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What is it without a proxy? What is a proxy server and what is it for? Proxy server: what is it and what is it used for?

Many people have heard about the concept of a proxy server. This term is quite common in the computer environment. Now we will look at what it is and how to use a proxy server depending on its type. In addition, a basic understanding of preferred settings will be given.

What is a proxy server?

In general, the concept of a proxy server for an uninitiated user, especially in terms of operating principles, may seem quite complicated. Let's try to describe all this in the simplest language.

At its core, a proxy server is a service that acts as an intermediary between the user's computer terminal and resources located on the Internet. Unlike direct connection to resources, in in this case an indirect connection is made, so to speak. First, the user request is transmitted to the proxy, then the information is searched in the cache, and only then the request is transmitted to the appropriate resource with subsequent loading of the information.

However, the question of how to use a proxy server is quite simple, because all operations occur without the participation of the user. Another thing - correct setting. This is what we will talk about now.

Standard proxy server settings in Windows

Let's start with the simplest settings that are made when you first connect the computer terminal to local network or the Internet.

In the browser settings, you enter the connections menu, where you select the “Network Settings” button. At the bottom there are two fields related to the proxy server. In most cases, these options are disabled, since many providers today simply do not use such servers.

If there is a problem with how to use the proxy server in terms of settings, you first need to enable it, and then enter the preferred address provided by the provider. The default port value is “80”, but it can be easily changed.

In most cases, there is no need to use proxies for local addresses, since they all belong to the same network environment. It goes without saying that all these actions must be performed with the automatic configuration. Otherwise, the specified fields will simply be inactive. In addition, almost the same procedure is provided for those cases in which there is only a modem connection. Only here you will have to specify the name of the connection: for example, the name of the operator servicing the USB modem.

Again, after entering the name, you will need to enter the server address, port, login and password, if provided by the operator.

How to set up and use an Internet proxy server?

On the other hand, in any browser, not just Internet Explorer or its new modification called Edge (Windows 10), you can make similar settings.

So, for example, in Mozilla browser Firefox accesses these features by setting up network connections in the tools menu. First, it is indicated that the proxy will be configured manually, after which the above procedures are repeated. IN Opera browser everything is done by changing the network parameters in the general settings menu.

As is already clear, this applies mainly to free servers, of which you can find a huge number on the Internet. Before you start using it directly from the site, you just need to write down all the configuration data, and then apply them in any Internet browser.

The situation is interesting when you need to know how to use an anonymous proxy server. Such services are capable of changing the external IP address of any computer, which allows you to remain “unrecognized” on the Internet, as well as hide traces of your presence there from prying eyes.

As a rule, in most cases there is no need to configure anything here. You just need to go to such a server and that’s it. True, in some cases registration and subsequent authorization may be required, but even if such a procedure is provided, it only takes a few minutes. Most anonymous proxy servers do not set such conditions, except for servers with increased anonymity. Can also be applied standard settings in browsers indicating all parameters.

Problems and errors

As for situations where a proxy server error occurs, this can mainly only be due to incorrect settings. Here you will have to re-check all the entered parameters, and if necessary, simply change them. And the server itself may, for example, temporarily not work.

Separately, it is worth saying that if the provider does not provide services for using proxy settings, there is no point in trying to change anything, anyway, nothing will get better, or even the connection will be interrupted altogether.

Proxy server (from the English proxy - “representative, authorized”) is a service in computer networks that allows clients to make indirect requests to others network services. First, the client connects to the proxy server and requests some resource (for example, a file) located on another server. Then the proxy server either connects to the specified server and obtains the resource from it, or returns the resource from its own cache (in cases where the proxy has its own cache). In some cases, the client request or server response may be modified by the proxy server for certain purposes

A proxy server is an intermediate computer that acts as an intermediary ("proxy" - intermediary) between your computer and the Internet. All your requests on the Internet pass through it. Proxy processes them and transmits the results (files downloaded from the Internet) to you.

A proxy server can do a lot. He is capable of:

  • speed up your work with the Internet;
  • make your journey on the Internet anonymous;
  • allow you to enter chats even if you are blocked;
  • help you look at those sites to which yours has blocked access System Administrator;
  • and much more.

Proxy classification:
There are several types of proxy servers. Each type of proxy is designed to solve its own range of problems, but they have much in common and their capabilities largely coincide.
HTTP proxy

This is the most common type of proxy server and when we simply say “proxy” we mean it. Previously, using this type of proxy, you could only view web pages and pictures, and download files. Now new versions of programs (ICQ, etc.) can work via an HTTP proxy. Browsers of any version can work with this type of proxy.
Socks proxy

These proxy servers can work with almost any type of information on the Internet (TCP/IP protocol), but to use them, programs must explicitly indicate the ability to work with socks proxy. To use socks proxy in the browser you need additional programs(browsers do not know how to work via socks proxy). However, any version of ICQ (and many other popular programs) can work perfectly through socks proxy. Finally, please note: when working with socks proxy, you need to specify its version: socks 4 or socks 5.
CGI proxy (anonymizers)

This type of proxy server can only be worked through a browser. In other programs their use is difficult (and it is not necessary - there is an HTTP proxy). However, since this type of proxy is initially designed to work through a browser, they are extremely easy to use. You can easily not only use the anonymizer in your work, but also easily build a chain of CGI proxy.
FTP proxy

This type of proxy server separate from corporate networks is quite rare. Typically, its use is due to the fact that the organization has a Firewall (a system for protecting computers from outside intrusion) that prevents direct access to the Internet. The use of a proxy of this type is provided in many popular file managers(FAR, Windows Commander), download managers(GetRight, ReGet, ...) and in browsers.
This type of proxy is highly specialized and is designed to work only with FTP servers.

