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Why doesn't the phone recognize a monopod with a wire? How to connect, set up and use a selfie stick - simple universal instructions. We connect all kinds of monopod models to iPhone

Connecting a monopod or, in common parlance, a selfie stick, is more relevant today than ever. This device makes it easy to create cool photos. It is designed to sync with both telephones based on operating system Android, so iOS. However, many owners have a reasonable question about the details connections. For example, do you need special software, is it included with the gadget or do you need to download it from Google Play if you are the owner of, for example, Samsung or alternative market for iOS - Apple Store, if owned iPhone. About all this, and also about how to connect a monopod to a phone via bluetooth, we will tell you in this article.

Connecting the selfie stick for the first time

In order to connect two gadgets, you need to find a 3.5 mm jack in your phone, the so-called mini Jack (as usual, it is used as a connector for connections headphones to your smartphone) and plug a cord into it, which activates a button that allows you to take photos from afar. After connecting the devices, you should open the application cameras on your mobile phone and enjoy new photos.

We connect the monopod to Android devices and gadgets from Apple via Bluetooth.

This procedure is characterized by a multi-step process, however, with all this, it should also not create great difficulties, like the first connection option selfie sticks.

The owner of the smartphone should:

  1. Following the instructions for the monopod, start it up. Monopods with buttons, as a rule, are turned on by long pressing the “Power” button or moving a special toggle switch from the “off” state to the “on” state. Remotes bluetooth, usually turned on using a small switch;
  2. Synchronize both devices, first making sure that both are turned on. The first step to connecting is to search for a selfie sticks in the list of found Bluetooth devices in the smartphone;
  3. Click on the name of the monopod after finding it;
  4. Collapse detection list Bluetooth devices after pairing with the required ones;
  5. Enjoy the remote photography function.

We connect all kinds of monopod models to the iPhone.

To implement the connection of two devices, firstly, you should resort to using all of the above methods, the use of which depends on what model of selfie stick.

In case of unexpected problems with the operation of the monopod synchronized with the phone from Apple(for example, the monopod button does not respond to its pressing or the monopod remote control does not function), then you should select App Store software suitable for the selfie stick. It is recommended to consult in advance with a representative of the store selling monopods about how to connect a monopod to an iPhone via bluetooth. Then you will save yourself the time spent figuring out how to connect devices.

The procedure for synchronizing a monopod with a smartphone does not often cause great difficulties for the owner of the device. However, it is very common to have problems with the settings of wireless monopods and the non-functioning of the button or remote control for the selfie stick. In order to competently and successfully implement a solution to these problems, it is usually enough just to carefully read the device’s instructions, and if the desired result is not achieved, replace it or change the application used to take photographs with mobile phone.

In this case, the button is not faulty, because the phone does not respond not because it is not working, but because software, which may not meet the specific requirements of Android or iOS smartphones.

Selfie sticks - main new look accessories, which came into fashion after external batteries. They can be universal or intended for specific models and operating systems, as well as use different types of connections. In any case, the task of such a stick is to allow its owner to photograph himself from a distance of up to 1 m, or even more.

In addition to a mechanical phone holder, the selfie stick includes a communication system between the smartphone and its owner. In order not to set the timer, but to completely control the shooting process, stick manufacturers came up with two types of connections:

  • Wireless. The monopod stick acts as a holder; it comes with a control panel that connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
  • Wired. The shutter button is located on the handle of the selfie stick, and at the other end there is a standard wire with a 3.5 plug (like for headphones or a headset). Such a stick is actually recognized by the system as a headset with a remote control, so you can use it to control the camera.

While Bluetooth connections are easy to figure out, wired ones sometimes raise questions. IN general case it is done like this:

  • Secure the smartphone in the holder at the end of the stick.
  • Insert the plug on the wire into the headset jack.
  • Check whether the camera responds to button presses.
  • If the camera takes a photo when you press the button, switch to front camera and take selfies as usual.
  • If the camera does not respond, then go to the camera settings by pressing the Menu button (usually it looks like a column or a row of three dots in the corner of the screen). In the menu, select “Settings”, in it – “General settings”, in it find the parameters for the volume keys and activate the snapshot function by pressing a key.

Not all standard camera applications support volume key control (in particular, LG phone owners note this). In this case, a third-party application that supports keys natively can save you.

