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Where is the answering machine on the phone? Voicemail service

Thanks to the answering machine, you will not miss important calls and messages, and also receive detailed information MTS Called You will help you about missed calls when your phone was turned off or was out of network coverage. Each subscriber has the opportunity to install an answering machine on MTS. For this purpose, the network offers a whole range of relevant services:

  • “Voicemail (basic)”;
  • "Voicemail";
  • "Voicemail+".

But some subscribers stubbornly call voice mail the “Answering Machine” service from MTS. Therefore, we will periodically call the reviewed services autoresponders. Let's see how MTS voice mailboxes differ from each other. We have already discussed managing voicemail on MTS in our articles.

As we have already said, the “Autoresponder” service is presented in three options. They differ in their functionality and cost. First, we will look at the service “ Voicemail(basic)".

“Voicemail (basic)” service

This service really only offers basic functionality. It allows you to save up to 15 voice messages from one subscriber. The storage period for messages, both listened and unlistened, is one day. The maximum duration of each message is limited to 60 seconds. There is no option to record a personal greeting, but to listen to messages we can use the 0860 voice portal.

The subscription fee for the “Voice Mail (basic)” service is 0 rubles, there is no connection fee. Calls to the number 0860 are not charged. If you want to install an answering machine on MTS, but do not want to overpay for unnecessary functionality, then this service is for you!

Voicemail service

As for the answering machine from MTS represented by the Voice Mail service, here we can see more advanced functionality. Unheard messages are stored for 7 days, listened to for 10 days, the maximum duration of one message is 90 seconds. The maximum number of messages left for each subscriber is 20. It is possible to record your personal greeting, which will be listened to by all calling subscribers. Receiving SMS notifications has also been implemented. If in the basic version we can listen to messages exclusively from the phone, then in this version there are such features as sending voice messages to email or via MMS.

There is also functionality for accessing voice messages via a web interface. To ensure security, access to the voice box is provided by entering a password. The subscription fee for using the service is 2.3 rubles/day, there is no connection fee, calls to the number 0860 are not charged.

Voicemail+ service

This version of the “Answering Machine” service is aimed at the most demanding subscribers. It allows you to store unheard messages for 10 days, and listened to for 14 days. The duration of recorded messages is up to 120 seconds, maximum quantity messages for one subscriber – up to 30 pcs.. Also implemented are such features as recording a personal greeting, sending SMS notifications, installing security code and control your voice box using applications (for iOS and Windows Phone). The subscription fee for using this version of the answering machine is 3.3 rubles/day, there is no connection fee. Calls to number 0860 are not charged.

General conditions

The services presented in the review are also available in international roaming. When abroad, the number +7-916-892-0860 is used to listen to messages. To manage services (for example, to record greetings and configure other settings), use the web interface or service number 0860. As for personal greetings for the “Voice Mail” and “Voice Mail +” services, it is possible to record a greeting with the name of the caller. Web interface address

How to connect MTS Autoresponder

In order to connect one of the above-described answering machines to MTS, use the following commands:

  • “Voice Mail (basic)” service - dial the USSD command *111*2919# or send an SMS with the text 2919 to the free service number 111. When you connect this service option, automatic installation redirects due to unavailability to the number +7-916-892-0860;
  • “Voice Mail” service - dial the USSD command *111*90# or send an SMS with the text 90 (space) 1 to the free service number 111. When you connect to this service option, forwarding is automatically installed based on the conditions of unavailability, busyness and lack of answer to the number +7-916-892-0860;
  • “Voice Mail” service - dial the USSD command *111*900# or send an SMS with the text 90 (space) 9 to the free service number 111. When you connect to this service option, forwarding is automatically installed based on the conditions of unavailability, busyness and lack of answer to the number +7-916-892-0860.

Response time is 15 seconds. If necessary, you can install personal settings redirects and change the response timeout.

How to disable the “Answering Machine” service on MTS

The following methods are available to disable services:

  • “Voicemail (basic)” service - dial the USSD command *111*2919*2# or send an SMS with the text 29190 to the toll-free service number 111;
  • “Voicemail” service - dial the USSD command *111*90# or send an SMS with the text 90 (space) 2 to the free service number 111;
  • “Voicemail (basic)” service - dial the USSD command *111*900# or send an SMS with the text 90 (space)10 to the toll-free service number 111.

Charging the subscription fee will stop immediately after disconnecting a particular service.

