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Question: Derivatives of complex functions of several variables (consider cases of one and several independent variables). Examples. Derivative and differential of a complex function of several variables Complex function of two variables

) we have already repeatedly encountered partial derivatives complex functions similar and more difficult examples. So what else can you talk about?! ...And everything is like in life - there is no complexity that cannot be complicated =) But mathematics is what mathematics is for, to fit the diversity of our world into a strict framework. And sometimes this can be done with one single sentence:

In general, the complex function has the form , Where, at least one of letters represents function, which may depend on arbitrary number of variables.

The minimum and simplest option is the long-familiar complex function of one variable, whose derivative we learned how to find last semester. You also have the skills to differentiate functions (take a look at the same functions ) .

Thus, now we will be interested in just the case. Due to the great variety of complex functions, the general formulas for their derivatives are very cumbersome and difficult to digest. In this regard, I will limit myself concrete examples, from which you can understand the general principle of finding these derivatives:

Example 1

Given a complex function where . Required:
1) find its derivative and write down the 1st order total differential;
2) calculate the value of the derivative at .

Solution: First, let's look at the function itself. We are offered a function depending on and , which in turn are functions one variable:

Secondly, let’s pay close attention to the task itself - we are required to find derivative, that is, we are not talking about partial derivatives at all, which we are used to finding! Since the function actually depends on only one variable, then the word “derivative” means total derivative. How to find her?

The first thing that comes to mind is direct substitution and further differentiation. Let's substitute to function:
, after which there are no problems with the desired derivative:

And, accordingly, the total differential:

This solution is mathematically correct, but a small nuance is that when the problem is formulated the way it is formulated, no one expects such barbarism from you =) But seriously, you can really find fault here. Imagine that a function describes the flight of a bumblebee, and the nested functions change depending on the temperature. Performing a direct substitution , we only get private information, which characterizes flight, say, only in hot weather. Moreover, if a person who is not knowledgeable about bumblebees is presented with the finished result and even told what this function is, then he will never learn anything about the fundamental law of flight!

So, completely unexpectedly, our buzzing brother helped us understand the meaning and importance of the universal formula:

Get used to the “two-story” notation for derivatives - in the task under consideration, they are the ones in use. In this case, one should be very neat in the entry: derivatives with direct symbols “de” are complete derivatives, and derivatives with rounded icons are partial derivatives. Let's start with the last ones:

Well, with the “tails” everything is generally elementary:

Let's substitute the found derivatives into our formula:

When a function is initially proposed in an intricate way, it will be logical (and this is explained above!) leave the results as they are:

At the same time, in “sophisticated” answers it is better to refrain from even minimal simplifications (here, for example, it begs to be removed 3 minuses)- and you have less work, and your furry friend is happy to review the task easier.

However, a rough check will not be superfluous. Let's substitute into the found derivative and carry out simplifications:

(at the last step we used trigonometric formulas , )

As a result, the same result was obtained as with the “barbaric” solution method.

Let's calculate the derivative at the point. First it is convenient to find out the “transit” values (function values ) :

Now we draw up the final calculations, which in in this case can be done in different ways. I use an interesting technique in which the 3rd and 4th “floors” are simplified not according to the usual rules, but are transformed as the quotient of two numbers:

And, of course, it’s a sin not to check using a more compact notation :


It happens that the problem is proposed in a “semi-general” form:

"Find the derivative of the function where »

That is, the “main” function is not given, but its “inserts” are quite specific. The answer should be given in the same style:

Moreover, the condition can be slightly encrypted:

"Find the derivative of the function »

In this case you need on one's own designate nested functions with some suitable letters, for example, through and use the same formula:

By the way, about letter designations. I have already repeatedly urged not to “cling to letters” as to lifebuoy, and now this is especially relevant! Analyzing various sources on the topic, I generally got the impression that the authors “went crazy” and began to mercilessly throw students into the stormy abyss of mathematics =) So forgive me :))

Example 2

Find the derivative of a function , If

Other designations should not be confusing! Every time you come across a task like this, you need to answer two simple questions:

1) What does the “main” function depend on? In this case, the function “zet” depends on two functions (“y” and “ve”).

