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Inspiration program for preschoolers download mate. “Inspiration” program for the emotional and creative development of preschool children. Explanatory note. About the program motto


Basic general educational program preschool education

Edited by I.E. Fedosova

“The “Inspiration” program is a new educational program developed by a team of authors based on new standards, taking into account modern psychological and pedagogical research and real-life challenges.

A special feature of the program is its focus on the new sociocultural situation of childhood development, with all the problems of growth and development inherent in modern early and preschool age. - 6 The authors of the program chose the principle of the “golden mean” in the regulation of educational activities between too general framework guidelines and redundant step by step descriptions educational process. Thanks to this approach, the program, on the one hand, provides teachers with fairly clear guidance, and on the other hand, provides wide scope for creativity in teaching activities.

Practical examples and advice, which are full of the program, are a “fair of ideas” where teachers can find how ready-made solutions, and the basis for creating your own original solutions to educational problems.

About the program motto

The motto of the program is “Inspire!” Only that teacher will be able to build a full-fledged and high-quality educational process who is inspired by his work, sees meaning in it and performs it with joy and pleasure.

Inspiration gives teachers a sense of their own professional competence, professional freedom, and creates fertile ground for improving their professional level.

Creating one's professional competence is the most important motivational basis for professional activity.

Every teacher must understand what, why and why he is doing, only then will he feel confidence, a reliable basis for his teaching activities. Therefore, the text of the program provides a convincing scientific justification for each position, provides the most important data from modern research, as well as vivid examples from the experience of the best teachers and educational practices in our country and the world.

Only a competent teacher will be able to flexibly structure the pedagogical process in accordance with the individual capabilities and needs of the child, achieving excellent educational results for everyone.

For a competent and self-confident teacher, the program provides scope for creativity, opening up the necessary and conscious freedom in professional activities.

Will the program be too complex for most teachers?

Inspiration" provides advanced training for teachers and offers modular short-term and long-term professional development programs.

The program is written on the principle of “simply about complex things”, all provisions are illustrated with clear examples, accompanied by specific methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process, organizing space and subject-development environment.

The “Inspiration” program guides and inspires adults to create happy moments in communication with children: mutual discoveries, surprises, overcoming difficulties, mistakes and the joy of first victories. A lively, rather than formal, attitude to the educational process is the main credo of the Inspiration teachers.

Characteristic features of the program

1. The program assumes variability in its use depending on specific situation and locations kindergarten, specifics of the composition of children and their families. The program not only allows, but also assumes various shapes its implementation. For example, its content can be implemented both in groups of the same age and in groups of different ages, in groups with a small composition of children and in large groups, in groups full day and short-stay groups.

Sociocultural changes in the modern world are taken into account - a separate section of the program is devoted to their analysis;

Considerable attention is paid to various aspects of child development, individual developmental characteristics, differences between the passport and real age of the child;

The goals and possibilities of giving children an active role in the educational process are revealed.

Only on such a foundation can a truly developmental education be built that avoids both overload and excessive acceleration in child development, as well as underload and slowdown of the individual speed of development (the teacher’s work should take place “in the zone of proximal development,” which is different for each child!).

3. The framework nature of the program allows its implementation to take into account the conditions, life contexts, composition of children in specific preschool organizations, and adapt it to the specific conditions of educational activities.

4. The program contains specific practical instructions and advice (“a fair of ideas”) based on examples of best pedagogical practice. These samples are collected from both domestic and foreign educational space. Thus, the program gives teachers many options for choice, flexibility in implementation, with a focus on scientifically based strategies.

Related information.

The “Inspiration” program is new comprehensive program The “Inspiration” program is a completely new comprehensive program developed by a team of authors based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, taking into account modern psychological and pedagogical research and the challenges of real life.

The “Inspiration” program was created for implementation in the modern socio-cultural situation of childhood development. A feature of the program is taking into account the realities of the modern socio-cultural situation of childhood development, with all the problems of growth and development inherent in modern early and preschool age

Modern sociocultural situation of childhood development 1. Changes in society and economy 2. Changes in family structure and family culture 3. National identity and cultural diversity 4. The context in which children grow up 5. Demographic changes

Goal of the program: To inspire! Only a teacher who is inspired by his work, who sees meaning in it and who does it with joy and pleasure can build a full-fledged, high-quality educational process. Inspiration gives teachers professional freedom, a sense of their own professional competence, and creates fertile ground for improving their professional level. Awareness of one's professional competence is the most important motivational basis for professional activity.

