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How to save open tabs in the Opera browser. How to save open tabs in Mozilla: tips and tricks How to save all tabs

Exporting bookmarks allows you to make a backup copy of all bookmarks when reinstalling the system. Export is also convenient when transferring all bookmarks between browsers.

Using this method, we solve a number of problems:

  • 1. Backup all tabs
  • 2. Sync tabs between browsers
  • 3. We remove dependence on plugin developers
  • 4. We stop depending on other people’s servers
  • 5. We stop being afraid that the built-in synchronization will not work or fail

With all the advantages, there is one drawback. Export must be done manually. The process itself takes less than a minute, but must be completed once a week (or whatever is convenient for you) to keep the copy up to date.

How to save browser tabs when reinstalling the system? Tabs export process

In the browser, go to settings - bookmarks - bookmark manager

In the window that opens, you will see the complete structure of saved tabs. Folders, subfolders and bookmarks themselves. Click on the three dots and select “Export bookmarks” and save the file to any convenient location.

That's it, the backup is ready.

How to save browser tabs? The process of restoring tabs.

Now we have a backup and we can restore the tabs in any of the browsers.
To do this, go to the browser settings – bookmarks – bookmark manager and select the “import bookmarks” item. In the window that opens, select the saved file and click OK. After a few seconds, the tabs will be restored. In this case, the full structure will be restored. All folders and subfolders.

Where can I find a bookmark manager?

Google Chrome.
Upper right corner - three dots - bookmarks - bookmark manager

Mozilla Firefox
Upper right corner - three bars - library - bookmarks - show all bookmarks - import and backups– export/import from html file

Menu – bookmarks export/import – import from html file

Yandex browser
Upper right corner – three bars – bookmarks – bookmark manager

Microsoft Edge
Upper right corner - three stripes with a star - click on the star - import favorites - import from an html file (export there).

In the case of this browser, you will also need to drag the folder from “Imported from bookmarks” to the favorites panel.
Export/import is supported by all browsers.

The method itself is very simple, but so far it has not been possible to automate it. So if you have problems with built-in synchronization or don't want to use it, then this method will work for you.

When spending time on the Internet, you often want to save a tab. We will now talk to you about how this is done. Here are the most detailed instructions!

How to save tabs in Opera?

Creating a bookmark in Opera can be done in several ways. Below is each various methods to create a tab.

  1. Right-click on the empty part of the page where you want to save the tab and click the Bookmark page button or press Ctrl+T.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to bookmark. At the top of the browser window menu, click the Bookmarks button will appear, Add to Bookmark, and allow you to specify where you want to save the bookmark.

How to save tabs in Chrome?

  1. Click on the Chrome menu (triple dash) on the browser toolbar and select bookmarks. Click Create a bookmark for a page, then select "Always show bookmarks bar."
  2. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B (Windows and Chrome OS) or Command+Shift+B (Mac). When the bookmarks bar is available, you can always find it at the top of the quick access page.

How to save a tab in Mozilla Firefox?

  1. Right-click on a blank part of the page and click the "Add page to bookmarks" button or press Ctrl+D.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to add to your tabs. At the top of the browser window, click. Click the star button to bookmark the page.

Once you have done one of the above steps, the Add Bookmark window will appear. Specify the location where you want to save the bookmark. If you want to place a tab in new folder, click the small arrow at the bottom next to the selection and click the "Create Folder" button.

How to save a tab in Internet Explorer?

  1. Right-click on the empty part of the page, and then click on the “Add to Favorites” button.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to add to your tabs. At the top of the browser window, click the "Favorites" button. Next, click the "Add to Favorites" button.

Once one of the above steps is completed, a window will appear that allows you to add your favorite pages to your favorites list.

Adding a tab to the Safari web browser

Just go to the toolbar menu, tabs next to File, Edit, View, History, etc. Click the "Add Bookmark" button and you can choose a name and location to save the bookmark. You can also click the plus sign next to the URL, in a window, or Command-D on a Mac. You can also just press Ctrl+D on windows.

We really hope that this instruction will help you understand all the intricacies of your web browser. Whichever one is installed on your computer.

Hello, dear friends!