Manufacturers and sellers of selfie sticks recommend the Camera360 Ultimate application, which has a volume key control function natively. In addition, this program has a number of other advantages - built-in filters, an editor, rich settings, saving geotags and other metadata, and so on. However, users note that the program sometimes does not recognize selfie sticks.

Other applications for working with the stick include SelfiShop Camera (

The fashion for taking pictures of oneself arose relatively recently, firmly consolidating its leading position in social networks. As a result, now the vast majority of your friends take pictures on their own, holding the camera (or smartphone) at arm's length.

The purpose of the selfie stick

If you've ever taken a selfie, then you know how inconvenient it is to capture all the people standing near you with your camera at once. Moreover, the photograph must be taken so that you yourself are included in the frame from the most favorable angle possible. The length of the arm of the person holding the photographing device does not allow taking a photo at a sufficient distance, which is why this whole fashion for selfie sticks arose. Previously, people asked each other to take a photo with them, but now this task has been significantly simplified due to a single gadget. Read about how this device works and what may be the cause of its malfunction in this article.


So let's start with what purpose this device serves. As mentioned above, for a better quality photo, the distance between the subject (the people taking the “selfie”) and the camera itself should be slightly greater than the length of the average hand. The function of such an “extension rod” is performed by a selfie stick. How does the whole mechanism work that makes your smartphone take a photo at the right moment? It’s very simple - using a remote switch or a Bluetooth transmitter (depending on the type of monopod, more on that later).

That is, the principle of operation of the device is very simple: you need, firstly, to secure the smartphone at a certain distance from those who will be photographed; secondly, you need to signal the phone when to take a photo. This is a principle, and its implementation is carried out by various means. Read more about them further.

Types of mechanism. Tripod

Electronics and gadget stores offer dozens of types of selfie sticks. They come in different colors and are made from different materials, functioning differently. For example, there are the simplest sticks and holders. Their task is simply elementary - there is a tripod handle and a device for attaching a smartphone to its end. The user must install the phone in this mount, configure it to take self-photos by gesture, whistle, or after a certain period of time, and point the stick.

Types of mechanism. Wire

The “wired” selfie stick has a more complex design. How such a gadget works can be guessed by its name, which we cited above. The “tripod with smartphone mount” design remains the same, but now a special wire is connected to the phone (headphone jack, 3.5 mm). With it, your stick will signal your phone to take a photo. On the user side (at the other end of the tripod) there is a button - by pressing it, you will take a photo using your mobile device.

Types of mechanism. Bluetooth

Wireless connection is the second type, with the help of which a selfie stick transmits a signal to a smartphone. How this device works is also easy to guess: it connects to the phone like a headset, via the Bluetooth protocol. Naturally, no wires are required for this: the user simply presses a button and the monopod takes a photo. The downside is that (unlike all others) it requires a power source. Therefore, such a stick will have a battery.


Users have a question about why the selfie stick does not work. After all, it would seem that in order to take a picture, you do not need to use any complex technologies or innovative solutions. However, one of the major problems with selfie sticks is compatibility. As it turns out, not all of them are universal solution for both the most popular mobile platforms. Sometimes a device may function with iOS but ignore Android.

Therefore, if the selfie stick does not work for you on Android, you need to try it on an iOS gadget - and vice versa. Such checks will make it clear exactly what the cause of this problem is: some technical problems, software, or simple device incompatibility. In the latter case, you will have to think about selling this gadget and buying a new one.

Incompatibility can also manifest itself in the inconsistency of individual models. For example, you can often observe a situation where the selfie stick on Lenovo does not work. For some reason, some models of this brand are not adapted to interact with a monopod, which is why such problems are observed. It's amazing that everything can work perfectly on other devices.

Mechanical damage

You already roughly know how a selfie stick works. As it turns out, there is nothing super complicated about this. The mechanism here is quite simple, but at the same time effective and functional. Although this does not mean that in practice your monopod can never break. On the contrary, the cause of falls and other mechanical breakdowns has the greatest likelihood of “separating” the owner from his devices. In such situations, as a rule, the question arises: why doesn’t the selfie stick work?

If you are sure that the device functioned normally before and there were no problems with it, you should know that most likely its further operation was prevented mechanical damage. It can destroy simple plastic “camera holders” quite quickly, while more expensive and metal monopods can last longer.

