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Telephony Yandex.Telephony. Yandex.Telephony: new virtual PBX service Virtual PBX Yandex telephony

In the spring of 2016, Yandex launched the virtual PBX “Yandex.Telephony”.

In short, this service allows you to work with customer calls, their requests on the website, posts on social networks and in general, with all types of requests.

You can control the process using the Yandex.Telephony website, as well as applications for Android and iOS.

The service was developed in collaboration with a company that has been organizing virtual telephony for many years, MightyCall.

Currently this service virtual PBX for business is available to companies from Moscow (and the entire Moscow region) and St. Petersburg (and the Leningrad region). There are plans to expand geo-availability in the future. It all depends on whether the service will be popular.

Yandex.Telephony capabilities

Among the main features of this service, it is worth highlighting the following:

    1. Selecting a phone number. It can be short or long - it depends on your tasks. It is important that when the client calls this number, he will never hear short beeps and will always be answered. The system places all calls in a queue and gives the client a voice message while waiting.
    2. Message history. If the phone is still unavailable, the client will know about this using another voice message (optional feature), and his call will be placed in a queue. In general, all requests, including those from social networks, requests from the website and phone calls, will be placed in one single feed and displayed in the admin panel. It will be possible to process each of them in turn - by text message or call back.

Note: The company's management can monitor how messages from the feed are processed and how effectively this is done (especially if you add a feedback system).

  1. Setting up rules. For all incoming requests, you can set up certain rules, almost anything. For example, you can block unwanted numbers, transfer calls to specific employees or to personal numbers someone from management and so on.
  2. Statistics. In addition to the ability to monitor the effectiveness of message processing, the service also provides the ability to find out from which sources the largest number of customers come, perhaps even their age, and other data the company needs.
  3. Call button on the website. In addition to contacting in text form, the client will have the opportunity to call directly from the site, and for free. To talk, he will only need a microphone and speaker or regular headphones. At the same time, in different countries requests can be sent to different managers and operators. Again, in the future it will be possible to monitor which of them works most effectively. And in our time, proper management of employee work is highly valued, because there is no point in keeping a person at work who works poorly and it makes sense to reward those who work well.

The main features of the service are listed above, but there are also minor functions:

  • call queue – all calls, along with other requests, are placed in a single feed and processed in turn (while the call is in the queue, the client hears a voice message or melody, but not a busy signal);
  • recording messages - you can make a voice message that the client will hear while waiting to receive a call, and also give him the opportunity to leave a message and then listen to it;
  • conditions for processing – you can set up a call processing schedule depending on the time of day, day of the week or other conditions, a forwarding system to a specific specialist, and much more;
  • forwarding and blocking - in addition to automatic forwarding to an employee or other phone numbers, some numbers can be completely blocked (you can make sure that the blocked client hears the corresponding voice message);
  • receiving requests from the form feedback on the website - this business telephony allows you to create your own feedback form and integrate it into a ready-made website, and then receive requests from it into the same single feed;
  • work with Facebook and Twitter - requests are sent from the social networks “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”, Facebook and Twitter;
  • greetings – you can set up a system of personal voice greetings for different groups of clients;
  • voice menu - a list of services, where each has its own number, and where, depending on the reason for the request, the user is automatically redirected to the specialist he needs;
  • data export to CSV – the entire history of calls and voice messages can be exported to the CSV tabular data format, which opens in Microsoft Excel etc.;
  • employee performance statistics – a manager can monitor the number of processed requests, made calls and missed calls on his account;
  • detail - each request, regardless of the form, is displayed in a special form, where incoming calls, duration of the conversation, etc. are visible;
  • IP telephony – when making a call from the site, an IP telephony system is used, it is also available within the company (its advantage is that it is free and you only need Internet access to work).

It is important that for your clients contact in any form will be free, be it a call on a mobile phone, from a website or contact using a feedback form.

The system is designed to reduce the cost of organizing automated processing of requests thanks to all of the above functions.

How to connect

To organize the processing of customer requests using Yandex.Telephony, you need to follow this link and register.

    1. Confirming data in the case of an existing and authorized account on Yandex and entering data in the case where there is no account. To go to the next stage, you need to indicate your phone number (Russian only), and receive a special code and enter it in the appropriate field. At the end you need to click the “Next” button.
    1. Selecting the phone number your customers will call. On this page you just need to select your region, the code with which the number will begin, and put a checkmark next to the desired number.

Clue: Numbers consisting of three digits or other special numbers are called “beautiful” in this service; they need to be purchased additionally.

Entering details. There is only one field in which you need to enter the name of the organization, TIN or OGRN.

