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The right header for Instagram. Greeted by the cover: how to beautifully design your Instagram profile. Placing content in thematic blocks

Useful tips and recommendations on how to create a profile on Instagram
A huge number of people use social networks not only for personal communication, but also for business development purposes. These platforms help promote products or services without unnecessary advertising costs. But for an account to gain popularity, it must be attractive to users, and this section will tell you step by step how to beautifully design your Instagram profile.

Choose a nickname

Many users believe that a large number of interesting photos is enough to make a page popular, and do not pay due attention to the design of the header. This section includes nickname, username and avatar. This is the very first information that a visitor sees, and it should attract attention. Let's look at how to make a profile header on Instagram, starting with the nickname.

Example of a correct Instagram Nickname

The nickname is located at the top of the page. It is through it that other users can find the account. To make things easier for them, there are a few principles you need to follow. An ideal nickname should:

  • easy to remember and read;
  • be quite short;
  • do not cause unpleasant associations.

It is important that key information about the account can be easily remembered by anyone and that they can enter the combination into the search bar without much difficulty. As a rule, users have enough patience for two or three attempts, and if they fail, they simply abandon the idea. This is especially undesirable in situations where you are registering an Instagram profile for business.

To avoid mistakes, you should avoid the following when writing your nickname:

  • punctuation marks;
  • complex structures consisting of various characters and underscores;
  • the use of several words spelled together, or broken up by dots.

In other words, the version of the nickname “@@mashenka_mani_kur@@pedi_kur” cannot be called successful. It's better to choose something less bulky.

Specify the username

Next step How to beautifully design a header is the spelling of the username. It stands out on the page in bold, and is also listed in search engines inside the platform. You will need to do the following:

Choosing a username also needs to be taken seriously. If you need to create an Instagram page to promote a business, for example, an online store, it is better to indicate its name here. And if services are offered, it is permissible to write your own first and last name with the appropriate note, for example:

  • “Galina Vasnetsova - eyelash extensions”;
  • “Alexey Ignatov - professional photography”;
  • “Angelina Denglieva - wedding hairstyles” and more.

You can also indicate the locality where a specific service is provided. In some cases, emoticons will also be useful, as they will add a certain originality to the page. Various fonts are also available in the settings, and writing the name in intricate letters will help you design the header beautifully.

Some users make a common mistake and write page names in Arabic, Greek, Armenian and other languages. You shouldn’t do this if you don’t want to write in Russian; in such situations it’s better to use the English font, since this international language most people speak to one degree or another, which cannot be said about less common dialects.

A high-quality avatar is an integral attribute of a popular Instagram profile. The choice of photo must be made in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Quality. Although the profile avatar on Instagram is very small in size, you should not post a bad photo taken, for example, in poor lighting.
  • Format. Since the avatar will have a round shape, it is worth taking this into account when choosing the appropriate image.
  • Uniqueness. Some people think it’s cool to use a photo of a famous person as an avatar. But many people do this, and as a result, users looking for a specific page are not always clear which of the list they really need.
  • Information content. Since the picture will be very small, users should immediately understand what or who is depicted. Therefore, as an avatar, it is better to choose a photo that does not contain many unnecessary elements.
  • Aesthetics. For an avatar, it is better not to choose images that may contain elements of pornography or inscriptions that can offend the feelings of other users. Such a page will only alienate potential subscribers.

When a suitable image is found, installing it will not be particularly difficult. You need to do it like this:

  1. Go to the profile editing subsection.
  2. Click on the command to change the main photo.
  3. Configure your avatar settings.

Filling out the description section

The description is a kind of “business card” that is seen by users who visit the page. Here you indicate basic information about yourself, and if the account creator is concerned about how to set up an Instagram profile for business correctly, it is worth placing information about the company in this section.

It is important that a potential subscriber realizes the benefit, namely, understands why he should subscribe to a specific page.

Design plays an important role in filling out this section. You can place text in two ways: with new line or centered using different fonts. Let's look at both options.

