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Extending delivery time on aliexpress. How to extend order protection for Aliexpress. The seller asks you to wait: should I open a dispute?

Orders on Aliexpress are protected by consumer rights, which allows the buyer to demand a refund if the package did not arrive on time or was lost during delivery. Protection of buyers' rights is a seller's guarantee, which provides a full refund if the goods are not received or a partial refund if the goods do not correspond to the description. The Aliexpress website provides basic guarantees in which the seller is obliged to send the goods within the processing period, and the parcel itself must arrive within the period specified before the order is closed. Seller guarantees are mandatory for all orders from Aliexpress, which gives the buyer the right to demand a refund or compensation from the seller in case of failure to fulfill its obligations as specified in the Aliexpress rules. We will talk about how to extend buyer protection, what extending protection on Aliexpress provides and what methods of extending protection exist.

Buyer protection is the seller's guarantee to fulfill his responsibilities: providing the goods in accordance with the description, ensuring quality service and fast delivery. For each product, Aliexpress determines the delivery time within which the order must be received. If the order does not arrive on time, the buyer can request a refund before closing the order, before the “Confirm receipt of order” is indicated.

The main reason for the need to extend buyer protection occurs when the closing time of an order expires and the package is still in transit, or the order has already expired and the goods have not been received. In case the received goods low quality or not as described, the buyer may open a dispute and the seller must accept the return of the item before closing the order or refund the full amount. The issue of refund must be discussed with the seller personally or through opening a dispute. The buyer can find out his rights in the “Seller’s Guarantees” section, which describes the rules for the provision of services by the seller and the conditions for returning money in case of non-conformity of the goods. When choosing delivery to Aliexpress, the time of receipt of the order can be viewed in the “Delivery and payment” section in the “Estimated delivery time” column. The order must be delivered within this period. If the order does not satisfy its quality, was deformed or damaged during delivery, or lost by the carrier during delivery, the seller must accept the buyer's terms for returning the goods or compensating the cost of the order.

Seller guarantees make it possible to legally demand a refund of the full cost of the product from the seller. This distinguishes Aliexpress from other trading platforms, such as Alibaba, for example, where such guarantees for service and goods are not provided. Each buyer can request an extension. To do this, there are general recommendations for extending an order on Aliexpress, which you can use:

  • contact the seller. Most sellers on Aliexpress agree to extend buyer protection, no questions asked. In order to request an extension from the seller, you must go to “My Orders” and select the “Message to the seller” column. Indicate in English the message “Please, extendthedeliverytime. Thankyou" and wait for the seller to answer you. He can independently extend the protection if he sees that it is expiring. The extension time is determined by the seller himself. It can extend protection for a week or a month, depending on the reasons for the delivery delays.
  • open a dispute. If the seller refuses to extend the protection period, citing any reasons, you can open a dispute for a refund or extension of the protection period. You can submit a dispute no earlier than 5 days from the date of sending and no later than 15 days after the expiration of the protection period. After you open a dispute, within 5 days the seller must accept your terms or offer alternative solution. If he ignores your request or is not satisfied with the proposed solution, then you can refuse to accept them and then the Aliexpress administration will enter into a dispute and make its decision.

Some sellers themselves extend the protection period if they see that it is expiring and the order has not been received. Information about the renewal will be sent by mail, so before opening a dispute, check that there is no corresponding notice in the mail. It is advisable to open a dispute only if the seller extended the protection period, but the order never arrived, or when the parcel arrived, but the goods were not in proper condition. The decision to extend and the protection period are set by the seller. Information on how to extend the order tracking time is contained in the “Buyer Protection” section, where you will find more information on resolving such situations.

Extension of buyer protection on Aliexpress

Many buyers do not know that extending protection is very important for orders from Aliexpress, because if the protection period has expired and the product has not been received, then the buyer has no right to request a return, and the order will be automatically completed. Aliexpress has a system of notifications about the status of the order, in particular if the protection period is coming to an end, so it is important to regularly check “My Orders” and mail so as not to miss the time when an extension is still possible. AliExpress buyer protection extension applies to all items shipped via local delivery. This guarantee gives you the right to return money or goods if they are in the original packaging and have not been used. The issue of renewal will be settled between the seller and the buyer before the protection period expires. Then, the order is automatically closed and the buyer does not have the right to open a dispute for a refund or compensation. Extension of protection is possible in the following cases:

  • the protection period is coming to an end, but the goods are still on the way;
  • the protection period expires, but the goods have not arrived and there is no tracking information;
  • the protection period has expired, the product was received, but was damaged during delivery;
  • the protection period has expired, the product was received and does not correspond to the description;
  • The protection period has expired, the buyer requested an extension and the order still has not been received and there is no tracking information.