After selecting your company from the list (options from the Unified State Register will be shown after the name), additional fields will become available.

You will have to enter the type of cooperation (legal entity or individual entrepreneur, field of activity, checkpoint, OKPO, etc.), payment details, legal address, actual address, as well as full name and document on the basis of which the authorized representative acts.

Most of this data is already in the registry, so you will have to add some of it and check what has been transferred to the appropriate fields automatically.

At the end, you just need to click on the “Complete registration” button.

Immediately after this you will be taken to your admin panel.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the work in this panel, although it is already as simple and understandable as possible.

As mentioned above, Yandex.Telephony has applications for working on Android and iOS. Their interface is very similar. All the main functions of the admin panel are present in the application.

Moreover, it is possible to receive and make calls from work numbers.

How does this work

The first thing you can do after logging into the admin panel is to select a “beautiful” phone number. To do this, click on the “My work numbers” item in the “Phone” section.

The number you selected during registration will be displayed there.

You can buy a number by clicking on the “Select and buy a number” button in the right top corner this window.

After this, purchase options will be displayed in the window.

Important: Purchase additional number available only in “Standard” and “Pro” tariffs. From the very beginning, all clients are on the “Trial” tariff, which means that if the user does not switch to another tariff within 14 days, the account will be automatically blocked.

After choosing or purchasing a number, you can set up rules for receiving calls. This operation is performed after clicking on the “Call Switching” button in the “Phone” section.

A simple panel in the form of an algorithm is available there - first you can select a number, then - calls from which subscribers will be received on it, at what time, what kind of greeting clients will hear and which user will handle calls.

This is how the processing of customer requests is managed.

For the feedback form, there is a “Website” section and a “Contact Form” button.

After clicking on this link, the components (name, map, contacts, time zone, social networks, info, gallery, field for sending a request, email) of this form will become available, which can be changed right there, in the visual editor.

To do this, in each component of the template at the top right there is an icon in the form blue screen and pens. After clicking on it, additional fields appear to be filled out.

User can customize appearance buttons, location, inscriptions, name and indicate the phone number to which calls will be sent.


As you can see, Yandex.Telephony can significantly expand the capabilities of an office telephone exchange, secretary and system. The maximum cost of the service is 999 rubles per month.

As for long-distance and international calls from a work number, the tariffs can be viewed at this link. Tariff plans for using the system are shown in Table 1.

Yandex.Telephony launched in 15 new cities

Since the beginning of July 2017, the Yandex.Telephony virtual PBX has become available in 15 new cities. The service is designed to help companies from these cities and organizations that have regional offices set up work with customer requests.

Now you can use Yandex.Telephony in Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Ryazan, Samara, Sochi, Tula, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk. When registering for the service, the company receives a free phone number with a code for Moscow or St. Petersburg. After that she can choose the appropriate one tariff plan and connect the number with your city code.

Yandex.Telephony is addressed to small and medium-sized companies for which it is important not to miss customer requests and respond to them quickly. On the service you can set up rules for processing incoming calls, and for missed calls, voice messages, follow up requests from the website or from social networks on one screen - in the task feed. You can work with requests both in the web version of the service and in applications for iOS and Android.

Yandex.Telephony opened for individuals

Since April 2017, Yandex.Telephony has become available individuals. Freelancers, startups and other teams can connect to it, for whom it is important not to miss a single call or message from a client.

Yandex.Telephony allows you to organize work with customer requests without installing equipment and unnecessary expenses. Upon registration, users receive a Moscow or St. Petersburg multi-channel phone number, the ability to process messages from the site and on social networks, and collect call statistics. You can even work with the service alone. When there is no one to answer the call, he invites the subscriber to leave a voice message and saves his phone number. All requests, be it a call or a post on Facebook, are displayed in a single feed so that none of them gets lost.

The service is available in a web version and an application for iOS and Android. This way, users can work with clients from anywhere. The application allows you to make and receive calls, distribute requests among team members and monitor their processing. Basic Features services are free, the full package costs 999 rubles per month (including VAT). Communication services are charged separately; when connecting to the service, individuals receive 30 minutes of calls for free.

WITH legal entities Yandex.Telephony has been operating since April 2016. During this time, more than 6,750 organizations joined it. About 80% of them are small companies, mainly online stores and organizations that operate in the “Beauty and Health” and HoReCa segments or provide various services: repair, construction, legal, educational and others.


Announcement of the Yandex.Telephony service

Service Yandex.Telephony will help companies that communicate a lot with clients to organize work with calls, requests from the website, posts from Facebook, Twitter and other requests.

