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How much time a day can you sit at a computer, the impact of a computer on the health of children and adults. Recommendations for those who spend a lot of time on the computer How to limit the time spent in front of the screen

For many years now, a computer has been an integral part of the life of almost every person on the planet. At the same time, everyone knows that spending many hours every day at the computer causes serious harm to health. To avoid negative consequences, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

1. Sitting at the computer should be comfortable. For these purposes, it is worth purchasing a comfortable chair, otherwise your back will begin to ache and your posture will deteriorate. If back problems are already making themselves felt, it is advisable to buy a posture corrector at the nearest pharmacy and put it on every time before sitting at the computer.

2. It is better to choose a large table so that you can place on it not only a mouse, keyboard and monitor, but also additional equipment: a scanner, modem, printer, etc.

3. The workplace must be cleaned periodically and prevent the accumulation of dust and debris. In this case, it is advisable to wipe the mouse and keyboard with a disinfectant, since it is on their surface that bacteria and microbes accumulate no less than under the rim of the toilet bowl.

4. Constantly clicking the mouse makes your hand tired and numb, sometimes even developing joint disease, which is difficult to cure. Therefore, it is recommended to stretch your hands for several minutes every hour.

5. Good vision is rare, but even people with excellent vision should take care of their eyes, because they quickly get tired of working at the computer. To avoid vision problems, it is recommended to use a medium-sized monitor – 15 inches. Monitors that are too small or too large can strain your eyes. In addition, the distance between the eyes and the monitor should be at least 45 and no more than 60 cm.

6. The lighting in the room plays important role. You cannot sit in the dark and work at a computer, as this also has a detrimental effect on your eyesight. The best option is to have the same brightness of the monitor and the light in the room.

You should take care of your health before serious problems arise, since they are easier to prevent than to cure.

IN modern world people spend too much time in front of a computer screen. Working on a computer for long periods of time can cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart disease, and accumulation of fat around the waist. Therefore, it is important to try to tear yourself away from the computer every day. Organize your screen time, make small changes to your lifestyle, and ask friends and family for help.

How to use your computer most effectively

    Keep track of how much time you spend on the computer. To get started, start recording all your screen time. Many people convince themselves that they need to be online all the time for work, school, and socializing. However, this may not be the case. If you start recording everything you do online and how much time it takes, you will be surprised at how much time is wasted.

    • Write notes throughout the day in a small notebook. Every time you use the computer, write down what you do, for how long, and whether it is necessary. You can spend 20 minutes answering emails at work because your career depends on it, but before and after you can decide to devote a total of 30 minutes to social media.
    • Be honest with yourself. You are under no obligation to show your recordings to anyone. Your job is to understand where the time is going and make adjustments. For example, you might be horrified to learn that you spend 2 hours a day on social media. If you think this is too much, set a goal to reduce this time to an hour. Try following the plan and see if you can achieve that goal the next day.

  1. Schedule breaks. Staring at a screen for too long is bad for your health - you risk straining your eyes and getting headaches. For this reason, you should pause. This will allow you to reduce the amount of time you spend on the computer.

    • If you have free time at work, don't open Twitter or Facebook. Better get up from your computer, walk, read a book for 10 minutes, call a friend.
    • When you're home alone, try to take breaks. For example, promise yourself to take the dog for a walk after 2 hours of continuous work on the computer. This will allow you to look away from the screen and relax. You can even set a timer to stop on time.

  2. Set aside time to study without a computer every day. If you spend too much time on the computer, you will need to work on managing your time better. Try to schedule non-computer activities every day. 2-3 hours spent without a computer will help you manage your time more wisely.

    • Choose a time when you will not use the computer. It can be helpful to step away from the computer at the same time every day. For example, promise yourself that every day from 5 to 7 pm you will not use the computer.
    • It may be difficult for you at first. For many people, the computer is the main way of relaxation. Try doing something you enjoy. Cook a meal or bake a cake. Go for a long walk. Read a book. Put the puzzle together. Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while.

  3. Limit your use of the Internet. It is important to plan not only the time spent at the computer, but also the work with the Internet. Many sites are specially designed so that a person stays there as long as possible. The person begins to follow the links further and further. If you set aside a certain amount of time to use the Internet, it will be easier for you to tear yourself away from the screen.

