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Error 809 when connecting to the Internet in Windows. Errors when creating a VPN connection. "Encryption settings are incorrectly configured"

Error 809 causes a lot of trouble for users. There are many reasons for its occurrence. However, there is no need to worry.

The problem can be fixed fairly quickly.

The main thing that is required is to strictly follow our rules.

There are several reasons why VPN error number 809 occurs:


This VPN malfunction occurs for users who have entered into an agreement with the Beeline provider or use the L2TP protocol using IpSec. The most basic thing to do when malfunctions are detected is to check. It is necessary to analyze all connected cables and network card, and then reconnect.

In most cases, this is not the problem, so next you should test your firewall and antivirus.

Firewall or antivirus

By default, the firewall blocks many VPN connections to certain ports. To resolve the error, you need to perform several manipulations:

After these manipulations, reconnect. If we are unable to connect, move on.

You need to scan your computer or laptop for viruses. This is probably why the VPN error appears. Once viruses are detected, it is recommended to cure or remove them.
After that, try to connect again.

Registry changes

In many cases, making changes to the registry will help troubleshoot problems. To activate the program, click “Start”. Next, enter regedit in the search bar.
The sequence of actions to resolve the VPN error is as follows:

It is worth noting that some MicroTik router models are used at home or in small offices. Therefore, the question of changes in the registry to eliminate this error regarding this router is relevant.

To start the program, press the Win + R keys. Then do the following manipulations:

After the above steps, the connection should be restored, which will resolve the error.


This type of VPN problem causes a lot of trouble for users. However this is quite simple mistake, which can be eliminated very simply and quickly. The main thing is to follow all these recommendations and there will be no problems.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 809 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 809-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] you will be able to automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create backup copy by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 809 (for example, Windows 8.1):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 809-related key (for example, Windows 8.1) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the backup Windows key 8.1.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Windows 8.1 backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows 8.1-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

First of all, it should be noted that installation problems VPN connections does not occur on computers with a working system installed from official disks operating system Windows and in the absence of third-party protection tools (anti-virus software, firewalls, etc.)

Installed antivirus software and in particular, firewalls can block the establishment of a VPN connection, causing, for example, errors 789 and 792. In this case, it is necessary to allow UDP ports 500 and 4500 in the security settings for communication with the VPN concentrator.

If the VPN connection is not established

In addition, problems with establishing a VPN connection does not occur on computers directly connected to the Internet with an IP address routable on the Internet (and not an address from the private address space:,, Otherwise, your administrator local network(or the ISP if the private IP address is obtained from one) must configure address translation (NAT/PAT).

Please note that connecting your computer to the Internet means that you have access to data exchange at the network (IP) level with any other computer on the Internet. Protocols used for setting up a VPN connection(IPsec protocols) have equal rights on the Internet with any other protocols that work on top of the protocol network layer(IP) - for example, the HTTP protocol for browsing web pages or the SMTP protocol for sending Email. If your Internet provider allows web browsing but blocks the establishment of a VPN connection, this is artificially limiting your access to the Internet.

Make sure the following are running Windows services XP
(“Start” - “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Services”):
“Remote access auto connection manager”;
"Remote Access Connection Manager".

Below are some of the most common errors encountered when establishing a VPN connection and recommendations for eliminating them.

Error Cause Solution
678 If an operating room is used Windows system XP, then open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and check if the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\Parameters key contains the ProhibitIpSec parameter. If it is there and has the value “1”, then change it to “0” and restart the computer.
Attention!!!If your Internet provider uses an l2tp VPN connection to provide Internet access, changing this parameter may cause you to lose access to the Internet. In this case, you need to return the setting to “1” and reboot. For additional advice, call the phone number indicated on this page.
691 Invalid login and/or password entered Enter the correct username and password. Or, if this VPN connection has already worked before, you need to re-enter your login and password.
692 Problems with Windows Firewall Seven The error is rare. The only thing that helped was disabling the firewall. Not the best solution, but we don’t know any others yet
720 This error appeared quite recently, it seems after the next patch from Microsoft® for Windows ® 7, something changed and instead of error 738, error 720 began to appear. Unlike the second problem leading to error 720 described below, this error occurs only on PCs with Windows OS ® 7 and occurs after “Verifying the user name and password...” and “Registering a computer on the network...” have passed. Thus, for error 720 with such symptoms, the solution is described inparagraph with 738th error.
720 Operating system failure in TCP/IP protocol stack The topic is very voluminous, so we provide a linkto the site where possible steps are described. For our part, we recommend using the 1st option - what is called on the site “quick solution”.
734 VPN type is set to “Automatic” In the properties of the VPN connection on the “Network” tab, change the VPN type from “Automatic” to “L2TP IPSec VPN” (step 20 of the instructions). If this does not help, you need to recreate the connection.
738 A VPN user with this login is already connected If you need to work simultaneously via VPN from several workstations, you must use different user names.
766 Pre-shared key not saved Open the properties of the VPN connection, go to the “Security” tab, click on the “Advanced settings” button and in the window that opens, enter the pre-shared key in the “Key” field.
768 IPSec service is not running Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” menu item. In the window that opens, expand “Services and Applications” and select “Services”. Find the IPSec Services service. Launch it and set the startup type to “Auto”.
769 The VPN concentrator address was entered incorrectly, the DNS service is not configured, or there is no Internet connection Re-enter the VPN concentrator address. If the address is entered correctly, check the connection with the VPN concentrator according to the following instructions . If there is no connection, contact your system administrator or to your Internet provider.
781 Pre-shared key not entered In the VPN connection properties, enter the pre-shared key provided to you.
789 The “IPsec Key Modules...” service is not running. If you are using the operating system Windows 7 or Vista, Windows XP, then right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” menu item. In the window that opens, expand Services and Applications and select Services. Find the “IPsec Key Modules...” service. Launch it and set the startup type to “Auto”.
789 see error 792 cause 1 or 3
792 Invalid pre-shared key entered Re-enter the pre-shared key
792 The connection occurs using NAT technology without SP2 installed on the computer running Windows XP. Install SP2 for Windows XP
792 UDP packets are blocked Allow UDP ports 500 and 4500 for data exchange with the VPN concentrator of DAZT “Ukrzaliznytsia”. If you are using an IP address from a private address space (,,, then address translation (NAT/PAT) must be configured.
800 see error 734
809 The operating system is globally prohibited from using encryption If you are using the Windows 7 or Vista operating system, then open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and check whether the ProhibitIpSec parameter is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\Parameters key. If it is there and has the value “1”, then change it to “0” and restart the computer.
Attention!!!If your Internet provider uses an l2tp VPN connection to provide Internet access, changing this parameter may cause you to lose access to the Internet. In this case, you need to return the setting to “1” and reboot.

Setting up a VPN connection in Windows XP

This section describes how to set up a VPN in Windows XP. If you are interested in how to set up a VPN in Windows Vista or Windows 7, then look at here

You can also familiarize yourself with setting up a VPN for Linux, and instructions for configure routers here.

New Connection Wizard

Press the button "Start" in the lower left corner of the desktop, in the main menu of the system that appears, select the item "Control Panel", if your control panel looks like “XP Style” and you cannot find the icon "Network connections", go to the classic panel view by selecting the appropriate item on the left side of the window:

or select "Network connections" directly from the main menu "Start":

If you are seeing a Classic View window, look for the icon "Network connections" and open it, in the window that opens, find and run "New Connection Wizard":

In the first window, just click the button "Further":

In the second, select “Connect to the network at your workplace” and press the button "Further":

In the third select "Connect to a virtual private network" and press the button "Further":

In the fourth, in the free field, enter the name for your connection, for example, "Internet VPN" and press the button "Further":

On some computers where there are other connections, between step 4 and step 5 an additional window appears asking you to dial a number to connect. In this case, you need to stop dialing the number and go to step 5.