The “Inspiration” program creates opportunities The program assumes variability in its use depending on the specific situation and location of the kindergarten, the specific composition of children and their families. The program not only allows, but also assumes various forms of its implementation. For example, its content can be implemented both in groups of the same age and in groups of different ages, in groups with a small composition of children and in large groups, in full-day groups and short-term groups

Scientific substantiation of the provisions of the program Every educator must understand what, why and why he is doing. Only then will he acquire the necessary and conscious freedom in his professional activities and will be able to flexibly structure the pedagogical process in accordance with the individual capabilities and needs of each child. The program provides a convincing scientific basis for each position, contains data from the most important modern research, as well as vivid examples from the experience of the best teachers and educational practices.

Simply about the complex The program is written on the principle of “simply about the complex.” All provisions are illustrated with clear examples, specific methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process, organization of space and subject-development environment.

Four core ideas of the program 1. A new vision of the image of a child, his development, as well as the essence of education and the educational process; 2. The idea of ​​interactive interaction of all participants in educational relations, the idea of ​​a “learning community” based on the dialogic principle of co-action (co-construction), participation, in which both the child and the adult are active. With a learning community, everyone learns – both children and adults; 3. Availability of technology for organizing educational activities. Universal and functional in organizational actions. Open to ideas, creative, taking into account the individual interests and needs of children and adults, resources of the local community - in content; 4. Refusal of the leading role of the educator in favor of supporting children's initiatives by all adults (teachers, parents, representatives of the local community). Rejection of the idea of ​​a single leading activity in favor of accounting and use different ways and types of activities that play a significant role in the development of the child.

Approaches The program abandons outdated approaches: NO. The transfer of knowledge and experience from [knowledgeable, experienced, competent] adults to [ignorant, inexperienced, incompetent] children does not meet modern challenges and research data; in education understood this way, the adult is primarily active, while the child is a passive object of educational and educational influences, whose task is to assimilate what is being taught. NO. The focus on education, understood as an individual process of active self-construction, turned out to be ineffective, since it underestimated the role of the social and cultural environment and communication. Child-centered programs based on this model (constructivism) are currently being revised around the world. Yes. Modern programs, providing the most high quality and positive effects are based on the activity of all participants in educational relations - both children and adults. In this model, education is understood as a social process of interaction, included in a certain sociocultural context (social constructivism).

A new vision of the child's image Positive image of the child Under the influence of research and best practice, the emphasis has moved from a focus on deficits [the child cannot yet and depends on external stimuli] to a focus on competencies, their strengthening and development - - on what the child can do, on support its activities and resources. The program consistently implements this new orientation and focuses on the competencies, capabilities and abilities of children. The general view of the child, his potential and capabilities can be formulated as follows: the child is active and contributes to the processes of his own education.

Image of a child A person is born equipped with capable sense organs and fundamental competencies. From birth, a child is ready for communication, interaction and, thereby, dialogue with adults. Immediately after birth, the baby begins to explore the world around him, interact with it and thus make his active contribution to the processes of education (mastering his body, the social and objective world).

Image of the child Children want to take part in everything that happens around them Playing an active role in the process of their education, they are its actors (subjects) with their own varied possibilities of expression, their own opinions, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility in accordance with their development

Image of a child Children initially want to learn. Children's activity, curiosity, passion for learning, thirst for knowledge and ability to learn are surprisingly great. In their activities and in posing questions, children are highly creative craftsmen, inventors, musicians, artists, researchers (physicists, mathematicians, historians and philosophers). Learning here refers to the child’s natural desire to master the world, his curiosity and energy.

The image of a child Children learn best in community with others In communication with other children and adults, children explore the world, expanding their understanding of the worldview, developing abilities, creating and creating their own products. Education is primarily a social process and only secondarily an individual one.

Image of the child Child development takes place in a certain sociocultural context, which must be taken into account, integrated and used in the educational process. Living conditions in a large metropolis, in a residential area, in rural areas, in a city with rich cultural traditions and developed infrastructure, and in a small provincial town leave their mark on the development and educational opportunities of children. Educators must consciously use the resources available in the sociocultural environment of their location in the educational process, using, among other things, the capabilities of parents.

Image of a child The task of adults is to create conditions of emotional comfort, an enriched social and subject-spatial educational environment. The program devotes a separate section to the most important issue—reflection of the child’s image—as well as a separate training module in the teacher training program. Trust and freedom are necessary conditions for creative interaction between adults and children, bringing amazing results of “insight”, joy and pleasure.

Together Education is a mutual life (existential) process, and the “Inspiration” program guides and inspires adults to create happy moments in communication with children: mutual discoveries, surprises, overcoming difficulties, mistakes and the joy of first victories.

