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Removing swaying in sniper mode. Removing camera sway

Hello friends. Here is the first article about character development. I thought for a long time what to offer you. And I decided that it would be without investment. Let's start with the definition. Who is he?

This is a character in the Arena game who has quite a lot of armor in battle and is quite difficult to penetrate. At the same time, he delivers good blows.

This buildup is usually chosen by players who decide to play without investing in the game. Maybe later they will change their opinion, but for now let’s consider building up this hero without investment. For her, the race of such a character as a Dwarf can be said to be ideal, but if you want, you can . That will do too.

Until you reach level 10, the game will go quite normally and you can say without special problems. For example, blockers will not be a problem for you at all, since you will have enough accuracy and throwing weapons.

Tank from level 0 to level 3

Nothing complicated. We fight with fists. When we reach level 2, we buy the Armor of Indifference. And ours is confidently moving towards level 3.

Having reached level 3, we make important and necessary acquisitions. We buy 4 Rings of Tolerance, 2 Swords of Attack, Amulet of Pain, Dead Man's Helmet.

In one Ring of Tolerance we insert a +25% defense mastery mod and a +25% defense mastery mod.

Our hero is at level 4

Having reached level 4, we purchase Gloves of Dignity and insert a +7 strength mod and a +7 strength mod into it.

Strengthening the tank at level 5

Having reached level 5, our buildup will undergo some significant changes. First of all, we buy the Shield of Izmor. And insert the +35% critical strike amulet mod and the +35% critical strike amulet mod. We sell 1 Sword of Attack.

Also, for blockers who get out in places, it is useful to buy 2 skull brass knuckles for changing clothes and put 2 mods +35% of the answer amulet in them.

Picking at level 6

At level 6, ours acquires its characteristic features. A lot of armor appears. To begin with, the first thing we do is sell the Sword of Attack and buy the Shield of Death. We insert a +7 strength mod and a +35% critical strike amulet mod into it.

We sell the Deadman's Helmet and buy the Helmet of Dignity. And insert 2 mods +7 strength there. We also sell the Amulet of Pain and buy the Amulet of the Dead. We also insert 2 mods +7 strength there.

And to complete the transformation of our character, we buy Leggings of Suppression. There we insert 2 mods +35% of the answer amulet.

At this level, it didn’t hurt to have 2 Shakens against blockers. And in each we put 2 mods +35% accuracy.

Tank upgrades at levels 7 and 8

The collected gear at level 6 is quite suitable for level 7. You can play it pretty decently. But I advise you to invest the earned gray hundred in the purchase of a profession license, and also choose. I advise you to choose the path of the magician and study the first three spells.

At level 8 we continue to improve our character. We sell the Dead Man's Amulet and buy the Amulet of Suppression. We install the +7 strength mod and the +7 strength mod. We sell the Plate of Reason and buy the Plate of the Samurai. We put 2 mods +7 strength in them.

We sell the Belt of Indifference and buy the Belt of Discretion. Set mod 2 to +35% fist fighting skill.

We sell 2 Shields of Izmor. Buy 2 Shields of Sanity. We set both mods to +35% defense mastery.

We sell Leggings of Suppression and buy Leggings of Reason. There we put 2 mods +7 addition.

Let's summarize the buildup of the tank

The character we created is quite competitive. While playing, see what you are missing. If dodge is bothering you, have a few things to change into with the dodge amulet mod. If the problem for you is a blocker, then things on the answer amulet will help you.

Let me finish my article here. I hope that, according to the development of which we created, will be a strong fighter and will help you enjoy the game in the Arena. Good luck in your battles.

Sincerely, your Arenovets

Camera swing, in modern WoT, is, of course, a utility close to reality, which may be “deliverable” to ardent fans, but in fact it really interferes with normal and more effective gameplay. We need to end this.

Removing camera sway

By removing camera sway in World of Tanks, you can greatly simplify the ability to shoot accurately at your enemies. Sometimes these realistic additions and features make it very difficult to shoot and hit your opponents correctly. Previously, when the latest patch was "0.8.6.", in game settings It was possible to independently disable this type of dynamic camera and aiming; later the item was removed.

Functionality of the mod for disabling camera swing in WoT

The development of the mod turned out to be successful and necessary for a large part of the tank audience. Camera sway and its dynamic component can be “cut down”. What will disable the add-on:

Shaking when the sight hits the tank;
- inertia capacity of the chamber;
- recoil during a shot;
- enable horizontal stabilization for improved shooting.

