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Working with electronic signature (ep) - error codes for VTB bank client. Restoring UTM egais after "windows defender treatment" SED transport kernel initialization error

In applications Microsoft Office 2007-2016 the “PROMT Translator” tab with translation functions is not displayed. Office applications with built-in PROMT translator functionality may freeze or terminate incorrectly when launched. Try to resolve this issue using the solutions below. If any of the solutions resolve the issue, you do not need to apply the following solutions.

Plugin Manager
Embedding translation functions is done using the following program:

  • "Plugin Manager" ( Start -> Programs -> PROMT -> “Your PROMT product” -> Launch applications -> Plugin Manager).
Reason 1
Translation features are not built into Microsoft Office.

Solution 1
Connect translation features to Microsoft Office:

  1. Launch the Plugin Manager program and check the box next to Microsoft Office.

Reason 2
Translation functions are connected to Microsoft Office in the Plug-in Manager, but the PROMT add-in does not appear on the ribbon in Microsoft Office.

Solution 2

  1. Close all Microsoft Office application windows;
  2. Download the utility and run it. A report file IssuesFixerLog_”date”_”time”.log will be created, allowing you to analyze the results of the utility.

  3. Note: SmartoolXSupport is a universal utility for solving PROMT embedding problems, automatically diagnosing and solving problems that arise.
  4. Launch a Microsoft Office application such as Word.
  5. On tape Microsoft applications Office tab “PROMT Translator” will appear with translation functions.
If after following these instructions the PROMT add-in does not appear on the ribbon in Microsoft products Office, please follow the solutions provided below.

Reason 3
Translation features are built into Microsoft Office, but the PROMT add-in is disabled in Microsoft Office.

Solution 3
Enable the PROMT add-in in Microsoft Office (for example Microsoft Word):

  1. In Microsoft Word, select File -> Options.
  2. Select Add-ons not located in the Disabled Application Add-ons group.
  3. If the PROMT add-in is in the disabled add-ons group, select Disabled objects in the “Manage” drop-down list and click the button Go.
  4. In the Disabled Items window, select PROMT for Microsoft Office and click Turn on and then click the button Close.
  5. Restart Microsoft Word.
  6. The “PROMT Translator” tab with translation functions will appear on the Microsoft Office application ribbon.

Reason 4
Translation functionality is built into Microsoft Office, but the PROMT add-in is not active in Microsoft Office or does not have enough permissions to run.

Solution 4
Make the PROMT add-in active in Microsoft Office (on Microsoft example Word) and add permissions for it to run:

  1. In Microsoft Word, select File -> Options.
  2. Select Add-ons and check that the "PROMT for Microsoft Office" add-in is not located in the "Inactive Application Add-ons" group.
  3. If the PROMT add-in is in the inactive add-in group, close Word.
  4. Disable translation functions from Microsoft Office: launch the Plug-in Manager program and uncheck all the boxes next to Microsoft Office.
  5. Download the archive, extract the caspol.js file from it and run it. After execution, the result should be “Successful”. If you get a different result, check that caspol.js is running with administrator rights.
  6. Connect translation functions to Microsoft Office: launch the Plug-in Manager program and check the boxes next to Microsoft Office.
  7. Launch Microsoft Word.
  8. The “PROMT Translator” tab with translation functions will appear on the Microsoft Office application ribbon.

Reason 5
Microsoft Office does not have the “.NET Programming Support” component installed, which is required for the PROMT add-in to work.

Solution 5

  1. Close all running programs.
  2. In the panel Windows management open the list installed programs Windows, select "Microsoft Office" and click Change.
  3. In the Microsoft Office installer window, check the box next to “Add or remove components” and click Continue.
  4. In the Microsoft Office component tree, open each node in sequence. Office applications and choose to install the .NET Programming Support feature.
  5. Wait until the end Microsoft installations Office.
  6. Launch the Plugin Manager program and make sure that the boxes next to Microsoft Office applications are checked.
  7. The “PROMT Translator” tab with translation functions will appear on the Microsoft Office application ribbon.
Reason 6
The Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition Runtime (VSTOR) component, which is required for the PROMT add-in to work, is not installed (or installed incorrectly).

Solution 6
Install (reinstall) Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition Runtime:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Extract the vstor.exe file from the archive, run it and follow the instructions in the installer windows.
Reason 7
The installation of Microsoft Office 2007-2016 may be damaged.

