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Yandex browser does not update Adobe Flash Player. How to activate the required Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser. Removing and installing flash player

Hello friends! If you watched movies through the Yandex browser without any problems, played online games, viewed GIFs, and now none of this works, then let’s figure out what the reason is.

All media content of the site is reproduced on the page thanks to the plugin Flash Player. In all web browsers that are based on Chromium, and Yandex browser is one of them, this plugin is built in by default and runs automatically on open sites. But it happens that instead of the Player, the site displays just white or gray background, and I can’t watch the movie.

Or a puzzle is shown in the window itself, and under it the inscription “Adobe Flash Player plugin is disabled.”

This could happen due to incorrect browser settings by the user himself, as a result of a virus picked up on the computer, or due to software failures. Therefore, in this article, let's look at how to get Flash Player to work again on websites and enable it in the Yandex browser.

How to launch Flash Player directly on the site

If you do not have a white background in the playback window and there is an inscription in it that the plugin is disabled, then you can enable it right there on the website. Right-click on the puzzle and select from context menu"Run this module" option. After this, the game or movie should start playing.

If this item is inactive, as shown in the screenshot below, or the window is empty, then most likely Adobe plugin Flash Player is simply disabled. Let's move on to the second point.

How to enable the Flash Player plugin in the Yandex browser

If you are unable to get Flash Player to work, then you need to make sure that it is not disabled in the browser itself. To do this, open the “Plugins” page in the Yandex browser - paste into the address bar: browser://plugins and press “Enter”.

After this, all connected plugins will be displayed in a list. Find Adobe Flash Player there. If you see an “Enable” button under the name, it means this plugin is disabled. Click on this button to enable Flash Player.

The enabled plugin should not be muted, but rich color, and below it there should be a “Disable” button as shown in the screenshot below.

After you enable Adobe Flash Player, you will again be able to watch movies, animations, and more on the Internet.

If the Flash Player plugin is enabled in the browser itself, but the content of Internet pages is still not displayed and you need to launch it manually, then you may have an outdated version of Adobe Flash Player installed, and because of this the browser is blocking its operation.

By default, Adobe program Flash Player installed on your computer is updated automatically as soon as a new update appears on the official Adobe website. But for various reasons, the settings may be changed, and automatic updating cannot be done. In this case, you can do it yourself. You can read the detailed article by following the link.

It may also happen that the Adobe Flash Player program was accidentally removed from your computer by you or a virus. This problem can be solved quite simply. Go to the official Adobe website: By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the Flash Player download page.

Then select the installed operating system Windows system 7, 10 or another available from the list, and indicate for which browser you need to download Flash Player. Uncheck "Additional offers" and click the "Download" button.

Run the downloaded file and wait for Flash Player to install.

I think you managed to enable Flash Player in the Yandex browser, and now you can watch your favorite movies online or play online games without any problems.

Found a video on the Internet, but the video is not produced in your Yandex browser? The first probable reason is that the flash player is not turned on or is incorrectly configured. Flash player is a special software add-on for your computer that opens up broad prospects when working with Internet resources. Watching colorful animations, video clips, online movies, games - you can watch all this on websites thanks to the flash player. Launching a module is easy and simple, but many people don’t know how to do it. How to turn on the flash player in a couple of minutes, read on.

Features of setting up Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser

Everyone has modern man there is a computer, laptop, modern phone or tablet from which they access the Internet. For example, young people often watch videos on Yandex, listen to songs, play online games. All this cannot be reproduced without certain modules such as Adobe Flash Player. This player has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • The add-on is free, no activation required.
  • Ability to play audio, media, flash files in Yandex.
  • Installation of the product does not require special skills from a person; it is fast, understandable, and easy.
  • Flash is used to play more than 50 percent of all modern Internet resources.

The disadvantages include:

  • Excessive CPU load portable device or computer.
  • Frequent failures in flash content.
  • The need to constantly update the player.

To properly configure the player in Yandex, consider some features:

  • Always check that the Yandex version is up to date before updating or installing a new module.
  • Do not use two players turned on at the same time.
  • After enabling the module, configure its automatic update.
  • Download the program only from the official website.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up Flash player in Yandex browser

The player is configured differently for each browser. It only takes a minute or two to turn it on, but many people waste a lot of time not knowing how to do it. Before you start step-by-step setup player, you need to know that this module is built into the browser engine by default, and is installed automatically with the first Yandex update. But if you can't watch the video on the site, there's a good chance that Adobe Flash Player is disabled. To set it up, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Yandex, in the address bar write the line without quotes “browser://plugins” (plug-ins).
  2. You will see a page with a list of all downloaded and installed additional browser modules. On the same page on the right there is a “More details” button, when you click on it, it will be displayed full information for all installed applications.
  3. Carefully look through the list, find the line with the name Adobe Flash Player.
  4. Having discovered required application, first of all, look at how many modules are loaded. If there is one, press the “connect” key and restart the browser.
  5. If you have two players installed (old and new version) and both are enabled, the video may not work, so you should disable the outdated version, leave the new one running and restart the browser.

