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Trigger emails: how not to say “thank you.” Why is it so important to say thank you in your email newsletter? Typical mistakes of trigger letters

A thank you page is missing on most websites and landing pages. Owners of such resources lose part of their profits because of this and target audience. But a properly done Thank You Page can sell as well as your sales manager!

In this article we will tell you what a thank you page is and how to use it to solve your marketing problems. Let’s also look at a few successful examples.

Thank You Page is the page that a site visitor sees after completing a target action - filling out a form, making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter.

What usually happens when a person fills out a form or places an order? The most he sees is a message like “Thank you for your order! Our manager will contact you." On the one hand, this is correct - at least they thanked the person for his effort. But on the other hand, a person is forced to wait. Imagine if it were like this in a real store: you want to choose a product, and the manager answers: “Wait”...

Marketers thus miss a great opportunity to win over a warm lead, set up communication with him, and even increase ROI using such an upsell tool. Very often customers write in the technical specifications on the website One of the points is creating a thank you page.

Let's say even more: in the vastness of the Runet, few people create such a page. Thousands of companies are missing out on a great opportunity to build good relationships with potential clients. Therefore, if you take the time to design a thank you page, you can beat your competitors in no time.

With the Thank You Page you can additionally encourage visitors to make a purchase. Right now, after filling out the lead form, they are attracted to you and are ready to buy something else, or learn more about you. If you offer something additional, it will work in your favor - right now the person is relaxed, interested, in mild euphoria, and is ready to continue interacting with you.

All that remains is to format it correctly this page to draw the visitor further into the sales funnel.

What elements should an ideal Thank You Page consist of?

  1. "Thank you" . That’s why it’s a Thank You Page, because you need to say thank you to a person for his efforts. This is mandatory, and this is the very first and main component of the page. In the end, it's just good manners.
  2. Confirmation of correct action. Convince the visitor that he did everything correctly. Calm him down and tell him what will happen next.

For example, how they do it in LPgenerator:

I can’t say that their page is perfect, but the confirmation text is there. The application has been accepted - they notify the subscriber about this.

Also here you can list the products that were included in the order (if the client made a purchase), or describe the value of the offer.

  1. Call to action. What do you want from the visitor? So that he subscribes to the newsletter? Added your address to your address book? Did you buy anything else? Create a competent call to action and push him to take this action.
  2. Instructions on what to do next. Using LPgenerator as an example, we also see this: they explain that the visitor needs to check their mail - a letter will arrive there.

Don't leave your visitor in the dark. Explain what needs to be done next. Get them used to checking their email and reading your letters. If you need to take another step (download a free book, enter a promotional code), write all this too, point the person in the right direction.

By the way, not everyone knows how to add an address to the address book. So you can talk about it right here!

  1. Social media buttons. Invite the user to be friends and chat with you on social networks. Plus one subscriber to your pages, plus another loyal customer in the future.

It is not necessary to use all of these elements. You can test, because as with any hypothesis, it cannot be done without verification. In each case, in each business, something different can work. But the minimum “set” is a “thank you”, a call to action and instructions. Good text interesting picture and a cute design will only play into your hands. Entrust creation appearance thank you pages web designer, and entrust the text to a marketer or copywriter .

Methods of application

A thank you page can help you solve a number of problems. For example, it can be used for:

How to set up Thank You Page analytics

Since visiting the thank you page immediately follows leaving an application on the site or other conversion action, this is a very important stage of interaction with a potential client. It is logical that we should take into account when analyzing. How to do this?

Let's look at some thank you pages that might inspire you to create your own.

Thanks for your application

For example, Convertmonster on their Thank You Page thanks you for your application and offers you to subscribe to their pages on social networks. A simple thank you and a simple, clear call to action. There is also an explanation of what will happen next.

Thanks for your order

UniBlog suggested I download the book. After filling out a simple two-field form, I saw a thank you note and short instructions to expect the book in the mail.

To be honest, this page could have been made better: both in design and in content. But in general, everything is clear, especially since their target audience is marketers.

Thanks for subscribing

The Vans online store doesn't just thank you for subscribing. He confirms success, gives precise instructions on what to do next, and invites you to continue shopping. Everything is very simple, in a pleasant, friendly manner. Ideal light text, page design is in tune with the site design.

Thanks for subscribing

Finally, I would like to give an example of a thank you page from the Glavred service.

Everything is clear, “according to Feng Shui” according to information style. Confirmation of successful action, description of what will happen next, brief instructions and call - if anything happens, we are in touch. Navigation buttons allow you to return to using the service or make changes to the address.

