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Changing the desktop mouse. How to enlarge the mouse cursor (pointer) in Windows. Removing the cursor in the game Dark Souls

Lately Questions often come up like: how to make the cursor black, how to make the mouse cursor beautiful, how to make the cursor larger, etc. I should make you happy - in Windows you can easily make almost any cursor you like.

How to change the cursor on Windows 7, 8, 10:

First, you need to download a set of cursors that you want to install. The Internet is full of all kinds of cursors that you can download absolutely free. I will use this set:

You can download this set of cursors from the link -

(downloads: 156)

After you download this set cursors, unzip it and put the cursor files at the following address "My Computer" -> "Local Disk C" -> "Windows" -> "Cursors".

Now let's move on to installing new cursors:

Go to "Start" -> "Control Panel":

In the window that opens, select “Large icons” at the top right:

Now in the same window, find the “Mouse” icon and click on it:

A window will open with mouse settings settings. Go to the "Pointers" tab and the cursor settings menu will appear in front of you:

Now, in order to replace the standard cursor with your own, you need to click “Browse” and select the cursor you need among the cursors that you downloaded and put in the “Cursors” folder at the very beginning. Or you can immediately change the scheme to change all types of cursors at once.

That's all. Now you know how to change the standard cursor on Windows.

To improve the appearance of the OS, a large number of software. Various visual component packages make it possible to change the interface, repeating more new version systems. There are programs that do not completely change the interface, but only its individual components - window transparency, appearance Start button or mouse cursor display.

How to change the mouse pointer?

This change will make your appearance operating system more personalized and livens it up a bit. If you use Windows 7, you can change the usual appearance of the cursor in two ways: through computer personalization or through the control panel.

Changing the mouse pointer through personalization

On the desktop, right-click to open the dialog box and select “Personalization”. In the section on the left we are interested in “Changing mouse pointers”. Let's move on to this section.

This tab contains all the schemes that are installed on your computer. From the options available, select a new pointer display and confirm the changes. The cursor will immediately change to the new one you just selected. If you want to undo the changes, select the default theme - Windows Aero. Experiment with all the cursors that are included in Windows 7. You can try large black mouse cursors instead of the usual white ones.

Changing the cursor through the control panel for Windows 7

Everything is simple here. Go to Start → Control Panel → Mouse and perform the manipulations described above.

To be honest, the standard set of pointers is very gray and poor, there is nothing interesting there. Your best bet is to download a set of custom mouse pointers and use them. You can download them by typing in any search engine request " windows cursors 7". Please note that cursors with the .ani extension are animated, while cursors with the .cur extension are dead. After you find and download the set you like (archive with the .cur extension), unpack and copy it to the folder with standard set C:WindowsCursors.

On the “Pointers” tab, in the settings list, select “Basic Mode” and click the “Browse” button. The C:WindowsCursors folder opens, into which you previously copied the new pointers. Select the index you want and click the “Open” button.

By viewing how the pointers change, you can change the display of all or just the ones you like. After all manipulations, you must save the new scheme. Click “Save As”, write the name of the scheme and click “OK”.

And I only installed the one downloaded from the official Microsoft website, so as not to bother with changing the Explorer interface. When I changed the pointer (enlarged it), it became more convenient to work. It feels like I’ve gained 1.5 times or even 2 times my weight. There are fewer unnecessary movements. It didn’t even feel comfortable for me to sit slouched and I straightened up. Overall it became more fun. So I recommend it to everyone.

Let's move on Cursors > Cursors for Windows

Select any pointer

Let's try the cursor located in the center in the picture above (Stealth). We point at it and click “ More details»

On the tab Signposts in section Scheme just select from the drop-down list established scheme cursors

Click Apply

I came up with a proposal to replace the original scheme. Clicked Yes

The pointer icon has changed

It was automatic installation cursor.

Manually this is done as follows.

In the same window where we selected the installed scheme, on the Pointers tab, in the Settings section, select Basic mode and click Review…

In the unpacked archive with cursors, select for example AppStarting.ani

It turns out the following

In the same way, change all types of arrows and click Apply

If you want to install another cursor scheme and then return to this one again, you need to save it (the scheme). Click Save as... in the window that appears, set the name of the scheme and click OK

Now you can always return to the created pointer scheme

If you want to return the cursor to the standard one in Windows, select any type and click Default

Also on the Indexes tab you can Disable pointer shadow by unchecking the corresponding box and prevent themes from changing mouse cursors.

And most importantly. If you delete or move the folder with pointers that you installed manually, then naturally everything will stop working. and when you try to change the cursor, the following message may appear

In this article I will explain how to change the mouse pointer in Windows XP.

Click the Start menu -> Control Panel:

Find the Mouse icon and click on it 2 times with the left mouse button.

The following window appears:

Select the Pointers tab, as shown in the figure. Next, click on the arrow in the Scheme line, as indicated in the figure, and a list of mouse pointer themes opens for us, select any:

After selecting a theme, click the apply button:

Hooray! We have a new mouse pointer!

But that's not all. There is one more trick.

I’ll tell you a secret: you can configure it in the “Settings” line:

for each type (main mode, help selection, background mode etc.) your pointer. To do this, click the “Browse” button:

What we see:

A folder has opened containing other cursors. Cursors used on this Windows XP axis have the extension *.ani, *.cur.

*.ani- animated cursors

*.cur- static cursors

Default folder: C:\\WINDOWS\\Cursors

Those. if you download a set of cursors with these extensions from the Internet, you can safely copy them to the C:\\WINDOWS\\Cursors folder, then open the tab Mouse - Pointers - Overview(we discussed how to do this above) and select the cursor you like for the mouse pointer.