    • Before you turn on your computer, decide what exactly you need to do on the Internet. If you want to update your Facebook status, do so and close the site. If you want to buy your boyfriend a gift for Valentine's Day, before you turn on your computer, decide what and where you want to watch. If you need to read the news, bookmark a few news sites you like and check them out after you turn on your computer.
    • If you like to browse the Internet from time to time, you will be able to do so in the future, but you will need to limit this time. For example, give yourself 90 minutes a day just to view certain sites. Set a timer and turn off the Internet when the time is up. It will be difficult for you at first, but gradually you will get used to it.

  4. Block all websites that distract you. When you analyze how you use the Internet throughout the day, think about which sites take up the most time. Have you wasted time on Facebook? Spent too much time on humor sites? There are addons (add-ons) and plugins for browsers that allow you to temporarily block access to certain sites. Try installing these plugins or addons and blocking sites that waste your time for a few hours every day. If you need to be at the computer, you won't waste time.

  5. Use technology to your advantage. There are special addons and applications that will help you manage the time you spend on the Internet. If the Internet forces you to spend a lot of time on the computer, try buying and installing such applications.

    • If you need a computer for work, try using RescueTime. This is an analytics application that can calculate what you do on your computer every day and for how long. This program will help you track your progress in reducing computer time.
    • SelfControl is a program for Mac devices that blocks certain websites. The principle of its operation is similar to the principle of addons that block sites for a certain number of hours, but deactivating the program is much more difficult. It is impossible to disable the timer in the program, and even restarting the computer will not help. You'll just have to wait for time to pass. If you often deactivate blocker addons, this program will help you.

  6. Complete all computer-related tasks as quickly as possible. If you need to email a colleague or complete another task online, you may decide to put it off until later. Because of this, you will waste time on the Internet or start playing games. If you prioritize correctly, it will be easier for you to spend less time on the Internet.

    • If you need to do something for work, get busy. Promise yourself not to open Facebook until you answer a work email. Don't play The Sims unless you've yet finished designing your company website.
    • At first, you may find it difficult to combat procrastination. Many people constantly put things off, and everyone likes to do enjoyable activities (playing games or surfing social networks) rather than work. It may take a few days to learn how to prioritize correctly. If you don't succeed right away, don't give up. Over time, small changes will help you reduce your screen time.

How to Limit Screen Time

Help from others

  • Get back into a hobby you've given up on. If you used to do crossword puzzles in the newspaper every day, start doing it again. This way you will spend less time on the Internet.

This electronic asshole is stealing your golden moments from perhaps your best years. Now think about why your best years look so bad. How much time is wasted! Not for entertainment, but for thoughtless, aimless gatherings in front of the monitor. Most people just sit there, not trying to find interesting information, but hoping that the information will find them. This results in a lack of personal time, work suffers, some suffer, their studies, some even their personal lives. At the university we had a teacher who did not allow us to waste a single second of class aimlessly. For an empty second glance out the window (not just sitting on the phone), she could, if God forbid she noticed, get kicked out of the couple. Because it’s all empty, it takes away the “golden minutes of the couple” and prevents the most important grains of knowledge from getting into your head. Deep down in our hearts, we wanted her to die in terrible agony from gangrene of the ass, but over time you begin to understand that she, in general, was right. Although it is impossible to sit for an hour and a half in maximum concentration.

We won’t tell you how not to waste time in life, because sometimes Oblomov’s “charming idleness” is simply necessary to unload an exhausted body. But we’ll probably tell you how not to waste it on the computer. Because this is a scourge... motherfucker.

Health is at risk

At this point, you will understand that it is not in vain that your grandmother constantly laments: “She sits in her computer and does not see the white light. Everything clicks and clicks!”

Please note that aimless gatherings are sometimes simply no worse than a productive worker under the control of a Cerberus boss. Emotionally you burn out like a candle wick. And what happens to your soul when, in addition to get-togethers, you need to do unpleasant work, I don’t think there’s any need to explain. It would seem that you should sit and work, but no, it’s impossible not to waste an hour or two. And so it is for many.

Therefore, before you open a tab on VK, remember the words of modern hippocrates that sitting in front of a computer screen for more than 4 hours a day can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (even if you do enough physical exercise throughout the week ), that is, work is killing you, and then there’s the thoughtless sitting around.

