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Project work "robot assistant". Robot assistants New robots for cleaning around the house

Own automated interactive assistant for a long time was a dream for many people. The robot assistant helps you keep track of news, weather, information of interest, and is also ideal for managing certain tasks. The device is controlled via smartphones with a special application, and in some cases, by voice. Price mobile assistant directly depends on its technical indicators, generation and other features.

Existing varieties

Choosing a mobile robot assistant requires a lot of knowledge, because the device will accompany you for years. Initially, you should decide what type of structure you are interested in:

  • Butler. Loyal companions, similar to humans. They have access to the Internet and a huge number of possibilities, including taking photos and videos. This robot assistant is considered optimal choice for teachers of robotics and people who want to master this area in a short time.
  • Rocking chair. A home assistant that helps you put your baby down and maintain sleep through rhythmic rocking. A convenient solution for a young family.
  • Small movable manipulator. Six-wheeled all-terrain vehicles with a hydraulic manipulator can go anywhere and also lift and transport light objects. They feature the most capacious battery among alternative options.

The robot assistant is designed to solve dozens of tasks, from helping with housework to teaching students. Often our clients find it difficult to make a final decision. In this case, managers advise on emerging issues and offer optimal solution, meeting the requirements.

Robot assistant and its capabilities

Modern assistant robots come in dozens of varieties, although only three have gained particular popularity: humanoids, transporters and nannies. In most cases, manufacturers strive to integrate standard set functions:

  • photo and video shooting;
  • remembering commands;
  • voice control;
  • full or partial autonomous execution of assigned tasks;
  • face and voice recognition.

The robot assistant is equipped with a fairly powerful engine and a user-friendly interface, which greatly simplifies control and makes it as convenient as possible. Depending on the purpose, this list may be changed or supplemented with special functionality. As a result, the user receives the most useful equipment, which he uses for years with pleasure.

Placing an order

To place an order for a robot assistant, you must select the product you are interested in, add it to your cart and provide your personal contact information. The manager will call you back to clarify the details, after which we will send the device by specified address. We offer our clients a number of advantages:

  • high speed of order processing;
  • competent consultation;
  • loyal pricing policy;
  • the catalog is periodically updated with updated models;
  • We cooperate only with trusted manufacturers.

Order a robot assistant in our store, and in the near future you will appreciate the benefits of a personal companion. The catalog contains models high quality from the best manufacturers.

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Robots for housekeeping

So what are household robots and what do they do? You've probably heard something about the three D's - Dull, Dirty and Dangerous. This is the designation for tasks that are usually assigned to robots. The chores may not be very dangerous, but they can be quite dirty and boring.

Of course, not everything in the household can be done by robots, at least not yet. However, there are jobs where the application of a robot may be justified at this time. There are two main criteria that must be met when you are thinking about purchasing home robot.

First, you must find out how efficiently the robot can do its job. The robot's efficiency must be high enough for your specific application. May be required for different applications different level efficiency.

Secondly, the use of the robot must be economically justified. It may be cheaper to pay someone to do the work than to buy a robot. This is more suitable for commercial applications such as store or pool cleaning. Of course, the time you spend cleaning the room also matters.

By weighing at least these two criteria one can find favorable price. Human emotions also come into the equation. If you really want a truly domestic robot, there is no reason why you should deny yourself anything.

So, what exactly are the jobs that home robots can do at the moment? Let me tell you.

Robotic vacuum cleaners

In my opinion, robotic vacuum cleaners are the most famous household robots for the general public. This is because of the most famous of all robot vacuum cleaners - the iRobot Roomba. This company certainly knows how to bring its products to market.

However, roomba is not the only one. There are many robotic vacuum cleaners available in a wide price range for various applications various companies. Read more about robotic vacuums here.

Although vacuum cleaner is the most well-known application, robots are not limited to this. There are robots that can sweep floors, like the iRobot Dirt Dog, and robots that can scrub floors, like the roomba's sibling, the iRobot Scooba.

Mobile webcams

Someone has something they need to keep an eye on. For example, a dog - are you sure he doesn't sit on the couch when you're not at home? Well... You can now log into your surveillance robot using the internet and yell at your dog to get off the couch.

They can also have more options - like playing mp3s and other convenient things when you're at home. Two of the most well-known mobile webcams are Spykee by Meccano/Erector and Rovio by WowWee.

Brush cleaners

Remember what I said about the three D's? Well, I think gutter cleaning could fit all three of them. You have to move the ladder repeatedly, you might fall off them, and the job is definitely messy. That sounds like the perfect job for a robot to do. me.

While the rationale for using a robot for this job is clear, I am currently aware of only one robotic solution for gutter cleaning. This will be a robot for cleaning gutters and gutters iRobot Looj 330

Lawn mowing

This job seems very similar to a vacuum cleaner only outdoors and on a larger scale, right? If there are a lot of vacuum cleaners, then there must be a lot of robotic lawn mowers. Well, that's right. Lawn mowing may be the second largest application for robots in the home.

