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Why is tricolor TV not working now? What to do if basic Tricolor channels are not shown? Problems with a satellite dish

Sometimes television broadcasting equipment malfunctions for completely surprising reasons. A striking example of this is the message from the Tricolor TV receiver “Error 0”. As a rule, it appears after the equipment for a long time didn't use it. Riddle - no one was watching TV, the receiver was unplugged... What kind of failure could happen in such conditions? Let's try to figure it out.

Error value

A zero error, in fact, is not a code for any specific hardware failure. Its appearance only indicates that some general failure occurred when connecting the receiver to the satellite. Fortunately, fixing it, especially if this failure occurred after a long period of inactivity of the television equipment, is quite simple.

Tricolor “Error 0”: what does this message mean?

A code zero failure can occur in one of two situations:

  • reduction in signal level or quality;
  • activation keys failed.

Most often it is the second option that is observed. During operation, the receiver constantly maintains contact with the satellite and receives activation codes from it at certain intervals. These codes help it maintain settings for a specific signal frequency and receive data via satellite channel.

Important! Activation codes (commands) must be updated regularly, otherwise the set-top box will not work.

After a long period of equipment downtime, the following situation arises: the previously received activation codes are already outdated, and the receiver does not have new ones. As a result, that same error 0 occurs. What happened is now clear. It remains to figure out how to fix this error.

Troubleshooting methods

Most subscribers, in the event of any malfunctions in the operation of television, the first thing they sin is the lack of payment for services. And after checking the status of the personal account, they begin to torment Tricolor support with messages: “Error 0, what should I do if it’s paid, but the channels don’t work?” As we said earlier, the occurrence of a failure with a zero code in no way relates to the presence or absence of payment for television broadcasting. But still, after a long period of equipment downtime, it would be useful to make sure that personal account Everything is fine. And then you can start making settings to combat the error.

Signal check

So, first of all, you should make sure that the signal from the satellite is normally received by the antenna and goes to the receiver. Without this, no activation commands will simply reach the equipment. To check the quality of communication you need to:

  • press the i key on the remote control;
  • evaluate the quality and level of satellite signal scales that appear on the screen.

The values ​​on both scales must be at least 80%. If the readings are lower, it makes sense to re-tune the antenna.

Request for activation commands (codes)

What if the signal is normal, but there is no access to viewing - error 0 does not disappear? Tricolor advises the following actions:

  • disconnect the equipment (both TV and receiver) from the electrical outlet for 10-15 minutes;
  • turn on the devices and wait for the receiver interface to load;
  • switch to one of the encrypted channels;
  • Leave the receiver turned on for 3-8 hours.

During this period, activation codes are usually updated. The satellite sends them automatically as soon as it arrives in the subscriber’s region. Therefore, you won’t have to take any further actions - the broadcast will be restored on its own.

Important! Until the TV is restored, you cannot turn off the receiver under any circumstances. But the TV itself can be turned off; its operation does not affect the receipt of activation commands.

If the codes don't come...

Sometimes there may be some disruptions in the operation of the satellite, as a result of which the sending of activation codes to subscribers is delayed. To speed up the process, you can do the following:

  • log in to the subscriber on the Tricolor TV website;
  • on the “My Services” page, find the button “Sending activation commands” or “Repeat activation commands”;
  • press the button and repeat all the steps described in the previous paragraph.

Important! It makes sense to request activation codes from the site if they are not automatically received within at least 24 hours.

Possible consequences of the error

All the procedures described above, as a rule, help restore the operation of the television, but sometimes not to its full extent. Lack of sound or image, freezing of the picture, interruptions in the operation of one of several televisions connected to the receiver - all this can leave behind error 0. Tricolor recommends how to eliminate these unpleasant consequences without contacting.

Rebooting the receiver

In most cases, a simple reboot of the equipment helps. The set-top box is turned off from the outlet for literally 30 seconds, and then turned on again. By the way, this method can also help if the zero failure haunts you too often when the TV is operating stable.

Rollback settings

If rebooting did not help get rid of crashes after a zero error, you should try resetting. How to do this is written in detail on our website. After rollback and reinstallation basic parameters, broadcasting should be restored. If this does not happen, you should request activation commands from the operator again.

Software update

On some versions of television receivers, a zero error may appear due to outdated or poor quality installed firmware. If the crash occurs regularly and the methods described above do not help, it’s worth a try. To do this, go to channel 333 and follow the instructions that appear.

Well, if, despite all the efforts made, failures in television broadcasting continue to appear, there is only one way out - contact the dealer or the Tricolor company itself to test and replace the equipment.