“People are used to communicating with each other via instant messengers and social networks, but it’s usually easier to contact a fitness center or bank over the phone. We conducted a study to find out how companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg respond to calls. The results of calling more than 7,200 companies showed that in a quarter of cases, customers will wait more than 20 seconds for an answer or will not receive one at all. This means that next time the person may not call. We understand how important it is to retain customers, and we offer a convenient solution - a service that will help you work effectively not only with calls, but also with other requests,” says Yandex.Telephony senior manager Elizaveta Alekseenko.

In Yandex.Telephony, you can set up rules for processing incoming calls - for example, distribute calls on different topics among specialists. If all employees are busy, the service will ask the client to wait or leave a voice message. You can monitor missed calls, voice messages, requests from the website or social networks on one screen - in the task feed.

You can work with requests both in the web version of the service and in applications for iOS and Android. The application allows an employee to call clients from a work number, even if he is using his personal phone. In addition, using the application, you can assign tasks to employees, analyze the statistics of requests to the company and evaluate the effectiveness of their processing.

Yandex.Telephony is available to companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main features of the service are free, and all functions can be used for 999 rubles per month. Communication services are charged separately: the company pays only for the minutes of calls actually spent. The service was developed in partnership with the company MightyCall, communication services are provided by SunSim CJSC.

Assessment of the virtual PBX market in Russia

How promising is the market? The volume of the virtual PBX market in Russia in 2014 amounted to 3.8 billion rubles, which is 57% higher than the same figure for the previous year. According to J’son & Partners Consulting, in 2014, 72 thousand clients used virtual PBX services. The traditional telephony market, on the contrary, decreased by 7% and in 2014 it amounted to 184.6 billion rubles, according to IKS Consulting.

How competitive is the market? According to analytical estimates, there are more than 60 VATS providers in Russia, including telecom operators and large independent players, as well as small companies. Until now, the greatest concentration of players is observed in Moscow, where VATS services are provided by more than 50 providers. There are quite a lot of service providers in St. Petersburg - just over 40. In the regions, the number of providers is much smaller - no more than 20 in each major city.

Criticism from Telfin

Tyurina Maria, General Director:

Of course, the Yandex telephony interface is clear and convenient. Although it is difficult to expect failure from such a strong and experienced team of developers and designers. The Uberization trend has not bypassed the telecom sector either - the further it goes, the more everything will be decided by the API between the platform and user interface. But, in our opinion, today too early to lose a client technical support . Moreover, when the project is completely new, and the connection has not yet had time to prove itself - and this is the main thing in telephony. An advanced modern interface is unlikely to be in high demand without the proper quality of the telecommunications services themselves. Now Yandex uses only one telecom operator partner, which exposes the stability of the service to certain risks. For example, our company has several such partners with time-tested quality of services. And even if one has problems, there is always the opportunity to transfer customer calls to another. At the same time, this will happen unnoticed for the client and will not affect his work in any way.

Regarding functions, integration with social networks intrigued- There has never been such an experience in Russia. Whether business will see the benefits of this and whether it will take it up is a question to which we do not yet have an answer. We can only state the fact that the combination of customer base and telephony is now in demand among companies (Telfin has been offering it since 2013). By closely communicating with our clients and identifying their needs, we see that for many companies the ability to integrate CRM with PBX is one of the key factors when choosing a provider. This is also evidenced by the numbers - as of December 2015, the number of users who connected Telfin telephony integration with client base, increased by 100%.

Despite the fact that new colleagues are positioning telephony as a service for small businesses, Surprisingly, the limit is 30 additional. The business is growing and developing. And what happens when 30 extra is not enough for a client?

The geography of the project is also not yet striking in scale.. Of course, both capitals are ahead of the regions in terms of connection volumes, but according to our statistics, the regions are increasingly looking for modern cloud solutions. We connect numbers in 52 cities and 38 countries, and the numbers are growing. For example, at the end of 2015, on average, sales of rooms in the largest cities of the South, the Urals and the Volga region increased by 20% compared to 2014. And according to the preliminary results of the first quarter of 2016, we are seeing an increase in regional demand.

> Virtual PBX "Yandex.Telephony"

Yandex announced the launch of the virtual PBX "Yandex.Telephony" for small and medium-sized businesses.

Yandex.Telephony allows you to configure call processing rules, including distribution by topic to different employees; if all employees are busy, the service will prompt the caller to wait or leave a voice message. The task feed displays missed calls, voice messages, requests from the website and social networks. Thus, missed calls, voice messages, requests from the website or social networks can be monitored in a single feed.