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Your question:

How to install an answering machine on your mobile phone?

Master's answer:

The Autoresponder service is extremely important for business people. However, it is useful for those people who want to stay informed about all events, especially if the phone is out of coverage area or it is simply turned off. All mobile operators provide this service to their customers, but each operator has its own characteristics.

To activate the answering machine, the subscriber mobile operator Beeline must dial *110*014# and press the call button. After this manipulation, the answering machine will be activated when the mobile phone is out of range, or after 30 seconds have passed from the start of the call. The person calling you can leave voice message, which is listened to when typing toll free number 0600. Answering machine control, i.e. subscribers of the mobile operator Beeline can connect or disconnect it at a convenient time in the self-service system, for which they need to register on the website To work through the site, you must obtain a personal login and password, which is sent to the subscriber after dialing *110*9#. The password is set by the operator himself, and the login to enter the system is your number. mobile phone(in ten-digit format).

Subscribers of the mobile operator Megafon do not have such wide options for managing their answering machine. The restrictions provided by the operator allow you to connect this service not to all clients. For example, subscribers who subscribe to the “Lite” or “Telemetry” tariff cannot use this service. For subscribers with other tariffs, connecting an answering machine is available by dialing the toll-free number 0500. However, you can activate the answering machine through the Service Guide self-service system or visiting the nearest official showroom of the Megafon operator. Activation of the service costs ten rubles. If the service is used daily, the operator will charge your account subscription fee in the amount of one ruble. Detailed information information about the service can be found on the official website, as well as see the list of tariffs that have access to connecting to this service.

MTS subscribers can use the SMS-answering service. When installing it, you first need to configure the response text, and you can type the message option you need. The typed text is sent via short number– 3021 (it’s free). When the service is activated, all MTS subscribers who have not reached your number will receive a message with the specified text.

Hello again everyone. Today we will touch on a topic that is most likely relevant when business correspondence. It may also be of interest to ordinary users, friendly communication via mail. Suppose you receive a letter from a respected person, your business partner. You opened it, read it, but you can’t answer it right now. And it is very important for your partner to find out whether his letter reached you and whether you read it. And of course, he will wait for your answer. Moreover, the letter is very important for him. How can the sender be notified that the letter has reached the recipient? Or, for example, you went on a business trip or vacation and you will not be able to check your email and respond to incoming letters. An answering machine is provided for such purposes. We'll look at it today. Let's look at how to enable this function in the Yandex, Mail, Gmail mail service.

Let's start with Yandex.

How to enable an autoresponder on Yandex mail?

The process of enabling an answering machine on this service is a little complicated, but not as scary as it might seem. So, let's go to our mailbox.

In the top right corner, click on the gear and select “ Rules for processing letters»

As we can see, we have two rules that we created during the actions described in the article "".

In order for the sender to receive our autoresponder message, we need to create a new rule. Therefore, click on the button “ Create a rule».

Here you are given the opportunity to specify the condition under which this or that action will be performed. So, if you want the answering machine message to be received by specific recipients, then specify them separated by commas in the “ field From whom coincides with" We do not need the proposed actions here. We need automatic sending of a message with a certain content. But to do this, we are asked to enter the password for this mailbox. Click the link " Continue»

And in the modal window, enter the password, then click “ Confirm».

Now the bottom block has become active, and we can specify the text that will be sent to the above recipients. If you want an autoresponder for all incoming letters, then the input field " coincides with" need to delete. To do this, click on the small cross to the right of this field. There will be no conditions.

Try to create truthful autoresponder text. Specify how many hours or minutes later the sender will receive your response. And be sure to complete it within the specified time frame. This will increase your confidence. For the rule to take effect, click " Create a rule" Now an answering machine message will be sent to all incoming email addresses. If you specified specific addresses, the answering machine will send messages only to these addresses.

How to enable autoresponder in

In this email service, enabling an autoresponder is much easier.

As always, go to your mailbox, click on your address in the upper right corner and select “ Mail settings».

In the left settings menu, select the item “ Autoresponder»

Here we enable the autoresponder function, you can specify from what day and time this function starts working and on what day, if you need to set up an autoresponder on certain days. If you uncheck " around the clock", then the fields for setting the time will become active. Simply specify the time interval in which the answering machine messages will be sent. You enter the text of the message below. After that, click " Save»

This autoresponder feature will apply to all incoming emails. If you need to set up an autoresponder for specific addresses, .