The issue of delivery is very acute for Aliexpress logistics, because not all parcels are carefully tracked and situations occur when the buyer asked to extend the protection period, the seller agreed, then the extension ended, a dispute was opened and resolved in favor of the buyer for a full refund, and after all that came order. In this case, not all buyers inform the seller that the order has arrived when the money is returned. That is why you can understand many sellers who extend protection themselves. Track information may not be available until the order is received, so don’t worry if the package still hasn’t arrived, even though the delivery time is coming to an end. You can request an extension several times, after which you can still count on a full refund if the package never arrives.

Extension of protection is a very important criterion when an order is delayed, because it provides the opportunity to count on compensation if the package is lost or the quality of the product is not of proper quality. Warranty protect the rights of buyers from the moment it is sent until it is received, but do not rush to open a dispute immediately when the protection period expires. Problems with logistics and delays at customs are common reasons why parcels from Aliexpress do not arrive on time. Be patient and always keep in touch with the seller to quickly resolve any problems.

Features of protecting buyer rights on Aliexpress

What does consumer protection provide? - many Aliexpress users do not know the answer to this question. When placing an order, the buyer selects the delivery method that suits him, and the seller simply sends the order using the chosen method. If the seller fulfilled his obligations and sent the order on time, then subsequent delivery problems are not his fault. However, according to Aliexpress rules, all responsibilities for the quality of the product, its packaging, delivery times, etc. is assumed by the seller. The peculiarities of protecting the rights of the buyer on Aliexpress are that the seller is assigned specific warranty obligations, failure to comply with which is subject to Aliexpress protection mechanisms. These obligations include:

  • timely delivery. This means your order must arrive within the estimated delivery time, although actual times may vary. That is why, an extension of the protection of the buyer’s rights is provided, which makes it possible to receive a refund if the order was not received on time or was received, but in poor condition.

  • return of goods and payment. If the received product does not correspond to the description, was damaged during delivery, the quality is worse than declared, there is damage various kinds etc., the buyer can open a dispute for a full refund and partial compensation, and the seller must accept the terms of the dispute. At the same time, it is necessary to provide photographic evidence of the dispute.

  • return guarantee. If the product arrived safe and sound, but the buyer ordered a different color or size, or the buyer simply did not like the product, then it can be returned. To do this, it is important to keep the original packaging and the absence of any signs of use and send the product back. Payment for returns is at the buyer's expense.
  • guarantee of authenticity. This guarantee stipulates that the product received must be 100% original, e.g. new iPhone, then it must have original documents, original box, label, etc. Otherwise, the fake can be returned to the seller.

If you are faced with one of the above problems of failure by the seller to fulfill its obligations, then you can count on the protection of your rights on Aliexpress. The process of extending protection and returning is controlled by the Aliexpress administration, so if you have any problems with the receipt or quality of your order, you can count on a prompt solution in your favor.

Extending protection through the mobile application

Using the mobile application, you can perform the same actions to extend protection as from the main Aliexpress website. In the mobile app, everything is a little simplified, making it much easier to manage orders. To request a protection extension via mobile application, you need to log in and go to the “My Orders” section. There, select the order that requires an extension and click on the line with it. After this, information about the status of the order will open, where you can select two options: “Confirm receipt” and “Open a dispute”.

In fine print additional options"Delivery Information" and "Messages". Go to messages and ask the seller to extend the protection period if, according to delivery data, the package is still on the way, or indicate to open a dispute if you are not satisfied with the quality of the order, there is damage that was clearly left during delivery and the product itself does not correspond to the description . Then you simply choose the terms of return and ways to resolve the dispute, after which the seller can offer an alternative solution or immediately agree to your terms. All order management operations and decisions made during the dispute process will be saved both in the mobile application and in the extended version.

Extending protection through the Aliexpress website

Extending protection on Aliexpress through the extended version of Aliexpress is easy, so if such a need arises, immediately open the official website, enter your username and password and go to “My Orders”. Select the product you need and indicate “More details” next to the order number. Then go to the order form and select item 2 in the first block with information about the order status. Select the box “To extend buyer protection for this order, click here” and a window with a request form will open. You can indicate the time for which you would like to extend the protection period and if the seller agrees, he will confirm your request.

