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Regional target development program. Implementation of federal target programs for the development of Russian regions using the example of the Moscow region. Structure of the regional development program





IN 2007-2011"

Having considered the regional target program “Development of archives in the Kostroma region in 2007-2011” presented by the governor of the Kostroma region, the decision of the Kostroma Regional Duma Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Sports, the Kostroma Regional Duma decides:

1. Approve the regional target program "Development of archival science in the Kostroma region in 2007-2011."

2. The administration of the Kostroma region, when forming the budget for the next financial year, must annually provide appropriate funds for the implementation of this program.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Kostroma Regional Duma Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Sports (Yu.P. Kudryavtsev)

5. This resolution comes into force on the day of its official publication.

Chairman of the Kostroma

Regional Duma





Regional Duma



IN 2007-2011"


Regional target program "Development of archival science in

Kostroma region in 2007-2011"

Name of the Program Regional target program "Development of archival affairs

In the Kostroma region in 2007-2011" (hereinafter -


Basis for the Order of the Governor of the Kostroma Region dated

development of the Program 04/21/2006 N 630-r "On the development of regional target

Programs", Federal Law of October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ

"On archiving in the Russian Federation"

State customer Administration of the Kostroma region

Main developer: Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region


Program Coordinator Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region

Main goals and objectives Preservation and enhancement of documentary heritage

Programs of the Kostroma region, part

Historical and cultural potential of the Kostroma region,

Russian Federation, creating conditions for

Ensuring citizens' access to documentary

Information resources, learning from experience

Previous generations, patriotic and

Moral traditions, participation in the formation

Single cultural and information space,

Achieving guaranteed security

State archives of the region, targeted

High-quality addition to documentary collections,

Development and implementation of information products and

Technologies, updating of special equipment

Archival institutions, strengthening human resources

Regional Archive Service

List of main The list of program activities provides

program activities specific measures for the security of archives, preservation

And replenishment of the documentary collections of Kostroma

Areas, publishing activities, participation in

Information exchange, development and implementation

Information technology, updating and equipment

Archives with special equipment to strengthen

Human resources potential of the region's archival industry

Timing and stages of implementation 2007-2011


Main executors: Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region,

Programs state archives of the Kostroma region

Volumes and sources Estimated total funding for the Program

Program financing will amount to 16456.0 thousand rubles, including:

From the federal budget - 500.0 thousand rubles;

From the regional budget - 15516.0 thousand rubles:

Current financing - 9046.0 thousand rubles, according to

Article "Regional target programs" - 6470.0 thousand.

Extra-budgetary sources - 440, thousand rubles

Expected outcomes Implementation of the Program activities will provide

implementation results guaranteed safety of documentary collections

Programs of the Kostroma region will create conditions for protection

Archives from possible emergency situations, will strengthen

The material and technical base will create conditions for

Implementation of modern automated systems

Accounting for archival funds, retrospective search

Information will allow it to be introduced into scientific circulation,

Use new archival materials in the educational process

Sources that will increase the level of professional

Personnel training.

Organization of control over the implementation of the Program will be carried out by

Implementation of the Program by the Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region

Solving it using software

In the system of information resources of the country, archives occupy a special position as the custodians of a huge, multifaceted, multi-branch complex, which is intended to be used in the interests of society and the state.

The archival collections of the Kostroma region number more than 2.5 million items from the 15th century to the present, which, due to their significance, are state rarities, have great historical, cultural and material value and represent an integral part of the region’s heritage.

Currently, the archival information potential of the region is stored in 2 state, 30 municipal, and 1247 departmental archives.

By selecting, receiving and storing documents, archival institutions form complexes of sources for scientific and local history research, and act as a guarantor of social security of citizens, their pensions, and property rights. Over the last five years alone (2001-2005), the state and municipal archives of the region have issued 52,428 archival certificates on these issues, including 41,761 positive ones.

Retrospective information is provided to state authorities, local governments, enterprises and organizations of various organizational and legal forms of ownership. For 2001-2005 State and municipal archives have prepared responses to 1,570 thematic queries.

The growing interest in the history of the Fatherland and native land, in the documentary heritage contributes to the use of various forms of document use by archives. In 2001-2005 alone, state and municipal archives organized 65 exhibitions, published 240 articles and collections of documents, and prepared 122 radio and television programs. In 1997-2005, 4 archival reference books, 3 collections of documents, 9 and 10 volumes of the Book of Memory of the Kostroma Region were published. Since 1991, the historical and local history magazine "Kostroma Antiquity" has been published.

This positive trend must be consolidated and developed as the most important condition for patriotic and moral education, raising the cultural and educational level of citizens, a condition for expanding and updating the topics of scientific, historical and local history research.

In recent years, measures have been taken to improve archival work, which was largely facilitated by the implementation of the regional target program "Development of archival work in the Kostroma region in 2002-2005", participation in the subprogram "Archives of Russia" of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2001-2005) years)".

The modernization of microfilming equipment has begun to create an insurance fund for especially valuable documents; in the central laboratories of Moscow and St. Petersburg, restoration of unique documents of the State Institution “State Archives of the Kostroma Region” was organized, damaged by the fire of 1982; a collection of documents "There was a war..." was published, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory and the 60th anniversary of the Kostroma region, the historical and local history magazine "Kostroma Antiquity", computer and copying equipment were purchased.

