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An error occurred while registering the user eis. Re-registration of an organization in the EIS - notes about rakes and fakaps. Error - outdated version of the application


You can go to the registration page from different places on the current site. For example, you can click on the “Registration” visual button in the site’s global menu or on the “Registration” link on the site’s mini-map at the end of the page. The registration page is compiled in the form of a form that contains a set of fields, both mandatory and optional. Each field, when focused, reveals additional background information about the rules for filling the field with data individually. On the right top corner an icon with the letter “i” is placed, which in turn reveals an information board about the essence and purpose of registration on this site. To save the entered data, you must fill out all fields marked with an asterisk and check the “I accept the license agreements” checkbox.

"Registration" view

Form field

The form field displays drop-down tooltips when focused. Form fields that are displayed with an asterisk are required. In general terms, all fields require entering at least two characters, which can be: letters only, numbers only, letters and numbers, any symbols. The “Date of Birth*:” field should be entered using the pop-up calendar window. It should be noted that each form contains a service field for entering a security code open form. This principle is used to increase the security of the site. IN in this case security code represents the result arithmetic operation. The system accepts form data only if all required form fields are entered correctly.

License Agreements

To register on the site, you must first accept the license agreements for using the data. information resource. The license agreement is a kind of network agreement that is concluded between the site owner and any Internet user, in accordance with current legislation. The agreement describes the subject of the agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties, the responsibilities of the parties, the duration of the agreement and other points. The agreement contains a “Contents” section, with which you can quickly go to the desired paragraph of the document by clicking on the appropriate links. For quick transition to the beginning of the document, click on the “Up” link, which is located on the right. If necessary, the text of the agreement can be downloaded in different formats by clicking on the links in the “Download” menu. Attention! The agreement is considered accepted if the user registration is successful.

View "License Agreements"

Error during registration

If you press the “CONFIRM” button in the registration form without previously entering data, a prohibition icon (error) will be displayed to the right of the required field. When each field is consistently and correctly filled in with data, the prohibition icon is replaced with a check mark accordingly. If you enter data incorrectly into optional fields, you can see a similar picture as described above. You can save form data when all data fields have been entered correctly. Some information is checked on the server side and therefore if there are errors, they are displayed in another dialog box (see figure on the right). A new window indicates the nature of the error, such as that the result of an arithmetic operation is incorrect, and two keys to unregister and re-register.

"Error" view

Successful registration

After successful registration, a dialog box opens that allows you to go to the following sections: website, account, online store. If you press the “Cabinet” button, you go to the “Trash” section of the manager. In this case, all parameters for filtering, sorting and grouping data are accepted by default. To replace the specified parameters with new ones, go to the “Profile” section of the manager and then scroll down the page to the “Interests” subsection. Preferred products and trading relationship should also be indicated in the relevant subsection. It is advisable to indicate the data as truthfully as possible in order to more comfortable work with this site. After all the initial parameters have been successfully set, you need to save them by pressing the “Apply” key.

"Successful registration" view

Authorization on the site

In order to use the user manager features or perform trading operations on this site, you must first authorize your user account using the Authorization dialog box. The authorization window pops up after clicking on the welcome message of the global menu or the “LOGIN” button. If you have forgotten your password, you should click on the “Forgot your password?” link, which will take you to a page to recover your password. In order to recover your password, you must specify your login or email address, which were entered during registration, and send the data to the server. Attention! If the entered login or email address data is valid, the system will generate, in random order, New Password and will send it to the email address that was entered during registration. Therefore, it is very important that the required form fields are entered correctly.

