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We are able to establish an SSL connection. Fix ssl connections and what the error means. Why does the SSL error occur?

Error ssl connections- this is an achievement that the developers of the standard for the operating room can be proud of. Windows systems internet browser Internet Explorer. The thing is that those few users who use this particular browser in their lives will be spared from solving the problem with err ssl protocol error. But here's to the lovers third party products intended for visiting Internet pages, sometimes you have to look for a way out of such an unpleasant situation.

An important nuance (which, again, Internet Explorer users will appreciate) is that the causes of the ssl err ssl protocol error connection error are difficult to determine. Therefore, in in this case, you will have to take an integrated approach to treatment. Which we will try to talk about in today’s material.

Ssl connection error - what to do?

Still, what does an ssl connection error mean? Typically, a similar problem can arise when, when trying to access the Internet, a conflict arises due to incorrect settings of the operating system and the Internet browser used.

Let's start looking at the problem one by one, starting with the most widespread cases. The first option is how to fix it in Google Chrome ssl connection error? Typically, in this situation, the problem is with the antivirus hardware. What’s most interesting is that trouble can arise both when an antivirus program is installed, and when such software is simply not available. In the first case, you will need to go to settings antivirus program and check the parameters of blocked connections. Those that the user uses to access the network should be excluded from it.

In the second case, you should install an antivirus program and scan the system for malicious elements. How to do this if Google Chrome is blocked by an error? Very simple:

  1. We launch our unloved Internet Explorer.
  2. Find and download the required antivirus program.
  3. Let's scan the system.

The second most popular case: Opera, ssl connection error - how to fix?

In this situation, the reason usually lies in a banal failure of the date and time set on the user’s PC. The solution is also quite simple:

  1. Quit the browser.
  2. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the Windows clock.
  3. Change the settings to the correct ones - restart the Internet browser.

Often, such a problem can be discovered by people who prefer to purchase games on thematic resources. For example, what should I do if there is an ssl connection error when trying to log in to the Origin company resource? You will need to once again visit the settings of the installed antivirus program:

  • Let's go to the program parameters.
  • We find an item that allows you to filter https protocols.
  • We mark it and completely reboot the computer.

By the way, hardware problems can also lead to a similar situation. Most often, this is a failure of the BIOS battery. How to fix ssl connection error in this case? You will need to purchase the required component and replace the old one. This process will cost 50-100 rubles maximum.

The last option where a similar nuisance can occur concerns the use mobile devices to access the Internet or visit adsence pages. If an ssl connection error occurs on your phone or when visiting similar resources, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the settings of the Internet browser you are using.
  2. Select "Advanced options".
  3. In the “Personal Data” menu, find information about Cookies.
  4. Check the box next to “Saving user personal data.”
  5. Find and go to the “HTTPS/SSL” menu.
  6. Check the checkbox “Check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.”
  7. Reboot the system and repeat the procedure of accessing the desired page.

Basically, that's it. The problem called Ssl protocol has been solved and you can continue to use the Internet for your pleasure.

One solution to this problem can be seen in the video:

SSL- this is the name of the cryptographic protocol that ensures the security of the communication connection.

When you receive an “SSL error” while surfing the Internet, this may indeed mean that someone is accidentally or deliberately trying to obtain the data you are sending to the Internet. But it’s not always worth being afraid and trying to fix an SSL error right away. Often, such an error can only mean incorrect browser settings, interception of connections by your own antivirus (the antivirus is mistaken for an attacker, and you shouldn’t be afraid of the data it receives), or in general there are problems not with you, but with the site you are trying to access.

If you still have the slightest doubt, it is better to reconnect to the Internet, log in from a different browser and check if the SSL connection error appears in this case.

Let's consider possible options SSL error fixes in specific situations.

How to fix SSL error in Google Chrome and Yandex browser.

So, you are unable to access this or that site - a problem with the security certificate “pops up”. As already mentioned, there is no need to worry - first, just reconnect and change the browser. If the error continues to appear, then:

  • Check that the Date and Time are set correctly on your computer;
  • Completely scan your computer for viruses;
  • Check your antivirus settings carefully. It has already been said that it is the antivirus that a “frightened” browser can often mistake for an attacker and rush to the owner’s defense. Usually the point here is to check the https protocol, try to find it in your antivirus and disable it (if you don’t know where, help and search the Internet by the name of your antivirus program will help). In general, disabling this functionality check antivirus software will have virtually no effect. If the ssl error continues to appear, try disabling the antivirus altogether for a short time (if this doesn’t help, then it’s definitely not the problem, if it helps cure it, maybe it’s worth changing the security program).
  • Try updating your operating system and browser to the latest versions;
  • Try creating in your operating system a new user and access sites through him;
  • Try logging in from a different IP address or even a computer;
  • If you cannot fix the SSL error, try combining several of the above methods at once.

