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What does it depend on or how to increase the speed of a wi-fi router and the Internet? How to increase Wi-Fi speed on a laptop How to make Wi-Fi work faster

With the introduction of wireless Internet technology, there is no longer a need to connect a bunch of wires to your devices to provide access to the network. A standard wired connection needs to be provided only for a router - a device that distributes IP addresses to client gadgets and covers Wi-Fi in a nearby, small area. However, sometimes it may turn out that even on a modern router the Wi-Fi connection is too slow, web pages load “monstrously” slowly, you have to wait several minutes for this or that site to open, and even when you are in the immediate The situation is no better if you are close to the distribution router. If you connect to a hot spot on the street or in a cafe, there is nothing you can do about it, since you do not have access to a Wi-Fi distribution device. If you set up a network at home, you can probably do something about this problem. Today we will tell you how to increase Wi-Fi speed when organizing a network in an apartment, if the current state of affairs regarding Internet access speed does not suit you, we will offer several ways to solve the problem.

What explains the slow connection speed?

Regarding the reasons for low connection, there may be several of them:

- first of all, low quality the equipment used. If your router is more than 2-3 years old, most likely it will not be able to guarantee you the maximum speed of providing Internet access. As you know, new devices meet completely different speed standards, and your 10 Mbit/s is unlikely to satisfy anyone today. To find out technical specifications your router, refer to the device documentation available on the Internet on the official website of the manufacturer. The number of transmitting antennas that the router is equipped with is also important. For high-quality communication there must be at least 2 of them, and this will provide a larger signal coverage range;

— low signal transmission range. The transmission range of traffic has the same relationship to speed as the first point. The closer you are to the access point, the faster the speed will be, and vice versa. Buying a modern router model can also solve this problem in your favor;

- cheap tariff plan. This point is important only if you live far from large cities and your provider is not able to provide high network throughput. If your speed is at least 50 Mbit/s, then you don’t have to worry too much about this parameter;

- excessive loading of the operating system third party applications and penetration malicious code. If your OS is overloaded when exchanging traffic with the server, this can be explained by excessive clutter of the system with third-party software. Remove programs you don't need through the application manager. Another likely reason is that your hard drive a worm or botnet that completely eats up your traffic. IN in this case you have to take care of cleaning your PC from viruses by using one of the appropriate cleaning products (Avast or Dr.Web CureIt);

- damaged equipment. If the router accidentally falls on the floor or onto a hard surface, the device may be damaged and will need to be taken in for repairs. Damage to the distributing antenna is especially critical, since this type of breakdown has a direct impact on the quality of the transmitting signal;

- outdated firmware. Firmware is of no small importance in ensuring high speed Wi-Fi connections. Over time, developers fix major system errors and even completely change the firmware shell. So, if you haven’t updated, it’s time to think about it: the procedure is very simple and does not require any special skills.

How to increase the speed of Wi-Fi connection?

If you are rearranging your apartment, think about the range of the signal from the router. Try to install the device as close to the center of the apartment as possible so that the signal is distributed evenly to all rooms. It is worth taking into account the number of transmitting antennas on the gadget. If the router has only one antenna, high quality You can achieve communication this way, after which you will need to buy a new router. It is also important to take into account the thickness of the walls.

The next rather significant nuance is to indicate the appropriate frequency of the router signal. As usual, all the givers Wi-Fi signal the devices operate on the same frequency, and in apartment buildings they simply interrupt each other’s signal. Under such circumstances, it is worth specifying the actual transmission channel number in the router settings, taking into account the network load. By default, all routers have the “Auto” parameter set.

How to increase Wi-Fi speed by specifying the actual channel number in the settings?

Log in by entering the appropriate host IP address of the router, and specifying the login and password on the pop-up form to enter the settings menu. In this manual I will use the control panel as an example. ASUS router, in your device the sequence of actions may be slightly different.

Let's go to the settings menu in the "Wireless Network" section.

In the active category you can see the “Channel” option. Set one of the values given key, so that the signal does not constantly switch from one channel to another, as was the case when the “Auto” value was set.