Some researchers swear by the Bible that too much screen time causes damage to brain tissue, which ultimately reduces the brain's ability to function. Well, the most common is carpal tunnel syndrome, to which the most avid computer users are most susceptible.

But that's not all. We don’t want to call you crazy, but if, God forbid, you have some minor violations, then the flow of easily accessible, like the ladies from the Red Light Boulevard, information online can feed you with unnecessary unnecessary thoughts. By the way, many hypochondriacs like to search the Internet for diagnoses of symptoms that have barely appeared. The result is panic and dark thoughts. We don’t call hypochondriacs mentally ill, it’s just self-medication, as Elena Malysheva says, “Mazday, paid medicine is foreign!”

Let's keep quiet about Internet addiction. Moreover, let’s not even mention the gaming room. We already know everything about them: addiction, then depression, anxiety, feelings of isolation, irritability, headaches, weight loss or weight gain. And all this gets worse with extra online hours. Also, sitting mindlessly, you simply don’t have time to do the work. There is little time left, and trying to do everything in time, you begin to get nervous and hysterical. As a result, a nervous system disfigured like a smoker’s lung and broken ribs from a customer to whom you did not deliver the order on time.
If you, like most people nowadays, don’t care about your health and don’t care about the risk of turning into a cardiovascular psychopath because you’re depressed, then move on.

Make a list of your favorites

You will need to write a list of sites, public pages and games visited by your person. Look at them. Look carefully. Now, with a cool head and common sense, exclude unnecessary ones from this list. Leave only those that you really cannot live without, and those that may be useful to you for life and work. Of course, you don’t need to think about BroDude, it’s definitely on the list of necessary sites. And now, leaving only the most necessary, with a slight movement of the hand, without regret, like Taras Bulba killing his Andriy, remove everything unnecessary, unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings and uninteresting public pages. Look, well, look! Isn't it a miracle? What a small but neat list it turned out to be.

Daily routine

However, some comrades, for example, bloggers, people working with information, need an abundance of information. Even arch-necessary. In such cases, the patient should not sharply limit the flow of information. Although bloggers also spend hours aimlessly sitting around meaningless. In this case, you need to create a schedule for using the computer. Set aside a certain amount of time for entertainment and other aimless pandemonium. Just no concessions. There wasn't enough time, there wasn't enough time. Be honest to yourself, not to us, don't deceive yourself.

You will immediately notice that for, in Nekrasov’s language, “entertainment” you don’t need so much time that you manage to do everything. You can even set a timer for yourself so that God forbid you miss hour X - the hour when you need to start working. By the way, some people recommend working hard first, and then playing with toys and communicating with distant relatives. Just the desire to have fun and relax will be enveloped in black smoke, and the work will be completed faster. Plus, you'll be so tired that you won't be able to sit for very long.

A small dose of social media

Anti-stick technology

Well, and finally. Internet technologies, if you don’t know it, also take care of your life. The accounting program Yaware.TimeTracker will help you make sure that the reason for your “underachievement” is ineffective use of time. By installing it on your computer, you will be able to control your Internet usage and avoid falling into the traps that are so generously placed on the Internet.

The browser will also help you avoid quicksand. IN Google Chrome There is such an extension - Blocker. In the settings of this extension, you can specify a list of addresses to which you want to block access. Now, when you try to launch something prohibited, you can see an eloquent inscription: “Do something useful!” If you really, really want to watch something, for example, on YouTube that you have blocked, then you can click on the unlock button and enter a twenty-digit randomly generated code. At number 14 you will wonder if you really need to watch this video. Unless, of course, this is something as important as Pakhom’s performance in the “Battle of Psychics.” Then it's better to unblock it for a while. There are just holy things.

We know that, in general, we have not offered you anything new. Did you think we would tell you the magical method of the Uruguayan healer Cosvidubl, according to which you need to eat a toad’s liver on the full moon, and everything will go away? No, in this case you can go to church, light candles and ask God for deliverance from addiction. True, you still have to promise something in return. If this helps you, we are glad. But in any case, to solve any problem, you need to make an effort.

Update: October 2018

Global computerization is an undeniable technical progress. Elderly people and even two-year-olds can work on a computer, which makes their parents incredibly proud. Both children and teenagers are ready to spend 24 hours a day in front of an alluring monitor.

