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Error when placing the schedule. Error when placing a schedule Register entry structure

The unique registration number of a participant in the budget process is an encoding that identifies organizations when working with online budget resources.

Consolidated register of participants in the budget process

The consolidated register of participants and non-participants in the budget process (UBP and NUBP, respectively) is a list that includes information about institutions directly involved in budget functioning and legal entities ah, who have the right to exercise budgetary powers. The procedure for maintaining the consolidated register is enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 164n dated December 23, 2014. Responsibility lies with the Federal Treasury.

The list includes information about the types of institutions:

  1. UBP and their divisions.
  2. NUBP and their divisions. These include state or municipal, autonomous and budgetary institutions, state or municipal unitary enterprises, state corporations.
  3. NUBPs that do not belong to the previous group, but also receive subsidies and investments from the budget.

You can view the consolidated register of participants in the 2020 budget process in the program “ Electronic budget» - Federal Treasury maintains a list in electronic form exactly in this information system.

Where to find the registry

Then select in context menu the “Budget” item and the “Expenses” tab.

In “Expenditures” the register of participants and non-participants in the process of execution of the state budget will be presented.

This is what a unique registry entry number will look like in the registry, for example: public services education. You can find it out by entering the organization’s TIN.

Why do you need a registration number?

The unique number of the register entry of a budgetary institution that uses subsidies and investments from the budget identifies the UBP and NUBP. When generating information about an institution in the Consolidated Register, data is taken from various classifying subsystems: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, registers of UBP and NUBP, registers of customer organizations and others.

When filling out information about a state or municipal task, you need to enter a special coding. To do this, you need to know where to find the unique registration number of the municipal task, because such information is not available on the website The register entry is indicated on a paper copy of the state or municipal assignment (GZ, MZ), which is kept by the founder. Therefore, you must contact him directly for this information.

How to find a code using the consolidated registry

The unique registry entry code can be found at:

  • name of the organization;
  • OGRN.

The instructions on how to find out the TIN code from the consolidated register are very simple. The user needs to enter the taxpayer identification number (TIN) in the search bar and click on the “Find” button.

As a result of the search, the name of the budgetary institution, its codes and a unique register entry number are displayed. If you press the button General information, then the tab that opens will display detailed information about the enterprise.

How can I find out the NUBP code of an organization? The procedure is similar to searching for the registry entry identifier. You need to enter the TIN in the search window, and the search engine results will display the required registry code.

You can filter by type of organization and this will speed up your search. To do this, in the side menu in the “Institution Type” section, select the value 20 for all NUBP, after which only companies corresponding to this type will be in the register.

After this, select the company and its registration number.

Register entry structure

The identifier is not repeated; the registry entry code is created in a single copy. The rules for the formation of the register encoding are enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 163n dated December 23, 2014 (clause 22 of the Procedure). The record contains information from various lists and industry registers. The exception is information containing state secrets. When creating an identification code, the following data is taken into account:

  • sectoral lists of state (municipal) services;
  • legislative standards and by-laws that are the legal basis for the functioning of a budgetary institution;
  • directories of types of economic activities OKVED 2;
  • information about government and municipal services, their content, terms of implementation and prices;
  • public legal formation of an enterprise;
  • population to whom government services are provided (contingent);
  • quality and volume indicators for work and services performed.

Unique registry entries have a specific structure. By general rule The digits of the identifier are called digits.

Rank Meaning
From 1 to 8 Digital designation of the territory of a public legal entity financing UBP and NUBP.
9 and 10 Type of budgetary institution from the consolidated register.
11 and 12 Budget level.
From 13 to 17 The number assigned to the organization in the consolidated list.
18 Ownership of information and documents (if necessary):
  • 0 - does not correspond;
  • 1 - matches.
19 Specially calculated control value (Appendix No. 6 to the Procedure).
20 UBP or NUBP status according to the criteria:
  • 1 - valid;
  • 2 - does not work;
  • 3 - there are no legal relations;
  • 4 - budgetary institution, which is subject to special instructions.