If you have a router trademark D-Link, TP-Link or any other brand, you may have to wander around a little in the settings to find the option to configure the communication channel here.

How to increase the speed of Wi-Fi connection by changing other parameters of the router?

To make the bandwidth wireless communication has increased, you need to switch your network settings to the 802.11N standard. This is the fastest standard in the 2.4 MHz band, supported by all devices released since 2010 and later. Thus, in the basic parameters of the Wi-Fi connection, we force the N-mode to be set (or select the standard in the field: 802.11N).

Another important tip is to use the WPA2-PSK security standard with AES encryption. The WPA2 algorithm is the most modern and secure; it is available by default in all new routers. However, if you doubt that you are using this particular standard, it is better to check everything yourself. To do this, go to the security settings wireless network and set the encryption method to WPA2, and the algorithm to AES.

It is also worth enabling the WiFi Multimedia mode (or WMM, as it is called in the settings). This option is required if you want to get speeds above 54 Mbit/s. According to the QoS quality of service specification, setting this mode is also a prerequisite. You can set this mode in additional parameters wireless network.

In addition to this, you need to activate this mode in the network adapter settings. Right-click on network connection in the taskbar and select the “Network and Sharing Center” option from the menu.

A list of network adapters installed on your laptop/computer will appear. Select the adapter for Wi-Fi connection from the list, right-click on it and select the “Properties” option from the context list.

After this, already on the settings form, go to the “Advanced” tab, find the “WMM” option in the list of properties and set the value to “Enabled”.

The last tip related to setting up a router involves using a channel width of 20 MHz. By default, the width is differentiated, i.e. varies between 20 and 40 MHz. The 40 MHz broadband option is not very suitable for apartment buildings, since the signal there is not very strong and stable. So check the 20 MHz option and enjoy the result.

How to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection by playing with your computer settings?

If after all the manipulations with the router you find that the connection speed has not changed at all, perhaps the reason for the low connection is in the computer and not in the router. Let's look at the system load in the OS settings. To do this, go to the task manager using the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. Let's use the second tab called "Performance".

If the diagram shows that the network is overloaded, and you are not currently downloading anything and are not using the Internet, go to the first tab containing a list of running background services called “Processes” and disable here those programs that you do not currently need.

Another useful advice, how to increase Wi-Fi speed on a laptop - disable unused applications from startup. To do this, use the Win+R combination, and in the mini-window that appears, enter the “msconfig” parameter. Go to the “Startup” tab, after which the list you need will open.

If this method does not work, we can recommend updating WiFi drivers adapter to latest version. You can find the required package on the website of the laptop manufacturer, or through driver packs such as DriverPackSolution (just do not select the automatic mode, since in addition to the drivers, a bunch of browsers and other applications will be installed. Work through the expert mode).

In conclusion, we would like to suggest that you adjust the routing configuration on your PC. This can be done without any special effort and without any harm to the system. To reset the settings, run cmd mode as administrator. To do this, right-click on the start button and select context menu corresponding element.

Next, in the prompt that appears, enter the request “route -f”. Don't be alarmed if your web connection goes down briefly. After that, enter the key query “ipconfig /renew” and press Enter again. If the above commands did not help, instead of the second specified key, use the “netsh winsock reset catalog” command.


If you want to know how to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection, we hope that our article will help you achieve success in your task. Otherwise, it's time to think about buying a new router, with at least two antennas and higher speed characteristics. Thanks to support for new communication and data transfer standards, the new device can increase Wi-Fi speed by at least 2 times. To know this for sure, you need to study technical parameters old and new devices and compare them.

How to increase WiFi speed on laptop and other wireless devices? This article will consider the case when the WiFi transmission speed is significantly lower than the wired connection speed on the same router.

First of all, you need to make sure that the problem is hidden only in the wireless connection.

WiFi Speed ​​Test

Before we start doing anything, turn everything off WiFi devices except for one, on which we will test. Reboot the device including the router, after which we begin the test. Put it to download big file, and track how long it takes for the file to be transferred to calculate the download speed. Or use a torrent client or DC++ where we can observe the download speed in real time. Select a popular file so that the number of distributors is as large as possible and so that during the test, disconnecting several people from the distribution does not affect our measurements. Start the download using wireless connection and wait until the download speed stabilizes.