Solution 7
Reinstall (restore) Microsoft Office 2007-2016:

  • On Windows Vista/7/8/10: run Start -> Control Panel -> Programs, find installed package Microsoft Office 2007-2016, in context menu select Change and in the Microsoft Office Setup window, select the mode Restore.
The information in this article applies to the following products
  • Check the functionality of your Internet connection.
  • Check the version of your operating system. The Client-Bank system page will not be displayed on operating systems Windows XP Service Pack 2 and lower, as well as on Windows Server 2003 without the latest updates installed.
  • IN Internet Explorer go to “Tools” → “Browser Options” → “Advanced”. In the window that opens, check the boxes opposite the items containing the abbreviation “ TLS" and uncheck the boxes containing " SSL».
  • Press the key combination Ctrl+F5. The page will be refreshed and the cache will be cleared.
  • Check the correct spelling of the Client-Bank system page address. In the address bar, delete all information after .ru and press Enter.

Check that your login and password are entered correctly. We recommend paying attention to the input parameters: current input language and keystroke Caps Lock. Try entering your password in text document, check it visually and copy it into the password field in the system.

This error may be displayed for the following reasons:

  • The validity period of the electronic keys has expired.
  • The term of office of the director/general has expired. director indicated on the organization’s bank card.
  • You have not yet completed the initial generation of new keys.
  • You have just done the initial generation of new keys and clicked the " Next" At this moment the keys are not yet ready. To produce keys, you must print out an application for the production of a certificate public key and submit it to the Bank office servicing your accounts.

For clarification detailed information For this error, please contact technical support.

Make sure that in the subscriber key media settings you specify the path only to the directory with secret keys. All other lines should be empty:

  • Make sure you are logged in using Internet Explorer.
  • Add the Client-Bank system website address to the list of sites operating in compatibility mode.
  • In Internet Explorer, click on the " Service» in the top bar (if there are no buttons, then press Alt on the keyboard until the strip with the buttons “ File», « Edit», « View", etc.).
  • Next, select “ Compatibility View Options».
  • In the window that opens, enter the website address in the top line website and press the buttons Add" And " Close».
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
  • In Internet Explorer, press the key combination " Ctrl+Shift+Delete" In the window that opens, check the boxes only opposite the items “ Temporary Internet files" And " Cookies " and click the " Delete».
  • Produce general reset browser settings.
  • Close everything Internet windows Explorer and go to " Control Panel» → « Browser propertiesNetworks and Internet»).
  • Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • Start».
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box “ Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Windows 8–10:

  • Start» right mouse button.
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box “ Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Errors when generating new keys

This error is due to the fact that the system cannot access the selected key storage location.

If you did not receive a USB device (eToken) at the bank office:

  • When filling in the generation parameters in the " Key storage location» specify « Disk drive" In the field " Catalog» specify a place to store the keys. We strongly recommend that, in order to avoid errors when creating keys, DO NOT USE for storing keys system disk(local drive C:\) and folders stored on it (including Desktop, Documents, etc.).
  • Check whether the directory that was selected for storing secret keys in the " section is writable Key storage location».
  • Check if the Flash media you are using is working properly.

If you use eToken:

Errors when working in the Bank-Client system

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and go to the " Start».
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box “ Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Windows 8–10:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and click the " Start» right mouse button.
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box “ Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs working with the EGAIS alcohol system have often encountered problems with services UTM EGAIS related to the operation of the built-in Windows Defender antivirus protection system.

How to diagnose the problem?

The transport service UTM EGAIS does not start, however, in the service logs located in the file C:\UTM\transporter\l\transport_info.log, an error message appears, such as this:

ERROR es.programador.transport.Transport - Error initializing and starting the transport
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: es/programador/transport/b/a
at es.programador.transport.Transport.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: es.programador.transport.b.a
at Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 1 more

At the same time, in the Windows Defender log you can see the following security event message:

If you see such errors/messages, it means you need to configure Windows Defender to collaboration with UTM EGAIS.

How to configure Windows Defender to work with UTM EGAIS?

First, let's open Windows Defender. In the operating room Windows system 10 it will open by clicking on the white shield icon in the system tray:

In the window that opens, select “Protection settings against viruses and other threats”, as shown in the figure:

Now you need to find the "Exceptions" section and click "Add exception":

Add the folder with the EGAIS UTM installed to the exceptions, as shown in the figure:

After adding the folder with the installed EGAIS UTM to the exceptions, you can close Windows Defender.

If you cannot cope with setting up Windows Defender on your own (to add UTM EGAIS exceptions), . We usually cope with this task in 5-10 minutes (depending on the speed of your Internet connection).

Restoring UTM after a failure

Restoring UTM after treatment with Windows Defender is only possible after adding the UTM folder to the exception!