How to install the latest free plugin

Another reason why the video does not work in your browser may be an outdated version of the player. Yandex has a setting automatic update flash player, but if it has been disabled, you need to update it manually. For correct installation, use the following method and instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to check the version of the player and the need to update it. Open Yandex, click on the icon on the right top corner- “Yandex browser settings.”
  2. Go to the “Advanced” menu, select the line “about Yandex browser”.
  3. A page will open in a new window and begin checking the relevance of Yandex and its modules.
  4. If updates are detected, they will be installed automatically.
  5. When there are no updates, and the browser says that the player is outdated, we install the latest version ourselves. Before this, you need to get rid of all the “tails” of the old player so that there is no unnecessary load on the system and everything works perfectly.
  6. Close Yandex, go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. We need the “Programs and Features” item, open it.
  7. You will see a list with all programs and add-ons installed on the operating system. We look for Adobe Flash Player, click on the “Delete” button.
  8. After uninstallation, restart operating system, to avoid possible software conflicts.
  9. Open our browser and go to official resource Adobe Flash Player. It is recommended to download the product only from the developer’s website in order to be sure that the flash player will work properly and that viruses will not be downloaded to the computer with it.
  10. Once the Player download is complete, close Yandex again and open the downloaded installation file.
  11. Install the program, following the instructions in the window that appears, check the checkbox to read the license agreement.
  12. Once the installation is complete, click “Finish” and restart your laptop or computer.
  13. Then, go to the Yandex browser and turn on the flash player using the already known method.

What to do if you can’t enable Flash Player

Sometimes in a row various reasons The flash player may malfunction: the version is new, and only one module is loaded for operation, but it cannot be activated. Let's look at common reasons why Flash Player fails and how to solve them:

  1. Other browser modules are enabled (ad blockers, firewall) that interfere with the operation of the flash player. Try disabling some applications from the list of plugins.
  2. Incorrect installation player. Often, due to inattention, users forget to close the browser during player installation or reboot the operating system afterwards, resulting in an incorrectly installed module. The solution to the problem is to reinstall the plugin, strictly following the step-by-step instructions.
  3. Outdated browser. If your Yandex has not been updated for a long time, it may not support the new version of the player. First remove the plugin, update the browser, then perform new installation and setting up Flash Player.
  4. Outdated Java version platforms. Java powers many online applications, if its version is not current, update it.
  5. Module locked antivirus program. Often, to ensure system security, the antivirus blocks flash. To solve the problem, enter Flash program Player is an exception for the antivirus.

Video: how to update plugins flash player for yandex browser

An unforgettable positive impression from watching a movie or video clip in Yandex will be ensured by a correctly installed current version of the flash player. If you don't know or aren't sure you remember how to update the plugin yourself, study the following video instructions. Here we describe step by step the actions that need to be performed for the stable operation of all flash applications in Yandex.


Yandex.Browser was developed in October 2012 by the same name Russian company in order to make life easier for users of Yandex services. Given software very quickly found its audience, whose representatives still use the Yandex browser to this day.

When developing the Yandex browser, the developers took as a basis the well-known Blink engine, which is actively used in the Chrome Internet browser released by the American company Google. Due to such circumstances, we can say with 100% confidence that Yandex.Browser in its original form has all the standard functionality of Chrome.

People who are faced with the problem of Flash Player not working in the Yandex browser most likely simply do not know that this extension is installed in the browser by default, without the ability to remove it. Thus, if Flash Player does not work for you, you simply need to update or reinstall it.

Installing Flash Player on Yandex browser

In most cases, installing Flash Player in browsers such as Yandex or Chrome is not required. However, sometimes it happens system errors, which lead to malfunction of certain plugins. Of course, in this case it will be necessary full installation extensions.

Please note that in a small number of cases, if the Flash Player fails, the system may disable this plugin.

Method 1: Enable the extension through Settings

This method of installation, or rather activation of Flash Player, consists of changing the corresponding parameter in “ hidden settings» of this Internet browser. You should adhere to a certain scheme of actions in order to easily get to the desired page and not accidentally disable other extensions that are vital for the browser.

Please note that if Flash Player is activated, but Flash content on sites still does not work, you need to immediately proceed to the second method of installing this plugin.

In some cases, this solution completely solves the problem of installing Flash Player.

Method 2: installing and reinstalling Flash Player

The second method will require a little more action from you. In particular, you may need a special program CCleaner, as well as access to the official Adobe Flash Player website.

After all the above steps have been completed, Adobe installation Flash Player can be considered finished. If you did everything correctly, then after starting the computer and opening web content with flash elements in Yandex.Browser, all content will be displayed properly.

Yandex Browser has built-in Flash by default. But due to regular browser updates and Flash player Some problems may arise (note: the article is about Yandex Browser for Windows):

  • outdated version of the player;
  • lack of necessary DLL files in the system;
  • incorrect settings in the browser;
  • DirectX corruption;
  • system damage by viruses.

