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Generator of very complex passwords. Random password generator. What constitutes a good and strong password

The password generator is designed to quickly free creation passwords of the required length and complexity. The functionality allows you to create an unlimited number of passwords by simply clicking the “Generate” button. It is also possible to determine the complexity of the password by checking the boxes: numbers, small letters, capital letters, exclude similar characters, special. symbols.

Why do you need a password generator?

When promoting a website, you often need a large number of passwords to register in directories, forums, and various resources. Using an online password generator saves time, which can be spent on more important things. In addition, the security of protecting accounts where important information may be stored is ensured. Some people find it difficult to come up with a sufficiently complex password, our generator will help them do this random passwords. Generated passwords are not stored anywhere, and the likelihood of them being repeated is extremely low.

Benefits of our password generator

Good strong password can save your data from hacking through brute force (method of machine password guessing), due to its low probability. Our tool:

  • Completely free.
  • Available online 24/7.
  • Works without registration.
  • The largest set of settings.
  • Simplicity and ease of use are intuitive for everyone.

A variety of passwords are used everywhere today - to protect profiles on social networks, banking information, payment network accounts, etc. Modern people store mass important information on the Internet, which is a desirable target for hackers and virtual scammers. Many of them can easily steal your photos and use them to blackmail you or transfer money from your account. Most often, all they need to do is know your phone number, postal address and password. The contact information itself cannot be protected - it is most often stored in open access. Therefore, the only protection is your password, or even better if the system you use has two-step authentication. However, we will talk about passwords and how to create them using special programonline password generator.

There are many ways to steal a password - from simple tricking out information from naive and inexperienced users to logical guessing and brute-force methods using computer programs. However, you can and should protect yourself - for this you need create a complex password, which combines upper and lower case letters (that is, large and small letters), numbers and special characters.

How to generate a password? Password generator program

Coming up with just such a password on your own can be quite difficult. Online generator password tool greatly simplifies the task, because with its help you can create a password that is as complex as possible. To do this you need to follow several steps:

  1. Select the password length – maximum 30 characters;
  2. Operating mode: random or spoken password. A completely randomly generated password will contain a set of random characters, so it will be quite difficult to remember it without using mnemonic rules. A spoken password remains stable if it contains different characters, but it is easier to remember due to the fact that it vaguely resembles some words;
  3. Select an advanced generator - with the help of an advanced generator, the generation process is determined by your movements with the mouse, touchpad or keyboard, which complicates the algorithm of the online password generator program;
  4. Enable the use of various symbols - lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, special characters. The more varied your password is, the more difficult it will be to crack;
  5. Eliminate the set _B8G6l1|o0QDS5Z2_ - that is, exclude difficult-to-remember combinations of characters.

Why is it important to have complex and strong passwords?

When choosing a password, you must remember that a key consisting of 6 Latin characters of one register is cracked in 31 seconds, of 8 - in 5 hours 50 minutes, of 8 letters, numbers and punctuation marks - 530 days. Increase the password to 12 different characters and it will take an attacker thousands of years.

Almost all personal data protection online is provided by passwords. Whether it’s a VKontakte page or an account payment system, the main guarantee of security is a set of characters known only to the owner account. As practice shows, many people come up with passwords, even if they are not the most obvious, but can be guessed by attackers. To prevent account hacking, the variability of characters in the password should be maximum. You can come up with such a sequence yourself, but it is better to use one of the online generators available on the Internet. This is faster, more practical and will protect you to a greater extent from the loss of personal data.

Powerful password manager for all desktop, mobile platforms and browsers. Among the available tools there is an online combination generator that does not require authorization in the service. Passwords are created only in your browser and are not transmitted to LastPass servers.

The finished sequence of symbols is completely random and does not contain any patterns. The password generated in LastPass (especially if it is long) can be safely used to protect your personal information online.

Method 2: Online password generator

A practical and convenient tool for automatic creation complex passwords. The resource is not as flexible in configuration as the previous service, but nevertheless has its own original feature: not one, but seven random combinations are generated here. The length of each password can be set in the range from four to twenty characters.

Method 3: Our service

We also have a simple generator on our website that allows you to additional settings and parameters to get both alphabetic and alphabetic password using different case.

A password will appear in the field above, and if it does not suit you (for example, it seems too simple or, conversely, too complex), press the button until you get the right one.

By using Avast Passwords You can create secure passwords for any site without leaving it. In addition, this program can automatically enter saved credentials, passwords and data credit cards. Automatically.

Download for free

Questions and answers about the password generator

Below are answers to common questions about the password generator.

Is it safe to use Avast Password Generator?

