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Why is the login for registration unavailable? Username already exists A user, group, or alias with the specified name already exists


User registration on an Internet resource is used to identify him and is often a prerequisite for gaining access to the site’s services. By performing this procedure, we enter our account information. The list of required and optional account fields depends on the requirements of the web resource, but the “Login” and “Password” fields are always present.

We will talk about how to create logins and why they are not available for registration in this article.

We create accounts and find out the reason for the unavailability of logins

Let's try to create accounts with the same logins on popular Internet resources.

In our example, the user Elena Petrova plans to gain access to Internet portal services Yandex, Google And Moreover, the service email(mailboxes for business correspondence) she will need on all three resources.

The best option is to register accounts with the same (or similar) logins, which can also serve as mailbox names. Using Latin letters, numbers and periods in the name mailbox allowed on all resources we select. Let’s take this point into account and create the simplest login elenapetrova(“first name + last name” in Latin) and proceed to registration.

Yandex checks for login availability elenapetrova in the database of its users, finds it and issues diagnostics "Login for registration is not available".

At the same time, he offers 10 names for the login, which he considers the most suitable. Since these options do not suit us very much, we add the date of birth to our login Elena Petrova. Login elenapetrova3006 suits both us and Yandex. You can continue registration.


Trying to add a user with login elenapetrov a on Google also unsuccessful. Diagnostics: “This username is already taken. Try something else". Unlike Yandex, Google offers us only one name to replace, but we try again elenapetrova3006, and everything works out for us.

But in the database there is not only a login elenapetrova, but also elenapetrova3006. Diagnostics: « A mailbox with the same name already exists» . Add a dot before the date of birth and register your login elenapetrova.3006.

In our example, we tried to register the same login on three Internet portals with high traffic and large user bases. So now we can answer the question why Login for registration is not available user. The reason is that a user with the same name already exists in the site database, and the login is non-unique.

About the possibility of using released logins

Deleting an account by a user of an Internet resource does not mean transferring his login to the category of released and available for registration.

Let's see how the Internet portals we have already discussed behave in this situation.

  • Yandex- allows the user to restore an erroneously deleted account with the help of technical support; performs the procedure for releasing the login no earlier than 6 months from the date of deletion; after release, the login becomes available for registration (enters the “distribution”).
  • Google- allows you to restore your account within a time interval of 2-3 weeks after deletion; logins are not sent to the “distribution”.
  • provides the opportunity to restore an account (the terms are not specified), logins are not “distributed” again.

A few words about creating logins

Login requirements are not always as strict as in our example. On sites for business communication, it is indeed better to use combinations of first name, last name, position, etc. But for entertainment resources and forums, inverted words (“Amid” instead of “Dima”), rebus words (“devo4ka”, “4fun”), names of animals, plants, and natural phenomena are quite suitable.

Try not to register too long logins. They are difficult to remember and type without errors.

We hope that you will now be able to create logins available for registration.

When transferring a database to another server, to successfully transfer users and save their current passwords, you must perform the following steps:

1. In the “Users” mode, on the toolbar, click on the [ button Refresh password cache] (Figure 74).

Microsoft" href="/text/category/microsoft/" rel="bookmark">Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and in the window that opens, specify the name of the server on which the database is located, login name and password (Figure 75).

Figure 75. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

3. Select the database that needs to be transferred to another server, call the context menu and select Tasks Create a backup (Figure 76).

Figure 76. Creation backup copy databases

In the window that opens, set the necessary parameters and click the button [OK](Figure 77).

Figure 77. Creating a database backup

4. Go to the server to which the database is being transferred, select any of the existing databases and call the context menu. IN context menu select item Tasks Restore Database (Figure 78).

Figure 78. Restoring the database

In the window that opens, enter the name of the database and specify the path to the database backup, check the box and click [OK](Figure 79).

Figure 79. Restoring the database

5. Login software package "Svod-SMART" to mode "Users". To transfer a password from a database to another server, you need to synchronize the list of users.

Synchronizing the list of users without recovering passwords allows you to set the password used on the user account when synchronizing users. this server at given user. If during synchronization without password recovery there is no login on the server as in the database, then by default this user will have an empty password.

Synchronizing the list of users with password recovery allows you to set the same passwords for the user during synchronization as on the previous server ( Figure 80)." width="19" height="18 src="> [Event Log] on the toolbar of the "Users" mode (Figure 81)." width="507" height="319 src=">

Figure 82. Event log

The event log by default displays actions as of the current date. You can display a list of entries in the event log by a specific period, mode or event (Figure 83).