Do you know that everything open tabs Is it possible to save when closing the browser? It turns out that one of my friends did not know about this and in order to save the tabs, he simply turned off the computer hard by holding the power button for several seconds. For what? Because then Firefox told him that his work was completed incorrectly and offered to restore the tabs of the last session!

I was surprised to the very tips of my ears and decided to write an article on this topic. I'll show you how to save your current tabs so that when you close the browser and then open it again, they are completely restored. The instructions will be for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge. About Internet Explorer I’ll also say a couple of affectionate things at the end of the article.

Let's start with Mozilla Firefox

How to restore tabs when closing Firefox?

Go to Settings, as shown in the screenshot.

Select the settings item Basic in the left menu. Then we look at the value of the parameter “ When starting Firefox". By default, it usually says “Show home page”. Change it to " Show windows and tabs last opened". Changes are applied immediately, without clicking on the ‘ok’ or ‘apply’ buttons. To check, close your browser and then open it again. All tabs should be restored from the last session.

How to restore tabs when closing Chrome?

Press the three horizontal sticks on the right top corner, click on Settings.

Settings opens. Next, look for the item “ Open at startup" and put it in position " Previously opened tabs". Changes are also applied immediately. To check, close Chrome with multiple tabs, then open it again.

How to restore tabs in the Opera browser?

Press the top left button Opera and select Settings in the menu (you can press the key combination Alt + P).

In the Basic settings section, set the “At startup” parameter to “ Continue from the same place". Changes are applied immediately.

How to restore open tabs in Edge?

The new browser from Microsoft also has the ability to save previously opened tabs at startup, which we will use. To configure it, click on the three dots at the top right and select Settings.

In Settings, almost the first in the list is the “Open with” subsection, in which we set the switch to “ Previous pages ". Again, the changes take effect immediately. You can close the parameters by pressing the Esc key or by pressing the three dots again.

But Edge will still ask you when closing, are you sure you want to close them? In my opinion, illogical behavior. If I chose to restore the previous session, then why would the browser ask me to close all tabs? After all, it will restore them all the next time it starts. Check the box “Always close all tabs” when you get tired of this window :)

How to save open tabs in IE?

It's a joke, but only half)

In fact, Internet Explorer does not know how to automatically restore a previous session; it does not have such a setting. But you can restore the previous session manually, and now I’ll show you where this option is hidden.

Let's say you closed IE for the last time with five tabs. You open it and see one home page. What to do? There are two ways:

Method No. 1. Through new tab

Open a new tab using Ctrl + T or with the mouse:

Now on the new tab we look down and find the link “ Reopen last session«.

Method No. 2. Via the menu

Go to the menu Service, select "". And a miracle happens, the tabs open :)

Note: If the menu bar is not displayed, you can enable it permanently or call it only when necessary.

To make the menu bar permanently visible, right-click on free space top panel IE and check the box next to “Menu Bar” (see screenshot)

If, for example, to save space, you don’t want to see the menu all the time, then just press the left Alt key and the menu will pop up. Then again go to Service -> Reopening your last browsing session.

Restoring tabs may not be the best idea if you have a lot of them open. But in this case, it’s worth thinking about your own effectiveness at work. After all, saving all open sites when you close your browser is just a tool that can either speed up your work or slow it down.

Do you save your open tabs?

While working with the browser, we open a large number of tabs, switching between them, we visit several web resources at the same time. Today we’ll take a closer look at how you can save open tabs in Firefox.

Suppose the tabs you have open in the browser are needed for further work, and therefore you cannot allow them to be accidentally closed.

Stage 1: Starting the last session

First of all, you will need to install a function in your browser settings that will allow the next time you start Mozilla Firefox to open not the start page, but the tabs that were launched last time.

Step 2: Pin Tabs

From now on, when you start the browser again, Firefox will open the same tabs that were launched when you closed it. However, when working with big amount tabs, there is a possibility that the necessary tabs, which in no case should be lost, will still be closed due to the user’s inattention.

To prevent this situation, particularly important tabs can be pinned in the browser. To do this, right-click on the tab and in the displayed context menu click on the item "Pin Tab".