2) What variables do nested functions depend on? In this case, both “inserts” depend only on the “X”.

So you shouldn't have any difficulty adapting the formula to this task!

A short solution and answer at the end of the lesson.

Additional examples of the first type can be found in Ryabushko's problem book (IDZ 10.1), well, we are heading for function of three variables:

Example 3

Given a function where .
Calculate derivative at point

The formula for the derivative of a complex function, as many guess, has a related form:

Decide once you guessed it =)

Just in case, I will give a general formula for the function:
, although in practice you are unlikely to see anything longer than Example 3.

In addition, sometimes it is necessary to differentiate a “truncated” version - as a rule, a function of the form or. I leave this question for you to study on your own - come up with some simple examples, think, experiment and derive shortened formulas for derivatives.

If anything is still unclear, please slowly re-read and comprehend the first part of the lesson, because now the task will become more complicated:

Example 4

Find the partial derivatives of a complex function, where

Solution: this function has the form , and after direct substitution and we get the usual function of two variables:

But such fear is not only not accepted, but one no longer wants to differentiate =) Therefore, we will use ready-made formulas. To help you quickly grasp the pattern, I will make some notes:

Look carefully at the picture from top to bottom and left to right….

First, let's find the partial derivatives of the “main” function:

Now we find the “X” derivatives of the “liners”:

and write down the final “X” derivative:

Similarly with the “game”:


You can stick to another style - find all the “tails” at once and then write down both derivatives.


About substitution somehow I don’t think about it at all =) =), but you can tweak the results a little. Although, again, why? – only make it more difficult for the teacher to check.

If necessary, then full differential here it is written according to the usual formula, and, by the way, it is at this step that light cosmetics become appropriate:

This is... ...a coffin on wheels.

Due to the popularity of the type of complex function under consideration, there are a couple of tasks for independent solution. A simpler example in a “semi-general” form is for understanding the formula itself;-):

Example 5

Find the partial derivatives of the function, where

And more complicated - with the inclusion of differentiation techniques:

Example 6

Find the complete differential of a function , Where

No, I’m not trying to “send you to the bottom” at all - all examples are taken from real work, and “on the high seas” you can come across any letters. In any case, you will need to analyze the function (answering 2 questions – see above), present it in general view and carefully modify partial derivative formulas. You may be a little confused now, but you will understand the very principle of their construction! Because the real challenges are just beginning :)))

Example 7

Find partial derivatives and create the complete differential of a complex function
, Where

Solution: the “main” function has the form and still depends on two variables – “x” and “y”. But compared to Example 4, another nested function has been added, and therefore the partial derivative formulas are also lengthened. As in that example, for a better visualization of the pattern, I will highlight the “main” partial derivatives in different colors:

And again, carefully study the record from top to bottom and from left to right.

Since the problem is formulated in a “semi-general” form, all our work is essentially limited to finding partial derivatives of embedded functions:

A first grader can handle:

And even the full differential turned out quite nice:

I deliberately did not offer you any specific function - so that unnecessary clutter would not interfere with a good understanding of schematic diagram tasks.


Quite often you can find “mixed-sized” investments, for example:

Here the “main” function, although it has the form , still depends on both “x” and “y”. Therefore, the same formulas work - just some partial derivatives will be equal to zero. Moreover, this is also true for functions like , in which each “liner” depends on one variable.

A similar situation occurs in the final two examples of the lesson:

Example 8

Find the total differential of a complex function at a point

Solution: the condition is formulated in a “budgetary” way, and we must label the nested functions ourselves. I think this is a good option:

The “inserts” contain ( ATTENTION!) THREE letters are the good old “X-Y-Z”, which means that the “main” function actually depends on three variables. It can be formally rewritten as , and the partial derivatives in this case are determined by the following formulas:

We scan, we delve into, we capture….

