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OpenOffice: Calc for beginners. Working with data. Hyphenation Line hyphenation in open office

Three types of data are entered into table cells: text, number, formula. Based on the first character, Calc determines what is entered: if it is a letter or an apostrophe, then it is text, if a digit is a number, if an equal sign is a formula. To enter data, you need to move to the desired cell, type the data and press Enter or the cursor key on the keyboard. Data in cells can be edited in several ways:

1) by clicking on the cell with the left mouse button and filling it, the previous data will be deleted;

2) click on the cell with the left mouse button and function key F2 on the keyboard, the cursor will blink in the cell at the end of the word;

3) double-click on the cell with the left mouse button (similar to pressing F2).

To select the data format, you must use the command Format > Cells > Numbers and then indicate the desired format (Fig. 17).

If the text is not included in the cell, then choose one of the following methods:

  • we move the borders of the cells horizontally by placing the cursor on the border between the letters of the columns (the cursor arrow turns into a double-headed arrow), and, while holding down the left mouse button, we move the border to the required distance;
  • We combine several cells and write text in them. To do this, select several adjacent cells and select the path through the Calc Main Menu: Format > Merge Cells(we will do the same through the toolbar);
  • We organize text transfer in a cell according to the words: Format > Cells > Alignment > Word Wrap(Fig. 18).

If the number is not included in the cell, then Calc displays it either in exponential form (1230000000 - 1.23E+09) or puts #### signs instead of the number. Then we expand the boundaries of the cell.

Double-clicking the left mouse button on the cell with the entered data switches to data editing mode. In this case, the pointer takes the form of a vertical line (cursor).

You can also switch to data editing mode by clicking on the input line.

We perform other cell settings in the same way. Let's take a closer look Format > Cells. The first tab Numbers (see Fig. 17) allows you to select the data format and configure the selected format, for example, the number format allows you to specify number of leading zeros, fractional part, the ability to divide into digits, highlighting negative numbers in a different color. Having looked through the different formats, we will see the settings made for them.

The following tabs are Font And Font effects(Fig. 19 and 20).

Tab Alignment is briefly described in Fig. 18.

To frame the table, make the following settings:

  • Position of lines: Select a predefined style to be applied. There is also a button for this purpose Framing on the toolbar Formatting.
  • Line: Selects the border style to be used. This border applies to the borders selected in preview. To the toolbar Formatting you can also add a button Line style. Here we indicate Line color, which will be used for the selected boundaries.
  • Indentations from content, that is, the amount of space that will be left between the border and the content of the selection, on the specified side. Applying the same spacing to the content to all four borders when entering a new distance is done by checking the box next to Synchronize.
  • Shadow style: Apply a shadow effect to the borders. For best results, apply this effect only when all four borders are visible. Here we select Position, Width And Color shadows.

To select a cell fill, you must specify the color that will be displayed in the sample (field on the right).

The last tab is cells(Fig. 23). We set the following parameters:


  • Hide all- hide formulas and contents of selected cells.
  • Protected- prohibit changing selected cells.
  • Hide formulas- hide formulas in selected cells.

Seal :

  • The sheet printing parameters are determined. Hide when printing- disable printing of selected cells.

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Training course - Basics of working in OpenOffice

Text editor - OpenOffice Writer


For greater document readability, you can use paragraph alignment to the left and right, but this is not always acceptable - in this case, the distance between characters in the text increases, which is especially noticeable when there are long words in the text; Of course, it is best to use hyphens.

To Writer had the opportunity to hyphenate the text, you need to set it in the language properties Russian(menu Tools->Options...->Language settings->Languages, field "Western").

Hyphenation can be done automatically or manually.

Automatic hyphenation is set in the paragraph properties - in the paragraph style properties dialog on the tab Position on page in section Hyphenation you need to enable the option Automatically.

To place soft (recommended) hyphens, you need to place the cursor in the place where you can make a hyphen and insert the soft hyphen symbol using a key combination Control+minus. You can search for all words that can be hyphenated using the function Hyphenation in the menu Service.