There are 2 options for restoring UTM:

  • recovery deleted files Windows Defender tools;
  • reinstallation of UTM EGAIS.

In practice, the first option does not guarantee 100% performance after a failure, so we recommend reinstalling the UTM.

Reinstallation of UTM EGAIS

If the article helped, you can say Thank you to the author.

Despite the constant development of technology, Internet systems cannot be completely immune to any problems. Errors may occur at any time during operation. This article contains answers to frequently asked questions for errors for which solutions are difficult to find.


As a rule, the matter does not end with one systemic flaw. There is a small list of inaccuracies that a VTB client may encounter at any time.

How to solve?What's happened?What is needed for this?
On one's ownThe private key file is not specified (incorrect password);Internet connection
CIPF initialization errors;
Error while creating key carrier CIPF;
Errors when decoding the secret key;
Error reading key container.
With the help of VTB specialistsInternal error, please try the operation later;Contact the VTB office with a Russian passport.
The user is not connected to any client;
Authentication error;
The account is blocked.

For each of the above points, there is a solution that can be used by all VTB clients who are faced with specific problem. So how to fix various types mistakes?

The private key file is not specified or the password is incorrect

This problem occurs:

  • When you enter your password on the login page. The occurrence of a problem at this stage indicates that the wrong password may actually be entered. It can be changed, after this procedure you need to enter your login and New Password.

To solve it, it is recommended to check the correctness of the entered password at the entrance: language (RU/ENG), letter case. Please remember that the key decryption code cannot be recovered. You can change or change the password for accessing the VTB Online system.

  • After pressing the “Login” button. An error that occurs at this stage indicates corruption of the private key files.

If you have a saved copy of the key, you can use it to log into the system. Additionally, it is recommended to exit to personal account using Internet browser Explorer versions from 10.0, which should be run in “Administrator” mode.

  • If backup is missing or does not work, then the client can request new certificate and save it additionally to another storage medium: flash drive, removable disk.

For it to be valid in your Personal Account, the certificate must be activated at the VTB branch by providing an act of entering the Key Certificate at the place where the accounts were opened. As a result, the error “Private key file not specified” of the VTB service disappears.

Error when initializing CIPF

This problem occurs if in the directory field of the key CIPF media the path to a directory is entered that does not contain the “keys” folder and a bunch of files: kek.opq, mk.db3, masks.db3, rand.opq, request.pem. At the same time, an error in accessing an external system also occurs.

How can we deal with this problem? The main thing is to create another direction in the common directory, where the “keys” folder and all the above files will be located. If all files are stored on removable media, then the client must register a direction to him.

Error when creating a key cryptographic information protection medium

This malfunction can occur for two reasons:

Reason 1: non-existent path. The occurrence of this error indicates that the path leads to a directory that does not exist on the system or media removed from the device. To solve this problem, you need to look at the direction on the line “Directory of key CIPF media”, which should lead to an empty directory.

Reason 2: The path is write-protected. First, the attributes set in the directory properties are checked, to do this follow the instructions:

  1. Click on the desired folder and click select “Tools”, “Properties” tab.
  2. Go to the “General” tab and select the “Attributes” section.
  3. Look at the Read Only attribute line and make sure there is no marker next to the line. It can be in the form of a check mark or a green square. If a marker is present, it must be removed, leaving the square empty.
  4. Agree to all pop-up system messages and confirm the changes by clicking on the “Ok” button.
  5. Update your personal account by pressing “Ctrl+F5” on the keyboard and specify the direction to “CIPF Key Media Directory” again.

If it is impossible to remove the “Attribute”, that is, the actual lack of access to administrator functions, you should request a certificate for the flash drive or request system manager rights.

Internal error, please try the operation later

The option when the operation being performed is temporarily unavailable also occurs. This problem occurs when there are duplicate accounts. The only solution to this is to contact specialists at the VTB branch.

Error decoding secret key

The problem usually occurs when the certificate is saved to key media. It is quite possible that the password to decrypt the key is entered incorrectly. To solve it, you need to check the keyboard language, case, and correctness of input. Alternatively, you can write the password in the Russian layout. If you still forgot it, you can request a new certificate and save it to a blank storage medium.

Errors may appear when you click on the floppy disk icon. In this case, you need to check the entire file structure in the directory where the certificate is saved. It should contain the following names: “masks.db3”, “rand.opg”, “kek.opg”, “mk.db3”, “request.pem” and the “keys” folder with the file “00000001.key”. If the name of the documents in the folder is written differently, then you should rename it to the correct one and check if the problem has disappeared.