At the same time, few people think about where children’s tantrums suddenly come from, why teenagers suffer from headaches, and where healthy children who are not burdened with problems get headaches.

It is completely impossible to abandon the computer, since in the modern technogenic world the PC has become an essential element of life. But, like any technical gadget, a computer must be used wisely, strictly observing the time, conditions and breaks in work.

The harm to health caused by computers is sometimes exaggerated. The negative impact is created due to irregular time spent working on a PC, i.e. the person himself aggravates existing risks.

Electromagnetic radiation

Any household appliance emits EMR, but a person does not sleep next to a refrigerator or a working microwave oven, does not watch TV at a distance of 25-40 cm from the eyes, but when working on a PC, all emitters are concentrated near the body: monitor, operating unit, mouse, keyboard.

An independent study of computers distributed on the market for these products, which was carried out by employees of the Electromagnetic Safety Center (Moscow), allowed us to draw a disappointing conclusion that the biologically dangerous level of electromagnetic radiation in the user’s area was exceeded.

PCs increase the general EM background created by household appliances and “irradiate” not only the person sitting behind the screen, but also those around them. An area within a radius of 1.5 m from the computer is considered dangerous.

Increased EMR background causes:

  • headaches
  • fatigue, nervousness
  • decreased resistance to infections, from the skin to the internal organs
  • The increased EM background also makes an undeniable contribution to the increase in the number of malignant neoplasms.

PC monitors made with cathode ray tubes

They are proven sources of ultraviolet, soft x-ray, visible, infrared, radio frequency, microwave and low frequency EMR. Most of all, EMR is emitted by the rear and side walls of the monitor. Every year, more stringent standards are adopted regarding the radiation power of the monitor, while manufacturers take a cunning step, not reducing this very power, but improving the quality of the protective coating applied to the front part of the screen. The back and side walls still emit EMR.

System unit

The system unit is also a powerful emitter. The human body is most sensitive to EMR in the range of 40-70 GHz. At these frequencies, the wavelength is comparable to the size of the cells, which means that the radiation easily penetrates the tissue. Features of modern PCs:

  • this is an increase in operating frequencies of both the processor and peripheral devices
  • increasing power to 400 - 500 W.

As a result, the unit's radiation level in the frequency range 40-70 GHz has increased thousands of times over the past 2-3 years.

Laptop and LCD monitors

LCD monitors and laptops made on the basis of liquid crystals are positioned as safe because they do not generate that “bouquet” of EMR characteristic of cathode ray tubes. But not only the tube is an emitter - the power supply voltage converter when the device is operating from the network, the control circuit, and other elements of the equipment are also capable of generating harmful fields.

At the same time, the laptop is always located closer to the user, and some users have the habit of placing the PC on their laps.

Research: The CYCLON-TEST and ELITE testing centers examined 5 types of laptops from the most famous manufacturers. EMR measurements were carried out in 8 directions from the equipment, including the keyboard, since it is monolithically connected to the laptop. In this case, the measurement distances from the PC were taken to be smaller than those normalized by the MPR II standard.

Research has shown that when the device was powered from both the mains and the battery, the MPR II standards were not met for the majority of samples in all 8 directions. Particularly significant excesses were observed in front and to the right of the PC.

Effect of EMR on children and pregnant women

The brain matter in children is more conductive, and the skull bones are thinner, which ultimately leads to a greater specific absorbed power. EMR penetrates deeper into parts of the brain.

EMF is a biologically active factor in relation to embryos. As is known, the sensitivity of an embryo to any damaging factors is many times higher than that of an adult, and EMR is no exception. Intrauterine injury from computer work most often occurs in the early stages of development, leading to miscarriages or developmental defects.


Modern monitors are already devoid of a previously characteristic problem - flickering, but this does not mean that the computer does not put stress on the eyes, which, subject to the standard operating time on a PC, is comparable to that when watching TV.

  • Stress - uncontrolled use of a computer by children, whose health in rare cases is absolute, leads to tension in the visual apparatus, which is equivalent to severe stress. Everyone knows about the consequences of stress; this is a separate topic.
  • Decreased vision - weakness of the eye muscles when overstrained leads to decreased vision. Captivated by the picture on the monitor, children forget to blink, which leads to dry corneas and deterioration of vision.

