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The tablet cannot be charged via USB via a computer or laptop. Why and what to do? Why can't my phone charge from my computer via USB and what should I do? Why won't my smartphone charge from my laptop?

If you are faced with a situation where your iPhone has stopped charging, do not panic. This does not mean that your device is broken and you need to go get a new one. The reason may not be serious. And in this case, you can easily cope with the problem yourself. There is absolutely no need to go to a specialist and shell out a hefty sum for repairs.

Sometimes it happens that the iPhone does not charge from the computer. But it happens that you can’t charge your iPhone from the network. Today we will talk in detail about the first situation.

What manifestations can this problem have? When you connect a gadget to a PC, a battery indicator usually pops up and a characteristic sound is heard, indicating the connection. If the charge does not occur, nothing of the kind is observed.

Note that owners of devices of the fourth line are more likely to encounter such troubles than others. The simplest solution to this problem is to restart your smartphone. But it helps if there were problems of a systemic nature. In other cases, the approaches will be completely different. Read about all this in detail below.

The owner of any iPhone model can have problems with charging. No user is immune from this. The most common sources of such trouble are listed below:

1 The device is connected to an old PC or laptop. If charging from USB does not work, the problem may be with the port. Some PC models tend to turn off these elements to save energy. Many users do not know about this. Therefore, try to either enable the ports, or find an outlet and use it. 2 The cord is damaged or defective. Often charging does not work because the user bought a Chinese counterfeit. This is a common practice for goods from the Middle Kingdom. In this case, you will have to fork out for the original cord. The same can be recommended in case of damage to the “native” accessory. In general, iPhone cables are very fragile, so they should be handled with care. 3 The lower loop is faulty. Sometimes an Apple device tells its owner that the accessory is not supported by it. The problem, of course, is more serious than the previous ones. But there is no need to panic here either. It’s better to go to a repair shop as quickly as possible and have the cable replaced. This operation does not last long. 4 The device is damaged. After falls and impacts, iPhones often stop charging. Here, too, you shouldn’t think for a long time and find out the reasons yourself. And even more so - delving into the “stuffing”. Just run to the service center. Perhaps specialists will be able to restore your device.

What to do if your iPhone won't charge

If your gadget has stopped receiving power from the original element, do the following:

1 Restart the system. This method seems so simple that users don’t even think about it when they encounter difficulties. This simple action can solve more than one problem with your iPhone. 2 Carefully inspect the cord, charger, port, outlet. Let's say checking the charging unit is very simple. The cord is disconnected from it and an attempt is made to work with USB. If everything is fine, the source of the problem is hidden in the block, because the cord is definitely in good working order. 3 Clean the charger connector. Any more or less experienced owner of an Apple smartphone probably knows how to do this. 4 Apply recovery mode - Recovery Mode. In terms of efficiency, it is close to a regular reboot, but it eliminates problems better. technical problems. including those arising from charging. But do not forget that after restoring in emergency mode, the device settings will return to their original settings. Therefore, take care of backup in advance. 5 Go to a repair shop if none of the above methods lead to a positive result. This means that your device needs a thorough examination and serious intervention. Surely you will need to open the case and carefully study its contents. More likely. repairs will not be cheap. But your gadget will be saved. In terms of time, replacing the battery or connector for the charging element will not take more than 30 minutes.

The device is entered into this mode as follows:

  • The user turns on the iPhone.
  • Clamps the Home element.
  • Connects the device to a PC or laptop using a USB cable.

The fact that the gadget is in the desired mode will be indicated by the corresponding picture on the display. Exiting it is even easier - you just need to click on “Power”.

iPhone battery charging rules

And in order for your device’s battery to last as long as possible, do not neglect the following rules:

1 Do not use or recharge the device in extreme temperatures. The developers consider the most acceptable range to be 16-22 degrees (but not more than 35). Overheating the case is very dangerous and leads to an irreversible decrease in battery capacity. 2 Use only “native” charging to work with the gadget. Or at least take a certified cord. If you do not ignore this recommendation, you will never encounter problems. Which were discussed in this article. 3 Do not allow the iPhone to completely discharge. This means up to 0%. The lifespan of a lithium-ion cell is expressed in the number of complete discharge cycles. The latter term refers to the situation when the device has used up its entire battery capacity. High-quality batteries can withstand up to 600 cycles. And according to the manufacturer, the lifespan of iPhones is 500 cycles, and that of other Apple gadgets is up to 1000. Every time you connect the device to a power outlet or to a PC, the battery life decreases. And the “blame” for this is precisely the depth of the discharge. It turns out that the more a lithium-ion cell is discharged, the faster it will die. Accordingly, to increase its resource, do not allow complete discharge.