It’s hard to call this an article, but rather just a note. Before the new year, almost all organizations working with the portal encountered a problem when re-registering the organization in the Unified Information System. Let’s omit the requirements for re-registration with the missing re-registration functionality - over time, the information from the Consolidated Register is tightened, and the deadlines are from 01/01/2017. postponed to 03/01/2017 After re-registration of the organization, the problem of re-registration of users arises. The instructions require logging in under a certificate with the “Manager” authority - and here a failure awaits us, because there is stupidly no such authority when generating a request for the production of an electronic signature in the workstation for generating keys for procurement. Perhaps this method will help someone: If you have a manager’s digital signature designed to work with SUFD (specifically, with SUFD; we haven’t tested combined SUFD/Purchases, we can’t say) - install this certificate in CryptoPro - and now safely enter the EIS LC. Automatically generated account with an unreadable alphanumeric-symbolic character set and the “Head of Organization” authority. In the Administration block, contrary to the Instructions, there is no “User Registration” button, however, if you enter the “Organization Users” section, you can find the “Register User” link at the top right above the list of users. Click on it and go to the registration form. The main thing is to be careful and remember: after the manager’s account is registered in the system, the next account will automatically receive administrator rights, even if there is no such entry in the roles of the registered user. It’s also worth remembering about a bug in the Procurement software, when when selecting a new user’s certificate, we receive the alert “An error occurred while updating the full name data from the certificate.” What to do? The main thing is not to piss. We enter your name, phone number, mailing addresses for mailings, etc. by hand, and feel free to press the “Register user” button. This user will automatically receive the authority of the organization administrator. If there is no separate person responsible for user administration, then nothing bad will happen - after a while a new account will appear (in my case, less than 15 minutes passed between registration and logging into the account). But it’s too early to rejoice, yeah. We go in, set the necessary rights for this account in the Permissions in the List of Users of the organization, and save. Have you already exhaled? It's early, yeah. If the previous account with the powers of an organization administrator, and also a person with the right to sign a contract/send a contract template/authorized specialist, is active, go under it and again go to the Administration - Organization Users block. We find a new account there and use the drop-down menu to set the bones and assign powers to the user. Then save and log in with a new account to check the changes. In addition to the standard admin blocks “Administration”, “Advanced”, “Forum”, the contract manager will have to add the rest of the profile blocks “Registers” and other tripe. That's all now. You are great and can be proud of yourself and despise the once again crap Purchasing support. By the way, getting through to these idiots is an unrealistic task, writing to the helpdesk is in the same category. You can leave a complaint about the work of the EIS in general and support staff in particular on the Ministry of Economic Development website, but it is unlikely to help. And there is also no place to leave a complaint about the crookedly drawn up Instructions, all that remains is to wish it to the authors of uncontrollably furious white rays of diarrhea and continuous sneezing - so that life does not seem like honey, yeah. ZY Perhaps the note will be supplemented. Let's see. UPD #1 A very useful thread of the Gov-Purchasing forum, there are recommendations for those who do not have a SUFD digital signature, and the manager has only the rights of an organization administrator (the first 20-30 pages of the topic)

I can’t register on Instagram - a request that often appears on the Internet. Creating an online profile is a simple operation, but there are complexities and questions that need to be answered. The article describes the main reasons why it is not possible to register in the photo network. The main failures and methods for eliminating them are described.

Error – the specified email address or mobile phone number already has an Instagram profile linked to it

If an account has been created and linked to mail or your own mobile phone, the problem can be resolved in one of two ways:

  • apply new mail or telephone, go through the registration process again;
  • completely delete the profile and create a second one.

If the problem cannot be resolved, you will need to update the software on the mobile phone you are using. It is advisable to check your network connection settings. It is important to come up with a unique, unique name for Instagram. If this does not work, it is recommended to try authorization from another device.

Error - unstable internet connection

This reason why I can’t register on Instagram is trivial, but common. If an operation is performed with modern smartphone, it is advisable to check whether there is active network access. Reconnecting to another network or troubleshooting connection problems often helps.

Error - outdated version of the application

The bulk of users register on the social network through standard application by phone number for iOS, as well as Android and Windows. If a failure occurs, you should check for current updates and install them. It is not possible to act according to this scheme if:

  1. The person has an iPhone with iOS version lower than 8.
  2. The user has Android less than 4.1.1.

In such cases, you will not be able to use updated social networks. There is a possibility that due to the OS being out of date, a person is having trouble creating an account.

Error - existing username

A person will not be able to carry out and fully complete the operation if, in the process of filling out the questionnaire, he indicated a login used by another person. If such a situation occurs, the program will issue a notification that a person with a similar name is already present on the network. You should come up with a new name and write it strictly in English.