The final eye strain is influenced by 4 factors:

  • monitor quality;
  • work intensity;
  • duration of work;
  • organization of the workplace.

The screen image is a priori different from the natural one. Unlike natural reflected light, it is self-luminous and has little contrast, which is made even less by external light. The image from the monitor consists of individual dots and constantly flickers. A computer image does not have clear boundaries, like a picture on paper.

The increase in visual load is accompanied by the need to constantly move the gaze from the screen to paper text or the keyboard. The situation is aggravated by poor quality software, incompatible color selection, illegible font, poor monitor placement, poorly organized workplace(glare reflections from the screen, non-compliance with the distance to the screen, etc.).

All this leads to the development of the so-called computer vision syndrome:

  • eyes start to water
  • the image becomes unclear, double
  • fatigue occurs
  • change in concentration.

A survey of people who work at a computer for a long time led to the identification of the following symptoms:

  • redness of the eyes in 48%;
  • itching of the periocular area in 41%;
  • eye pain in 9%;
  • “floaters” in the eyes of 36%;
  • discomfort in 5-10%;
  • headache in 9%;
  • weakness in 3%;
  • darkening and double vision in 2 – 0.16%;

In addition to subjective sensations, this group of people also observed physiological changes in the visual system:

  • violation of convergence in 52% of cases, accommodation - in 45% of users;
  • changes in binocular vision in 49%, stereo vision in 47%;
  • decreased visual acuity in 34%.

Seated position

  • Sitting at a computer for a long time in a virtually forced position results in stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, which contributes to the development.
  • The load on the musculoskeletal system leads to poor posture and scoliosis in childhood, as well as salt deposition and osteochondrosis in adults.
  • Physical inactivity leads to muscle weakness and obesity. A person's sedentary lifestyle leads to the risk of heart attacks and strokes by the age of 35-40.

As for children, the problem is more than serious. Parents who are faced with problematic posture in their children know that it is very difficult to stop the progression and cure the curvature of the spine that has begun. The computer completely captures the child's attention; the child does not feel like he is sitting slouched. The pathological process starts very quickly in a growing child’s body:

  • At first, a barely noticeable stoop appears
  • It is more difficult for the child to keep his back straight
  • When sitting, the back becomes round
  • then muscle weakness and incorrect posture lead to curvature of the spinal column, which can progress literally before our eyes.

Load on the joints of the hands

Many people notice that after prolonged work on the computer (with a keyboard or mouse), the hand begins to go numb, especially in the area of ​​the fingertips, and also ache. I always want to rub my hands, as if they are numb. All this is a consequence of disruption of the small joints of the hand, blood supply and innervation.

Exposure to dust, dirt and chemicals

During operation, the PC attracts dust and various dirt, which accumulates in the system unit and settles on the keyboard and mouse. The PC cooling system causes dust to circulate indoors.

  • It has been proven that the keyboard contains many times more germs than the toilet lid.
  • Dust, being an active allergen, leads to the development of hypersensitivity reactions, and. In turn, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with dirty hands and cause various obvious or hidden infections.

Swedish environmentalists discovered that within two years after manufacture, the monitor releases the chemical compound triphenyl phosphate into the air, which is a strong allergen. This substance is part of the plastic, and when the latter is heated during PC operation, it begins to be released into the air. Triphenyl phosphate levels are ten times higher than background while running on a PC.

Effect on the nervous system and psyche

This factor is the most dangerous and in some cases leads to irreversible consequences and the formation of complete mental dependence on the computer.

Impact on children

The unstable psyche of children and teenagers suffers from being addicted to the computer. Problems begin with a simple reluctance to leave the computer to do usual things (walk, eat). Then the child refuses to go to bed at the proper time.

In the future, deprivation of a computer leads to irritability and hysterics. There is a violation of attention and memory, depressive and even aggressive mood.

The taste for life and mood return only when playing on a PC. At the same time, the child is not interested in those around him and what is happening; turning to him during computer games causes aggression or goes unnoticed. Literally, addicted children end up in the computer world, becoming zombies and not interested in real life.

Effect on adults

Adult users often run away from their problems by immersing themselves in the virtual world and already being the winner of life there. At the same time, the events of the game are perceived as in reality, with experiences and emotions. The adrenaline produced during the game is not destroyed by the body, as happens when playing sports, cycling, etc. When adrenaline heats up in the body, it leads to the destruction of the nervous system, the development of neurasthenia and psychosis.