Watching Tricolor TV channels is guaranteed only if your receiver has the latest software. Please check that the software version installed on your receiver is up to date.

  • The inscription is displayed on all channels of one or more packages (for example, on all TV channels of the main package and the “Children’s” package).

You need to check whether the subscription to the TV and radio channels of the packages you are interested in is active, in Personal account"Tricolor TV" subscriber.

1. Subscription is active

To resume viewing the service, you must repeat the activation keys on your receiving equipment.

To do this, in the Personal Account of a Tricolor TV subscriber, on the “My Services” page, click the “Repeat activation commands” button.

After this, reboot your receiving equipment and leave it turned on on one of the encrypted channels. The image will appear within 8 hours at the latest. During this time, the receiver will receive an activation key, and you will again be able to watch paid TV channels.

Pay attention! Watching Tricolor TV channels is only possible if up-to-date software is installed on your receiver.

2. Subscription is not active

To continue viewing you need to pay for the service you are interested in. Pay attention! Watching Tricolor TV channels is only possible if up-to-date software is installed on your receiver.

3. I have never used my Personal Account and I don’t know the password

We have created a Personal Account for you when registering you as a Tricolor TV subscriber.

If you have not received or lost your password for your Personal Account, you can easily and simply get it again. Just click “Get Password”. Then enter your ID number and select convenient way receive a password.
In your Personal Account, select “Service Management”. Is your subscription active for the service you are interested in?

  • On one/several channels (for example, on one TV channel of the main package or on the “Our Football” TV channel and on three TV channels of the “Children’s” package

​If the Info channel shows, but the image is missing only on some channels of the paid service, this may be due to a change in the channel broadcast parameters. In such situations, channels with old broadcast parameters may be stored in the channel list on your receiver. You need to update the channel list.

To update the channel list, press the “Menu” button on the receiver’s remote control and in the “Main Menu” select “Search for Tricolor TV channels”, start the search and wait until it finishes. After finishing the search, save the found channels.

1. Channels show

Thank you for your contact and enjoy watching Tricolor TV!

2. Channels are in the list, but not shown

Turn off the receiver from the power supply and turn it on again. After that, check whether the channels you are interested in are shown.

3. Channels are not in the list

From time to time, changes may occur in the composition of the Tricolor TV packages, which, first of all, are justified by the decisions of the TV channels themselves - some channels stop broadcasting, others appear as part of the packages.

Tricolor TV has one package of HD channels for all “Unified” subscribers, the cost of which is 1200 rubles. per month. But at the same time, any digital television operator under the Federal Law is obliged to broadcast free channels, available for everyone to view. Why then might users get the message “no signal” on free programs. How to diagnose and fix the error.

The “basic” package of channels is automatically connected to customers free of charge. The following list of TV programs is indicated on the Tricolor TV website:


  • Russia1;
  • Match;
  • Fifth;
  • Russia 24 and Culture;
  • Carousel;
  • ORT and TVc;
  • RetTV;
  • Saved;
  • STS and Domashny;
  • TV3 and Zvezda;
  • TNT and Friday;
  • First and Mir, as well as MuzTV.
  • And also 4 promos.

However, there is information that from 2017 the list of free broadcasting will be significantly reduced to only 8 TV programs. In the “Basic” package: three information, an Orthodox channel, two promos and TV-TV, TV2-TV.

Let's look at why a malfunction may occur and how to fix it. First of all, it is worth checking the functionality of the equipment itself.

How to check the correct operation of equipment

If the “Basic” package stops working for you, the error may be due to incorrect operation of the equipment. To diagnose and solve the problem, do the following:

  1. Check the functionality of the equipment from the very beginning. The very first option is to restart the power supply, that is, unplug it from the outlet for 10 - 15 seconds, then start it again.
  2. If the first method did not give any positive changes, we proceed to checking the Promotional channels, which should function even with the Smart Card removed. Even if it writes: “no signal,” reset the equipment settings.

How to reset your receiver

It is recommended to reset the equipment settings to factory settings in almost all malfunctions related to the broadcast of HD Tricolor TV channels. To carry out this operation you must:

  1. Go to the menu;
  2. Enter your PIN code.
  3. Go to the factory settings item.
  4. And confirm your decision (twice).
  5. Then, enter the desired region again and click on auto-search for channels.
  6. Save the settings.

According to the rules of digital television broadcasting, even if the package is unpaid, you should turn on federal free channels, only they will be moved to the end of the list and the numbering will start from 100.

If after all the operations nothing has changed for you and the package is still unavailable (a message is written that there is no signal), check the integrity of the cable to the antenna for mechanical damage or clamping. Also, re-adjust the antenna according to the instructions included in the kit. If you can’t do it yourself, call a specialist.