In the fifth window, enter the IP address of the default access gateway nas.iksnet(or nas3.iksnet for some subscribers) and click the “Next” button (note that there should not be any spaces or other invisible characters before or after the server name):

In the sixth, for ease of use, check the box “Add a connection shortcut to the desktop” and press the button "Ready":

Connection properties

After this, the connection window will immediately open; at the bottom of the window, find the button "Properties" and click on it:

Or click the button "Cancel" and having selected the connection, right-click on it and select "Properties":

In the window that opens, select the tab "Options", uncheck the item "Enable login domain in Windows":

In the "Security" tab, remove tick the item "Data encryption required" and click on the “OK” button:

On the tab "Options" you can check the box next to it “Call back when disconnected”, then, in case of an unexpected break, the connection will be restored on its own:

Let's connect:

Now in the field "User" You must enter your contract number ( for those subscribers who have a three-digit contract number, add “0” in front! For example, an agreement 111 typed as 0111 .), and in the field "Password", your access password to view statistics and mail from the contract. Please note that there should not be any extra spaces after the contract number in the “User” field.

After a successful connection, for ease of use, on the tab "Options" you can uncheck the box “Request name, password, certificate, etc.”, after this you will no longer be prompted for your username and password.

Saving your password

Attention: It is not recommended to save a password in the system, because the saved login and password can be stolen spyware or your computer may be used to access the Internet while you are away.

Please note that access to the Internet is controlled by name and password, so take this moment more seriously. Do not disclose this data to strangers. If your password is too simple and short, in order to increase security, we suggest changing it. You can do this yourself, from your workplace, using the client part new system calculations, available at the link: Statistics. There you can change the password separately for entering the statistics page and separately for accessing the Internet. We hope that you can still find a lot of new, interesting and useful things there!


When the VPN connection is disabled, you can still freely use the resources of the local network as before; a VPN connection is only needed to access the external network. If you have turned it off, be sure to turn it on to create a VPN connection. "LAN connection" otherwise the VPN connection will not be established.


Most often the system issues following errors:

Error 619 or 734

  • Occurs if you forgot to uncheck the “Required data encryption"In the connection properties, the "Security" tab.

Error 629

This error occurs if your login and password are already connected (remember if you didn’t let someone you know use your Internet), if not, then this connection is not broken on the server. To do this, wait 10 minutes, and try to connect again after this time... If nothing helps on the 3rd attempt, then I advise you to contact support.

Error 650

"The remote access server is not responding":

  • The Internet access server is unavailable. Check if "Local Area Connection" is enabled, if the network card is working, if the network cable, whether a specific IP address is set in the IP connection settings.

Error 651 or 800

Your modem (or other device) has reported an error" or "No connection to VPN connection server"

  • These errors may occur if you deleted or disabled the previous “Local Area Connection” connection.
  • Or if you specified in step 5 wrong address. Check it, make sure the numbers are separated by periods and not commas.
  • Firewall blocks outgoing requests for VPN connections.
  • For some reason the request does not reach the server, i.e. Perhaps the gateway of your segment does not allow the request due to load or failure.
  • The server sends a response stating that it is impossible to connect because... There are currently a large number of simultaneous connection attempts.
Possible fixes
  • Check whether the local network is working at this point in time.
  • Check the passage of the signal using the ping command to your gateway, and then to your authorization server.
  • Correct a pair of keys in the registry or reinstall Windows

Error 678

"No response received"

  • If it doesn’t help, try re-creating the VPN connection again (pay attention to the connection type, it should be PPTP, not PPPoE or L2TP).
  • This error can also occur when negative balance your personal account.

Error 679

  • This error Occurs when the network adapter is disabled. You need to enable the network adapter by going to “START->Control Panel->System->Device Manager->Hardware”.

Error 691 or 718

"Wrong login or password"

  • Check whether the login (contract number) is entered correctly. It must be 4 digits (three-digit contract numbers must be padded with a leading zero). Try typing your username and password again. When typing, make sure that the correct keyboard layout (typing language) is turned on and that the Caps Lock indicator is on.
  • Or if at the moment
  • If the operating system does not prompt you to enter a username and password when connecting, then you need to do the following: Open the “Control Panel”, select “Network Connections”, right-click on your VPN connection and select “Properties” from the menu. The properties of the VPN connection will open. Now you need to go to the “Settings” tab and check the box next to “Request name, password, certificate, etc.” After this, confirm the changes by clicking the "OK" button. The next time you connect, you will be prompted for your username and password.

Error 711

This error occurs if a required service is not running on the computer. In this case, it is impossible to connect to the network, and in some cases, it is impossible to install network adapters. This issue may occur if some or all of the following services are not running.

  • Plug and Play device support
  • Dispatcher automatic connections remote access
  • Remote Access Connection Manager
  • Telephony

To resolve this error, follow these steps for each of the services listed above.

  1. Open Administrative Tools by clicking Start, Control Panel, System and Maintenance, and Administrative Tools.‍ Administrator permission is required Enter your administrator password or confirm your password if prompted.
  2. Double-click Services. Administrator permission required Enter the administrator password or confirm the password if prompted.
  3. Right-click one of the services above and then click Properties.
  4. On the General tab, in Startup Type, select Manual.
  5. Click Apply and then click Run.

Error 720

"Can't connect to remote computer."

This error occurs when the network protocol stack in Windows is damaged. You can check the integrity of the stack using the netdiag utility.

  • Enter the command
  • Netdiag will display test results for a number of network components, including Winsock. For more information about this check, run the netdiag command as follows:
netdiag /test:winsock /v
  • If Netdiag reports an error, you must restore the Winsock2 registry key.
  • The simplest and quick way solutions:
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt netsh winsock reset
  • After this, we restart the computer and set up a local network connection, since executing this command leads to overwriting the registry settings that are used by the TCP/IP protocol stack, which is equivalent to deleting it and reinstallation. If necessary, recreate the VPN connection.
  • If this does not help, then you can completely reinstall the TCP/IP stack like this:
  1. Delete the registry key with REG DELETE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock
  2. Delete the registry key with REG DELETE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Open the %winroot%\inf folder
  5. Find the file nettcpip.inf in it, make a backup copy of it and then open it in text editor(for example Notepad).
  6. Find the lines in it:
; TCPIP has properties to display Characteristics = 0xA0 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE
  1. Correct them to:
; TCPIP has properties to display Characteristics = 0x80 ; NCF_HAS_UI
  1. Save changes to nettcpip.inf file
  2. Open Network Connections and right-click on the property we need network connection select Install->Protocol->Add. Next, select "have disk" and specify the path %winroot%\inf (usually this folder is hidden!)
  3. Select TCP/IP from the list. After this, you will again be taken to the network connection properties window, but for TCP/IP the Uninstall button will now be active.
  4. Select the TCP/IP protocol from the This connection uses the following items list and click the Uninstall button.
  5. Restart your computer
  6. Install the TCP/IP protocol similar to steps 2-5.
  • If all of the above does not work, then look at the instructions at

Error 733

  • Occurs if you forgot to uncheck all protocols except Internet Protocol And QoS.

Error 734

  • Most likely you have a virus WIN32.Sality.

Error 735

  • "The requested address was rejected by the server": Occurs if you entered IP address in "TCP/IP Properties"(it should be obtained automatically).

Errors 741 - 743

"Encryption settings are incorrectly configured"

  • Go to the VPN connection settings, and in the "Security" tab, disable the "data encryption" item.

Error 764

"Smart card readers are not installed"

  • This error occurs if you have configured your VPN connection incorrectly. Try removing it and setting it up again using these instructions.

