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Sorting photos work from home. Remote work on sorting images. Combining scene photos

Hello friends! In an effort to earn money, people often stop noticing that they are being deceived. They behave extremely trustingly and cling to any job offer. Scammers, without hesitation, created several ways to rob citizens using remote work.

One of these methods is processing. It already sounds simple, doesn’t it? So the essence of this type of work is to sort photos into different folders. Completion period is a month. You need to sort them by topic, size or other criterion. The scope of work is different everywhere, but the essence is the same - we receive a disk with photos by mail and organize it.

Wait! Disk? That's right! Scammers offer a choice of DVD or CD. Accordingly, each has its own amount of work. For a CD the payment is about 400 rubles, and for a DVD about 2500. Is it tempting? At the same time, you can take on as much work as you want, everyone will be paid. It’s just that newcomers who have just started working need to pay consumables and shipping. This is where the scam itself lies.

This is explained by the fact that after a month of work the user will be transferred to the “verified” category and will not have to pay anything. For beginners, this is a guarantee of work. Insurance so that the company does not lose 40-80 rubles for shipping and the disc itself if the newcomer disappears. At the same time, they promise to return the specified amount in a month if the work is completed.

This is a kind of scam. Cunning scammers may even indicate the agency's address and some of the details. But who will check them, with such free work? As a result, it turns out that the address is “fake”, the street may exist, but the house indicated on it is not. There may even be an address and a company with the same name, but it does completely different things and doesn’t know about any kind of photo sorting.

Why don’t many people, when reading the proposal itself, think that this is an online scam? After all, all the signs are there: easy work, the pay is good and they ask for it to get started. The scammer always asks for money at the beginning so that he has something to run away with.

There are a couple more signs of implausibility. First, a serious company, unlike a scammer, would hardly be insured for 40 rubles. The second and more obvious is the work itself! Well, who needs to give you 400 rubles for sorting photos? It's that simple. First you need to burn a disc, send it, wait a month, and then get the finished result. In this case, the sorting time is 2 hours at most.

I think now everyone understands that this type of work from home is an online scam. For simple work, they always pay less, so don’t fall for the scammer’s trick.

For dessert today video about a fat cat)

Avoid scammers and you will succeed!

Stable earnings on the Internet. Without knowledge! No work experience! No Investment! Work whenever you want and as much as you want.

Can't find how to make money quickly and easily? Tired of always looking for additional income? “Living within your means” is not your option??? Earn money with me!

What is the essence of your work?

From my service you will receive collections of photographs that are mixed, you need to sort images

you create new folders, rename them to the given themes (1 folder = 1 theme) and
scatter the existing images into these folders. For one image you will receive 2-3 rubles, don’t let the number 2-3 scare you. This is not small money, because in an hour you can sort about 200 images, and this is already 400-600 rubles

For each person, they will send as much as you can process; some will work for an hour, some for two, some for the whole day and some maybe even the whole night (all this will be discussed with me personally).

At the moment I need 15 people, 50,000 images

Needs to be processed daily to have Stable earnings on the Internet

No special knowledge in PC, age, nationality of great importance, the main thing is attentiveness, responsibility and understanding. Everyone will have their own personal account where you will take it from and where you will return it finished works. This office will be created especially for you. The office, alas, is not free, it costs 199 rubles (I set this price for it, so that only the most interested people would go, and not just anyone). Don't be alarmed, you will get this money back after 30 minutes of work! Now I only need 15 people.

No more investments are needed, you just need to get yours personal account once. I have specially prepared 15 offices for you, everyone will receive their place of work immediately after payment, and will also receive all the instructions.

You will receive your salary from the first working day, the money is credited in rubles, in the service itself rubles are withdrawn to bank card, or wallet, withdrawals are made to many types of wallets and cards. This stable income on the Internet

I have an agreement with foreign photo banks that I will supply them with images for at least a year. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! You can become my colleague right today and solve all your life and financial difficulties

Let's get to know each other!!!

My name is Elena Vasilenko, I am 35 years old. I live in the city of Novosibirsk, I have a son!!!

I make money by buying and then reselling photographs and images

I earn a lot of money, but that’s not the point.

Now my turnover has increased too much, since I have reached a couple more clients, I need responsible people for my work. I have already arranged for all my friends. So I decided to find the people I needed on the Internet. If you came to this site, it means someone told you about it, which means you are very lucky, from today your life will change dramatically!