In this case, if the selfie stick does not work (on Android or not, it makes no difference), you need to try to fix it yourself. It is necessary to figure out what exactly caused the failure and eliminate this cause. Perhaps there is nothing serious - and this is just a closure of contacts. On the other hand, there are more serious situations: when electronics break down (for example, a Bluetooth adapter), then nothing can help this gadget - you need to purchase a new one.


What to do if the selfie stick does not work, but there was no mechanical damage to it? Well, in in this case Blame the software on your device. This could be, for example, an incorrectly configured camera. In such situations, when taking pictures with a stick, it is better to use the special “Camera” application, and not the standard one - you will have access to more settings. For example, enjoys a good reputation

For further work, you should go into the program and set the parameters with which you would like to take pictures. Some of them are adapted for photography from a monopod.

If you determine that the problem is “software”, try setting up the application to interact with a selfie stick from another supplier, download a different version from the store Google Play. In this case, there is a chance that everything will work for you.


So, you have learned how a selfie stick works with and without a button. In fact, you can understand how a particular selfie stick works if you simply spend some time with it and look at its design. There is nothing complicated here: the more budget ones are just a handset with a mount, while more expensive modifications also have a convenient button for taking pictures and even a Bluetooth connection to a smartphone for the purpose of taking photos.

In fact, sticks have different designs, although it all comes down to one thing - taking a photo and uploading it to social networks.
If your selfie stick isn't working, check what's wrong. We remind you that this could be the lack of necessary software, incompatibility of the device with the phone, or orientation to another operating system that differs from the OS of your smartphone. There are many reasons, but there is only one solution - you need to determine what is wrong and solve the problem. If it cannot be resolved, you can purchase a new monopod. Depending on its characteristics, you can find it in the transition for 700-800 rubles. On the Internet, on a site with fake gadgets, its price tag is set at between 700 and 2000 rubles (again, depends on the build quality and materials).

Buy carefully!

Also important is how the selfie stick works in extreme conditions. When choosing this accessory in a store, you don’t think about what challenges the gadget may face. You're not going to take pictures exclusively at home, are you?

Therefore, make sure that the monopod has a reinforced design, has a reliable lock and takes photographs at your request. After all, the safety of your phone or camera depends on how securely the mobile device is installed on your stick. Especially, I repeat, this applies not to home, but to street and “wild” conditions (somewhere in the field, in the forest and in the mountains, the photos turn out to be especially attractive).

The concept of “selfie” has recently entered our lives, but the number of supporters of self-photography using mobile devices is growing at an accelerated pace. To make this hobby more comfortable and limitless, manufacturers have come up with an excellent device called a selfie stick. We will tell you how to connect a monopod to your gadget in this article.

A selfie stick is a 2 m long tripod, which has one support and is equipped with a special mount for a mobile device. This stick design helps you take photographs from different angles, capturing the most unexpected moments.

Monopods are made in two types - wireless and wired. In the first case, Bluetooth is used for connection, and in the other, a special cable with an input for connecting to a phone is used.

Although all monopods are similar to each other, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, the presence of which is determined by the cost of the device. Cheaper selfie sticks are heavier and bulkier and do not have a button for taking photos. Expensive models are equipped with a convenient button on the tripod handle, so you don’t need to set a photo timer.

How to connect a selfie stick to a mobile phone

Before you start using the selfie stick, you need to look at the instructions. The assembly and connection process may vary slightly depending on the model.

You also need to charge the device before connecting it. Charging time is approximately 60 minutes, and the connection indicator will flash red until the charge level reaches maximum.

If you have a wired monopod model, first connect the wire with one side to the monopod, and the other to the audio jack of the phone.

Now you need to set up your phone. If your mobile device model supports the function of reconfiguring buttons for taking photographs or you have root rights, you can set up the connection in this way:

  • Open the “Camera” section on your gadget.
  • Go to: “Next” ― “General settings” ― “Volume settings”.
  • Now, relying on the functionality of the selfie stick, you can adjust the volume, zoom and snapshot mode.

Most smartphones with a licensed Android shell automatically connect to a wired monopod, as evidenced by the appearance of a headset icon on the phone.

If you can’t connect using this method, and you don’t want to get root rights by revoking your license, you can download special applications from the Play Store.