Figure 83. Event log

Filter "Event Log" allows you to filter entries in the event log by the following parameters:

- Period– allows you to filter actions for a certain period of time (Figure 84).

Figure 84. Filter by period

- Account– allows you to filter actions by one or more users (Figure 85).

Figure 85. Filter by account

- Host– allows you to filter actions made with specific computer or several computers (Figure 86).

Figure 86. Filter by computer

- Application– allows you to filter actions performed by a specific application. For example, view actions performed through the thick client.

- Description– allows you to filter information by records.

Filter "Modes" allows you to filter entries in the event log by the following modes:

Mode "Tree of organizations and budgets"– displays actions related to changes made in the tree of organizations and budgets;

Mode "Users and Groups"– displays actions associated with entering or exiting the program;

Mode "Saved Forms"– displays actions related to changes in saved reports;

Mode "Directory (universal)"– displays actions related to changes in the universal directory;

Mode "Directory (general)"– displays actions related to changes in the general directory;

Mode "Forms"– displays actions related to form changes in the “Form Designer” mode (Figure 87)." width="489" height="319">

Figure 87. Filter by events


In User mode, a user with the Administrator role can block or unblock a user. To block a user, you need to select the desired user in the “User” mode list (if there are several of them, mark the users with checkboxes) and click on the button on the toolbar" width= "574" height="175">

Figure 88. Blocking a user

Access 2 types of user blocking:

1. Blocking a user– prohibits the user from logging into the program, but allows you to work with MS SQL Management Studio.

When you enter the program under a blocked user, a message will appear indicating that the user has been blocked, but under this login you will be able to access the server through the MS SQL Management Studio program (Figure 89).

Figure 89. Message when logging into the program as a blocked user

2. Login blocking– prohibits the user from logging into the program and MS SQL Management Studio.

When entering the program and when logging into the server through MS SQL Management Studio, an error will appear (Figure 90).

Figure 90. Error message when logging into the server via MS SQL Management Studio using a blocked login

A blocked user in the "User" mode list is tinted lightly pink. Also at the very bottom of the window, next to the display of information on the number of entries in the list, information is displayed about what color the blocked user is tinted (Figure 91).

Figure 91. Display of a blocked user in the list of “Users” mode

To unlock a user, select the login and click on the button on the toolbar [Unblock login] or [Unblock user] (Figure 92).

Figure 92. Unlocking the user


Using the button on the toolbar in the “Users” window, you can make the following settings:

Delete a session;

Blocking users;

Rights clearance;

Work schedule;

Refresh password cache.

8.1 Deleting a session

If the user receives a message when logging into the program that a user with the same name is already working, then in order to unblock the user it is necessary to forcibly remove the user from the session (Figure 93).

Riceunok 93.Error when logging into the program

Removing a user from a session is done in the user connection pool. You can enter the connection pool using the item User Connection Pool in the program settings on the toolbar, or through the button [Delete session] on the mode toolbar "Users" (Figure 94).

Figure 94. User connection pool

The connection pool window displays all users who are currently working on the database. To remove a user from the connection pool, check the user box and click the button [ OK] (Figure 95).

Riceunok 95.Deleting a user session

8.2 Blocking users

Settings "Blocking users" allows you to view information about which user is currently editing the report or form structure (Figure 96)." width="274" height="174">

Figure 97. Clearing user rights

8.4 Work schedule

The work schedule allows you to limit the time employees work in the Svod-SMART program.

The User Schedule window displays 2 lists. On the left is a list of groups with settings, on the right is a list of users who are members of this group (Figure 98).

Riceunok 98.User work schedule

Limiting the work of users by time is carried out in a group; to do this, you need to create a group in the right part of the window. Group creation is carried out using the button Create on the right side of the window. When creating a group, you specify the working hours and days of the week for users included in this group (Figure 99).

Riceunok 99.Setting up user operating mode

Then you need to add users to the created group to restrict the work of users. Users are added on the right side of the window using the button Create. In the “Users and Groups” window, you need to mark users with checkboxes and click on the button [OK](Figure 100).

Figure 100. Adding users to a group that restricts user activity

The "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration release 1.3 includes a user settings mechanism, with which you can set parameters for auto-filling forms, default document settings, and much more.

Today in the article we will look at working with user settings in 1C:Enterprise mode, as well as its implementation in the configurator.