At the same time, there are problems in archiving, the resolution of which requires effective government support.

The most relevant of them are:

Unsatisfactory technical level or lack of fire safety systems, specialized security, security systems, poor protection of archives from emergencies, terrorist acts, theft;

Insufficient level of ensuring the safety of archival funds and archival documents, including insufficient sizes of available storage areas, lack of equipment that meets the minimum requirements of state standards for archival storage;

The low degree of technical equipment of archives with computer and copying equipment, which does not allow the full implementation of centralized state accounting of archival funds and documents, the creation of an electronic insurance fund of unique and especially valuable documents from archival collections in the region, the improvement of the creation of an electronic scientific reference apparatus, and the organization of comprehensive use of retrospective information in the interests of society and the state;

Progressive deterioration of the physical condition of the archival funds of the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region" (about 400 thousand storage units), damaged by the fire of 1982. To restore and copy such volumes on our own, the archive will require at least 500 years. Physical destruction of paper, fading of document texts, including unique and especially valuable ones, occurs in the state archives of the Kostroma region (State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region", State Institution "State Archive of Contemporary History of the Kostroma Region") daily;

Lack of funds for the systematic replenishment of archival collections of the region with especially valuable documentary collections, personal funds owned by legal entities and individuals, sources on the ancient history of the region stored in federal archives, archives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, abroad, acquisition of archival funds of non-governmental organizations classified in accordance with the established procedure to the property of the Kostroma region,

Lack of material resources, funds for the development of publishing activities of archives, expansion of forms of use of archival documents;

Reduced level of professional training. Only 6% of specialists have a higher specialized education, which was obtained more than 20 years ago. In the last 10-15 years, advanced training of state archives employees has been carried out on their own; an annual permanent seminar has been organized for employees of municipal archival institutions. Professional training outside the Kostroma region was practically not carried out due to insufficient funding.

Without eliminating or significantly weakening the influence of these factors, further effective development of archival work in the Kostroma region is impossible.

Therefore, the regional target program "Development of archival affairs in the Kostroma region in 2007-2011", being a continuation of the regional target program "Development of archival affairs in the Kostroma region in 2002-2005", is intended to become a tool through which organizational, financial , human resources and are aimed at solving urgent problems of archival affairs in the Kostroma region, at ensuring strategically important directions for the development of the industry.

2. Main goals, objectives, deadlines and stages

Program implementation

The program is aimed at achieving the following main goals:

Preservation and enhancement of the documentary heritage of the Kostroma region, an integral part of the historical and cultural potential of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

Creating conditions to ensure citizens’ access to documentary information resources, studying the experience of previous generations, patriotic and moral traditions;

Participation in the formation of a unified cultural and information space of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

And it involves solving the following main tasks:

Achieving guaranteed security, ensuring the safety of archival collections of the region,

High-quality replenishment of the documentary heritage of the Kostroma region,

Development and implementation of information products and technologies,

Updating special equipment of archival institutions,

Strengthening the human resources capacity of the regional archival service.

The implementation of the Program is designed for 5 years - 2007-2011.

3. System of program events

And expected results

The Program activities are combined into 6 sections:

1. Ensuring the security of archives, the safety of documentary collections of the Kostroma region;

2. Formation and replenishment of archival collections of the Kostroma region;

3. Publishing activities of archives, participation in information exchange, expanding access to archival documents;

4. Development and implementation of information products and technologies in the field of archiving;

5. Updating special equipment and equipping archival institutions;

6. Strengthening the human resources of the regional archive service.

The section “Ensuring the security of archives and the safety of documentary collections of the Kostroma region” includes measures aimed at creating a guaranteed system of archive security and preventing emergency situations. The most important among them is the reconstruction of alarm systems, fire warning systems, and gas fire extinguishing systems in the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region." Strengthening security will also be facilitated by the installation of external and internal video surveillance systems, the transition to service by private security units, and the fencing of archive areas.

The most important area of ​​ensuring the safety of archival collections is the continuation of work on organizing restoration, creating an insurance fund and a fund for using documents of the State Institution "State Archives of the Kostroma Region" in the laboratories of the federal archives, the Main Archive of Moscow. It is planned to restore and carry out insurance copying of 2,000 sheets of unique documents.

The section “Formation and replenishment of archival collections of the Kostroma region” provides for the allocation of funds for the acquisition of especially valuable documentary collections, personal funds that are privately owned by legal entities and individuals (collectors-photographers, local historians, scientists, architects, artists, government and public figures , members of the Kostroma community in Moscow and St. Petersburg, etc.), archival funds of non-governmental organizations - sources of acquisition of state archives (in accordance with Part 3 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ "On Archival case in the Russian Federation"), identification and copying in federal archives, archives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation of historical sources on the ancient history of the region.

