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Sbts utility engineering networks. State estimate standard "directory of base prices for design work in construction" utility networks and structures. The procedure for determining the base price of design work

1 Basic provisions
2 The procedure for determining the base price of design work
3 Basic prices for the development of design and working documentation
Table No. 1. City linear engineering communication networks
Table No. 2. External lighting of streets, highways, driveways, squares, parks, squares, boulevards, residential courtyard areas, cemeteries, areas of schools, kindergartens, nurseries, clinics and hospitals
Table No. 3. Certain types of outdoor lighting work
Table No. 4. City water supply
Table No. 5. External sewerage networks
Table No. 6. Structural components on city sewerage pipelines
Table No. 7. Separate units of rainwater drainage pipelines designed outside the complex
Table No. 8. Urban reservoirs
Table No. 9. Heating networks
Table No. 10. Pumping stations for pumping drainage water
Table No. 11. Booster pumping stations
Table No. 12. Control and maintenance units for electrified valves
Table No. 13. Battery installations
Table No. 14. Central heating point
Table No. 15. Boiler rooms
Table No. 16. Diesel power plants
Table No. 17. Quarterly, inter-quarter, street cable electrical networks
Table No. 18. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 20 kV
Table No. 19. Overhead power lines with a voltage of 35 kV
Table No. 20. Overhead power lines with voltage 110 - 750 kV
Table No. 21. Transitions of overhead power lines 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 22. Special work on the design of power transmission lines 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 23. Electrical calculations for power lines with voltage 220 - 750 kV
Table No. 24. Special electrical calculations for power lines 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 25. AC electrical substations 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 26. Additional technical characteristics of buildings and structures of substations, prices for the design of which are given in Table No. 25
Table No. 27. Buildings and structures of AC electrical substations
Table No. 28. Technical reconstruction of secondary connections of existing switchgears (RU)
Table No. 29. Secondary connections of emergency and system automation devices (PA), automated systems (AS), signal reception and transmission (PI)
Table No. 30. Relay protection and linear automation of electrical networks 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 31. Calculations of short circuit currents in networks with voltages of 35 - 750 kV
Table No. 32. Emergency automation
Table No. 33. Calculations of electrical modes and stability in networks with voltages up to 750 kV inclusive
Table No. 34. Dispatch control and telemechanization of energy facilities of power systems
Table No. 35. High-frequency channels along power lines
Table No. 36. Certain types of work for overhead lines with voltage up to 20 kV
Table No. 37. Transformer substations with voltage 6-20/0.4-10 kV, distribution and sectioning points with voltage 6-20 kV
Table No. 38. Relay protection of electrical networks with voltage up to 20 kV
Table No. 39. Linear automation of electrical networks with voltage up to 20 kV
Table No. 40. Calculation of short-circuit currents in electrical networks with voltages of 3 - 20 kV
Table No. 41. Electrical networks with voltage up to 20 kV
Table No. 42. Underground communication tunnels
Table No. 43. Units, cameras and control rooms for servicing underground communication tunnels
Table No. 44. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for the construction of engineering structures and communications (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 45. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing working documentation for the construction of engineering structures and communications (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 46. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for the construction of linear facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 47. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing working documentation for the construction of linear facilities (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 48. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of design documentation for the construction of a complex of boiler houses and a central heating point (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 49. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing working documentation for the construction of a complex of boiler houses and a central heating point (as a percentage of the base price)
Table No. 50. List of abbreviations used in the Directory

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1. Question: How to determine the costs of designing individual heating points (including built-in ones) with a productivity of 0.8 - 1.5 Gcal/hour? 6

2. Question: Does the base price for designing a kindergarten take into account the cost of designing a laundry and catering unit? 7

5. Question: How to determine the cost of designing a ski slope, lifts and snowmaking facilities? 8


1. Question: Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC “Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for major repairs of buildings and structures of housing and civil appointment”, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by order No. 96 of March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?. 8

2. Question: What does the work on preparing technical documentation for major repairs of facades of buildings and structures include? 8

3. Question: How to determine the cost of work on preparing technical documentation for major repairs of balconies? 8

4. Question: How to determine the cost of interior design for major renovations of buildings and structures? 9

6. Question: How to determine the cost of major repairs of boiler rooms? 9


1. Question: Are reduction factors (0.4 and 0.6) applied in price calculations in SBCP 81-2001-01 “Territorial planning and territory planning” ed. 2010?. 10

2. Question: What kind of work do territory planning and land surveying projects include? 10


1. Question: How to determine the cost of designing security systems - television security and surveillance system (TSON)? 11


1. Question: Which of the Handbooks should be used as a guide when determining the cost of designing a sewer collector with a diameter of 1400 mm and a length of more than 5 km within the city? 11

2. Question: How to determine the cost of designing water deferrization structures? 12

3. Question: How to determine the cost of designing wastewater pumping stations with a capacity of 0.0065 thousand m 3 /hour? 12

4. Question: How to determine the cost of designing short-length drainage? 13


1. Question: How to determine the cost of measures to protect existing utilities? 13


1. Question: To which design objects do tables No. 48 and 49 of the GSN “Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction “Utility engineering networks and structures” (SBCP 81-2001-07) refer?” containing indicators of the recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of the design and working documentation? 14

2. Question: Which energy supply facilities are included in the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction “Utility engineering networks and structures” ed. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-07), are they classified as linear?. 14

3. Question: How to determine the costs of designing relay protection using integrated circuits? 15

4. Question: How to determine the cost of designing lightning protection cables for organizing high-quality communications as well as a fiber-optic communication line (FOCL)? 15