However personal experience Many users are told that, of course, no one can follow these rules exactly. You won’t go everywhere with a thermometer and take it out along with your iPhone. Simply avoid exposing the device to the hot rays of the sun, do not leave it in the car and do not charge it pressed down with anything.

In addition, it is known that if the charge voltage of a lithium-ion cell increases by only 3-5%, it will lose capacity 100% faster with each cycle. To prevent this, the manufacturer integrated special-purpose controllers that monitor process conditions into the original unit and into the device itself. Chinese counterfeits, of course, do not have such technology.


No matter how high-quality and powerful a mobile product is, sometimes any system fails. arise various malfunctions or breakdown. Therefore, owners of high-tech devices should always be ready to contact service.

In order not to waste time and money, if problems arise with iPhone charging from PC, try to fix the situation yourself first. And if all else fails, don’t forget that there is a 2-year warranty. Your problem may be fixed for free.

Many who are the owner Apple technology They will agree that sometimes it can be very capricious and forces you to buy only original devices for it. But all this is not connected with the idea of ​​extracting as much money from you as possible (although there is some truth in this too), but with ensuring the long service life of the device. Today I will look at the following problem: the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB. I’ll also tell you how to solve it and why it occurs in the first place.

iPhone won't charge in car using radio or cigarette lighter - solution

As I wrote above, Apple technology is capricious for a reason. If your Android phone can easily be charged from the cigarette lighter, but your iPhone flatly refuses to charge, then there may be several reasons:

  1. Unstable voltage
  2. Non-original device (cable or device that is installed in the cigarette lighter)
  3. Radio tape recorder
  4. USB connector

Now let's look at each problem in order. In the first two cases, the device is most often to blame because it is unable to maintain the normal current for charging. Usually these are “No name” manufacturers, so buying a branded cigarette lighter connector should solve the problem with charging your iPhone. Many car owners speak well of the Belkin charger. In rare cases, the problem may lie in the wiring of the machine itself, and here you need to contact a specialist. Recognize this problem An ordinary multimeter, which costs from 200 rubles, will help you. You measure the voltage in the cigarette lighter itself, after which it will be clear whether the problem is in the wiring or the cigarette lighter of the car or in the device. which you bought.

The next problem why the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB may lie in the radio. You can find out its presence using the same multimeter. By measuring the voltage everything will fall into place. For normal operation of the device, 1 Ampere is needed, if meter gives out more - there's nothing wrong with it. It’s another matter if you receive less than 1 ampere, since such voltage may not only simply not charge your iPhone, but also damage the battery or render it completely unusable.

And the last reason why the iPhone does not charge in the car via USB is the USB connector itself. Namely, if you have USB 2.0, then the iPad, for example, will charge, but the iPhone will not. The solution to this problem is very simple - buy a device with a USB 3.0 port. It’s worth saying that any consultant will assure you that all devices are currently compatible with USB 2.0, but this concerns data transfer. That is, USB 2.0 has a much lower speed than USB 3.0, but the current strength of USB 2.0 is 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is 950 mA, which is why the problem of charging an iPhone arises when using an old generation USB port .

Precautions when using Apple phones

In conclusion, I will say: in order for your iPhone to last a long time, it is advisable to use original chargers and USB cables. If you use memory from other manufacturers, try not to take Chinese analogues and always look at technical specifications. This will save you from re-purchasing, as well as your phone from being sent to a workshop. Using cheap analogues, you damage the battery, and there is always a risk of simply “burning” the board on your iPhone.

Ragged or ground wire is one of the most common reasons lack of charging when connecting the phone to the charger or computer.

How avoid damage wires:

What to do if the cable is already damaged or torn:

  • The simplest and most expensive way to fix a breakdown is buying a new one wires.

The connector in the phone is damaged

An equally common problem is connector failure on mobile phones. Detecting such a breakdown is not very easy, but it is possible. One of the characteristic signs of a connector malfunction is inclusion charging only in certain positions of the cable plug.

How to fix the problem:

  • The first thing to try is clean charging connector. Accumulated dirt often causes many breakdowns;

Bad battery

Battery problems can also make it impossible to properly charge a cell phone, smartphone, tablet, or other device. It could be Battery swelling, burnout contacts or simply loss containers due to aging.