Extension of protection through the Aliexpress website is only possible if the seller approves your request. Some sellers themselves extend the protection a few days before the estimated period ends. In principle, sellers are willing to extend protection when they see that delivery is delayed, so this will not be much of a problem. If the seller approves or extends the protection, you will receive a notification by email indicating the number of days the protection has been extended. If the order arrives within this time, you can confirm receipt; if it does not arrive, open a dispute for compensation.

You can also extend the buyer’s protection period by writing a message to the seller asking for time if, according to delivery data, the order is already close, but is still on the way. This way, you will simply be on the safe side in case the quality of the product is worse than expected or if an exchange or return is needed.

Benefits of extending buyer protection

Extension of protection is, first of all, your guarantee that you will receive what you ordered in good condition and will be satisfied with the product, in principle. According to Aliexpress rules, buyer protection applies to the order from the moment it is sent until it is received by the buyer. All this time, the seller is obliged to keep informed of where the parcel is now and maintain contact with the buyer until the receipt of the order is confirmed. Aliexpress has a very developed feedback and a rating system, so every buyer is important for the site and if buyer protection were absent, it is unlikely that anyone from Europe and the CIS countries would order goods on the site. And so, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian buyers are the main consumers of goods from Aliexpress.

Extending the protection of the buyer's rights allows you to avoid various problems with delivery and logistics for which, in principle, the seller is not responsible. However, parcels from Aliexpress are often lost, which means that the inability to extend protection would jeopardize the entire business on Aliexpress. But the extension has more than just commercial aspects. The main advantages of extending buyer protection are as follows:

  • the buyer receives the right to demand a refund of his money if the goods do not arrive;
  • the buyer receives full compensation if the order does not arrive within the estimated delivery period of the protection extension;
  • after the protection time has expired, the buyer can receive the entire amount or part of the money for the goods;
  • the buyer does not risk if the goods are on the way and the delivery period is already expiring;
  • it is possible to peacefully resolve conflicts between buyer and seller;
  • the extension does not affect the final result of the dispute, regardless of how many additional days the seller gave.

Extension of protection provides the buyer with the opportunity to count on a refund in case of late delivery, violation of seller guarantees and problems with logistics. It is advisable to use an extension when you have placed an order, but there is no tracking information and the goods did not arrive within the specified period. Most often, such situations happen with goods that cost less than $5. They are tracked less often, but are still delivered, although longer than the specified time.

Instructions for extending the protection of buyer rights

You can ask the seller to extend the buyer protection period for various reasons, and if the deadline does not arrive within the specified time, you can immediately close the order with a dispute and demand a refund. If it is fundamentally important for you to receive that product. which you ordered, then you can use the instructions for extending the protection of buyer rights:

  • go to “My Orders” and select the product that requires protection extension;
  • select “extend buyer protection”;
  • fill out the request form, indicating the number of days for which you would like to extend the protection;
  • Confirm submitting the form and wait for a response from the seller.

You can directly write to the seller a message that you would like to ask for an extension of protection, since there is no information about the current location of the goods. Additionally, you can ask the seller to update the delivery information if he has tracking information. If the seller does not respond to your requests and messages, then no later than 15 days after the expiration of the protection period, you can submit a dispute request for a full refund of the cost of the goods. Please note that all actions to return or extend protection must be performed on the page with that product. about which we are talking.

Why extend protection on Aliexpress?

AliExpress Buyer Protection is your guarantee that any issues regarding product quality, damage during delivery and delays in receipt will be resolved correctly, taking into account your rights. Thus, if the protection expires and the order has still not reached the recipient, you can ask the seller to give additional time, during which the buyer retains the rights to return, open a dispute and resolve disputes. That is, you get the opportunity to return the product or money if you are not satisfied with the service and the order itself, just as it is possible during the delivery period.

If you don’t know why to extend protection on Aliexpress, then you’ve never encountered the problem of losing parcels from a Chinese site, when it’s pointless to look for the culprits, and the money has already been paid. You definitely shouldn’t be upset about this, if you haven’t received your order, then during the buyer protection period and after the extension. you have the opportunity to ask the seller to return the money. Whether or not to extend protection is up to the buyer himself, so if you don’t think it’s necessary, then you don’t have to do it. but then you will not be able to make any claim about delivery and return the money, and it will simply create an unpleasant situation for you and your order. Know your rights and use them skillfully when placing orders on Aliexpress.