From a new line

Unfortunately, completing the design this way with mobile device impossible, you will need a computer or laptop. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Log in to the social network using any browser.
  2. Go to the profile editing section.
  3. Enter the required information, separating the lines with the “Enter” button.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Check your profile status on your phone.

If everything is done correctly, the information will be placed sequentially, each item on a new line. This will make the text easier to understand for users.


This type of design is as simple to perform as the previous one. You need to act in this order:

  1. Log into Instagram from your computer.
  2. Open the profile editing tab.
  3. When filling out the corresponding section, add spaces at the beginning of the lines until they are in the middle.
  4. Save the settings.

It is worth noting that with this formatting you will not be able to enter large text, since the number of characters is limited, and spaces are also counted as characters

We post additional information

To make your Instagram profile not only look beautiful and original, but also be as informative as possible, you should indicate additional information. This is especially important if the user promotes goods or services through the page.

As additional information you can specify:

  • other free ways communications, namely contacts in popular messengers(WhatsApp, Viber and others);
  • links to accounts on other social networks;
  • other links, for example, to a website, video or blog.

We post a photo

When considering the question of how to design an Instagram profile beautifully and unconventionally, the photos posted on it play an important role. The following tricks will help make this section attractive:

Example of photo design for Instagram and VKontakte

And finally, one last point that should not be forgotten. The profile must be open to visitors, otherwise it is unlikely to become popular. To change the settings, you will need to visit the corresponding menu and move the “slider” opposite the line to close your account to the left.

Using the tips and recommendations given, you can independently make your page in a popular social network beautiful, original and memorable. Having visited it once, users will want to “visit” regularly, which will significantly expand the circle of subscribers.

For professional design of your Instagram profile, you can contact our web design studio

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The first thing potential subscribers see is the profile header. Remember, when you click on an ad on Instagram, your eyes fall directly on these 150 characters. In this post we will figure out how to make and design a profile header on Instagram.

What is a profile header on Instagram?

Profile header is a block of text located under the avatar and profile name. Holds only 150 characters in which you need to write everything necessary information about myself. Here you can also include an active link to another account, hashtags, and emojis. If the profile header is not catchy, then people do not subscribe and the account grows slowly.

Here is an example of a profile header for @zarina_mysina. I've been blogging for two years and have changed it a hundred times. So far this is the option I like best. What about you?

How to edit and design a header?

It's easy to edit the header:

  1. Prepare your profile header: text, emoji, design;
  2. Log in to your account;
  3. Click on the “Change” button;
  4. Copy and paste the prepared text into the “About Me” field;
  5. Click "Done".

Unhappy with your account header? Order a profile review and receive recommendations for improvement.

Each account has its own nuances. If you are a blogger, then you have more room for creativity. If you are developing a business account, then write about your advantages. Anyway, I'm highlighting four basic principles for the profile header on Instagram: specifics, benefits, customization, call to action.

Specifics can be numbers and facts that tell about you or the company:


YES: I've been writing for 12 years

Specific examples:

  • Education (graduated from Moscow State University with honors)
  • Facts that speak about your advantages (I write texts with a proofreader)
  • Numbers (Wrote 3,000 selling texts)

We made the profile header for Casperbakery during a consultation. Please note that there is a difference from competitors and specifics.

Benefit - how the product will help a person or why he should subscribe to the blog



YES: 80 IDEAS FOR POSTS #myza_what_write

Tuning- how are you different from others? Why should a person from thousands of blogs follow you? The detuning is complicated by the fact that we ourselves do not see our own strengths. It seems to us that we are no different. My consulting practice suggests the opposite: every business can find its own difference. Look for yours and write the adjustment in the Instagram profile header.

