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Download a program to check the PC power supply. Diagnostics of a computer power supply. Switching on - switching off

A comprehensive test of computer units is necessary for malfunctions that occur randomly and haphazardly. This could be a sudden reboot, problems with system performance, or freezing of the computer on games and video editor programs. To find out the cause of the failures, you need to check the stability CPU operation, GPU and power supply.

The OCCT program makes it possible to identify hardware errors that appear as a result of overheating, faulty hardware or overclocking. It is especially necessary to use the computer power supply for software testing.

How to test the processor? Stress test for stability:

Version 4.2.0 of the program was released in March 2012. It is supplemented with a Russian interface, which undoubtedly adds ease of use. The program is free for personal use. Download latest version It is possible on the author’s website as an installer file or in an archive. The interface language is detected automatically at startup, and if this does not happen, you can change it manually in the program settings.

When you start the program, a window opens with test settings and a monitoring panel with processor load graphs, RAM, processor and GPU temperatures, voltages coming from the power supply and secondary for powering the CPU and memory, as well as a graph of fan speed values ​​in real time. There is also a table where these values ​​are presented in digital values. There are four tabs to select the type of testing - CPU: OCCT, CPU: LINPACK, GPU: 3D, POWER SUPPLY. At the bottom of the window, information about the system and help on elements are displayed when you hover over the desired one with the mouse cursor. Test CPU: OCCT is the best for detecting errors. With it, the iron heats up less, that is, it is safer for the system.

You can configure the test type as endless or auto, set the test time and select the test mode with a different set of data. Test CPU: LINPACK This is a test at maximum load and system heating. Not very effective for detecting errors; its use is justified for detecting overheating of elements.

When properly installed, it runs in 64-bit mode. Test GPU: 3D This is warming up the video card in order to check for errors. You can install DirectX10 or version 9, configure the desired screen resolution, full screen mode and error checking.

When you select the Check for errors checkbox, the image of the figure on the screen does not rotate. When passing the test, processor and memory load values ​​and element voltages and temperatures are displayed in a separate window.

When tested POWER SUPPLY you can also use 64-bit mode. At startup, the maximum load is placed on the power supply using both the CPU with full heating and the GPU: 3D. To identify problems with the power supply, this test is the main one. Test results are saved as dependency graphs in the folder My documents / OOST test date.
The graphs are quite clear and do not need any comments. Voltage dips of more than 10% of the nominal indicate a malfunction of the power supply or secondary converters of the motherboard and video card.

In the monitoring options settings, this is a button with a gear image, you can specify which values ​​to display in real time, as well as specify the language of the program interface.

The power supply is an integral part of any computer, and is no less important for operation than, for example, the processor or motherboard. Its main task is to generate the necessary currents for the operation of all PC components.

It often happens that the computer does not turn on and does not boot operating system, and the culprit may be a malfunctioning power supply. How to check the PC power supply for functionality, what are the main clinical manifestations some of its malfunctions - this is the main topic of our publication.

Main parameters of power supply

The PC power supply supplies several voltages necessary for the operation of all components of the computer.

The picture shows the largest 20-pin connector that connects to the motherboard. Indications are given for each contact.

Pinout and color scheme 24-pin connector and other power supply connectors

Using a multimeter to check the power supply

Many users ask how to test a computer power supply with a multimeter? It’s very simple, knowing what voltage and where it should go.

Before opening the PC case, make sure that it is not connected to a 220 V network.

If the power supply is turned on, then you can start measuring the voltage at its contacts, according to the diagram presented above. If the computer's power supply does not turn on, it means it is faulty and requires repair or complete replacement.

When checking with a multimeter between the black and red wires on the connector connected to motherboard, should be – 5 V; between black and yellow – 12 V; between black and pink contacts – 3.3 V; between black and purple - standby voltage is 5 V.

If you do not have sufficient knowledge in electronics, then it is better to entrust device repair to specialists.

Paperclip method

There is a simple method among users to check the power supply with a paper clip. Our resource will not stand aside and will tell you what this method is, especially since almost the same thing was discussed in the section on using a multimeter. This is the simplest, one might say, home method, which cannot show the quality of operation of the voltage source, but will reliably make it clear whether it turns on or not.

  1. Disconnect your PC from the network.
  2. Open the case and disconnect the connector from the motherboard.
  3. Make a U-shaped jumper from a paper clip, which you need to short-circuit the green wire of the connector and the nearby black one.
  4. Connect the power supply to a 220 V network.

If the fan starts working, then the power supply is theoretically in working order, if not, it’s definitely in repair.