5. Question: How to determine the cost of designing architectural lighting for the facade of a building? 15

6. Question: How to determine the costs associated with the participation of a design organization on behalf of the customer in selecting a site (route) for construction? 15

7. Question: How to determine the cost of designing an overhead line (OL) with sections of 3 categories of complexity according to SBCP 81-2001-07 “Utility engineering networks and structures”? 16

8. Question: How to determine the cost of designing electrical networks and electrical calculations? 16

9. Question: Do the power transmission lines include branches to consumers (from the main line to the consumer) according to SBCP 81-2001-07? 16

10. Question: How to determine the cost of designing overhead power lines with a voltage of 0.4 kV and a length of up to 1 km or less? 16

11. Question: About the conditions for designing power electrical cables up to 35 kV and the composition of the prepared design documentation. 17

12. Question: How to determine the cost of designing water supply networks of the same diameter and purpose, but running along different routes? 17


1. Question: In what cases is the coefficient for seismicity applied according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction “Buried structures and structures, water reduction, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations” ed. 2004? 17


1. Question: How is the base price of design work calculated in the case when the indicator of the design object is greater than twice the maximum indicator? 18

2. Question: How to determine the costs of equipping a facility with additional equipment to ensure its uninterrupted power supply? 18

3. Question: How to determine the cost of drawing up operating instructions for a capital construction project? 18

5. Question: Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC “Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for major repairs of buildings and structures of housing and civil appointment”, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by order No. 96 of March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?. 19

7. Question: When determining design costs from construction costs, an analogue object is used. The cost of an analogue object is determined taking into account the regional coefficient. When determining the cost of design, is it legal for a design organization to apply the regional coefficient on employee salaries if the cost from which the cost of design is taken already takes it into account? 20

8. Question: How to determine the amount of costs for designer supervision of construction? 20

9. Question: How to determine the cost of environmental impact assessment (EIA)? 21

10. Question: How to determine the cost of pre-design development? 21

11. Question: How to determine the cost of performing design work for the demolition or dismantling of objects and structures? 21

12. Question: What is included in section 12 “Other documentation” of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87? 22

13. Question: What is the basis for drawing up a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction? 22

14. Question: What reduction factors should be entered into the calculation formula when the volume of costs of construction and installation work in the total cost of construction is less than 60% (for example, 18% and 28%)? 23

Appendix 2. Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation 11/12/2013 21331-SD/10 on indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation work, on indices of changes in the estimated cost of design and survey work, indices of changes in the estimated cost of other work and expenses, as well as indices for IV quarter of 2013 changes in the estimated cost of technological equipment. 26

1.1. The state estimate standard "Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Utility engineering networks and structures" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of buildings, engineering structures and communications (water supply and sewerage networks, heat and power supply structures, linear engineering communication networks, external electric lighting).

1.2. When using this Directory, you should be guided by the Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2009 N 620 "On approval of the Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2010, registration N 16686, Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, N 16) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

1.4. Basic prices in the Directory are established for the development of design and working documentation depending on the natural indicators of design objects: length, power, productivity and others, or for the object as a whole.

1.5. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation can be determined in accordance with paragraph 1.4 of the Methodological Instructions, while Chapters 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 and 2.8 of this Handbook provide updated regulations for the specified ratio, taking into account the specifics of the design of utility networks and structures.

1.7.7. Design of special methods of construction work (water reduction for the construction period, chemical consolidation and freezing of soils, hydromechanization, sheet piling of pits and trenches, etc.);

The cost of developing the “Industrial Safety” section, if it is developed by decision of the state customer, is determined in the amount of up to 6% of the cost of developing design documentation for those structures in respect of which this section is being developed;

1.9. The base prices of this Handbook provide for design based on geodetic plans on a scale of 1:500. When designing according to geodetic plans at a scale of 1:200, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.15 is applied to prices.

1.10. When designing facilities in cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 can be applied to prices; with a population of more than 1 million people - coefficient up to 1.2; for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - a coefficient of up to 1.3, and when designing utility networks and structures in areas of historical value (the historical part of the city), the price for design can be determined with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.4.

1.12. When metro lines and structures intersect, a coefficient of up to 1.2 can be applied to the design prices for utility networks and structures located in their area, taking into account complicating design factors.

If it is necessary to develop engineering support schemes (indicated in the design assignment), their cost can be determined at the prices of this Directory using a reduction factor of up to 0.2 to the cost of developing design documentation for the facility, which includes all structures on the construction site, including length newly designed communications serving the construction area.

1.14. In the case of carrying out work to assess the environmental impact of a capital construction project (EIA) as part of the design documentation on behalf of the customer, their cost is determined in the amount of 4% of the total design cost.

1.15. The recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation for the construction of engineering structures and communications (as a percentage of the base price) is given in tables No. 44 and No. 45 of this Handbook.

1.17. The recommended approximate relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation for the construction of a complex of boiler houses and a central heating point (as a percentage of the base price) is given in Table No. 48 and No. 49 of this Handbook.

1.18. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for temporary structures (water supply, sewerage, etc.) necessary for the normal operation of existing facilities during the construction of the structure being designed is determined according to the prices of this Directory with a coefficient of up to 0.5.

1.19. The base price for the development of design and working documentation only for the dismantling of objects and structures (without further design of new objects and structures), if carried out under a separate design task, is determined at the prices of this Handbook for the design of sections, the development of which is necessary during dismantling, using coefficients: up to 0.35 - for the linear part and up to 0.2 - for on-site structures, taking into account the ratio of the labor intensity of design work for an object under conditions of new construction and the development of documentation for the dismantling of a similar object.

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