If all this does not help resolve the ssl error, you can disable SSL checking in the browser, but this may not be entirely secure. It’s better to study all the information about the suspicious site before doing this.

Resolving SSL errors on a tablet is a much more pressing issue than on a computer.

The fact is that, starting with Android 2.3, encryption algorithms on tablets have become noticeably weaker and the likelihood of them being decrypted by attackers (i.e. gaining access to your data) is much higher. This leads to a not very favorable situation:

  • firstly, SSL errors can very easily occur where in fact there is no danger;
  • secondly, on the contrary, truly experienced hackers can force the protocol to trust certificates where the danger occurs.

Basic security measures and error resolution are given above and many of them are suitable for tablets, but if you value the security of certain data, for now it is better to refrain from entering it on tablets unless absolutely necessary on suspicious sites.


From our video you will learn in detail how to connect an SSL certificate, check the site for errors and fix them.

You can connect an SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt to your website absolutely free of charge. To do this you need to go to your account,

and in the hosting management section click on the button "Add SSL certificate Let's Encrypt".

Also, by default, there is a checkbox for connecting a security certificate when connecting your domain to the site; if you wish, this checkbox can be unchecked.

After successful installation of the certificate, a green padlock will appear next to the domain name.

Why do you need a security certificate?

  1. When a secure HTTPS connection is established, a security certificate is used to encrypt the data and identify the site.
  2. It will provide a secure connection that between the server and the user’s browser reliably protects data from substitution and interception.
  3. An SSL certificate increases the trust of visitors to the site and the company. GlobalSign, based on its research, claims that 84% of users would not make purchases on a site that does not have a secure connection.
  4. Confidence from the outside search engines. HTTPS is one of the ranking factors according to official data.

Possible connection errors

Errors occur when connecting an SSL certificate to sites running WordPress 4.4 and below mixed content.

To resolve these errors, you need to change the paths to your site elements from http:// to https://. You can do this manually or use a special plugin, for example, Really Simple SSL. This plugin will fix problems with http requests on your site and redirect them to https.

Starting with WordPress 4.5, a bug was fixed in the function of generating the "srcset" tag, which overrides the URL at which the element is loaded. For example, it looks like this:

Currently, most browsers define the "srcset" tag as a priority, so mixed content errors only appear in specific situations. Problems with images in the theme and plugins are still possible. Some themes and plugins may prevent you from setting the srcset parameter as needed, or prevent it from being inserted at all.

Also, if you changed the source code of your theme and added loading of any elements, for example, images, it is worth considering that such changes will need to be corrected manually.

Mixed Content Errors

They may appear in cases where a caching plugin is used and incorrect configuration (if the site is not configured to work with https). The reason for this is that the result of processing a request to a site using the HTTP protocol can be cached and given to the visitor who accessed it using the HTTPS protocol.

If you have a similar problem, try:

  1. Go to “Settings” – “General” and change in the “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” fields the address of your site so that it starts with https://.
  2. Delete the entire cache and recreate it again.
  3. Go to the site in incognito mode and check how everything works.

Ssl connection error is a problem that can occur in any of the non-Microsoft internet browsers. Interestingly, standard Internet Explorer quietly ignores this nuisance, so you can temporarily switch to it. Naturally, until the situation arises is completely eliminated.

Connection error ssl err ssl protocol error is a rather complex disease, since it is not always possible to identify its root causes. Therefore, for a complete cure, an integrated approach will be required.

Correcting the problem

The first step is to understand what ssl connection error means. To explain it in a simple way, the appearance of this inscription is due to a mismatch of some settings in the operating system and other installed applications.

Possible reason hidden, oddly enough, in an installed or not installed antivirus program. In the first option, you will need to go to the program settings and look at the list of blocked Internet resources - perhaps the desired address is located there. In the second option, the cause of the unpleasant situation may be a banal virus infection. This situation is usually observed in Google Chrome error ssl connections.