There is only one way to fix this problem - acquisition And installation new battery. You need to buy a battery exclusively for your phone model, and it is recommended to choose original products, because cheap Chinese analogues can be much inferior in quality and capacity.

Software problems

Errors While software problems often occur in smartphones, malfunctions of this kind very rarely occur on regular mobile phones. Software failures include firmware faults device, drivers as well as installation malicious applications that prevent the device from charging correctly.

Ordinary users can try to correct errors in software in two ways: reset settings on your smartphone or flashing device.

How reset settings:

If the smartphone does not work due to lack of charge or absence reactions Resetting the settings will require a full flashing device. The firmware process depends on specific model mobile phone, on some it is enough to download special software and connect the smartphone to the PC. Others will require advance unlock bootloader or enter the device into the firmware menu. Inexperienced users should not do this on their own; it is better to turn to professionals.

Battery not calibrated

This problem may occur during installation new battery to the phone. This may manifest itself in the following ways: no response to connecting the charger, the phone is not fully charged or discharges quickly. To calibrate the battery, you need to carry out a couple of complete charging and discharging cycles of the phone.

Many users, when trying to connect their phone to a computer using a USB cable, are faced with the fact that the computer does not recognize the connected gadget. The connected device is charging, but there is no access to the smartphone itself and its internal contents. Both I and I encountered this synchronization problem. this material I’ll tell you why the computer doesn’t see the phone via USB, and I’ll also share various solution methods this issue.

I would divide the whole complex of reasons for the problem that the PC does not see the smartphone via a USB cable into hardware and software, and below I will list each of them, simultaneously providing instructions for correcting it. But before using the methods I indicated, try restarting your computer and smartphone - this does not help as rarely as it seems. This problem mainly occurs with devices Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, LG and Fly.

So why doesn’t the computer see the phone via USB, but charges - hardware reasons

1. The cable is damagedUSB. It often happens that the cause of this dysfunction is damage to the USB cable itself. Cables from little-known or “non-name” manufacturers do not have a large margin of safety, and can fail literally within a couple of months from the start of operation, and as a result, the computer will not recognize the connected phone.

In addition, even the most reliable cables from global brands are subject to stochastic damage - they can be accidentally damaged during use, chewed by pets or spoiled by children. Therefore, first of all, inspect your USB cable for the possibility of mechanical damage, and, if the cable is externally intact, try using it to connect your device to another computer. If the device is not recognized on another PC, try replacing the cord.

2. The port is damagedUSBon the computer. USB ports used on a computer are also susceptible to various mechanical damage, including damage to the USB controller, as well as south bridge motherboard. Try inserting the cable into another USB connector, if this did not help fix the connection of the phone to the PC, follow further advice.

3. The cable socket on the phone is damaged. Has water entered the smartphone socket or is it damaged? If yes, then it needs to be replaced.

4. Try to remove the battery. According to reviews from some users who also had a problem with the computer not seeing the phone through UES-BI, removing the battery from the smartphone helped.

Turn off the battery, remove the battery from it for a few seconds, then put it back, and turn your device back on.

If nothing helps you fix this problem, then describe your situation. What have you already done and what is happening to your Android device at USB connection gadget for PC in the comments, I will try to help not only me, but also everyone who has encountered this problem.

The computer does not see the phone via USB - software reasons

After describing the hardware reasons, we will list the main software reasons if your computer still does not recognize cell phone, connected using USB cable, follow further instructions.

1. Working with the settings.We go into the settings of our device, select “Memory” there, click on the three dots at the top (Properties), select “USB connection to a computer” and check the box next to “Media device” (“ USB drive"). If you have a checkmark next to using USB as a modem, uncheck it.

Must be enabled on PC Windows service Update (for downloading phone drivers) and new device discovery service. Don't forget to unlock your phone when connecting to your computer, this is important.

If you are a conservative and have Windows XP, download the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) for XP from the Microsoft website and install it on your computer.

2. If your drivers are lostUSB-ports, the computer may not see the phone.If drivers for USB ports malfunction, the latter simply stop working. To fix this problem, install USB drivers from the “native” driver disk for your PC’s motherboard, or download the latest drivers from the motherboard manufacturer’s website.

Also, due to some reason, power may be turned off for a number of ports.

3. Device drivers have crashed. Go to Device Manager and see if there is a question or exclamation mark in the "Portable Devices" section.