The unique record number according to the consolidated list is formed from 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 digits.

Difference between entries from the UBP register and other registry entries

The code for the consolidated list and the number of the contract registry entry on the government procurement website have a common nature. These are codes that are identifiers. But they identify completely different things. UNRZ is the encoding of the organization itself, which is used on the websites and The code consists of 20 digits.

The identification code on the EIS website determines the number of a specific order or lot. Using this code, you can find data about the required register in the Unified Information System, by analogy indicating the 36-digit code in the search line. The index on the purchasing website has a completely different structure and formation procedure.

When working with UBP and NUBP lists, it is necessary to identify unique records according to the basic (industry) list. They can be viewed on the website of state and municipal institutions in the classifiers of works and services.

The rules for using the classifier do not differ from those that apply when working with the consolidated list. The name of the service or number is entered into the search line, after which the desired result is displayed.

"Methodological recommendations for municipalities on the procedure for publishing financial and other information about the budget and the budget process, to be posted in the public domain on the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation" (together with...

II. Rules for generating schedule information in the system

"Electronic budget"

4. When forming a schedule in mandatory are indicated:

a) information about the public legal entity that ensures the implementation of the activities of the relevant schedule;

b) name and code in accordance with the Register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated Register), the formation and maintenance of which is carried out in accordance with by order Ministry of Finance Russian Federation dated December 23, 2014 N 163n “On the Procedure for creating and maintaining a register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process” of the financial authority of the municipal entity that generates schedule information in the “Electronic Budget” system;

c) name and code of the municipal budget;

d) a sign of the preparation and approval of a draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year) (yes/no);

e) information about the budget cycle for which the schedule is being formed;

f) information about the details of the municipal legal act approving the schedule;

g) information on activities carried out within the framework of the schedule;

h) schedule in electronic form;

i) date of generation of information on activities carried out within the framework of the schedule.

5. When generating information about a public legal entity that ensures the implementation of the activities of the corresponding schedule, the following is indicated:

code and name of the type of public legal entity, taking on the following meanings:

03 - intra-city municipal formation of a federal city;

04 - urban district;

05 - municipal district;

10 - rural settlement;

11 - urban district with intracity division;

12 - intracity district of the city district;

13 - urban settlement.

15 - municipal district.

code and name of the territory of a public legal entity in accordance with the All-Russian classifier territories of municipalities.

When generating information about a public legal entity, the code and name of the type of public legal entity, as well as the code of the territory of the public legal entity in accordance with the All-Russian Code classifier territories of municipal formations are indicated automatically after indicating the name of the territory of a public legal entity in accordance with the All-Russian classifier territories of municipalities and are not subject to change.

6. When generating information about the name of the financial body of the municipality, the full name of the financial body of the municipality is automatically indicated in accordance with the information of the Consolidated Register according to the selected code of the Consolidated Register and is not subject to change.

7. The name of the municipal budget is indicated automatically in accordance with the information in the List of Budgets generated as part of the formation of information on Appendix No. 1 To Methodological recommendations for municipalities according to the procedure for publishing financial and other information about the budget and the budget process, subject to placement in open access on single portal budget system of the Russian Federation, according to the selected budget code and cannot be changed.

8. When generating information about the budget cycle for which the schedule is being drawn up, the following is indicated:

the next financial year for which the schedule is formed;

the first year of the planning period for which the schedule is formed (if the value “no” is indicated in the attribute for the preparation and approval of a draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year);

the second year of the planning period for which the schedule is formed (if the value “no” is indicated in the attribute for the preparation and approval of a draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year).

Years are indicated in YYYY format.

The generation of information for the first and second years of the planning period is carried out automatically based on information for the selected next year for which the schedule is generated, and is not subject to change.