How to say thank you to a client without making a mistake? We conducted a study of thank-you emails and found out what makes triggered emails useful, and what can reduce effectiveness and lead to the opposite effect: refusal of interaction, loss of trust and loyalty.

Trigger letter is an automatically generated notification, the content of which is based on the client’s actions on the site, his preferences, and history of friendship with the company.

A personalized trigger email works better than a template email. They are opened more often, links are clicked on more often, and the bounce rate for clicks from trigger emails is extremely low (less than 15% according to And the word “Thank you” in the subject line increases the open rate.

It is important to consider three factors:

● user behavior on the site - what he looked at, what he compared, what he added to the cart, what sections he was interested in;
● user behavior in the mailing list - which mailings were opened, which links were followed, from which letters the target action was performed;
● personal data - gender, age, field of activity.

For analysis, we chose letters of gratitude

Trigger thank you letters set trust relationship, show the customer’s value to the company and increase loyalty. Such letters reduce the risk of sending the entire chain to spam.
Saying thank you is cool. But you can’t say thank you the way some companies do. Some mailings are a sign of disrespect for customers.

Letters of gratitude should fuel the user's interest in cooperation with the company, and not repel. Even an automatically generated trigger email can make a customer feel special.

There aren't many genuine letters of gratitude. This is exclusive.

When was the last time you sent a selfless letter with a sincere thank you?

Typical mistakes of trigger letters

Mistake #1. The purpose of the letter is not gratitude at all.

Thank you letters are two extremes: either excessive formality (a dry “thank you for subscribing”), or the pursuit of a sale or conversion. Out of 1000 emails analyzed, only about 10% are genuine thank you emails with no sales or conversions. In some, the “thank you” is so veiled that it is difficult to find. Like here:

Do you see gratitude? And she is! Why make this little line “Thank you” so small and unreadable?

You can be grateful for different actions: for subscription, for first purchase, for repeat purchases, for participation in any promotion. But in all these cases the same rules apply. To make the gratitude in the letter sincere, the letter itself useful, and you can show concern for the client, add value:

● indicate useful contacts;
● introduce the team or responsible employee;
● tell us how to use the service.

If you thank for the order, indicate new delivery methods, new branches, new payment methods. If you thank them for subscribing, tell them what the client will receive in the newsletter and how often the emails will arrive.

Here's a great example of how to say thank you to a client so that he doesn't want to leave you:

Mistake #2. Failed customer contact

Of the 1,000 emails analyzed, only 40% addressed customers by name. Address the client by name in the letter. It is important that information about the client is sorted by characteristics (that is, you need to know not only the client’s name, but also gender), so that it doesn’t turn out like this:

Or like here (not with such a bang as “dear Olga,” but still):

Calling by first and last name immediately suggests that the letter is a template. After all, if we write ourselves, we will never tell the client “Hello, Ivan Ivanov.”

The task of personalization is to minimize the effect of templates. This good way add humanity to the letter.

The most ridiculous example:

Why a name if you have an email? And so it goes!

There are great solutions for reaching out to a client when they haven’t introduced themselves.

You can also use this option if it is appropriate and acceptable for the target audience:

By the way, Yandex does not use its advantage and does not personalize KinoPoisk mailings:

Mistake #3. Temperament

Excessive stereotypes reach the point of absurdity in some cases. An automatically generated letter should not look like this:

or like this:

Deep down, users realize that any message is generated automatically. But it doesn’t need to be demonstrated so clearly.

As an example, let's show how a minor notification letter - even without a personal message - turns into a friendly and memorable one:

Mistake #4. Letters of gratitude are not associated with the brand

There are still often emails that do not contain a brand identity, but we would like the user to open and understand who sent the email and for what reason.

Mistake #5. Terrible text formatting

Emails with the subject line “Thank you” are opened more often. As we have already found out, thank you is just an excuse to deliver a portion useful information. Often we work on formatting text on the site and forget about the readability of the text in the newsletter:

Mistake #6. Disgusting text

You can make fun of a client in different ways. You can make you guess who the newsletter is from, you can not format the text, you can write it in such a way that you will break your eyes from the first sentences:

Punctuation errors and cumbersome structures make the text even more difficult to understand. You involuntarily begin to doubt the competence of the company.

But not everything is so sad. There are good letters, and there are more and more of them.

The Anatomy of a Good Thank You Letter

correct handling;
● presentation;
● gratitude;
● value for the client.