Error 769

"The specified destination is unreachable"

  • The error occurs due to a disabled local network connection or a missing physical link. It is recommended to check the LAN status (must be enabled) and physical connection to the network (the network cable must be connected).
  • Sometimes it occurs if the router for some reason did not provide the correct IP address via DHCP

Error 781

"The encoding attempt failed because no valid certificate was found."

  • Causes: The VPN client is trying to use the L2TP/IPSec protocol to connect.
  • Tip: Go to VPN connection settings-Properties->Network->VPN Type and select PPTP VPN

Error 789

"Invalid VPN connection type selected"

  • Go to the VPN connection settings and on the "Network" tab, from the "VPN Type" list, select "Automatic" or "PPTP". Try connecting again.
  • This error also occurs if you made a mistake when entering the IP address and enter commas instead of periods to separate octets.

Error 807

If you are using the "Automatic" VPN connection type, try changing it to "PPTP". In the properties of the network card you need to set Receive-Side Scaling State - disable and Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level - disable. It is also possible that the connection to the access server is blocked by a firewall. You can also recreate the VPN connection according to the instructions; if the problem is not solved, remove the KB958869 system update, or restore the system to an earlier state.

Error 809

Occurs when:

1 Using L2TP VPN connection type in Windows Vista and Windows 7 due to the connection being blocked by the Windows firewall. Solution: Change the VPN connection type to PPPtP. Enable the firewall rule "Routing and Remote Access (PPPtP)"

2 Blocked by your installed firewall or antivirus with firewall function Solution: Correctly configure your firewall.

Error 1717

"Unknown interface"

  • Try restarting your computer
  • If it doesn’t help, then run it from the command line (check integrity system files)
sfc /scannow

Setting up a VPN connection in Windows Vista/7

New Connection Wizard

Similar to setting up a VPN connection in Windows XP, run “Set up a connection or network” and select “VPN connection”:

Select creating a new connection and type PPTP, then press the button Further:

If you have not yet created a single VPN connection, then in the window that appears you need to select “Use my Internet connection (VPN)”

If connections have already been created in the system, then in the window that appears, select “No, create a new connection”

Fill in the field for the server address and check the box Don't connect now and press the button Further:

Enter in the field Username contract number, and in the field Password- password for the VPN connection (specified in Appendix No. 2 to the agreement as Password for viewing statistics, mail and VPN connection) and press the button Create:

VPN connection properties

After that, select “VPN connection properties” and correct in the marked places:

If you uncheck the "Request name, password, certificate, etc." then when connecting, the computer will not display the connection window and ask for a login and password. If Windows forgets the login and password (and this happens), the connection will not be established. Error 691 will be displayed. In this case, the user will not be prompted to re-enter the login and password. What to do in this case.

The connection shortcut on the desktop in Windows Vista and 7 can be made as follows: Open the “Network and Sharing Center”, in the left column click the link “Change adapter settings”, in the window that opens you need to find your “VPN connection” (the name may be different, depending on how you specified the "Destination Name" during the setup process). Right-click on the connection and select “create shortcut”. By default, you will be asked to locate this shortcut on the desktop. Click "Yes".


Error 609

This method of solving the problem does not always work.

  1. Launch Command Prompt (CMD) with Administrator rights
  2. Enter the following commands (removing miniport drivers):
C:\> netcfg -u ms_l2tp C:\> netcfg -u ms_pptp
  1. Now the next two (installing miniport drivers):
C:\> netcfg -l %windir%\inf\netrast.inf -c p -i ms_pptp C:\> netcfg -l %windir%\inf\netrast.inf -c p -i ms_l2tp

Error 619

"Port disabled"

Possible causes and solutions:

  1. Operating system problems. In this case, we recommend contacting specialists.
  2. The firewall is enabled. In this case, we recommend turning off the firewall.

Error 651

“Your modem (or other device) reported an error.”

Possible causes and solutions (in order of execution):

  1. Operating system crash. In this case, we recommend restarting your computer.
  2. The network card drivers are broken. We recommend reinstalling the drivers and reconfiguring the network.
  3. Problems with the OS. We recommend reinstalling the operating system.
  4. The network card is faulty. We recommend replacing the network card.

Error 678

"No response"

Often occurs when the MAC-IP binding is broken. In this case, the VPN servers and gateway are not pinged. In this case, it is recommended to call us and reset the MAC-IP binding.

The error may appear if you try to connect to a server that does not support the PPTP VPN protocol. We recommend reconfiguring the VPN connection using the auto-configurator or checking the settings manually.

Error 691 (Vista/7)

"Access is denied because this username and password are not allowed on this domain."

Appears in the following cases:

  1. Invalid login/password entered. Completely clear the login/password entry window and enter them again. The login must be 4-digit (three-digit contract numbers must be padded with a leading zero). When typing, make sure that the correct keyboard layout (typing language) is turned on and that the Caps Lock indicator is on.
  2. The VPN session ended incorrectly (connection failure, abnormal computer shutdown). In this case, you need to wait a few minutes.
  3. Or if at the moment a connection has already been created with your username and password. (If you have more than one computer connected).
  4. Quite often it happens that Windows “forgets” the entered login and password and then they must be entered again, having first been erased from the input fields.
  • If the operating system does not prompt you to enter a user name and password when connecting, then you need to do the following: Open the “Control Panel”, select “Network and Sharing Center”, in the left column click on the “Change adapter settings” link, right-click Click on your VPN connection and select “Properties” from the menu. The properties of the VPN connection will open. Now you need to go to the “Settings” tab and check the box next to “Request name, password, certificate, etc.” After this, confirm the changes by clicking the "OK" button. The next time you connect, you will be prompted for your username and password.

Error 711

execute in command line with Administrator rights:

Secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose

in order to launch the command line with administrator rights, you need to click the start menu, then in the run tab type in English layout cmd an icon with the inscription cmd will appear in the menu, right-click on it and select “Run with administrator rights”

Error 814

"Base Ethernet connection not found"

Error 868

"DNS name not resolved"

  • This error only occurs in Windows 7. The essence of the problem is that in some “builds” given Windows The DNS client is unstable.
  • Solution:
    • Check that the DNS server addresses in the local network connection are obtained automatically (at the moment and should be issued)
    • Disable the IPv6 protocol (or better yet, everything except IPv4) in the local network connection properties
    • Set the access server address instead nas.iksnet in the form of an IP address (You need to select one of the server addresses. They can be checked with the command ping nas.iksnet, at the moment these are and
    • In some cases, resetting directories helps: enter the commands in the command line
netsh int ip reset c:\log netsh winsock reset ipconfig flushdns

Setting up a VPN in Windows 8

1. Open the Start menu

2.From the Start menu, select the Desktop tile

3. Right-click on the Network icon in the system tray (located in the lower right corner) and select “Network and Sharing Center”.

4. In the Network and Sharing Center, select Create and configure a new connection or network

5. Select "Connect to a workplace", click "next"

6.Select "Use my Internet connection (VPN)"

7. Click “Delay Internet connection setup”

8. In the “Internet Address” line, enter nas.iksnet and click the “next” button, then “Create”

9. Return to “Network Center”, on the left side of the menu select “Change adapter settings”

10. Right-click on the created connection and select the "Properties" menu Switch to the "Security" tab and set the parameters as shown in the figure. Click OK.

NOTE: If, on the tab Options uncheck "Request name, password, certificate, etc." then when connecting, the computer will not display the connection window and ask for a login and password. If Windows forgets the login and password (and this happens), the connection will not be established. Error 691 will be displayed. In this case, the user will not be prompted to re-enter the login and password. What to do in this case.

11.Left-click on the Network icon in the system tray (located in the lower right corner). The window that appears will display a list of all VPN connections created on this computer. Select the connection you need and click “Connect”.