Main symptoms and malfunctions

A faulty power supply, most often simply does not work at all. But sometimes, the user encounters problems that, by all indications, are manifestations of problems in the RAM or motherboard. In fact, the microcircuits receive power from the power supply, so failures in their operation may indicate a malfunction of the power supply. How to check the power supply in this case, and whether there is any point in repairing it, only a specialist can tell. Next, problems will be described in which the cause may be BP.

  • Freezes when turning on the PC.
  • Memory errors.
  • Stop HDD.
  • Stopping the fans.

There are also characteristic faults that the PC itself “speaks” about:

  • Not a single device works. The malfunction can be either fatal, requiring the purchase of a new device, or simple, requiring replacement of the fuse.
  • There was a smell of smoke. The transformer, chokes burned out, and the capacitors swelled.
  • The computer power supply is beeping. The fan may need to be cleaned and lubricated. A squeak when turned on is also caused by a crack in the transformer core and swelling capacitors.

In all cases, it is best to contact, where specialists will make a more accurate diagnosis and tell you whether there is any point in further repairing the device.

Hi all! Today we will talk to you about a very real situation when suddenly your computer flatly refuses to turn on. That is, when you press a button on the case system unit, nothing happens at all.

In such situations, the first thing you need to do is check the connection network wire, as well as the position of the power switch on the back wall of the computer. If this does not help, then you need to know how to check computer power supply for performance. And I must say that there is nothing complicated here.

And, of course, no one except me in our team can cope with such a disaster. Therefore, I rolled up my sleeves and prepared to inhale dust, almost a ten-year-old iron worker.

Naturally, the first thing to do was check the connection of the power cord to the power supply connector, and also re-fix the position of the toggle switch:

But alas, all these events did not lead to anything good. As they say, the patient remained dead anyway. Well, the next step is to check the power supply itself.

And here it must be said that we will do this using a simple folk method, without any multimeters or similar devices. Well, it’s not my fault that the electrician wasn’t at the workplace yet. It’s understandable, it was the weekend.

So, the first thing you need to do is disconnect the long rectangular block with contacts from the motherboard. This is what it should look like for you:

At this step, turn off the power from the hard drive just in case. But let the drive be under voltage, since it is believed that computer units cannot be started without load. The cheapest of them can burn out:

Now let's move on to the main point. We take the most ordinary paper clip, unbend it and close the contacts green and black wires on the large plug:

Of course, you need to understand that it is best to do such manipulations with a completely de-energized computer, so as not to short-circuit something due to inexperience and burn the motherboard or hard drive to hell.

So, after applying voltage, our unit should make a fan noise, which in most cases indicates its full combat readiness. If this did not happen, then he really died.

Like this in a simple way, you can easily check the computer's power supply for functionality. And by the way, as a last resort, this method suitable even without the participation of the computer itself and the motherboard:

What more can be said on this issue? If, after closing with a paper clip, the fan spins, but the computer still does not start, it makes sense to check the supply voltage on all channels with a multimeter:

Therefore, keep this nuance in mind and remember that if the computer does not start at all, but the unit is working, then it is possible that the problem is broken condensers. Look at them again:

And they are always located near the processor socket itself and are responsible for supplying power to it. Well, now you know exactly how you can check your computer’s power supply for functionality.

That's all for now and see you again. And finally, as always, very interesting video. Let's watch together.

When choosing a computer, most users usually pay attention to such parameters as the number of cores and processor speed, how many gigabytes of RAM are built into it, how spacious hard drive and whether the video card can handle the recently released new Sims 4.

And they completely forget about the power supply unit (PSU), and this is very in vain. After all, he is the “iron heart of the computer,” supplying through wires the electricity necessary to power all parts of the computer, at the same time transforming AC to permanent. A breakdown of the B.P. means the cessation of operation of the entire machine. That is why, when choosing a computer with the desired configuration, it is also worth taking into account the quality and power of the power supply.

If suddenly one fine day the computer, when you try to turn it on, stops showing signs of life, this is a signal that it is extremely necessary to check the functionality of the power supply. Almost every user can easily do this on their own at home in several ways.

It is never possible to say unequivocally that it is the power supply that has broken down. There is only a list of characteristic signs by which one can suspect that computer malfunctions are related specifically to power supply:

The causes of such problems may be:

  • Unfavorable environmental conditions - accumulation of dust, high humidity and air temperature.
  • Absence or systematic interruption of voltage in the network.
  • Poor quality of connections or power supply elements.
  • An increase in temperature inside the system unit due to a failure of the ventilation system.