The section “Publishing activities of archives, participation in information exchange, expanding access to archival documents” presents activities aimed at enhancing the publishing activities of state archives, updating and expanding information about the composition and content of documents in state and municipal archives of the region (inter-archive directory “Archives of Kostroma region", guides to the state archives of the region), publication of studies, historical essays, collections of documents related to memorable dates in the history of Russia (400th anniversary of the House of Romanov, 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, etc. .), thematic issues of the historical and local history magazine "Kostroma Antiquity", dedicated to the development of public education, healthcare, theatrical art, the history of cities and districts of the region. The section's activities include the organization of historical and documentary exhibitions, including the creation of virtual documentary exhibitions.

The activities of the section “Development and implementation of information products and technologies in the field of archiving” are aimed at the development of new forms of information services by industry institutions, at solving the main tasks of archival institutions (creation of an insurance fund and a use fund, a system of scientific reference for documents, organization of state accounting etc.) using computer technology.

This direction is also promising for municipal archival institutions, where the introduction of computer technology is at an early stage.

The activities of the section “Updating special equipment and equipping archival institutions” are aimed at radically changing the material and technical base of state archives and the archives committee. It is planned to equip the archives of the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region" with mobile racks for paper documents. As a result, there will be a real opportunity to increase the capacity of existing storage facilities by 16%, which will partially solve the problem of receiving and posting documents on personnel from liquidated organizations, including as a result of bankruptcy. It is planned to purchase special equipment for storing scientific and technical documentation, audiovisual, machine-readable (electronic) documents, equipment for carrying out restoration and conservation work, creating an insurance fund and a use fund (vacuum tables, sheet-spreading machines, devices for microfilming and microfiling of documents, reading machines and etc.), for copying information (high-speed scanners, copiers).

The section’s activities provide for the allocation of funds to equip the Committee for Archives and State Archives with computer technology, which will allow the use of information technology in all areas of activity.

The activities of the section “Strengthening the human resources potential of the regional archival service” are designed to create an effective system for improving the qualifications of archival workers based on expanding forms of training and the use of new modern educational methods.

Full implementation of program activities will allow:

Create a guaranteed security system for state archives;

To replenish the archival collections of the Kostroma region with especially valuable documentary collections, personal funds, archival funds of non-governmental organizations duly classified as the property of the Kostroma region, copies of sources on the ancient history of the region stored in federal archives, archives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

To publish reference books, collections of documents, albums, booklets, catalogs, magazines, thanks to which user access to retrospective information will be expanded, new archival sources will be introduced into scientific circulation;

Include the archives of the Kostroma region in the information space of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation,

To speed up the time frame for providing retrospective information to users, primarily state authorities and local governments, several times;

Increase the capacity of space in the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region", which will allow the reception of documents on personnel from liquidated organizations and ensure the protection of the legal rights of citizens;

Start creating an electronic insurance fund and a use fund;

Increase the volume and quality of restoration, conservation, bookbinding, and copying work;

Eliminate the backlog in computerization of the region's archival industry;

To increase the personnel potential of the regional archival service.

4. Resource support for the Program

The main part of the program's resource support will be financial resources.

The maximum projected funding volumes for the Program are 16,456.0 thousand rubles.

It is assumed that the sources of financing will be: federal budget - 500.0 thousand rubles (3%), regional budget - 15516.0 (94%), extra-budgetary sources - 440.0 thousand rubles (3%).

Moreover, 42% of the regional budget funds will be spent under the item “Regional target programs...”, 58% of the funds will be allocated to the items of expenditure for current financing of the industry.

To implement program activities, it is planned to use 440.0 thousand rubles of extra-budgetary funds through the provision of paid services by state archives to legal entities and individuals, including the execution of genealogical requests, the organization of documents of institutions, organizations and enterprises, and the receipt of research and publishing grants.

It is planned to attract funds from the federal budget by ensuring participation in the events of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2006-2010)".

It is expected that most of the financial resources will be used to ensure the safety and security of documentary collections in the Kostroma region (30%), to update and equip archival institutions with special equipment (61%).

Amounts of financing by source

And timing of spending funds

Sources and directions






















federal budget







regional budget,





current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."





extrabudgetary sources







1. Ensuring the security of archives and the safety of documentary collections
Kostroma region








federal budget







regional budget,







current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."

extrabudgetary sources







2. Formation and replenishment of archival collections of the Kostroma region








federal budget







regional budget,







current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."

extrabudgetary sources







3. Publishing activities of archives, participation in information exchange
expanding access to archival sources








federal budget







regional budget,







current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."

extrabudgetary sources







4. Development and implementation of information products
and technologies in the field of archiving








federal budget







regional budget,








expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."

extrabudgetary sources







5. Updating special equipment and equipping archival institutions








federal budget







regional budget,







current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."





extrabudgetary sources







6. Strengthening the human resources of the industry’s archival service








federal budget







regional budget,







current funding







expenses under the item "Regional
targeted programs..."

extrabudgetary sources







The list of Program resources also includes archival institutions of the industry, human resources, resources of organizations through which funds will be attracted, equipment supplier organizations, publishing houses, organizations carrying out restoration work, organizations that will take part in personnel training, etc.

5. Mechanism for the implementation of the Program

The Program Coordinator, based on the list of program activities, draws up a plan of Program activities for the corresponding year, taking into account the priority areas for the development of archival affairs. The plan includes information about volumes, sources of financing, performers and deadlines.

