TVs. Consoles. Projectors and accessories. Technologies. Digital TV

Types and classifications of destruction. Absence or untimely implementation of repair and maintenance work. Conclusions on the section Absence or untimely implementation of repair and maintenance work. May cause destruction of equipment with possible

1. An action or event that may lead to destruction, distortion or unauthorized use of information resources, including stored and processed information, as well as software and hardware, is:

A) malware;

b) threat to information security;

V) Trojan horse.

2. Uncontrolled release of confidential information outside of IT or the circle of persons to whom it was entrusted in the course of their work or became known in the course of work is:

a) disclosure of confidential information;

b) unauthorized access;

c) compromise of information.

3. Failure by the recipient or sender of information to acknowledge the facts of its receipt or sending is:

a) refusal of information;

b) violation of information services;

c) illegal use of privileges.

4. What principle underlies the provision of a minimum of strictly defined powers sufficient for the successful performance of official duties, in terms of automated processing of available confidential information?

a) complete control and registration of unauthorized access attempts;

b) “transparency” of the protection system;

c) separation and minimization of powers for access to processed information and processing procedures.

5. Information the preferential right to use of which belongs to one person or group of persons is:

A) classified information;

b) confidential information;

c) information for official access.

6. The method of protecting information by cryptographic closure is:

a) obstacle;

b) regulation;

c) camouflage.

7. What means of information protection are implemented in the form of various norms that have developed traditionally or are being developed as computer technology and communications spread?

a) organizational;

b) moral and ethical;

c) legislative.

8. What information security mechanism ensures that the characteristics of data transferred between IT objects are confirmed by a third party?

a) arbitration;

b) authentication;

c) routing control.

9. What information protection is necessary when using systems and networks for processing, storage and transmission information objects containing orders and other administrative, contractual, financial documents?

a) protection against unauthorized copying and distribution of programs and valuable computer information;

b) protection of information from leakage through the channels of side electromagnetic radiation and interference;

c) protection of the legal significance of electronic documents.

10. A program that performs, in addition to the main, i.e., designed and documented actions, additional actions not described in the documentation is:

a) Trojan horse;

b) logic bomb;

c) password grabber.

11. Special program designed to perform destructive actions on a computer system or network is:

a) computer virus;

c) logic bomb.

12. What viruses infect boot sectors of disks and application program files?

a) mutating;

b) file-boot;

c) stealth viruses.

13. What viruses change over time?

a) mutating;

b) replicator;

c) macroviruses.

14. What are the protective measures against computer viruses consist of drawing up clear plans for preventive measures and action plans in case of infection?

a) hardware and software;

b) legal;

c) administrative and organizational.

15. Some unique characteristic virus program, which indicates the presence of a virus in a computer system is:

a) destruction;

b) virus signature;

c) reproduction.

There are many reasons for the destruction of buildings. First of all, in earthquake-prone areas there are earthquakes. In addition, explosions (for example, domestic gas), strong winds (hurricanes, tornadoes), mudflows, landslides, builder errors, ground failures, dilapidated buildings.

Multi-storey building is complex engineering structure. If it is seriously damaged, all life-supporting systems fail: pipes collapse, water and gas supplies are disrupted, and electrical wires break. Destruction can occur very quickly, and sometimes within a few hours - in this case it is possible to save people and property.

What to do if there is a risk of building destruction during an earthquake?

  • At the first tremors, chandeliers begin to sway, furniture shakes, windows rattle, and when you see the first cracks on the walls, immediately go outside.
  • If you live above the second floor and there is no way to leave the building, sit in the safest place - in the opening of the main wall, or in the corner formed by the main walls. Don't stand near windows, doors, stairs, don't stay in corner rooms.
  • In order to protect yourself from falling debris of structures, glass and other objects, hide under a bed, table, under a desk (at school), covering your head with your hands.
  • As soon as the shaking stops, quickly go outside. (Shocks may be repeated.) Remember: you cannot use the elevator, touch the wires, or light a fire.
  • If you find yourself in a jam, calm down. Look carefully to see if there are any voids or inflows of fresh air. Try not to touch the debris, as you can cause it to collapse. Help those who come to your aid: raise your voice, knock on the pipes and radiators so that they hear you. Rescuers have a “silent hour” when machines and special equipment for clearing debris stop working. At this time, rescuers begin to listen to voices for help, knocks and, with the help of trained dogs and devices, conduct an intensified search.