How to determine the proxy type?
First of all, let’s separate these types of proxy servers from each other in essence:

HTTP proxy is a “regular” proxy server that is most common. You can use this proxy by configuring your browser and many other programs (the programs must provide for the use of a proxy server; if the type of proxy used is not specified, then it is an HTTP proxy).
SOCKS proxy - browsers cannot work with this type of proxy server, but many popular programs provide for the use of this type of proxy servers (for example ICQ). If the program requires such proxies, the type of proxy server (SOCKS) is always indicated, and the subtype (version) of the SOCKS proxy server is almost always required: SOCKS 4 or SOCKS 5 (sometimes SOCKS 4a).
Anonymizers (CGI proxy) are a web page whose address you simply need to type in the browser address bar (for example, There is no need to change any program settings, configure the browser, etc. - just open a web page. Other programs (except browsers) in 99.9% of cases do not know how to use anonymizers.

Now about the “external” differences between these types of proxy servers:

Since a CGI proxy is a web page, the address of such a proxy begins with http:// or https:// and contains the path to web page(for example The anonymizer (usually) does not have a port number;
HTTP and SOCKS proxy - consist of a server name (host) and a port number, which are separated by a colon (usually) or a space:
SOCKS proxy - in 90% of cases they have a port number of 1080, 1081 or similar;
HTTP proxy - in 90% of cases they have a port number of 80, 8080, 81 or 3128;
In addition, you can determine the type of proxy server by using any proxy checker: by checking the proxy first for one type and then for another (HTTP / SOCKS). In 99.999% of cases, the proxy is either HTTP or SOCKS (although it can be both at the same time);
HTTPS proxy: this type of proxy server is one of the subtypes of HTTP, so it can only be identified by checking it with some kind of proxy checker.

What is the difference between a free proxy server and a paid one?

Advantages of paid proxy servers

You choose the server yourself according to the characteristics that suit you (such as server response time, speed, caching efficiency, anonymity, etc.);
You can choose a proxy server of any country you need and not think about the fact that the proxy will soon “die” and you will have to look for a new one;
The server's operation is stable - in case of malfunctions, you can make your claims.

Disadvantages of paid proxy servers

You have to pay money ( subscription fee) for the service provided; In addition, you pay for the amount of information downloaded (traffic fee);
Although the paid proxy server is stable, it may also experience glitches. This is especially offensive - after all, I paid the money;
A paid proxy server, by definition, cannot be absolutely anonymous - it is enough to get to your proxy, and then contact the organization that provides you with a paid proxy server. True, this is only available to organizations such as the FSB and the CIA (and maybe not only);
Although paid proxy servers, of course, can be built in a chain (after all, you choose the server yourself when you buy this service), it is still unlikely that you can afford to pay for a chain of, say, 5 proxy servers;
It is difficult (if not impossible) to switch between different proxy servers - unless of course you pay for multiple proxies.

Advantages of free proxy servers

Of course, their service is absolutely free;
You can easily use several proxy servers - if you are not allowed into the chat, enable the use of proxy - and go ahead;
In terms of their characteristics (working speed, response time, etc.), free proxies can be on par with their paid counterparts;
If your proxy server is anonymous, then it is much more difficult to track you over the network (for example, to attack);
You can build proxy servers in a chain, this will dramatically increase your anonymity (and, note, it will most likely sharply reduce the speed of data exchange with the Internet);

Disadvantages of free proxy servers

Since the service is free, its quality in 99% of cases leaves much to be desired: low speed work, constant failures, etc. and so on.;
There are practically no long-running free proxies. As a rule, after some time they either become paid or stop working;
Many proxy servers are not anonymous - their whole purpose is to cache information received from the Internet;
Some free proxies themselves are not secure (!) Example: when connecting to some proxy servers, the proxies themselves may try to connect to you - for different purposes, for example, to hack your computer and turn it into another “proxy”;
It is quite difficult to find free proxy servers that suit you. Lists of free proxies are 70% repeating each other, more than 90% of these lists are already out of date (many of the proxies in them are not working).

  • A proxy server is an intermediate means of communication in computer network. It redirects client requests (for example, to call a website or download a file) through its address to the appropriate receiving server, without directly connecting the target server and the user.
  • This can be clearly imagined in the form of the work of a waiter in a restaurant, who acts as an intermediary between the client and the kitchen, forwarding the request to the cook, who does not have personal contact with the client. In the same way, you are “delivered” the answer to the request, that is, the “ordered dish”.
  • With a proxy server, you can not only filter network communications and cache data, but also browse the web anonymously. We describe these three options in detail below.