Like I said, there are a lot of robotic lawnmowers out there. different companies. There are no such expensive solutions for your home lawn. And there are also quite expensive robots for more serious commercial applications, such as golf clubs and other sports fields.

Pool cleaning

The swimming pools are pleasant and offer you many joyful moments where you can use it to relax. However, cleaning them is not so pleasant. Of course, you can always pay someone to do the job, but a robotic pool cleaner may be a cheaper solution.

Typically, robotic pool cleaners can clean the pool from the floor to the waterline, as well as filter the water for leaves and other things. Thus, the pool owner becomes almost hassle-free.

Personal robots

Of course, you can't buy friends from the store. But there are robots that can entertain you in everyday tasks that can be considered as borderline toys.

The possible range of devices is quite large. There are robots that can follow you around and entertain you. There are robots that can wake you up and run and hide from you - more like wheeled alarm clocks. There are also PC-based robots that you can build and program as you wish.

There are other robots that can be considered household robots. Many of them are work in progress, and many of them fail to actually do anything useful. Of course, toy robots can also be counted in this type. However, here I am focusing primarily on robots that can do chores and other useful things for us.

Now you should have some idea about household robots. I will continue to expand this section so that each section leads to an article.

Rise of robot butlers, dogs and robot vacuum cleaners

ROBOTS ARE EVERYWHERE NOW, from virtual assistants to automated butlers and robot cleaners; The era of machines is happening here and now and there is no turning back.

While Facebook, Google and the like are creating artificial intelligence (AI) assistants, and Boston Dynamics is building sci-fi four-legged robots that are scared by real dogs, there are a huge number of smart robots that the average person can buy.

For those who are interested in the latest robots, we present a list of the best robots and androids that you can buy today.

5. Anki Cozmo Robot

A wonderful robot Anki Cozmo that will replace a pet and will surprise you every time. It is designed to delight you and bring positive emotions.

You can play cubes with him, controlled through mobile application. His emotions are very developed, he can be angry, happy and sneeze. An improved version of Anki Vector, this is an assistant that you cannot do without.

He can carry out small tasks by responding to your voice commands. Its intelligence allows it to recognize faces, learn and interact with you on equal terms.

4. Robo Dog Zoomer

It's with sadness that Sony dumped its very cute robot dog Aibo, so we're looking forward to something that can replace the computerized watchdog. And then we came across Zoomer, a robotic Dog Patrol dog with wheels instead of paws.

2. Roomba I7+

We can do cleaning with love, especially when there is a serious high-tech robot vacuum cleaner on the market.

That's why we love IRobot, the Roomba i7+ robot vacuum that has it all... latest features. It wanders around the house trying to clean dust, hair and small debris for up to six hours without recharging, which is very important for proper cleaning.

Its small size means it can get into nooks and crannies, although we hope it also has enough electronic convolutions to get back out :) It can be controlled either by voice or via an app. He himself will remember the route and rooms, clean them up and clear out the garbage. This is just the ultimate dream!

The only question is that if he suddenly leaves you, you will have to learn how to clean up again, because you will lose this skill forever.

Sure, it won't win any big prizes for engineering or robotics, but when it comes to worry-free sweeping at a reasonable price, there's no doubt that this bot vacuum comes out on top.

1. Pepper

Pepper is a fun and polite telepresence robot. He can serve as a concierge, tour guide, administrator and other important assistants for us. If you need to sing and dance, no problem, he can handle it)

Those who want to get to know a robot can get a lot out of working with this smart bot.

Pepper is a collaboration between Aldebaran and Japanese communications giant SoftBank and resembles a robot child. Thanks to its 25 actuators, it moves along a trajectory in a rather strange way.

Pepper has a serious one artificial intelligence in the form of language recognition and the ability to understand human speech tone. In addition, it uses 25 sensors and cameras to learn how to navigate its environment and be able to interact with people.

And Pepper recently got a big boost in intelligence thanks to IBM and Watson's cognitive computing technology. This allows him to program many things that regular computers cannot, for example, make inferences from videos, images, and unstructured text.

Pepper demonstrates the current scope of robotics and the potential for robots to help every day and complement the workplace before they become too smart.

The current level of technological development allows us to hope for the imminent appearance of household robots that will be able to take on most of the housework. Of course, there are already cleaning robots, but they are only capable of performing a limited range of housework. However, in this review you can see the 10 most unique existing robots for the home

1. Functional robot vacuum cleaner Combi 2 in 1

An automated vacuum cleaner - Combi, will help make cleaning the room easier. In addition to the fact that the device can automatically clean the room, it is equipped with a removable mini vacuum cleaner. This is done in order to manually remove dust in places where the Combi cannot reach.