Check if your device is there and make sure it is working properly by right-clicking on it and clicking “Properties”. If it is not there, or you have doubts, remove the driver, disconnect the phone from the computer, and then turn it on again, and let the system install the driver again. This may help solve the problem that the smartphone does not connect via USB to the computer.

It will also not be superfluous to go to the website of the manufacturer of your smartphone and download the latest drivers for it to your PC (for example, for Samsung there is special software Samsung Kies).

4. Install the updateK.B.3010081 (K.B.3099229). For Windows 10 owners, you may need to install update KB3010081, which is responsible for working with Windows Media Player. This player is directly related to the normal operation of the MTP service (Media Transfer Protocol), so download and install the update data.

Also, a common cause may be an unreliable build of the OS itself on the PC. Only reshuffling Windows will help here working version.

5. Custom firmware is not working. The desire of many fans to play with the firmware for their Android device can do them a disservice in the form of the device’s failure to work normally with the computer. Try restoring the standard firmware or restoring from a backup (if you have one).

There are no drivers for the phone on the computer

Although, usually, a computer with the latest OS detects and sees a smartphone via USB without problems, the opposite cases may also occur. Try looking for a driver for your smartphone on the Internet; sometimes a driver for similar models of the same brand may be suitable.

The phone may not be detected by the computer due to viruses

Trite, but all kinds virus programs may block work with external mobile devices. Try checking your computer with Dr. antivirus applications. Web CureIt! may help in some cases.

If the problem of the computer detecting a mobile device is not resolved, reset the settings

If still, your computer does not see the phone via USB, resetting the smartphone settings using Hard Reset. Go to your phone's settings, select the menu item " Backup", and in it select "Data reset".

But I warn you right away that you will lose your files and settings that are in internal memory phone (the files on the SD card will remain untouched), so this item should be used only as a last resort!


As you can see, problems with the lack of visibility of a connected phone on a PC can be both software and hardware in nature, and there are a considerable number of such problematic factors. I would advise you to first pay attention to the probable mechanical damage in the cable and device, and only then switch to software methods.

In many cases, simply rebooting the smartphone (temporarily removing the battery), as well as working with the phone’s USB connection settings, can help. If all of the above does not help and the computer does not see the phone via USB, but is charging, then you may need to contact a qualified service center.

P.S. For those who like visual demonstrations, I present a video on the issue:

Sometimes you need to connect Android to your computer. Windows control to transfer specific files. Sometimes problems arise and the computer does not see the phone via USB, charges, but does not allow you to move files.

We propose to take a general look possible options, and then discuss all solutions to problems.

Reasons why the computer does not see the phone via USB

This may be due to software incompatibility or technical problems. From time to time the cable gets damaged and the contacts in the smartphone break. In the first case, you need to try a different cord, and in the second, contact a service center to replace the connector. A broken port on your computer can also cause problems, so switch the wire to a different socket to fix the problem. These are the most common hardware failures.

With software errors it is more difficult, since there are many reasons for failures. These could be missing or outdated drivers, incorrect connection modes (when the computer charges the smart phone, but blocks the transposition of documentation into folders) and other incompatibilities, which we will discuss in detail below.

What to do if the computer does not see the phone?

Listed below are all the methods that can help solve the cable connection problem.

Check your USB connection settings

This method will help if charging occurs during pairing, but the information cannot be reset. To transfer documents, you must connect Android as a media device (MTP). To do this, follow these steps:

Attention!In some cases, you may have to connect your phone to your computer and switch between various parameters before the desktop recognizes the device as a media device.

If you have older versions of Android, try this.

Connect the device to your computer, it should be recognized.

Install the USB MTP driver

It happens that the smartphone does not display due to problems with the driver, so try updating it.

Once the driver is installed, the PC should recognize Android phone. You may need to restart your computer for the update to take effect.

Download and install Media Feature Pack for Windows 10

We have already mentioned that you must use the MTP protocol to transfer content. It is associated with Windows Media Player, but in some versions of Windows 10 there is no Windows Player Media and related technology support. If your Windows version 10 does not recognize Android, download and install Media Feature Pack from the official Microsoft website.

Use the included USB cable

Remove Android Drivers

Sometimes there is no system latest drivers or they are not installed correctly. It is recommended to remove them and install them again.

It remains to check whether the method worked.

