high resolution. This is done quickly and easily.
1. Simply place the mouse arrow on any part and right-click.
2. A window will appear. Move the cursor over “properties” and left-click.
3. The following window will appear. Select “options” and left-click on it. A window with a resolution regulator will appear.

4. Use the slider to set the desired screen resolution (1440 x 900). Click "Apply" and "OK".
All. You have also changed the font size, your labels have increased in size. Reading has become much better. This way you can set the monitor screen resolution to one that suits you.

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