The volumes of financing from the regional budget are provided for in the areas of expenses for current financing and expenses under the article “Regional target programs...” within the limits of funds determined in the regional budget for the corresponding financial year.

The amount of funding from the federal budget within the framework of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2006-2010)" is determined by the Federal Archive Agency of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation on the basis of a competition of applications from constituent entities of the Russian Federation, subject to co-financing of activities from the corresponding budgets.

The determination of the volume of extra-budgetary sources is carried out taking into account the plans of state archives for organizing documents of organizations for the corresponding year and obtaining research and publishing grants.

The program is implemented by the Committee on Archives and State Archives.

Implementation deadlines are determined in accordance with the quarterly breakdown of program activities.

The Program's activities are included in the annual work plans of the Committee on Archives and State Archives.

When implementing program activities, tenders are organized, contracts for the supply of equipment and services are concluded, equipment is purchased and transferred to the balance of the relevant archival institutions, installation and commissioning are carried out.

If there is a preliminary agreement with restoration organizations, the State Institution "State Archive of the Kostroma Region" selects documents for restoration work, issues orders, concludes contracts and transfers the documents included in the order to the restorers.

Performers prepare manuscripts of reference books, collections, historical studies, magazines, booklets, catalogues, enter into contracts with publishing houses and provide materials for publication.

The acquisition of especially valuable documentary collections and personal funds is carried out on a contractual basis based on the results of an examination of the value of documents.

Identification of sources on the ancient history of the region is carried out in federal archives, archives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation upon requests or directly by representatives of the committee for archives, state archives. Based on concluded agreements, documents are copied, and copies are sent for permanent storage to the state archives of the region.

The Archives Committee organizes conferences, seminars, internships, and round tables for workers of municipal and state archives. Specialists of the committee and state archives take part in seminars, advanced training courses in the system of the Federal Archival Agency of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs, the Scientific and Methodological Council of Archival Institutions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, federal archives , archival institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Organization of Program management

And monitoring the progress of its implementation

The Program Coordinator provides general management of the implementation of the Program, providing ongoing management, organizing the interaction of implementers, monitoring the receipt of funds, and the timing of program activities.

The committee also controls the progress of concluding contracts, meeting deadlines for the supply of equipment, and the provision of services.

The coordinator analyzes the implementation of program activities, establishes the reasons for violation of deadlines, and takes measures to eliminate violations.

Based on the information from the performers, the archives committee reports in the prescribed manner to government authorities on the implementation of the Program.

When drawing up an action plan for the next financial year, the archives committee, taking into account the amount of funding, the priorities for the development of state archives of the Kostroma region, clarifies the list of program activities, the amount of financial resources for sections of the plan, and the mechanism for implementing the program.

The program implementers, the state archives, organize the implementation of program activities in accordance with the annual plan and promptly report to the archives committee.

Performers are responsible for the implementation of planned activities on time, for the targeted use of allocated funds and for the effectiveness of the results achieved.

It is envisaged that reports will be sent quarterly to the Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of the Kostroma Region and other executive authorities of the Kostroma Region; sending reports to the Federal Archival Agency.

Operational control over the progress of program activities will be carried out at office meetings.

It is planned to discuss the results of the implementation of the Program at meetings of the board of the committee on archives and the directorates of state archives.

The results of the implementation of program activities will be included in the annual report on the implementation of indicators of the main directions of development of archival affairs in the Kostroma region for the corresponding year, which is sent to the Federal Archival Agency in a timely manner.

Information about the results of the work will be posted on the website of the Committee for Archives of the Kostroma Region.

7. Assessing the effectiveness of the Program implementation

The implementation of the Program activities will allow:

Strengthen the security of state archives, create a system of guaranteed safety of archival funds of the Kostroma region;

To ensure the replenishment of the documentary complexes of the Kostroma region with especially valuable and unique collections and personal funds;

Organize high-quality reception, storage and use of documents on all types of media, including scientific and technical documentation, audiovisual, machine-readable, as well as documents on personnel, which will make it possible to realize the rights of citizens to receive the necessary archival information, as well as to form and preserve a significant complex documents for future genealogical, demographic and social research;

Continue the creation of an electronic scientific reference apparatus for documents from archival collections of the Kostroma region, which will reduce the costs and timing of archival work, including the timing of execution of all categories of requests, provision of information materials to state authorities and local governments, and all interested departments;

Introduce automated state accounting of archival collections of the Kostroma region;

Raise the publishing activity of archives to a higher level, introduce new categories of archival documents into scientific circulation for the use of archival information in the educational process, to expand and update the topics of scientific and local history research, for education, moral and patriotic education of the population;

Create conditions to ensure citizens' access to documentary information resources of the Kostroma region;

To ensure the participation of archival institutions in the formation of a unified cultural and information space of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

Create an effective, ongoing system for advanced training of specialists, which will help strengthen human resources, improve the quality of performance of functions and tasks assigned to the regional archive service.

