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What phone can you not use on a plane? Airlines ban Samsung phones. The practical side of the issue

Mobile technology has entered our lives so tightly that many cannot release their favorite portable device out of your hands even for a few minutes, not to mention the couple of hours that a short flight takes. And if previously the staff on board an airliner insistently asked to turn off the phone as soon as they saw it in the hands of a passenger, now most airlines allow customers to use smartphones and tablets during the flight, provided they work in “airplane mode”. So is it possible to leave your cell phone on on a plane? In this article we will answer this and other questions and take a detailed look at the reasons for the ban, current current rules, in short, everything you need to know about using a phone during a flight.

Reason for complete ban

Until 2013, all airlines and ground control services were confident that a switched-on mobile phone created serious radio interference, interfered with the operation of the airliner’s navigation equipment and could cause an emergency emergency. The whole point is that when cellular device located at a high altitude, it is trying to connect to several communication towers at once, which could potentially lead to malfunctions in the operation of some aircraft systems. But then, it was possible to prove that such a probability is minimal, and with the advent of a generation of smartphones with the ability to “airplane mode”, the complete ban on mobile gadgets was lifted.

Modern airline policies

After the absolute safety of mobile phones and other portable devices when using "airplane mode" was proven, the world's airlines disagreed, and now their rules differ markedly from each other:

  • American air carriers. No matter which South or North American airline you fly with, you will be allowed to take your phone into the cabin, but will be asked to use “airplane mode” for the entire flight. Once you reach the required height, you will be able to use the wireless Internet connection function;
  • European air carriers. Europeans are more loyal and allow the use of smartphones, tablets, laptops and cameras in absolutely any mode from the moment you enter the airliner;

  • Russian air carriers. Perhaps the most categorical measures apply here, since many Russian airlines require complete shutdown everyone mobile devices during takeoff and landing and the strictest use of “airplane mode” after climbing to an altitude of 3 thousand meters. However, each domestic air carrier has its own rules in this regard, and it is better not to find out what will happen if you do not listen to the recommendations of the flight attendant. Although, strictly speaking, this is not justified in any way by international passenger air safety rules, for refusing to turn off your phone you may well be escorted off the plane and fined a significant amount for flight delays.

Important! Before choosing a particular airline as your carrier and paying for its services, you need to familiarize yourself with its rules on the use of mobile phones during air travel, in order to avoid conflicts and stressful situations on board the aircraft.

Why is there a ban?

In addition to the objective reason for the possible creation of radio interference by a switched-on mobile device, there are several other factors that explain the airlines’ position regarding the use of phone functionality during a flight:

  • Minimizing risks. Any emergency situation that affects the flight threatens unnecessary, sometimes multimillion-dollar, expenses for the airline. Plus, every plane crash, or even hard landing, takes a heavy toll on her reputation, so if there is even a slight chance that a mobile phone could interfere with her navigation systems airliner, it is easier for carriers to completely ban phones during the flight;
  • Distracted attention. Takeoff and landing are the most critical stages of a flight; it is during them that most plane crashes occur, so the crew needs passengers to be attentive and prepared for quick action, if something goes wrong. During an emergency, you may have only five minutes to react, you must clearly understand the location of emergency exits, a life jacket, and so on. And finally, if the board gets into a turbulence zone, you may accidentally let go of the gadget and cause significant injuries to yourself or the passengers sitting next to you;

Important! If you take portable devices onto the plane and use them, try to reduce the screen brightness to minimum. This way you will better navigate in a dark interior during a possible emergency.

  • The desire to avoid conflict situations. Passengers on board come with very different characters and temperaments, and someone will be incredibly irritated by a person chatting in his ear for 3-4 hours. This can lead to a showdown, which in a critical case has the potential to result in an unscheduled landing of the aircraft. In addition, some airline customers experience panic fear before flying, and a neighbor talking loudly can drive them into full-fledged hysterics, which again will lead to an emergency landing, which means additional fuel, time and money.

Calls and Wi-Fi during the flight

Many passengers are concerned about a very pressing issue. Will you be able to talk on the phone at high altitude? Many airlines have entered into agreements with leading mobile operators and provide clients with services for making calls and accessing the Internet. But wherever you travel, you will be connected to roaming, and the result will be a bill for an impressive amount.

