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Program for making money VipIp autosurfing for money, review, reviews. Great project for making money! Vipip download program

What is Vipip (Vip IP)?

Vipip is a modern multifunctional service for making money. IN Russian Internet this site is considered one of the most famous ones that has its own program for making money. There is always enough work here!

The Vipip project appeared back in 2003 and to this day makes stable payments!

At the moment the number of active users is 400,000 people. And the total amount of payments is already more than $3,000,000 (3 million dollars).

Proof that the project pays is my payment (screenshot):

What does Vip Ip offer for earning money?

  • Payment for completing easy tasks - from 0.006$ .
  • Payment for reading mailings (paid letters) - from 0.0015$ .
  • Pay per click, surfing and autosurfing - ~0.0015$ .
  • Minimum withdrawal amount total 0.1$ .
  • Payments are made both in dollars and rubles to: WMR, WMZ wallets of the Webmoney system, Yandex Money or to a mobile phone.

Earnings on Vipip (Vipip):

To start making money on VIP IP, let’s go through an easy and completely free registration:

Congratulations, you have registered! Login to your account. To receive the money you earn, provide the necessary data in the section: “Profile” → “Payment details”. For example, I receive payments through . Now let's learn how to earn money.

Earning money on Vipip is carried out using a program developed by the programmers of this project. The program is a mini-browser, very simple and understandable even for beginners! She herself looks for tasks and sites for work, while she can be minimized to the tray and she will not disturb you. So, the first thing we need to do is:

Download the Vipip program!

Log in to your account on the website, then go to the section: “Earn” and download the main program. There you can additionally download the VipIPClntAuto auto program and plugins for browsers that will perform some tasks automatically without your participation, but I’ll say right away that the income from them is very small, so use them only as an addition to the main program.

By the way, they are saying that an application for Android may be created, which would be great, but for now these are just rumors.

How to make money on Vipip? Main ways to make money on Vipip:

Now everything is simple, launch the program, log into your account and see the following:

Ways to earn money on Vipip:

  1. Surfing - browsing sites.
  2. Tasks - completing simple tasks.
  3. Random tasks - more complex tasks are performed here.
  4. Newsletter - reading letters, news, newsletters.
  5. Social Network - performing easy tasks (likes, reposts, etc.) on social networks.
  6. Autosurfing - automatic browsing of sites.

Sometimes people ask me: how to start autosurfing? You don’t need to do anything special for this - they launch the main program and autosurfing immediately starts working. By the way, if you are interested in such automatic earnings, then study: “”

I think you can easily figure out how to work in each of the methods proposed above, but if you encounter any difficulties, use the help section on the Vipip website.

In addition, on almost every page on the right there is background information“Section help” with a blue icon, as well as training videos:

How to earn money in the Vipip program, video tutorial:

  • The program will automatically search for tasks and sites for making money every 3 minutes.
  • If you minimize the program to tray, then when tasks appear, it will blink.
  • At the beginning of each hour there are the most tasks and sites to view.
  • There is a rating in the system; the more tasks you complete and browse sites, the higher the rating will be and the more tasks will be available to you. It is very important to complete tasks efficiently and conscientiously - this is one of the important criteria for increasing your rating. If you are freeloading and doing things anyhow, your rating will plummet.

    Users with a high rating are given many more tasks (including the most expensive ones, which are not available with a low rating), and as a result, such users will be able to earn much more. In addition, users with a high rating can withdraw 2 times more money - $10 per day (with low rating- $5 dollars per day).

  • The program has a small window called: “Lottery”. You can try to guess the correct number. For a correct answer, the amount earned is doubled, for an incorrect answer, the amount earned is reset to zero. I DO NOT recommend guessing because the chances are very small: 1 in 3.
  • Very often you come across sites for viewing with a very low cost (down to $0.0001) and a large number transitions, feel free to click “Skip” and look at sites with higher pay!

How much can you earn on Vipip?