To determine the effectiveness of the Program, it is proposed to use the following indicators and indicators:

Name of indicator, indicator Annual growth (%)

Increase in the length of archival shelves due to

equipping archival repositories of state archives 3.1

areas with modern special shelving


The share of archival funds contributed to

automated state system 1.6

accounting "Archival Fund" and "Fund Catalog" on

level "Fund" and stored in state

archives of the Kostroma region

Increase in computers of modern brands by 10

core government employees 30.6

archives of the Kostroma region

Indicators and indicators can be clarified during the implementation of the Program, taking into account methodological developments and recommendations of the Federal Archival Agency, the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, and legal regulations of the Kostroma region.

Regulating the regional development of the country is one of the most important functions of a modern state. By implementing a targeted and consistent regional policy, the state strives to increase the level of socio-economic development of the territory, smooth out the differentiation of regions in terms of basic socio-economic indicators, ensure a good investment climate in the region, etc.

The main tool for influencing the socio-economic development of regions is the development and implementation of state target programs that cover almost all areas of the state’s socio-economic activity - healthcare, housing, transport, ecology, defense and security, science, culture, etc. They are aimed at supporting priority areas that are strategically significant for the country and the region, and issues of their implementation affect almost all regions, all sectors of the economy, and concern every resident of the country.

Targeted programs are a key means of implementing state policy, influencing production, economic and social processes within the powers of federal, regional and local authorities. Targeted programs are a means of managing and regulating strategies for social, scientific, technical and economic development, a way of accumulating resources to solve urgent, priority problems.

The advantage of targeted programs is that they ensure the concentration of resources in the most promising and effective areas. The programs allow us to accelerate the development of priority industries and individual regions and attract additional resources and investments for this purpose.

Program-targeted management in a broad sense is considered as the influence of the subject of management on the object of management, developed on the basis of the methodology of system analysis. The means of achieving management goals are determined based on these goals and coverage of all stages of the reproduction process (life cycle). In a narrow sense, the essence of program-targeted management is reduced only to the development and implementation of targeted comprehensive programs of various types.

The development of regional programs is a targeted and consistent process of accumulating all the capabilities of regions at various levels.

Regional programs have a strict target orientation and, in comparison with federal state programs, relatively small volumes of work and resource costs and have a strict target orientation, targeting, limitation of time intervals and are associated with the national concept of regional development and the country's regional policy.

Main objectives of regional programs:

Formation of an optimal territorial and sectoral structure of the economy;

Alignment of interregional differences in socio-economic indicators;

Effective use of natural, material and labor resources of the region;

Balanced (deficit-free) regional management in market conditions;

Environmental protection;

Overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and man-made accidents;

Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the region, strengthening of cultural potential, stabilization of the socio-political and legal situation

Formation of information support for governing bodies and business entities.

The most difficult problem is the development of a program for the comprehensive development of the economy and social sphere of the region as an integral entity, since in this case it is necessary to take into account the variety of restrictions on the economic development of the region, namely: the state of the natural factor, the current socio-demographic situation, the forecast of social tension in the region and etc. For the stable development of the region, it is necessary to solve strategic problems designed to ensure the improvement of socio-economic development.

The specifics of regional programs are as follows:

The selection of regional problems is made by territorial authorities;

Management of the design and implementation of programs is provided by the regional executive authorities;

Program activities are carried out within the boundaries of a geographically limited region (territory, region, federal cities);

The programs are financed mainly from the funds of the corresponding region, as well as from state funds, investments, etc.;

Regional programs are linked to the national concept of regional development and the country’s regional policy;

Regional programs have a strict target orientation, precise targeting, and a specific limitation of time intervals.

The basic methodological principles for the development and implementation of regional programs in modern conditions are:

Complexity and synchronicity of the goals and objectives of the program at each stage of its implementation;

Target orientation and consistency of program activities;

Variant development of program activities taking into account the uncertainty (alternativeness) of the conditions for its implementation;

Resource availability of the program;

Targeting of program tasks (performers, deadlines, benchmarks, etc.);

Ensuring the manageability of the program (creation of the necessary legal, organizational, financial mechanisms).

Thus, the main goal of the regional program is the effective use and development in market conditions of the natural, production, labor and intellectual potential of the region, the advantages of its participation in the national and international division of labor and, on this basis, increasing the standard of living of the population of the region.

It is quite difficult to assess the effectiveness of the set of activities of the regional target program. If we take into account the existing criteria for the national economic and social efficiency of state regulation of the economy as a whole: the provision of public goods to national needs, the contribution of state property to reducing the costs of private entrepreneurship and increasing its competitiveness, the contribution of the public sector to ensuring national security, then an indirect indicator for assessing the regulatory action of the state in relation to the sector is the share of government spending on services in gross domestic product. However, an assessment of the results of the implementation of a set of measures for the target program for the development of the service sector at the level of regional development can be carried out on the basis of an analysis of the dynamics of such indicators as:


development of small and medium-sized entities

I. General provisions

Customer OCP

Government of the Yaroslavl region


executor of OCP

economic development department

Yaroslavl region

Performers of the OCP

Department of Industrial Policy of the Yaroslavl Region, Department of Property and Land Relations of the Yaroslavl Region, Department of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Yaroslavl Region, Department of Fuel, Energy and Tariff Regulation of the Yaroslavl Region, Department of Information and Communications of the Yaroslavl Region, Department of Communications and Public Relations of the Regional Government , local government bodies of municipalities of the region

Participants of the OCP

organizing infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Yaroslavl region; individuals and individual entrepreneurs; Coordination Council for Small and Medium Enterprises under the Regional Governor

OIV/SPPO and other legal entities,


in the results of the OCP

Insufficient innovative activity of small and medium-sized businesses.