How to fix:

  1. Login to the Internet with using the Internet Explorer.
  2. Find, download and install current antivirus protection.
  3. Run the program and scan your computer for malware.

A similar case during operation Opera browser– how to fix it? A possible reason is that the time and date on the computer are simply wrong.

Getting out of this situation is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the time icon.
  2. In the window that opens, select the only available item – “change settings”.
  3. We make the transition and set the correct values.

Many modern users use the Internet to purchase and use games. In certain cases, this will require creating a profile on thematic resources where necessary actions. What to do - ssl connection error when trying to log into the Origin website or any other similar portal? Changing some settings in the same antivirus usually helps:

  1. Launch the program.
  2. Find and go to settings.
  3. Select the option responsible for filtering the https protocol.
  4. Turn it off and restart the computer.

Sometimes figuring out how to fix “ssl connection error” will require a forced investment. Fortunately, not very big. The likely cause lies in the BIOS battery, which must be replaced if it fails. This method of solving the problem will require going to the store and spending about 40-50 rubles. Not much, but effective.

The last option may occur when trying to access so-called adsence pages. By the way, in this case, the appearance of the message “ssl connection error” on the phone is also very likely. To fix it you need:

  1. Turn on your favorite Internet browser and go to its settings.
  2. Select the advanced settings menu.
  3. Next – “Content settings” – “Personal data”.
  4. Go to Cookies and check the box next to “save personal data.”
  5. Go to the “HTTPS/SSL” menu.
  6. Place the icon next to the item “check if the certificate has been revoked from the server.”
  7. Restart the system and go to the desired site.

If the site has SSL installed, the page opens securely https protocol:

The green color in the address bar signals to users: personal data will not be stolen here (number bank card, email account, password).

It’s annoying when a green traffic light turns red at the wrong time. It’s doubly annoying if, instead of a secure connection, you suddenly see on the website: SSL protocol error. Why this happened and how to fix and remove the SSL connection error, read below:


Make sure you don't confuse the SSL connection error with other problems. If your website stops opening in your browser, first check:

    Is a redirect from http to https configured for /;

    What domain is the SSL certificate installed on? An SSL certificate is registered for a specific domain. That is, if the certificate is installed on a domain and you accessed through the address shop., then an SSL error will be shown.

If you have a free SSL certificate installed, it only applies to the domain itself and the “www” subdomain: and www.. It does not work for other subdomains. If you need an SSL certificate on a subdomain, order a separate certificate for the subdomain:

If there are no problems with this, continue reading the article.

Why does the SSL error occur?

  • The system clock or calendar settings have gone wrong;
  • your antivirus program scans data transmitted via the HTTPS protocol and may block some traffic;
  • the settings of the browser itself have changed;
  • a malicious script is triggered.

SSL protocol error, what to do?

Below are 4 drop-down blocks. Each contains an answer to the question of how to correct the error depending on the cause.

System clock and calendar settings

If the time settings on the computer are lost, the browser will warn:

In Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

The solution is simple: set the correct date. To prevent the error from recurring, enable synchronization with an Internet time server ( system settings Dates and times).

Antivirus program settings

If everything is fine with the clock and the SSL error is still there, check your antivirus program settings. Most likely it includes "check https protocol". Check if it is enabled, the program will not accept or the certificate is protected Let's Encrypt. Try disabling the function and visiting the site again.

If the SSL error persists, disable your antivirus program and open the site. Did this solve the problem? Changing the utility will help.

If that doesn't help, don't forget to turn on your antivirus program and look for the solution below.

Browser settings

  1. Open the site in another browser;
  2. Check if you are using latest version browser. If not, update it to the latest and open the site again;
  3. This is probably a browser glitch. In this case, restart your browser and try to access the site again;
  4. If the problem persists, disable web antivirus components in the Extensions.

A radical way is to reset the settings to the original ones. Use it as a last resort.

You can also change your browser to Internet Explorer until the problem is resolved. There is no SSL error in this browser.

Sometimes an SSL error indicates a real threat: your browser is protecting you from online scammers. It is likely that your browser opens a clone site to which you are redirected.

If you suspect hostile interference, scan your computer with an antivirus program and remove any existing viruses.

If the problem remains after the listed options, contact a specialist who will diagnose the specific case, identify what the ssl connection error means and fix it.

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