If you have read everything that I wrote above, make the right decision; it will change a lot in your life from the very first days! And you will have:

Stable earnings on the Internet

There is no need to put everything off until tomorrow, otherwise you simply will not be among the 15 lucky ones who will start earning money with me.

This is a truly unique offer, you yourself will understand that it is not in vain that you found yourself on this site on this day and this minute, it means you are simply lucky and your life will radically change tomorrow. There will be no more need for money and loans, everything will work out for you, don’t worry, there is nothing complicated in this work! If a person knows how to turn on and use a computer, knows how to access the Internet and can go to my site, then you can figure it out, I guarantee you this!

It’s clear that there are no comments or reviews and there won’t be any, since this type of earnings first appeared on the Internet. And most likely, tomorrow he will no longer be here. So don’t miss your opportunity, maybe the first and last in your life! I wish you success and health!

From the heart Elena Vasilenko.

The massive spread of the Internet has led to the fact that remote work online, which is often referred to as freelancing, is becoming increasingly popular. Often, working from home is the only employment opportunity in a small locality. In addition, freelancing is ideal for students or maternity leave.

Like any sphere of human activity, working from home via the Internet is not without scammers and scammers. Moreover, the ability to remain anonymous in the virtual space leads to the fact that their number here is off the charts. More than half of the work-from-home offers found on job sites and free job boards are common scams.

The classic way of such a “scam” is offering remote work to sort images.

Typically a scammer's ad looks something like this:
Super Media Production Corporation, which is located in Moscow at st. Gullible, house 50, office 10 (usually indicate the capital, although it could be some Uryupinsk), is engaged in the production of DVD (or CD) discs with films, music and images (cliparts). A dynamically developing company needs to perform a huge amount of work on thematic sorting of images. We send you the material for work on DVD or CD discs (the media is optional). Your task is to sort the images into folders that correspond to their themes, for example, animals, professions, plants, medicine, etc.

For sorting one image you get 10 kopecks (prices may vary, but “businessmen” don’t promise more than 20 kopecks). In our experience, working on one DVD disc, which contains 18,000 clipart, takes no more than 30 hours. Minimum monthly production – 5 DVDs. All materials and blank disks are provided to permanent employees completely free of charge! To get started, you must pay us a deposit equal to the cost of the discs and the cost of shipping them. This money is returned to you when your first salary is paid. Payment details - Yandex wallet ХХХХ ( payment system maybe another). After registering you in the employee database and paying the deposit cost of work materials, we will send you everything you need to start work within one day. After receiving the discs, you need to send us a letter indicating that the order has been received. From this moment you must complete your order no later than 30 days later and send it to our postal address.

A trusting “potential employee” pays the deposit cost of the discs, because it is very small - usually about 100 rubles, and waits for the parcel with the discs. It is clear that he will never receive it.

This order of the amount was not chosen by the scammers by chance. Firstly, “freezing” one hundred rubles will not be too burdensome for family budget. Besides, it’s unlikely that anyone will make a big fuss about this money.

It’s very simple to make sure that the Super Media Production company is a scammer. You just need to write to them that you will come to the company’s office to get the work materials. Naturally, scammers will refuse such an offer.

Welcome to GOLD-MEDIA LLC! Our company deals
production of CD\DVD discs. Films, music, including CLIPARTS. We
We publish discs with clipart on specific topics, for example: Animal world,
Professions, Medicine, etc.
For similar work we need a large number of workers.
We offer you cooperation with us on the following conditions:
By mail you receive a CD\DVD (at your request) with clipart,
which are collected in one folder. Attached to the disc is a list of topics on which
images need to be sorted. You create new folders
rename them to the specified themes (1 folder = 1 theme) and
scatter the existing clipart into these folders. Then, you take
folders, dump them into one and call it your individual number.
(Each employee is assigned his own individual number, which
to pay his wages).
Now about wages:
For sorting 1 image you get 15 kopecks.
On 1 CD there are approximately 3000 images, therefore for processing 1 disc
You will receive 450 rubles. (this usually takes 4-5 hours);
On 1 DVD disc about 18,000 images therefore for processing 1
disk you will receive 2700 rubles. (it usually takes 26-27
Salaries are paid by us within 1 working day after
receiving finished material from you.
We pay wages in the following ways:
- through Yandex Money;
- through bank details in any bank in Russia;
- via WebMoney.
Working conditions:
- First, you need to decide whether you are ready to cooperate with us
- The second stage is to decide which media you will work with.

It can be: CD only, DVD only or CD\DVD.
- The third stage is to determine the amount of working material (disks)
for a month it can be from 7 to 42 CDs, or from 5 to 27 DVDs.