Ways to extend protection on Aliexpress

When it comes to extending your protection, there is only one way to do it: go to the order page and fill out the extension application form. But you don't have to do it this way. You can send a message to the seller with a request to extend the protection, or you can resolve this issue through a dispute. Methods for extending protection on Aliexpress largely depend on the reason and the need for extension.

How to extend protection on Aliexpress video?

Aliexpress provides protection for buyers and their rights, which guarantees that if the product does not correspond to the description, delivery deadlines are violated, or there is no information about the status of the order, you can easily restore justice and get your money back. Buyer protection is valid for a strictly limited amount of time, but if necessary, the buyer can request an extension or the seller himself can add order protection time. This gives the buyer the right to open a dispute if the package never arrives and the track information is not tracked. If you still have questions about how to extend protection on Aliexpress, look for answers in the video:

Aliexpress Buyer Protection is the most important tool with which trading platform regulates the relationships between its participants and acts as a guarantor of transaction security for both parties. First of all, this includes “freezing” the funds you use. (Until you confirm receipt of the package and close the order, the merchant will not be able to receive them). Second important function order protection is an opportunity to defend your rights through dispute and.

In most cases, the administration sides with the buyer. If you are unlucky and the transaction was unsuccessful, it will allow you to restore justice and return the funds partially (if the product arrived defective or does not match the description) or in full (if the package from China did not arrive at all). Of course, if the goods arrived on time and you are satisfied with your purchase, you don’t have to do anything.

Buyer protection is valid from the moment of registration until the official completion of the order. (You can close it yourself after receiving confirmation of the parcel or during the dispute when the parties come to an agreement).

In any case, as long as the Aliexpress protection period has not expired, it can be extended, open a dispute and return the money. On average, this interval ranges from 40 to 80 days. This includes the time allotted for shipping the item, the actual transportation of the package, and some time after receiving the item while you decide to close the transaction or discussion.

The counter is running low, and you? Try to extend your protection on Aliexpress. If it ends when the dispute is already open, it’s not a big deal: you can extend it again. But you need to start debating before the timer ends. This is important.

We will be notified of the deadline by a notification that is automatically sent by email.

And you can go to Personal account, find the required order and click the “Details” button.

The window that opens displays the delivery deadline.

If the parcel does not arrive by this time, the transaction will be closed automatically, payment will be transferred to the seller, and you will be left without the goods and without money. Therefore, in case of the slightest doubt, you should play it safe and ask to extend buyer protection on Aliexpress.

Specify any number of days. The maximum delivery time is 90 days, usually everything happens much faster.

And we are waiting until the application is approved, since unilaterally It is not yet possible to extend the protection period on Aliexpress.

Let's sum it up: the deadlines are increased only if there is a possibility of a dispute opening. Most often - if for various reasons (peak sales, workload of customs officers, and so on). In this case, you can extend the protection yourself or write a letter to the seller. Perhaps he will turn out to be an adequate person and will meet you halfway (because the Chinese are extremely uninterested in disputes). In a personal message, specify where the parcel is now and whether it will arrive in time. If necessary, politely ask to increase the delivery time and extend order protection on Aliexpress, if he has not done this himself. (Sometimes this happens if you care about your rating).

If they don’t agree to your suggestions or don’t respond to your message... what can you do, open a dispute. Just be sure to see it through to the end. In the process, they may persuade you to wait a little longer and promise anything to cancel the dispute. There are cases when, as a result of such actions, the system automatically completes the order. Keep in mind: being under the protection of Aliexpress, you have the right to open a dispute again, but if the system closes the transaction, then the Chinese will receive the money, will not fulfill any of the promises, and you will only have to wait for a miracle - a notification from the Russian Post about delivery. And if he never comes, you won’t be able to do anything, because the proceedings are final closed order According to the rules of the site, it is impossible.

LIFE HACK: You won’t be able to extend protection on Aliexpress from your phone, because latest version There is no such function in the mobile application.


If you are interested in the question, then you probably already know that from the moment of shipment until the moment you receive the parcel from the Chinese Aliexpress site, the seller allocates a certain number of days - 27, 39, 60 or 90. This important point, which should not be overlooked, because the delivery time is your guarantee, a guarantee that you can always get your money back if something happens. Therefore, do not let the timer wind back the last days and the order has not yet reached you.