The tab will decrease in size and around it the icon will disappear with a cross that would allow it to be closed. If you no longer need pinned tab, right-click on it and select the item in the menu that appears "Unpin tab", after which it will regain its previous appearance. Here you can immediately close it without unpinning it first.

In order to save all open tabs in Opera, it is not at all necessary to leave the browser on all the time. It's enough to know how to use the session saving feature.


1. Launch the Opera browser and open the main program settings menu. This can be done in several ways. 1st – click on the button with the Opera icon, it is located in the upper left corner of the browser or, if the main panel is displayed, then at the bottom left of it. After that, click on Settings > General Settings > General tab. 2nd – if a file menu is displayed instead of the Opera icon, click “Tools” > “General Settings” > “Basic” tab. 3rd – press the hot keys Ctrl+F12, and then select the “Basic” tab.

2. Find a drop-down menu, at the top of which it will be written “Specify what the browser should do at startup.” Click on this menu, select “Continue from the point of disconnection” from the list provided and click OK. Now, after you close the Opera browser with all open tabs, and then open it again, these tabs will remain in their places, and the session will continue from the point of disconnection.

3. Also pay attention to the very bottom item “Show launch window” in the drop-down menu, which is described in the second step of the instructions. If you activate it, then after further launching the browser, the “Welcome” window will appear, which will offer several options for launching the program. 1st – “Continue from the point of disconnection”, 2nd – “Load saved session”, 3rd – “Start from home page” ( Homepage is configured in the same place as the launch parameters, in the paragraph below) and the fourth is “Open express panel” (a menu that performs the function of bookmarks, but is more visual).

4. Pay attention to the 2nd point - “Load saved session”, with its support you can set up so-called sessions (or simply say sets of tabs) for any convenient occasion. Having opened one or another tabs, click on the icon with the Opera symbol > “Tabs and Windows” > “Sessions” > “Save this session” (if you have a file menu displayed, then “File” > “Sessions” > “Save this session”), and then give name and click OK. Now, in order to open one or another session when you start the browser, in the drop-down menu, which is discussed in the second step of the instructions, select the “Load saved session” item. This method much more comfortable than “Continue from the point of disconnection”, because allows you to open the desired set of tabs to replace those that were last time.

When we continuously work on the Internet, as usual, we have many open tabs that we need to save in order to continue working when we turn on the computer. There are several methods to save those tabs, which we had open. You can freely use any of them, depending on which one is easier for you.


1. Save tabs open. To do this, open your browser settings and find the panel responsible for closing tabs in the main window. Select “Save open tabs“. In some browsers, this function is enabled by default, so in order to open those tabs, which you worked on in the last session, it will be quite easy for you to close the browser.

2. Save those tabs

3. Save those tabs, which you are working on now, to your browser bookmarks. To do this, open the “Bookmarks” menu and select “Add a new bookmark”. You can also click on the star in the address bar and the page will be immediately added to your favorite bookmarks. This feature is implemented in Firefox browser, in other cases you will have to use the standard method of saving in bookmarks.

Many RuNet users use unlimited connection and “sit” on several pages at a time. But a computer in the family is not constant Personal Computer, occasionally it is necessary to give way to other members. And sometimes I want to sleep. So that when you turn on the browser again, it opens the same pages that worked when you turned it off, dig deeper into the browser settings.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection;
  • Installed browser (any).


1. If you use “Opera”, “Mozilla Firefox” or “Internet Explorer”, your path lies through the “Tools” menu in the top menu bar (in English-language browsers “Tools”). At the bottom of the list, locate and click on the “Settings” group. In the new window, find the “Basic” tab and read the top line of the window: “open when starting...”. To the right is a field with three options: open a blank page, open the start page, open tabs left when closing. Select the 3rd option, save your choice and exit the menu. If in doubt, restart your browser and see what pages it opens for you.

2. In the Safari and Google Chrome browsers, the tools menu is located at the top right, indicated by a gear or wrench. In “Safari” you will find the “Settings” group, and in “Google Chrome” - “Options”. Then proceed according to the previous scheme.

Video on the topic

The need to save pages from various Internet sources for further offline work appears quite often. Let's see how it's easier to do this in the browsers that are especially common today.