The user is not connected to any client

It is written when entering the Personal Account if the client’s account is blocked in the VTB client bank. To make a decision, you need to go to a convenient VTB office with your passport.

Authentication Error

This information appears on the screen when attempting to log into a VTB client’s Personal Account. If such a problem exists, then you need to contact banking specialists at the VTB office with your passport.

Account blocked

User can act in different ways, depending on the information on the screen. If the unlocking time is specified, then you should wait for this exact time. If they advise you to contact VTB technical support, then you should do just that.

If the client bank is blocked and nothing additional is specified, then in this case the client needs to contact the VTB branch in person with a document that will confirm the person’s identity, where managers will give recommendations or unlock closed accounts.

Error reading key container

Occurs when there is no certificate on the media. To fix it, you need to check the entire directory structure, in shared folder The following documents should be located: “masks.db3”, “rand.opg”, “kek.opg”, “mk.db3”, “request.pem” and the “keys”, “cert”, “CA” folders. If some folders are missing, then go to VTB Personal Account and resave the certificate. How to do this? In the “CIPF key media directory” field, indicate the correct path to the root directory with the necessary documents and click on the “Save” button. Then you can try to log in again.

What is the CIPF key media directory?

CIPF is a service that provides electronic encryption of documents. Typically this is used to obtain a signature important information or, conversely, sending documents. Where can I get the catalog of the key cryptographic information protection medium? In fact, this is a place to save electronic keys, in this situation, the keys of the VTB client bank are saved. It is advisable to store it on a separate medium: a flash card, disk or internal storage.

Instructions for creating cryptographic keys

How to create a secret key in a VTB client bank? To begin with, log in to the client bank using a link; upon initial login, the system may offer an installation to protect information element ActiveX controls. After installing the component, you need to set up your personal account to register your organization in the VTB banking system.

To create private keys you need to obtain a certificate:

  1. Log in to the online office;
  2. The reader (password generator) can generate a login code if used by the client. If it is, then you need to press the “B” button on the device and the automatic generator will generate the code.
  3. An SMS with a one-time code is sent to the phone number linked to the VTB account.
  4. The password for the first login must be changed in the settings from temporary to permanent and more secure.

You can create a certificate in VTB Personal Account. Storage space must be found in advance on a flash drive or computer.

Please note that only one certificate should be stored in one folder, with no residual other files. Otherwise, you will get an error related to the VTB client bank. To do this, on the “Request for a new certificate” tab, you need to enter the path to the folder in which the keys are stored.

When a message “Initializing generator” appears from the computer, you need to move the mouse randomly.

Once completed, a new decryption input window will appear asking you to enter a new password for the secret key. It must be remembered; attention is also paid to the case of letters and the language of the keyboard.
Next, the creation of the certificate is completed. It will be available in the “Requests” section, where VTB will automatically transfer the client. After receiving the certificate, a message appears indicating that the data has been sent to the bank.

VTB key generation

To create a unique key, you need to install the Quik VTB program (publisher Step Up inc), which is needed to create secret keys.

  1. We launch the application on the PC and at the initial stage the application prompts us to show the path to the location where the codes are stored, the client name and password with which we will open the service. If the client password specified at this stage is lost, the crypto key is created again from the very beginning, since this password cannot be recovered.
  2. In the second step, you need to confirm your password.
  3. In the next window, the parameters of the created key are checked. If everything is correct, click the “Next” button.
  4. Then a message appears about entering random numbers. There is no need to remember the data entered in the line. We complete the work with the “Install” button.

After creation, you can click the “Finish” button and finish working with crypto keys. Now we are sending the e-key document for registration to email address: [email protected], but for security reasons a file called sekring.txk is not sent. The letter contains the full details of the owner, the agreement number specified in the notice, clause 2, and the pubring.txk file.

We are waiting for the bank’s response, print out the application from the response letter and sign it at any VTB office in the presence of a banking specialist.

What if a VTB client forgot the secret key password?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to reissue or change the password to the certificate in the VTB online client. To work, you need to resave the document itself, then the electronic keys will be updated.

If problems arise in a VTB bank client, not all users can solve the problem on their own. And in such cases you can contact us for advice by calling hotline V technical support to operators, provide your login details and calmly use the solutions of specialists.

And press the button "Next".

And press the button "Install".

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

If you use eToken:

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when generating new keys

Error (Code: 128) Error on initialization cryptoengine for MessagePro

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when working in the Client-Bank system

Files are not loaded into the Client-Bank system or files are not uploaded from the system (when importing documents, exporting statements, attaching files to an arbitrary document in the Bank, etc.)

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

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