Also, some air carriers have Wi-Fi on their boards, but this service is also usually paid, and the prices are impressive. True, for business and first class passengers, airlines (Lufthansa, Aeroflot, Iberia and others) allow a limited free connection to the Internet (usually no more than 30 minutes).

Why do you need airplane mode?

Still, is it necessary to turn off your phone on an airplane to avoid unnecessary problems? Not really. This is where airplane mode comes to the rescue. Modern mobile phones are equipped not only with the ability to voice calls, text messages and Bluetooth, but with their help you can access the Internet, pay for purchases with one touch, and so on. All this can interfere with the correct operation of the aircraft's electrical devices, so even if the airline does not require it, it is still better to use “airplane mode” during takeoff and landing.

Important!“Airplane mode” saves a lot of battery, so if you have a multi-hour flight, it’s worth using it, because in this case you don’t have to take the charger in your hand luggage.

Is it possible to charge a phone on a plane?

When going on a trip, many of us first make sure that our cell phones and other portable devices are fully charged and never forget to take the power cords with us. But no one is immune from accidents, and sometimes you have to rush to the airport with an almost empty device.

All major airports now have power outlets or USB ports for just such situations. What's it like on board the plane? It all depends on the model of the airliner, the duration of your flight and the class of ticket you paid for. For example, a flight operated by Aeroflot from Moscow to Shanghai takes just over 10 hours, and each seat (including economy class) is equipped with personal center entertainment with a USB port where you can charge your portable device. In business class there should be no problems with charging at all, even if the flight is short. All seats of this tariff are usually equipped with sockets or connectors.

Important! Bring only the power cable on board to charge your device if you don't have enough space in your bag. This will be enough.

A phone that will not allow you to board

Since last year, Aeroflot, Lufthansa, KLM, Singapore Airlines, AirAsia and Air France and some others have banned owners from flying Galaxy phones Note 7 from South Korean developer Samsung. This ban was introduced after repeated cases of spontaneous combustion of cell phones of this model while charging. Of course, the likelihood of switched off devices catching fire during a flight is extremely low, but, as expected, air carriers want to insure themselves against all possible risks.

For example, in the USA a case was recorded when during an explosion Samsung Galaxy Note 7 car burned to the ground.

The situation became so serious that Samsung was forced to stop production of this model and even recall unsold devices from stores. This does not mean that you will not be allowed to take it on board in principle, but they will definitely not be allowed into the cabin with it, but will be forced to pack it in a suitcase checked in the luggage compartment.

Several years ago, a case was recorded when the predecessor of the banned model spontaneously ignited during a flight on one of the East Asian airlines. The passenger cabin of the airliner was filled with smoke and everyone on board experienced the most unpleasant moments of their lives, but the plane was successfully landed and no one was injured.

So is it possible to use a phone on a plane? If this is not prohibited by the airline's rules, then, of course, yes. Scientists specializing in aviation risks have, after numerous experiments, proven that the use of mobile aircraft does not pose any significant danger, but ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether to take gadgets on board or not and to what extent to use them. If you follow the recommendations of the staff on board and do not disturb other passengers, you guarantee yourself a comfortable and conflict-free flight.


Last August, passengers traveling on various airlines first heard an unusual announcement at the airport. It applied to all passengers and consisted of a ban on taking Samsung smartphones on board the plane. This was due to events that occurred repeatedly after the release of a new smartphone model. Users who purchased new model, reported that their new smartphones exploded while charging.

Due to this Samsung company first announced a delay in production, but soon, when more and more statements about the explosion began to appear, it announced the cessation of production of this model and the recall of gadgets. Many began to wonder: what kind of phone explodes on an airplane? Of course, it is far from certain that a smartphone (more precisely, its battery) will explode during the flight. However, the model Samsung Galaxy Note 7 this probability is many times higher due to an error made by the developers of this gadget.

Just 30 days after the appearance of this gadget on sale, more than 33 cases of phone explosions were recorded. Each of these incidents led to different consequences. In some cases, only the gadget itself was damaged. And, for example, an explosion in the USA ended with the owner of the gadget burning down not only his smartphone, but also his car.