    If you live in a seismically dangerous area, then you need to be especially careful. People have long known that pets can sense an earthquake. The day before, they behave unusually restlessly: they rush about, scream for no reason, and are unexpectedly aggressive. Cats take their kittens out of the house, and if they are returned, they take them out again. The dogs whine, huddle close to their owners, and try to leave the premises. There have been cases where dogs carried children out of the house. The behavior of wild animals also becomes unusual: rats and other rodents leave their hiding places, gather in packs and leave. The ants leave the anthills several hours before the shock, capturing the pupae. Harbingers of an earthquake can be other phenomena unusual for humans - pillars of light, luminous balls, a bluish glow in houses, etc. This occurs as a result of the release of electrically charged gases from rock fractures.


  1. What natural phenomena can cause destruction of buildings?
  2. Remember what man-made accidents are. What man-made causes can lead to the destruction of a building?
  3. What consequences and troubles can the destruction of a building lead to?
  4. How can we save the building we live in from destruction?


  1. Using additional sources information, find out in which areas of Russia earthquakes are possible. List them.
  2. Prepare a short message about the courage of rescuers in eliminating the consequences of earthquakes.

Even the local use of nuclear weapons will affect the state of the entire planet. American geophysicists and geochemists have built a detailed model of what awaits us if Pakistan and India cannot agree on the status of Kashmir or the degree of responsibility for another separatist terrorist attack. The results were impressive and frightening.

Michael Mills and his colleagues from the universities of Colorado and California took into account the current geopolitical situation and fashionable environmental trends. They decided to focus on a local nuclear conflict and described its consequences for the biosphere in much more detail. Since they no longer had to keep all sorts of atmospheric and other processes in their heads - this work was taken over by a “brain prosthesis”, a computer - they were able to take into account much more physical and chemical phenomena when building their model. And some of those that previous researchers had neglected turned out to be very important.

The hypothetical conflict, the consequences of which the Americans calculated, took place in the subtropics of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, in the north of the Hindustan Peninsula. However, since the basis of the work is the study of atmospheric circulation, the results are also applicable if the mushrooms of nuclear explosions rise over North Korea, Iran or Israel, located a little to the north.

Computer modeling has shown that a nuclear war of this kind, using about a hundred bombs, no more powerful than the 15-kiloton “baby” dropped on Hiroshima, would lead to irreparable consequences for the biosphere.

According to calculations, such a conflict would be enough to create a global ozone hole, threatening all of humanity and capable of plunging the environment into chaos for decades.

Of course, this is not on the scale of a nuclear winter, but we should not forget that the total arsenal on the Hindustan Peninsula is several times smaller than the superpowers of the Cold War. True, this is according to official data available to scientists.

Of course, people also detonated 50 Mt bombs, and this did not lead to global consequences for the ozone layer. However, such explosions occurred underground, underwater, or at remote sites where there was nothing to destroy. When “living” territories are affected, the situation changes radically.

In addition to the dust effect described by Sagan, numerous fires of forests and cities will be added, which will be impossible to stop. As a result, a cloud of 5 million tons of soot will rise tens of kilometers into the stratosphere. This soot will act as a kind of absorbent that absorbs solar radiation. Only unlike activated carbon, which binds toxins when ingested, soot in the stratosphere will not retain energy, but, on the contrary, will lead to heating of surrounding gases.

During the first year after soot enters the air, the temperature of the stratosphere will exceed normal by 30-60 degrees Celsius, because in normal conditions these layers absorb almost no solar energy. This will change the course of the Chapman reaction, which directly converts ozone and monatomic oxygen into ordinary diatomic oxygen: this reaction is incredibly sensitive to temperature.

The situation will be aggravated by the constant heat supply from below - the energy of the fires will be transmitted through smoke. Which, of course, will not improve the position of the planet's protective shield. A huge number of nitrogen oxides will rise into the atmosphere, working as powerful catalysts for this reaction (NO+O 3 -> NO 2 + O 2, followed by NO 2 + O 2 -> NO+ O 2).

The result is significant destruction of the ozone layer.

Contrary to calculations twenty years ago, which predicted a 20% reduction in ozone protection only in the event of a global conflict (6.5 Gt in TNT equivalent) and the filling of the ozone hole within several years, Mills and his colleagues found that even 1.5 Mt, dropped on cities, and the fires that follow them, will be enough to reduce the ozone layer on average by 30% on Earth, and in some areas by 3-4 times. In this case, restoration to initial state will take decades.

Model change in the average parallel thickness of the ozone layer as a result of a hypothetical nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan depending on latitude (along the ordinate) and time (along the abscissa). // PNAS (2008)/"Gazeta.Ru"

The effect will be felt by residents all over the planet. For example, in mid-latitudes, thinning will reach up to 40% of the current state, which will immediately affect human health and all ecosystems. Residents of high latitudes, primarily the Arctic, will be least lucky (according to the scenario, explosions occur in the northern subtropics). Here the reduction will be even more significant - from 50% to 70%. The effect will last at least five years, but even after that, according to scientists, we will continue to count losses for another five years.

