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Ext name meaning Extension number Means ext

As Nikolai Kostyuchenko, a former RCBZ employee and specialist in the field of chemical warfare agents, explained to an NIG correspondent, DOB (4-bromomphetamine-2,5 dimethoxy-alpha-methyl) is a very dangerous synthetic drug, included in list No. 1, the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances , whose turnover is in Russian Federation prohibited according to Russian legislation and international treaties. This drug, which contains dimethoxin and bromamphetamine, was first synthesized in 1967. It has no analogues in terms of its impact on the human psyche and is comparable only to LSD, and then only in some respects.

One or two milligrams of the substance is enough to start a psychedelic nightmare that lasts 18-30 hours! During drug intoxication, the human psyche receives a severe blow: he experiences powerful hallucinations, is not aware of himself, and his color perception of the world around him changes. Strong excitement appears, everything around causes delight, then a wave of terrible fear rolls in.

Those drug addicts who experimented on their own bodies report that they traveled through their brains, felt terrible paranoia, feared that they would be killed, and struggled with the desire to kill other people. In case of overdose, the result can have a tragic ending: suicide, murder of other people, a psychiatric clinic, after which depression, terrible headaches and the desire to commit suicide are still left.

DOB depletes the cerebral cortex so quickly that after six months of drug use, complete degradation of the user occurs - physical and spiritual destruction of the individual. It should be noted that in people taking DOB, brain fibers are destroyed, deep depression, schizophrenia, and psychosis develop, sometimes leading to suicide. In addition, under the influence of DOB, a sharp aging of the body occurs, impotence appears, and the central nervous system is destroyed.

True symptoms of DOB are pain in the limbs, bluish skin of the arms and legs, weak pulse, lameness, muscle pain, localized paralysis and others that are completely unusual for other substances - hallucinogens. These manifestations, by the way, distinguish DOB from other similar substances, and this drug is very dangerous due to its external similarity to the forms in which weaker synthetic drugs and hallucinogens are sold - “ecstasy”, 2C-B, LSD, phencyclidine, etc. d. It often happens that a consumer purchases a brand or tablet from a trader without knowing that the substance it contains is DOB.

According to the specialist, it is not recommended to take more than 3.5 mg of the drug, since 30-35 milligrams of this substance, depending on the body weight of the consumer, is a lethal dose. Significant excessive doses can cause severe constriction of internal capillaries, as DOB acts on nerve cells and can cause gangrene. DOB can only be prepared by a person who is well acquainted with chemistry and has the skills of a pharmacist, if available necessary equipment, therefore it is likely that some of these drugs can be produced in Russia.

So far, seizures of such drugs do not happen often. Firstly, the drug has not yet gained mass popularity among young people, they don’t talk about it on TV and write little in the press, so not many people use it. Secondly, the effect of DOB knocks the mind out of the addict’s head so much that the desire to once again plunge into the world of one’s own horrors and hallucinations arises only some time after the psychedelic experience.

However, the drug police of Tatarstan have already managed to distinguish themselves by seizing two large batches of stamps containing “DOB” from illegal circulation during the year. In total, operatives seized 500 psychedelic stamps manufactured abroad, each of which contained 2 doses of the terrible substance. Participants in the criminal group busted in Kazan have already received criminal sentences, however, according to FSKN operatives, the drug flow of psychedelic drugs is only gaining strength.

Alexander Mikhailov

The more effectively communication is organized between team members and the company’s clients, the more effective their activities will be. Extra minutes “on the line” are an unaffordable luxury. An extension (aka internal) number allows you to determine with whom exactly the caller should communicate BEFORE the call signal sounds in one of the departments. This feature saves time on both sides.

What is it?

Extension represents special code, assigned telephone line or a division of the company. It has two components:

  • leading telephone number enterprises;
  • additional, connecting the subscriber to a specific department or personally to an employee.

The extension number consists of four digits. The first two represent the department number in the forwarding list, and the second two represent the employee's personal identifier.

From the point of view of digital telephony additional number- this is the forwarding point in . A similar function can be performed mobile phone employee, a communicator program on his PC or tablet, a Skype account or a city network number.

One for all and all for one

An extension number works as follows: an incoming call is received at a single “main” number for all employees. The subscriber introduces the robot PBX to his range of interests, and the program redirects the call to where it is needed. As a result, the incoming number is one for all clients, and all company employees are at its service. You just need to press the right combination of buttons.