There are times when a parcel simply does not have time to travel thousands of kilometers in the allotted time. Let's say you, where is your order now, are convinced that it is on its way, but it becomes clear that the package will not reach its destination within the allotted time. This is exactly the case when you should extend your order on Aliexpress. Just don’t let the timer run until the last day; extend it 3-4 days before the end of the delivery period so that the seller has time to process your request.

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How to extend an order on Aliexpress.

To begin with, let's do the following:

My AliExpress / My Aliexpress – My Orders / My Orders

Select the desired product and click View Detail / View orders

Next we find the link Request to extend Purchase Protection/Request to extend purchases. Just keep in mind that the page must be in English, otherwise this tab simply won’t work.

In the window that opens, enter the number of days for which we ask to extend the order. Assess the situation, estimate with reserve how long it will take for the order to reach its destination.

This completes your mission to renew your order on Aliexpress. It remains to wait for a reaction from the seller.

If the seller does not respond to your request to extend the order, you can open a dispute. I hope it doesn’t come to this, but remember - your interests must be protected, and Aliexpress Buyer Protection works at the proper level.

Happy shopping on Ali!

When shopping online, trust in the online store is, of course, important. Many users are concerned about questions such as security Aliexpress And buyer protection. We can immediately make a reservation - at the mentioned store these aspects have been worked out thoroughly. top level. But first things first.

Despite all the authority of Aliexpress, the safety of purchases on this site still depends on “ human factor" What do you mean? And the fact is that there are thousands of sellers on this Internet site, and some of them may not be as honest and responsible as we would like. Therefore, in order to increase Aliexpress security in terms of purchases made, a system was introduced seller ratings.

Seller rating on Aliexpress

You can find out about the seller directly in the product card:

To learn more about the Seller’s rating, you can click on the number next to the “medals” or on the number about the percentage of reviews: A page will open - the Seller’s card, on which you can find out how other users rated it (read comments), how many buyers added it to “Favorites” when the seller started working on Aliexpress.

It is clear that sometimes a low-rated seller can have much more favorable prices(for example, if he has just started working on the Aliexpress site and works “for reputation” and attracting customers), but, nevertheless, you should think about whether the risk of non-delivery or receiving a low-quality product is worth it.

It makes sense to check the “responsiveness” of the seller before purchasing the product you like. To do this, you can use the “Send message” link directly in the product card, for example, to clarify some details about a potential order. The speed (and availability) of receiving a response will be a good indicator that the seller will be available when situations arise related to buyer protection on Aliexpress.

Security Aliexpress: basic guarantees

You should know that the security of Aliexpress is ensured by the basic guarantees of the online store: timely delivery And return guarantee.

The maximum possible delivery time to a buyer in Russia from the moment of dispatch to receipt in hand is 90 days. Violation of this deadline guarantees a refund of 100% of the order price. But there are a number of nuances in which the delivery guarantee is canceled - you need to know and keep them in mind:

  1. Non-delivery of goods due to the incorrectness of the address specified by the Buyer removes responsibility from the Seller;
  2. Force majeure has arisen: a delay by customs (the goods did not pass control), a disaster has occurred - a refund of the full cost is cancelled.
  3. If somehow the Buyer manages to pay the Seller directly (bypassing the Aliexpress payment system). In this case, there is simply no “arbiter” capable of intervening in the situation.

The Seller will receive money sent by the Buyer only if there is confirmation of delivery by the Buyer, or after the delivery period specified in the order has expired (without confirmation by the Buyer), so in most cases he himself is interested in ensuring that the goods are delivered.

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Returns, extension of buyer protection on Aliexpress and opening a dispute

You can, for example, agree to extend the delivery period, discuss what the return conditions will be. Often, sellers, trying to maintain customer loyalty, take into account the buyer’s requests. In return, they may ask, for example, to give a good rating and write a review :)

Buyer Protection Period on Aliexpress can be increased: this is done using an extension request. You just need to click on the link of the same name in the order tracking menu. This works, of course, provided that the current “Protection” has not yet come to an end.

If the correspondence does not lead to the desired results, the extension of “Buyer Protection” is inappropriate in the situation that has arisen, or the buyer simply does not want to “bother” with communicating with the seller, he can use the Aliexpress tool called “dispute”. Those. To request a refund, the buyer opens a dispute in which he conducts a discussion with the seller. This is a more official procedure that the Seller simply cannot ignore (unlike messages), and which can be connected to at a certain stage Aliexpress Dispute Resolution Team.