12.In the window that opens, enter your username and password. In the Username field you need to enter the contract number, and in the Username field Password - password for the VPN connection (specified in Appendix No. 2 to the agreement as Password for viewing statistics, mail and VPN connection) and click OK.

If you have problems with the setup, contact technical support.

Setting up a VPN on Linux


First install the required package:

$ apt-get install pptp-linux

Then edit the file describing the network interfaces. Here's an example:

$ cat /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 ppp9 iface eth0 inet dhcp iface ppp9 inet ppp provider iksnet pre-up ip link set eth0 up

Then edit the file describing your VPN connection. It should be something like this:

$ cat /etc/ppp/peers/iksnet unit 9 lock noauth nobsdcomp nodeflate #mtu 1300 persist maxfail 3 lcp-echo-interval 60 lcp-echo-failure 4 pty "pptp nas.iksnet --nolaunchpppd --loglevel 0" name # Your contract number remotename iksnet ipparam iksnet defaultroute replacedefaultroute usepeerdns #nodebug kdebug 0

After that, enter your credentials = contract number, = VPN password into the file (note the quotes for the password):

$ cat /etc/ppp/chap-secrets * " " *

And after that you can manually connect the VPN:


And turn it off:


The connection can be checked using the command:

$ ifconfig ppp9 ppp9 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1450 Metric:1 RX packets:40 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:418 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 RX bytes:7750 (7.5 KiB) TX bytes:1189 (1.1 KiB)

We wish you pleasant work and sincerely hope for constructive cooperation in order to improve the quality of services. You can leave your questions and suggestions in the “HelpDesk” section of the new payment system - these questions will be visible only to our technical service, or by calling 2-55-24.

If at starting a VPN connection an error occurs, you need to remember its three-digit code. Errors with code 6ХХ (errors associated with incorrectly entering a password, name or choice of communication protocol type and indicate that the network is working, but it is necessary to check the entered data), 7ХХ (errors associated with incorrect and indicating that the network is working , but you need to check the settings) or 8ХХ (errors related to problems in network settings or lack of connection to the network.

Installed antivirus software and especially firewalls may block VPN connection establishment, causing, for example, errors 789 and 792. In this case, it is necessary to allow UDP ports 500 and 4500 in the security settings for data exchange with the VPN concentrator.

If the VPN connection cannot be established and displays an error

In addition, problems with establishing a VPN connection does not occur on computers directly connected to the Internet receiving an IP address forwarded on the Internet (and not an address from the private address space:,, Otherwise, Your local network administrator (or ISP if you obtained the private IP address from them) must configure address translation (NAT/PAT).

Please note that connecting your computer to the Internet means that you have access to data exchange at the network (IP) level with any other computer on the Internet. Protocols used for setting up a VPN connection(IPsec protocols) are equal on the Internet to any other protocol that runs on top of the network layer protocol (IP) - for example, HTTP for web browsing or SMTP for sending email. If your Internet service provider allows web browsing, but blocks the establishment of a VPN connection, this is an artificial restriction of your access to the Internet.

Make sure that the following Windows XP services are running (Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services):
— “Telephony”;
— “Remote access auto connection manager”;
— “Remote access connection manager.”

To enable them, run the following commands on the command line:

sc config RasAuto start= demand
sc config RasMan start= demand
sc config TapiSrv start= demand





If you are using the Windows XP operating system, open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and check whether the ProhibitIpSec parameter is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\Parameters key. If it is there and has the value “1”, then change it to “0” and restart the computer.
Attention!!! If your Internet provider uses an l2tp VPN connection to provide Internet access, changing this parameter may cause you to lose access to the Internet. In this case, you need to return the setting to “1” and reboot.


Invalid login and/or password entered

Enter the correct username and password. Or, if this VPN connection has already worked before, you need to re-enter your login password.


Windows Seven Firewall Problems

Disable firewall.


This error appeared quite recently, it seems that after the next update for Windows 7, error 720 appeared instead of error 738. Unlike the second problem leading to error 720 described below, this error occurs only on PCs running Windows 7 and occurs after the “ Checking the username and password...” and “Registering a computer on the network...”. Thus, for error 720 with such symptoms, the solution is described in paragraph with error 738.


The VPN type is set to “Automatic”

In the properties of the VPN connection on the “Network” tab, change the VPN type from “Automatic” to “L2TP IPSec VPN”. If this does not help, you need to recreate the connection.


A VPN user with this login is already connected

If necessary simultaneous work via VPN from several workstations it is necessary to use different usernames.


Pre-shared key not saved

Open the properties of the VPN connection, go to the “Security” tab, click on the “Advanced settings” button and in the window that opens, enter the pre-shared key in the “Key” field.


IPSec service is not running

Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” menu item. In the window that opens, expand “Services and Applications” and select “Services”. Find the IPSec Services service. Launch it and set the startup type to “Auto”.


The VPN concentrator address is entered incorrectly, the DNS service is not configured, or there is no Internet connection

Re-enter the VPN concentrator address. If the address is entered correctly, check if there is a connection with the VPN concentrator. If there is no connection, contact your system administrator or your Internet provider.


Pre-shared key not entered

In the VPN connection properties, enter the pre-shared key provided to you.


The “IPsec Key Modules...” service is not running.

If you are using the operating system Windows 7 or Vista, Windows XP, then right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” menu item. In the window that opens, expand Services and Applications and select Services. Find the “IPsec Key Modules...” service. Launch it and set the startup type to “Auto”.


see error 792


Invalid pre-shared key entered

Re-enter the pre-shared key


The connection occurs using NAT technology without SP2 installed on the computer running Windows XP.

Install SP2 for Windows XP


UDP packets are blocked

Allow UDP ports 500 and 4500 to communicate with the VPN concentrator. If you are using an IP address from a private address space (,,, then address translation (NAT/PAT) must be configured.


see error 734


The operating system is globally prohibited from using encryption

If you are using the Windows 7 or Vista operating system, open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and check if the ProhibitIpSec parameter is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\Parameters key. If it is there and has the value “1”, then change it to “0” and restart the computer.
Attention!!! If your Internet provider uses, to provide Internet access, VPN connection l2tp if you change this parameter, you may lose access to the Internet. In this case, you need to return the setting to “1” and reboot.

Error codes that occur when creating remote access and VPN connections.

Listed are the error codes that occur when creating dial-up or VPN connections on client computers under Windows control 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

Errors with codes more than 900 appear only when connecting to a Routing and Remote Access server running Windows 2000 or a later operating system.

Error 600 The started operation is not completed.

Error 601 An invalid port descriptor was encountered.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 602 The specified port is already open.
Recommendation: COM port that should be used network connection, is already in use by another active network connection or process (for example, a monitoring program telephone line such as a fax program). Quit the application blocking the COM port

Error 603 The caller's buffer is too small.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 604 The information provided is invalid.
Recommendation: It is possible that the remote access phone book file and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible. If you have replaced communications equipment (serial port or modem), check the Remote Network Access configuration.

Error 605 The port information could not be set.

Error 606
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 607 An invalid event was detected.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 608 A non-existent device was specified.
Recommendation: It is possible that the remote access phone book file and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible. If you have replaced communications equipment (serial port or modem), check the Remote Network Access configuration. If this error continues to occur, delete and recreate the remote network connection.

Error 609 A device type specified that does not exist.
Recommendation: It is possible that the remote access phone book file and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible. If you have replaced communications equipment (serial port or modem), check the Remote Network Access configuration. If this error continues to occur, delete and recreate the remote network connection.

Error 610 The buffer specified is not valid.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 611 The specified route is not available.

Error 612 The specified route is not distributed.
Recommendation: The network configuration is probably incorrect. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. This error can also occur if your computer does not have enough working resources.