Enabling autoresponder in GMAIL

Again, go to your Google mailbox (account).

On the top right, click on the gear icon and select “ Settings»

Go to the tab " General", go down to the very bottom and turn on the autoresponder setting. We set the subject of the letter and the text itself. If necessary, check the box " Reply only from my contact list" In this case, recipients outside your contact list will not receive such messages.

That's how easy and simple we installed an answering machine on popular postal services. See you again!

You need to listen, but not eavesdrop.

The operators themselves mobile communications an answering machine service is called a voice mail service, but this does not change the essence of the question, an answering machine is an answering machine. So I will consider these concepts to be equivalent, do you mind?

Regardless of the mobile operator, to activate the answering machine you must perform two mandatory steps:

First, set up forwarding to your operator's answering machine number. You can do this in two ways:
1. use the menu of your mobile phone
2. use one of the USSD requests
Regardless of the method chosen above, you also have the opportunity to select the mode in which the redirection will occur incoming call to the answering machine you have configured:
- always, regardless of whether your phone is turned on or not. In this mode, you will be able to receive and send SMS and MMS, including receiving messages about receiving new messages on your answering machine, and making outgoing calls, if necessary.
- only when the phone is turned off or is out of network coverage
- after a specified time has elapsed without you picking up the handset. You can set the time from 5 to 30 seconds. In my opinion, this is a variation of the first mode with the ability to choose to answer the caller or give him the opportunity to record his message on the answering machine.

And secondly, you need to activate the voice mail service with your operator and record a voice greeting. This procedure is different for each operator.

I must say that my experience shows that in the latter mode, not every caller leaves messages on the answering machine. And there are also callers who call back only after five minutes, obviously having collected their thoughts.

Using an answering machine wisely can save you time, but the cost may be some confusion for callers. So you should carefully weigh the pros and cons before using an answering machine on one of your numbers.

The fee for using the answering service can be divided into the following four components:
Cost of activating the forwarding service (one-time)
Price outgoing call to answering machine number (for each call)
The cost of an incoming SMS message when a message arrives on your answering machine. (for each message, while this service is free for all operators)
The cost of outgoing calls to listen to incoming messages.

Subscription fee for using the answering service (may or may not be present for different operators). More details specifically for your mobile operator in Ukraine can be read below:
- How to connect and set up an answering machine on Kyivstar (Dyjus, Mobilyche)
- How to enable and configure the answering service on MTS, Jeans, Ecotel.
- How to set up and connect the voice mail service on Beeline
- How to set up and enable the answering service on Life.

I hope I have provided enough information to make a decision and successfully set up an answering machine on your phone. In any case, you can ask your questions in the comments.

This instruction will help beginners learn how to install an answering machine on their smartphones that work on Android system. This question not very popular, but still sometimes arouses the interest of users.

How to set up an answering machine on an Android phone

The very first answering machine was invented in 1904. Since then, technology has improved significantly. It's hard to imagine that in modern times, When digital technologies have moved forward, smartphone owners cannot afford to use an answering machine. This only applies to the latest, modern phones and smartphones.

But you will agree that this function is very important and useful. For example, if you are a busy person, an entrepreneur is at an important meeting, and you are not able to answer the call. In this case, a voice message will be just in time. As soon as you have a free minute, you can listen important information. Or you can dictate that you cannot say that you are on vacation or in negotiations.

It's a pity, but smartphones that run on the Android system do not have such a function. By default, recording from the line is impossible, that is, speaking into the line is also impossible. Some smartphones do not have a special kernel for this in the driver. And in some, this function is simply disabled.

Operator answering service

One option is to use your operator's answering service. In this case, you will need the support number of your mobile operator.

Installing the Autoresponder application

Of course, as with any rule, there is an exception here too. They concern NTS phones, which have a special Qualcomm msm72xx/msm76xx chip. For such devices there are special programs, which allow you to install and use an answering machine.

So-called “superuser rights” are a condition that will allow you to download such programs. That is, you just need to download and install required application, and then set the required settings.

Such programs allow you to record a message for an answering machine. You can also insert others sound files, but only in pcm format (8 kHz/mono/16 bit). If you go to the settings, you can select a delay for the answering machine itself and the ability to record a message from the person who makes the call. incoming call. Additionally, you can set up a couple of autoresponders for specific users.

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