Absolutely! All passwords created with the Avast Password Generator are created locally on your computer. They are not saved anywhere and are not sent anywhere. The created passwords are not accessible even to Avast. Just be sure to close this page after creating and copying your password so other people who use your computer won't see it.

Why do you need a random password generator?

Because it’s difficult for a person to come up with a truly random password. Users often use words or numbers that mean something to them: a pet's name, mother's maiden name, children's birthdays, song lyrics, etc. The problem is that such a password is easy to guess.

Don't forget: it's not people who guess, but computers. Regular computer can check more than one hundred million passwords per second, and when installing hacking tools based on GPU this figure reaches billions of passwords per second. Password length and complexity are extremely important.

So don't take risks. Use a random password generator to create long, truly random passwords that even the most difficult passwords can't crack. powerful computers.

Strong passwords are long - really long (more than 16 characters) - and random. That's right. But the problem is that people have trouble remembering long and random passwords. This is what Avast Passwords is for - free manager password generator that can not only generate long and truly random passwords, but also remember them all and automatically log into accounts.

Do I need to have a unique password for each account?

Yes! Using the same password for multiple accounts is extremely dangerous. If hackers know the password for one account, they will have the password for all the others. Therefore, never reuse passwords. Use different unique passwords for each account. (Easy addition exclamation mark or other character at the end of a password does not make it unique or secure. Hackers can easily crack such password variations.)

What are the top ten worst passwords?

Let's name the 10 most insecure passwords of 2017. Do not use them under any circumstances. Using any of these or variations thereof is simply an invitation to hackers.

1. 123456
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
8. 1234567
9. football

Remember that short passwords are weak passwords. They are very easy to hack. For maximum security, the password should be long, complex and contain a random number of characters. Additionally, common words and phrases should be avoided to prevent a dictionary attack. Only in this case will the password be secure.

Create strong passwords anytime with Avast Passwords!

You can return to this page at any time if you need to create a secure password, but installing Avast Passwords is much more convenient. The built-in password generator can automatically generate strong random passwords on any web page without having to leave it. What's more, Avast Passwords is completely free and can sync passwords across all your computers. mobile phones and tablets.

The password generator creates passwords in real time. The created passwords are not saved anywhere and are displayed only on your device (PC, tablet or smartphone).

Each time you change settings, click the "Generate" button, or reload the page, new passwords are created.

By default, English lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and some service characters are used to generate passwords. To change the list of characters, use "Password Generator Settings"

Password generator settings

Password length
The password generator creates passwords ranging from 5 to 30 characters in length. Initially, passwords are generated with a length of 10 characters. In general, it is not recommended to use passwords less than 7 characters long. Using longer passwords is recommended for stronger protection against hacking, but will likely be difficult to save or remember.

English and Russian letters
Traditionally, English (Latin) letters are used for passwords, however, Russian letters can also be used. Russian letters significantly increase the complexity of passwords when trying to crack them by brute force, but be careful, some systems may not support passwords that contain Cyrillic. It is recommended to check first.

Numbers in the password must be present. Having numbers in a password improves the quality of the password, and passwords with numbers are easier to remember.

Special characters
Passwords that include special characters, the most resistant to hacking. During registration, many systems require that the password must include service characters. We recommend that you do not neglect the use of such symbols and include them in the generated password.


Russian characters similar to English and English characters similar to Russian
If, when using an online password generator, you use both English and Russian letters, you may encounter the problem of visual “similarity” of some English and Russian characters. Letters such as A and A, B and B, C and C, E and E (a, ay, ve, bi, es, si, e, i) are different letters, although they look the same. To avoid confusion when using passwords in the future, use the appropriate settings item.

Eliminate vowels or exclude consonants
Use these additional settings items if you want to exclude vowels or consonants when generating passwords.

Exclude similar characters
Look at the symbols I, l, 1, | (ai, el, unit, vertical bar). Such letters, symbols and numbers are very similar when written, so errors may occur when saving and subsequently using the password. In order to eliminate such errors, use this settings item.

Other settings

List of symbols used
In the list window of the used characters of the password generator there are all those characters from which passwords are composed, taking into account the current settings. The list can be edited - remove unnecessary ones and add the symbols you need. When you delete or add characters in the list editing window, new passwords are automatically generated, taking into account the changes made.

Reset settings
All settings made while using the password generator are automatically saved in the memory (cookies) of your browser. It is the settings that are saved, but not the passwords! As mentioned above, new passwords are generated each time. To reset the settings to their original state, use the "Reset settings" link. When resetting, new passwords are automatically generated taking into account the original settings.

Link to password generator
If you want to send a link to the "Password Generator" to a friend or publish it in social networks, copy the address from the special window located at the bottom of the generator case. The settings you select are also sent along with the link.

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