Error 613 Invalid compression type specified.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 614 There are not enough buffers available.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 615 The specified port was not found.
Recommendation: It is possible that the remote access phone book file and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible. If you have replaced communications equipment (serial port or modem), check the Remote Network Access configuration. If this error continues to occur, delete and recreate the remote network connection.

Error 616 The asynchronous request is paused.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 617 The modem is already turning off.
Recommendation: Wait until Remote Network Access completes the connection.

Error 618 The specified port is not open.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 619 The specified port is not connected.
Recommendation: Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 620 Endpoints could not be determined.
Recommendation: The network configuration is probably incorrect. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 621 The system was unable to open the phone book file.

Error 622 The system was unable to load the phone book file.
Recommendation: Remote Network Access uses the Rasphone.pbk file located in the \System32\Ras directory. Make sure the file is in this directory, then restart Remote Network Access.

Error 623 The system could not find a phone book entry for this connection.
Recommendation: Remote Network Access found the phone book, but cannot find an entry that matches this connection. This error will not occur unless another application is using the Dial-Up Network Access phonebook and specifies an invalid connection entry.

Error 624 The system was unable to update the phone book file.
Recommendation: Remote Network Access uses the Rasphone.pbk file located in the \System32\Ras directory. Make sure your disk is not full and you have permission to modify this file.

Error 625 The system has detected invalid data in the phone book file.
Recommendation: The phone book file Rasphone.pbk may be corrupted. Delete this file from the \System32\Ras directory, then restart Remote Access to the Network in order to create a new phone book.

Error 626 Failed to load string.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 627 The key could not be found.
Recommendation: Perhaps one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains incorrect information. If you are using a modem that is not supported by your Windows version, install a supported modem.

Error 628 The connection was closed.
Recommendation: If it's a dial-up connection, try calling back. If you continue to receive this message, lower your modem's initial speed and disable advanced modem settings. If this problem continues to occur, contact your system administrator. If this connection is to a virtual private network (VPN), access may be denied due to remote access policy or other reasons.

Error 629 The connection was closed by the remote computer.
Fatal telephone line error.
Line noise.
Disabled by the system administrator.
An attempt to connect to the remote access server modem at the selected speed failed.
To re-establish the connection, click “Re-dial”. You can also activate automatic redial in the Properties section for this connection. If this error occurs in the future, reduce the modem connection speed to 9600 bps, and then try to call again.
You can try connecting to another server to determine if this problem is specifically related to the server you are trying to reach. Also, you can try connecting to your server from a different phone line.

Error 630 The modem was disabled due to a hardware error.
Recommendation: The connection was lost for one of the following reasons:
Your modem (or other communications equipment) has encountered an unrecoverable error.
An unrecoverable error has occurred on your communication port.
Your modem cable is disconnected.
To diagnose and solve the problem, do the following:
Make sure your modem is turned on and the cable is securely connected.
Make sure your modem is functioning correctly.

Error 631 The user has disabled the modem.
Recommendation: Due to an event that occurred on your computer, the connection was lost. Call back.

Error 632 Incorrect structure size detected.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 633 The modem is already in use or not configured for outgoing dial-up connections.
Recommendation: If it is a dial-up connection, the COM port that should be used by the network connection is already in use by another active network connection or process (for example, a dial-up monitoring program such as a fax program). Quit the application that is blocking the COM port. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, the VPN device that should be used by the network cannot be opened. If this problem continues to occur, contact your system administrator.

Error 634 Failed to register the computer on the remote network.
Recommendation: The remote access server cannot register your computer's name on the network. This is most often possible with the NetBIOS protocol, however, it can also happen with TCP/IP or IPX protocols. Typically, this happens if the address is already in use on the network. Contact your system administrator.

Error 635 An unknown error has occurred.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 636 The device connected to the port is not as expected.
Recommendation: It is possible that your hardware configuration and the configuration settings for your connection are incompatible with each other. If you have replaced the communications equipment (serial port or modem), check the Remote Network Access configuration.

Error 637 A string was encountered that could not be converted (converted).
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 638 The request is overdue.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 639 There is no asynchronous network available.
Recommendation: Your NetBIOS network may be misconfigured. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 640 An error affecting NetBIOS has occurred.
Recommendation: The modem cannot establish a connection at the specified speed. Reduce the initial speed of the modem and call back. Also, try disabling hardware and software compression. If you still can't establish a connection, try adding NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol.

Error 641 The server was unable to allocate the NetBIOS resources needed to support this client.
Recommendation: Ask your system administrator to increase the capacity of the remote access server, or use Services in Computer Management to stop non-essential services on your computer, such as Messenger and Network DDE.

Error 642 One of the computer NetBIOS names is already registered on the remote network.
Recommendation: Another computer with the same name is already connected to the remote network. Each computer on this network must be registered with a unique name. Check the following:
Is there a computer with the same name as yours on the network to which you are connecting?
Is your computer physically connected to the network you are trying to connect to?

Error 643 Server network adapter error.
Recommendation: Report the error to your system administrator.

Error 644 Online pop-up messages will not be received.
Recommendation: Another computer already connected to this network uses your name to receive network messages. Messages addressed to you are sent to this computer. If you want to receive messages to your remote workstation, you should log out of your office computer before dialing into the network next time. This error does not affect messages Microsoft Outlook,Microsoft Outlook Express, or Microsoft Exchange.

Error 645 An internal authentication error occurred.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 646 The user with this account is not allowed to log in at this time of day.
Recommendation: Your account is configured for network access limited to time of day. If you need to log on to the network at a time of day other than what is currently configured, ask your system administrator to change the configuration.

Error 647 Account is disabled.
Recommendation: The user account has been disabled. This could be due to multiple repeated unsuccessful attempts connections, or because the system administrator has disabled the account for security reasons (or for non-payment). Ask your system administrator to enable your account.

Error 648 Password expiration date for account expired.
Recommendation: You need to change your password.
If you connect via Dial-Up Networking, you will automatically be prompted to change your password. If you are connecting using the rasdial command, you can change the password by doing the following:
Click "Change Password" and then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
If you belong to the Administrators group and your password has expired, another administrator must change your password. You will not be able to change your password yourself.

Error 649 The account does not have dialing rights.
Recommendation: The account does not have permission to access the server for one of the following reasons:
Your account on the selected server is valid, but you do not have remote network access rights. Ask your system administrator to set the remote access permission for your account, or set the permission in Routing and Remote Access.
Your account has expired and the account has been disabled or your remote access has been terminated.
You are trying to connect to the server outside of the allowed time of day, the number of connection attempts has exceeded the maximum number allowed, or your account may not allow remote login.
Your account settings may prevent connections. For example, your account might only allow connections from certain phone numbers. The remote computer can only allow connections to local accounts.
Your computer may not support the requested authentication protocol, or your computer may be trying to use a protocol that is not accepted by the remote computer.
If you have an account with remote access rights on another domain, do the following to use your account on that domain:
1. Right-click on the connection and then select Properties.
2. On the Properties tab, select. Request a name and password, certificate, etc. and enable Windows logon domain checkboxes.
3. On the Security tab, clear the Automatically use my login, password and domain checkboxes, then click OK.
4. Double-click the connection, then click Dial.
5. Provide the appropriate username, password, and domain.

650 The remote access server is not responding.
Recommendation: The error may be caused by one of the following:
The remote access server is not running. Contact your system administrator to ensure that the server is running.
The line may be too noisy, or your modem may not be able to communicate correctly with the remote access server modem at the selected speed. For both of these reasons, lower the initial speed (bps) of the modem, and then call back.
Check the Hardware Compatibility List to make sure your modem is listed there. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website If your modem is listed, contact the modem manufacturer to update the drivers.
The modem's serial cable may need to be replaced.
Authentication settings may be incorrect of this connection. Contact your system administrator to ensure that your authentication settings meet the requirements of the remote access server.
The remote access server may have software and hardware compression enabled at the same time. Typically, software compression is enabled on remote access servers and hardware compression is disabled.