Please note that during the test, the WiFi signal level should be good, experiment with the distance from the router to your wireless device. Find the position where the speed is best. We remember how fast the download is and move on to the next step.

Turn off WiFi on your device and connect via cable. Wait until the download speed increases and stabilizes using wired connection. If the speed relative to WiFi increases slightly, then this may be normal for your equipment and identifying the problem will not be easy, if it exists at all. But if the speed increases more than twice, and sometimes four times or more, then follow my advice. In most cases, they will help solve this problem.

I recommend checking the speed via WiFi and cable repeat, to finally make sure what values ​​we are dealing with. Otherwise, we may end up in a dead end.

Why is WiFi speed low?

So, we found out that the drop in speed is observed exclusively over WiFi. All that remains is to figure out how to increase WiFi speed. The reason may be either software (driver network card, router firmware or settings), and physical, in the form of electromagnetic waves that cause interference.

Here are some reasons slow speed WIFI:

Changing the WiFi channel

The default channel setting is automatic mode and the best channel is supposedly selected. But this is not always the case. You can try setting the channel manually and see if it changes for the better.

If I were to choose a channel at random, I would start with channel (1, 6 and 11). But best way To find out which channel is less busy, use the program.

You can also use mobile applications, such as or . The lack of some functions compared to inSSIDer is compensated by the convenience of easily moving around the apartment, observing the dynamics of the radio broadcast.

Reduce channel width to 20MHz

Even if changing the channel had a positive effect on the speed, it is worth trying to also reduce the channel width. By default, this option is set to “Auto”. Change the value to “20MHz” and check the speed. This method once helped me quadruple my WiFi download speed.

Router firmware

Update your router's firmware. It also wouldn't hurt to update the driver. WiFi adapter. Sometimes this solves not only problems related to speed, but also many other possible problems.

Use modern standards

Do not use outdated security standards such as WEP or WPA/TKIP. Temporarily disable security to test speed. If you manage to achieve the desired result only with security disabled, you can enable the MAC filter, allowing access only to your devices, which will allow you to use WiFi with security disabled.

Use 802.11N standard on all devices. All modern devices use this standard. Keep in mind that if you are running the N standard, but an older device sharing the legacy G standard is running on your network, the speed will be reduced.

Sometimes it is worth lowering the WiFi signal strength

High WiFi signal strength does not always have a good effect on speed and stability. In some cases, it is recommended to reduce the strength of the WiFi signal, or change (if possible) the antenna to a less powerful one.

Today there are practically no people who do not constantly use the Internet. Through the Internet, people communicate, play and get a lot useful information. Therefore, it becomes very disappointing when, for no apparent reason, the Internet connection starts to work too slowly.

In this case, any person begins to panic. However, not everyone knows that there are many options that can help solve the problem of too low data transfer. First of all, it’s worth finding out why the Internet speed via WiFi is dropping.


A number of faults can affect your connection speed. First of all, you need to check that your computer or laptop is in close proximity to the router itself.

Also sometimes low speed Internet connection via WiFi is due to too low throughput router. And it often happens that several people use the network at the same time, each from their own computer. In this case, the volume of traffic increases too much, and accordingly, the data transfer speed drops noticeably.

In addition, such problems may be related to the operation of the router itself. Not everyone checks which one is for the house before buying it. This is a big mistake, since a lot will depend on the quality of the device. The best models D-Link, TP-Link and ZyXel are considered.

Before you move on to fixing your troubles, it is recommended that you take an Internet speed test at This independent service has existed on the Internet for a long time. There is no need to register on the site, just click Start and wait for the results to be displayed. You must first close all applications and sites. If checking the Internet speed on showed that everything is in order, then the reason is a large number of running processes.

There are several ways that can help solve the problem of low Internet speed.

Using the accelerated WiFi standard

Until recently, there was only one router data transfer rate, which was 2.4 GHz. The corresponding standards for this were written as 802.N. However, today there are dual-band Wi-Fi routers that are capable of supporting a higher speed data transfer mode, which is 5 GHz. In this case, you need to make sure that the 802.AC standard is activated. To make the appropriate settings, as a rule, it is enough to go to the basic parameters of the module.