The main problems of entrepreneurship development at the level of municipalities in the region include:

Outflow of the working-age population from municipalities;

Low level of training of professional personnel;

Insufficient financial resources.

These problems are acute for both organizations and craftsmen involved in the folk arts and crafts industry. The significance of this industry is determined by the need to preserve national culture in the places where traditional folk arts and crafts exist in the Yaroslavl region. The main task is the preservation, revival and development of folk artistic crafts, which are the property and one of the forms of folk art of the population of the Yaroslavl region. As part of supporting small and medium-sized businesses working in the field of folk arts and crafts, it is necessary to resolve issues of transferring unique skills and work techniques between specialists involved in this field.

Functioning in the local market, quick response to changes in the conditions of this market, direct relationship with the consumer, narrow specialization in a certain segment of the market for goods and services, the ability to start your own business with a relatively small start-up capital - all these features of a small and medium-sized business are its advantages that increase stability in the domestic market, but under certain conditions they become disadvantages that hinder its development.

External risk factors include political, socio-economic, environmental and scientific and technical factors. Changes in environmental factors lead to the emergence of external risks that are poorly predictable and manageable.

It is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the influence of external factors on the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses in the Yaroslavl region and implement measures aimed at adapting small and medium-sized businesses to external changes.

The SWOT analysis matrix of the state of small and medium-sized businesses in the Yaroslavl region is presented in the Concept of the Regional Target Program for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Yaroslavl Region for the years.

Solving the identified problems is possible only within the framework of a systematic approach with the involvement of the resources of small and medium-sized businesses, the capabilities of the federal government bodies of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Yaroslavl region and municipalities of the Yaroslavl region. The use of budget funds to support small and medium-sized businesses makes it possible to attract additional extra-budgetary investments into the economy and increase the opportunities of small and medium-sized businesses to obtain bank loans. To involve young people in entrepreneurship and maintain human resources potential, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive training program at the level of the region as a whole and individual municipalities.

Stimulating the innovative activity of small and medium-sized businesses and their integration with large industrial enterprises within industrial clusters is possible only if they interact and attract the resources and capabilities of federal and regional government bodies.

Combining the resources and capabilities of small and medium-sized businesses and government bodies makes it possible to comprehensively solve problems that are relevant for small and medium-sized businesses and ensure the development of this sector of the regional economy.

To effectively solve the problems of small and medium-sized businesses, an integrated approach is required, providing simultaneous assistance in obtaining long-term financial resources, mastering innovative technologies and products, training, and resolving issues with providing budding entrepreneurs with office space and start-up capital. The OCP is called upon to implement such an integrated approach.

The need to solve these problems using program-targeted methods at the regional level is established by the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.” The OCP was developed to implement the provisions of this law and is aimed at implementing state policy in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region.

III. Purpose of the OCP









value (by year)


Stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Yaroslavl region

the number of jobs newly created by small and medium-sized businesses in the Yaroslavl region during the implementation of public procurement activities


Specifics of regional comprehensive development programs

Exacerbation of problems of regional development of Russia is associated with the primary need to eliminate the unjustified unevenness of the socio-economic situation of the regions, the need to develop natural resources, maintain ecological balance, improve the territorial structure of the economy, ensure employment, etc. Under these conditions, it is justified to use new effective methods of influencing the economy, in particular program-targeted forecasting, which allows you to skillfully and reliably, in a short time, solve strategic problems of the development of individual regions in connection with a single one.

Regional programs - They are a type of targeted comprehensive programs and serve as a tool for regulating and managing a regional strategy for economic, social, scientific and technical development, a form of economic activity, and a method of priority concentration of resources to solve urgent, priority problems.

The following are distinguished: types of regional programs: interstate, state (federal) and regional itself, formed and implemented on an industry basis and complex. Highly specialized programs, as a rule, are developed as part of targeted federal programs, for example, “Healthcare in Russia.”

Regional programs are classified according to the following criteria: territorial affiliation, functional orientation, content of the problems being solved, the scale of the program task, sectoral localization, the nature of the problems, etc. The identification of characteristics and the corresponding classes of programs serves as a condition for searching for general patterns in the process of their formation and implementation. Classification criteria reflect the content of the problem, characterize program objects, features of their management, etc.

Each regional program is characterized simultaneously by several classification criteria. For example, a specific regional (local) program may be regional in territorial affiliation; according to functional orientation - ecological; in terms of the scale of the problem, it is highly specialized; by duration - medium-term, etc.

Specifics of regional programs lies in the fact that they are formed and implemented at the level of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, and are determined by national and territorial interests. The selection of regional problems for programming is carried out, as a rule, by territorial authorities and management. Program activities are carried out within the boundaries of a geographically limited region, a unit of administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation (republic, territory, region, federal cities). Manage the design and implementation of programs of the regional executive power structure.