If promo channels from Tricolor TV work, but there are no basic ones

Users may wonder why promotional channels work, but basic ones do not broadcast and show “no signal,” and what to do to solve the problem. There may be three reasons for the malfunction:

  1. You have not confirmed your registration of subscriber data.
  2. The receiver does not recognize the Smart card.
  3. The card is not installed correctly.

In the first case, you just need TV on toll free number 8-800-500-01-23. Or register through the company’s official website, where you will need to enter the equipment ID to receive a password for your personal account.

Card reading or recognition problems

What to do if the equipment is registered, promo HD channels are shown, but everyone else writes that there is no access or a scrambled channel? Why does this situation arise?

First of all, you should check whether the receiver sees the card. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the menu using the console remote control and click on the “Conditional Access” item.
  2. Select the module, the card ID should be registered, if it is not there, then try reinstalling the smart card in the equipment.
  3. Turn off the console, then remove the card.
  4. Wait a little, insert it back in the correct position until it stops.
  5. Start the receiver.
  6. If the actions do not correct the error, contact the service center.

There is another situation that answers the question of why basic channels are not shown - this is outdated receiver software.

How to update software

To make updates, you need to go to the Tricolor TV menu, select the item with the update and click update.

Attention! You cannot turn off the equipment during the process of loading new modules, otherwise the equipment will malfunction.

And there may also be a very simple reason why basic or some HD channels are not shown - there is a scheduled update on the TV channel itself, then you just have to wait a while. You can find out information on prevention through the service technical support or by calling friends who also have Tricolor TV installed.

Nuances of Tricolor TV

IN lately Information has appeared that Tricolor TV subscribers will not be able to watch free channels without paying for the “Unified” package. Technical support operators justify such disregard for the law on digital television the fact that the contract for the provision of services stipulates that the operator is not responsible for the correct operation of the basic channels in the event of termination of the contract.

Tricolor TV can terminate the contract in unilaterally, if you do not pay your subscription fee on time. Thus, you can lose even basic TV programs without paying for the package.

When watching TV channels, one of the common errors may occur, numbered 0 to 9. In this case, the TV gives you the phrase “No access to view” and advises you to leave it alone for 8 hours. The situation is not pleasant, especially when you are already in the mood to spend quality time watching a movie or show. Also, you know that usually nothing is solved “on its own”, every error has its own reason, and waiting 8 hours to then still stumble upon the same problem is simply a waste of time.

Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of this page after reading the instructions. There you can find useful tips real users. Do not agree to replace equipment immediately!!!

As a rule, error 0 appears when for some reason you are denied access to channels. The normal access signal is interrupted and the receiver is unable to display the image on the screen. In this case, it is logical that the cause of the malfunction is in the receiver itself. Something in it has malfunctioned and now you won’t see the last episode of the show or hear the news.

Reasons for failure

The most common The reasons for this error are:

  • receiver overload
  • end of subscription and no payment for the package
  • The receiver has been turned off for a long time and activation commands have failed
  • incorrect installation of the smart card
  • problems with the dish (antenna) or bad weather conditions
  • software update
  • purchasing the “Unified” package.

Receiver overload This means that due to operation, the module simply “could not withstand” the intensity of passions. This may occur due to old equipment or excessive user enthusiasm, as well as due to a power failure.

End of subscription for a channel package means that you did not pay for access on time or the money has not yet been credited to the TricolorTV account. In this case, the TV will give you “Error 0” until you fulfill your obligations to the provider.

Receiver turned off for a long time(from three days or more) can lead to this error due to the fact that it no longer “recognizes the signal” from the satellite. In this case, the decoding key fails and the equipment can no longer distinguish between channels that you do or do not have access to. Accordingly, it begins to block the display of channels of any encoding.

Incorrect smart card installation does not allow you to adequately read it and, accordingly, configure the equipment to receive the signal available to you.

Antenna problems may include both weather conditions and physical obstacles in the path of the signal. These could be branches, leaves, tall buildings, or any foreign objects caught in the antenna. Also, the cause of error 0 may be the displacement of the dish antenna, as a result of which it is no longer able to receive a signal.

Often error 0 occurs after receiver software updates. If your receiver is outdated and you have updated the software on it, error 0 may indicate that the software is not supported by your receiver. Or you haven’t updated the software enough, and the receiver cannot give you access due to the lack of the entire update package.

For unknown reasons connection to the “Unified” package can also cause such an error due to the conditions (often promotional) of its connection.

How to fix if there is no access to view?