Making money on this project is considered quite simple and easy, there are no difficult tasks that need to be completed over several days, everyone just launched the program, and you don’t need to monitor whether new tasks have appeared, the program itself will wink =) If there is nothing to work with, then you can feel free to go about your business, or simultaneously complete tasks on. From my own experience I can say that you can earn $5-10 a month quite easily.

Friends, in the coming articles I will consider others interesting projects to earn money so you don't miss out!

Vipip reviews:

Find positive reviews about the Vipip site can be found on any forum. This project is undoubtedly trustworthy; it has been working since 2003! The amount of payments is more than $3 million, just think about these numbers. I received payments several times, I posted a screenshot at the beginning of the article as confirmation, and from my own experience I was convinced of the honesty and stability of this site. When I first started, I often had questions about my work, I asked them to technical support, special thanks to them for their competence!

IN lately I began to notice a lot of negative reviews, and in most cases they are related to the fact that people coming to the Internet dream of millions of dollars, but in the end, having earned $5-10 in this way, they are disappointed and begin to water the sites negative reviews. The only thing I want to say is that you need to progress and constantly improve, then your earnings will be higher!

I don’t regret at all that I’m working on this project, and I recommend you try it!

Vipip is an official desktop program designed to work with the service of the same name. This service gives users the opportunity to earn money by completing simple tasks. Usually they consist of going to a specified web page and performing a series of simple actions there - like, write a comment, click on an advertisement, and so on. Such services are usually used to boost social indicators and behavioral factors.

Working with the program

The advantages of the Windows client are that it can run in background, waiting for new tasks to appear for the user. Please note that register account(which is necessary to work with Vipip) will not work from the program window itself. This can only be done on the official website through a browser. By the time you launch the client, you must have an already created and verified account.

So, having launched Vipip, you can leave it “hanging” in the tray waiting for new tasks to arrive. As soon as they appear, you will receive a pop-up notification, you will be able to maximize the program window and execute it. Funds, the amount of which directly depends on the complexity of the completed task, are credited to your account automatically. The current balance is displayed at the bottom of the program window. You can withdraw your earnings to wallets in popular payment systems (Webmoney, QIWI, etc.), to bank cards and even to the account of the mobile operator.


In general, working with the Vipip desktop client is quite convenient. Of course, the earnings here are quite modest, but you can significantly increase them by inviting your friends. Vipip offers a well-thought-out referral system with good royalties.

Key Features

  • allows you to earn money by performing simple tasks online;
  • has a very simple and intuitive interface;
  • does not allow you to register an account directly from the client window;
  • works in the background, notifying the user when new tasks arrive;
  • Compatible with all modern versions of Windows.

Virtual earnings are of interest to many users. But not everyone understands how you can make a profit on the Internet without investing anything. Sometimes various earning services come to the rescue. For example, this site receives different. You can find both positive and negative opinions. In any case, this service positions itself as a means of making money on the Internet. This does not require any special skills from you. Therefore, it is worth finding out what users really think about this offer. Can you trust him?


For any Internet service important role plays such a moment as registration. Please note: many sites offering to help you make money online require payment for your profile. That is, registration for them is paid. It is recommended to avoid such offers.

In this area, receives positive reviews from users. A quick and simple registration form will help you instantly join the project. And make real money from it. This makes me happy. This means that we can already hope that this is not a deception or a fraudulent service.

A huge advantage of the site is that it does not require confirmation of your identity, nor does it require linking your account to mobile phone. Are you afraid of deception? Just register a profile with a separate email.

Basics of making money

How is it proposed to make profit from the Internet? Http:// receives mostly positive reviews from visitors in this area. After all, the activity that will be offered to you is known to many.

We are talking about Internet surfing. That is, our earnings will be based on clicks and views of sites/ads. This is a completely normal activity that can actually bring profit to the user. No deception or suspiciously tempting offers.