  • Camera FV-5 is very multifunctional program for professional photographers. To adapt the selfie stick, you need to go to “Settings” - “Shutter/Focus”.

  • SelfiShop Camera ― simple program, which takes up minimal space on the smartphone, but successfully helps to connect a monopod to a mobile phone. By going to the “Monopod Connection Assistant” item, you can select any key for taking a picture or set parameters for all buttons individually.

How to connect a wireless selfie stick to a mobile phone

Connecting a wireless monopod to a smartphone is much easier:

  • Turn on the selfie stick and wait until the indicator light comes on.
  • Activate Bluetooth on your gadget.
  • Using the “Device Search”, find your monopod model and connect.
  • You can also change the name of the selfie stick to make it easier to select your device.

Selfie-stick is certainly a very useful thing for fans of the art of photography. Connect this device to your smartphone and take the most exclusive photos.

With the advent of a good front camera on a smartphone, it has become widespread. In order to take a beautiful photo without anyone’s help, a selfie stick was invented, thanks to which you can capture not only your face, but also the surrounding landscapes. It is important to know how to use a selfie stick, as there are a number of interesting nuances.

What does a selfie stick look like?

The correct name for this device is “monopod” or “tripod”. It looks like an assembled fishing rod, and at one end there is a rubberized handle, and at the other there is a smartphone mount that rotates 360°. If you are interested in how to choose a selfie stick, it is worth pointing out that some models have a loop on the handle for ease of transportation. It may have a trigger button to take pictures, but it may also be removable.

It is important to know not only how to use a selfie stick, but also how to choose the right device:

  1. Inspect the device from all sides to make sure that the material is of high quality, there are no scratches, glue residues, and so on. It is best to choose devices whose holder is made of metal. Be sure to appreciate the phone locking mechanism, which should hold the smartphone well so that it does not fall.
  2. If you plan to use a monopod with different smartphones, then the best solution is a device whose holder will expand and adjust to different models. For people who plan to take pictures with the main camera, selfie sticks with a holder are suitable. Another useful bonus is the rotation of the mount, thanks to which you can choose the optimal angle for good shots.
  3. If you don’t want to think about how to use a selfie stick with a short handle, then be sure to check its length. For the widest shooting angle, you need options from 90 cm, and for portraits 30-40 cm will be enough. Please note that the longer the stick, the stronger the mount should be.

How does a selfie stick work?

To understand how to use a monopod, note that in addition to the photography button, there may be a additional keys to focus, zoom and enable additional modes. When describing how a selfie stick works, it is worth pointing out that there are two types: wireless, working via Bluetooth, and wired, connecting to the phone using a wire. It is important to make sure that it is compatible with your smartphone before purchasing a device.

We should also highlight a selfie stick without a button, which is called a “tripod”. It is used extremely rarely, since it cannot be called convenient. Using this selfie stick is very simple: you need to install your smartphone and set a timer on it. After the photo is taken, you will have to turn on the timer again and so on. Such devices are cheap, but even this does not make them popular, since they are completely inconvenient to use.

How does a wireless selfie stick work?

This option is more popular and is based on transmitting a signal to a smartphone from a monopod. It’s easy to guess how a selfie stick works via Bluetooth, as it connects to the phone like a headset. In this case, no wires are used and after easy connection You can start taking photos right away. The disadvantage of this option is that such a gadget requires a power source, so the design requires a battery.

How does a selfie stick with a wire work?

Devices in this group have a more complex design, since you not only need to install the phone, but also insert the existing wire into the headphone jack. When talking about how a selfie stick works, it is worth pointing out that after connecting the smartphone, it will receive a signal when you press a button, indicating that you need to take a photo.

How to connect a selfie stick?

At first glance, everything looks simple: you make a connection and you can take photos for your pleasure, but this is not so. It is important to know how to connect a selfie stick to your phone and make settings. It is worth considering that different models of monopods have their own characteristics, which can be read about in the attached instructions. Another important point, which is worth dwelling on - each operating system has its own characteristics.

How to connect a selfie stick to iPhone?

If the device has a wire, then the process of connecting the device is very simple. You just need to insert it and that’s it, the iPhone will do the setup itself and you don’t need to make any additional changes. If you are interested in how to use a monopod via Bluetooth, then the connection process is identical to other operating systems and it has the following stages: turning on the power for the selfie stick, searching and pairing devices. All that remains is to go into standard application Camera and start shooting.