Regional programs are distinguished by relatively small volumes of work and resource costs compared to state programs and have a strict target orientation, precise targeting, specific limitation of time intervals and are linked to the national concept of regional development and regional policy of Russia.

Main objectives of regional programs:
  • equalization of interregional differences in indicators of economic, social, scientific and technical development;
  • formation of an optimal territorial and sectoral structure of the economy;
  • balanced (deficit-free) regional management in market conditions;
  • the most complete and effective use of the region’s natural, material and labor resources;
  • development of industries and spheres in accordance with the state selective structural policy;
  • environmental protection;
  • overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and man-made accidents;
  • formation of infrastructure for information support of governing bodies and economic entities;
  • spiritual revival of regions, preservation of their historical heritage, strengthening of cultural potential, stabilization of the socio-political and legal situation.

Structure of the regional development program

The composition and structure of a comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of the region is a list and relative arrangement of sections that reflect the content and functional characteristics of the program project adopted for implementation.

Sections of the program for comprehensive development of the region:
  1. Analysis and assessment of the current socio-economic situation in the region.
  2. Assessment and environmental conditions.
  3. The state of the demographic situation in the region.
  4. Concept of socio-economic development of the region. The analysis of the socio-economic development of the region and the assessment of natural resources, the state of the environment, the demographic situation and the labor market, carried out in the previous sections, give an idea of ​​the current scale and structure of the region’s economy, its material and production base, identified imbalances in the economy, and also give a forecast of the population labor resources and the possibilities of using natural resource potential, allow, taking into account the trends of technological progress and the economic tasks put forward for the region, to develop and formulate a concept (forecast plan) of the socio-economic development of the region for the estimated future. The main content of the concept should be the fundamental (variant) determination of directions for the most rational use of large and effective resources, assessment on this basis of the comparative efficiency of various industries and the establishment of ways for the correct formation of the entire economic complex.
  5. Main target subroutines. The main target subprograms for the region are identified, which can be formed according to sectoral, functional and problem characteristics.
  6. Mechanism of program implementation. An interconnected set of measures and actions, economic levers that provide a solution to the problem are outlined.
  7. Resource support for the program. Contains calculations of upcoming costs (financial - by source of income; material - by type of product; natural conditions and resources - by climatic conditions, land, water, plant, fuel and energy and mineral resources; labor resources - by professional qualification groups; informational - by type; temporary - by timing). Of the total volume of resources, the part that comes from its own sources is allocated.
  8. Coordination of program activities. Coordination of the actions of all organizations participating in the implementation of the program is ensured.
  9. Assessing the effectiveness of program implementation. Calculations of the economic efficiency of the program are being carried out.
  10. Organization, forms and methods of program management. The developed organizational and functional management structure is formed taking into account the specifics of the program and region.

Sections of the program contain the necessary justifications and explanations. They are formed as a whole for the entire period of program implementation and by year. For long-term programs, the initial breakdown is carried out by year, and the subsequent breakdown is carried out over longer periods.

The design of each program is standard: the corresponding regional, regional, city administration is indicated on the title page; release date; on the approval sheet - the approving authority and organization with which approval is necessary.

The main forms of direct participation of the state in regulating regional development will be the implementation of state regional programs financed from the state budget, individual structure-forming investment projects, placing orders for the supply of products for national needs (including to support problem regions) through the contract system.

The number of federal regional programs should be small; they are developed and financed only for regions with particularly complex (critical) socio-economic and environmental problems, for example, for the Northern zone.

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of developing and adopting programs with the formation and implementation of budget policy. It is necessary to take an inventory of all programs already launched in Russia with a revision of priorities, timing, and sources of their resource support. The most large-scale comprehensive programs must be reviewed and approved by the highest legislative bodies. In conditions of market relations, the management of state regional programs should not be limited to existing executive authorities - special state, private, mixed independent companies, consortiums, agencies with special powers and responsibilities can be approved on a contractual basis.

Federal and regional target programs act as the most important direct regulators of economic processes occurring in the country. They represent a coordinated set of design, research, production, organizational, economic and other activities, coordinated by deadlines, resources and performers, carried out with the support of the state.

Federal and regional target programs

For many decades, since the 20s of the last century, the drawing up of economic plans was widespread in the USSR. Together with them, comprehensive, including regional targeted programs were developed. Currently, they provide solutions to problems in the scientific, technical, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental spheres. Federal target programs are aimed at implementing policies in the sphere of public economy with the support of the state. Today they are quite common, and their number is constantly growing. Targeted programs at the regional level are distinguished by clearly expressed territorial characteristics, specific sources of information and composition of participants. Their role is to integrate individual, collective, and state interests into the market economy, mobilizing forces to implement large projects.


Regional target programs are used as a tool for the state’s direct influence on the market economy within a specific territory. This management method acts as one of the most important means of influencing problem areas: developed, depressive ones. At the same time, Russia’s regional target programs are being successfully implemented in relatively wealthy territories. In both cases, solutions to both current and upcoming problems are provided. An example is the regional target programs of the Leningrad region. Currently, the attention of the authorities is paid to improving the quality of life and the state of the economy of St. Petersburg. In particular, programs are being developed to create conditions for attracting labor resources to the city.