Although this service is perfect only for beginners. Those who for a long time They make money on the Internet, but do not respect Internet surfing sites too much. This is no longer their level. Therefore, if you see negative reviews about, do not be surprised. Most likely, these are the users who are not in the best possible way speak about Internet surfing. They have their own reasons for this.

But if you are just starting to get acquainted with ways to make money on the World Wide Web, it’s definitely worth paying attention to the service. After all, he is not as bad as he might seem at first glance. And this is not a scam. You can actually make money on the site.

About earnings

The question is different - how much exactly. This indicator plays an important role for users. It’s one thing when a service brings good profits, but quite another thing when the income is scanty. Earnings on do not receive the best reviews. In any case, most users point out that you can’t make a lot of money here. Only if you constantly sit at the computer and surf. And then, the profit per month will not exceed 500 rubles. Not very much, considering how much work you need to do.

But you can get at least some real money from an online resource. You will be dealing with a real service for making money cash. All payments are made to e-wallet, conclusions take about a week, sometimes more. In any case, if you want to see what Internet surfing is like as a means of making a profit from World Wide Web, you can really contact VIP. You won't lose anything from this. Especially considering one feature.

Incredible possibilities

The point is that in this service the so-called For this, earns only positive reviews. Users point out that now you can surf passively. Simply download the official program from the website, then install it and log in using your VIP profile. Launch the work and minimize the application. That's all. Now your computer not only works, but also earns money. The main thing is to have an Internet connection.

As you can see, “VIP” is a slightly unusual service that offers earnings on the Internet. Yes, you won’t be able to make a lot of profit here. But about 200-500 rubles per month, taking into account the work of autosurfing - easily. For beginners this good way learning how to make money from clicks.

Autosurfing with the program on

After registration In the service, be sure to confirm your E-mail using the link sent in the letter. After which it will be sent to you Password for operations, which must be recorded and saved. This password will be needed for your identification when changing personal data, losing the main password, and most importantly, when withdrawing money. If you order a payment, and the password is missing, you will have to wait more than a month until it is restored, so take care. On the autopayment website - money is instantly transferred to your wallet, works with the payment systemWebmoney, payment WMR And WMZ.

Unpack the archive with the program and run it - in the window that appears, enter your username and password confirmation, open the settings window and check the boxes as indicated below:

Now, when starting, authorization is not required; after viewing and when switching off, the program will be minimized to tray. When new sites appear in surfing, it will start blinking, and you will only need to click on the icon below once, the program will launch and the sites will begin to appear..

Surfing onVipIP.rufour types - VIP surfing, Standart, Light and Hit surfing, pages are shown in order of seniority - VIP surfing sites come first, then Standart, etc. The most expensive Vip surfing - they pay $2.5 per thousand impressions, Standard - $1.5 per thousand, light - $0.9 and Hit surfing - up to $0.3. Look only at the first two types, and when sites with a low price start appearing, just minimize the program or switch to Autosurfing, which also pays little, but does not require confirmation at all. You can start and do your own thing or earn money at the same time on another site.

The more links you view while surfing, the more they will be provided to you - atVipIP.ruthese moments are thought out. You can also view surfing sites from your account onVipIP.ruin the main browser, but there are only a small part of what is available there. Do not watch simultaneously in the program and from your account in the browser - in this case, money for viewing will not be credited. But you can watch as much as you like simultaneously with other programs.

Tasks forVipIP.ruare performed directly in the program, mainly Voting and Clicks and are shown in turn. They pay for them, as everywhere else, more - do it.You shouldn't play the lottery - you can't beat the system.

The referral system here is one-level, they pay from 10 to 15% of the earnings of attracted referrals. However, with them you can earn several dollars a day, which is due to a lot of work. The more you yourself (without referrals) earn on the project, the greater the percentage you will be awarded:

Thus VipIP.rufights quitters and parasites.

On VipIP.ruyou can buy or earn shares of the project, the price of which changes daily at 0.00 Moscow time and depends on the amount of materials in surfing per day, the number of working participants, etc. Here you can make money by changing their exchange rate.

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