And for those who already have mental problems, the computer is absolutely contraindicated. Having tasted the taste of murder during the game, such people easily decide to commit this act in real life, including suicide. The well-known case of suicide of 6 Russian schoolchildren – fans of “Final Fantasy”, which occurred in 2001, is far from the only one; sad statistics are constantly updated with the absurd deaths of people addicted to computers.

Computer addiction is equal in strength to alcohol or drug addiction! But if in the case of the last two various methods struggle, starting from the state level, then gamers remain on the sidelines, destroying their lives and the destinies of their relatives.

Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router harmful?

There is probably a wireless access point to the global network in every apartment. It is convenient and economical, and those who switched to Wi-Fi are unlikely to return to wired Internet.

  • The radiation frequency of the router is 2.4 GHz (slightly higher for a microwave oven).
  • The radiation power is 18 mW (for a mobile phone it is approximately 1 W.
  • If the device is turned on constantly, the impact on humans will also be constant. Some people do not turn off the access point even at night and sleep in the room where the router is located, which is completely unacceptable.
  • An excess of radio waves threatens the development of irritability, fatigue and other symptoms.

Working for quite high frequency, the router has low power. Those. reasonable use of the device, placed at a safe distance, outside of sleeping quarters, is considered acceptable and comparable to the effect of a TV, refrigerator and other EMR-emitting devices. The closer the healing generator (in our case, the router) is located to a person, the longer it works continuously, the greater the negative impact it has.

In public places Wi-Fi access The free source is located far from users, without affecting health. IN in this case The device used to access the Internet (phone, tablet) emits more radiation.

Rules for working on a personal computer

All of the problems listed above can be avoided by strictly following the rules of working on a PC yourself and not giving any concessions to children, allowing them to play “just 5 more minutes.”

Working time on a PC - how long can you sit at a computer?

For adult users, the total time spent working on a PC is 6 hours a day (you can sit at a computer for a maximum of 8 hours, due to professional needs). This does not mean that you can sit on the computer at 9 am and sit non-stop until 3 pm. Breaks must be observed, which we will discuss below.

  • Teenagers 12-16 years old can spend no more than 2 hours on a PC per day;
  • Children aged 7-10-12 years are allowed 1 hour of work on a PC;
  • A child 5-7 years old can sit at the computer for no more than half an hour.
  • For children under 5 years old, PC should be prohibited.

Scheduled breaks

To prevent overload of organs and systems, as well as mental discomfort, it is necessary to pause for active recreation. Those. Simply turning away from the monitor and looking out the window is not an option.

  • During each working hour, after 15-20 minutes, you should take your eyes away from the screen for 2-3 minutes, or at least close them, doing a mini-unload on the visual analyzer.
  • After every 45 minutes of working on a PC, you need to take a 10-15 minute break: warm up, walk around. If possible, you can lie down with your eyes closed.
  • After 3 hours of work, you need to take a break for a half-hour rest - go for a walk, breathe fresh air, have a snack.
  • It is useful to do eye exercises - rotating the eyeballs, blinking frequently, looking from near to distant objects.

Organization of the workplace - how to sit at the computer correctly

To work on a PC, you must have appropriate furniture - a computer desk and chair. Both adult and children's furniture are available, which can be adjusted according to height. In this case, the height of the chair should correspond to the height of the table.

  • The lighting should be even, there should be no contrasting light sources near the monitor.
  • The best option for placing the monitor is in the corner of the room, which will allow the walls to absorb the EMR generated by it. The distance to the monitor should be from 40-50 cm, while it should occupy a position several cm below the eyes, so that the view of the monitor is from top to bottom, and not vice versa. The refresh rate of the monitor screen must be at least 85 Hz.
  • The system unit should be located as far as possible from a person.

For working on a PC, special safety glasses are sold, which in no way affect the quality of the picture, but protect the eyes from overexertion.

Computer care

You need to remove it at least once a month back cover system unit and carefully vacuum the parts. The keyboard and monitor should be wiped with special products every day.

To prevent an idle computer from generating harmful radiation, you should unplug it from the network. This rule also applies to wireless routers or wired internet– they need to be turned off.