1. In the Opera browser, to save an open web page, you need to go to the “Page” section in the “Main Menu” and select the “Save as...” item there. Finally, a save dialog box will open. You can also open it by pressing the key combination CTRL + S. Here you need to specify a name for the saved file. By default, the browser uses as the file name the text that the web page places in the window title. Quite often this long text, prepared more for robots search engines, not website visitors. As a result, it is sometimes difficult for a typical “non-robot” to comprehend this text, not to mention remember after a while from the name of the file what it all means... It would be better to give the file of the saved page a more clear and short name. In addition, in this dialog, you need to choose a particularly suitable saving method - if you only care about the text of the page, then in the “File type” drop-down list it is better to choose “Text file”. By default it will open text editor. If you select “HTML file” in this list, then the page will be saved as the initial html code and will be opened in the browser. True, in this option, pictures, flash videos, genre tables and other elements that are contained in files separate from the initial code will be lost. In order to save them, you should choose the item “HTML file with images” or “Web archive (exclusive file)” in the list. A web archive is a special format, similar in principle to ordinary archives (RAR or ZIP), with the difference that it does not need to be unpacked; the browser will do it itself if necessary. The web archive file has the extension “mht” and is opened by the browser in the same way as ordinary web page files.

2. In Mozilla FireFox, in order to open the page saving dialog, you need to select the “File” section in the menu, and in it the “Save as...” item. And here, too, you can shorten this operation to pressing the key combination CTRL + S. In this browser, the actions for saving a file are similar to the procedure in Opera, with the only difference being that the same file types in the selection drop-down list are named slightly opposite.

3. And in the Internet Explorer browser - a combination of the 2 previous browsers. In order to open the dialog for saving a web page, you need to do exactly the same as in Mozilla FireFox, that is, select the “File” section in the menu, and in it the “Save as...” item. And the saving dialog itself, including the drop-down menu for selecting the type of saved file, is certainly the same as the Opera dialog.

4. IN Google browser Chrome, to open the save page dialog, you need to click the icon with the image in the upper right corner wrench and select the “Save” item in the menu page How…". The keyboard shortcut CTRL + S also works in this browser. The saving procedure itself is the same as the previous ones, but the choice of types of saved files is smaller - only HTML or the entire page.

5. In Safari, the path to opening the save page dialog is also through the icon in the upper right corner, which is not the image of the page. However, if you have enabled the display of the menu bar of this browser, then you can use its “File” section. In any case, you should prefer the “Save as...” option. And in this browser, the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S also works. Safari, unlike Google Chrome, can also save web archives - you can select the corresponding item in the drop-down list.

Your tab settings may vary depending on which browser you use. There is nothing difficult in this process: usually the main problem is to find out where exactly the menu with the required settings is located.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - computer;
  • – browser.


1. Setting up tabs for Mozilla Firefox. In the upper left corner of the browser menu, select the “Tools” option. A window will open - in it, click on “Settings” (final destination). Another menu will open. In it, click on the second tab on the left “Tabs”. Next, check the boxes next to the necessary settings. Configure where a new tab will open (1st item), a warning about closing multiple tabs (2nd item), display of the tab bar, and others.

2. Setting up tabs for Internet Explorer 8. Launch the browser, click on “Tools”, then on “Internet Options”. Click on the “General” tab, in the “Tabs” section select “Settings”. Select what you need. To move from tab to tab, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+T. To reopen closed tabs, click “Make Tab” (CTRL+T), then “Reopen Closed Tabs” (displayed on the screen when you open a new tab). To correct each previous session, click “Start” - Internet Explorer - “Tools” - “Reopen the last browsing session”. To save a group of tabs, click on the option “Favorites” – “Add to Favorites” – “Add current tabs to favorites”. Specify the name of the created group and click “Add”.

3. Setting up tabs for Opera. Right-click on any tab. This way you can copy, resize, block tabs from closing, or close all but one of them. The “Create tabs” option allows you to adjust the size of the window that opens; if you want the window to fit on every screen, click “Maximize the same”. “Open a new tab next to active” will always open a new tab next to the one in which you are reading or writing something at the moment. Click "Open windows instead of tabs" and you will get a new window when you open an entire new tab.

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