According to statements from air carriers, who on their own initiative introduced such a rule, the ban was not agreed upon with the aviation authorities. However, the air carrier must first of all take care of the safety of passengers and crew during the flight, and therefore this measure was simply necessary to eliminate the possibility of a gadget explosion and, as a possible consequence, a plane crash.

Carriers have banned flying with such gadgets:

  • Aeroflot;
  • Lufthansa;
  • AirAsia;
  • Air France;
  • Singapore Airlines and others.

The smartphone recall affected 10 states. By the time production ceased, the manufacturer had already delivered 2.5 million smartphones of the new model. Only after this the gadgets were recalled. All users who ordered a prepaid phone were given the right to get their money back. Today there is an official ban on transporting the new model of Samsung smartphones. The ban has been confirmed by the FAA and IATA. Therefore, almost every air carrier today notifies passengers before the flight that they cannot carry this gadget.

The ban does not mean that you will have to leave your smartphone at the airport. He will be able to fly with you on the same plane in his luggage. However, this gadget cannot be turned on on board, and it is also prohibited to try to charge the smartphone during the flight.

Even if you have a smartphone of the same model with you, but more later version If the battery does not have a defect, the airline will still not allow you to bring such a device on board. Carriers will not be able to determine whether a given gadget is safe. Therefore, in any case, the ban will remain in effect for quite a long time for the safety of passengers and crew.

Burnt smartphone

When a lithium-ion battery explodes, it burns at a very high temperature - more than 1300 degrees. This is especially dangerous on board an aircraft because the aluminum can melt. Knowing which phone is not allowed on the plane, it is also worth knowing that for the same reason, for safety reasons during the flight, some carriers do not allow passengers to carry high-capacity lithium-ion batteries in luggage (for example, batteries for hoverboards, unicycles, etc. .). Chinese airlines prohibit carrying any batteries on board. This ban was established for the same reason: the risk of a battery explosion, which could lead to a plane crash.

Samsung Galaxy Explosion

Last year, there was a case where a smartphone exploded during a flight on an airplane. It was a Galaxy Note 2 model. Previously, such cases have not been recorded with this phone model. The incident occurred during a flight from Singapore to Chennai on board an airliner owned by the airline IndiGo. At some point, passengers heard a sound resembling a clap. After this, smoke began to leak from one of the carry-on luggage compartments. It is unknown what measures were taken by the crew. However, they did everything in such a way that the plane landed safely and none of the passengers were injured.

Experienced travelers who have flown several times know that there may be certain restrictions on the use of mobile phones on an airplane. However, numerous studies on this matter give the most uncertain results. Let's find out if you can use a phone on an airplane?

Etiology of the ban

Why do passengers wonder whether it is possible to use a mobile phone on an airplane? What is the reason for such an unusual ban?

An airplane is an extremely complex system. A whole mass of communication and navigation devices are concentrated on board, operating at different frequencies. When the first mobile phones were introduced into widespread use, it became necessary to study their impact on aircraft equipment. Since the issue presented was initially poorly studied, airlines decided to play it safe by prohibiting the inclusion of such devices on board.

Cell phones are present in the market modern technologies for several decades now. Since their inception, the equipment installed on board aircraft has undergone significant changes. And while previously the radio waves played by the first mobile phones could potentially cause malfunctions in navigation systems, today this is almost impossible.

Despite the above, leading airlines still conduct research regarding the question of whether it is possible to use a telephone and other electronic devices on an airplane. Such tests are aimed at identifying interference that various technologies can produce.

Why do some airlines still continue to impose bans on the use of mobile phones on board? There are several reasons for this, which we will consider later in the material.

Forced reinsurance

Almost every week, new types of mobile devices appear on the market, equipped with additional, previously unknown functionality. All this leads to changes in protocols and operating standards for such devices. Therefore, their impact on aircraft equipment requires additional, thorough research. In the face of regular changes, airlines are resorting to reinsurance in case of interference in the functioning of aircraft equipment under the influence of new microwaves emitted by portable devices used by passengers.