Installing a new version of Flash Player in Yandex Browser

The very first step to solving the problem is to remove Flash Player and install latest version:

  1. close all browsers;
  2. remove Flash Player via Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs or using special programs, for example, СCleaner;
  3. restart your computer;
  4. download the latest version;
  5. close all browsers;
  6. install Adobe Flash Player by running the installation file;
  7. restart your computer.

In some cases, several computer restarts will not be necessary, but we recommend these steps to avoid additional errors.

If we are talking about damage to the system by viruses, which, most likely, you already know from messages from an anti-virus program or Kaspersky anti-virus built into Yandex.Browser, you need to run a full scan of your PC for viruses and take the measures suggested by the anti-virus.

If after a complete reinstallation of the Flash player and disinfection of the computer from viruses, in the browser Yandex Flash Player still doesn't work in other browsers (except Internet Explorer) the same error occurs, try contacting Adobe technical support and tell us in detail about the errors that occur. But maybe best way solve the problem - chat with SoftSalad users in the feedback thread

How boring and faceless the Internet would be without interesting videos, films that you can safely watch online, without browser games! Few people know that the flash player is responsible for playing these most beloved and funniest videos on YouTube, as well as TV series and online games. More precisely, the Adobe Flash Player program is a free plug-in from Adobe.

How to install Adobe Flash Player for Yandex?

Adobe Flash Player is a technology that allows you to place various multimedia content on website pages. And network users can view this content. Due to the enormous popularity of this technology, malicious hackers regularly penetrate users’ computers under the guise of a message that the Flash player is out of date and ask them to update it so that the browser can work correctly.

In order to protect users from hacks, Adobe specialists regularly release new versions of Adobe Flash Player in order to reduce the harm caused by hackers.

Yandex browser is built on the Chromium engine

Many browsers, including Yandex, already contain a plugin, thanks to the Chromium-based engine, so there is no need to perform any separate steps to install a flash player.

But if, when you try to turn on any video, such a sad emoticon or a warning appears that the plugin is disabled, most users will wonder how to enable the flash player in the Yandex browser.

Sometimes viruses on websites penetrate the browser and disable the flash player, in order to provoke a network user to download their infected player, which will give scammers access to personal data, wallets, and email.

Enabling through the settings menu

How to enable the flash player in the Yandex browser if it was disabled by scammers or by you accidentally?

  • Enter the following request into your browser: browser://plugins- and press Enter on your keyboard. Among the built-in plugins, we look for a flash player; if it is disabled, enable it.

  • Or through the menu item - click on the “sandwich” in the upper right corner of the browser (a button that looks like three horizontal stripes).
  • Next, select “Settings”.
  • At the very bottom, click on the “Show additional settings” link.
  • We look for the “Personal Data” section and click on “Content Settings”.
  • We also scroll down to the “Plugins” menu item. Here we select “Manage content settings”.
  • Now you know how to enable the flash player in the Yandex browser, click on the “enable” button and reload the browser.
  • It is not necessary to check the “Always run” checkbox.

Clean installation of flash player on your computer

If the above recommendations did not help and the player still does not work, this may be a consequence of malicious software on the infected computer. First of all, you should conduct a full scan with an antivirus program. Then remove the flash player for Yandex from your computer completely, as well as remove the browser itself and perform a complete, clean installation.

  • This can be done from the "Control Panel". Click the “Start” button, then “Control Panel” (in versions of the Window 8.1 and 10 operating systems, right-click on the “Start” menu button and select “Control Panel” from the drop-down menu).
  • In the computer settings settings, select the “Category” view type.
  • Next, in the “Programs” section, click “Uninstall a program”.
  • We find the flash player in the list of programs, select it by left-clicking on the line with the program and delete it by clicking on the “Delete” button of the same name.
  • You can also remove the browser, as well as other programs and applications that are not used or are damaged.

Sometimes even after completely reinstalling the browser, the video does not play, the new version has standard settings and there is nothing left to do but enable the flash player in the Yandex browser manually. It all depends on the version of the browser itself. Since Yandex already contains a built-in flash player, and it must update itself without user intervention, in most cases a simple update of the browser itself is enough.

Where to download flash player from?

To install a flash player yourself, if for some reason the built-in one does not suit you, you should:

  • On the Adobe Flash Player website at select the version of your operating system in the left column - Step 1, and version of the downloadable player - Step 2.
    Flash player for Yandex browser- this is the same version as for Opera and Chrome, you can safely choose this version.
  • It is advisable to uncheck additional offers in the central column of the downloader page if you do not want to receive several more programs on your computer along with the plugin.
  • And click “Download”.

The file will be downloaded to your computer; by default, it is downloaded to the “Downloads” folder on system disk, but if you have configured a different path in your browser, then open the folder where the file was downloaded, double-click on it or right-click and select “Open”.

  • The installation wizard will launch, follow the prompts. Installation usually doesn't take long, depending on your internet speed.
  • At initial installation Flash player wizard will ask: “Allow Adobe to install updates automatically?” Check the recommended item and click “Next”.

After installation, you do not need to restart your computer, but to avoid any problems, it is better to reboot.

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