Error 651 The modem reported an error.
Recommendation: Your modem (or other device) reported an error. If you are connecting via a dial-up line and using a supported external modem, turn the modem off and then on. Close and restart Remote Network Access, then call back. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website Make sure you have configured your modem correctly for remote access. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, you may have entered the TCP/IP address incorrectly in your network configuration, or the server you are trying to connect to may be unavailable. To determine if the server is free, contact your system administrator.

Error 652 The response from the modem is not recognized.
Recommendation: Your modem (or other device) issued a message that is not in one of your script files (Pad.inf, Switch.inf or filename.scp). If you are using a supported external modem, turn the modem off and then on again, and then call back. If this problem continues to occur, try connecting at a lower initial speed. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 653 The macro required by the modem was not found in the device INF file.

Error 654 A command or response in a section of a device INF file references an undefined macro.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 655 The macro was not found in the .INF section of the file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 656 The macro in the .INF section of the file contains an undefined macro.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 657 The device INF file could not be opened.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 658 The device name in the device INF file or media INI file is too long.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 659 The media INI file refers to an unknown device name.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 660 The device INF file does not contain responses for this command.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 661 The device INF file is missing a command.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 662 An attempt was made to install a macro that was not listed in the device INF file section.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 663 The media INI file refers to an unknown device type.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 664 Not enough memory.
Recommendation: The system is running out of memory. Close some programs and then call back.

Error 665 The modem is not configured.
Recommendation: If the device is already in use by another connection, terminate that connection. Reconfigure your connection to use a different device.

Error 666 The modem is not working properly.
Recommendation: Your modem (or other device) is not responding for one of the following reasons:
The external modem is turned off.
The modem is not securely connected to the computer. Make sure the cable is securely connected to both the modem and the computer.
The serial cable does not meet the requirements for Remote Network Access.
The modem is experiencing hardware problems. Turn off the modem, wait 20 seconds, and turn on the modem.

Error 667 The system was unable to read the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 668 The connection was interrupted.
Recommendation: Call back. If you continue to receive this message, cancel your modem's initial speed and turn off Extra options modem, such as software compression. If this problem continues to occur, contact your system administrator. Also, you must make sure that the modem is compatible. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website If you are dialing manually, make sure you are connected when you click Done. You dial manually if you selected Dialing through an Operator in the additional menu of the Remote Network Access folder.

Error 669 Invalid use of a parameter in the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 670 The system was unable to read the section name from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 671 The system was unable to read the device type from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 672 The system was unable to read the device name from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 673 The system was unable to read the usage from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 674 The system was unable to read the maximum connection speed from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 675 The system was unable to read the maximum connection speed carrier from the media INI file.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 676 The telephone line is busy.
Recommendation: Redial the number. You can automate redialing on the Properties tab in the connection settings. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, check the name or IP address of the server you are connecting to and try connecting again. Also, contact your system administrator to check if the remote server.

Error 677 Instead of a modem, a person answered.
Recommendation: The modem or other device does not pick up the phone. Check the number and redial it again. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, check the name or IP address of the server you are connecting to and try connecting again.

Error 678 No response received.
Recommendation: The modem or other device does not pick up the phone. Check the number and redial it again. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, check the name or IP address of the server you are connecting to and try connecting again. Also, make sure that the telephone line is connected to the correct jack on the modem.

Error 679 The system cannot detect the carrier.
Recommendation: The modem or other device does not pick up the phone. Many modems give this error if the remote modem does not pick up the phone. Check the number and redial it again. If this is a virtual private network (VPN) connection, check the name or IP address of the server you are connecting to and try connecting again. You can automate redialing on the Properties tab in the connection settings.

Error 680 There is no dial tone.
Recommendation: The telephone line may be incorrectly connected to or disconnected from your modem. The number may need to be preceded by a prefix, such as 9, to access an outside line, or the number may be too long.
Make sure the telephone line is connected to the correct jack on the modem. Also, make sure that you specify special access numbers to connect to an outside line, such as the prefix 9 followed by a comma.
Check to see if your phone line has an intermittent tone corresponding to an answering machine message. Many modems cannot dial more than 34 digits. After entering a number exceeding this length, these modems split it into two or more lines, of which only the first (unfinished) one is dialed. This happens with USRobotics and Multitech modems. The only known solution to this problem is to use modems from other manufacturers.

Error 681 The modem reports a general error.
Recommendation: It is possible that one of the Remote Network Access configuration files contains invalid information. If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website

Error 691 Access is denied because this username or password is not valid in this domain.
Recommendation: Your account is not registered on the specified domain, your password has expired, or you entered the information incorrectly. If you did not specify a domain, the remote access server attempts to validate your username and password against the domain of which you are a member. Please retype your username, password and domain carefully. If you are unsure of this information, contact your system administrator.

Error 692 A modem hardware error has occurred.
Recommendation: Your modem (or other device) is not responding for the following reason:
The modem is turned off, is not functioning correctly, or is not securely connected to the computer.
To resolve this issue, do the following:
Reset your modem. Refer to your hardware documentation for more information.
If you are using an external modem, make sure you are using the correct serial cable and that it is securely connected. You can try replacing the modem cable. Also, if you are using an adapter to connect to the serial port, make sure that the adapter is properly connected to the modem. For example, a 9-25 pin mouse adapter will not work properly with a serial network connection.
Test the serial port or multiport adapter and replace it if necessary.
Make sure the modem handshake settings are correct. For information about the handshake options available for your modem, see your modem's documentation.
If your modem is not supported by Dial-Up Networking, switch to a supported modem. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website
Check to see if another application, such as HyperTerminal, is using this communication port. If the port is in use, further launch of Remote Network Access may cause this message to appear.
Additional information available from the Personal Support Center on the Microsoft website

Error 695 Finite state machines are not running.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 696 The state machines are already running.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 697 The response cycle is not complete.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 699 The modem's response caused a buffer overflow.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 700 The expanded command in the device INF file is too long.
Recommendation: The script file command cannot exceed 265 characters. Break the team into many teams.

Error 701 The set connection speed for the modem is not supported by this COM driver.
Recommendation: Your modem is trying to connect at a speed that is not supported by the serial port. Reset the initial connection speed to the next lowest standard speed.

Error 703 The connection requires some input from the user, but the application does not allow user interaction.
Recommendation: The server you are trying to connect to requires user interaction. The rasdial command or application you are using to connect does not support user interaction. If this is possible, try connecting using an existing connection from the Dial-up Network Access folder. If you are using a script to connect, try connecting using a connection configured to use a terminal. A terminal window can make the desired user interaction possible.

Error 704 Invalid callback number.
Recommendation: The callback number specified in the program is not valid.

Error 705 Invalid authorization state.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 707 An error has occurred related to the X.25 protocol.
Recommendation: The X.25 connection reported an error. Contact your X.25 provider to determine the cause of the error.

Error 708 This account is expired.
Recommendation: Ask your system administrator to activate your account.

Error 709 An error occurred while changing the domain password. The password may be too short or the same as the previous one.
Recommendation: Try changing your password again. If you continue to receive this message, contact your system administrator.

Error 710 A sequence of overflow errors occurred while using this modem.
Recommendation: Reduce the initial modem speed (bits/sec) and call back.

Error 711 The Remote Access Service Manager failed to start. See the event log for more information.
Recommendation: The Remote Access Connection Management service may not be running. Configure the service for automatic start. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. For more information, visit the Personal Support Center on the Microsoft website at The problem may be caused by a problem with your modem or modem cable. Make sure your modem is supported by your operating system. The most up-to-date list of supported modems can be found on the Microsoft website Try replacing the modem cable.

