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Here by your email here is the entrance. Updating settings for email programs and mobile devices

What options are available when registering a mailbox?

Free mailboxes for TUT.BY users are located on the Yandex.Mail platform. The mailbox capacity is not limited.

For users email provided:

  • short mailbox with an address in the format [email protected];
  • access via email clients via common IMAP4/POP3/SMTP protocols;
  • SSL/TLS encryption support;
  • access via mobile devices;
  • a convenient web interface that can completely replace an email program;
  • filtering unwanted correspondence (spam) and viruses using innovative technologies;
  • support for documents and spreadsheets with the ability to import and export from/to the family software Microsoft Office(Word, Excel);
  • contact list, calendar, ability to store files on Yandex.Disk
  • and much more...

There are three recovery methods: via a backup address, SMS or answering a security question.

  • If you have access to email, which you indicated as a backup for your account on TUT.BY, then in order to receive a link to it to enter a new password, just enter your login (TUT.BY username) on the page, and then indicate the backup address.
  • To receive a code for changing your password in the form of an SMS, you need to enter your login (username TUT.BY) on the page, click on the "SMS" button and enter the phone number in full.
  • You can also enter New Password after answering the security question directly on the page.

Please note that it is impossible to change your password using Yandex: all operations with passwords are carried out only on TUT.BY.

If you have chosen more than one recovery method, then any of these methods can be deleted. After deleting the answer to your security question this method recovery becomes unavailable in the future, while the backup address and phone number after deletion can be re-linked to the account. Every postal address can be used as a backup for only one account on TUT.BY. Likewise: each phone number can only be associated with one account.

Service technical support The portal also does not develop software and never sends programs to users. Under no circumstances should you run the files attached to such emails or follow the links (especially if the files are archived) - these are dangerous viruses.

If you have received such a suspicious letter from any of the addresses in the format [email protected], please report it to [email protected] so we can block account sender.

The only difference: TUT.BY users in the " Username" indicate not just the login, but full mailbox address, in the format [email protected].

If all the settings are specified, but the mail program does not accept or send letters, you can contact for help at [email protected]– Attach screenshots of the settings and the error message window to the letter.

The only difference: in the “Username” field you will need to enter your mailbox address in the format [email protected]. Of the two possible incoming mail protocols, we recommend choosing IMAP.

In addition, on mobile devices You can also work with mail through the web interface (login from the page

Unfortunately, the ability to set avatars on Yandex.Mail is not provided for TUT.BY users. Sometimes user photos selected based on the results of automatic data processing are added to the lines with sent letters. social networks. If you find an error (i.e. the sender’s avatar is not yours), you can contact Yandex support using the form feedback on the page

Dmitry Smirnov,

For several weeks now gradual transfer of the contents of mailboxes and all correspondence of TUT.BY users to the Yandex.Mail service. Let us remind you that it is caused by Google closing all its email services located outside the domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We have already answered the most frequently asked questions from users (we recommend that you read them again), however, as the transfer progresses, new points arise that require additional clarification.

Deleting cookies

If, when logging in to the page, a form opens on Yandex asking you to enter your login and password again, we recommend that you close the page, delete cookies (through your browser settings) and try again to open your mailbox from the http page: // Below we provide links on how to do this in the most popular browsers: In addition, if you previously used the same browser to log into your mail, you can try logging into your mailbox using a different one that does not store old cookies.

Updating settings for email programs and mobile devices

If you previously used a mail collector program or set up authorization on a mobile device, then after transferring the mailbox you need to change the settings:
  • mobile devices (In the "Username" field, please enter your mailbox address in the format [email protected]).

If you did not manage to save your Google account data before the transfer

For those who, after transferring the mailbox, need temporary access to the old Google account to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., you must:
  1. Log in from to an account like USERNAME.moved with the same password;
  2. Use instructions from Google for data transfer (link);
  3. The easiest way to save contacts is through export, and upload them to Yandex through import. The easiest way to save data from Google Drive is to use Google service Takeout.
If these methods did not help you and you did not find the answer to your question in, then we recommend that you send detailed description problems on [email protected] (if the current mailbox does not open, you can create/use a backup mailbox). Specialists will definitely help you.
A set of filters determines how mail received by the user will be processed.

How to create a new filter? Go to the "Settings -> Filters" page, set a name for the new filter and confirm it by clicking the "Create" button. Go to its editing mode using the "Edit" link.
The filter is a logical chain of the form: if Meaning Parameter satisfies Condition, then execute Action with the indicated Arguments.