How to get started:
Our company has three employee databases: 1 - permanent
employees, 2 - newcomers, 3 - blacklist
After you agree to cooperate, you are automatically entered
to 2nd base. You will stay there for exactly one month i.e. deadline for completion
one order. After receiving the working material from you, we transfer
Your data in 1 database, If for a given month you refuse
cooperation or delay the shipment for more than 18 days
material You end up in the 3rd base. Being in which is no longer
assumes any cooperation with us.

Shipping of materials\costs.
Shipping, depending on your place of residence, takes from 2 to 10 days.
The shipping time is not counted as working time, i.e. You are given
work 1 calendar month.
To employees of 1 database We send all working materials + clean
CDs Free! Since these people have been verified by us, we are satisfied with them
work and we trust them completely.
Employees 2 databases upon first shipment, need to pay
for postal services and discs at the following rates:
Postal services: regular mail from 14 to 19 rubles, air mail from
22 to 28 (to be specified individually depending on your wishes and
1 CD 11 rubles; 1 DVD 18 rubles.
This amount is sent to us as a deposit for the work
material, and is returned to you in full to the amount of your first salary.
if you continue to cooperate with us, such a deposit will not
required. The deposit amount must be sent to Yandex wallet
41001155493107 of our company.

Have you read the necessary information! If you're ready to go,
You need:
- send us an information letter in which you must indicate
Full name, your age, region of residence, full postal address, desire to
shipment - regular or air, the amount of desired working material per
month of work, as well as from what source you would like to receive your salary. We do the calculations
required for collateral, taking into account your region. We send you
- You make a payment, send us an email with the subject REGISTRATION.
- We register you in the 2nd database, assign you an individual
number and create an order for you with the volume of disks you specified and in

We will send you the work within 1 business day.
- After you receive the disks, you need to send a letter with the subject
ORDER RECEIVED. From the moment of sending this letter, you have exactly one month to
to get the job done.
- After finishing work, you also send a letter with the subject WORK
COMPLETED AND SENT and send us the work to our email
123060, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Berzarina, 37, off. 16.
Legal address: 123060, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Berzarina, 37, off. 16.

Sincerely, HR Manager, Olga Sergeevna!

Earn money from photos on the Internet- This is an excellent option for making money, which is feasible for any creative person. Because many of us have a home digital camera, which is most often used by us to capture any special moments in life, and most people acquire a camera for these purposes, which means it can be argued that any of us can try ourselves in the role of, if not a professional, but certainly a semi-professional photographer.

To do this, you don’t have to be a super duper photographer or own an expensive DSLR. It is enough to have a middle-class camera, and of course the desire to take photographs. And thanks to photo banks (photo stocks), you will be able to sell your photographs. I think many will agree that this is much more pleasant than occasionally looking at and organizing your photos into folders on the computer.

Earn money doing what you love

Year after year, making money from photographs is becoming more and more popular and in demand. This type of income is good because you have to work not only at home on the computer, but also outside the apartment. I would say that outside the apartment, the part of the work performed can be attributed to relaxation, rather than to some kind of grueling work process. All this is because searching for the objects you need to shoot will be very exciting, which means that this whole shooting process will not tire you at all, but will only bring you an additional charge of positivity. For even greater comfort, you can plug headphones with your favorite music into your ears and enjoy the shooting process.

At home, all you have to do is do a little work on the photographs you took. You can process them using any photo editor that you know how to use. Then, the finished works can be sent to photo banks for review. Photos in photo banks are not immediately put up for sale, because... they must first pass a quality/subject test. If everything meets the requirements, then your work will be accepted and put up for sale, then all that remains is to wait for a buyer who will be ready to buy your work.

As you can see, you can earn money on the Internet by doing what you love, and what could be even more enjoyable? Yes, I think this is what many are looking for, but not many find.

If the photographer real life, it’s not so easy to make money, since there is too much competition in this niche, there is no competition as such on the Internet, which means that everyone has the opportunity to make money from photographs, the main thing is to learn how to work with photo banks.

How to make money from photographs on the Internet?

I think from the above, you already understand how to make money from photographs on the Internet. But all that information is not enough for full-fledged work. After all, you also need to know photo stocks (photo banks), with the help of which you can build this income.

A photobank is a service that acts as an intermediary between buyers and authors of photographs, images, and illustrations. These services help to search for buyers, and are also responsible for conducting all monetary transactions between the seller/buyer parties.

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