Enable USB Debugging

From time to time, the connected gadget is recognized when USB debugging is active. If you are using Android 4.2 or later, this feature may be hidden. To enable it, do as follows.

  1. Go to "Settings - About phone".
  2. Click on “Build Number” 7 times.
  3. Go back.
  4. Open "Settings - For Developers".
  5. There, scroll down and activate “USB Debugging”.

Sometimes it is already turned on, in which case it should be turned off.

Turn on airplane mode

If Windows stops seeing your phone, launch Airplane mode through the panel quick settings in the curtain or by following the path “Settings - More”. Often after this the device is recognized by the PC. This is a simple method, so don't be lazy to try it.

Reboot your phone in Recovery or Fastboot mode

Read about how to enter it in our other article, where we described the process for each manufacturer. After you get to Fastboot mode or recovery, connect your smartphone to the PC, wait until they are installed necessary components. After this, a guide should open in front of you with a suggestion of what to do with the connected device. When finished, reboot Android.

Install KIES from Samsung

If samsung gadget not recognized by Windows, please download software KIES from the manufacturer's official website and install it on your computer. With its help you can definitely connect your smartphone.

Use USB 2.0 ports

Try switching the cable from USB 3.0 to USB 2.0. Users reported that it worked for them sometimes.

Reinstall ADB

Windows occasionally does not recognize the smartphone due to problems with Android interface Composite ADB, so you should reinstall it.

This solution works with Android 5.0 and newer OS, but it can also be compatible with older ones Android versions. Users have reported that it is not always worth downloading the USB driver from Google, and often the problem is resolved simply by following the first four steps.

Reboot your Android device

Sometimes this simple solution is the most effective. People have repeatedly reported that after rebooting the phone, the computer recognized the mobile phone without any problems.

Connect your phone directly to your computer

Some USB devices may not be recognized if you connect them to a USB hub or extender. Therefore, if you are using a USB hub, disconnect it and connect your Android directly to the PC to solve the problem.

Clear cache and data for external system storage and storage systems

This solution works on Android 6 and above. But if you have more than old system, try it anyway.

After deleting the cache and data, reboot the gadget and connect it to the computer again.

Sync Android with PC using a third-party app

This does not guarantee 100% performance, but it often helps. Just install the sync app from Play Market, which will help the computer recognize. Try, for example, Mobile Go to connect and transfer data from Android and iOS to PC.

There are many reasons why your computer can't see your Android phone. We hope these solutions will be useful for you and you will solve your problems.

IN modern world A smartphone is an irreplaceable thing, so when your favorite gadget takes a long time to charge or does not turn on at all, this becomes a whole problem, especially if it is a new phone.

First of all, we think about how to charge our gadget, especially when we are in a hurry and are looking for the causes of problems in the phone, but before that we should carefully inspect the accompanying equipment:

  • Socket - if the wiring is old or there are some other problems with electricity, then this may well explain why the gadget is sometimes charging or not;
  • Charger - check its integrity, it may be damaged;
  • Incompatibility of the charger with the gadget - if the inputs are similar, this does not mean that the charging device is suitable for both models of smartphones.

If you are convinced that you do not have any of the above problems, you can move on to studying the phone itself. We will look at the most common reasons why the phone does not accept charge.

The gadget is charged only from the computer

When the phone is charged only from the computer, but the smartphone is turned on and working normally, it’s worth checking charger. But if charging is ok, but the smartphone does not see it or writes that charging in progress, but in fact this is not so - a malfunction in the phone.

In some cases, flashing the gadget's firmware or replacing the input helps, but only a professional can do this after examining the device and identifying the problem.

What to do if the phone does not charge, but the charger is connected

It happens that the phone shows charging, but does not charge, and even after several hours of recharging, the battery remains at zero. Or, if you do not charge the phone for a long time, the battery does not accept a charge. In both cases there may be several reasons:

  • The charger does not charge;
  • The phone battery is faulty;
  • There are many applications and other services open.

If the problem is with the charger, the gadget detects the charger, but due to technical faults it does not charge. This situation is probably familiar to iPhone owners, since the cable becomes damaged due to frequent use. Try replacing the wire, maybe that's the problem.

In the case when the problem lies in the battery, you will have to buy a new one or even contact a specialist, see in such smartphone models as Samsung Galaxy S6, LG Optimus Vu, HTC One X has a built-in battery, which means you can’t replace it yourself.