That's what we'll do now.

I chose this one and clicked “open”:

Hooray! The cursor has changed. Other cursor modes can be configured similarly. And now...

...let's look at the remaining tabs together:

Tab " Mouse Buttons»:

I think there is no need to explain anything here. Everything is clear. Let's go to "Pointer Options":

You can and should experiment on this tab.

Firstly, You can set the speed, or more precisely the mouse sensitivity, in the Move line. Set the sensitivity that suits you best.

Secondly. In the next line you can check the initial position of the mouse in the dialog box.

What does it mean?

This means that when installing or uninstalling programs, the mouse cursor will be automatically placed on the default button. Perhaps I explained it unclearly? Experiment for yourself. Check it out. This won't break your computer.


Line Visibility. Show mouse trail. You can check the box and click the apply button. You will see changes immediately. Move your mouse. If you like it, leave it. If not, uncheck the box.

Hide the pointer while typing.
Very convenient function. If you type text or an abstract, the pointer will disappear, but as soon as you move the mouse, it will immediately appear.

Indicate the position of the pointer when pressing CTRL-> this function will help you determine where the mouse is. If you often lose your mouse pointer, then this feature is for you. Try it!

Enable this feature and click apply.

Now press the CTRL key. Saw! Well done. You can leave it or you can remove it - it's up to you. It all depends only on whether you like it, whether it’s convenient for you or not.

Tab " Pointer parameters"by default it looks like this:

Go to the tab " Wheel»:

Here we can choose:

  1. For the specified number of lines
  2. On one screen.

What does it mean.

When we read text: in Word, on the Internet or in an e-book, we turn the wheel on the mouse (whoever has one on the mouse) to move it down or up. This is exactly what this feature does.

By default, with one turn of the wheel, it is set that the page will rise or fall by 3 lines. But we can customize it the way we want!

Try changing the value from 3 to 5 or more and click the apply button, and read some information on the site by turning the mouse wheel.
Did you see the difference?

Now check the box - on one screen, and click the apply button.

Try turning the wheel. Do you feel the difference?

Choose what is convenient for you, and we will move on.

Tab " Equipment»:

Of no interest to us. Nothing needs to be changed here.

Everything is fine.

So we figured out our mouse!

With every new major Windows update little by little changes in appearance. From minimalism the system interface moves to glamor, from glamor again to minimalism or a mixture of styles, as can be seen in Windows example 10. The graphical shell of the system receives new elements over and over again; only the cursors remain practically unchanged in it. Most users are quite satisfied with their appearance, but among them there are still those who would prefer to see something prettier instead of unremarkable signs.

Changing the appearance of the cursor using Windows

Changing the mouse cursor on Windows 7/10, by the way, is not such a problem. You can change the size of the cursor, making it larger, change the color from white to black, add a color inversion effect, and generally replace the cursor with another, completely different one. All popular Windows versions allow you to customize the appearance of the pointer via standard settings. So, if you want to customize the cursor in Windows 7 or 8.1, go to Control Panel, launch the Accessibility applet, and click the Make your mouse easier to use link.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to select one of nine cursor display modes: normal, large and huge white, normal, large and huge black and normal, large and huge inverse. This is the easiest way to make the cursor larger in Windows.

More options are offered by the “Mouse Properties” setting (the “Mouse” applet). By switching to the “Pointers” tab, you can not only select one of the available schemes, but also change any of its elements.

For example, you selected the "Standard Large System" scheme, but you want the blue circle from the default scheme to be used instead of the hourglass (Busy state). Nothing could be simpler. Click on the element to be changed and select the cursor that you need in the window that opens.

The size and shape of the cursor in Windows 10 is adjusted in a similar way; by the way, in this version of the system you can get to the pointer settings from the Settings application by following the chain Accessibility - Mouse.

How to download and install new mouse cursors

If the pointers built into the system are not enough, nothing prevents you from downloading sets of third-party cursors from specialized sites. There are signs for every taste and color: large and small, minimalistic and the most elegant, static and animated. Setting up a mouse cursor on Windows 7/10 is not difficult. As a rule, sets of indexes are distributed in archives. Each such archive, in addition to cursor files in the format ANI or CUR, contain a file install.inf. Unpack the archive, right-click on the install.inf file and select “Install” from the menu.

The cursors will be immediately copied to system folder C:/Windows/Cursors/Scheme_Name. Then open the properties of the mouse (from the “Control Panel” or with a quick command main.cpl), on the “Indicators” tab, select the name of the scheme in the list and click “Apply” and “OK”.

If you doubt the correctness of the name of the scheme, you can look at it in the install.inf file by opening it with Notepad and finding the parameter SCHEME_NAME.

It may happen that the configuration installation file will not be in the archive. In this case, you will have to install the pointers manually one by one. Copy the folder with new cursors to the location C:/Windows/Cursors, in the mouse properties, select the “No” scheme and begin to replace the cursors one by one, clicking on each of them with the mouse and specifying the path to the corresponding ANI or CUR file.

After performing this operation, click “Save As” in the properties window and save the set with your name. It's that simple.

Configuring and replacing cursors using third-party programs

Not only the built-in system tools allow you to change the mouse cursor in Windows 7/10. For these purposes you can also use special programs, of which the most popular is CursorFX.

The application's features include quickly changing the scheme (from the built-in library), adding animation effects when pressing buttons, etc., the program even has its own cursor editor. Unfortunately, CursorFX does not work entirely correctly in Windows 10; problems arise with cursor display every now and then, especially in the Start menu, so in this version we recommend setting up and changing pointers regular means systems.

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