The service can integrate with social networks- Facebook and Twitter are now available, VKontakte will be connected in the near future, it is also planned integration with CRM systems(1C-Bitrix and others). For Yandex.Telephony there is special application, which can be easily installed on a computer or mobile phone with iOS or Android. Moreover mobile application will allow you to call from a work number, even if you are using a personal smartphone.

Yandex.Telephony has a wide range of capabilities, including: you can assign tasks to employees, analyze the statistics of requests to the company and evaluate the effectiveness of their processing. It is possible to create a call processing schedule depending on the day of the week, time of day, operator availability, and caller status. As well as black and white lists, call forwarding to the priority number of each employee depending on availability status, call control through the telephone interface.

Eat widget for calls from the site. From different pages, calls can be redirected to different managers - this way you can manage the workload of operators and process customer requests most efficiently.

You can also post on the site feedback form. Requests made on the site are displayed in a single feed along with calls and mentions on social networks.

The basic functionality of the service is available for free, but everything additional features are offered for 999 rubles per month. The cost of calls is also calculated separately, for the minutes of calls actually spent. Payment per minute is 1 ruble 45 kopecks from mobile phones and 55 kopecks from landline phones. There is a trial period of 14 days, during which 150 minutes of calls are provided for free. Currently the service is available in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Paid functionality includes such features as flexible routing, 30 users (instead of 10 per free plan), support for a queue of incoming calls, recording incoming and outgoing conversations, access to one hundred personal greetings, storing records for a year, call details, call statistics.

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Yandex.Telephony launched in 15 new cities

Since the beginning of July 2017, the Yandex.Telephony virtual PBX has become available in 15 new cities. The service is designed to help companies from these cities and organizations that have regional offices set up work with customer requests.

Now you can use Yandex.Telephony in Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Ryazan, Samara, Sochi, Tula, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk. When registering for the service, the company receives a free phone number with a code for Moscow or St. Petersburg. After that, she can select the appropriate tariff plan and connect a number with her city code.

Yandex.Telephony is addressed to small and medium-sized companies for which it is important not to miss customer requests and respond to them quickly. On the service, you can set up rules for processing incoming calls, and monitor missed calls, voice messages, requests from the website or social networks on one screen - in the task feed. You can work with requests both in the web version of the service and in applications for iOS and Android.

Yandex.Telephony opened for individuals

Since April 2017, Yandex.Telephony has become available to individuals. Freelancers, startups and other teams can connect to it, for whom it is important not to miss a single call or message from the client.

Yandex.Telephony allows you to organize work with customer requests without installing equipment and unnecessary expenses. Upon registration, users receive a Moscow or St. Petersburg multi-channel phone number, the ability to process messages from the site and on social networks, and collect call statistics. You can even work with the service alone. When there is no one to answer the call, he invites the subscriber to leave a voice message and saves his phone number. All requests, be it a call or a post on Facebook, are displayed in a single feed so that none of them gets lost.

The service is available in a web version and an application for iOS and Android. This way, users can work with clients from anywhere. The application allows you to make and receive calls, distribute requests among team members and monitor their processing. Basic features of the service are free, the full package costs 999 rubles per month (including VAT). Communication services are charged separately; when connecting to the service, individuals receive 30 minutes of calls for free.

Yandex.Telephony has been working with legal entities since April 2016. During this time, more than 6,750 organizations joined it. About 80% of them are small companies, mainly online stores and organizations that operate in the “Beauty and Health” and HoReCa segments or provide various services: repair, construction, legal, educational and others.


Announcement of the Yandex.Telephony service

Service Yandex.Telephony will help companies that communicate a lot with clients to organize work with calls, requests from the website, posts from Facebook, Twitter and other requests.

“People are used to communicating with each other via instant messengers and social networks, but it’s usually easier to contact a fitness center or bank over the phone. We conducted a study to find out how companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg respond to calls. The results of calling more than 7,200 companies showed that in a quarter of cases, customers will wait more than 20 seconds for an answer or will not receive one at all. This means that next time the person may not call. We understand how important it is to retain customers, and we offer a convenient solution - a service that will help you work effectively not only with calls, but also with other requests,” says Yandex.Telephony senior manager Elizaveta Alekseenko.

In Yandex.Telephony, you can set up rules for processing incoming calls - for example, distribute calls on different topics among specialists. If all employees are busy, the service will ask the client to wait or leave a voice message. You can monitor missed calls, voice messages, requests from the website or social networks on one screen - in the task feed.

You can work with requests both in the web version of the service and in applications for iOS and Android. The application allows an employee to call clients from a work number, even if he is using his personal phone. In addition, using the application, you can assign tasks to employees, analyze the statistics of requests to the company and evaluate the effectiveness of their processing.