When logging into the control panel of a dual-band Wi-Fi router, you need to go to the “ Wireless mode» and change the settings. However, it is worth considering that if the router itself supports the fast WiFi standard, but the computer does not, then nothing will work. Both devices must operate in the same mode.

Therefore, when deciding which WiFi router is best for your home, it doesn’t always make sense to give preference to dual-band models.

Router channel width

In this case everything is simple. As a rule, the Internet works much faster if the frequency is set to 40 megahertz on the 2.4 GHz band. If the router operates in the 5 GHz band, then you can use 40 MHz or 80 MHz.

As a rule, after changing these parameters, you will immediately notice how much faster the system starts to work. However, it is worth considering that installing maximum values Router channel width is recommended only if the signal quality is very good. Otherwise, you may lose the connection completely.

This is not the only way to increase Internet speed (WiFi).

Non-overlapping channels

As a rule, in standard range 2.4 GHz can affect the connection speed by the radio channel whose number is used. To switch to non-overlapping channels in a given range, you must select the first, sixth or eleventh. In this case, Internet distribution via WiFi should increase.

If you are using a router that operates at a frequency of 5 GHz, then in this case the number of non-overlapping channels will be more than 22. There is no point in choosing another channel, since the probability of intersection is completely absent.

WMM mode

As a rule, ensuring high-quality service when using a wireless network is called traffic prioritization. In short, you can replace this word with the abbreviation WMM.

In order to have low Internet speed via WiFi, simply enable this option. To do this, you need to go to the parameters of the radio module and connect the appropriate standard to it.

Wi-Fi signal strength

It is quite possible that the router’s transmitter power is simply not enough to ensure a high-quality and long-lasting connection. The fact is that these parameters depend on how close the computer or laptop is to the router. Accordingly, if you get closer to the router, the power of the transmitters should increase. However, in this case, there is a possibility that the problem of low Internet speed via WiFi will not be solved.

On the other hand, getting closer to the router than one and a half meters is also not recommended. In this case, the opposite effect will occur. Therefore, it is recommended to experiment while moving around the apartment.


As a rule, encryption systems are used to protect the network from hacking. They are constantly updated, but in some situations old data remains. In this case, a security hole may appear. It should be borne in mind that standards such as WPA and WPE have long been outdated. Refusing them would be the right decision, since such systems can be hacked in a few minutes even by people who know almost nothing about it.

If you use WPA, then there is no point in expecting speeds of more than 54 megabits per second. The best option to solve the problem of low Internet speed over WiFi is to use WPA2 encryption.

Reflashing the router

In some situations this method really helps speed up your internet connection. The fact is that firmware that is installed on a device at the factory very often has a number of errors or is completely crude. For example, similar problems have repeatedly occurred on Asus routers.

Do not be afraid of the process of flashing the router itself, as this is quite easy to deal with. Most models already have a function that allows you to automatic update. However, it is better to perform this operation manually. To do this, just go to the manufacturer’s website and download the corresponding files with the firmware. After this, you need to go to the control panel of the router itself and find a tab that says something about updates. In this case, it is enough to specify the path to the file and perform the simple manipulation of reinstalling the program.

Driver Update

The point is that in some cases software The router itself may not be recognized correctly operating system computer. In order to correct this oversight, just open the device manager on laptop computer and find the tab " Network adapters" In the list that opens, you need to find the router and right-click on it. After this, just click the “Update” button and wait a few minutes until the drivers are updated.

Changing tariff plan

First of all, it is worth considering that each Internet provider has several programs for connecting to the Internet. If the video is loading the slowest, then it is quite possible that the problem is that the data transfer is too low. For example, if maximum resolution online video is no more than 720x480 pixels, this indicates that the tariff plan implies a speed of 512 kilobits per second. In this case, the problem is solved by changing the tariff.