As Parameter The following fields may appear:

From field The email address from which the letter was sent. Ex: *@*.by (i.e. any addresses in or ivan* (any users on starting with ivan)
Sender The name of the person or robot that sent the letter
Sender's name The name of the sender of the message being processed from the "From:" field
Return-Path field Contents of the service field of the letter "Return-Path:"
To field Contents of the "To:" field. Ex: "TUT.BY User"
Field Cc Contents of the "Cc:" field (Copy)
Any To or Cc fields Means that Actions will be executed on the letter if there is a match Terms for at least one of the addresses listed in the “To:” and “CC:” fields
All To or Cc fields This condition means that Actions will be executed on the letter if there is a match Terms for all recipients listed in the "To:" and "CC:" fields
Reply-To field Email address where the response to this letter should be sent
Subject of the letter The subject of the letter from the "Subject:" field. Ex: *exclusive offer* (i.e. any letter with a subject containing the words exclusive offer, written in capital letters)
Message ID Contents of the service field "Message-Id:"
Message Size Size of the message being processed, in bytes. Ex: 1024 (i.e. 1024 bytes) or 100K (i.e. 100 kilobytes)
Current time Current time in hh:mm or hh:mm:ss format, where hh is hours, mm is minutes, ss is seconds. It is possible to use the "temporary" suffix am or pm
Current date Current date and time in the formats DD MM YYYY, DD MM YYYY hh:mm, DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss, DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss +ZZZZ or DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss -ZZZZ. Here DD is the current day of the month, MM is the 3-letter abbreviation of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec), YYYY is the year, hh is the hour, mm is minutes, ss - seconds, ZZZZ - time zone.
Date: 20 Jun 2000
Current day Current day of the week in digital format from 0-6 (where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday) or 3-letter (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
The letter is not from a robot Determines whether the message was created by a person or a machine. Does not require instructions Terms And Values, because The letter is checked to see if its headers contain the lines Precedence: bulk, Precedence: junk, Precedence: list, X-List*, X-Mirror*, X-Auto*, X-Mailing-List and if the letter contains a non-empty header "Return" -Path:"
Title field Checks the email header you specified. Ex: the condition "Header field is equal to - X-Mailer: MyMailer*" will check if the message contains the header "X-Mailer:" with a value starting with MyMailer.
The letter is encrypted Determines whether the message is encrypted or signed using an electronic signature. Examination Terms carried out using the following operands:
SMIME:encrypted - the message is encrypted using the S/MIME standard;
SMIME:signed - the message is signed with an electronic signature using the S/MIME standard;
signed - the message is signed with an electronic signature;
In other cases the field Condition is left blank.
There is a box Checks the existence of the folder you specify in your mailbox. Ex: the condition "There is a mailbox - equals - Friends" will check for the presence of a folder named Friends in the mailbox.
Any of the recipients;
Each of the recipients; Sender server address
For professional users

Most of the fields listed have a schema applied to them Parameter - Condition - Meaning, Where Condition can be set to "equal to" and "not equal to" or "contains" and "does not contain", and Meaning is a template text string in which the group special characters “*” can be used, indicating the presence in the line of any sequence of characters (from 0 or more) instead of a special character. If such a line is not specified, then the presence or absence of this is actually checked Parameter among the headers of the message being processed.

If you are using Terms"equal" and "not equal", then the search will be carried out for the one you specified in Meaning rows in selected Parameter. If you want to make a comparison Parameter with a certain set of strings you specified and expect a match with at least one of them, then specify them in Meaning separated by commas (no extra spaces) and use Terms"contains" and "does not contain".

To the fields "Message Size", "Current time" And "Current date" also applicable Terms"less than" and "more than" with indication as Values, respectively, the size of the letter, the time of day and the current date.

What is the difference between the From Field, Sender, and Sender Name options?

    When using the "From Field", Meaning is compared with the address in the "From:" field of the incoming letter (example: the condition "The From field is equal to - *" will be satisfied for any letter from the domain);

    When using "Sender", the "Sender:" header in the incoming letter is analyzed;

    When using "Sender Name", the name in the "From:" field of the incoming letter is analyzed (example: the condition "Sender Name - equals - *Vasily*" will be satisfied for letters whose "From:" field looks similar to the following constructions - "From: [email protected](Vasily A. Pupkin)" or "From: "Vasily A. Pupkin" [email protected]" or "From: Vasily A. Pupkin ").