In our task:

Theorem.Let u = f (x, y) is given in domain D and let x = x(t) And y = y(t) identified in the area , and when , then x and y belong to region D. Let the function u be differentiable at the point M 0 (x 0 ,y 0 ,z 0), and functions x(t) and at(t) differentiable at the corresponding point t 0 , then the complex function u = f[x(t),y(t)]=F (t)differentiable at point t 0 and the equality holds:


Proof. Since u is differentiable by condition at the point ( x 0 , y 0), then its total increment is represented as

Dividing this ratio by , we get:

Let's go to the limit at and get the formula


Note 1. If u= u(x, y) And x= x, y= y(x), then the total derivative of the function u by variable X

or .

The last equality can be used to prove the rule for differentiating a function of one variable, given implicitly in the form F(x, y) = 0, where y= y(x) (see topic No. 3 and example 14).

We have: . From here . (6.1)

Let's return to example 14 of topic No. 3:



As you can see, the answers coincided.

Note 2. Let u = f (x, y), Where X= X(t ,v), at= at(t ,v). Then u is ultimately a complex function of two variables t And v. If now the function u is differentiable at the point M 0 (x 0 , y 0), and the functions X And at are differentiable at the corresponding point ( t 0 , v 0), then we can talk about partial derivatives with respect to t And v from a complex function at the point ( t 0 , v 0). But if we are talking about the partial derivative with respect to t at a specified point, then the second variable v is considered constant and equal to v 0 . Consequently, we are talking about the derivative only of a complex function with respect to t and, therefore, we can use the derived formula. Thus, we get.

A proof of the formula for the derivative of a complex function is given. Cases when a complex function depends on one or two variables are considered in detail. A generalization is made to the case of an arbitrary number of variables.


See also: Examples of using the formula for the derivative of a complex function

Basic formulas

Here we provide the derivation of the following formulas for the derivative of a complex function.
If , then
If , then
If , then

Derivative of a complex function from one variable

Let a function of variable x be represented as a complex function in the following form:
where there are some functions. The function is differentiable for some value of the variable x. The function is differentiable at the value of the variable.
Then the complex (composite) function is differentiable at point x and its derivative is determined by the formula:
(1) .

Formula (1) can also be written as follows:


Let us introduce the following notation.
Here there is a function of the variables and , there is a function of the variables and . But we will omit the arguments of these functions so as not to clutter the calculations.

Since the functions and are differentiable at points x and , respectively, then at these points there are derivatives of these functions, which are the following limits:

Consider the following function:
For a fixed value of the variable u, is a function of . It's obvious that

Since the function is a differentiable function at the point, it is continuous at that point. That's why

Now we find the derivative.


The formula is proven.


If a function of a variable x can be represented as a complex function of a complex function
then its derivative is determined by the formula
Here , and there are some differentiable functions.

To prove this formula, we sequentially calculate the derivative using the rule for differentiating a complex function.
Consider the complex function
Its derivative
Consider the original function
Its derivative

Derivative of a complex function from two variables

Now let the complex function depend on several variables. First let's look at case of a complex function of two variables.

Let a function depending on the variable x be represented as a complex function of two variables in the following form:
and there are differentiable functions for some value of the variable x;
- a function of two variables, differentiable at the point , . Then the complex function is defined in a certain neighborhood of the point and has a derivative, which is determined by the formula:
(2) .


Since the functions and are differentiable at the point, they are defined in a certain neighborhood of this point, are continuous at the point, and their derivatives exist at the point, which are the following limits:
Due to the continuity of these functions at a point, we have:

Since the function is differentiable at the point, it is defined in a certain neighborhood of this point, is continuous at this point, and its increment can be written in the following form:
(3) .

- increment of a function when its arguments are incremented by values ​​and ;

- partial derivatives of the function with respect to the variables and .
For fixed values ​​of and , and are functions of the variables and . They tend to zero at and:
Since and , then

Function increment:

. :
Let's substitute (3):


The formula is proven.

Derivative of a complex function from several variables

The above conclusion can easily be generalized to the case when the number of variables of a complex function is more than two.

For example, if f is function of three variables, That
, and there are differentiable functions for some value of the variable x;
- differentiable function of three variables at point , , .
Then, from the definition of differentiability of the function, we have:
Because, due to continuity,
; ; ,

Dividing (4) by and passing to the limit, we obtain:

And finally, let's consider the most general case.
Let a function of variable x be represented as a complex function of n variables in the following form:
there are differentiable functions for some value of the variable x;
- differentiable function of n variables at a point
, , ... , .