How to connect a selfie stick to Windows Phone?

You can use the monopod with a wired or wireless connection. In the first case, there should be no problems, but if the connection is not made, then check the charging of the device and the serviceability of the plug. It's important to figure out how to connect a selfie stick to your phone via Bluetooth. Here you will need to install a special application, and this is explained by the fact that with standard firmware Windows Phone the connection will be interrupted.

Understanding the topic - how to use a selfie stick correctly, it is worth noting that starting from version 8.1, it is available in the operating system special program For proper operation with a selfie stick, and it’s called Lumia Camera 5. You can also use a program such as Lumia Selfie, which not only helps with synchronization, but also has the ability to add various effects.

How to connect a selfie stick to an Android phone?

In order to use the monopod, you need to reconfigure some button functions. For this purpose, follow the instructions describing how to use a selfie stick:

  1. Turn on the Camera app on your phone. Go to general settings, where you need to find the sub-item “Setting the volume keys”.
  2. Change the settings based on how the monopod works.
  3. It is worth considering that not all devices have the ability to customize control keys. The best solution in this case, use third party applications. Camera FV-5 has a paid and free version. Thanks to the numerous settings of the application, you can take pictures high quality like a DSLR. Go to “Options” and make all the necessary changes there.

When figuring out how to connect a selfie stick to Lenovo and other phones, it’s worth considering the main applications available in the Play Market:

  1. SelfieShop Camera. The application not only simplifies shooting, but also helps eliminate some problems, for example, the lack of connection between the monopod and the smartphone. You cannot shoot videos or edit photos using this app.
  2. Retrica. Many people like this application due to the large number of filters that can be applied in real time.

How to set up a selfie stick?

If after connecting the monopod you cannot use it, then you need to look for the reason. There are several recommendations on how to set up a selfie stick on your phone:

  1. If the button does not respond to pressing, then this may indicate a lack of signal. It is recommended to install a special application for the monopod or SelfieShop Camera. The application has a “Device Testing” item and after selecting it, click the photo button, which will help the application record the device.
  2. If the device is correctly connected and initialized, but you still can’t take photos, then you should go to the settings of the camera itself. Select an item there that may be called “Shoot key action”, there set the following order: shooting, shutter and photo.
  3. The problem may lie in the smartphone itself, for example, the version of the operating system may not be suitable, so before purchasing it is important to check that the device is compatible with the mobile phone OS. Another reason is due to the lack of the desired trigger. This may be a mistake by the manufacturer.

How to use a monopod correctly?

First, you need to check the charging of the selfie stick; if it is not enough, the indicator connected to the USB connector will blink red. On average, charging time is about an hour. To start shooting, you need to fix the smartphone, for which you place it in a special stand. If the phone is too wide, then the upper part of the clamp should be pulled out and placed between the rubber pads.

Narrow devices simply need to be inserted into the mount. It’s better to first check in the store whether the phone fits the stand or not. The rules regarding how to use a selfie stick correctly have their own characteristics, depending on whether it is wired or wireless connection. There are a lot of tips on how to choose a good angle to get great photos, but that's another story.

How to use a selfie stick with a wire?

For owners of such a product, the following tips will be useful.

  1. The instructions on how to use the selfie monopod indicate that after installing the smartphone in the mount, you must insert the plug into the headphone input.
  2. After this, a special headset icon will appear at the top of the phone screen.
  3. The next step is to open the Camera application and press the button to connect.
  4. All you have to do is choose a timer, take a beautiful pose and start taking selfies.

How to use a selfie stick with Bluetooth?

More convenient to use are monopods, which do not require any wires to connect. If you are interested in how to take pictures with a selfie stick, then consider the following rules:

  1. Turn on the device by pressing the button, and after that you will see a blue indicator on it.
  2. After that, go to settings on your phone, open the Bluetooth section there and turn it on.
  3. Activate “Search for devices” and find the selfie stick, which will be identified by the keyboard icon and the manufacturer’s name.
  4. The next step in the instructions is how to use a selfie stick, as follows: click on the dropped name to connect, and after synchronization the indicator will flash quickly and then go out.
  5. All that remains is to set the timer on the camera and you can start taking photos.

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