The following commands can act as “Action”:

Save The message will be copied to the one specified in the field Arguments mail folder. The specified folder must exist in the mailbox.
When setting Argument in the form ~user_name/folder_name, the letter will be copied to the specific folder of the specified user, but only if you have the appropriate permissions for this
Save encrypted Works similarly to the Save command, but first converts the message to an S/MIME encrypted format
Forward Forwards the message to the one specified in the field Arguments postal address. If there are several addresses, they must be separated by commas
Forward Arguments postal address. In this case, this user is substituted as the sender. If there are several addresses, they must be separated by commas
Redirect Also redirects the message to the one specified in the field Arguments address, but at the same time, unlike the “Forward” command, the headers of the letter practically do not change. Only the “Return-Receipt-To:” and “Errors-To:” fields are removed (if any are contained in the message) and the “X-Mirrored-by:” header is added.
Answer Generates a response to the message and sends it to the address specified in the “Reply-to:” field or, if absent, the address specified in the “From:” field. The subject line of the message is "Re:<предыдущая_тема>". As Arguments sets the message text in which you can use .

If indicated in the field Arguments the text begins with a “+” sign, then the lines following this sign, for example, additional fields “Сc:”, “Bcc:” will be inserted into the header of the generated letter. Lines separated from such a header by an empty line will be considered text.
When using such header substitution, you will need to set the “Subject:” header yourself (subject of the letter), because it will not be generated automatically. Example:

Subject: subj
X-Field2: 2

Reply all Works similarly to the previous option, but sends messages to all addresses listed in the “To:” and “Cc:” fields
Send message Sends the message specified in the field Arguments. The text should contain lines with the main headings ("To:", "Cc:", "Subject:", etc.), then an empty line and the actual text of the letter. In the body of the message you can use
Flag Sets or resets the defined one in the field Arguments set of flags for of this message. The following values ​​are allowed: Read, Unread, Flagged, Unflagged, Answered, Unanswered. Can list multiple values ​​separated by commas
Add title Adds fields specified in the message to the message Arguments headers. Headings are written in the format "Title: header_text"
Mark the subject of the email Adds to the Subject of the letter (field "Subject:") specified in the field Arguments text string.
Reject Stops execution of the current filter and all other lower priority filters for this message. This action should be listed last in the rule. The message being processed will be rejected and a delivery error message will be sent to the sender. If the line Arguments contains any text, it will be used in the sent message. You can save the text of the rejected email using Action"Save" to "Reject"
Stop processing Stops execution of the current filter and all other lower priority filters for this message. This action should be listed last in the rule. The message will be saved in the Inbox
Delete email Also stops execution of the current filter and all other lower priority filters for the given message. This action should be listed last in the rule. The message being processed will be rejected, but a successful delivery message will be sent to the sender if such confirmation was requested
Save sender For professional users. Saves the message sender's address ("From:") in a special text list, the name of which is specified in the field Arguments. Subsequent use of the stored data, for example to check whether the sender's address is in the list, is carried out using a filter and the conditions "contains" or "does not contain" (eg: "From field - contains - #BlockedSenders")
Accept request, SendIM For users of the "calendar" functions of the postal service.

Important: the current rule's actions are performed only when executed everyone the conditions specified in it and in the sequence you specified.
Important: rules with higher priority (for example, "9") are executed before rules with lower priority (for example, "3"). If the conditions for the current message are met for rules with the same priority, then they will be processed in the sequence in which they are displayed on the page with a list of processing rules. Naturally, the process can be interrupted earlier by specifying the command “Delete letter” or “Stop processing” in any rule.
Important: When performing Actions: “Save”, “Forward”, “Forward”, “Reply”, “Reply all” and “Send message”, the original message is not deleted. If you want to delete it, then add another Action “Delete letter” at the end of the rule.

In connection with the upcoming closure by Google of all its email services located outside the domain, TUT.BY has agreed with Yandex to gradually transfer the contents of mailboxes and all correspondence of TUT.BY users to the Yandex.Mail service. In total, more than 2 million accounts will be transferred.

What will happen?

No later than April 15, 2015, the mailbox will change its design, will become very similar to Yandex.Mail, but will continue to perform its previous functions with the same archive and the same folders.

The email address will remain the same -<…> Mail robots will quietly and automatically transfer correspondence and folders to new service safe and sound.

Considering the fact that Beltelecom has a separate dedicated channel for Yandex, TUT.BY promises that the connection with by mailbox will become faster and more reliable.

Update postal service General Director of TUT BY MEDIA LLC comments on TUT.BY Alexander Chekan:

“We understand that many users will have to get used to the new appearance their box, but the Yandex product is the best of possible solutions for TUT.BY mail today. Our long-term cooperation with this company allows us to be sure that the quality of service will be at top level and letters will continue to arrive and be delivered instantly.”

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