The last option is very rare, but still occurs, especially if you are the owner of a DNS or Fly brand smartphone. In this case, you just need to close all programs, in particular Wi-Fi, the Internet and your favorite games, and then leave your Android alone while it is charging. If the indicator shows that the charge is coming, you can congratulate yourself, you have just fixed the problem.

Poor contact contact

You are familiar with the situation when the phone is working and charging is in order, but for some reason the smartphone does not respond to the device when connected to the network. You don’t even know what to do anymore, since the phone doesn’t charge for a very long time, but the reason for this may be trivial.

From time to time, dust gets into a cell phone with a removable battery, especially for older Samsung models. If you don't clean the inner surface, dirt accumulates, creating a layer that prevents the contacts from connecting normally, which is why the phone won't charge. Try removing the battery, then clean it and the inside of the case with a cotton swab. Also pay attention to the “teeth”; if they are slightly bent, correct this using a match, but act carefully so as not to damage the contacts.

The phone does not charge from the charger

When the phone does not charge from the charger, the reason should be sought in the charger or in the gadget connector. IN in this case It’s very easy to find out what really doesn’t work, just connect your mobile phone to your PC or use a universal frog charger, but using it every day will be problematic, since you’ll have to turn off the phone every time and take out the battery. Another way to charge your phone from external battery, but this is also not an everyday option.

The smartphone is charging in the opposite direction

Not everyone knows why charging occurs reverse side, and at the same time the phone does not take charge, but, as it were, gives it away. Faced with such a situation, many are simply perplexed. The reason for this unusual phenomenon is simple - a failure in battery calibration, this happens from time to time with Lenovo phones, but do not panic, because the problem can be solved very quickly.

To eliminate the anomaly, you first need to discharge the battery to such an extent that the smartphone turns off on its own. After that, remove the battery for a couple of minutes and put it back into the phone. Connect the gadget to the charger, but do not turn it on while the charge is running.

The phone takes a very long time to charge

If your smartphone was charged all night, but was not fully charged or the readings were no more than 1 percent, then the problem lies in the battery. Of course, for the first time you can even charge the phone to 100 percent, but not only will the process take a lot of time, but the gadget will also be discharged in literally a couple of hours, if not earlier.

In this case, you have only one option - buy new battery continue to safely use your irreplaceable gadget.

You can figure out the problem yourself, but if you are unable to find out why the phone is not charging and you have tried almost all of the above methods, it is best to take your smartphone to a technician, because only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of the malfunction.

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The battery is the weak point of any laptop. The older he gets, the faster the battery drains. Therefore, the issue of recharging it becomes more and more acute, and the charger is not always at hand. Is it possible to charge a laptop via a USB port from another computer or from an external PowerBank? Let's try to understand this issue.

If I had been asked this question a few years ago, I would have confidently answered that no, you can’t! Indeed, previously the USB port on a laptop was used exclusively for connecting peripheral devices. Yes, it was possible to recharge a phone or tablet from it, but it did not have the opposite effect. A special power supply was used to charge the battery. Moreover, often each manufacturer had it with its own individual connector, which was terribly inconvenient. Especially on the road.

But time passes and everything changes. On the latest models of laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks, a new USB port 3.1. This is the so-called connector Type C. This is what it looks like:

So, thanks to technological progress, you can finally use USB ports to charge your laptop.

What are the differences between ports

The point is that I USB standard was developed quite a long time ago, back in 1994. And then the question of supplying pure power through this bus did not arise at all. Subsequently, over more than 20 years, quite a few types of USB connectors were invented:

But the only thing they all had in common was that they could not provide power transmission of more than 4.5 Watts. If this was at least enough for a smartphone or tablet, then for a laptop you need at least 30, and preferably 50 or more. Accordingly, charging a laptop via USB was out of the question until a more energy-intensive version appeared. And Type C became it. It is almost two times smaller in size than the usual 2.0/3.0 standard port:

But it can easily provide current transmission of up to 100 Watts in both directions - that is, both to the connected devices and from them to the host. This is quite enough not only for ordinary models, but even for gaming laptops. You can take one or two powerful power banks with you on the road and not worry about not having an outlet at hand!

What about owners of old models?

Unfortunately, they will not be able to charge a laptop via a USB port under any circumstances. They just don't know how to do it. What to do in this case? Only buy extra battery and carry it with you. Or, alternatively, save money to buy a new one mobile computer. You may object - you can’t save enough money for this! But if your work depends on it, then maybe it makes sense to invest? It's up to you! Good luck!

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