Error 712 Initializing a two-way port. Wait a few seconds and call back.
Recommendation: This error may occur on a connection configured to receive calls (bidirectional connection). The error occurs when you make an outgoing call at the same time that the server is initializing a connection to receive incoming calls. Remote Network Access will call again after a few seconds.

Error 713 There are no ISDN lines available.
Recommendation: Make sure your ISDN line is connected correctly and that the termination resistors are set correctly (see the documentation for your ISDN card), then reconnect. If you continue to receive this message, contact your ISDN card retailer or ISDN telephone company.

Error 714 There are no ISDN channels available to make a call.
Recommendation: All available ISDN channels are busy. Typically, ISDN at the BRI (Basic Rate Interface) level provides two channels over which you can make voice calls and transmit data. If both channels are already in use, Remote Network Access will not be able to make a call. Free up one channel and then reconnect.

Error 715 Too many errors occurred due to the poor quality of the telephone line.
Recommendation: There are too many asynchronous errors occurring on the phone line during authentication. Try again. If this problem continues to occur, lower the baud rate and disable all modem settings.

Error 716 The IP configuration for the Remote Access service is unusable.
Recommendation: The problem is in the TCP/IP configuration of the remote access server. For example, your connection requests a TCP/IP address from an unused server.
Contact your system administrator to check your server's TCP/IP settings.

Error 717 There are no available IP addresses in the Remote Access service's static IP pool.
Recommendation: Try to use an IP address that does not cause conflicts on the remote network. If possible, use DHCP to avoid addressing conflicts.

Error 718 Timed out waiting for a valid response from the remote computer.
Recommendation: A PPP conversation started but ended because the remote computer did not respond for a certain period of time. This could be caused low quality line, or problems on the server.

Error 719 The connection was interrupted by the remote computer.
Recommendation: The PPP conversation started but was terminated at the request of the remote computer. The error may be caused by problems on the server.

Error 720 The connection attempt failed due to a PPP control protocol conflict between your computer and the remote computer.
Recommendation: There are no PPP network management protocols configured for your connection, or the appropriate network protocol has not been installed. This error may occur after the network protocol has changed during a software update.

Error 721 The remote computer is not responding.
Recommendation: An attempt was made to start a PPP conversation, but the remote computer does not respond. This error occurs if the server does not support PPP (Windows NT 3.51 and earlier remote access servers, or SLIP server). This error can also occur if the server requires you to log in using a terminal window before starting PPP. If using a terminal window to log in solves the problem, for subsequent connections you can automate the login process using Windows scripts. This error may also indicate a hardware problem with your computer or remote server.

Error 722 Invalid data was received from the remote computer. The data was ignored.
Recommendation: The received PPP packet is not in the correct format. To resolve this issue, your system administrator needs to maintain a log of PPP events. For more information, visit the Personal Support Center on the Microsoft website at

Error 723 The telephone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long.
Recommendation: Maximum length phone number, including prefix and suffix, cannot exceed 128 characters.

Error 726 The IPX protocol cannot be used to make outgoing calls on more than one modem at the same time.
Recommendation: When using the IPX protocol, only one connection can be used to dial a number.

Error 728 The system cannot find the IP adapter.
Recommendation: Problems with TCP/IP configuration. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 729 Until the IP protocol is installed, you cannot use the SLIP protocol.
Recommendation: Check if the TCP/IP protocol is installed in Network Properties.

Error 731 The protocol is not configured.
Recommendation: Specific information was requested from an unconfigured PPP control protocol. To determine the cause of the problem, ask your system administrator to enable PPP logging using the Netsh.exe utility.

Error 732
Recommendation: PPP settings could not be negotiated because the local and remote computers did not agree on a common set of settings. Contact your system administrator to determine the configuration of network protocols such as TCP/IP, IPX, or NetBEUI. Also, your system administrator can enable PPP logging using the Netsh.exe utility, this may help determine the cause of the problem.

Error 733 This computer and the remote computer could not negotiate PPP control protocols.
Recommendation: The server supports PPP, but does not support the network protocols for your connection. Ask your system administrator to configure the connection to use the network protocols supported by your server. Also, your system administrator can enable PPP logging using the Netsh.exe utility, this may help determine the cause of the problem.

Error 734 The PPP link control protocol was interrupted.

Error 735 The requested address was rejected by the server.
Recommendation: Your connection is configured to request a specific IP address. The server is not configured to allow the client to request a specific IP address, or the specific IP address is already in use by another client. If possible, use DHCP to avoid addressing conflicts.

Error 736 The remote computer has completed the management protocol.
Recommendation: The PPP Link Control Protocol dialog started but was terminated at the request of the remote computer. The error may be caused by problems on the server. Contact your system administrator. Also, your system administrator can enable PPP logging using the Netsh.exe utility, this may help determine the cause of the problem.

Error 737 A short circuit has been detected.
Recommendation: The local and remote computers participating in the PPP dialogue are the same computer. This usually means that the device (such as a modem) on the link is sending the characters back. Try resetting these devices. For non-Microsoft servers, this may mean that the remote computer is trying to start a TTY terminal before connecting. You can configure the connection to open a terminal window after connecting on the Security tab.

Error 738 The server has not assigned an address.
Recommendation: The server cannot assign your computer an IP address from the pool of available addresses.
1. Check the availability of funds in your account.
2. Check your account activity (it may be disabled or suspended).
3. Check availability current tariff according to your account.
4. Check whether the network and Internet servers are blocked on personal page statistics.

If you have not found a solution to your problem, please contact our service technical support by phone 539-500.

Error 739 The authentication protocol required by the remote server cannot use the stored password. Call back and enter the password explicitly.
Recommendation: This error only occurs when establishing a PPP connection to a non-Microsoft server. Standard PPP authentication protocols used to communicate with other servers require the password to be available in text-only format, but Windows only stores the password in encrypted form for security reasons.

Error 740 An invalid dialing rule was detected.
Recommendation: TAPI devices configured to work with Remote Network Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If this error continues to occur, check the event log to determine why it occurred.

Error 741 Local computer does not support the required data encryption type.
Recommendation: Checkbox selected. Require Data Encryption (disable if not present) on the Security tab, but your connection does not have encryption capabilities. Clear this checkbox to use an unencrypted connection, or contact your system administrator. This error may also occur if your password is longer than 14 characters, you have selected the Require Data Encryption (disable if missing) checkbox on the Security tab, and you have selected Require Password Encryption in Confirm My Identity. Use a password shorter than 14 characters, clear the checkbox. Require Data Encryption (disable if not present) and select Allow Unencrypted Password Transfer in Confirm My Identity.

Error 742 The remote computer does not support the required data encryption type.
Recommendation: The requested encryption level is not supported on the remote computer. One of the computers probably uses 128-bit encryption, while the other uses 40-bit or 56-bit encryption. Contact your system administrator to determine your encryption level and ensure that the server uses the same encryption level. 128-bit encryption available without extension to North American Windows users 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3, and Windows clients 9x using dial-up networking 1.2 and higher. You must separately order the 128-bit encryption versions of each of these products.

Error 743 The remote server requires data encryption.
Recommendation: The remote access server requires encryption, but your connection does not have encryption enabled.

Error 751 The callback number contains invalid characters. The only valid characters are numbers (0 to 9), T, P, W, (,), -, @, and the space character.
Recommendation: Invalid callback number. Only the following characters are allowed in the number: numbers from 0 to 9, T, P, W, (,), -, @ and space. Please enter the correct number and call back.

Error 752 A syntax error was encountered while processing this script.
Recommendation: A syntax error was encountered while processing the script.