See also: 1°

1°. The case of one independent variable. If z=f(x,y) is a differentiable function of the arguments x and y, which in turn are differentiable functions of the independent variable t: , then the derivative of the complex function can be calculated using the formula

Example. Find if , where .

Solution. According to formula (1) we have:

Example. Find the partial derivative and total derivative if .

Solution. .

Based on formula (2) we obtain .

2°. The case of several independent variables.

Let z =f (x ;y) - function of two variables X And y, each of which is a function of the independent variable t : x =x(t ), y =y (t). In this case the function z =f (x(t);y (t )) is a complex function of one independent variable t; variables x and y are intermediate variables.

Theorem. If z == f(x ; y) - differentiable at a point M(x;y)D function and x =x(t) And at =y (t) - differentiable functions of the independent variable t, then the derivative of a complex function z (t) == f(x(t);y (t )) calculated by the formula

Special case:z = f (x ; y), where y = y(x), those. z = f (x ;y (x )) - complex function of one independent variable X. This case reduces to the previous one, and the role of the variable t plays X. According to formula (3) we have:


The last formula is called total derivative formulas.

General case: z = f (x ;y ), Where x =x(u ;v ),y=y (u ;v). Then z = f (x(u ;v);y (u ;v)) - complex function of independent variables And And v. Its partial derivatives can be found using formula (3) as follows. Having fixed v, we replace in it , the corresponding partial derivatives

Thus, the derivative of a complex function (z) with respect to each independent variable (And And v) is equal to the sum of the products of partial derivatives of this function (z) with respect to its intermediate variables (x and y) to their derivatives with respect to the corresponding independent variable (u and v).

In all cases considered, the formula is valid

(invariance property of a total differential).

Example. Find and if z = f(x ,y ), where x =uv , .

Solution. Applying formulas (4) and (5), we obtain:

Example. Show that the function satisfies the equation .

Solution. The function depends on x and y through an intermediate argument, so

Substituting partial derivatives into the left side of the equation, we have:

That is, the function z satisfies this equation.

Derivative in a given direction and gradient of the function

1°. Derivative of a function in a given direction. Derivative functions z= f(x,y) in this direction called , where and are the values ​​of the function at points and . If the function z is differentiable, then the formula is valid

where are the angles between the directions l and the corresponding coordinate axes. The derivative in a given direction characterizes the rate of change of a function in that direction.

Example. Find the derivative of the function z = 2x 2 - 3 2 at point P (1; 0) in the direction making an angle of 120° with the OX axis.

Solution. Let's find the partial derivatives of this function and their values ​​at point P.

Let z=ƒ(x;y) be a function of two variables x and y, each of which is a function of an independent variable t: x = x(t), y = y(t). In this case, the function z = f(x(t);y(t)) is a complex function of one independent variable t; the variables x and y are intermediate variables.

Theorem 44.4. If z = ƒ(x;y) is a function differentiable at the point M(x;y) є D and x = x(t) and y = y(t) are differentiable functions of the independent variable t, then the derivative of the complex function z(t ) = f(x(t);y(t)) is calculated using the formula

Let's give the independent variable t an increment Δt. Then the functions x = = x(t) and y = y(t) will receive increments Δх and Δу respectively. They, in turn, will cause the function z to increment Az.

Since by condition the function z - ƒ(x;y) is differentiable at the point M(x;y), its total increment can be represented as

where а→0, β→0 at Δх→0, Δу→0 (see paragraph 44.3). Let's divide the expression Δz by Δt and go to the limit at Δt→0. Then Δх→0 and Δу→0 due to the continuity of the functions x = x(t) and y = y(t) (according to the conditions of the theorem, they are differentiable). We get:

Special case: z=ƒ(x;y), where y=y(x), i.e. z=ƒ(x;y(x)) is a complex function of one independent variable x. This case reduces to the previous one, and the role of the variable t is played by x. According to formula (44.8) we have:

Formula (44.9) is called the total derivative formula.