This is not the first approach to assessing the effect of small, by military standards, local nuclear conflicts. In other variants of nuclear autumn, the primary role was given to radiation and thermal damage to ecosystems, acid precipitation, and more.

“The mistake of previous works is that they did not take into account the effect of smoke and the heating of the stratosphere,” explained Mills difference.

An increase in background radiation will immediately affect aquatic ecosystems - amphibians, fish and cephalopods, and most importantly - the life of phytoplankton. If the damaging effect of ultraviolet radiation on all these organisms has already been proven, then the effect on the community as a whole remains to be determined.

This threatens humanity, according to rough estimates, with a threefold increase in the prevalence of skin cancer, which is still difficult to treat.

And this does not take into account the release of chemical and radioactive substances as a result of the nuclear conflict itself.

The physicists who modeled the crisis could not resist commenting on the situation with nuclear weapons - in their work they took into account one hundred 15-kiloton explosions, while this is only 0.03%, that is, 1/3000 of the entire arsenal of the planet. Even more trepidation can be caused by a detailed acquaintance with work scientists, published in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In June 2011, the Splin group, led by its leader, performed at the Rock over the Volga festival. The Novye Izvestia correspondent asked Alexander VASILIEV why he lets his musicians go to other groups and what is more important for him - to be a poet or a citizen? – Alexander, did you have any desire to join your fellow musicians – Andrei Makarevich, Alexei Kortnev, when they met with the President of Russia in a rock cafe?

- First of all, we weren’t invited there. Secondly, at that moment I did not feel any strength in myself to go to this meeting, because I could not say anything sensible, clear and useful. Now, perhaps, I feel more confident, but not enough to talk one-on-one with the first person of the country. If you are going to the president of the country, then you need to conduct a conversation in such a language and with such arguments that it will serve the benefit of the people, and will not be empty chatter. For such a conversation you need to grow up - and I’m still a youth. Not a husband and not a citizen, but, I hope, a poet.

– Who is more important to you – a poet or a citizen?

– A poet who is also a citizen of the Earth. We understand only the Nekrasov thing: a citizen only of this country, and if you love America, for example, then you are the last creature. It's horrible!

– Your songs often have a sharp, uncompromising tone; are you similar to your favorite poet Mayakovsky in real life?

- It varies. Sometimes the lyrics are rushing, and sometimes everything is so angular, chopped up, like Mayakovsky. Life offers us different rhythms. Everything is very changeable for me. I light up with one song, and then it fades and a new one appears. If a person says that he loves to be rocked and knocked down, what kind of rhythm can we talk about?

– What is more important to you in your work – the process or the result?

- It's hard to say. For example, recording an album is like a whirlpool - you write, write, rehearse, rehearse... And at some point you realize that you are on the edge of a whirlpool, and you begin to be pulled into the studio. And once - the album is ready. True, you always need to take a break - so that everything settles down, so that you can soberly evaluate what you have written.

– What can you not allow in your work, what themes or expressions?

– We have songs with obscenities, as you know. But after the birth of my son, I began to protect my children’s ears. You can't sing about anything that could contribute to any kind of destruction. It’s better to be at zero and do nothing, but just don’t destroy, don’t participate in outrages. From zero to infinity - this is my path...

– Is your son musical?

- He's humming something. But he still shows interest in arithmetic and reading.

– You have a song “Son”, and there you sing so sublimely and tragically about autumn...

– And most of all I love spring. I want to sing, perform, communicate. Spring drives away the St. Petersburg spleen.

– Do you still claim that “spleen is when you are alone”?

– Spleen is when you calmly let your musicians play in other groups. It’s wonderful when a person rests without us, and when he gets bored, he comes back, and there is always joy from meeting us. For example, Boris Grebenshchikov took our drummer to play three concerts with Aquarium.

– How did you meet BG?

– We were traveling in the same tram along the shore of the Persian Gulf.

– Are you a “complete” rocker or is everything not so simple?

– It’s not about rock or genres, but about the cosmic space of which you feel yourself a part. And if you see that some author in his book, painting or song feels approximately the same thing, then he becomes your brother. It's like with Harry Potter: when all the wizards lived among people, but people didn't know that they were wizards.

– “Spleen” sings a lot about movie characters and film directors, for example “Bonnie and Clyde”, “Fellini”. What's your favorite movie?

– “The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie” by Luis Buñuel. I can't wait for my son to grow up so I can show him this masterpiece.

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