Let us once again voice the “reasons” for opening a dispute on Aliexpress:

  1. The delivery did not arrive within the specified period (the maximum time interval from the moment of confirmation of dispatch is 120 days);
  2. The received product is inappropriate/unsatisfactory;

In the website interface, this Aliexpress buyer protection tool is located in the “My Orders” menu. To the right of each order item there will be an “Open dispute” option.

In the form that opens, you will need to indicate the reasons for opening a dispute, options for resolving it acceptable to the Buyer (full/partial refund of payment, whether the goods will be returned or remain with the recipient), and write a more or less detailed comment on the situation that has arisen.

There are specific time frames for opening a dispute in Aliexpress: it can be opened no earlier than 5 days from the moment the Seller confirms the shipment and no later than 15 days from the date the order is closed (expiration of the delivery period). The last rule is especially important to consider. Those. You can’t just pay for the order and “fill in”: anyway, from time to time the process and delivery time need to be monitored so that in case of an undesirable scenario, you won’t be left with nothing.

Time tracking is carried out in the “Order Data”, stage “Delivery”:

Because "Dispute" is an official security mechanism on Aliexpress, there are strict conditions for it:

  • The seller must “respond” to an open dispute within five days;
  • the absence of a “reaction” from the Seller is clearly regarded in favor of the Buyer, and the latter is returned the requested amount;
  • If the measures proposed by the Seller do not suit the Buyer, then the dispute may be transferred to the level of resolution by its Aliexpress team.
  • automatic escalation of the dispute to the level of attracting “arbitrators” from Aliexpress occurs if the correspondence with the Seller lasted for 15 days and the parties did not come to an agreement that suits both, and also if it was indicated that the delivery period has expired, and the order is still “in hand” and didn't turn out to be.

When a dispute is raised, the buyer needs to be “in touch”: check his email, his Aliexpress account: requests may be received additional information(for example, they will be asked to attach a photo of a low-quality product), as well as notifications about the results of the dispute.

Thus, Aliexpress security is built on a combination of two components:

  • a well-thought-out system for providing basic guarantees: Aliexpress buyer protection, a tool called “dispute”, engaging a dispute resolution team;
  • competent and attentive actions of the buyer: analysis of the Seller’s rating, guarantees provided by him, order tracking, readiness to communicate with the seller (both simply in “Messages” and in the process of opening a dispute on Aliexpress), willingness to present evidence of his innocence (in cases of receiving improper product) and defend it.
  1. — an overview of the most pressing issues that a buyer may encounter when paying for an order;
  2. - really useful article about alternative bank card payment methods that you may not have known about.

If the article was useful to you, or, on the contrary, you found it not comprehensive enough, or maybe you just have “something to say,” or you need answers to other questions related to Aliexpress, do not hesitate to voice them in the comments! We will know what interests you, and you, accordingly, will receive the necessary information.

Dear readers, have a nice and trouble-free online shopping! 🙂

Article Buyer protection on Aliexpress: how to prevent cunning Chinese from deceiving yourself was modified: July 4th, 2018 by Netobserver

Placing an order takes place in several stages: payment, order processing and dispatch of goods. The status “The seller has sent your order” indicates that your package is already on its way, and the order profile already contains a tracking number.

At this stage, a countdown timer is automatically turned on, which indicates how much time is left until the end of the action. Until the time has expired, the seller will not receive your money. Theoretically, within the specified time, the parcel should reach the addressee, who, in turn, must confirm receipt of the goods. However, there are a number of reasons why your parcel may be delayed. In this case, to protect the buyer, it is not possible to extend the protection period.

Extension of protection is possible at various stages before the completion of the order, including during a dispute.

Extension of protection

If there are 4-5 days left before the expiration of the protection period, and the parcel is still on the way, there are 2 options:

  1. Open a dispute (dispute);
  2. Request an extension of order protection.

Of course, if the parcel is not tracked or is stuck somewhere in China, you can safely open a dispute. And if the goods have already passed customs control in your country, there is nothing to worry about. Simply request an extension of protection in order to reserve the right to take advantage of the seller's guarantees.

Conscientious sellers monitor the timer and extend protection on their own, without waiting for the buyer to contact them. You can contact the seller with a request to extend your order protection through personal correspondence or by clicking “Request protection extension.”

Be sure to make sure that the time in the order has changed, as the seller may ignore you or simply not notice the request.

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