General case: z=ƒ(x;y), where x=x(u;v), y=y(u;v). Then z= f(x(u;v);y(u;v)) is a complex function of the independent variables u and v. Its partial derivatives can be found using formula (44.8) as follows. Having fixed v, we replace it with the corresponding partial derivatives

Similarly we get:

Thus, the derivative of a complex function (z) with respect to each independent variable (u and v) is equal to the sum of the products of the partial derivatives of this function (z) with respect to its intermediate variables (x and y) and their derivatives with respect to the corresponding independent variable (u and v).

Example 44.5. Find if z=ln(x 2 +y 2), x=u v, y=u/v.

Solution: Let's find dz/du (dz/dv - independently), using formula (44.10):

Let us simplify the right side of the resulting equality:

40. Partial derivatives and total differentials of functions of several variables.

Let the function z = ƒ (x; y) be given. Since x and y are independent variables, one of them can change while the other maintains its value. Let's give the independent variable x an increment Δx, keeping the value y unchanged. Then z will receive an increment, which is called the partial increment of z with respect to x and is denoted ∆ x z. So,

Δ x z=ƒ(x+Δx;y)-ƒ(x;y).

Similarly, we obtain the partial increment of z with respect to y:

Δ y z=ƒ(x;y+Δy)-ƒ(x;y).

The total increment Δz of the function z is determined by the equality

Δz = ƒ(x + Δx;y + Δy) - ƒ(x;y).

If there is a limit

then it is called the partial derivative of the function z = ƒ (x; y) at the point M (x; y) with respect to the variable x and is denoted by one of the symbols:

Partial derivatives with respect to x at the point M 0 (x 0 ; y 0) are usually denoted by the symbols

The partial derivative of z=ƒ(x;y) with respect to the variable y is defined and denoted in a similar way:

Thus, the partial derivative of a function of several (two, three or more) variables is defined as the derivative of a function of one of these variables, provided that the values ​​of the remaining independent variables are constant. Therefore, the partial derivatives of the function ƒ(x;y) are found using the formulas and rules for calculating the derivatives of a function of one variable (in this case, x or y is considered a constant value, respectively).

Example 44.1. Find the partial derivatives of the function z = 2y + e x2-y +1. Solution:

Geometric meaning of partial derivatives of a function of two variables

The graph of the function z= ƒ (x; y) is a certain surface (see section 12.1). The graph of the function z = ƒ (x; y 0) is the line of intersection of this surface with the plane y = y o. Based on the geometric meaning of the derivative for a function of one variable (see paragraph 20.2), we conclude that ƒ"x(x o; y o) = tan a, where a is the angle between the Ox axis and the tangent drawn to the curve z = ƒ (x; y 0) at point Mo(xo;yo; ƒ(xo;yo)) (see Fig. 208).

Similarly, f"y (x 0;y 0)=tgβ.

The function Z=f(x,y) is called differentiable at the point P(x,y) if its total increment ΔZ can be represented as Δz = A∙Δx+B∙Δy+ω(Δx,Δy), where Δx and Δy – any increments of the corresponding arguments x and y in a certain neighborhood of the point P, A and B are constant (do not depend on Δx,Δy),

ω(Δx,Δy) – an infinitesimal of a higher order than the distance:

If a function is differentiable at a point, then its total increment at that point consists of two parts:

1. The main part of the increment of the function A∙Δx+B∙Δy is linear with respect to Δx,Δy

2. And nonlinear ω(Δx,Δy) is an infinitesimal of a higher order than the main part of the increment.

The main part of the increment of a function, linear with respect to Δx,Δy, is called the total differential of this function and is denoted:Δz = A∙Δx+B∙Δy, Δx=dx and Δy=dy or the complete differential of a function of two variables:

Display differential. Differential and derivative of a numerical function of one variable. Table of derivatives. Differentiability. ) is a function of argument , which is infinitesimal as →0, i.e.

Let us now clarify the connection between differentiability at a point and the existence of a derivative at the same point.

Theorem. In order for the function f(x) was differentiable at a given point X , it is necessary and sufficient that it has a finite derivative at this point.

Table of derivatives.

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