Principles of the program 1. The principle of supporting the diversity of childhood 2. The principles of co-operation, cooperation and participation 3. The principle of enrichment (amplification) of development through supporting children's initiative and interests 4. The principle of supporting curiosity and research activity 5. The principle of differentiation of learning 6. The principle of emotional well-being 7. The principle of learning from a model of one’s own behavior 8. The principle of recognizing the right to make mistakes 9. The principle of supporting the game in all its types and forms 10. The principle of continuity

Feedback Constant pedagogical observations and recording of the child’s behavior and development are extremely important for the program. The program focuses on the need to understand the child’s individuality, determine the current level of his personal development and emotional state in a given interaction situation.

Refusal of inadequate expectations The previously existing uniform age guidelines and methodological recommendations for children of the same biological age, as well as the content and level of classes compiled on their basis for groups of a certain age, which traditional standard programs were aimed at, do not correspond to the real complexity and diversity of development and are irreversible lead to wrong strategies.

The principle of differentiation of learning Differentiated learning is a form of organizing the educational process in which teachers take into account the readiness, interests and characteristics of each child or small groups of children: they draw up programs; choose teaching methods and strategies, educational materials; organize educational activities that satisfy the various needs of students. The purpose of differentiated instruction is to take into account - readiness for learning; - rate of development; - interests; - characteristics of the child.

The principle of differentiation of learning Differentiated learning pays special attention to the possibility of children choosing ways of working (individually or in groups), methods of expression, content of activities, etc. In order for children to choose preschool age was effective, it must be carefully “organized” by the teacher in such a way as to: - correspond to the goals that must be achieved; - be a genuine choice for children; - do not let the child get confused with a large number of options. Preschoolers should be able, under the proper guidance of a teacher, not only to make a choice, but also to justify it.

Differentiation of content Differentiation of content in accordance with the educational readiness, interests and learning style of children can be carried out at two levels: a) what the teacher teaches, and b) how he gives access to knowledge to those who want to receive it. Depending from the educational readiness of children, the teacher, for example: - discovers the previously gained experience of children, identifies their current knowledge about specific content and adapts questions and the course of activity accordingly; - allows children to express what they know in the way they have expressed their knowledge up to that time: depending on their level of expressive ability, some children may be able to describe their experiences to the group, while others may be able to draw what they know; - gives numerous examples of using the concept in such a way that children can relate it to different personal experience and establish a connection; - within the framework of the project, it encourages children to search for information on a given topic in the way that they know best; - provides samples of varying complexity so that children can use those that suit their learning readiness. For example, when forming mathematical concepts, he uses various available symbols, drawings, photographs, objects, etc.

Process differentiation Process differentiation refers to the methodology and activities that are chosen to help children understand any content. Differentiation of the process concerns the way in which the teacher helps children move from their current point of understanding to a more complex level, depending on the current level of development, their interests and the characteristics of the children.

Differentiation of content Depending on the interests of the children, the teacher, for example: - makes sure that the topics considered by the children reflect different interests. In a “broad” topic (e.g., “cars”), children can choose aspects they want to engage with (e.g., “wheels,” “bicycles,” etc.). Depending on the characteristics of the child, the teacher, for example: - ensures that the material chosen to cover a particular topic/concept varies the children's learning style: the student tells the group about a sport, while simultaneously showing photographs of different sporting moments, for example a football match or video footage games (visual and acoustic aids); - encourages children to learn more about the topic of discussion (in “children's language”) and show other children the movements that they know when they go out into the yard; - represents the content of an activity (for example, a concept, a skill), using various graphical representations(for example, to show that the “parts” make up the whole picture).

Differentiation of presentation of children's results Differentiation of results concerns the opportunities provided to children so that they can show, apply or present to others what they have mastered - knowledge, skills, abilities - alternative ways. The child's presentation of his or her results is particularly important for two main reasons: a) the results show the effectiveness of the student's learning and progress, b) during the presentation of the results, the child can once again think about, organize and use “new” knowledge and skills (Tomlinson, 2001 ). The verbal way of presenting results and acquired knowledge is fundamental for the child. This has two important consequences: a) it causes difficulties for children who prefer other ways of expressing themselves; b) does not allow one to develop skills in using other methods of self-expression, skills in simultaneous use of different methods of self-expression characteristic of modern society(in printed and electronic form, using various objects, etc.).