Error 753 The connection cannot be broken because it was created by a multi-protocol router.
Recommendation: This connection is used by Routing and Remote Access. Use Routing and Remote Access Service to terminate the connection. The connection will appear either in the list of routing interfaces or in the list of remote access clients.

Error 754 The system cannot find a multi-channel bundle.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 755 The system cannot auto-dial because this connection has settings for the specific caller.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 756 This connection has already been made.

Error 757 Remote Access Services cannot start automatically. See the event log for more information.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Reboot your computer to ensure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect.

Error 758 Already allowed for this connection general access to Internet connection (ICS).
Recommendation: This error may occur if an application enables Internet Connection Sharing while the connection properties are open and you try to enable the same property. Close and reopen the connection properties. The checkbox must be selected. Allow Internet Connection Sharing.

Error 760 An error occurred while resolving routing.
Recommendation: An internal error occurred while trying to enable routing. Contact your system administrator.

Error 761 An error occurred while allowing Internet connection sharing.
Recommendation: An internal error occurred while enabling Internet Connection Sharing. Contact your system administrator.

Error 763 Internet connection sharing cannot be allowed. More than one LAN connection will be shared.
Recommendation: Close and reopen the connection properties. The Allow Internet Connection Sharing checkbox must be selected. Select Local Network Connection from the list.

Error 764 No smart card readers are installed.
Recommendation: Install a smart card reader.

Error 765 Internet connection sharing cannot be allowed. The local network connection is already configured to use an IP address, which is allocated automatically.
Recommendation: Internet Connection Sharing configures a local network connection for home networks or small office networks with a static address. There is another network adapter on the system configured with the same address. Change the network adapter's static address before enabling Internet Connection Sharing.

Error 766 The system could not find the certificates.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 767 Internet connection sharing cannot be allowed. The LAN connection selected as private is configured to use more than one IP address. Change your local network connection settings.
Recommendation: Remove the additional static IP address, or reconfigure the LAN connection for DHCP.

Error 768 Data encryption error when trying to connect.
Recommendation: If encryption is not necessary, disable encryption and try again.

Error 769 The specified destination is unreachable.
Recommendation: The address you provided is incorrect, or your remote access server is unavailable. Check the address and try again.

Error 770 The remote computer rejected the connection attempt.
Recommendation: Perhaps the remote computer refuses to connect to you due to the settings of the calling program, or other hardware settings.

Error 771 The connection attempt failed because the network is congested.
Recommendation: Please wait and try again later.

Error 772 The remote computer's hardware is not compatible with the type of call being requested.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 773 The connection attempt failed because the destination address had changed.
Recommendation: Please enter the correct number and try again.

Error 774 The connection attempt failed due to a temporary error. Try connecting again.
Recommendation: Please wait and try again later. This error may be due to a timeout or problems with the remote computer.

Error 775 The connection was blocked by the remote computer.
Recommendation: The remote computer may be blocking your connection due to the settings of the calling program, an allocation policy that allows access only for a certain time, or other parameters.

Error 776 The connection could not be made because the remote computer entered Do Not Disturb mode.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 777 The connection attempt failed because the modem or other communication device on the remote computer is not working.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 778 The identity of the server cannot be verified.
Recommendation: During the authentication process, the server identified your computer, and your computer identified the server. This error occurred because your computer did not recognize the server.

Error 779 In order to make a call using this connection, you need to use a smart card.
Recommendation: Install the smart card.

Error 780 The trial function is not valid for this connection.
Recommendation: An internal error has occurred. Contact your system administrator. The connection may need to be configured for EAP.

Error 781 The encoding attempt failed because no valid certificate was found.
Recommendation: The VPN client is trying to use the L2TP/IPSec protocol to connect. Go to VPN connection settings - Properties -> Network -> VPN Type and select PPTP VPN.

Error 783 Internet connection sharing cannot be allowed. The local network connection selected as private either does not exist or is broken. Make sure the network adapter is connected.
Recommendation: Before allowing Internet connection sharing, make sure the LAN adapter and associated cable are securely connected.

Error 784 You cannot use this connection during boot because it uses a different username than the smart card user. To use it during boot, change the name used to the name of the smart card owner.
Recommendation: Configure the connection to use the same name as on the smart card. On the Security tab, select the Advanced (special settings) radio button and click the Options button. Select the Smart card or other certificate (encryption enabled) radio button, click Properties, and then clear the Use a different user name to connect check box.

Error 785 You cannot use this connection during boot because it is configured to use a smart card. Change the properties of this connection to use smart card information.
Recommendation: Configure the connection to use a smart card. See Enable authentication using a smart card or other certificates.

Error 788 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not negotiate settings with the remote computer.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator. The current L2TP settings configuration is not compatible with Microsoft's implementation of the L2TP protocol.

Error 789 The L2TP connection attempt failed due to an error that occurred at the security level during negotiations with the remote computer.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator.

Error 791 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security policy was not found.

Error 792 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security mode negotiation timed out.
Recommendation: Check your Internet connection. If the connection works, contact your system administrator.
Your connection is likely failing due to one or more of the following reasons.
The remote server may be offline.
The server you are accessing does not have the correct credentials.
Your connection is not configured to use the correct credentials.
Your connection is configured to use a different security method than the remote computer. Try changing your VPN connection type. To change the VPN connection type, right-click the connection, select Properties, and then view the details on the Network tab.

Error 793 The L2TP connection attempt failed due to a security mode negotiation error.
Recommendation: Contact your system administrator. Your connection is likely failing due to one or more of the following reasons.
The remote server may be offline.
The server you are accessing does not have the correct credentials.
Your connection is not configured to use the correct credentials
The computer is using an invalid shared secret key. Try using a different shared key.
additional information safety at remote access see Security Actions During the Connection Process.

Error 794 The Framed Protocol RADIUS attribute set for this user is not PPP.

Error 795 The Tunnel Type RADIUS attribute set for this user has an incorrect value.
Recommendation: The remote network must have an attribute configured for remote connection. Contact the remote network administrator.

Error 796 The Service Type RADIUS attribute set for this user is neither Framed nor Callback Framed.
Recommendation: The remote network must have the remote connection attribute configured. Contact the remote network administrator.

Error 797 The connection to the remote computer could not be established because the modem was not found or was busy.
Recommendation: This connection requires a modem. Follow these steps:
Close all programs and try to establish the connection again. It is possible that the modem or communication port it is connected to is being used by another program.
Make sure you have a modem installed on your computer. For more information, see Installing the Modem.
Check that the modem is functioning correctly. For more information, see Troubleshoot modems.

Error 799 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) could not be enabled due to IP address conflicts on the network. ICS requires the host to be configured to use the address Make sure that no other client on the network is using the address.
Recommendation: Check the IP addresses of all computers connected to the local network and change them if necessary. See Configuring TCP/IP Settings.

Error 800 The connection to the virtual private network could not be established. The VPN server is unavailable or the security settings for this connection are not configured correctly.
Recommendation: There is no access to the VPN server. It is recommended to check whether there is a physical connection (whether the network card lights on the back panel of your computer are lit), whether the network cable is plugged into the connector on network card and in the outlet (if available). Then check if the local network connection is enabled. To do this, follow “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network Connections”. In the window that appears, find “Local Area Connection” and turn it on if it was turned off. Try pinging (command ping) your local gateway. To do this, click the “Start” button, then “Run”. In the line that appears, type “cmd” in the English keyboard, click “OK”. In the black window that appears, in the English keyboard, type ping XX.XX.XX.XX (XX.XX.XX.XX must be replaced with the address of your gateway, the gateway address can also be found in the properties of the TCP/IP network connection) press “Enter” on the keyboard . If the words “Request timeout exceeded” appear in the black window five times or more, then call the technical support of your Internet provider.

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