Indoor microclimate

During breaks in work, the room should be ventilated through the room, and during work, the window should be micro-ventilated. PC operation leads to an increase in the level of positively charged and a decrease in negatively charged ions.

Fifteen minutes of ventilation brings this indicator back to normal. During ventilation, the room also leaves other chemicals that enter the air due to the operation of the PC.

How to save a child from computer addiction or prevent it from forming

  • It is difficult to completely eliminate the computer for a schoolchild, but health should always remain a priority! The PC should be used strictly for homework and under adult supervision. If you give yourself some slack and let you play the game after completing homework on a PC, you can forget about further productive completion of lessons. Tasks that involve working on a PC should be completed last.
  • A computer should never be positioned as a bonus for something. You cannot turn a computer into a super-forbidden thing (it is always more attractive), just as you cannot turn a PC into a cult and an incentive prize for obedience. The child must understand that a computer is a gadget for adults.
  • Try to use all your child’s free time usefully: let it be sports sections, clubs, swimming pool, dancing, gymnastics, hockey and others. While devoting energy to useful pastime, you simply won’t have enough time for the computer.
  • Don't set a bad example by enthusiastically fighting space monsters in front of your children. Let the computer be associated with a work necessity, not with entertainment.
  • Spend time with your children, excluding moments when the child sits at the computer and is left to his own devices, without distracting adults from their daily activities. Games should be in a child’s life, because they develop, but let them be active street games or exciting board games that are so fun to play with the whole family.
  • Don’t start your children’s acquaintance with the computer world right away with an adult PC or laptop; if a child wants a computer, buy him a toy educational device similar in design appearance with a laptop.

A computer and human health are contradictory concepts, but with reasonable organization of work on a PC, you can minimize the harmful effects of the device on health.

In today's world, people spend too much time in front of a computer screen. Working on a computer for long periods of time can cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart disease, and accumulation of fat around the waist. Therefore, it is important to try to tear yourself away from the computer every day. Organize your screen time, make small changes to your lifestyle, and ask friends and family for help.


How to use your computer most effectively

    Keep track of how much time you spend on the computer. To get started, start recording all your screen time. Many people convince themselves that they need to be online all the time for work, school, and socializing. However, this may not be the case. If you start recording everything you do online and how much time it takes, you will be surprised at how much time is wasted.

    Schedule breaks. Staring at a screen for too long is bad for your health - you risk straining your eyes and getting headaches. For this reason, you should pause. This will allow you to reduce the amount of time you spend on the computer.

    Set aside time to study without a computer every day. If you spend too much time on the computer, you will need to work on managing your time better. Try to schedule non-computer activities every day. 2-3 hours spent without a computer will help you manage your time more wisely.

    Limit your use of the Internet. It is important to plan not only the time spent at the computer, but also the work with the Internet. Many sites are specially designed so that a person stays there as long as possible. The person begins to follow the links further and further. If you set aside a certain amount of time to use the Internet, it will be easier for you to tear yourself away from the screen.

    Block all websites that distract you. When you analyze how you use the Internet throughout the day, think about which sites take up the most time. Have you wasted time on Facebook? Spent too much time on humor sites? There are addons (add-ons) and plugins for browsers that allow you to temporarily block access to certain sites. Try installing these plugins or addons and blocking sites that waste your time for a few hours every day. If you need to be at the computer, you won't waste time.

    Use technology to your advantage. There are special addons and applications that will help you manage the time you spend on the Internet. If the Internet forces you to spend a lot of time on the computer, try buying and installing such applications.

    Complete all computer-related tasks as quickly as possible. If you need to email a colleague or complete another task online, you may decide to put it off until later. Because of this, you will waste time on the Internet or start playing games. If you prioritize correctly, it will be easier for you to spend less time on the Internet.

    Turn off your computer completely when you are not using it. Anything that makes your computer more difficult to access will help you reduce the time you spend working on it. If you are not using your computer, turn it off. If you know you'll have to wait 10 minutes for it to load again, you won't be as eager to spend 10 minutes on the Internet.

    Use your smartphone less often. If you have a smartphone, you may find yourself using your computer more often. The Internet and social networks on your phone can remind you to turn on your computer. If you use your smartphone less often, you will spend less time in front of the computer.

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