The popularity of World of Tanks, fueled by the release of update 0.8.1 and the Golden Joystick Awards 2012, is constantly growing. More than 2.5 million people play every week, and up to 60,000 new players register per month. Unfortunately, only one third of newbies, in addition to firing a cannon at anything that looks like a tank, also look at the forum in search of useful information.

Firstly, this approach is dictated by the habit of playing with a car, where there are first aid kits, the ability to save, a pause, several lives and the rules for winning are approximately the same. In World of Tanks you need to fight in real time, with real people, and people often act in original and unpredictable ways.

Secondly, the search for the necessary knowledge involves reading hundreds of pages of forums and websites, which is something you don’t always want to do when you feel the urge to go into battle. We will try to help with this task by collecting basic information in the format of a short article. After spending a little time, you will understand that the outcome of the battle is decided by the correct settings of the program, a shot at a weak spot, the right tactics and coordinated actions of the entire team, and not by the caliber of the gun or the thickness of the armor.

Program settings

Any online game It won’t be enjoyable if the picture breaks down and freezes. While the program freezes on the client computer, the game on the server continues, and the immobilized, uncontrollable tank becomes a target. Help to avoid this situation correct settings games that can be accessed from the main Menu.

On the bookmark Game need to be disabled Rocking a tank in sniper mode(enabled by default). The enabled function leads to slower aiming of the gun and reduced shot accuracy, which causes you to lose precious moments when shooting at the enemy. The function is used in the program to create the effect of realism, but it is unlikely that most tank players will make the game more difficult for themselves.

And here is the setting Use server crosshair(enabled by default) should be left enabled. The server actually records the aiming, so you will know exactly where the shot is being fired.

Starting with World of Tanks version 0.8.0, the game's graphics have been significantly updated, which created many problems for owners low-power computers. Let's look at the settings on the tab Graphics.

First of all, there is a button here Auto detection, but the settings set automatically by the program are often far from optimal. Why see caterpillar tracks, if the picture “slows down” and the control is jerky. If you have a weak or built-in video card, you need everything disable unnecessary effects, leaving only the most important ones.

So from the level Draw distances depends on how far targets will be visible, and Object detailing helps to better see the various elements on the tank body that need to be shot at, so only they are installed on maximum.

If these changes are not enough for the program to work normally, you can disable Triple buffering.

Let's lower the sound settings and go to the bookmark Control. The important setting here is Mouse sensitivity. When aiming at a distant target in Sniper mode, to get to a vulnerable spot you have to move the mouse quite a bit. Therefore, if understate sensitivity, aiming will become much more convenient.

IN Arcade combat requires a quick response from the sight, which is why the sensitivity level is higher. Feel free to experiment with these settings to find the values ​​that work best for you.

Now let's open the bookmark Aim. In addition to the transparency levels of all elements, as in Arcade, and in Sniper sight needs to be installed Gun marker with armor penetration indicator .

This helps to make effective shots at a distant target and when shooting at vehicles higher levels. A green marker means the possibility of penetration, a yellow (orange) one means it is doubtful, and with a red icon it is better not to shoot.

Bookmark left Marker. Leave a minimum of information in Normal mode, the important values ​​are Level and numbers Strength of technology. Full information in battle you can always temporarily withdraw with the button ALT.

In the section Destroyed You can turn off all indications. There is little useful in the zeros scattered across the field, and with a large accumulation of “scrap metal” icons, you can miss the enemy tank, which hid behind the damaged ones.

Performance Issues

To evaluate performance, values ​​are displayed on the left at the top of the window FPS And PING. Numbers fps tell you how many frames per second the game displays, and the time ping– connection speed to the game server. You need as many personnel as possible, on the contrary, the time should be short. Acceptable values ​​are shown in the picture.

To get good values, you must first of all unload the Internet connection and operating system by closing unused programs, including those minimized to the system tray. Video adapter drivers need to be updated to latest version and optimize the system.

Owners of computers with a multi-core processor may encounter drop in productivity when playing World of Tanks. This is due to the fact that the program uses one core to work, the first one, and also uses it operating system. Let's look at the resource monitor data during the game.

Graphs show full load of the first core. How to change the processor load is described in detail in another article. The main thing is that after matching is established, the processes are distributed more evenly, as the picture below demonstrates, and the game stops “slowing down”.

We will continue to reveal the secrets of World of Tanks in the next part.

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