Unscrupulous provider

This option should also not be excluded. It is quite possible that at the time the Internet was connected, the client was actually provided with the maximum possible speed. However, some unscrupulous providers begin to reduce the volume of data transfer over time. In this case, the speed no longer matches the selected tariff plan. It is quite easy to check the integrity of a provider. To do this, just try using a different router and third party computer. If the work is just as slow, then in this case all questions should be asked exactly to the company with which the service contract was concluded.

It is also worth checking the Internet via cable. To do this, you need to connect it directly to the computer and try to access the network. If the speed is still low, then you should ask your provider a question.

What can affect the speed of downloading files via torrents?

Today, almost everyone uses this service. However, some people notice that sometimes when downloading certain files, the transfer speed of data packets decreases noticeably.

In this case, everything may also depend on the provider. For example, if a tariff plan of 16 megabits per second was selected, then in this case maximum speed Uploading documents cannot exceed 2 megabits per second. It is also worth considering that this service is a file exchanger, so it works on slightly different principles. In order to get faster downloads, you must also upload files and documents to torrents.

It is also worth considering that the router could simply fail. As a rule, after 5-6 years of using a router, it begins to work much worse. Fortunately, new appliances are not that expensive, so replacements can be found quickly. Now a high-quality router costs from 1 thousand rubles. For 3-4 thousand rubles you can buy a high-quality device.

So, you have already figured out the process of distributing Wi-Fi with various devices, including from phones and tablets, now you need to configure everything correctly and create favorable conditions for data transfer. If when using cable internet, stability depends only on the devices, the provider and the cable itself, then in the case of wireless technology Network characteristics are also influenced by a number of external and indirect factors.

In this article you will learn how to increase the speed of your Wi-FI connection to the maximum without interfering with technical details and preventing it from happening in the future.

Possible factors that affect Wi-Fi performance

Below is a list of factors that may interfere with stable data transfer according to the provider’s tariff:

  • malfunctions in the router (distribution device) or incorrect settings;
  • weak signal/small distribution radius on the router;
  • external factors (for example, walls, partitions, large distances between
  • dispensing and receiving devices);
  • problems with the receiving device;
  • a large number of network consumers.

In all cases, except for the third, it will not be possible to speed up Wi-Fi Internet without interfering with the settings or the router itself. Next, we will show you how to improve Wi-Fi speed without having to study technical details.

In many ways, it all depends on the distance between the router and the computer/other device. The manufacturer always accurately states the exact distance at which the device will transmit the signal. However, no one says that at the farthest point the signal will be stable and complete. Salespeople and marketers do this to attract customers and increase sales. In fact, you can safely subtract several meters from the declared value. Therefore, it is best to install the router closer to the main place of use.

Try to reduce the number of partitions.

The number of walls and other obstacles also affects the connection. For example, you live in a private house, and your router is located at the farthest point, and the computer with Wi-Fi adapter is located at the opposite point. Even if the distance between them is less than stated, furniture, walls and other electronics and equipment (TVs, microwaves, etc.) prevent a normal high-speed connection. Thus, you can increase the speed of data transfer over Wi-Fi if you minimize the number of third-party obstacles and interference. This only applies to home router models. If you use entire stations that are designed, for example, for office space, and your signal disappears or the speed drops, then the problem is in the hardware itself.

Use repeaters.

Special devices that duplicate the WiFi signal over an additional area allow you to get more reliable reception if you are not able to be closer to the router. Their use is especially relevant in country houses and offices where ordinary “civilian” stations are used.

Use amplified antennas.

Special more powerful antennas For the router, you can make it yourself or buy it in a store. They allow you to broadcast the router signal over a greater distance with better speed and reception quality.

Disable additional devices.

Should be those that are not currently in use. For example, on smart TVs that automatically connect to the network.

How to increase Wi-Fi speed on a laptop?

One option is to install the fastest available DNS server ov:

  1. To do this, download and install the DNS Jumper utility: Dns_jumper_v2.0;
  2. Unpack the archive and run as administrator;
  3. Click " Fast DNS»;
  4. Check the box without sorting;
  5. And we begin the “DNS Server Test”. It will determine the fastest DNS available;
  6. After the check is completed, click “Apply DNS server”. This will be followed by a sound signal indicating a successful change;

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