9. The generation of information about the details and name of the municipal legal act (hereinafter referred to as the act) is carried out on the basis of the reference book “Normative Legal Act” by selecting the appropriate municipal legal act. If there is no municipal legal act approving the schedule in the reference book "Normative Legal Act", the financial body of the municipality ensures its formation indicating:

code (indicated automatically, based on the system data of the module for presenting budgetary (accounting) and other management reporting for the purpose of posting information on the unified portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation);

budget code (indicated automatically, based on the system data of the module for presenting budgetary (accounting) and other management reporting for the purpose of posting information on the unified portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation);

act status (for this set"signed (approved) document" is always selected);

act numbers;

date of adoption of the act;

name of the act;

type of act;

information about the local government body that adopted the act;

state registration number of the act (if available);

dates of state registration of the act (if available);

information about the act being amended (if any);

start date of the act;

expiration date of the act (if any).

Dates are indicated in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

When generating information about the types of acts, the type of municipal legal act that approved the schedule is indicated, based on the corresponding reference book “Type of normative legal (legal) act.”

When generating information about the local government body that adopted the act, indicate the code and name of the local government body or official local government, which approved the corresponding municipal legal act, by selecting the code and full name from the information in the Consolidated Register and is not subject to change. If there is no code and name of the local government body or local government official who approved the relevant municipal legal act, the name of the relevant local government body or local government official is indicated in the Consolidated Register without selecting from the information in the Consolidated Register (manually).

The generation of information about the act to which amendments are made is carried out only if changes are made to the act by another municipal legal act and is carried out by selecting the original document (before changes are made to it) from the reference book “Normative Legal Act”.

When generating information about the start date of the act, the date of entry into force of the municipal legal act that approved the schedule is indicated.

When generating information about the expiration date of the act, the date on which the municipal legal act that approved the schedule will be declared invalid (will lose force) is indicated.

10. When generating information on the list of activities carried out within the framework of the schedule, the following is indicated:

serial number of the schedule event (document or material being prepared);

name of the schedule event (document, material being prepared);

planned deadline for the implementation of the event (provision of document(s) and (or) material(s) prepared as part of the implementation of the event plan (no later));

actual deadline for the implementation of the event (provision of document(s) and (or) material(s) prepared as part of the implementation of the event plan (if any));

information about the responsible executor(s) of the schedule activity;

information about the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities (if any) are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in their work;

planned and actual period for review, approval, approval of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule event (if any).

11. When forming a planned deadline for the implementation of an event (providing document(s) and (or) material(s) prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule event), the planned date for providing the document(s) and (or) material(s) is indicated ) in the format DD.MM.YYYY or in the absence of a specific date, fill in the period for the implementation of the event specified in the schedule.

12. When forming the actual deadline for the implementation of an event (provision of document(s) and (or) material(s) prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule event), the actual date of provision of the document(s) and (or) material(s) is indicated ) in the format DD.MM.YYYY or in the absence of a specific date, fill in the period for the implementation of the event specified in the schedule.

13. When forming the name(s) of the responsible executor(s) for the schedule event, the following is indicated:

full name(s) of the responsible executor(s) of the schedule activity;

When forming the name(s) of the responsible executor(s) of the schedule activity, the full and abbreviated name(s) of the responsible executor(s) of the schedule activity are indicated automatically after specifying the code of the responsible person(s). s) performer(s) of the schedule activities according to the Consolidated Register and are not subject to change.

14. When forming the name(s) of the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in work:

full name(s) of the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in their work;

abbreviated name(s) of the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities (if any) are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in their work;

code of the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities according to the Consolidated Register (if information is available in the Consolidated Register) are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in their work;

the name of the structural unit of the local government body(s) of the municipality to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities (if any) are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in work.

When forming the name(s) of the local government body(s) of the municipality, to which materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule activities, full(s) and abbreviated(s), are submitted for review, approval, approval, and use in work. s) the name(s) of the local government body(s) of the municipality are indicated automatically after indicating the code of the corresponding body(s) of local government of the municipality according to the Consolidated Register and are not subject to change.

15. Additionally, a schedule is attached in electronic form indicating the correct name of the document, which will be published on a single portal.

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