Call- what do you want the person to do? Subscribe, write to Direct or place an order immediately? So we write:




Harmful words in the profile header

Over two years of working with Instagram accounts, I analyzed hundreds of profiles and can accurately name the words that harm the profile header:

  • GOOD
  • BEST

All evaluative adjectives are hidden evil; these adjectives themselves are not bad. It’s bad when they are used to talk about a product, service or blog (underline as appropriate). For me, evaluative adjectives in a business description are a marker that a person does not know his advantages and is unfamiliar with his strengths.

Let's take an example: EXCLUSIVE STYLIST. Let's try to substitute any other word for “stylist”:


Now let's expand on this adjective: DRESSING CLIENTS IN ITALY
That's it, finita la comedy. If you don’t add other words to this phrase other than “stylist”, it will turn out to be rubbish.



In your profile header, do not use words that fit any other word and do not change the essence. Open your account right now and check if there are any evaluative adjectives hidden there?

Instagram profile header design example

To design your profile header, use emoji, you can add invisible symbol and highlight important information. For example:

The profile header is primarily needed for new subscribers. When they switch to an account from an advertisement, this is what they see first. Your task is to create a header that tells about the blog in 150 characters. I hope this post will help you understand your Instagram profile header.

Author Zarina Musina

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Instagram profile is yours business card on this social network. Every person, be it just someone who likes to have fun looking through photos or your potential client, first of all pays attention to your profile header.

And also a properly designed profile header on Instagram will have a positive effect on the indexing of your page in the search engines Yandex and Google and the internal search of the social network Instagram itself.

Well, it goes without saying, don’t forget about beautiful design headers of your profile so that your potential subscriber gets pleasure and all the information he is interested in about you from the very first seconds.

I recently wrote an article about how, as part of the game, you can get 8 online courses on your Instagram account.

How to properly design a profile header on Instagram

A properly designed hat should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you or what do you sell?
  • How are you different from your competitors?
  • What needs to be done right now? (Call to Action)
  • Touch point (website link or contact link)

Go to edit your profile and first fill out the line “ Name” – this is the top and boldest line that first catches your eye.

You have only 30 characters to describe the entire essence of your proposal. If you are a blogger, then write your first and last name. Also use emoticons if you wish. Below is an example.

“Name” of your profile will play very important role in search, so if you have a business account, use main keywords.

Very often, your potential clients can search for you in search engines, and here, too, the “Name” field is primarily indexed.

Next, proceed to filling out the section “ About me“. Here we have a limit of 150 characters, try to describe the essence and most important thing, your task is to retain a potential client and you have no more than 3 seconds for this.

In this part of the profile header, you need to describe all your advantages and differences from your competitors. I strongly recommend using the necessary emoticons and formatting your profile description in a column. As far as I know, owners of some smartphones may have difficulty wrapping lines and adding emoji; this problem can be easily solved using any PC.

Log in using your username and password from your Instagram account via computer on the official website and also go to the “ Edit profile “. Get started with the beautiful design.

Leave the last line for text, call to action, here are some of them:

  • Place an order
  • Subscribe
  • Request a call
  • Go to website
  • Download the book
  • Get a bonus
  • Ask a question
  • Buy
  • Write a message
  • Leave a request
  • and so on…

In the section “ website“we register the link, it is important to register the link in the section website , it will not be active anywhere else and therefore there will be no use from it.

About how If you don’t have your own website and you have nowhere to take your client, then use it to quickly connect the client with you.

I think that this article will help you beautifully, and most importantly, correctly design your Instagram profile header.

Many users, when creating an Instagram account, want it to be beautiful, memorable and actively attract new subscribers. But for this you need to try, devoting time to the correct design.

There is no single recipe for properly designing an Instagram account, but there are still some tips that you can follow to make your account look really interesting.

When a user visits your Instagram profile, they should immediately have an idea of ​​what this page is about, who its owner is, and how to contact him.

Enter your name

If the profile is personal, then you should indicate your name in the profile. If the profile is impersonal, for example, is a tool for promoting goods and services, then instead of the name you will need to indicate the name of your online store.