Mode 1C:Enterprise

Let’s open the user settings window (it doesn’t matter which one). We'll see something like this:

Let's demonstrate the impact of settings on the user experience. Let's change the "Prohibit opening multiple sessions" setting to TRUE. Then, without closing the current session, we will try to enter the program under the same account. The system will give us a warning and will not close the session:

If we return the setting to its previous state, then launching multiple sessions will become possible.

As you may have noticed, the list of available user settings is quite extensive. You can read more about the purpose of each of them in the built-in help for the “Production Enterprise Management” configuration, except in cases where the settings were added by users/administrators and are not predefined.

Configurator mode

The user settings mechanism has a fairly simple implementation. Only two objects are used in the configuration tree:

  1. Plan of types of characteristics "User Settings".
  2. Information register "User Settings".

The characteristic type plan determines the type of characteristic value stored in the "User Settings" information register. Here is a list of some of the available value types, installed in a typical configuration:

The "Prohibit opening multiple sessions" element of the "User Settings" characteristic type plan is set to "Boolean". When the program starts, it checks whether this option is enabled. If the value for setting by current user is set to TRUE, then a check is made to see if there are any running sessions by that user.

Here is part of the verification code from the normal application module of the "At System Startup" event:

// When the system starts// Procedure When System Starts() /// ............................. // Get the setting value DenyOpeningMultipleSessions = UserManagement. GetDefaultValue( chValueValue(" chCurrentUser" ) , " DenyOpeningMultipleSessions" ) ; If you Prohibit Opening Multiple Sessions Then CurrentConnectionNumber = InformationBaseConnectionNumber() ; UniqueUserIdentifier = InformationBase Users. CurrentUser() . UniqueIdentifier; // We look for the current information security user in already connected sessions ArrayConnections = GetInfoBaseConnections() ; For Each TechConnection From Array of Connections Loop If (TechConnection. ApplicationName = " 1 CV8" ) AND (NOT TechConnection.ConnectionNumber = CurrentConnectionNumber) AND (NOT TechConnection. User = undefined ) AND (TechConnection. User. UniqueIdentifier = UniqueUserIdentifier) ​​Then Warning(" A user with this name is already logged in" ) ; End the System (False ) ; Return ; EndIf ; EndCycle ; EndIf ; // ..................................... End of Procedure

The most interesting point is the “GetDefaultValue” procedure. The first parameter is the current user (a link to the directory element "Users"), the second is the name of the element in the plan of characteristics types "User Settings" for which you want to get a value. This is what the handler code for this function looks like:

// The function returns the default value for the user and setting passed in.// // Parameters: // User - current user of the program // Setting - a feature for which the default value is returned // // Return value: // Default value for the setting.// Function GetDefaultValue(User, Settings) Export If User = mainValueValue(" chCurrentUser" ) Then SettingLink = PlansViewCharacteristics.UserSettings[ Setting] ; UserSettingsCache = gVariableValue(" " ) ; SettingsValue = UserSettingsCache[ SettingLink] ; If SettingsValue = Undefined Then SettingsValue = GetUserDefaultValue(User, Setting) ; UserSettings[SettingReference] = SettingsValue; #If NOT a Client AND NOT an External Connection Then // On the server, save the value in the cache // In other cases, the value was obtained "by reference", no need to save chVariableValueSet(" UserSettingsValues" , UserSettingsCache, True ) ; #EndIf EndIf ; ReturnSettingsValue; EndIf ; Return GetUserDefaultValue(User, Settings) ; EndFunction // GetDefaultValue()

Here, if we get a setting for the current user, then we try to get its value from the cache. In other cases, directly from the "User Settings" information register.

User settings are processed in the same way in other configuration procedures and functions. We get the setting value and perform actions depending on the conditions.

When you try to create, rename, or restore a user account, the message "User name already exists" appears in the admin console. The main reasons for this error are listed below.

A user, group, or alias with the specified name already exists

This could happen as a result of the deleted account being re-created (by an administrator or due to directory synchronization). If you then try to restore the deleted user, a message like this will appear.

How to check the existence of a username and resolve the conflict

If you have not yet verified ownership of the domain, there may be another account with the same name

We recommend that you confirm ownership of the domain. This will automatically rename any accounts that conflict with the username you're trying to add to G Suite.

Note. If you're trying to add a username that was listed as an alias on another G Suite domain in the last 24 hours, you'll need to wait another 24 hours before that address can be created new account or pseudonym.

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