Distraction factor

Guidelines for the use of mobile phones during flight are set by airlines to ensure that users remain alert while on board. This may be required in case of unforeseen circumstances during landing or takeoff. It is extremely difficult to get passengers to understand information about behavior on board when the majority of them are captivated by the images that unfold on the screen of personal devices.

Comfort requirements

Airlines try to provide passengers with complete comfort during the flight. While some people can handle being several thousand kilometers above the ground quite calmly, others behave nervously. Therefore, in order not to panic, they need a calm environment.

It is extremely difficult to provide this when people everywhere are talking on their cell phones. Therefore, in order not to create a nervous environment for certain categories of passengers, owners electronic devices It’s worth considering once again whether you can use your phone on an airplane.

Getting additional income

Some passengers believe that airlines force people to wonder whether they can use a phone on a plane because they want to extra income. And in fact, placing restrictions on Internet access from mobile devices and on conversations forces people to turn to paid communication services provided by flight attendants. Therefore, this option has the right to life.

Passenger safety

Establishing rules regarding whether a telephone can be used on board an airplane is partly driven by the need to ensure safe travel for each individual passenger. Some airlines not only insist on not having conversations on board, but even force people to hide their portable devices after takeoff. The reason lies in the risk of injury to oneself and others during active body movements while playing games, the device falling out of one’s hands, and nervous behavior during conversations.

The practical side of the issue

So is it possible to use a phone on a plane? Mobile devices are officially permitted for use on board aircraft. Airlines around the world lifted similar bans back in 2014. However, in reality, employees of individual companies that provide flights have the right to independently formulate rules that impose certain restrictions on the actions of passengers on board.

Considering the official permission for the use of mobile devices on airplanes, the majority of airlines decided to find their middle ground regarding this issue. Therefore, when boarding a flight, you can often hear explanations from flight attendants regarding whether it is possible to use cell phone on an airplane and what restrictions are placed on such behavior.

What do pilots think on this issue?

Is it possible to use a telephone on an airplane, according to pilots? According to on-board workers who are at the helm of aviation transport, it is not worth using portable devices during takeoff. In particular, it is not recommended to use built-in cameras with flash while the aircraft is accelerating down the runway. Flashes from windows can raise suspicions about existing breakdowns or become a distraction for pilots who will be forced to perform an emergency brake.

In conclusion

So we found out whether it is possible to use mobile phone on the plane. As you can see, each airline has its own opinion on this matter, forming appropriate rules of conduct for passengers. Be that as it may, if flight attendants ask you to turn off or hide your portable device, in order to avoid trouble, it is better to silently follow the advice.

At least two major airlines banned Samsung smartphones from flying over the weekend: passengers of Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines, AirAsia, Air France and KLM will not be allowed on board with Korean technology.

Most likely, in the near future the ban will be introduced in other airlines that are members of the Skyteam and Oneworld alliances, and in independent carriers.

UPD: As of September 13, bans have been introduced on top level recommendations of the FAA and IATA, so they are now in effect in most airlines around the world.

The ban applies to carrying smartphones in luggage, as well as turning them on on board if they are with the passenger. You cannot try to charge them.

We're talking about the latest Samsung smartphone Galaxy Note 7, which, due to an error by the developers, turned into a “time bomb”: in the month that passed after the start of sales of the new product, more than 35 cases of spontaneous explosion or fire of the device were recorded. Recently in the USA, a car was completely burned down because of a Note 7.

A lithium-ion battery burns at temperatures over 1300 degrees; This is especially dangerous on an airplane because it will melt the aluminum.
Let us remind you that precisely because of the danger of spontaneous combustion of lithium-ion batteries, most airlines around the world do not accept devices with high-capacity batteries (for example, hoverboards, segways, unicycles) for carriage in luggage. In some countries, such as China, you cannot carry any batteries on an airplane at all.

Currently, production of the Galaxy Note 7 has stopped, and on September 2, Samsung officially announced the recall of all smartphones sold. Anyone who pre-ordered the device with prepayment (about 900 people in Russia) can get a full refund.

However, airlines can't tell whether your Note 7 is from the first explosive batches or a later one in which the problem is fixed, so the ban won't be lifted any time soon. So before you fly anywhere, make sure you buy a legal smartphone.

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