2. The concept of a robot vacuum cleaner in the shape of a turtle

The new automatic robot vacuum cleaner from Electrolux is capable of cleaning any surface in the house. Its main advantage is that cleaning occurs in absolutely automatic mode without any human intervention. Despite the unusual appearance, the Electrolux Hover Bot vacuum cleaner literally flies around the house and does all the dirty work.

3. Robot TODY in the form of a starfish

The TODY robot, unique in its kind, can operate under the control of voice commands or by given program, using a special application from a smartphone. TODY is shaped like a starfish, giving it the ability to use its flexible "tentacles" to perform various tasks around the house. Thanks to its high maneuverability, it can move up stairs and overcome various obstacles. Following the selected mode, the robot can clean the floor surface, rugs, furniture, curtains and other objects.

4. New Vacuum Band vacuum cleaner

Mostly dust collects near walls and in other hard-to-reach places where cleaning is done quite rarely. To solve this problem, a group of designers created a concept called Vacuum Band. In its appearance, it more closely resembles a tape measure stretched along the baseboard, which draws in: wool, dust, hair and other various debris. Of course, the problem with cleaning the room will not be completely solved, but the Vacuum Band will significantly reduce the content of dust and other particles in the air.

5. Counterbot UV countertop sanitizer

In everyday life, when cleaning the countertop, we simply wipe it with a damp cloth or napkins. But any specialist knows that after such cleaning, millions of potentially dangerous bacteria remain on the surface. The new ultraviolet robot sanitizer will help you get rid of them. It moves, just like modern robotic vacuum cleaners, and its body was made of plastic using a 3D printer.

6. Robot vacuum cleaner Robo TAP Cleaner

This robot is controlled from a distance by stomping in the right place.
The owner of this vacuum cleaner needs to put on special slippers, then indicate where Robo TAP Cleaner should clean and continue to enjoy a cup of coffee while waiting for the end of cleaning.

7. Home cleaner Jell Balls from Electrolux

This unique gadget is capable of cleaning a room using gelatin balls, which absorb all the dust and dirt. Inside the docking station there is a compartment where the collected dust is dumped after filtering the balls. Thanks to its mobility, Jell Balls can reach even the most difficult to reach places, and it is also suitable for wet cleaning.

8. Nanophea cleaning robot in the form of a flying saucer

The advantage of this robot is that its height is only 12.7 centimeters. This allows him to crawl under the bed and buzz there for a long time until complete cleaning the space there. In case of complete discharge, the robot, based on a signal from the infrared sensor, returns to the docking station.

9. Triangular robot vacuum cleaner Panasonic MC-RS1 Rulo

The main advantages of the Rulo's compact design are its triangular shape and double-sided brushes located at the bottom of the vacuum cleaner. Thanks to this, it can collect even the smallest dust in the corners of the room, sweeping it towards the intake channel. You can turn on the Rulo robo-vac by pressing the button on the body or using remote control. One full battery charge will last for three hours of continuous operation.

10. Universal robot vacuum cleaner Moneual Rydis H67

Moneual has created a universal robotic vacuum cleaner, the Rydis H67, that operates in two modes: the standard one will simply remove dust and small debris from hard surfaces and carpets, and the “dry mop mode” will help to more thoroughly clean hard surfaces.

And for robot lovers, this one will probably be interesting

IN modern world we are surrounded everywhere by machines and mechanisms various types, however, robots are still quite rare guests among them. And this is not surprising, because the main difference between these units and others is intelligence, which is still not fully understood by the creators themselves. And let modern robots We are still far from artificial humanoids from science fiction novels and films, but every year they become more and more advanced.

Routine work that does not require creativity is an ideal place for intelligent machines.

The fight against routine is, of course, a current direction of development, but much more important are areas of activity associated with an immediate danger to life, which is why space flights became one of the first areas of application of robots. It was here that remotely controlled robotic stations were first fully used, and the further man sent mechanical explorers, the more important the ability of autonomous decision-making by the machine became. After all, let’s say, even to the Moon the signal from the Earth comes with a significant delay, let alone Mars or other planets.

If we look deeper, the main purpose of robots is, of course, primarily to help humans, and therefore they are finding more and more applications in our daily lives.

Ten years ago it seemed fantastic that you could go to the nearest store consumer electronics and buy a robot cleaner there, and now robotic vacuum cleaners crawling around the apartment have already become familiar even to pets, who happily use them as attractions.

Moreover, today robotic waiters, robotic cooks in restaurants, robotic butlers, etc. are already in use - we will tell you about the most interesting models.

1 More than a toy

In 2008, the French company Aldebaran Robotics released miniature robot Nao. This almost toy-like 57-centimeter device turned out to be so successful that it was sold all over the world and became the main platform for the annual RoboCup competition.