If the failure occurred due to tuner overload, you need to:

  • wait five minutes, because there is a possibility that everything will correct itself
  • Reboot the receiver - unplug it and turn it back on after 3 minutes.

Most often, this helps if something wrong happened with the receiver, and not with the signals. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to wait 8 hours, but a short wait until the picture “appears” can help.

If the failure occurred due to the fact that you did not pay for Tricolor-TV services , Error 0 can be eliminated only by topping up your account and debiting money for the service package. To do this:

  1. Check your subscription to see if it is still valid or not. This can be done in your personal account on the TricolorTV website;
  2. If there are not enough funds in your account, replenish it in any way possible for you ( by bank card, electronic money, using online banking or telephone account);
  3. Wait for the funds to be debited for the service package.

If everything is paid, check the following:

  • Is the card installed correctly in the receiver?
  • is there any interference with your plate?

Check correct installation You can use smart cards by holding down the ID button on the receiver’s remote control. If the number is displayed on the screen, the card is installed and configured correctly. If not, check and insert the smart card according to the instructions.

When you leave the receiver turned off for a long time or purchase the “Single” package, be prepared that you will not be able to watch TV channels right away. In this case, it is necessary to leave the equipment turned on for the first 8 hours, during which the appropriate settings will be made and signal transmission from the satellite will be restored after activating access.

Important! Leave the receiver on one of your pay-per-view channels so that reconfiguration occurs and the signal returns.

If you leave the receiver for a long time, you will need to transfer the activation keys to it again. To do this you need:

  • log in to your personal account
  • click “Send activation commands”
  • wait 8 hours or less.

The most radical way to restore access to television is to reset the receiver. It is important to remember that your data will not be saved - only latest firmware. All lists of favorite channels and all channels in general will be deleted, so that later you can return them and configure them correctly. In order to perform a reset, you must:

  1. In the receiver menu, select “Settings”;
  2. Enter the four-digit code (0000);
  3. Select factory settings;
  4. Confirm that you are indeed going to “erase” the receiver.
  5. After the tuner reboots, turn it off for a while and then turn it on again.
  6. Produce new search TricolorTV channels.

All other causes of problems should be resolved with the help of technical support if you cannot resolve them yourself. For example, if you have ruled out all the reasons and tried all the methods described above, and the TV is still silent, like a guerrilla, and annoys you with error 0, the problem may be in the dish antenna. In this case, you will not be able to fix it yourself and without qualified help, because you risk further damaging the equipment.

In this case, it would be advisable for you to call the number hotline Tricolor-TV and call a technician for diagnostics and repairs.

Video instructions on how to fix the error

Operator satellite television Tricolor TV has established itself as a reliable provider of quality services, but not a single subscriber is immune from errors in the operation of a complex and technologically advanced satellite television system. Error 0 on Tricolor receivers occurs both due to technical failures and the fault of subscribers and is a very common occurrence.

What does error 0 mean on the Tricolor receiver?

On the Tricolor receiver, error 0 means that there was a communication failure with the satellite, and appears if subscribers lose access to the channel. In most cases, the reason lies in hardware overload, but error 0 can also occur due to other problems. Before calling a technician, you should reboot the equipment.

Error 0 on CI+ cam module

The CI+ module replaces the receiver with all its associated equipment and is inserted into the CI slot of the TV. However, this difference does not make it any less susceptible to such problems. You should proceed with the CI+ module in the same way as with the receiver: just restart the TV. There have also been cases when GS equipment had defects, which resulted in error 0 on the Tricolor receiver - inspect the cam module for physical damage.

What does error 0 look like on a TV screen?

In most cases, the receiver displays error 0 with a corresponding inscription on the TV screen with brief recommendations for resolving the problem. This is what error 0 looks like on the TV screen if used new model receiver.

DRE coded channel

Quite often, error 0 of the Tricolor receiver manifests itself as the inscription “DRE coded channel.” This is how receivers of older models report an error.

Why does the error occur?

Error 0 in the Tricolor receiver is one of the most common and at the same time difficult. The screen image may disappear due to various reasons.

TV channel format not supported

Sometimes error 0 on the Tricolor receiver means that the equipment is outdated and the current channel broadcast format is not supported. This is due to the development of television and the transition to higher quality images. You can also check your model. If it turns out to be outdated, then take advantage of the preferential program for exchanging old receivers for new ones.

Subscription not paid

Error 0 on the Tricolor receiver occurs when the subscriber has not paid for the subscription. You can find out about the status of your subscription in your “Personal Account” on the official website of “Tricolor TV” or in the “Status” section of the receiver menu if you press the “Tricolor TV” button (“ID No.”, “Status”). In the window that appears there will be a block “Connected services”. The activation periods for channels are marked here: in red - unpaid or inactive services (channel packages), in green - active ones.