Sign "=" means the place of possible transfer; "-" indicates the place where it will definitely be produced. To install the transfer, click on the button Postpone; to stop hyphenation use the button Cancel.

Using a button Put away The previously installed word hyphen is removed.

If you want a word to never be hyphenated, you need to add it to the dictionary with a sign "=" at the end.

Standard rules for typing text in Calc cells do not allow you to type text on multiple lines. And pressing the Enter key, familiar to the Writer program, only leads to the transition to the next cell. The placement of text along lines can be set both after typing and during typing. In the first case, the cell text will consist of one paragraph, and in the second - of several.

How to specify multiple lines of text without creating paragraphs In this case, the text in the cell will consist of one paragraph, and the number of its lines will depend on the width of the cell.

2. Open the Format menu and select Cell from the list of commands.

3. In the Format Cells window, on the Alignment tab, in the On Page group, activate the Word Wrap option.

Later, by adjusting the column width, you can achieve the required number of lines of text in the cell. How to define multiple lines of text by creating paragraphs In the second option, each line in a cell will be a separate paragraph, and the number of lines will remain the same regardless of the column width.

1. In the open worksheet window, type the first line of text in the desired cell.

2. At the end of the line, use the Ctrl+Enter key combination to move to the second line of text.

3. If necessary, use this keyboard shortcut to create the following rows in the cell.

Ctrl+Enter should not be used at the end of the last line, as this will affect the vertical alignment of the text. How to change the font color in a cell

2. Open the Font Color button menu in the Formatting panel.

3. In the palette that opens, click on the plate of the desired color. Conditional cell formatting When creating documents and re-formatting a large number of cells, you can use the following Calc setting - conditional formatting, that is, adding a specific format to a cell when a specific specified condition is met. However, if the style for a cell is set, it does not change. You can set three conditions to compare values ​​or formulas in cells, which are tested in order from the first to the third conditions. If the first condition matches, the corresponding style is applied, the second condition - the next assigned style. How to set up conditional formatting To use conditional formatting, you need to make some settings first. 1. In the open table window, expand the Tools menu.

2. In the list of commands, hover over Cell Contents.

3. In the additional menu, activate the Calculate automatically item. How to use conditional formatting Using this instruction, you can define up to three conditions for each cell under which a particular format is applied to it.

1. In the open worksheet window, select the desired cells.

2. Open the Format menu and select Conditional Formatting.

3. In the Conditional Formatting window, activate the Condition 1 value and in the first list select:

Cell value - if the conditional formatting depends on the cell value. Select the desired condition in the list on the right: equal to, less than, greater than, etc. And then in the field - a link, value or formula;

Formula - if the conditional formatting depends on the result of the formula. If you select this value, enter a cell reference in the field on the right. If the cell reference value is non-zero, then the condition is considered satisfied.

4. From the Cell Style list, select the style (base, header, etc.) to apply when the specified condition is met.

5. Close the window with the OK button. How to quickly transfer conditional formatting to other cells

1. In an open worksheet window, select the cell with the created conditional formatting.

2. Click the Copy Formatting button on the Standard panel.

3. With the left button pressed, drag the cursor over the desired cells to which you want to apply conditional formatting. Graphically formatting cells Graphically formatting cells includes decorating the borders of cells and filling their background. How to set the background fill of a cell The default in Calc is white cell background. However, if necessary, the fill color can be changed.

1. In the open table window, select the desired cell or range of cells.

2. Open the menu of the Background Color button on the Formatting panel.

3. In the palette that opens, click on the plate of the desired color. How to quickly set cell borders

1. In the open table window, select the desired cell or range of cells.

2. In the Formatting panel, expand the Border button menu.

3. In the list, click on the button for the desired frame. How to ask additional options cell framing

1. In the open worksheet window, select the desired range of cells.

2. Open the Format menu and select Cells from the list of commands.

3. In the Format Cells window, on the Border tab, select the color, border style, and shadow position.

4. In the Content Indents group, set the sliders to the values ​​of the internal margins.

5. Close the window with the OK button.

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