In addition to the ability to move freely and communicate with the owner using speech commands, Nao has an interactive programming interface. By using special program the robot can be taught to perform the necessary operations depending on given conditions, for example, to bring an object.

2 Unboring space

Oddly enough, the use of robots in space is not limited to utilitarian functions. So, the Japanese space agency launched to the ISS robot Kirobo, created for the sole purpose of entertaining people with communication.

Tomotaka Takahashi, a designer from a division of the Toyota automaker, created Kirobo based on the anime character Astro Boy, familiar to every Japanese boy. This robotic companion kept Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata busy during his flight that ended last spring.

Since then, the mechanical Astro Boy himself has been in orbit in splendid isolation. They plan to return the robonaut to Earth in 2015.

3 Robotic restaurant

A restaurant in the city of Kunshan in China boasts not only delicious food, but also very original staff: instead of the usual waiters robots deliver food to visitors. In addition, some dishes are also prepared by robot chefs.

Restaurant owner Song Yugang says he started developing robots at the request of his daughter, who asked him to make a robot helper around the house. According to him, the cost of each robot is about 40,000 yuan, which is not more than the annual salary of an ordinary employee. At the same time, robots are a great way to attract visitors to a restaurant.

4 Robot Butlers

At the Aloft Hotel in Cupertino, the staff took on some of the responsibilities robots A.L.O., developed by Savioke. So, if you need an extra towel or a tube of toothpaste, a very nice electronic butler will deliver it to you. This robot interacts with computer system hotel with using Wi-Fi and 4G, which allows him to remotely call elevators and find the right rooms.

5 Freedom for your smartphone

The crowdfunding platform Kickstarter has opened the door to a lot of really fun ideas. This trend has not spared robotics either. For example, young engineers Peter Seid and Fu Nien proposed turning a smartphone into a robot.

When mounted on a special platform on tracks, your phone is able to move around the room, carry out commands given using a special application, and can also be controlled from another smartphone or tablet via the Internet. In addition to purely entertainment functions Romo(that’s what the developers called their brainchild) will help you monitor your home while you’re away.

6 Mechanical seal

One of the most amazing robots is the development of engineer Takanori Shibata from the Japanese Research Institute AIST. Robot named Paro externally it is a baby harp seal.

It would seem, why would a robot with the most modern electronic filling need such a cute appearance? However, everything becomes clear if we say that the robot is intended for psychological rehabilitation of patients in hospitals and nursing homes. Paro is a mechanical seal that can respond to the touch and voice of patients like a living creature.

7 Best Operator

IN lately In Hollywood, remotely piloted drones equipped with cameras are increasingly being used for filming. However, today drones have become real robots - they are capable of independently holding objects in the frame and flying along a given trajectory, and almost everyone can try this, albeit not at the Hollywood level, with the help of Parrot ArDrone quadcopters.

This flying camera is easy to control using a regular smartphone or tablet. "Filling" Bebop Drone Based on Linux OS, it comes with developer tools that give users full control over the behavior of this drone.

8 Industrial cleaners

With energy prices constantly rising, many countries are paying more and more attention to alternative energy sources. So, one of the most common types is solar energy. Indeed, there are quite a lot of practically unused deserts in the world, where solar energy is abundant, and there is almost no flora and fauna that could be harmed.

However, there is another problem: sand and dust in deserts quickly reduce the efficiency of solar plantations. A solution to this issue was proposed by the Israeli company Ecoppia. Her cleaning robots E4 specially adapted for cleaning solar panels. In the future similar systems All solar plantations in arid regions will be equipped.

9 How is Asimo doing?

One of the first humanoid robots introduced to the world was ASIMO from the Japanese company Honda. Its development has been going on since the 80s, and the first ASIMO was demonstrated in 2000.
At that time, although he made an impression, it was clear that he was still very far from the robots from science fiction novels.

Over the past decade and a half, ASIMO has made good progress - suffice it to say that it is now able to run and play football. But the most important thing is that today it is able to perform the task for which it was conceived - to help people with disabilities in everyday life.

10 Little walking friend

Another interesting development brought to life by Kickstarter was Hexy- a small six-legged robot. It does not have any specific abilities, and its main advantage is its low price (15,000 rubles), as well as completely open hardware and software.

It may seem that this is not enough. However, if you look at modern analogues of Hexy, especially at their price tag, which, as a rule, is in the range from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, the questions disappear by themselves. Therefore, if someone wants to experiment with walking robots, Hexi is the best choice.

Photo in the article: manufacturing companies; Toshiyuki Aizawa, Sheng Li, Max Rossi/Reuters; Anki; Honda Motor Co., Ltd.; Stanford University; KIBO-ROBOT; Savioke, Inc.; Ecoppia; Aldebaran Robotics; vichly4thai/

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