Error - using a proxy

Some people use a proxy to hide the PC address. In such a case, there may be prohibitions on registering a profile. They are used on such media as:

  • browser;
  • downloaded application;
  • special additions.

If these errors occur, it is advisable to remove the proxy settings from the gadget. If this is not possible, the operation should be performed from another modern device.

Error - application crash

Sometimes the software does not work correctly and the thought immediately comes to mind, I can’t register on Instagram and it gives an error. The real step in this case is to perform a reinstallation. The photo network application is simply removed from the service. In the case of iPhone, the following actions are performed:

  1. Hold your finger on the icon for a long time.
  2. You should wait until the desktop starts to shake.
  3. The icon with a cross is activated.
  4. The deletion is confirmed.

If another device is available, proceed in the same way. After complete removal loading latest version social networks from the store that relates to the corresponding OS.

This can be done via the web version or via a browser by entering a password. If nothing works, the user must contact support and say - I need help, I can’t carry out standard operations, help. Experts will figure out why the failure occurs.

Error - operating system failure

This is a drastic and relatively effective step when troubleshooting an application problem. You need to reset the settings according to the instructions where the registration process is carried out.

The operation will not remove previously obtained information, but it is often possible to free up space from photos, music, modern programs. At the same time you can get rid of installed settings leading to software failures, in various applications and on the computer.

Removing Settings on iPhone

If a device of the iPhone category is available, if the program fails, the person will not install anything on the smartphone, but performs the following step-by-step manipulations:

  • settings open on the phone;
  • select the Basic tab;
  • The Reset button is activated.

Finally, select the Reset settings on a social network section. After this, the user confirms his intention to perform such an operation.

Removing settings on Android

In this situation, it is difficult to say how to reset the settings in Instagram. Phones have built-in OS shells. Access to the profile, despite the same settings menu, is sometimes different and often requires pre-registration. There is a standard scheme of actions on Instagram that must be followed:

  1. The section with parameters opens and clicks Advanced.
  2. At the end of the window that is displayed, select the option Create or reset.
  3. The cancel button is selected.

Select an item with personal data - name and contacts. First you need to check that the toggle switch for clearing the memory is in the off position so that there are no problems.

Error - problem on Instagram's side

This failure occurs rarely. Eliminating it is easy and simple, just follow the method described in the note. If the creation of a page is blocked, support will know how to fix it quickly. After completing the operation, you should register again after some time, or better yet, on another day.

Summing up

Listed above are the main reasons influencing the ban on creating personal account on the popular photo network Instagram. If you follow the instructions listed, you will be able to get rid of the failure and get your account back. You won't have to do any complicated operations.

Instagram has long ceased to be that kind of thing social network for fashionable young people or hipsters. An Instagram account is as common as a VKontakte or Twitter profile. But those who decide to join the multi-million army of photography enthusiasts may be in for an unpleasant surprise right at the very beginning.

Often during initial registration an error appears, the text of which does not explain anything at all - “Unfortunately, an error occurred during account creation. Please try again later."

In fact, in this way the service is protected from spammers - this is a protective mechanism. But we are respectable users and just wanted to register. What to do?

Reboot the router/modem

This is necessary for your computer to receive a new IP address. The exception here is for those who have a static “white” IP address - the advice will be powerless. For everyone else, simply reboot your device.

This can be done either mechanically - simply unplug the modem from the electrical outlet for 10 seconds and turn it on again, or programmatically, if for some reason you cannot get to the router - access the modem through the address in the browser (in the vast majority of cases This, username and password - admin/admin) and reboot. Here's what it looks like on an Asus router:

Turn off the proxy server in the browser.

As mentioned above, Instagtam protects against bogus registrations, so having a proxy enabled in your browser will prevent you from registering. If you don’t understand what we’re talking about and have no idea, what other proxy server do you have?

The interesting thing is that you may not even know that you are using it. How can this be checked? Let's look at an example Google browser Chrome:

Go to settings through the button in the form of three dots at the top right and select "Settings"

In the window that opens, click "Network Settings"

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