Differentiation of presentation of children's results Taking into account the characteristics of children, the educator must provide children with the opportunity to choose the means of presenting information and results available to them. Depending on the readiness to learn of different children, the teacher, for example: - during the final presentation, encourages children in such a way as to facilitate the manifestation of their acquired abilities and knowledge on the topic; - gives children written instructions that can be used if necessary; - helps to break it down into individual steps the process of achieving results, guides children during work; - uses assessment methods that take into account the speed of children's learning (for example, observation, asking questions to children, organizing observations in a portfolio); - offers various forms of organizing activities, allows children to choose the one that suits them.

Educational areas Social and communicative development Cognitive development Mathematics The world around us: Natural science, ecology and technology The world around us: Society, history and culture Speech development Artistic and aesthetic development Fine, plastic arts, design and modeling Music, musical movement, dance Physical development Movement and sports Health, hygiene, safety

Educational areas. Structure 1. Relationship of the section with other sections of the Program. 2. Targets in the region. 3. Organization by the teacher of educational activities for children. 4. Organization of teaching activities 5. Attitudes in the educational process 6. Examples of children's and child-adult (child-parent) projects 7. Approximate list of teaching and educational means (equipment, games and toys, materials, software etc.) 8. Organization of space and provision of materials for a subject-development environment 9. Emotional atmosphere 10. Cooperation with the family

Daily routine Approximate daily routine. Model 1 Time Main task Contents for children Contents for educators 07:30 Greeting; meeting children; breakfast Time for free play; greeting and communicating children with each other; breakfast for those who wish. Children can use any premises of the preschool institution for games and activities of their own choice. At the beginning of the morning shift, no more than 50% of the teachers are present; providing childcare until children's council (morning circle); the main responsibilities are carried out by the “host teacher”; communication with parents, individual communication with children; care of new children 08:30 – 8:45 Planning meeting* *All employees gather for a planning meeting (except for “host teachers”). 08:30 – 09:10 Instead of a planning meeting Preparatory period for teachers See above Preparing playrooms for children’s classes and work of their choice; if necessary, “doorway conversations” with parents; greeting newly arrived children 09:00-10:30 Children's council (morning circle) Elective activities, project Discussion Rituals (for example, starting the day together; birthday party; discussions and decision-making, etc.); Children can, at their own discretion, participate in activities offered by adults, play, or make a choice in favor of independently chosen activities. Unjoined children spend this time with a “host teacher.” On those days when the group, according to the plan of the music director, physical education teacher or speech therapist teacher and other specialists, has classes in music. or in the gym (etc.), children participate in the activities or projects they propose; Children and adults share their impressions and results from working in the Activity Centers, from games, and activities. Children participate in cleaning as much as they can and help each other. Adults (teacher, specialists) give guidance for the coming day, an overview of activities or projects and their components; moderate children's decision-making; lead rituals and provide information; are discussing organizational issues Music Director / Physical Education Teacher / Dr. specialists lead classes and projects; provide support to children; initiate learning processes, etc. Adults (teacher, specialists) support the conversation using open questions etc. Adults also participate in cleaning and help children

Daily routine Approximate daily routine. Model 1 Time Main task Contents for children Contents for educators 07:30 Greetings; meeting children; breakfast Time for free play; greeting and communicating children with each other; breakfast for those who wish. Children can use any premises of the preschool institution for games and activities of their own choice. At the beginning of the morning shift, no more than 50% of the teachers are present; providing childcare until children's council (morning circle); the main responsibilities are carried out by the “host teacher”; communication with parents, individual communication with children; guardianship of new children 10:35 Joint second breakfast (if any) Children and teachers take part in a joint breakfast Teachers help children in organizing breakfast 10:35:12.00 Preparing for a walk. Walk. Gradual departure of some children home Children play and communicate with each other. Teachers offer games or join in games proposed by children; time for observations; babysitting; opportunity to talk with the parents of those children who attend kindergarten before lunch 12:00 Return from a walk, preparation for lunch and lunch Children staying for an extended day have lunch Teachers help children in organizing lunch 12:30:15.00 Sleep for those children who I'm used to sleeping during the day. Quiet games and activities Those children who refuse daytime naps engage in “quiet games” on their own, look at (read) books Ensuring mandatory supervision 15:00 Gradual rise; hygiene procedures. Children gradually move from sleep (and other daytime rest) to more active games and activities Providing help and support, mandatory supervision 15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon snack (if available)

Interaction with parents Interaction with parents is one of the basic principles programs. The program describes forms of cooperation developed by successful practice, on the basis of which each kindergarten can create its own version. The main approach to working with families is complementary partnership and creative interaction. The “Inspiration” program offers a modern method of interaction between an educational organization and a family in accordance with the concept of “Competent Parent” (supported by UNESCO) and is based on the experience of implementing this concept within the framework of the UNESCO project in Moscow and on the experience accumulated in European countries