Possibility of using a proxy server

  • Anonymity: By switching your proxy server, you can hide your own IP address so that your real location is not visible to others on the network. You can read how to use a proxy server for anonymous surfing on the Internet in our article ““. But be careful! The owner of the proxy server has complete control over your session and can record all your communications as well as manipulate web content if they want.
  • Caching: data is cached by the proxy server to speed up processing of repeated requests. If, for example, a client regularly requests the same Word document, it can be obtained directly from the proxy server without the need to connect to the actual target server. This often saves the company throughput servers, and, consequently, the company’s money.
  • Filtration: Proxy servers can also use filters to evaluate incoming requests, allowing only certain types of requests to pass through. This service is often used in corporate networks, when specific services are blocked, such as the ability to download files from hosting sites or access to sites with prohibited content.

Any of us has heard the word “proxy”, but not everyone knows what its purpose is.

A proxy is an intermediate link between the client’s computer and the Internet server system. That is, if access to the WWW is carried out not directly, but through a proxy, then any request first goes to this intermediary, who processes it and sends it to the desired address on its own behalf.

What is a proxy and why connect to the Internet through such a server? The main purposes of its use:

    Caching files and storing them on a proxy server to reduce the load on the Internet channel and for more quick access client to the necessary information.

    Compressing information after receiving it from the Internet and transmitting it to the user in a compact form in order to save traffic.

    Protection local computer or networks from external threats.

    The ability to connect several computers to the Internet with just one IP address.

    The proxy server can be configured in such a way that external computers will not be able to communicate with local machines, but will only see the intermediary.

    Using a proxy, a system administrator can deny access to a number of websites.

    Anonymity of access. You won't be able to hide your tracks while traveling on the WWW using one server. For this you need a chain of “proxies”. But not everyone can find the necessary proxies and create such a connection with the correct sequence.

What is a proxy for the average user? This is the ability to access websites where the latter has been blocked.

Proxy and configure it to work? There are a lot of them, among them you can find a free or paid proxy server. The choice depends on the technology used to connect your computer to the Internet.

To install manually, you first need to search the Internet for lists of proxy servers. To do this, make a search request, for example: free, etc. From the results obtained, select the site you like and open it. The proposed list will probably contain many “dead” proxies, so they should be checked for functionality, for which the sites provide special function. After checking, a table with the results will be generated. You need to take several suitable options and save the addresses on your computer.

All that remains is to install them and configure them in your browser. These steps differ for different browsers. Detailed installation instructions can always be found online. After configuration, you need to check the proxy server again for functionality. If you need to refuse proxy, you just need to uncheck the

It is believed that working with paid servers is more convenient, since they are reliable and fail less often, in addition, more fine tuning. As for free proxies, their advantage is that they are anonymous, unlike paid ones, where information about the client is stored by the owner. Free servers you can use several at once, and if one of them fails, simply switch to another.

Now you know what a proxy server is and what it can be used for.

Almost everyone who uses the Internet has heard the phrase “anonymous proxies”. However, very few people know what it is, what it is intended for, how to use it and whether it is needed at all. If you also ask yourself similar questions, then in this article we will help you figure out the answers and explain the basic concepts.

Principle of operation

Physically, a proxy server represents separate server equipment and acts as an “intermediary” between user computers and Internet resources. In the vast majority of cases, the workflow can be described as follows

  • The user connects to the proxy and sends a request to gain access to a specific resource
  • The proxy server reads the user request and redirects it further
  • After receiving a response in the form of data packets, they are processed and redirected to the user’s IP address

As a result, it becomes possible to change or hide some of the user's computer identification data, in particular his IP address.

Application area

Anonymous proxy servers are used very widely today by both ordinary users and those people who work and earn money online. They allow:

  • Bypass restrictions on access to blocked sites and services
  • and maintain anonymity on the network, increase the level of security
  • Increase Internet connection speed
  • Use multiple social media accounts simultaneously for SMM promotion

There are also so-called reverse (server) proxies, which are used by owners and administrators of Internet resources in order to reduce and balance the load on the main servers, protect against DOS and DDOS attacks, hiding information about the true location and characteristics.


Existing proxy servers are divided into three groups:

  • HTTP – work with the HTTP protocol, allow you to view web pages, download files from the Internet
  • SOCKS - work with almost any network traffic, used for programs
  • CGI - running through the browser

In turn, HTTP proxies are divided into:

  • Elite – hide IP and the very fact of using a proxy, provide maximum anonymity
  • Anonymous – they mask only the IP, the fact of use is not hidden
  • Transparent – ​​used for or redirection to another server

There are also free and paid proxies. The differences between them are the level of anonymity, stability, access speed, reliability and durability, and the availability of technical support.

How to start using it?

If you want to connect proven proxy servers to work on the Internet, then feel free to contact us - we will provide detailed instructions and we will advise you on everything. Connecting and setting up won't take you much time, it's easier than you might think. Just a few minutes and you will no longer have to worry about access restrictions and maintaining anonymity.

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