Forwarding incoming call for a specific employee can be performed in two ways. The first is a regular transfer: the operator receives the call and either resolves the subscriber’s issue himself or switches it to a competent specialist. Such translation is a common practice in call centers and technical support services.

If incoming calls are very concerning wide range questions, translation with consultation is used. In this case, the employee who receives the call first dials the extension number of his colleague and discusses the situation with him. This type of translation is often used by secretaries.

Once! And you're done

How to dial an extension number? First you need to enter the digits of the main number, then wait until a pleasant voice asks you to switch the phone to tone mode. Let's upset those who have a vintage rotary telephone perched on their desk - it won't work. Only buttons for a landline, cell phone, tablet, computer (if you use IP telephony). On wired devices there is a special switch that allows you to switch the phone to tone mode, and for a wireless device this can be done through the menu.

What to do if you need to dial an extension number from the device cellular communications? The algorithm is as follows:

  • Call the main number.
  • Listen to the answering machine message to the end.
  • Without switching to tone mode, dial an additional number.

Sometimes the connection does not work correctly. In this case, there is no need to return to the beginning of the algorithm and listen to the answering machine again. It is better to ask the employee with whom the PBX connected you to transfer the call to his colleague.

Two! And you're done

A detailed list of departments (or areas of activity) of the organization will be announced. Interested in the range and price? Marketers for you. Problems with documents - the legal department is in touch. Questions of a financial nature? The accounting department also has a telephone. Listen carefully to the information and press the appropriate button.

Do you have a specific extension phone number at your disposal (indicated on a business card, in an e-mail, personally by the employee with whom you want to communicate)? You don’t have to listen to the cute answering machine girl. Dial confidently (if you are sure that your phone is in tone mode).

Now it's definitely ready!

The explanation took longer than the call itself. In practice, just 30-50 seconds after registering an incoming call, your call will be redirected to where you need it. Believe me, this is much faster than in the good old era of analogue communications, calling the reception desk for hours to get the same information from a twitchy and not always polite secretary. The extension actually saves time.

Do you want it for yourself?

We got inspired and decided to optimize our own business, wondering how to add an extension number? Step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, decide on a provider. The “familiar” number is no longer an argument - you can keep it by changing the operator and even the type of communication service. Both landline and mobile are easily forwarded to the number that you need (and is profitable). We advise you to choose a provider that offers some internal numbers in basic set services. Assess your business needs and make the best decision.
  2. Leave a request on the website or at the office of the selected operator. They will help you connect and set up communications in a new way as soon as possible.
  3. Enjoy the features and benefits of an additional dialer. Before you know it, the benefits from decision taken specie will jingle in the accounting statements.

You can figure out how to best use an extension number without any hints. No one knows the structure of your own company better than you. Determine the load on departments and select the numbers assigned to them. The technical support service will help do the rest.

Why is this necessary?

What does an extension number mean in practice? First of all, the status of the organization, its desire to organize its activities as conveniently as possible for business partners, to protect its time and theirs. But the listed advantages are not the only ones.

“Cloud” PBX with the “extension number” function allows you to create a virtual office in a way that is optimal for business. The director may be abroad in negotiations with suppliers. The head of the sales department will go on an inspection to a remote branch. Chief engineer - getting lost in the production workshops. But all of them - like the secretary, the ordinary manager, and the programmer who did not leave the office - are constantly in touch with each other, with other employees and clients. At any moment they can discuss work issues as if they were located in adjacent offices.

A virtual office entails reduced company costs (for rent, office equipment, communication equipment, etc.) and flexible work processes. Each employee can have as many additional numbers as necessary for best execution job responsibilities - “cloud” PBX allows you to do this. This means that the number of processed incoming calls is approaching 100%.

Reasonable savings on the one hand and a constant influx of customers on the other provide a stable increase in the company's profits. Thus, an extension number is an effective business tool that allows you to achieve not only tactical, but also strategic advantage in your market niche./p>

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Dob

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those with the letter 'O' in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

B- strong, disruptive character, desire to achieve success in everything. In relationships they take the initiative and very often have a possessive attitude towards their partner. Such people have high stress resistance. They constantly strive for a luxurious life and know how to earn a lot of money.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • B- Buki

Name Dob in English (Latin)

When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Dob in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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