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The main educational program of preschool education "Inspiration" was created in full accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, taking into account the results of the latest domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical research in the field of preschool childhood. The program provides the teacher with up-to-date data about the child and his development, sets clear goals and provides verified pedagogical technologies and tools for achieving them. Opening up spaces for professional creativity, the Program at the same time allows you to build a complete, high-quality educational process, create a modern and effective educational environment. Differentiated learning approaches allow you to build an individual development trajectory for a child, ensuring work in his zone of proximal development, and at the same time achieving high results for the entire group. The pedagogical diagnostic tools offered by the Program form a reliable basis for the adoption of pedagogical...

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The main educational program of preschool education "Inspiration" was created in full accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, taking into account the results of the latest domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical research in the field of preschool childhood. The program provides the teacher with up-to-date data about the child and his development, sets clear goals and provides verified pedagogical technologies and tools for achieving them. Opening up spaces for professional creativity, the Program at the same time allows you to build a full-fledged, high-quality educational process and create a modern and effective educational environment. Differentiated learning approaches allow you to build an individual development trajectory for a child, ensuring work in his zone of proximal development, and at the same time achieving high results for the entire group. The pedagogical diagnostic tools offered by the Program form a reliable basis for making pedagogical decisions.
The program supports play in all its forms, the child’s research activity, and joint activities between an adult and a child. “Inspiration” provides for variability in implementation forms depending on the specific situation, the location of the kindergarten, and the characteristics of children and their families. The Inspiration program ensures continuity with entry level education.
The “Inspiration” program is accompanied by a detailed educational and methodological set that will help to implement all its provisions both for a novice teacher and for masters of preschool pedagogy.


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Tatiana Leonova
“Inspiration” program for the emotional and creative development of preschool children. Explanatory note

Program« Inspiration»

The creative process of an adult and a child depends entirely on inspiration. Program« Inspiration» aimed at solving creative problems that achieve maximum results. It is aimed at emotional and creative development personality in the context of the integrative influence of various arts (painting, music, poetry).


Contribute to the formation emotionally- aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world through the development of artistic and cultural values;

Ensure the transition from reproductive thinking to creative thinking; lead children to a free interpretation of accumulated experience and variable use of it in constructive artistic and creative activities;

Create conditions for the development of moral and aesthetic values, encourage the child to be guided by them in everyday life.

Program based on a synthesis of arts, where the dominant role is given to painting and music, methodically presented by a system of integrative activities that combine visual and musical activities, development speech and familiarization of children with the world around them.

The principle of humanization presupposes a value-based attitude towards each child and the teacher’s willingness to help him. This provides psychological and pedagogical support to each child on his way emotional and creative development.

The principle of the integrity of the image of the world provides for the presence of such program material, which helps the child retain and recreate a holistic picture of the world.

Integrative principle programs consists both in the interaction of various types of art, and in the unification of a variety of artistic and creative children's activities.

Software the content is structured so that development the child occurred through the development and comprehension of artistic and aesthetic information, which is embedded in works of painting, music, poetry, through the enrichment of experience in transformative artistic and creative activity, the product of which can be children’s drawings created individually and in a group; plastic movements, word creation. This ensures qualitative personal growth preschooler, due to the child’s active communication with various types art (painting, music, literature); enrichment emotional, artistic and aesthetic experience; accumulation and disclosure of creative potential preschooler.

Structure and content programs

Program« Inspiration» designed to work with children of primary, secondary, senior and preparatory kindergarten groups. The tasks solved in integrative classes are built in all age groups according to the principle of complication, which allows the child to smoothly move from perception to empathy, from empathy to imagination, from imagination to creativity. The variety of lesson topics covers what is close and accessible to a child at each specific age. This is the world of nature, man and art. The universal human values ​​and categories of creation and acceptance of the surrounding world revealed in the topics enable the child to creatively transform the experience of communication with nature, art and people.

Technology programs provides for conducting classes in subgroups (10-12 people, which is due to the need to take into account the individual characteristics of children. Classes are not clearly regulated in time, since teachers are guided by the enthusiasm of children, but, based on the age characteristics of children preschool age, classes should not exceed 35 minutes.

During integrative classes I used various visual materials, all kinds of paper for "free creativity" children. The child literally creates "with your own hands"! And only after free interaction with the material, "having had enough" by playing with it, children get acquainted and master

brush and paint techniques.

I wish all teachers to use this wonderful technique in their work.

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