Yandex.Telephony is available to companies from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The main features of the service are free, and all functions can be used for 999 rubles per month. Communication services are charged separately: the company pays only for the minutes of calls actually spent. The service was developed in partnership with the company MightyCall, communication services are provided by SunSim CJSC.

Assessment of the virtual PBX market in Russia

How promising is the market? The volume of the virtual PBX market in Russia in 2014 amounted to 3.8 billion rubles, which is 57% higher than the same figure for the previous year. According to J’son & Partners Consulting, in 2014, 72 thousand clients used virtual PBX services. The traditional telephony market, on the contrary, decreased by 7% and in 2014 it amounted to 184.6 billion rubles, according to IKS Consulting.

How competitive is the market? According to analytical estimates, there are more than 60 VATS providers in Russia, including telecom operators and large independent players, as well as small companies. Until now, the greatest concentration of players is observed in Moscow, where VATS services are provided by more than 50 providers. There are quite a lot of service providers in St. Petersburg - just over 40. In the regions, the number of providers is much smaller - no more than 20 in each major city.

Criticism from Telfin

Tyurina Maria, General Director:

Of course, the Yandex telephony interface is clear and convenient. Although it is difficult to expect failure from such a strong and experienced team of developers and designers. The Uberization trend has not bypassed the telecom sector either - the further it goes, the more everything will be decided by the API between the platform and the user interface. But, in our opinion, today It’s too early to deprive a client of technical support. Moreover, when the project is completely new, and the connection has not yet had time to prove itself - and this is the main thing in telephony. An advanced modern interface is unlikely to be in high demand without the proper quality of the telecommunications services themselves. Now Yandex uses only one telecom operator partner, which exposes the stability of the service to certain risks. For example, our company has several such partners with time-tested quality of services. And even if one has problems, there is always the opportunity to transfer customer calls to another. At the same time, this will happen unnoticed for the client and will not affect his work in any way.

Regarding functions, integration with social networks intrigued- There has never been such an experience in Russia. Whether business will see the benefits of this and whether it will take it up is a question to which we do not yet have an answer. We can only state the fact that the combination of customer base and telephony is now in demand among companies (Telfin has been offering it since 2013). By closely communicating with our clients and identifying their needs, we see that for many companies the ability to integrate CRM with PBX is one of the key factors when choosing a provider. The numbers speak to this - as of December 2015, the number of users who connected Telfin telephony integration with the client base increased by 100%.

Despite the fact that new colleagues are positioning telephony as a service for small businesses, Surprisingly, the limit is 30 additional. The business is growing and developing. And what happens when 30 extra is not enough for a client?

The geography of the project is also not yet striking in scale.. Of course, both capitals are ahead of the regions in terms of connection volumes, but according to our statistics, the regions are increasingly looking for modern cloud solutions. We connect numbers in 52 cities and 38 countries, and the numbers are growing. For example, at the end of 2015, on average, sales of rooms in the largest cities of the South, the Urals and the Volga region increased by 20% compared to 2014. And according to the preliminary results of the first quarter of 2016, we are seeing an increase in regional demand.

Low price for calls to landlines with expenses over 10,000 rubles per month.


Inability to use with your own PBX. Lack of trunks as such. Lack of Asterisk support.

The sales department reported that the limit on one number is 60 lines and it doesn’t matter whether a SIP client is used or the call is made in any other way. When it came to putting it into operation, it turned out that for one user, and their limit is 15 per account, there is only one simultaneous connection. Not even two, as in mobile phone, and one thing! One line. Thus, if you want to connect your PBX, you will have to create 15 (Pro account) users, come up with mobile numbers, for each of them make the same settings in personal account service, register 15 trunks in Asterisk and, accordingly, make 15 registrations in order to get your full 15 channels. And if you need 61 channels or more, then remember that one number is limited to only 60 simultaneous connections.

Who is this service for? For individuals? Of course not. For business? Only if the business is ready to be content with basic functionality for 999 rubles per month. But you need to immediately understand that if it’s not one of the paid cloud ones, you won’t be able to connect this service to your CRM without additional costs. You won't get more than 60 simultaneous lines. But you will get problems when setting up your PBX to work with the service. Compared to this, the fact that in order to connect to the service you MUST have your own account in Yandex, to which you will receive all correspondence with the service, fades. It's like having a separate email address for each supplier.

The overall impression is negative. We planned to use it to make calls worth 50-100 thousand rubles per month, but in fact we will have to refuse. I hoped that the service was ready to make concessions and make some exceptions for such and such amounts, but no. There are no exceptions for anyone.

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