Add a description

The description will be visible on home page profile. This is a kind of business card, so the information presented in the description should be short, succinct and vivid.

As a result, the description in the application looks like this:

Place the description in the center

As a result, our name and description look like this in the application:

Add a Contact button

Most likely, you want to make a high-quality profile in order to promote goods and services, which means that potential buyers and customers should easily and quickly reach you. To do this you should add a button "Contact", under which you can place the required information: your location, phone number and email address.

Provide an active link

If you have your own website, be sure to place an active link in your profile so that users can instantly go to it.

An avatar is an integral element of creating a quality profile. The photo placed on the avatar must meet several criteria:

  • Be of good quality. Despite the fact that the Instagram avatar is very small, this photo card is clearly visible, which means it must be of decent quality and taken in good lighting.
  • Do not contain unnecessary elements. The photo installed on the avatar is very small, so users should immediately understand what is shown in it, which means it is desirable for the photo to be minimalistic.
  • You should use a unique image as your avatar. Do not use pictures from the Internet that are set as avatars for thousands of users. Consider that an avatar is your logo, so just from one avatar the user should immediately understand whose page this is.
  • Be in the appropriate format. All avatars on Instagram are round, which means this point must be taken into account. It is advisable if you use any mobile photo editor to first crop the photo, making it square, and then set the modified result as your profile photo.
  • If you have an impersonal profile, then you should use a logo as an avatar. If there is no logo, it is better to draw one or use any suitable photo that matches the theme of your profile as a basis.

Changing the avatar

All Instagram users love not only informative, but also beautiful pages. Look at popular accounts - almost all of them display a common style of image processing.

For example, when editing a photo before publishing, you can use the same filter or add interesting frames, for example, making the image round.

To edit photos, try using the following applications:

If you want your page to be in the top of search engines, you need to take care of coming up with a beautiful and meaningful nickname - one, maximum, two words that will immediately tell people whose profile is in front of them and what can be found there. This is half the answer to the question of how to earn a lot of followers on Instagram. Your nickname must meet the following requirements:

  • Brevity

  • Memorability

  • Pronunciability

The first and second points are interconnected: the shorter the name, the easier it is to remember. As for the third - pronunciability - try to say the nickname you came up with yourself. It turns out? Easily? Do you think such a name could become a household name, like “VK”, “ ”, etc.? If your page is found in search engines, and its name is easy to pronounce, then only due to this factor people will come to you again and again, and - what is important - bring their friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Page header design

Since Instagram is a social platform, in order to get many followers on Instagram, it is very important to design your header beautifully and with high quality.

Beauty is what the user sees. The photo should literally please the eye. There should be no annoying color effects, graphic noise or other artifacts.

Quality here means the most complete inclusion of objects in the picture. For example, if you show a part of your office on your header, show it in its entirety.

It is very important to provide a complete, accurate description of the page. Include brief information about your business or about you personally (if the page is personal). You can provide the following information:

  • First and last name (or company name in the case of a business representative office)

  • Email

  • Mobile phone (Viber, Whatsapp)

  • Brief description of the business (or type of activity in the case of a private page)

If you write a quality description for your profile, it will be easier for people to understand what you do, and for you to get followers on Instagram.

Don't neglect hashtags!

Hashtags are a set of characters preceded by a “#” sign. For example: #MyCompany, #vk, #facebook, #img1, etc. They are a kind of linking between posts. Multiple photos can have the same hashtag. If the user finds the corresponding link on the Internet, he will also find your photo. If the hashtag is popular, then you can easily get a lot of followers on Instagram just by using it.

Hashtags can have the opposite effect if they are used inappropriately. Use only those that make sense specifically in relation to this photo.

Content on the page

These are, in fact, all the photos that the user will see. And one very important rule applies here: before you start promoting your account, the page must be filled to the maximum. If you decide to promote an empty account, you will most likely be faced with the fact that no one will visit the page - it will simply be uninteresting.

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