The essence of new projects

The targeted regional and municipal programs being developed today embody a complex of “free market” and “hard plan”. Within the framework of projects, strict directions of economic activity are set. At the same time, stimulation and implementation of targeted programs are carried out on a commercial basis. Methods for attracting performers and methods for distributing resources are based on the principles of voluntariness, collective and individual interest. Financial incentives are also important. Regional target programs require targeting and mandatory implementation of planned activities by all participants. They are provided by economic contracts, combined with a set of economic incentives, and not by directive tasks, as was the case before.

Selecting a problem

When preparing regional target programs, developers solve a number of methodological problems. The main one relates to the choice of problem. In modern conditions, the tasks of territorial and national economic development are changing quite quickly. At the same time, available financial and other resources are always limited. The criteria for choosing a problem are:

  1. The significance of the issue for the national and territorial economy, connection with structural transformations, increasing the efficiency of the economic system, improving the quality of life of citizens, ensuring environmental safety, etc.
  2. The multifaceted and intersectoral nature of the problem, the presence of decision makers and the need to coordinate their work. In a nutshell, this criterion can be defined as the complexity and complexity of the issue.
  3. Progressiveness and novelty of organizational, technical and other activities, expected high performance.

Additional signs

The above criteria also include the complexity or impossibility of solving the problem within a reasonable time using a market mechanism and the need to attract government support. However, according to experts, this attribute is controversial, since complex and pressing problems can be solved exclusively by program methods and with the participation of the authorities.

Setting goals

This is quite a responsible task. The clear target nature of the program is expressed in the strict orientation of each event and the use of any resource, as well as the activities of all participants. The main task is brought to specific targeted tasks. When developing, it is recommended to use a graphic-analytical approach. With its help, the goal is divided into tasks by levels. Their quantitative assessment is carried out using relative indicators of meeting the needs of the territory. However, the reliability of this approach remains questionable.

In practice, when developing projects, it is used quite rarely. In addition, it is not possible to determine standard indicators in all cases. As an alternative, socio-economic indicators can be used. They indirectly express the levels of completion of certain tasks. For example, regional target programs for preserving public health can use the average duration of active professional activity, life, etc. as indicators.

Performance assessment

The effectiveness of the development and subsequent implementation of the program is expressed by specific outcome indicators. Analysis of the relationship between them and expenses is reflected in the particular and general values ​​of economic, comparative and absolute efficiency (the volume of national income per person, the proportionality of consumption and accumulation funds, etc.). Particular indicators characterize the level of resource use: capital, capital, material productivity, and so on. If we take into account domestic and foreign practice, the specifics of adaptation to market conditions, depending on the type of program, it is usually recommended to use different values ​​to analyze its effectiveness. Among them: the size of specific capital investments, labor productivity, etc. When analyzing, you can also use production volumes of key types of products, commissioning of non-production facilities and production capacities, indicators of scientific and technological development, import and resource substitution.

Features of indicators

The importance of using different indicators in programs is obvious. But at the same time, through values ​​must first be present among them. With their help, programs and results for the country as a whole are compared. In addition, it is necessary to use Some programs may require set point systems. In market conditions, quantitative assessments of the results of commercial activities become most relevant.


Meanwhile, for macroeconomic analysis it is necessary to identify national economic performance. The requirement of national feasibility must be observed when determining the entire system of indicators. For example, one cannot limit oneself to the capital turnover ratio in the territories being developed, since this may lead to the creation of an industry structure that will not meet the specifics and needs of the regions, as well as the long-term interests of the state.

Specifics of events

A regional program may include a set of measures to improve the economy and social sphere. These include, for example, meeting the needs for fuel and energy resources, regulating tariffs, eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, and so on. The next stage may include measures to stabilize the situation. Among them:

  1. Reducing the fuel and energy deficit.
  2. Overcoming stagnation in industries of specialization.
  3. Consolidation of new economic ties.
  4. Creating conditions for economic growth.

At the next stage, the economic complex may be revived. Within these activities, efforts are concentrated on issues of structural adjustment and sustainable development. Key activities may include:

  1. Expansion of transport infrastructure.
  2. Comprehensive solution to energy problems.
  3. Expanding the export potential of the territory.

At all stages it is necessary to ensure:

  1. Preventing the outflow of citizens.
  2. Retaining qualified workers. This is ensured through government assistance in the field of employment and social protection.
  3. Nature protection and rational use of natural resources.


The implementation of regional target programs is of the greatest practical importance for the population. In some cases, there is a need for a step-by-step solution to the problems of accelerated development, advanced, adequate strengthening of infrastructure, and improving the quality of life of citizens. In small areas, the range of problems may be limited, for example, to activities in the agro-industrial and construction complexes, the development of border areas and social services. In any program, a separate section is reserved for financing issues. To carry out activities, funds from budgets and extra-budgetary funds are attracted. However, most of the funding is provided by private investors.

Sets of activities included in programs are usually considered in several versions. For example, the formation of the transport complex can be represented in the scenario of using the existing infrastructure and its active improvement. Meanwhile, according to some experts, there are currently too many programs. Many of them are subject to constant adjustment. In this case, their goals and content are violated. There is also a problem of financing, which negatively affects the implementation of programs.

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