Another example of a good thank you letter:


● There are still very few high-quality trigger emails. Marketers go from one extreme to another: personalize where it is not appropriate, killing loyalty and trust, or automate thank-you emails in such a way that any value is lost. Having compiled good template and by using personalization correctly, you can establish contact with subscribers, increase your open rate, and receive real feedback. Your automatic notifications will stand out among hundreds of others.

● In a trigger letter, not only the correct address is important, but also the design, text formatting and the text itself.

● To write a good thank you letter, follow the algorithm:

Personal address and greeting;
- an idea of ​​who you are;
- reason for the letter and gratitude;
- value of the letter - thank you;
- contact - preferably not hotline on all questions, and a specific department on the mailing topic.

Make automated emails as if you were writing them to your friends. And it’s much easier to talk about important things with friends, right?

By expressing gratitude to a person, you demonstrate respect and special attitude towards him. Hearing “thank you” addressed to us makes us happy and inspired.

When, how and why to thank subscribers in your email newsletter, we will tell you in our article using examples of famous brands.

Thanks for subscribing

Greet new users with a thank you for subscribing. Let them know that you appreciate their interest in your company.

A good gesture of gratitude can be a discount coupon, which will also increase the chances of making a purchase.

Introduce your brand to a newcomer, tell them about the newsletter in detail: when the news digest comes out, when there are sales, etc. Or kindly invite him to choose his own topics in the email newsletter settings. That's exactly how a clothing and accessories store Neiman Marcus welcomes new subscribers.

Thanks for your purchase

When a customer purchases a product or orders a service, this is the best time to thank you for it. Such letters will in no way seem like ingratiation. Combine business with pleasure: thank you for your purchase in your order confirmation email.

Statistics on thank you email metrics confirm that it is read and clicked. According to the company Remarkety The letter “Thank you for your purchase” on average has an open rate of 42%, a click rate of 18%, and the number of repeat purchases from the letter reaches 10%. For clarity, here are statistics on average open rates and click-through rates in all industries: average open rate – 10%, click rate – 2%.

Ideas for a “Thank you for your purchase” letter:

  1. Pick up simple title

The subject line should immediately show the buyer what the email is about. Most effective options for headings: “Thank you for your order”, “Order confirmation”. You can by adding your username and company name: “Alina, thank you for your order in the store Golden slipper“So it’s immediately clear who the letter came from.

  1. Give a discount coupon

After the buyer has made a purchase, you should not wait idly until he wants to purchase something again. In your thank you letter, give a discount on your next purchase, just like a confectionery shop does. The Brilliant Bakers in the example below.

Statistics show that discount coupons can more than triple your conversion rate. Make sure the coupon email includes an expiration date. It may be 5-10 days. Do not set the period too long, because the user may postpone the purchase and forget about it.

  1. Recommend other goods

A letter of gratitude for the purchase may contain your friendly recommendations for other products. In sales, this tactic has long been known as cross-sell - cross-selling, when when buying a camera the seller offers a memory card, or when buying a laptop - a mouse.

  1. Ask to rate your purchase

Along with your gratitude for the purchase, show the subscriber that you care about his opinion. Invite him to rate the purchased product or write his review.

Thank you for being active on social networks

Email marketing is not the only communication channel through which your customers obtain information. There are also social networks. Company Brand Analytics regularly conducts research on social networks in Russia. Their data suggests that the audience of active authors numbers 37 million people. And these authors generated 588 million messages in a month.

Active authors create public content and thereby shape public opinion and sentiment. They become authorities for many users in a particular area. It is important for every company to get loyal authors who could influence the opinions of users.

Don't forget to thank your followers for liking and sharing your business on social media. Here's How Natural Citrus Tea Supplements Company Does It True Citrus. They segment subscribers into three groups as their activity on social networks increases: True Fan, Super Sharer, Social VIP and distribute bonuses according to these statuses.

Thank you for attending the seminar or webinar

If a user attended your event, online or offline, this is another reason to send a letter of gratitude.

What might it contain?

  • Event results: about visitors and experts, about participants’ insights, etc.
  • Thanks to the sponsors.
  • Videos, photographs. They will remind everyone who was present of the solemn or cozy atmosphere. In addition, each of us likes to look for ourselves in photographs of such events. And those who were absent will see how good it was and next time they will definitely not miss it.
  • Useful materials. This could be an e-book, helpful checklists, a video, or a podcast of something you broadcast.

Give thanks just like that!

Say “thank you” to your subscribers more often, and there will always be a reason.

If you take the anniversary of the founding of the company, it would seem to be your holiday. But if you dig deeper, it's your customers who keep your brand alive. So the email “Thank you for being with us” will be appropriate.

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