As a rule, the power supply unit is a fairly strong part, and it does not break very often. If you notice at least one of the symptoms described above in your computer, the power supply will need to be checked first.

Functionality testing methods

To be sure that the computer power supply is faulty and to determine exactly how the problem can be fixed, it is best to check this part comprehensively, using several methods in succession.

Stage one - checking voltage transmission

To measure the voltage transfer in a computer's power supply, the so-called paperclip method is used. The verification procedure is as follows:

The fact that the power supply is turned on does not mean that it is in full working order. The next stage of testing allows us to determine whether the part has other problems that are not yet visible to the eye.

Stage two - checking with a multimeter

Using this device you can find out whether it is converted alternating voltage network in a constant state and whether it is transmitted to the device components. This is done as follows:

Also, with such a diagnostic device you can measure the capacitor and resistor BP. To check the capacitor, the multimeter is set to the “ringing” mode with a measured resistance value of 2 kOhm. When the device is correctly connected to the capacitor it will start charging. Indicator values ​​above 2 M indicate the serviceability of the device. The resistor is checked in resistance measurement mode. A discrepancy between the resistance declared by the manufacturer and the actual resistance indicates a malfunction.

Stage three - visual inspection of the part

If special measuring instrument If you don’t have it at hand, you can carry out additional diagnostics of the power supply without using the system unit parts and the network. How to check the power supply without a computer:

  1. Unscrew the power supply from the system unit case.
  2. Disassemble the part by unscrewing several mounting bolts.
  3. If you find swollen capacitors, this clearly indicates that the power supply element is broken and needs to be replaced. You can also simply “revive” the old part by resoldering the capacitors with exactly the same ones.

Along the way, you should remove all contaminants from the disassembled power supply, lubricate the cooler, reassemble it and conduct another performance test.

Test software for power element

Sometimes to check the serviceability of the power supply, it is not at all necessary to remove it from the system unit. To do this, you need to download a program that will itself test the battery for problems. It is important to understand that such software is just an additional diagnostic measure that will allow you to accurately determine the location of the fault (for example, malfunctions can be caused by a processor or driver) and effectively eliminate it.

To check the power element, the OSST program is used. How exactly to work with it:

At the end of testing, the program produces a detailed report on the failures and errors that were detected, and thus allows you to determine further actions user.

Nowadays, many devices are powered by external power supplies - adapters. When the device has stopped showing signs of life, you first need to determine which part is defective, in the device itself, or the power supply is faulty.
First of all, an external examination. You should be interested in traces of a fall, a broken cord...

After an external inspection of the device being repaired, the first thing to do is check the power supply and what it outputs. It doesn't matter whether it's a built-in power supply or an adapter. It is not enough to simply measure the supply voltage at the power supply output. Needs a small load A. Without load it may show 5 volts, under light load it will be 2 volts.

An incandescent lamp at a suitable voltage does a good job of acting as a load.. The voltage is usually written on the adapters. For example, let's take the power adapter from the router. 5.2 volts 1 amp. We connect a 6.3 volt 0.3 ampere light bulb and measure the voltage. A light bulb is enough for a quick check. Lights up - the power supply is working. It is rare for the voltage to be very different from the norm.

A lamp with a higher current may prevent the power supply from starting, so a low-current load is sufficient. I have a set of different lamps hanging on the wall for testing.

1 and 2 for testing computer power supplies, with more power and less power, respectively.
3 . Small lamps 3.5 volts, 6.3 volts for checking power adapters.
4 . A 12-volt automotive lamp for testing relatively powerful 12-volt power supplies.
5 . 220 volt lamp for testing television power supplies.
6 . There are two garlands of lamps missing from the photo. Two of 6.3 volts, for testing 12 volt power supplies, and 3 of 6.3 for testing laptop power adapters with a voltage of 19 volts.

If you have a device, it is better to check the voltage under load.

If the light does not light, it is better to first check the device with a known good power supply, if one is available. Because power adapters are usually made non-separable, and to repair it you will have to pick it apart. You can't call it dismantling.
An additional sign of a malfunctioning power supply can be a whistle from the power supply unit or the powered device itself, which usually indicates dry electrolytic capacitors. Tightly closed enclosures contribute to this.

The power supplies inside the devices are checked using the same method. In old TVs, a 220 volt lamp is soldered instead of a line scan, and by the glow you can judge its performance. Partly, the load lamp is connected due to the fact that some power supplies (built-in) can produce significantly higher voltage without load than required.

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