Incorrect smart card installation

The Tricolor receiver may write error 0 due to an incorrectly installed smart card in the slot. The smart card may also be dirty or faulty. You can find out whether the receiver sees the smart card in the same “Status” section of the receiver menu, item 2 “ID” of the “Information” block. A similar reason that provokes error 0 of the Tricolor receiver is the lack of connection between the receiver and the dish or other important components of satellite television.

Long power outage

Quite often, the Tricolor receiver displays error 0 after the owners leave home for a long time, when it is customary to leave the TV and receiver unplugged from the network. During this time, the activation keys are reset, and they need to be restored - turn them on on a non-working channel and wait for several hours (usually it takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours).

Antenna setup problem

An incorrect antenna setting is indicated by the periodically disappearing error message 0 on the receiver and the message “No signal” appearing instead. IN in this case you will need to set up the plate yourself or.

Software version problem

For smooth operation of the receiver, its software must be latest version, which can be checked in the “Status” section of the receiver’s menu (press the “Tricolor TV” or “ID No.” or “Status” button). In the window that appears, there will be a block “Connected services” and the items “Receiver software version” and “Module software version”.

Ways to solve the problem

As a rule, the causes of error 0 in the Tricolor receiver are clarified as attempts are made to solve the problem.

As any new Tricolor receiver recommends, error 0 can be eliminated by rebooting the equipment. To do this, you need to disconnect the equipment from the network for a few seconds and turn it on again. If broadcasting has not been restored, you will need to switch to one of the channels (for example, “Russia 1”) and leave the equipment turned on until broadcasting is restored. This usually takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours, although the official message on the screen will be: “Leave the receiver on, the image will appear within 8 hours.”

Factory reset

If, after rebooting the receiving equipment as described above, error 0 on the Tricolor receiver does not disappear, the problem may lie in incorrect settings of the receiver. If for some reason the settings have been changed, a factory reset will be required. This can be done using the receiver menu; the procedure takes place followed by automatic tuning 5-10 minutes.

Entering a PIN code

Some receiver models require entering a PIN code to reset settings to preset (factory) settings. The system will require you to enter it in the installation section. By default, this is four zeros, or it is a code you specify. If the PIN code you set is forgotten, you need to restore it. The procedure for resetting the PIN code is different for each model - a certain combination of buttons on the remote control. If the specified PIN code is reset, you can proceed further by standard code 0000. After entering the PIN code, the “Reset to factory settings” option will appear. After reboot, the default settings will be restored and remain in automatic mode find channels.

Checking the receiver's compatibility with the channel broadcast format

If the described actions did not lead to the activation of the channels and the Tricolor receiver continues to display error 0, then your model with a specific id number has stopped supporting the channel broadcast format (or codec). In this situation, it is necessary to replace the equipment with more modern one. For subscribers with outdated equipment, the Tricolor operator is holding a promotion " ". In the section you can select new receiver for one TV, set for 2 TVs with one subscription fee or ci+ cam module.

Error 0 on the second Tricolor receiver

Since a modern home rarely has less than two televisions, many Tricolor subscribers purchase a second receiver. An equally common problem is the error 0 that occurs on the second Tricolor receiver.

Why does the error occur?

The first receiver is the server receiver, and the second is the client receiver. The second Tricolor receiver produces error 0 for the same reasons as the server receiver. In addition, receivers connected to each other can influence each other: as a rule, if the connection is incorrect, error 0 of the second Tricolor receiver occurs quite often.

Ways to solve the problem

You can solve the problem when error 0 occurs on the second receiver in the same way as on the first: by updating the software, resetting the settings to factory settings, a regular reboot, adjusting the antenna, or incorrectly connecting the receivers. However, subscribers are often faced with the fact that they have to do this every day: the Tricolor receiver writes “Error 0” over and over again. In this case, to solve the problem you will need qualified assistance masters

Problems with a satellite dish

Satellite dish problems can occur due to adverse weather conditions, so it is best to wait until the weather passes before moving the dish. If broadcasting is restored after this, that was precisely the problem. In some cases, error 0 of the Tricolor receiver occurs due to the displacement of the satellite dish on the roof, facade or balcony of the house. The plate can change position for various reasons, including bad weather (strong wind). If the cause of error 0 of the Tricolor receiver is the displacement of the satellite dish, it will need to be re-tuned. To do this, you need to turn on the information channel and slowly move the plate, stopping for 2-3 seconds, until the system notifies that a signal has been found (the channel begins to show). Or use .

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